On which moon to transplant a money tree. Ways to properly fit

Many people have beautiful plants growing at home. indoor flower- Crassula. The common name for this plant is Money Tree or a fat woman. It is believed that a bush with plump rounded leaves contributes to wealth, good luck and prosperity. Caring for a living plant is not difficult until the time comes to transplant the money tree into another pot. Before doing this, it is worth learning more about Crassula.

Helpful information

Fat girl is considered unpretentious flower. It grows well in the shade and under open sunlight, endures the lack of moisture and short-term drafts. The fleshy leaves are small reservoirs that in nature save the plant during periods of drought.

At home, this is not necessary, unless the owners forget to water the tree, but thanks to such leaves, the succulent looks very unusual. More than 300 species belong to the genus Crassulaceae. The largest grow up to several meters, and the height of the miniature does not exceed 8-15 cm.

Until sprouts appear, the shelter is removed daily for 1-1.5 hours so that the air does not stagnate. When it is clear that most of the seeds have sprouted, the film or glass is removed for good. It is not necessary to thin out, it is better to initially provide enough space for each seedling. When young plants form 2-3 pairs of leaves, they are seated in separate pots.

A transplant is necessary for:

  1. Proper growth of crassula. When the pot becomes cramped, the roots of the fat woman may suffer, which adversely affects the development of the plant. If you immediately plant a money tree in a spacious pot, the root system will begin to grow to the detriment of the aerial part.
  2. Sometimes the flower may look unhealthy. If yellowed leaves appear on the plant, this indicates damage or decay of the roots. An emergency transplant is required.

When is it better to do this, on what days, is it possible in spring and winter?

Since Crassula after purchase is most likely in a shipping pot, the first transplant should be done 15–20 days after purchase. Before transplanting a purchased money tree, it must be given time to adapt to a new place of residence.

The most successful season for transplanting is spring. During this period, the shoots of crassula begin to grow intensively, the fat woman is actively developing and more easily tolerates a change in living conditions. If necessary, a transplant is allowed in the summer. In this case, immediately after the procedure, you can not put the flower under the direct rays of the sun. Autumn and winter are the time of rest for the money tree, it is not recommended to disturb it.

An exception is an unscheduled transplant. It may be needed when the plant is sick. If Crassula has stopped growing, loses leaves, looks weakened, you should not wait for spring. You can transplant at any time of the year. Poor health is most often caused by waterlogging or the appearance of pests on the root system.

How often to transplant at home?

According to the transplant rules for a flower, young specimens are moved to a new substrate and pot every year. After three years, healthy plants are transplanted every two years.

Important! Frequent transplants are contraindicated for the money tree. Each such event is stressful for a fat woman, after which it takes time to recover and adapt. In addition, Crassula has fragile leaves that are easy to damage as a result of unnecessary manipulations.

Which soil and pot are suitable for a flower?

The fat woman has fleshy leaves and a stem in which water accumulates. This plant is a succulent. For transplanting, he is suitable for special soil for cacti, which can be purchased at a gardening store. If it is not possible to buy such a substrate, use the universal option for indoor flowers by adding sand in a ratio of 1:4.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself according to the following recipe:

  • sand - 1 part;
  • sod land - 1 part;
  • leaf ground - 3 parts;
  • ash, humus and clay - 3-4 tablespoons.

Crassula does not tolerate excessive soil moisture. Important to use good drainage, which will not allow water to stagnate. Suitable:

  1. expanded clay;
  2. small pebbles;
  3. broken brick;
  4. crushed walnut shells.

It is not recommended to choose a plastic pot. It is better to take a clay or ceramic container. She is more stable. The fat woman grows strongly, her crown is quite heavy. You need a reliable pot with a wide bottom so that it does not turn over. There should be a drainage hole at the bottom of the container.

Crassula has a superficial root system. A wide shallow pot is ideal for her, the diameter of which corresponds to the size of the crown. In a container that is too spacious, the fat woman grows more slowly, in a small one it can completely stop its growth. If the pot is very high, moisture will accumulate at the bottom. Each time when transplanting, a pot is selected that exceeds the previous one by one size.

Step-by-step instructions: how to properly move to another pot

large mature plant

If the soil is normal and Crassula needs only a larger pot, it is recommended to perform transshipment. It is less painfully perceived by the plant than a complete transplant.

  1. Prepare new ground, drainage and pot. The vase must be clean.
  2. Pour a layer of drainage two centimeters high into the pot.
  3. Cover the drainage substrate with fresh soil.
  4. Carefully loosen the earth around the fat woman. Make a hole about three centimeters deep around the trunk.
  5. Carefully remove the stem. Do not remove soil at the base.
  6. Check out the roots. Cut off damaged and rotted areas. Treat the cuts with wood ash.
  7. Let the crassula dry.
  8. Place the plant, along with the earthen clod, in the center of the new pot.
  9. Top up the ground with fresh substrate to the beginning of the trunk.
  10. Water.
  11. If the soil settles, add a little to the previous level.

In the case when the fat woman is sick and the soil needs to be changed, the procedure becomes more complicated:

  1. A substrate is poured onto the drainage layer. It should occupy one fourth of the new flowerpot.
  2. After removing the plant from the old pot, shake off the ground from the roots.
  3. Rotten places are removed, the root system is washed and left to dry for a while.
  4. Next, the fat woman is planted in fresh soil.

We invite you to watch a video about a money tree transplant:

Crassula offshoot

  1. In spring, choose a shoot with two or three leaves. Cut it with a sharp knife from the mother plant.
  2. Dry for two days.
  3. Add Kornevin to a glass of water. Place the cutting in a glass until the roots appear.
  4. Place drainage at the bottom of a clean pot by 1-2 centimeters.
  5. Fill the pot with potting soil one-quarter full.
  6. Place the shoot in the middle of the pot.
  7. Top up the soil.
  8. Water.

It is allowed to plant a shoot without roots immediately into the ground:

  1. Cover the pot with a shoot with a glass container to create the effect of a greenhouse.
  2. Pour through the tray.

We offer you to watch a video on how to plant a shoot of a money tree:


In the photo you can see a fat woman during a transplant.

Does it need to be watered after the procedure?

When the transplant procedure is completed, the flower should not be watered for two weeks. The soil must be stable. The delicate roots of the plant become even more vulnerable after transplantation. Even the usual portions of water can harm the plant. 14 days after transplantation, they return to the usual watering regimen.

Nuances of further care

At first, the fat woman gets used to the new place. Usually it successfully takes root if good conditions are provided:

  1. Protect the plant from the open sun. If this is not done, the leaves will turn red-purple, begin to wither and fall off. It is better not to put the crassula on the window, but to find a place for it on a chest of drawers or on a shelf.
  2. Keep the leaves clean. Periodically spray or wipe them with a damp cloth.
  3. Feeding is not required in the first months after transplantation.– the new substrate is rich in nutrients.
  4. A couple of weeks after transplanting, resume watering. Use distilled water room temperature. Water after the top layer of soil has dried. In spring, it is enough to moisten the soil once every 3-6 days, in summer 1-2 times a week, in the autumn-winter season - once a month. If the room is cool in winter, do not water.

    It is important to monitor the condition of the substrate and prevent waterlogging, otherwise the roots may rot. Don't forget to drain the water from the pan.

  5. The money tree prefers moderate air temperatures. If the transplant is carried out in the spring, the crassula will take root faster and grow. If the procedure is carried out in the summer, keep the fat woman at a temperature of +19 to +23 ° C. It is useful to take it out to the balcony in partial shade. The optimal indicators for the winter period should be in the range from +10 to +13 ° С.

Crassula cannot be called a capricious plant. Her transplant does not take much time and does not require much effort. If prepare correct pot and soil, carefully handle the flower during the transplant procedure and carefully care for it, the fat woman will take root and start growing without any problems.

Every indoor plant needs careful and caring care. Periodically, they need to be replanted, which can be difficult for certain types of crops. Plants grow and after some time, they will already be cramped in a pot. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically restore comfortable conditions for proper growth and full development. In addition to spacious containers, indoor plants need nutritious soil, because the duration of their growth directly depends on it. Having studied the question: How to transplant a money tree, everyone will be able to grow this beautiful home flower.

The plant, familiar as a money tree, has a botanical name - Crassula or Crassula. This home flower has become popular in many countries, where it is called differently. For example, in Poland, a tree is called "the tree of happiness", in the Czech Republic - " house tree”, and in Slovakia - “family tree”. There is a popular belief that culture attracts money and fortune to the home. In addition, it is no secret that in order to purchase a living amulet, money flower should be cultivated by oneself.

Crassula is considered an undemanding home flower, has a thickened, woody trunk and leaves that look like precious coins. Belongs to the succulent genus, covering more than 300 varieties. A flower can have two types of stem: creeping and straight. In the wild growing environment, the height of the culture can reach from 3 cm to 5 meters. Depending on the species, greens can be of various shapes and shades, 4-7 cm in length.

The tree blooms with large snow-white or white-pink inflorescences, gathering in a semi-umbrella. Flowering is observed quite rarely, approximately at 7-10 years of age. During the flowering period, the buds fill the room with a persistent sweet aroma.

Interesting! Any pair of leaves is placed in relation to the previous one at an angle of 90 degrees.

The birthplace of Crassula is sultry Africa. Thanks to the place of birth, the tree received such qualities as stamina and unpretentiousness. The bush is able to grow autonomously, even under conditions of non-compliance with the rules of care. IN natural environment there are a small number varietal species. The most popular among lovers of indoor crops are silver and tree crassula. But get flowering bush V room conditions very difficult. However, if the tree gives flowering, then this is a sign of success and prosperity.

Three methods of propagation of Crassula are known: seed, cuttings, leaves. The cutting method is considered the simplest and most productive. When applying this method, seedlings take root quite quickly, adapt to new growth conditions. A few months after planting, a healthy strong bush is formed.

The leaf propagation method is the most costly. This is because there is a high probability of rotting cooked planting material. In addition, a lot of time is spent on building roots and creating children.

Reproduction by means of the seed method is the most complex and lengthy process, and given the reduced possibility of flowering of the tree, it is also practically unrealizable. If you still manage to get material for sowing, then its germination is very problematic.

Informative! For lovers of the seed method of reproduction, they invented an automatic seed germinator - a sprouter.

Although crassula is considered an unpretentious flower, certain rules must also be observed when transplanting it. It is on this that its subsequent growth and development depends. With special attention, a container for transplantation is selected. It is not recommended to choose too large pots, this can adversely affect the overall health of the tree.

The fat woman needs a systematic transplant, but transplants should not be too frequent. The frequency of this procedure directly depends on the age of the coin tree. Crassula is susceptible to various diseases, like any other plant. Therefore, it is important not only to acquire a high-quality substrate, but also to carry out additional disinfection.

But it should be remembered that after disinfection, the soil will take about a month to restore the natural microflora.
After a transplant, a fat woman needs special attention, which will help her quickly restore vitality.

Note! Any action carried out with a tree should be extremely careful, because the culture is very fragile and there is a high probability of harming the plant.

When is the best time to transplant

The optimal time for transplantation is considered spring period. Specifically, the first weeks of March. It is during this period that the phase of active growth and development takes place. flower culture. Consequently, the plant tolerates the change of substrate and capacity painlessly.

Many people wonder if it is possible to transplant a tree in the summer. The answer to this question depends on the general condition of the flower. In addition, if the seedling was purchased in summer period and the capacity for its growth is already cramped, then, of course, transplantation is carried out in the summer.

In autumn and winter period there is no need to replant the tree. This is a dormant period - the root system slows down in development and there is no need to expand the capacity. If there are signs of disease or the presence of pests, then transplantation can be carried out at any time of the year.

Soil mix for crassula

At home, Crassula grows in soil with a high content of sand. Also, the substrate should be loose and crumbly. When growing indoors, the tree should be provided with conditions that are as close as possible to its natural growing environment. For growing a fat woman, it is recommended to use purchased soil specially prepared for growing crops related to the genus of succulents.

If you need to prepare the substrate yourself, then it is advised to use three components: sand, peat and sheet soil in a ratio of 3:2:2.

Remember! Every variety of crop painfully endures impenetrable, poorly drained soil. Actually, such land will be the fault of fluid retention in the root formation zone.

Which money tree pot is better to choose

How to transplant Crassula? It is necessary to carefully select the pot for the subsequent growth of the culture. The selected capacity directly affects the period of growth of the root system and adaptation of the seedling in the soil. An incorrectly selected flowerpot can slow down and even completely stop the development of a flower.

Special attention to the planting pot explains quite fast growth a tree capable of growing a dense heavy crown. And if the root system is not properly formed, it will be difficult for a heavy bush to stay on the surface.

Most florists have noticed that the fat woman stretches out the top, looks quite healthy plant, but falls. This is because the thinned stem is not able to support the weight of the crown. The fat woman has a little secret: the stem begins to thicken and expand in breadth after the root system fills the entire volume of the pot and rests on the bottom. That is why it is recommended to plant the crop in wide, but low containers. The depth of the pot should not exceed 10 cm, and in diameter at least 20 cm. If you recall the Japanese bonsai, then this is the pot you should choose.

Experienced flower growers recommend choosing a weighty, roomy, rather deep pot. An excellent option would be flower containers made of clay or ceramics with a wide neck. Such recommendations are determined by the feature of the rapidly forming and shallow roots of the succulent genus.

It is important to remember that representatives of the succulent family are not often transplanted, especially if it is an adult, fairly well-formed flower. The larger the pot, the faster the culture grows green.

Advice! Young plantings (up to three years old) are advised to replant once a year, changing the pots to a slightly larger volume.

Which drainage to choose

The bottom of each container must have drainage. This is the main condition for providing roots necessary quantity air. Otherwise, the root system of the flower will rot. To equip the correct air permeability, vermiculite or perlite should be added. The drainage layer is about two centimeters. This is enough to drain excess fluid. The absence of excess moisture is extremely important for the health of the coin tree. It is better to forget to moisten the fat woman than to water too abundantly.

When can Crassula be transplanted according to the lunar calendar

According to the lunar calendar, a fat woman is recommended to be transplanted to the second lunar day. For these purposes, it is good to have a special moon calendar gardener. It helps to determine auspicious days not only for garden, but also for indoor crops.

To maintain a balance between the "magical" properties and the health of the tree, a specific day is chosen, but most importantly at the beginning of spring. In this case, they always focus on the phase of the moon. In parallel with the phase of the moon, it is also important to choose the right day of the week. Wednesday is such a day.

How to transplant: step by step transplant technology

After all preparatory work proceed directly to planting a flower. It is important to clear the work area so that unnecessary items do not distract from an important matter. The whole transplant process consists of several stages:

  1. The bottom of the tank is filled with drainage material. The drainage layer is approximately 2cm.
  2. Nutrient soil is poured over the drainage layer in a volume of ¼ of the volume of the new pot.
  3. The tree is removed from the old pot. This step must be done very carefully. It is important not to damage the root system and save the earthen ball. And the foliage of the plant is very sensitive and easily breaks off with an awkward movement.
  4. If there are signs of decay and drying on the roots, then the damaged areas are carefully removed with a sharp blade.
  5. In a new container, the bush is placed strictly in the center. The resulting voids are filled with fresh nutrient soil. Then the planting is moistened and, as the soil subsides, the soil is added to the required level.
  6. The finished planting is abundantly moistened. It is recommended to use settled water at room temperature.
  7. For the first time after transplantation, the fat woman must be protected from direct sunlight. In the early days, the seedling is especially vulnerable and the scorching sun can destroy the flower.

Adult bushes do not really like frequent transplants, so they are only disturbed when there is a clear need for the procedure. There are times when an adult tree begins to fall under the weight of its own crown. Then it is necessary to strengthen the crassula trunk with props on both sides. And after 2-3 weeks, the supports can be removed. During this period, the tree will have time to strengthen the trunk and increase its mass.

According to Feng Shui

Transplanting a tree according to the canons of Feng Shui does not differ from the main recommendations of flower growers. However, there is a belief that in order to endow the plant magical properties the seedling must be stolen or purchased from wealthy people.

Pots choose red-burgundy, brown and black. Flowerpots of gold and silver shades are perfect. At the bottom of the container, special hieroglyphs can be depicted. For example, you can choose the sign of Money, Growth and Wealth - they will help direct the cash flow specifically to the owner of the flower. All landing work it is necessary to carry out only on the growing moon.

Do not allow strangers to touch your money talisman. If guests ask for a sprout, then you should separate it from the mother tree with your own hands. Otherwise, success and prosperity will leave the house and go to new owners.

Informative! Adherents of Chinese beliefs believe that when transplanting a culture, it is necessary to pronounce a magic phrase: “You grow - I have plenty to bloom. It is my will - it will be so!

How to transplant crassula correctly so that the money is in the house

Crassula owners are sure that in order to attract financial energy, only proper care little for culture. It is necessary to plant and speak the plant correctly in order to fulfill the ancient beliefs about prosperity and well-being. To ensure well-being in the family, when transplanting a flower, certain recommendations should be followed:

  • when transplanting, pay attention to the current phase of the moon. Planting a tree on a waning moon is considered a bad omen;
  • the plant itself is not a source of energy wealth and well-being. Culture draws all its energy from external environment. That's why the best option will get an escape from people with high level wealth;
  • in the process of transplantation, the phrase “I attract money should be sentenced. I will be rich. My income is multiplied”;
  • it is important at this time not to be distracted by other conversations or actions;
  • coins are certainly laid out at the very bottom of the pot, thereby attracting financial energy;
  • water for a fat woman is insisted on gold or silver for three days. Jewelry cannot be used for this - they already have their own, not always positive energy. It's better to use coins.

Know! An auxiliary amulet for attracting money are gold coins and red threads. They can be hung on the leaves of a flower, thus forming an additional flow of material energy.

Of particular importance is the location of the crassula pot. It is important to avoid the adjacent location of metal objects. Only metal coins fall under the exception to the rule. have a negative effect on plant growth geometric shapes in amulets. The coin tree is not recommended to be placed near thorny and climbing plants, otherwise the money will elude the owner. It is also recommended to keep a flowerpot with a flower away from aquariums, waterfalls and other vessels with liquid.

A couple of months after the transplant will come precise definition where it is better to place a pot with a talisman. After that, you can do the final decoration of the amulet:

  • under the container, you can put a couple of banknotes of a large denomination or a money napkin (scarlet or gold with the image of the hieroglyph Wealth);
  • the shoots of the tree are decorated with red threads;
  • at the top of the crown, you can place a dragon figurine;
  • around the flower, you can place scarlet-colored Chinese lanterns or a small figurine of the Buddha.

Feng Shui beliefs money talisman may not be real. An artificial tree will become an equally effective talisman if it is decorated according to the rules and receives a sufficient amount of attention and care.

Caring for a money tree after a transplant at home

Each plant needs time to adapt to new growth conditions. In most cases, the fat woman takes root perfectly in a new container. However, you should have information on how to properly transplant a flower so that it gives active growth and proper development.

Fresh soil mixture has a certain supply of nutrients, so the first two months the crop does not need to be fed. Then mineral complexes are applied once a month. Most top dressing is needed during the period of active growth of the crop. For fertilizer, you can use any mineral complex for cacti and succulents.

Immediately after transplanting, the flower is not watered for 10 days. Also, the pot should be left away from direct sunlight. Fleshy greens must be regularly sprayed and freed from dust. Fat woman prefers moderate temperature regime, therefore, in the summer, it is better to transfer the culture to the balcony, and in the winter - to a cool room away from heating appliances.

Crassula is a photophilous plant, therefore it needs a sufficient amount of diffused light. The best option will be the location of the flowerpot on the windows on the southeast side. With such an arrangement, the flower will receive enough light, and in the midday heat the sun goes beyond the walls of the house and is not able to harm the delicate greenery of the culture.

Know! From a lack of light, a fat woman can often get sick and lag behind in development. Therefore, when the windows are located on the north side, it is necessary to take care of additional lighting.

An important criterion is the humidity of the air. Crassula is a succulent and tolerates dry air well. But constant changes in the level of humidity adversely affect the plant. It simply does not have time to adapt to changing conditions.

In winter, when the air is dry heating appliances, it is necessary to regularly irrigate the greens of the bush with a spray bottle. Irrigation can be replaced by daily wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. In addition, this is an excellent option to rid the plant of unwanted dust and other possible contaminants.


The money tree is a popular indoor plant, loved for its appearance and original form foliage. The name of the culture came from ancient teachings and beliefs. The ease of cultivation and minimal care makes the culture affordable even for beginners in indoor gardening. It is important to observe simple rules care, perform timely top dressing and transshipment. And a tree decorated with coins and red threads will become a magnet for positive energy.

If you bring a small seedling of crassula into the house and grow a beautiful mature plant then the house will be filled with prosperity and prosperity. The main thing is to study the information on the topic How to transplant a money tree and surround the flower with warmth and care.

Crassula can even smooth out family conflicts and improve the energy situation in the house. But of course, you should not forget that no talisman will bring good luck if you do nothing and do not make any efforts to achieve your goals.

Video: transplanting a money tree into another pot

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui? Have you heard that one small indoor plant can bring material well-being to your home and attract cash flows? We will tell you how to do this in this article.

Live money talisman

After that, you can plant the plant and sprinkle it with earth. Good for a fat woman ready ground for cacti and succulents. You can also make your own earth mix by mixing coarse sand, peat, turf, and leafy soil.

The secrets of growing a money tree in Feng Shui

To grow a real Feng Shui money tree, pay attention to the following subtleties:

  • The flowerpot for planting should be green, red or gold, as these are the colors associated with wealth in Feng Shui. You can also tie a ribbon of this shade on an established and strengthened tree.
  • Place the flowerpot on a red tablecloth, under which put a coin.
  • Hang coins and figurines of feng shui, knots or any other money symbols on an adult tree.
  • Near the pot with the plant, you can put a dragon figurine, figurines, candles or lamps.
  • Money carries the energy of fire, which is not combined with the energy of water, so the money tree must be located at a distance from sources of water or its images. Otherwise, water can “extinguish” the flow of monetary energy.
  • Avoid the neighborhood of the money tree with cacti and climbing plants. They are used to protecting the house from extraneous energy, so they can also impede cash flow.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the southeast side of the house is responsible for financial well-being. Therefore, all magic items aimed at attracting money should be located precisely in the southeastern part of the dwelling. In addition, such windows will be well lit by the sun.
  • Very important! The magic of the money tree can manifest itself in a warm and loving environment. The plant should feel your love, take care of it with pleasure, do not spare your time and attention for it. If you do not feel love for indoor flowers, you should resort to other magical ways to attract wealth.
  • Only its owner can take care of the money tree. It turns out that this plant has a very good memory, so it feels well the energy of its owner. If you need to leave - do not worry about this, because you can not water the fat woman for a couple of weeks.
  • Do not forget to wipe the leaves of the tree, because a layer of dust prevents the free flow of monetary energy.

In our climate, the money tree blooms very rarely. However, if this happens, know that big profits await you soon. And, on the contrary, if the plant suddenly began to wither, financial losses are possible.

Do not forget that the money tree is extremely sensitive to the energy of the owner. It feels all its negative thoughts and emotions, so never care for a plant in a bad mood. Fill your magical pet with love, tenderness and kindness, communicate with him, ask him for advice. In this case, you can not even doubt that the money tree will fully thank you with the fruits of wealth, prosperity and success.

At the end of the topic, watch an interesting video:

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Money tree, crassula or crassula - all these are the names of the same flower of the succulent genus, which can be found in almost every home. Many people believe that this plant attracts money to the house and gives well-being. But in order for there to always be prosperity in the house, it is necessary not only to have this amazing tree in the house, but also to ensure that it is properly transplanted, watered and cared for.

How more magnificent crown plants, the more wealth and prosperity will be in your home. That is why it is extremely important to know the basic rules for transplanting, caring for and propagating a plant. Even if you do not believe in these stories, the plant is still very beautiful and should take root in your home.

Since Crassula belongs to the category of succulents, then ideal soil for it will be the soil that is sold for cacti and aloe, as well as for other plants with fleshy leaves. If there is no such soil in the nearest store, then you can buy any that is suitable for indoor plants. Only it needs to be improved a little - add a quarter of the sand. Such a land for a money tree will be ideal.

It is extremely important to know not only how to properly transplant a money tree at home, but also what conditions it likes. Crassula cannot stand a large number moisture, so good drainage should be done. In the pot itself, you need to make a small hole into which excess water will flow into the pan. A layer of at least 2 cm should be placed on the bottom of the pot; bark, small pebbles or broken bricks are perfect for this. This action will help protect the roots from rotting.

Pot selection

Before you think about how to transplant a money tree, you should choose the right pot for a fat woman.

The root system of the tree is superficial, and therefore it would be ideal for it to pick up a container with a wide neck, but not high. For greater stability of the plant, you should choose a pot so that its neck is fully consistent with the volume of its crown.

A pot is very important, because an improperly selected container can lead to the fact that the plant will not only stop developing correctly, but will completely stop growing. So, if the money tree does not grow well, new leaves appear on it extremely rarely, then it should simply be transplanted into a wider pot.

Plant transplant

Before transplanting a money tree at home, you need to clarify its age. A young tree is recommended to replace the soil in a pot every year. Adult - at least once every two to three years. After the fat woman is bought, it is recommended to transplant it in two weeks. If the land for the plant is normal, then you can only change the pot and transship the plant. A similar procedure is tolerated by the plant less painfully. The process of transshipment is carried out by removing the plant from the pot along with an earthen clod, and then pouring soil into it for the money tree.

If you are thinking about when it is more convenient to transplant a plant, then you can do this in spring or autumn. At this time, it perfectly tolerates changing the pot. But if the plant is sick, then it is allowed to replant at any time of the year. It often happens that the roots of Crassula begin to rot due to diseases or due to excessive waterlogging of the soil. If this happened then transverse part plants should be cut off, and the root system of the plant should be left in the air and allowed to dry a little.

The money tree should be handled very carefully, its sensitive leaves fall off easily. And you also need to carefully monitor what kind of land is needed for the money tree, so as not to harm it.

Ways to heal a tree

If the tree is frail, does not grow well, new leaves rarely appear on it and it constantly withers, then you should not wait for the transplant time, you need to urgently deal with the reasons why it feels bad. A similar condition may develop due to the fact that the plant has too damp earth, the roots have begun to rot, or small worms have started up in its root system.

To deal with this, the plant must be removed from the pot, carefully shake off the soil and examine the roots for damage. All rotted areas should be cut off immediately. Rinse the roots thoroughly running water, thereby washing away not only the old soil, but also old diseases.

If the fat woman is not watered for a long time, then she begins to lose her attractive appearance. To correct the situation, it is enough to put the plant for several hours in a container of water. If, after transplantation, the roots of the fat woman were cut off, then it should not be watered for two weeks. This is because excessive waterlogging can greatly damage the root system.

There are cases when the plant is completely deprived of the entire root system. How to save the plant in this case? It is recommended to place it in water for several days until the roots appear, or immediately plant it in special soil for the money tree.

When a fat woman suffers from the presence of worms or insects, it is worth buying a remedy for their destruction in the store. In this case, the roots are recommended to be washed under running water and treated by special means. When processing a plant, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Care rules

In most cases, the fat woman takes root perfectly in the new soil. He usually has an excellent supply nutrients, so it is not worth feeding the plant in the first few months. After transplantation, the fat woman should not be watered for about two weeks. It is important to protect it from direct sunlight.

The leaves of the plant must be constantly clean, and therefore they should be periodically sprayed and wiped with a damp cloth. The fat woman loves moderate temperatures, so on hot summer days she will be fine on a shaded balcony, and in winter in any cool place away from the battery.

The basic rules for caring for a plant are simple:

  • sunlight;
  • timely moderate watering;
  • abundance fresh air in summer time;
  • the temperature is not higher than 12 degrees in winter.

Irrigation Features

Crassula transplantation is carried out in spring or autumn. And therefore, many people think about how often to water the money tree. The air temperature at this time is moderate, frequent watering the tree is not needed. After all, it is much easier to survive drought than waterlogging.

If the plant is properly looked after, then it can bloom, however, this will happen after a very long time.

Formation of a beautiful crown

Transplanting a money tree at home involves the formation of a beautiful crown. For this you need:

  • scissors or secateurs;
  • an approximate picture of what you want to get in the end.

Crassula looks great in the form of a small tree. In this form, it is easiest for her to hold the trunk and branches with heavy thick leaves. In order to receive beautiful plant, you need to transplant a fat woman at home so that there is only one process in the pot. Several sprouts in one pot create a bush that looks far from presentable.

To get a beautiful crown, a fat woman should be pinched in a timely manner. When four leaves appear on the process, the middle pair should be plucked with tweezers or nails. The kidney can be twisted or simply pulled out. In its place, several new buds will soon appear, which will underlie the new branches that form beautiful crown. So the tree will gradually take nice shape. Since the tree grows fast enough, soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.