Weather tick on indoor plants: how to deal and defeat? How to deal with a spider tick - shopping preparations and folk remedies.

The web tick refers to the class of spider. This must be taken into account when choosing a means of combating pests, drugs for the destruction of insects do not act on it.

He lives for about a month, the female can postpone non-advocate eggs, of which for 3 - 5 days new women's individuals ticks are displayed, capable of baking eggs on their own after a week (up to hundreds of pieces). Per a short time The population may increase hundreds of times. The web tick winter in the ground or in the creams of greenhouses and greenhouses, eggs, waiting for favorable conditions, do not lose viability for several years.

Only appearing on the light, larva custom tick, dumped into a sheet suitable Plants From the bottom, and starts sucking juice. In the "Menu" of the web tongs include about 200 varieties of plants. The appearance of the pest can be detected by noting yellow drying points and stains on the surface of the leaves. Looking at the bottom side of the leaflet, you can see a thin web and small greenish or red creatures - this is a web tick. With a large number of pests, the leaves of the plant dries quickly, height slows down and depresses. In addition, the web tick can carry dangerous for the infection plants (gray rot, viruses). If you urgently do not take action, you can lose all the plantation, the tick spreads very quickly.

Pincers in protected ground are especially rampant. In the greenhouse, with its elevated air temperature and many places where you can convert with comfort, the tick feels great. Therefore, in addition to the usual means of destroying the pest, the autumn car wash and the disinfection of the greenhouse is obligatory.

Preparations for combating a spider tick

Especially often amazed by a spider tick cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, beans. Considerable damage he inflicts colors, especially Astra and Roses. Apple trees, cherry, pear, mulberry, currant, strawberries and gooseberries also suffer from pest.

By choosing a drug to combat tick, you need to remember that it does not apply to insect, and it makes no sense to use insecticides.

Applied against the spider tick of acaricides: Omaith, Flumite, Deteitin, Apollo, Bitoccat Cyllain (10 g per 1 liter of water), Borneo. Insectoacaricides are effective: fufanon, obouron, actor, tickry, phytodeterm (1 ml per 1 liter of water), karate, agraverttin, akarin (2 ml per 1 liter of water), accommodation.

Preparations are bred in strict accordance with the attached instructions.

Important! Treatment with chemicals are carried out by observing all precautions: when spraying, a respirator, glasses and gloves must be put on the foliage. After the end of the work, work clothes send to washing, face and hands wash with soap. Smoking or eating food during work prohibited!

Due to the short cycle of the development of the tick and the inefficiency of the drug on the eggs of the pest, several plant treatments are carried out. Usually, there is enough 3 - 5 spraying, with an interval of 4 - 7 days. The higher the air temperature, the shorter the gap between spraying.

The tick has the ability to get used to and adapt to the poisoning substances, so drugs must be changed regularly. It is necessary to focus on replacing the active substance, carefully reading the composition of the drug on the package.

The disadvantage of the use of chemical preparations can be considered their toxicity in relation to pets and people.

Some substances (based on phosphorus) is prohibited to apply in closed space. Many funds can not be sprayed on fruit-binding plants. The use of such strong agents is justified with strong damage to plants and big Square Landings.

Folk ways of struggle

The web tick does not endure high humidity. With a small number of pests and for the prevention of its appearance, it is useful to wash the boom water plants. In the greenhouses arranged barrels and vests with water to increase air humidity (at 80% - 85% humidity of the tick dies). These measures are quite effective, provided that for plants increased humidity Not harmful. Well suits such a way for cucumbers. To increase air humidity in open soil, Besides the soul, the bushes can be wrapped with pieces of film or place wide water tanks under them.

Prevents the spread of the pest timely (better daily) collecting affected foliage and its combustion.

In the greenhouse, you can arrange open jars with a turpidar or ammonia. The evaporation of these substances will poison the tick. Less caustic but also good tool - chilled garlic and onions in Kashitz.

Sowing among vegetables, calendula will help scare the pest from the beds.

You can apply in a greenhouse effective biological method Combating a spider tick - to launch the colony of predators that feed them. These are predicted pencils of amblyseuses and phytosailuses. They are not dangerous to plants and die when they will disappear with the pest. You can buy them in large garden nurseries.

It will help to get rid of the pest washing of foliage with soapy solution. For its preparation, they take a simple economic or arable soap, you can buy a special green garden in the garden shop. Soap is dissolved in a bucket of water, and is richly washed the amazed plant.

Important! The soap solution, pouring, forms a film on the leaves, which prevents the flow of the plant. Therefore, a couple of days after treatment with soap, the bush needs to be washed with simple water.

It is easy to prepare an inland and garlic for spraying the amazed plants. 200 g of garlic or bows crushed and insist in a liter of water.

For Luka enough for several hours. Garlic insists a day, then the solution is diluted with water 3 - 4 times. The resulting mixture copes well with a spider tick, with a small number of its numbers.

Herbal infusions for spraying plants against a tick:

  • dandelion infusion - 0.5 kg of greenery insist several hours in the bucket of water;
  • calendula - 100 g of chopped grass on 1 liter of water, insisted 4 - 5 days;
  • celebrated - a teaspoon of grass, pour the glass of boiling water and cool;
  • yarrow - 100 g of dry raw materials brew a liter of boiling water, dilute 5 liters of water.

Preventive measures

  1. It is necessary to regularly inspect the plants to notice the pest as early as possible and take measures.
  2. Autumn Soil Pumping and Soil Refueling phosphoric fertilizers It will help to destroy the pest hiding in the ground.
  3. Greenhouses and greenhouses wash the autumn, change upper layer Soil, dipray sulfur, whites lime frame.

The cell tick family has more than 1,200 species and meets everywhere, except Antarctica. The size of an adult male - 0.3-0.45 mm, females - 0.4-0.8 mm. More than other types of pests of garden and agricultural sections are ordinary web tick. It feeds the juice of green plants, leaving after herself a dry essay, braided cobwebs. Philofag refers to the class of spider-shaped, this is not an insect, but an animal.

Cobed tick

What does a web tick look like? The shape of his body resembles an ellipse, it is covered with hairs, the back is convex. In the larvae 6 legs, in adults - 8. On thin legs, sharp claws that they cling to the surface of the plants. The color of the larvae from light green to brown, with age they darken. The reproduction occurs with the laying of eggs. In the absence of fertilization of them, males appear, from fertilized masonry - females.

One generation lives from 14 to 30 days, women's individuals have time to postpone 100-150 eggs for this period. From each after 3 days a voracious larva appears. For adverse conditions The offspring does not appear 2 weeks. Eggs can lie alive up to 5 years. At each stage of its development from the larva adult individual Poworkoons feed on cellular juice. Weakened cultural immunity do not cope with infectious diseases. Following the pest comes gray Gnil, Sent fungus and other diseases.

High temperature (from 27 0) and low humidityoptimal conditions For active breeding of pests. When reducing the light day, they are immersed in the range, the state of the winter hibernation. Hiding in the crews, soil or plants, phytophages expect heat offensive. This ability greatly complicates the fight against them.

Pest on vegetables - how to deal?

The web tick has preferences among vegetable crops, most often he chooses cucumbers, mud, eggplant, pepper. Especially well phytophages feel in a greenhouse. Here they are protected from bad weather and temperature fluctuations. High reproduction rate in favorable conditions leads to a rapid infection of all vegetables.

The result of the vital activity of the pest becomes:

  • mechanical damage back side leaves;
  • slowdown in the development of wounds;
  • when a spider tick appears on cucumbers, the top tier of the plant turns out to be braided with a web;
  • there is a violation of photosynthesis processes;
  • necrosis develops, the plant is deformed and dries off;
  • cathedrally reduced yield.

Attention. The natural enemy of the phytoseiulus Persimilis web tick is used in greenhouses to destroy pests. The predator feeds exclusively by this species, it is absolutely not dangerous for plants and man.

Prevention - a significant stage of the fight against pest

Fitofagi's fight includes mandatory preventive measures:

  1. After harvesting, it is necessary to remove all the remains of cultures, snatch and remove weeds. It is in them that the pests find asylum for the winter.
  2. Plant landing to perform with an interval between rows.
  3. Conduct the soil recultivation, to remove the upper layer of infected soil and replace it with a new one.
  4. To get rid of a spider tick, wintering in a greenhouse, it is necessary to draw fusion, and all the designs burn the soldering lamp.
  5. Inside the greenhouse, it is recommended to set climatic regime, uncomfortable for pests - humidity 80-90%, temperature up to 25 0.
  6. Regularly carry out acaricidal preparations.

Chemical and Biological Preparations for Plant Processing

The methods of combating a spider tick include the use of primary means and specially designed drugs. The first option is environmentally friendly, but with strong infectious is not effective. At the first signs of the pest appearance, it is recommended to process all plants with soap solution (100 g economic Soap on 10 liters of water). Weather husks, garlic and tobacco are used.

To eco-friendly I. safe methods The destruction of phytophagus applies to the use of a predatory phytosailus tick. It is enough to place 60 individuals on M 2 plot to get rid of eggs, larvae and adult pests. Acarifag is active at temperatures from 20 0 high humidity. After removing all enemies, the predator will die without meals.

Chemical preparations are much more effective in the struggle for the preservation of the crop. A variety of means can destroy the pest at various stages of development.

  • Carbofos - phosphorus substance, insecticide and acaricide. Available in various form and concentration. The existing substance Malathion is effective against insects and spike-shaped. The duration of protection in the open soil is 10 days, in the greenhouse - up to 7 days. Spraying is performed in the evening with windless weather.
  • Aktellik - a remedy for a spider tick, suitable for use on open and protected soil. The drug relates to insectoacaricides, it does not affect the plant, poisoning only pests. The substance of the intestinal and contact has fumigut properties, destroying phytophages on both sides of the leaves. The duration of exposure is 2-3 weeks.
  • Apollo - an acaricide action is directed to eggs and larvae. This drug is one of the few, which can cope with pests at an early stage of development. The active compound clofenthesin sterilizes adult individuals, preventing reproduction. Apollo refers to the acaricides of contact action, for poisoning of eggs, it is necessary to thoroughly wasting plants with freshly prepared solution. The substance is weakly toxic, safe for people and insects. Protection of the drug is valid for up to 2 months.

Attention. When processing crops, one chemical preparation in pest produces addiction. During summer season It is necessary to change means of destruction.

Types of ticks on indoor plants

Among the diseases of the plant is a special place occupied by a web tick. Phytoophages - stubborn and difficult to be pests, including several types:

  • The ordinary web tick is the species common on the ground and the room. Colonies settle on the bottom side of the leaves, hiding from the sun's rays. Adults are quickly overwhelmed with an infected plant on adjacent flowers.
  • Red tick - indoor plants often suffer from small pest attacks, which settles on Lemon, Balzamin. Soft females with a size of 0.5 mm purple color, males 0.3 mm painted in bright red color.
  • The false web tick is distinguished by miniature sizes of 0.25 mm, the web does not ride. Infection becomes noticeable with a huge number of individuals.
  • Atlantic tick - externally similar to a paw-tick. Propagated with any humidity, prefers palm trees and citrus trees.
  • Cyclamenite tick - striking the edges of the leaves, buds and stems. Not noticeable eye noticeable. Colonies settle on the upper side of the leaves and look like a layer of dust. Pests choose cyclamen, balsamines, chrysanthemums and other tuber plants.
  • The wide web tick - phytophage is very fruit, every 5 days on the leaves appears a new generation. After 2-3 weeks, the plant turns out to be chosen by the web and clusters of ticks, similar to reddish-brown dust. Pest attacks oleander, ficus, cactus, taghetis. In combating it, the preparations of sulfur.
  • Cactus flat tick - to destroy phytophages, it is recommended to use insecticides. Conduct several times with an interval of 7 days.

Where does the web tick on colors come from?

Pests are unpretentious in choosing a habitat, they can be found on various indoor colors:

  • ficus;
  • palm;
  • azalea Sims;
  • rose flower;
  • cipers.

The first signs of infection are yellow dots on the leaves, over time, merging into a large stain. Microscopic segmental in small amounts does not flutter houseplants by web, so noticeably not immediately. Typically, the harm caused by them is written off the lack or oversupply of moisture. Looking pests from the back of the leaves. When individuals are several dozen, they can be noticed.

Attention. If you suspect the appearance of a paw-tick on the ficus, it is worth a simple study. Felt leaf over paper, and then consider the surface with a magnifying glass. Several pests will definitely fall from the plants and will be seen.

How are houseplants infected?

The pest enters plants in various ways:

  1. With infected room flower. When buying a new plant, it is necessary to carefully examine its leaves. The tick will not be able to notice, and the yellow points on the leaves will make thinking about the health of the plant.
  2. With a soil. Purchased or from the street, the soil can be in itself a danger in the form of a female or larvae of a paustic tick. Poworkoons can be immersed in the range, the state of slow metabolism, under adverse conditions. They come to life with increasing temperature and reduced humidity. After the start heating season The pest begins active life.
  3. Through the open window with the wind. Residents of the first floors are greater than the rest risk their indoor plants with open windows. Adults traveled over long distances with the wind, clinging to the web. The pest can be listed on the balcony, as well as get into the apartment on the clothes of summer houses. It is moving, in search of food, he actively masters new territories. Flower tick, brought with a fresh bouquet, will be a threat to all indoor plants.

Methods for the destruction of pests

After removing dry leaves, the rest are wiping with a napkin moistened in soapy water, on both sides. This allows you to remove adult individuals and part of the larvae. To enhance the effect, the plant along with foam moisture is placed 2 days per polyethylene package. After 48 hours, it is thoroughly washed with a warm shower. The procedure is not disposable, after a week it is repeated.

Attention. Simultaneously with the processing of colors, it is necessary to wash the windowsill (soap or alcohol), window frames, hacking the curtains.

A common method of getting rid of a spider mite - alcohol processing. It should be done carefully, first try on one leaves so that there is no burn. Applied alcohol sprayer or cotton disc. Treatment is suitable for ficus, diffenbahia and other plants with dense leaves. Such disinfection is effective for window Rams. The impact of ultraviolet lamps is recommended. It is only for the benefits of plants, and ticks always avoid contact with ultraviolet.

Special chemicals

Without the use of chemistry, the pests will not completely remove. Designed for use in conditions closed rooms. The effective method of combating a spider tick is a spraying of chemical compositions and processing of the earth in a pot. Among the recommended tools:


Bio-insecticide on vegetable-based phytodeterm can be used without fear at home. It is recommended for the prevention and destruction of pests on indoor plants. The effect of funds begins 6-7 hours after applying. The period of protective action is 2-3 weeks. An ampoule of the drug (2 ml) it is necessary to start in 1 liter of water, the finished composition of intensively spray infected plants.


The modern acaricidal drug is applied not only in the garden, but also to destroy pests on colors - roses, violets, ficus and others. The tool is proposed in the form of a concentrated emulsion and water-soluble granules. Small packaging in ampoules and bags is convenient when processing home plants. Aktara from a web tick is the drug system action. It penetrates the leaves and fabrics of plants, sucking juice from them, pests receive a dose of poison.

An hour after entering their body, the insecticide phytophages lose the ability to eat and dying during the day. The effect of the drug when introducing in the soil protects the room plants for 2 months. When spraying, use fresh solution. Working S. toxic substance, Care should be taken - to wear gloves, wash your face and hands after work, change clothes.

Plant Pin

Sticks with an active substance of butoxycarboxy. The remedy for a spider tick on houseplants that does not require spraying. The amount of sticks depends on the diameter of the pot - by 9 cm - 1, by 12 cm - 2, 20 cm - 5-6. They are stuck in the ground at a distance of 2 cm from the plant. During irrigation, the active substance dissolves and falls into the roots of the flower. The effect of the drug is observed in 3-7 days. It will protect 8 weeks from pest. The means of Etisso has similar effect.


Prevent infection with phytophages better than to fight them. Save indoor plants will help simple rules:

  • The active development of the spider tick on lemon, ficus and other indoor plants occurs in dry air conditions. It follows more often to air the room and splash plants with water.
  • Prepared independently or purchased plumbing sterilize in the oven, the moss is treated with boiling water.
  • When processing plants, the windowsill be wiped, where fallen pests can be.
  • It is impossible to put bouquets of cut flowers next to indoor plants.
  • New plants should undergo a quarantine period - stand apart from the other 2-3 weeks after the acquisition. Even if the purchase is made in a specialized store.

Council. Flower pots Put in wide pallets with water, which will gradually evaporate, creating humidity, uncomfortable for ticks.

Prevention and combat control measures are different integrated approach. They require accounting for the pest development features. If complete destruction has happened after the first processing, then after 7-10 days it must be repeated. Ticks are resistant to external factorsBut with proper perseverance and they can be defeated.

Get rid of ticks at home is possible using a soap solution. Traditionally, it uses a household soap for this, but sometimes you choose a sulfur-tar soap or green soap. Some recommend instead of soap to use a little detergent divorced with water.

Any plants are treated with soap - and indoor, and greenhouse. For the procedure, the production soap volume of 200 g is crushed on a grater and dissolved in a bucket with warm water. After the solution itself was prepared, you need to take an affected flower and gently wipe with a sponge, moistened in solution, leaves and stalks. It must be remembered that the hitting of such a fundamental to the roots will be very detrimental on your flower (it may even lead to his death), so the procedure is carried out extremely gently. When the procedure is completed, the flower is left for several hours (3-4), and after well wash off the remaining foam. After the procedure, it is recommended to cover the flower with a plastic package to preserve the moisture level.

Sulfur-tar soap also has proven itself as a reliable tool, with which it is really to get rid of the pawkin tick. It will be required less than economic or green - only 100 g per bucket of water. Processing is advised to spend each week, only 2-3 times.

It is recommended to fight with a spider tick and using an alcohol solution. For this suitable ammoniawhich is only 30 ml. As a rule, this method is used in plant processing, which have pretty thick leaves (ficuses, drasena), because the alcohol can damage thin leaf. No need to spray the flower, it is enough to apply alcohol on the vaccine and wipe the leaves. So you at the same time remove the web, which the tick left.

Also prepare a solution of alcohol and soap - for this, a liter of boiling water will require 20 g of soap and 10 ml of alcohol.

Recall that alcohol will help get rid of the pests themselves, but their eggs will not go anywhere.


There are several types of infusions that help in this case.

First, use clients of garlic, which are preparing in several ways. For the first way, 30 g of garlic and hot water bucket will be needed. The chopped garlic is placed in water and leave for a day so that the solution is impending. After a day, infusion is filtered and carried out processing.

You can prepare a more concentrated infusion. For this, 500 g of garlic are placed in a three-liter capacity with water and leave it to 5-6 days in the dark cool place. Then they filter the infusion, they cast from it 60 g and bred them in a bucket of water. The resulting solution is treated with a plant.

If you need to handle urgently, it will take 200 g of garlic on the water bucket. The resulting infusion immediately apply.

Secondly, you can cook infusion from the bow. To make it, take 200 g of onions on a bucket of warm water, defend 12 hours, and then, the strain, process plants.

Third, for tinctures use herbs and plants: dandelion (30 g per liter of water, defend a few hours), yarrow (700 g on a bucket of water, defend three days), horseradish (1 kg of sliced \u200b\u200broots on the water bucket, defend a couple of hours ).


One of the types of folk remedies that are used against a spider tick are brazers that are processed regularly. To do this, you can use the roots of cyclamen (50 g per half liter of water), the decoction is immediately filtered and treated with a flower.

Also prepare a decoction using a leaf of gray alder. 2 kg of fresh leaves poured a bucket of water, leave for a day. After that, the resulting decoction is boiled for half an hour and again defend 12 hours.

You can make a decoction of wormwood (800 g per bucket of water), which insists two days. After that, it is half an hour of boiling, filter and tosses another bucket of water.


To bring this pest sometimes use essential oils, which are bred in water. So, for example, a few drops essential oil Rosemary per liter of water can change the situation for the better.

Doubtful means

Video "How to get rid of a spider tick"

From this video you will learn about effective methods To combat a spider tick.

As a rule, the tick may be:

  • On the bottom of the leaves.
  • Between lumps soil.
  • Under dry fallen leaves.

As a rule, the main reason for the appearance of a paustic tick on indoor plants is the purchase of another flower in flower shop. Larvae or even adult individuals remain on plants as a result proper care Behind plants.

Therefore! Each time, buying a new flower, you should carefully examine each piece of plants, as well as the soil for harmful insects. To progress, bought flowers better determine in separate place, on quarantine. After 2 weeks, if no signs of the vital pest appear, the flowers can be determined on their permanent place.

The first signs of plants infection with tick:

  • Leaves begin to yellow from the bottom. The affected places are losing chlorophyll, discolored and dry out.
  • Since the leaves do not get necessary number Nutrients, they are twisted and fall.
  • The places where the colony of the paouth tick settled, is covered with thin web.
  • If you do not start the fight against these pests, the plant is gradually weakening and can perish.

The infected plant is immediately removed from her place and placed on quarantine.

From the pawless tick help:

  • Vermitek.
  • Phytodeterm.
  • Actor.
  • Akarin.
  • Tickler.
  • Agrantin.

Interesting! After processing, it can go from 3 to 7 days, before pests perished. These compositions are less toxic, and they act differently. Therefore, you should not expect instant destruction of pests or doubt the effectiveness of drugs.

If the ticks breed very quickly and biopreparations, and even more so folk Methods, do not cope with their task, it is better to resort to the use of chemicals, so-called acaricides. Some types of ticks have already managed to adapt to the effects of chemicals, so you have to use 2, and even 3 different drugs. Anyway, effective tool You can always find.

The use of chemicals involves the use of individual means Protection, along with some rules. For example:

  • Dress up clothes with long sleeves, headdress and gloves.
  • For processing of indoor plants, it is permissible to use preparations 3-4 of the toxicity class. More toxic means are intended for applying on the street.
  • Before the start of spraying, the root zone closes to chemical composition did not hit the roots. Alternatively, you can use the polyethylene package.
  • Plant treatment is carried out strictly according to the instructions. If the flower is seriously amazed, it will be necessary not one such treatment, but perhaps all four to be guaranteed to destroy the pest.

Such effects have such drugs:

  • Sanmight.
  • Floromite.
  • Flumite.
  • Apollo.
  • Oberon.

You can prepare the following compounds:

  • Onion infusion. To do this, take the bulb middle size and cut it with stripes or cubes, after which to pour them with boiling water. After 4 hours, the infusion is filtered, poured into the pulverizer, and then the leaves spray with this solution.
  • Infusion because potato tops . Green raw materials are crushed and poured 1 liter of boiling water. After 4 hours, the solution is ready for use.
  • Application Celebre. For the preparation of infusion take 1 liter of boiling water and pour them 2 tablespoons of green or dried leaves chilli. After 4 hours, the solution is ready for use.
  • Broth of yarrow. It is necessary to take 1 liter of steep boiling water and 100 grams of yarrow. Boil the solution of minutes 3, give it to launch 4 hours and can be used, but before it should be strain.
  • Infusion of dandelion. It is necessary to take the leaves and roots of the plant, crush them and take 3 tablespoons, after which the raw material is poured with steep boiling water. After 4 hours, the solution is fastened and used for its intended purpose.

Puzzily! Soap solution is allowed to process only the upper surface of the leaves. From the bottom of the sheet there are breathing pores. If these pores close with soap foam, and then dry, the gas exchange and leaves are bursting.

  • Every three days it is recommended to wipe the leaves of housewashers and other decorative plants. To do this, you need to take hot water And every time it is good to rinse the rag.
  • Do not bring soil before drying.
  • Constantly remove the fallen leaves from the Vason, which can serve as shelter for ticks.
  • Flowers are regularly equipped and supported by the desired temperature mode and humidity. If the plant is strong and healthy, then it may not be on the teeth even ticks.

Beginner flowers believe that you can get rid of ticks if you immerse the plant in the water completely. In fact, it is not. First, you can harm the flower yourself, and secondly, the air bubble is formed around the tick. Of course, if you hold out a flower in water for several hours, the effect will be obvious, but it is unlikely that the flower can withstand it. Most effective method - this is rubbing leaves hot waterBut this method will be not effective if there are many colonies of a web tick on the plant.

In order not to spend a lot of strength and energy to combat flat pests, it is better to adhere to certain rules for the care of indoor plants. If the flowers do so like and without them it is impossible, then it is necessary to care for them necessary.

Complete pests of indoor plants include ticks. They are so small that they are almost unnoticed by the naked eye. When it becomes obvious that the plant is affected by them, it is often too late. Small monsters feed them with juice, multiply in mathematical progression and quickly adapt to all sorts of poisons. The name of one of them "Putin tick".

Cobed tick

As soon as a human eye, the web tick is not insect at all. It belongs to a separate huge group of invertebrate animals from the class of spider-shaped, type of arthropod.
Ticks, or Akarina (from the Latin name Acarina) are diverse. Of almost fifty thousand species, only a small part of them (1250 species) are web ticks. They are pests of garden, indoor and agricultural plants, are distributed on all continents, in places where vegetation is.
Most often people face an ordinary web tick - Tetranychus urticae, a red spider tick - Tetranychus Cinnabarinus, a red-legged web tick - Tetranychus Ludeni, Turkestan tongue - Tetranychus Turkestani.
The insects are distinguished by the external and indoor structure, as well as the influence of them chemical substances.
The ticks always have eight legs (4 pairs), and in adult insects - six (3 pairs). The body of the pawless ticks is solid, in insect torso is clearly divided into three parts. The eyes of the ticks are simple, their two pairs. Insect eyes are complex, facets - one pair. These differences, of course, can be seen only under the microscope. The characteristic feature of the web ticks is the selection of the web, for which they received their name.
Cellic ticks depending on the species can be white, yellow, green, red, purple color or colorless. One generation of tick lives from 12 to 24 days. Than land air and above temperature ambient, Topic becomes more active, its number increases. With adverse life conditions, the ticks fall into an anabiosis, called a diapause. In such a state, they can be in the soil, in false foliage or in the cracks for a long timewithout losing viability.

How to detect a paustic tick on indoor plants

The web mite can settle on any room plant, but especially his palm trees, ficuses, balsamines, callas, drasarenas, fuchsia, abutilon, reader, Header. The presence of a spider tick on the bedroom plant is a web on the leaves and small dark dots (traces from the punctures of vegetable tissue tolls). With a strong lesion, the leaves of plants are withering, dry and twisted, their color is pale. On the surface, white or yellowish spots appear on the surface, as the places in which the mites sucked the juices are deprived of chlorophyll, green vegetable pigment.
Initially, the web tick is set on the lower surface of the sheet plate, then mastering the upper, after - green shoots. With a mass reproduction, the pest affects flowers and fruits, that is, all unreserved parts.
All these signs become noticeable when the web tick has already settled well. If there are no such symptoms, and the leaves home flower Suddenly began to be imposed, it can be assumed that a web tick was swinging. The earlier to start the salvation of the green pet, the easier it will be to overcome the pest.

Methods of combating a spider tick on indoor plants

What to do if the web tick is detected on your home colors?
First of all, this indoor plant needs to be isolate to prevent the neighbors infection. After that, it is necessary thoroughly, better with a magnifying glass, check the remaining flowers: the tick usually spreads quickly. Even if when inspected, you will not notice the pest on them, treat them by any recommended way, and at the same time all adjacent surfaces and slots.

Preparations from a spider tick on indoor plants

Special chemical preparations are most effective from the spider tick, they are called acaricides. Acaricidal preparations (not to be confused with insecticides, drugs against insect pests) can be specific (against ticks) and nonspecific (against ticks and other pests). Some of them are well combined with other plants care products, others are not recommended to mix. This, as well as the doses and multiplicity of processing, you need to look at the accompanying instruction.
Choosing an acaricide for indoor plants, pay attention to the danger class for a person. Preparations 1 and 2 classes due to their toxicity (including animals and insects) in residential premises cannot be applied. These drugs include, for example, the actor and Marshal. In exceptional cases, processing them is carried out on the street, and only after weathelation of the smell are entering the house.

Spraying is carried out until the plant is fully wetting, or immerse it in a bucket with an induced painting solution.
It is important to remember that the ticks are laying off eggs, therefore most acaricidal preparations are used in several stages:
The first time is destroyed from 70 to 80% of ticks;
The second processing is carried out in 5-6 days, when eggs peeled earlier will hatch new ticks;
Third processing (control) - another 5 days.
Even if everything is done correctly, get rid of the spider tick on indoor plants, it will be possible in 96-98 cases out of 100. Part of the ticks can remain in the soil and with time crawl.

Rules that need to follow when processing indoor plants from a paustic tick

You can only spray dry plants.
With an increasing infection, drugs alternate in order to avoid addictive to the pest. Pliers are quite easy to adapt to poisons, so each subsequent generation acquires partial immunity to them. Over time, proven drugs can weaken their action or not to provide it at all.
Choosing the drug, pay attention to the active ingredient. It may be the same in preparations with different names.
Processing of indoor plants from a spider tongs is carried out to noon at an air temperature of 21-25 degrees - this is the best temperature for action of specific acaricides. Such acaricides include drugs containing in its composition: benzilates, quinoxolines, pyridazinones, tetrazines, sulfonic acid derivatives.
When working with drugs, it is necessary to respect individual protection measures, after it - to thoroughly wash your arms and face, nose and throat rinse.

We advise you to read:
TLA on indoor plants\u003e

Preparations from the paw-tongs are biological and synthetic. The first is obtained thanks to the activities of living microorganisms, the second - chemical method. Some of them:

Biological preparations from a pawless tick on indoor plants

Actor - Active substance Aversectin, the drug of biological origin, obtained from the vital activity of one of the soil fungi
Vertimeek - Active substance Abamectin is the product of the life of the soil mushroom Stereptomyces Avermitilis
Phytodemerbiological preparation Based on the productivity of soil microorganisms, 2 ml of 1 l water is used for solution.
Akarin, Agravertin, Krestzhevit - Active substance Avertin, is not addictive.

Synthetic preparations from a paustic tick on indoor plants

Apollo - the active substance of clopenthesin, is safe, environmentally friendly, in 1 liter of water 0.4 ml of the drug is divorced
Union - Modern effective drug From a spider tick
Nisoran - The active ingredient hexithiazox, acts on eggs, larvae and nymphs of ticks, does not act on the adult shape, but it sesters it, preventing breeding, the tick is dying himself.
Sanmight, Taurus - The active ingredient pyridaben, is highlyeerate, sufficiently 1 processing, for a solution - 1 g of the preparation on 1 liter of water.
Oberon, Judo. - Activity of spirogesifene, also helps from whiteflinkle and triples, 3 ml of drug is taken on 10 liters of water
Omaith 30. - The active substance is propargycis, 3 g of substance per 1 liter of water.
Floromight - Activity Bifenazat, effective from many types of ticks
Flumite. - The existing substance of floufenzine is effective at all stages of the life of a paustic tick

Biological method of combating a spider tong on indoor plants

The biological method of combating a spider tong is often used in large farms in the cultivation of potted plants, in room flower growing is not yet common. On the affected plants sit down predatory ticks Phytoseiulus Persimilis, Amblyseius Andersoni, NEOSEIULUS CALIFORNICUS, predatory bedlop Macrolophus Pygmaeus or pain Gallitsa Feltiella Acarisuga. Predatory ticks, predatory bedbugs and gallicle larvae are powered by pawless ticks and their larvae, which allows you to fight pests ecologically safe way. One of the advantages of use predatory insects - Efficiency where chemicals cease to act on a web tick due to the development of resistance (addiction). Useful ticks are packaged in sachets packets, long strips are 80-160 m, bags, bottles or tubes, bugs - in bottles. Gallians cocoons on pieces of leaves in wood ward are implemented in liter containers. The disadvantages of this method include a very short period of storage of biological agents until the resettlement on the affected plants.

Folk remedies from a spider tick on indoor plants

Folk remedies for the fight against the web tick are more secure, but inferior in efficiency chemical preparations, and in difficult cases in failure.
- 100 g of acute podpid pepper insisted in 1 liter of water
- 120 g of raw potato tops insist 3 hours in 1 liter of water
- 30 g roots or 40 g of dandelion leaves insisted in water liter 2 hours
- 80 g of dry millennium inflorescences are poured with boiling water, the cooled raw materials fasten with water to the liter, they insist two days
- 40 g of dry tomato leaves crush, pour water, insist 2 hours, add to the liter
- Lukovitsa Grind, insist 6 hours in 1 liter of water, filter
- 30 g of chopped roots of horse sorrel pour water, insist 3 hours
- 400 g of fresh or 100 dry crushed cleanliness pour 1 l boiling water for a day, strain
To all the above herbal innovations should add liquid or economic soap, or detergent Type of Ferie at the rate of 4 g per 1 liter. Spraying solution is prepared immediately before use. Spray many times, every five days before the disappearance of the pest.
In the early stages of the defeat, you can try to do without chemical treatment, rubbing the leaves of the plant with a wet sponge. This method of combating a spider tick is suitable for indoor plants with large smooth leaves (diffenbachia, ficuses, crotone).
With a small defeat, the pawless tick houseplants subjected to "wet therapy". Cover the pot of cellophane, consolidating it on the base of the stem, so as not to wash the ground. Plant Swim under the shower, washing the tick. Remove the cellophane from the pot, but put on a transparent cellophane package on the plant, tie it to the crown just penetrate the air, and put on the light. The soil should be opened. Clean the flower as usual. After a week, remove the package. Repeat so once again in five - seven days. From moisture in the package, the web tick will die. When re-processing will die a new generation resulting from larvae.
Alcohol and ultraviolet
Another folk remedy for a web tick is an alcohol spraying or rubbing the leaves with alcohol - does not always contribute to the complete disappearance of the pest. As well as placing plants under ultraviolet Lamp Once a week for 1-2 minutes (good tool for lifting the immunity of the room plant!).

On a note

On plants with sowed leaves, it's more difficult to fight the tick, since they cannot be washed and sprayed (they can start to start the leaves).
It is mistaken to apply one of the "effective" folk agents to combat a spider tick - applying a soap solution to the surface of the leaf of houseplants. First, soap does not harm ticks, and secondly, damages the plants. From the bottom side of the sheet plate, where the highest concentration of ticks, the plant has a dust. Thanks to the tsitz cells, gas exchange occurs between the atmospheric air and the tissues of the sheet. The soap solution can score or glue the dust, respectively, the plant will not be able to absorb carbon dioxidewhich serves as the basis of photosynthesis. Vegetable fabrics will be deprived of the opportunity to produce nutrients, grow and develop.
Among the pests dangerous for indoor plants there are other ticks, erroneously called web. Tenuipalpidae's false ticks are found on cactus, citrus, orchids, other plants, they do not form cobwebs. Leaves of affected plants acquire silver-white color, flowers - wrong shape. Flat tick ticks include flat mites (or flat-fledged planes) Red greenhouse - Brevipalpus Obovatus, orchid - Tenuipalpus Pacificus, cactus flat - Brevipalpus russulus. There are other pest pincers of indoor plants. Methods of combating them may differ from used for web ticks.

Prevention of the appearance of a paustic tick on indoor plants

As preventive Mer It is necessary to not be lazy and once a month carefully examine the green pets. The earlier to start salvation of the room plant, the easier it will be overcome a spider tick. Prerequisites for its development are elevated temperature, dry air, lack of wind.
For prevention, you need to comply with a number of rules:
To increase the humidity of the air (using a humidifier of air, spraying, you can install pots with flowers on the clay, flooded with water, or put water with it, poured into flat containers);
Wash or spray plants leaves, especially carefully on the bottom;
IN warm time years (from spring to autumn) to take out houseplants to the street or balcony;
It is more common to put plants at an open window or on a light draft (this concerns only those plants that are not afraid of drafts and do not bloom at this time);
Cut the dried leaves and remove the fallen leaves from the pot;
Do not use the substrate from under contaminated plants (even if he is in the oven);
For the new plant in the house, arrange quarantine for 2-3 weeks, only after that it can be put together with others.