Basic rules for processing peach in the fall. Spraying peach early spring: Best purchased and folk remedies

The planting and growing peach tree can be equated to the present art, because this occupation requires a careful study of their own and other errors. Peach tree has a tendency to disease, if he does not have proper care, but when the care of the peach in the spring is sufficient, he will be able to reward you with delicious and large fruits.

Spring Pruning Peach

In most cases, the pruning of the peach is worth starting in the first half of March, when there are no risks of damage to the low temperature of the air.

But here it is worth considering that if in winter The air temperature dropped below 18 degrees, then pruning the plants should be postponed to the vegetative period. This needs to be done for an objective assessment of the degree of damage to the tree, and attach to pruning the required effort than larger percentage damaged kidneys on the tree, the less active there should be trimming, and vice versa. Peach care in the spring also depends on the degree of frostbite of shoots (watch the video).

Feeding peach trees in spring

Like most other fertile trees, peach needs mandatory feeding in spring season. Tree feeding in the spring is produced during the dumping of the soil around the tree trunk. Fertilizers can very actively affect the final quality of the fruits and the overall health of the tree, for example, the leaves of the fertilous peach can be 3 times the size of the leaves growing on an incobed ( on video).

Fertilizers that you are going to put in the soil around the tree in the spring should contain such components:

  • Nitrogen fertilizers (about 70 grams).
  • Selitra ammonia (50 grams).

Also, the care of peaches includes feeding fertilizers of organic origin, but the organic is allowed to bring to the ground no more than 1 time in 3 years.

Watering Peach and Care for Surge

It is preferable to produce a peach on furrows, usually for young plants there are enough 1 furrows on each side, for more adult plants, approximately three furrows should be installed on each side or in a circle (in the figure). Peaches are always sitting in well-tired soil, so the depth of the furrow should not exceed 10 cm, and the distance between them should be between 30 and 40 centimeters (watch the video).

Upon explicit shortage of natural rain rainfall and lack of tales in spring, watering is produced 10 days before the flowering period starts, and continues periodically (with the calculation of rains). Watering should be necessarily suspended 2 weeks before the alleged removal of fruits from the tree, since the excess moisture in the ground can negatively affect the taste of the fetus.

The large mass of the roots of this plant is located at a depth of 60 cm, so for the most part there are not so many water in watering. The main thing is not to overdo it, and do not turn the land in a swamp, it can completely destroy root system Peach.

To preserve moisture, the care of the priority circle may include the soil mulch around the barrel on? Diameter crown.

Health of peach tree

The health of the plant may depend not only on the climatic conditions in which it grows, but also from a variety of diseases that are susceptible to peaches.

You should choose a place with an unreleased soil before boarding, and if you disembark the escape, then check it for any diseases. Peach care in spring and during the vegetation, treatment and prevention of diseases of the plant should be carried out with the help of spraying measures with special chemicals mixed in certain proportions.

In addition to conventional diseases of the tree, copies are also common caused by fungi, or alive organisms in a tree or shoots. For example, peach mole, which, after wintering, the spring is bungled to shoots than causes their drying ( in the photo and video).

For the treatment of each specific illness should be used separate chemical substance Or their combination, depending on the disease, goals (treatment / prevention), time of year. Two weeks after the first spraying from diseases and pests, it is worth repeating the spraying of the same substances themselves to secure the result.

Chemical protection

Unfortunately, get commercial production of peach without constant chemical protection almost impossible. On the fruiting tree, the first spraying should be made not in the spring, and from the autumn, during the leaf fall, when half the leaves are still on the tree.

The best effect gives the Bordeaux mixture (burglar liquid - drug No. 1 for green patients) at a concentration of 3%, as it is not washed off with rain and snow, and therefore copper that will stay on branches and fallen foliage will reliably protect the garden from fungal infections. In addition to spraying, it is also necessary to whitewash the Bordeaux mixture of the trunk and large skeletal branches, which will also prevent the appearance of burns in winter sunny days, from overheating and premature kidney development.

First spring spraying It is held before the dissolution of the kidneys - in the last decade of March. Again - the first spraying is better to make Bordeaux fluid. After 10-12 days, the processing is repeated, but with the use of mosseat (40 ml per 10 liters of water).

Such three treatments almost protect the peach from curly and monili, but 100% of the effect, of course, do not guarantee. If still signs of curls on the leaves begin to manifest itself, then in front of the blossom (but before the color opening), it is necessary to process the preparation of topaz (a concentration of 5-6 ml on 10 liters of water). This systemic fungicide gives excellent results when low temperatures. And since during the flowering of the bee trees together with the pollen, the disputes of malicious mushrooms will also spread, then Topaz will protect your peaches from the inside and will not give diseases to develop.

Full schedule of processes of peach trees from diseases

SAMI a big problem Peach is the curlyness of the leaves. He is raised by fungus, with which it is extremely difficult to fight.

To obtain good harvest Peaches, it needs to be protected from fungus, generously "feed" fertilizers, trimmed correctly.

How to spray peach in spring from curly

In bucket of water dissolve 300 Grammov copper Kaper and spoon of washing powder For better sticking. It is generously treated with solid all branches and trunk. Spray peach need several times at the beginning of the growing season.

  • First time Processing copper vitriol Very early - in February-March.
  • Second time - in the phase of pink cone strobilurines Quadris or strobe. This is one of the safest, but effective systemic fungicides.
  • Third timepeach spray a weak infusion of a cowboy or extract from biohumus After tying fruits. This will increase the resistance of peach to disease. What to spray apricot from diseases in the spring read.

Cool folk remedy Curchase Peach - Decoration yarrow. A large jum of dry grass boil 5 minutes in 3 liters of water. Interest two hours and generously spray branches and leaves.

Before processing, curly leaves need to be cut. After a week, two procedure repeat. Spray the peach decoction of the yarrow can be in any period of vegetation.

Proper peach care in the spring will provide a generous harvest

How to trim peach

Peach fruits on last year's increase. But the problem is that the new increase is terribly branching in the summer. Almost every kidney makes it pierce new shoots-shoots. Daving fruits, the branch is taken off and gives the fruits already at the tip itself - a new increase.

Therefore, to get a crop of peaches, it is necessary crucified in the pink cone phaseWhen it is already visible what branches have already spidelled and do not bloom, but only take the nutrients.

Peach is very lightweight. The thick crown plus the damage to the fungus leads to a strong weakening of the tree and it dies. Therefore, the peach crown is formed by a cup-shaped, each year is supported by approximately the same volume of branches using trimming.

Spring Pruning Peach

Spring Crop all that weak and looks down. Peach, flower kidneys can be located either on the cochs of the branches, or closer to their base. This is a variety feature. If the spring peach blooms mainly at the bases, then the branches are in short. And if the flowers are located on the most tips, then only the top of the branch is cut off.

In summer Cut up the upper half of the twigs from the new growth, which are directed in the middle of the crown. Also inhabit all branches, except for two strong outdoor shoots. Like this:

Branches directed inside the crowns cut over 2 sheets, and those that look down - shocked

A pair of twigs untouched by a secateur will become skeletal. And the shortened lower branches over the summer will branch, become fruit. The scheme highlighted green:

Summer pruning peach

How to grow strong and healthy peach

Step 1. Choose quality Seduette with a powerful root system.

Step 2.. Put in a smart pit. Smart pit is deep, generously refilled by manner and mineral water landing pit with good drainage and a pipe derived to the top for a point deep watering of the root system.

Grow seed. The fact is that the peach inherits 60% of parent properties. Important: Kones need to be planted immediately where you plan to grow peach, so that the sighing does not have to dig up and thereby damage the rod root. And it is just the basis of a strong and healthy tree.

In autumn Scroll into the prepared hole 3-4 bones in the sand layer. Top to climb. And in the spring you will choose the strongest seedman, and the rest are removed.

Step 3.. Constantly purchase B. rOCK manure, Mulch the soil and water to be abundantly.

Step 4.. Close fruit. How no other culture peach does not tolerate overload. Do not comprehend the fruit, the load rate for the tree is 1 fruit by 15 cm branches. On how to increase the harvest of apricots, we wrote in.

Peach is a southern fruit tree, which when growing it in our gardens requires constant care. The fact is, if it does not care for him, it begins to hurt and dry, the crop will noticeably decrease, and then the fruiting will stop at all. It is especially important to care for peach in the fall, the correctness of it will depend on how the tree will survive the frosty winter and how quickly "wakes up" in the spring.

Preparation of peach for winter begins with soil processing. It should pour it under the trees as possible as possible, before the onset of cold weather. It is best to use a garden shovel for this and dig it very tightly and on a full bayonet. The pests dried deep into the soil in the soil will die on the surface, if they do not break the shovel of the lump of the soil when leaning. The coming frost will burst the recently highly dressed plot, thanks to which the moisture from the melting snow makes great moisturizes the deepest layers of the soil and emphasizes the roots of the tree.

The soil in the peach garden will need to focus. Undercaming produced mineral fertilizerswho fall asleep in specifically for this purpose made by the attractive wells. Their depth should be at least 25 cm, and the length is about 30 cm from the barrel. Fertilizers make a layer, speaking their land, first - phosphorus, and then - potassium. It will provide nutrition to roots. In addition, the young trees will additionally need the introduction of another layer - compost. A tree at the age of 3 - 4 years can be additionally filing with manure and ammonium nitrate. And adult peaches will be needed and nitrogen fertilizers, moreover, the older the tree, the autumn subordinate He will be required more.

Extra-corner feeding. Tree breeding of urea solid

Preparation for winter begins with soil processing. It should be kept before the onset of cold

Extra-corner feeding is another stage of how care for peach in the autumn period. It is a spraying of a tree with a solution of urea or dissolved in water with sulfate zinc and manganese.

Some words deserves autumn loosening of the peach garden. This agricultural procedure is designed to ensure the saturation of the soil with air and the destruction of all weeds. Moreover, the explosive land will be better absorbed by moisture of autumn rains, a melting snow or watering.

Alternatively, some gardeners are preferred by mulching. Earth crust for mulch is not formed.

Primary watering is another an important stage Preparation of peach to earth. It is performed either at the end of October, or in early November. In a word, at a time when the growth of the tree is guaranteed stopped. Too late watering of a tree, right in front of the frosts, can lead to frozen roots.

Peach loves abundant moisture, but completely does not tolerate water stagnation, therefore, the province of watering should be carried out only after carrying out loosening, in such quantities to eliminate the soil to exclude. In gardens located in lowlands, as well as on heavy clay soils Promination Watering is not produced.

The trimming of fruit trees is also held with the onset of autumn, usually from the beginning of September and until mid-October. Autumn apple tree trimming is performed to receive a rich harvest for the next year. The same applies to peach trees, pruning is important element in their cultivation.

In the fall perform the following types of trim:

  • sanitary;
  • formative;
  • rejuvenating;
  • regulating;
  • restoring.

Types of trimming trees

Sanitary trim is to remove dry, sick and broken branches. Forming - removes highly branched branches for convenient renovation of fruits and beautiful crown. Rejuvenating trim applies only to update old trees. Adjustable, in which a piece of the fruiting branch is trimmed, provides a good harvest for the next year. Restoring trimming that implies removal of all branches, prolongs the tree life.

Necessary defense

Winter peach trees Our latitudes need additional protection, which also need to be foreseen. It should be not only from frost, but also from too bright rays of the spring sun, which can apply a tree sunny burns. To protect against this, in the fall, it will be necessary to whiten the trunk and the base of skeletal fruiting branches with a hawker lime and spray all the tree with limescale.

The trunks of young trees can additionally be littered with a fir-shed potatoes, sunflower stems or tight paper.

Before in winter there is a need for additional protection of trees, whitewash the trunk

Additionally, you can bite fir

Warming of the stem of the village

To protect its root system from frosts around the trunk of a tree, you can make the land of the earth, a height of 30 cm, and the village itself to wrap up burlap. Young seedling can be covered even more in the original waycardboard boxin which the hay is fused. It will save his barrel and branches from damage and warn freezing fruit kidney.

Another step of preparing a peach to winter will be the processing of wood fungicides - copper vigorous or burgundy liquid. This will warn the risk of the disease with mildewing dew, curls of leaves or moniliosis. To prevent fungal infections, the trunk is directly washed away with them.

Treatment of wood fungicides, it will warn the risk of its disease with fungal infections

So, the final preparation of Peach by winter is the following works:

  • dropping and loosening soil;
  • feeding;
  • premium watering;
  • mulching sawdust;
  • trimming;
  • processing against diseases and pests;
  • pokes and spraying
  • warming of trunk and roots.

Such a thorough care for the peach guarantees that it will safely survive the winter cold and for the next year will delight you with harvesting of his juicy fruits.

We continue the publication of materials for the protection of garden and garden plants from diseases and pests. Processing schemes are proposed by specialists from plant protection station. Already considered hywood treatment, apple trees and pears , as well as tomato processing . It was a queue of another capricious culture - peach. But if it is properly processing it and in time to treat - it is safely growing and fruit.

We always grew peaches at home different varieties. And the magnificent taste of home peaches, as a rule, is superior to the taste of those fruits that bring from afar and sell on the market or in stores. In addition, the prices for peaches are very high.

So you can safely try to grow peach in my garden. It should be noted that Peach loves a sunny place and is afraid of very strong frosts (Here you have to look for zoned varieties). Peach lifetime is small - about 12 years old.

Special attention should be paid to the fight against curly leaf peach. It's better to even spray before this dangerous disease For prophylaxis. Otherwise, the life of your peach will noticeably decrease.

Treatment time is given for the northern zone Krasnodar Region and the south of the Rostov region. So, make amendments to your geographical location.

So, what (what fungicides) and in what time frames spray peach:

March - to the dissolution of the kidneys:
pruning, processing 1% copper vitriol

April - on the green cone of trees:
when the first appearance curly leaves (curly) break them and treat a tree by Dellane or Horus

May - on buds:
spraying topsin M (from pulse dew, paste, moniliosis)
After flowering: Delan or Horus (alternating)

June - growth of fruits:
Abiga Peak, Delan or Sight

July is the growth of fruits:
not handled

August - Growth and ripening of fruits:
processing abiga peak. Watering with subordinate

September - fruit ripening:
Removal of Padalitsa and leaves. The loosening of the priority circles

You can use another peach processing scheme, which the famous gardener Nikolay Kulish (Bataysk) has successfully used

Protection of peaches from diseases and pests - 2nd processing scheme

1. In the spring, in the February windows, at a temperature of +4, in order to prevent the development of fungal diseases, two spraying is carried out with an interval of 3-4 days for sleeping kidneys with 1% copper sulfate solution. After that, the eradicating plant treatment is applied to the plant No. 30 or diesel emulsion (1.5 -2 kg of ordinary clay, 600-700 g of diesel fuel, 2 tbsp. Spoons of washing powder of domestic production on 10 liters of water).

2. On swelling kidney, there is a spraying against aphid and other pests with a solution of carbofos, effective sherpa, arrivo, dry alpha.

3. In the phase of the "green cone", a deep blue spraying of 3% burglar liquid is carried out (300 g of copper sulfate + 400-500 g. Hained lime on 10 liters of water) against fungal diseases.

4. In the pink bud phase, repeated treatment is carried out against pests and diseases (primarily against the causative agents of the leaf curl) by one of the drugs recommended for use on households (country) sites.

5. After flowering, the effects of peach processing by the same drugs that were used during the Pink Bouton Phase period are used.

6. Against the curls of the leaves and other fungal diseases during the leaf falling period of the urea solution (500-700 at 10 liters of water).

7. A combination solution (consumption rate in accordance with the instructions) helps the combination of leaves and pests during the growing season: Saprol (against disease) Plus Inta-Vir (against pests) plus sulfur colloid (against a tick).

8. During the growing season, a combination solution of carbofos (or another drug of a similar action) is used, plus urea 30-40 g. On 10 liters of water.

9. In autumn, during the period of leaf fall, with a strong lesion of the peach trees with curlyness or pulse dew, the Suspension of the diesel fuel is carried out.

Processing Peach in spring from diseases and pests is an important event for every gardener who takes care of the health of the peach tree and expects to get a rich harvest. Deadlines and stages of spring processing, the most effective drugsThe technology of their application is considered in this article.

Peach tree is very capricious and demands from gardener special attention and careful care. So that it does not hurt and perfectly fruited, it is necessary to fertilize and water the soil, fight diseases and pests. Experienced gardeners are known how important the spring process fruit trees. Thanks to the timely spraying, the peach tree gets the opportunity to grow efficiently and develop.

Peach splashes at least 3 times a year. Each processing is designed to solve a specific task, the main objective Which is to combat a certain type of pest or disease.

Most important - spring treatment Peach, which is carried out before the blooming of the kidneys and after flowering. One spraying task is not solved in a state, so peach is processed several times per season.

The first event is held before the kidneys dissolve. The air temperature during this period should not fall below +4 degrees. Dates of processing peach in early spring depend on the region. In warm southern areas, it can be held in mid-March. As you move to the north, the periods of the procedure are shifted closer to April.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating wintering insects in the cortex. It is better to carry out the procedure with breaks in a few days. Use the best tools based on copper-containing fungicides: copper vitrios and burgundy fluid. Suitable for processing and emulsion of diesel fuel.

Urea-based drugs during this period use undesirable, as they contain nitrogen - an active vegetation stimulator. Applying to the dissolution of the kidneys such drugs, you can speed up the outlet of the tree from the rest of the rest. As a result, problems may appear in the development of the plant, the maximum of them can lead to the loss of the whole harvest.

Spring treatment is needed with a luxurious thick crown, but the rest also need it. Culture It is necessary to process that in the spring, because the pests awakened after winter can cause huge harm to peaches. therefore experienced gardeners And they are advised to spend spraying before the first leaves appear, and ideally, before the kidneys are swept away.

When spring for a number of reasons fails to perform peach processing, you can make it before flowering. Excellent results ensures peach spraying in spring period Bordeaux liquid.

In the spring, each tree, in addition to processing from the paste and other unpleasant diseases and pests, is accepted to spray from curlyness. It is good to use 400 grams of lime and 300 grams of copper sulfate for this purpose, divorced in 10 liters of water.

Peach spraying is directed against other diseases: Flash, mildew, moniliosis. Processing on a pink bud helps to fight various pests that leave the winter hibernation and beginning the destruction of young foliage.

The last spraying, which is carried out after flowering, completes the stage of spring processing and is fixed. It is necessary to destroy survivors after the previous stages of pests and saturation of trees with nitrogen.

Treatment schedule

What to treat peach?

The peach enemies are enough. These are most dangerous among them such diseases: the curlyness of the leaves, the coccording, puffy dew, swasteporiosis, fruit rot (monilion). In addition to diseases, peach affects numerous pests: fruit mole, weevil, wave, oriental fruit, a variety of ticks.

The most efficient drugs

To protect against disease, many drugs are developed, which are called fungicides. Insecticides are designed to combat insects.

During the spring processing of peach trees, the most efficient proven means is used:

  • urea (carbamide) - a drug that actively copes with a multitude of pest insects;
  • copper-based fungicides (burglar liquid, copper Kuner) - Used to eliminate fungal infections;
  • hauksin Fungicides, Sorrow, Chorus, Triphodermin, Tattu, Planries - apply against fungal infections;
  • insecticides Enegio, Aktara, Aktellik - Preparations applied against different species insect pests;
  • emulsion Sadiaharki - effective tool Against insects, which, when spraying, covers the plant with a film overlapping with different winter insects in the cortex of oxygen, which they die;
  • folk remedies - Lavender tinctures, garlic or tobacco are used against aphid, non-carrying sharp aroma insects leave the tree.

Technology processing

Many gardeners are interested in which drugs are better to use in the spring to process the peach, because the efficiency of spraying depends on their quality. Because the peach tree can be chosen various pests, you need to use a variety of means. Only in this way the peach will be protected.

It should be carefully examined by the instructions of the drug to know the proportions in which it must be breed. It is advisable to spend spraying in a glad day, in the morning or evening to avoid the transfer of chemicals by the wind throughout the garden.

It is also recommended to explore the weather forecast for the next next days. If it is expected to rain, it is desirable to move the work at another time so that it does not wash away chemicals. If it still happened, the processing procedure must be repeated.

To maximize the performance of work, many gardeners use comprehensive measures at the same time spraying peach trees insecticides and fungicides. Such a mixture will ensure the destruction and fungi, and insects. It is not recommended to use the same means for a long time, as pests quickly get used to them.

How to deal with peaches and peach diseases?

In the spring, when peach joined during the growing season, it is recommended to use a solution prepared from 10 grams of vitriol divorced in 10 liters of water and 150 grams of lime. Prepare a solution before spraying trees by bordrian liquid, recommended in any dishes, with the exception of iron.

Dissolve each drug should be separated separately from the rest and a thin weaving in a hurry to pour into the lime a solution of a sipop. It is well helped against the curl of the leaves and ready-made drugs of the docks and topaz.

Properly cooked burglar mixture will be light blue on color. The special indicator allows you to check whether its acidity is neutral. Lacmus paper lowered into liquid, should not change your color.

Check can be carried out using a conventional nail. If copper does not settle on a nail immersed in a solution, it can be applied. This suggests that it is enough to lime in it for the treatment of fruit crops.

In the spring it is desirable to spend a spraying of freshly prepared solution, since it will begin to lose its properties within a day. It can be "refreshing", mixing 10 grams of sugar to each 10 liters of water.

A springtime peach processing with a solution of freshly surrounded lime or colloidal sulfur will help against the pile spot.

Against tracks, sawmills, silkworms, which appeared in the formation of buds, it is recommended to use the preparations of decis or Bi-58. Effective these measures will only if the trees have not sprayed with these substances during the appearance of the kidneys.

If cultures suffered from kokkomicosis, pasta, rust still last season, the tree after the end of flowering can be processed again.

Take half a liter from the resulting liquid and mix with 10 liters of simple water. A ready-to-use solution at an undiluted form can be stored for about 3 months.

Preventive measures

In the spring, except for regular processing, it is important to delete the extra wrecks in a timely manner, the fragments did not have time to win the unnecessary row. High-speed peach rapid speed forms the crown. Cutting a semi-restned branch in the right place, by autumn you can get ripe second-order shoots that will easily survive the winter.

In our areas, the zeroze is so often thinned. The essence of this method is that the fruits should be located at least 20 centimeters from each other. Many gardeners sorry to remove them, but the remaining will be large and beautiful, much sweeter and tastier.

Sluorrow, in addition, has a wellness effect. Single fruits less often affects fruit rot and fruit. Even if one peach perits, he will not be able to infect the rest. This means that there are less chemistry to be treated.

Do not forget about regular irrigation. This simple event contributes to an increase in the proper protection of the tree from Tsley and other pests, which managed to avoid spraying.