What the children dreams. What dreams a little baby

What symbolizes seen sleep (idiom dream book)

To correctly understand the dream in which you see children, let's remember which we know sustainable expressions with this word. So. If you are shot by children - means that you have some inconspicuous care of your age and addiction - fell into childhood. Or behave frankly stupid - as a child is unreasonable. Sometimes, to see children - to some joy, the delight in reality - you will be taken to experience the children's delight. The child of Nature is a dream says that you behave completely naturally and naturally, the real child of nature. If you have a certain important meeting and suddenly you see a dream in which children appear - this is a warning that you need to once again work your arguments, otherwise what you will say may seem to your companion to children's bastard.

What dreams of a woman with a woman in a dream (by the dream book Natalia Stepanova)

  • Little children dreamed of - beautiful, healthy children in a dream foreshadow extraordinary prosperity, happiness and well-being.
  • For the mother to see his child easily sick means that he will always have good healthBut it will be disturbed by other minor troubles associated with it.
  • Distressed or crying children in a dream - a sign of future troubles, disturbing premonitions, cunning and imaginary friends.
  • By dreams to see in a dream that you are looking for children - a bad omen: you are unlikely to find a way out of the current situation due to a number of small troubles.
  • To see hopelessly sick or dead of his child means that there is a serious threat to his well-being.

Meaning of sleep about children (symbolic dream book)

Little children are joy or care, anxiety adults, luck or failure (depending on how they look). The child - means the work begun, so about a certain result of work with pride say - this is my brainchild (creative, professional ...). The child in a dream is also a certain creative idea, plan, idea, which are often painful "tolerate", develop and finally "are born."

See children how to solve sleep symbols (for family dream book)

  • See a child means you will spend more moneyWhat planned.
  • If you nurse in a baby's dream, I will wait for the addition in the family or the arrival of an unexpected guest. Also such a dream foreshadows success in affairs, but the path to success will be difficult.
  • A woman who dreamed, as if she became a large mother, would have a meeting with old friends who would entail a lot of trouble.
  • Feed the child in a dream means the labor-intensive work, which "spikes" on you the boss, but the fulfillment of professional duties will bring you a great cash reward.
  • To see a dumb child or several children means that you will be a victim of gossip.
  • If you ask about something dumb child in a dream, you will soon find out about someone's death.
  • A child who in a dream helps to get rid of the off -landic, predicts you in reality the solution of many problems associated with work, and you will avoid major troubles.
  • To see the child to the patient - to unexpected trouble, which will break the usual way of way.
  • To see in a dream that your child (or other people close to you) is painful, then you should be cautious in reality in order not to make a fatal mistake.
  • You see yourself who gave birth to a sick child, means that you should change your character and stop living with emotions. It only complicates your life. Live hereby and do not allocate your soul in vain fear. Otherwise you threaten the disease
  • I dreamed that you visiting the child in the hospital, wait for unpleasant news. To see in a dream that you yourself are sick and are in the hospital - it predicts you impending difficulties.
  • You see the baby with a huge sore, be prepared for the fact that an annoying misunderstanding or a bad confluence of circumstances will violate your plans. In addition, watch the health of your children: they may threaten infectious diseases.
  • By dreams, if you see a crying child - means that your health worsens. Also, sleep predicts fruitless troubles and unrealized dreams.
  • To see a laughing and a child means that a new love will appear in your life without betraying.
  • See the child who is walking alone is a sign of independence and an unbiased relationship to life.
  • Nursing in a dream of a child foreshadows the deception from the part of the one who unconditionally trusted.
  • If a child is stranger, you do not make yourself a man with a person who betrayed you.
  • You shout on the child, then I will have a mental and physical discomfort. You will have to work, for which no one else wants to take.

Dreamed the dream about children (I solve in erotic dreams)

See children is a positive sign. The dream predicts you that you are waiting for happiness and success in love relationships. If you are in love and dream of something, then all the things you think will certainly come true. You will achieve the desired, good luck is on your side. Try not to miss this favorable moment and take full advantage of the opportunities that fate provides you. Catch the moment of good luck.

What is the dreams of children (dream interpretation esoteric E.cevetkova)

In a dream, you saw children, try to remember what exactly happening there. If you saw the children played with them, hugged, kissed them, the dream says that all your trouble will end soon. You are awaiting welfare and peace. If you suddenly saw that you beat children - this is also a positive dream for you. It predicts that you will be able to succeed in some kind of business that interests you.

When a child dreams dream in which he sees children - it predicts him that in the near future he will experience some strong joy. What exactly - can tell the sleep content. So, if you see the playing children, you already very soon to experience pleasure from some kind of gift - your delight will be truly there will be a limit. If there are beautiful children, sleep promises some kind of pleasant acquaintance. To see sick children is also a good sign, you will be pleased with the successes of your friends. And only if you suddenly dreamed of an orphanage - this is a warning about the ambulance of your parents. Of course, in the last event is nothing joyful.

What dreams of children, how to understand sleep (dream of the XXI century)

  • Small children - you saw in a dream of children, predicts you joy and success in the very near future, very beautiful - to a pleasant or useful acquaintance, patients - to joy, crying - to trouble.
  • Finding a child in a dream - that you believe false promises, show excessive credulity.
  • See a little child - to a strong surprise, breast - to well-being; Beautiful - to joy, ugly - to unexpected concerns.
  • To see in a dream that you burn the child - family joy await you.
  • A man see that his wife feeds the baby breasts - to success in affairs.
  • A lot of children in a dream to see - to money and arrived.
  • Beating in a dream of children - to troubles, kiss them or talk to them - to success and joy, playing with children - you have to make a reckless act.
  • For a pregnant woman to see the child on the shoulders of a man - a boy will be born, a woman has a girl.
  • Having a child - to wealth.
  • A breast baby in a dream to see - to well-being, successes in affairs, someone else's baby - to gossip and quarrel, feed the child with breasts - to strong health, nursing - to profits.
  • You will learn about the birth of my daughter, predicts you surprise, see it in a dream - to mutual understanding in the family, if she died - to losses.
  • See my son beautiful and healthy - good sign: Honor and respect you are waiting.
  • To see the princess - to profits, success and well-being, to keep it in his arms - to success and wealth, take it to education - means to have a case to make a good deed.
  • Visit in a dream Dwadder - that you can in difficult moment count on the help of friends, to be the most dedusion and leave the childhood - means that your plans are full of illusions and you are unlikely to be able to realize them in life.
  • Seeing the baby carriage - a sign of loyalty and reliability of your friends.
  • If in a dream you have kidnapped the child and require redemption - Introduced you made a small, but annoying mistake, because of which you will have a lot of trouble.
  • Itself participates in the abduction of children - means you will make a tempting and interesting offer, but you can hide some nuances, thanks to which you can understand that this is a trap.
  • If you are annoying the baby's poles in a dream - you are tired of problems and difficulties, you need to rest! -Schestle you like it like a baby indulges - it means that you are loved and your life pleases - this is the interpretation of children in the dream book.

Why dreams of children in a dream (by the dream of a wanderer (T. Ammovnova)

The children you see symbolize overcoming you in the reality of care. The state of your cases can be determined by what kind of children you dream, as they looked. They saw beautiful and tidy children who were nice to look, sleep turns out to be good for you by the foreman and promises joyful events, success in affairs. On the contrary, if the children were dirty, neglected, patients - means that the situation will develop at all as you want, and your affairs are in a truly deplorable state. It dreams that you have thrown into a child, rejoice, you are waiting for a significant improvement in the material situation, probably wealth.

What dreams of children dreams (Dream Miller)

  • Children are small - to see in a dream of beautiful kids - foreshadows extraordinary prosperity, happiness and good.
  • For the mother - to see her child is easily ill - means that he will always have a good health, but it will be disturbed by other small troubles associated with it.
  • See how children work or learn, foreshadows peace and well-being.
  • Seeing your child hopelessly sick or dead - means that you have causes for fear, as there are terrible threats to his well-being.
  • To see a dead child - to anxiety and disappointment in the near future.
  • Dragged with something, crying children - the sign of future troubles, disturbing premonitions, cunning and the unkind of your imaginary buddies.
  • Play and messing with children - means that you will achieve goal in all commercial and love affairs.

Psychological analysis of sleep, where kids dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist D. Ruffa)

  • Children are small - children in a dream to see - an image that deserves special attention, because it transmits the true display of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is to be afraid; They have an exacerbated sense of justice, they clearly delimit the good and evil; They also have a frank expression of their feelings with objects of both adorations and hatred.
  • Do you dream friendship with a child? Interpretation is ambiguous. If this child exists in your real life, it's just projection of your desire.
  • If the child is unfamiliar to you, then you yourself are in the past.
  • The main element of interpretation is how you behave and how connected with this child.
  • You become a parent and see your own children - this is the usual embodiment of the desire. However, this is also an indication of the fact that relations with your parents or other people important for you are not tasted.
  • In addition, to see himself a parent means the need for the implementation of the desire to have an impact on someone. For example, relationships with someone from your surroundings come out from under control, and you want to return everything to the circles. And since most of us experienced the powerful attitude of the parents, we, becoming adults, can perform the same in a dream.
  • Another possible variant - This is a dream in which you yourself are a child, while others show their authoritarianity towards you and try to control you.
  • For example, you dream that you, as in childhood, play at work in dressing up, and all your colleagues are ordinary adults. In relation to reality, this means that your colleagues are authoritative to you.

Meaning of sleep about children (dream book Vangu)

  • Children are small - see many children - evidence that you have a lot of small problems, each of which will require you extra time and effort. Perhaps the dream will proper raising the birth rate on the planet.
  • If in a dream they saw himself a child, then in reality you behave in the best way. Your children's antics are extremely inappropriate and offend people around you.
  • Seeing crying children - sleep foreshadows world danger. The times will come when men go to war, women will engage in unusual affairs, and children spend a lot of tears. The dream dream will tend trouble from her children or children of close relatives.
  • If children with disabilities have dreamed, then your destructive habits harm not only your health, but also to health around people. Sometimes sleep prophesies ecological catastrophe on the planet. If you have seen your children in a dream, then you should be more attentive in relationships with your home. It is possible that with their actions and words you strongly offend them. Finding children - a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of the current situation due to a number of small troubles.
  • Play in a dream with children - in reality you are looking for a job in the soul, but, despite your search, you will have to spend some time on the old unloved work that deprives you of the last forces.

What the children dreams (the interpretation of the esoteric dream interpretation)

If you see children in a dream - this is a good omen. It suggests that your life is filled with good and well-being, you use the love and respect of others, attract people who treat you with great good. If you suddenly died our own children, who, in fact, you don't have in reality, a dream predicts you participation in a company that will bring you great benefits.

We analyze the vision in which the children dreamed (the interpretation of the psychologist A.Megetti)

Children you see in a dream symbolize instincts or features that you are not fully developed are in the "children's" state. When children are shot, in order to establish, positively or negatively affect your personality, it should be considered in more detail the context of sleep, the events that happened in it. If you yourself want to understand what value is this dream for you, try to determine what he left the impression. When you woke up in the morning, whether your mood was joyful or depressed. Either this dream was at all past your attention.

What is the dreams of children (Small Velezov Dream Interpretation)

When you see some children in dreams, sleep has a very ambiguous interpretation. To better understand its meaning, try to remember how children looked from your sleep, and what exactly happened there. In general, children can equally, how to foreshadow success in matters and be a symbol of enemies that you have in reality. If a dream is a young woman and her little breasting bare children dreams, sleep often warns about the imminent advent of pregnancy. A man like a dream predicts troubles in affairs or an unspecified quarrel with a friend. Small naked children in a dream can dream of various misfortunes, including to illness or funeral. Sometimes they personify gossip that will walk around your person. Feed the baby from a bottle or with a spoon - to the upcoming loss. If you have seen in a dream that you are breastfeeding - to care or diseases. The same value also has a dream in which you nursing, the lobby, tell the child. Bathing children in a dream - sleep promises you recovery from the disease. If funny children are shot - to the rapid receipt good news, on the contrary, if children were crying in a dream, wait for the news of the sleeves and sad for you.

Sleep value for children's dream book

Children are sick - you will be pleased with the successes of your friends.

Children playing - your pleasure will not be at the near future.

Kids are beautiful - you have a pleasant acquaintance.

Delcome - to parental disease.

The meaning of sleep about the child (modern dream book)

The meaning of sleep in which you see children should be determined in conjunction with the rest of it. If you just dream some children, and other details you did not remember - it predicts an ambulance in matters or some joyful events in the near future. To see joyful playing children - to the onset of peace and peace in your soul. Beautiful elegantly dressed children in a dream predict you a pleasant acquaintance. To see patients suffering from children, oddly enough - it predicts you some kind of joy. But crying children will dream of various troubles. If you see breast kids in a dream - you are awaiting unexpected well-being or some surprise in reality. Swimming baby - to a good health, recovery, if the dream sees a sick person. To rock the baby in his arms - to depression, sad thoughts about the upcoming old age. Beat children in a dream - to trouble, kissing - to luck. It dreams that you are playing with children - I will make some very reckless act.

What does dream sleep (for seasonal dream book)

In the spring, the children-orphans are dreaming - to despondency, to undeserved insult. Detubitza - dream as someone kills the child - to impending old age.

In the summer, for what children from the orphanage were dreamed of - to loneliness. Detubitz - Detubytsy dreams of rumors about the appearance of maniac. To see a dead child - to a deep stressful state in reality.

In the fall, what dreamed children to kiss - calm; baby see - to well-being, amendment; See beautiful - joy, health.

In winter, why children dream - joy, luck in the near future; Playing children - the world in the soul; highly beautiful, pleasant Acquaintance, patients - joy, crying - trouble, chest baby - surprise, well-being. Swimming baby - Health, download - depression, thoughts about old age, beat - trouble, kissing - good luck, joy, play - recklessness.

Dreams about babies often foreshadow business or love beginnings.

Depending on sleep details, they can fill joy, success or, on the contrary, trouble and disappointment.

What dreams of a baby in modern dream book

Kids, whom the dreaming sees in a dream, promise him joy, well-being, success in the very near future. If children are distinguished by beauty, then you should expect a useful and pleasant dating in all respects. Crying kids promise trouble and disappointment.

What dream of a baby in his arms? If the dreaming male is having a child, he behaves too trusting in life and may be in a difficult situation. A woman who sees himself in such a situation will be happy in his family. She is waiting for joy and pleasant care.

Suddenly see the baby in a dream - It means that I will be very surprised. Breast baby dreams of well-being. A very beautiful child predicts joy, and ugly - unexpected and unpleasant care.

If in a dream, kids - Soon there will be unexpected income. Money is literally poured from the sky.

If the dreaming beats the baby, he is waiting for trouble, and if he kisses him, leads a pleasant conversation - You should expect joy and success. The game with several kids foreshadows the recklessness from which you need to care.

See on the hands of someone else's kid - It means that it is a gossip himself to be a gossip himself. If a woman feeds baby breast, she is waiting for good health, and if it nurses him - a big profit.

If in a dream, the dream will see a little girl and finds out that this is his daughter, That in reality is waiting for large surprises and discoveries, as well as complete mutual understanding in family relationship. If the child in a dream immediately died, then the revenge of the dreams will incur any loss.

If you dreamed the podlidysh, This is a mark of profit, well-being and great success. Take a podkin in the hands means to take richness and success to the hands, but to educate - the chance to reveal their top Qualities And do good.

Sleeping about kidnapping and redemption requirement This means that there will be some kind of annoying oversight. This will lead to the emergence of great troubles, of which will have to get out long. Itself becomes the kidnapper kids means to get some kind of tempting offer. However, this proposal before accepting, it is worth considering very closely: the deception is not expelled, the facts of facts and the lucavia.

If the kid in a dream indulges and annoys youThis indicates the fatigue and availability of constant problems. If the balletness is not annoying, even greater well-being will come in life.

What dreams of a baby in the dream of Miller

Many beautiful kids dream of prosperity and successful life. Dreaming waiting for complete well-being and happiness, success.

If the baby dreams of his mother, she is very worried about his health. If in a dream the child is sick, then the mother's concern will not be justified: the kid will grow strong, healthy. But the mother itself will have many unpleasant small hassle associated with the baby.

Why dream kid dying or dead? If this is your own child, fears after such sleep can come true. The health of the kid is in terrible danger. If this is an unfamiliar child, then in the near future the dreaming is waiting for anxiety and disappointment.

If the baby in a dream is very sad and cries, it is the foresight of cunning, betrayal and troubles that are preparing imaginary friends. Unknown is plotted against the dream, it is necessary to take care and fully mobilized.

The dream about how the dreaming plays with kids means achieving goals in all endeavors. It can be like love affairs, so business projects.

What dreams of the baby in the dream book Vangi

If the dreaming sees many kids, then in reality, small problems and troubles are waiting for him. You have to make efforts and spend a certain time to deal with current affairs. It is also possible that everything will be born on Earth large quantity kids.

Why dream kid who is upset or crying? It promises changes to the worst in the life of the dream. A lot of crying babies means a global danger to the world order, for example, the beginning of the war. The dreaming himself, who saw such a dream, will receive a lot of troubles from his own children or children of the next relatives.

If in a dream, the dream saw a baby with disabilities or an external disadvantage, this is a sign that unreasonable behavior makes a real harm for the health of the very dream and its closest environment. This harm can destroy life, if not to take up the mind and not abandon evil habits.

To dream of his own child - a sign that he is offended by you. Some actions or words caused the baby's soul a strong blow. If, in a dream, parents lost children, looking for them, but unsuccessfully, it will not be able to cope with negative circumstances due to small trouble and meaningless turmoil.

If the dreaming in a dream plays with a baby, then he reaches the search for new workwhich would like to do. However, these findings will soon be destined to end, and which will still have to work for wear on the unloved work.

What dreams of a baby in modern family dream book

Baby dreams. After such sleep, the dream will have to thoroughly do some small things, most often unpleasant or undesirable.

Healthy, funny babies in a dream Health promises, Happiness, well-being, success. Very often, such a dream means a new thing for which you have to begin. If the child is beautiful, the undertaking will be successful and profitable.

Little boy of very beautiful appearance Double to some unexpected and exciting event. Many boys see in a dream - sign of serious anxiety.

See how the baby fell Means the emergence of ambulance in current affairs. If the baby is crying - this is a sign of deception and trouble, which will be delivered false friends.

See a calm baby - To get good news, joy and family peace. If the dreaming himself began to play with the baby, then the achievement of the desired.

If the dreaming saw in a dream, as the kid walks unattended, This means that in reality, he can get into a difficult position because of his unwillingness to listen to the wise councils and lines. Soon he will have to regret it.

Why dream kid, walking with nanny? To a pleasant and quiet pastime. If the dreaming nurse himself with the child, then I should not rely on the help of friends or partners: they will betray at a difficult moment. Seeing such a dream, you need to reconsider the situation and calculate only on yourself.

See in a dream of a beautiful baby and experience a sense of dignity - It means to get nice news or make a new and very pleasant acquaintance. A childless person to see himself the father of the kid means that he is waiting for a haired, prosperous life.

If a pregnant woman sees in a dream that the kid sits on his hands or on the shoulders of a man, Boy will be born. If a woman is born on the shoulders, a girl will be born. The same value has this dream for anyone who is waiting for the birth of a child. For all other sleeps, the problems and concern associated with the affairs are promoted. Businessmen are waiting for big troubles.

Sick baby dream of small trouble and homemade labels. If the child died, then the family expects serious shocks, danger, loss of well-being.

What dreams kid that grows, changes in front of his eyes, is good? This is a very positive sign. He promises the growth of welfare, strengthening the situation.

See kid in a baby carriage - So I will get a friend's help.

Babe baby Shells at the beginning of a meeting with a man who bumps a blank chatter.

What dreams of the kid in the dream book Freud

The baby, who dreamed of a man, means that he needs stronger sexual impressions and experiences. This does not mean that the dreaming is a hidden pedophile. We are talking The fact that he needs to diversify his sex life.

Why dream kid adult woman? She needs recognition, affection, attention and warmth, which is not allowed in current circumstances from a man or close relatives. Such a dream indicates the uncertainty of a woman in the fortress of her love relationship with a partner. The earlier an important conversation takes place, the better. Voltage will not give the best way to the relationship of the pair.

Such a dream also suggests that, despite the well-being of an intimate life, a woman is dissatisfied sincer. She lacks confidence in relationships. In addition, a woman dreams of shifting responsibility from their shoulders on a partner's shoulders.

Baby boy in sleep - Beat baby boy in a dream - To the experiences associated with problems at work.
The sick child dreams of a loss close man.
Would you like a positive and carelessness.
It happens that the girls try on the image of a boy in a dream. Such a dream symbolizes the spiritual irritation of the girl who parents and friends have long been proposing to decide and marry.
In your dream, the child makes the first steps yourself - you can count on your own strength and not rely on the opinions of others.
In the case of pregnancy or breastfeeding a newborn baby in a dream, wait profit.
If this is relevant for you, you can learn more precisely if you contact the lines of your hand - to pay on the line of children.
In the case when you take this child to your arms and press to yourself, you risks to be in a hopeless situation.
You dream, how do you give birth to a child? It will sue wealth.
A fun and playful child dream, on the contrary, to mutual love, happiness, and prosperity of feelings.
A funny baby boy in a dream promises joy, love and faithful friends.
A fun, healthy and clean baby in a dream will bring joy, calm and good luck to your life. Family happiness Strengthen many years.
See in the dream of children acquaintances - You will have to solve the problem of other people or correct their errors.
See in a dream unfamiliar baby boy - To trouble. Sometimes such a dream dreams of uncertainty in tomorrow.
See the appearance of a child to light - To the embodiment of their plans and ideas in life. Such a dream promises recognition and success in endeavors.
To see a child's older child, who appeals to you, smiles or talking to you mean that it is time to become more serious, to stop the loss behavior, think about the future.
To dream of his little children in the health, also a good sign. They will be healthy and happy, and you are lucky in love or career.
To see himself a child - either to return to the past, or to interference in your life outsider.
To see in a dream clean, healthy, cheerful child - to mutual love, to strong and faithful friendship. And, accordingly, on the contrary.
See infant - Means the disease of someone from Rodney. But not serious (serious illness and death predict the teeth dropped). Baby infants means obstacles, indecision, minor annoying circumstances. In short, not the best sign.
See or hold on the kid's hands - To the trouble in other people's interests. It may be so that someone's good luck will be a hindrance for you.
See a little baby in a dream, means your naive attitude to life and optimism. Perhaps now you are in the "light strip" stage of life.
See dead infant - To increase financial income, enjoyable Westm.
In a dream, you saw my child - It is necessary to revise your life: perhaps something needs to be changed in it.
Rather behind the child in a dream promises you problems with relatives, loss of mutual understanding and condemnation. Try to frankly talk and solve the painful problem together in a family circle.
Sad, crying infants - Strengthens bad values And reduces good.
The girl in a dream can be a precursor as bad and good events - it all depends on the context of sleep.
Girl with very beautiful persontend to dream to deception. Most likely, you will be involved in the adventure deliberately by your discrepancies.
Hold in a dream baby girl on hand - You should expect problems that will impede your plans. Talk with her - to an increase in material goods.
Holding a newborn baby in his hands in a dream is a big stir in your home, confusion and, perhaps even, a scandal on this basis, that this would not happen, you need to be honest and open with family members.
Children - This is a symbol of the future, since they are assigned hopes.
For women - This is a signal about their motherhood instinct, and for men is a symbol of subconscious fellowship.
If a pregnant woman dreamed that she gave birth to a boy's child, it means that her upcoming birth would be slight.
If you appear in the dream in the image of a small child, then this can be interpreted by the presence of any problems in real life, the fear of death and deprivation, the desire to return to carefree childhood.
If a child sleeps in the dream on your hands, then I can feel safely taken for organizing holidays, weddings or other celebrations.
If you have dreamed that you take a boy's child under your custody, it means that the profitable deal will be waiting for you.
If you dreamed that you took under the guardianship of someone else's breasting child, it means that in real life loneliness awaits you.
If you dreamed that you hug or kiss the boy's boy, then you will be lucky very soon.
If you dreamed that the baby boy was lost, it means that in reality you risk getting into an unpleasant story.
If you dreamed of a sick, ugly or scattered kid. Soon wait for major troubles, dismands in the family and ailment.
If you dreamed of a sad or crying boy, then in life you miss something.
If you dreamed of the long-awaited child - Your dreams will come true.
If you dreamed of a small child, I will not have a lot of surprise.
If you dreamed of a crying child, it means that you are threatened with a disease or disappointment.
If you dreamed of a child, then get ready for concerns, however, these concerns are promised to be pleasant.
If you dreamed a happy baby boy, wait for the news.
If you dreamed of someone else's dead baby - You are waiting for disappointment and anxiety in the near future. Climbing baby - you need to make decisions soon.
If you dream of a cheerful and beautiful child, I will still have a gift that this gift is also awaiting good health, longevity and wonderful mood.
If you dream of your own children, it means in real life you will be extremely surprised by their illogical behavior.
If you see a small, just a born child, which means that there is a huge responsibility for the fate of any person. Deciding to start a new thing, do not doubt, you will have success in it. The dream of a newborn can predict the appearance of the baby in your family.
If you see the baby yourself, it reminds you that in life it is possible to rely with confidence only for yourself. Do not try to shift the problems on the shoulders of others, stop and look at the situation on the other side.
If a child appeared in a dream, it foreshadows joy and pleasant changes in life. Only if the child is clean and tidy, healthy, smiles or laugh.
If in a dream you take a child on your hand with heat, it's to sadness and soulful melancholy.
If in a dream you see weeping children, then it is for disappointment or poor health.
If in a dream you hold the child for the handle, then such a dream ignites the successful resolution of the confusing business.
If you dreamed that you have a breast child, which is not really no, then, soon you will get a pleasant news or gift.
If in a dream you hold the child on your arms, ignite, sleep it, then it means that the road to success will be difficult, and you will need to work a lot.
If in a dream you feed the child, then I'll get very responsible for anything for anything.
If in a dream you are bathing the child, you will soon be able to overcome the difficulties or find the right solution to the existing problem.
If in a dream you bathe your child, then we will find a difficult situation to be resolved myself, or that you will find out of it very easily and quickly.
If in a dream you saved the child from death, then you will be able to resolve a very difficult task with honor. This will help conquer respect and definite authority.
If a child dreamed in a dream, then be prepared for troubles.
If in a dream the child is crying on your hands, then you will soon have a hard test in the real world. Just after having passed it, you will gain an invaluable experience that is useful in the future.
If in a dream to see your own child, then this usually means that the child will face serious life difficulties.
If you see a girl in a dream, which cries over some person - it's worth waiting for the death of acquaintances or close people in a short time.
If you see a little yourself, then such a dream says that in your life came the moment of choice that you do not be able to.
If you see the birth of a girl, then all things are also crowned with success, however, it will take a lot of time. In any case, after such a dream, you can think about how to do a new activity - most likely, it will bring prosperity.
If you are looking for a child in a dream, it means that in reality you are trying to return the impossible.
If you show caution and reasonableness, then you have a chance to avoid trouble. Otherwise, not only your interests in this matter will suffer, but also reputation.
If you saw a patient and dirty child, then in reality you may have difficulty in working and personal life.
If you saw a strange child in a dream, it is to gossip and enemies.
If you saw a child in a dream or a few children, then you need to remember how the child looked like and whether he was healthy in your dream.
If you saw a child in a dream, making the first steps, it means that you need to believe in yourself.
If you saw a child in a dream, which walks alone, then this is a sign of your independence.
If you see beautiful, happy and healthy children, know - happiness not around the corner.
If the breast feeds a young girl - Soon there will be something like that in her life, which will bring the strongest joy.
If a woman feeds baby breasts - So, she needs to take care of someone in real life.
If a woman dreams that she is a little girl who plays with loved ones in childhood toys - it means, in reality she suffers from depression and misunderstanding. It is necessary that native people would give such a woman maximum attention and took care of her full-fledged vacation.
If a woman who can not have children, dreamed of her breast child, then she will have to take care of a foreign person.
If the kid is dirty, naked or crying, then it promises troubles, problems and illness.
If the mother saw in a dream that her child is sick with a cold illness, then serious diseases Will not threaten, but small troubles can happen to it.
If the female baby dreams of a woman, then, most likely, this little girl personifies the woman himself, or rather - her women start.
If a young woman dreamed of a breast child, then it will be coordinated in promoting people who lead an inappropriate lifestyle.
If a man dreamed that he was a child, then in the soul he regrets something that could no longer fix it.
If an unmarried girl dreamed that she had a breast child, it means that it would possibly become an object of empty unreasonable gossip.
If the newborn male, then success will come unexpectedly and spontaneously.
If he was sick and then died, then you should think about your social or psychological life, which cannot harmoniously develop.
If the gender of the child is not defined and the kid crying, then disappointment or illness awaits you.
If a boy who already enters the teenage period of life, then it is worth waiting for remuneration for your works.
If you dream that your child is very sick or died, then you will have serious reasons for anxiety.
If the child in your dream is beautiful and healthy, then fate will be favorable in the near future. Both in the service and in personal life everything will be afraid.
If a child in a dream is only learning to walk, it says that you underestimate yourself. You can achieve a lot on your own, so try to use it for yourself.
If the child is beautiful and tidy, then they must be good, but if there is neglected, and even sad, then it is better not to hope for good news.
If the child is crying - It foreshadows quarrels and scandals with neighbors and colleagues.
If the child dies in a dream, then projects, ideas or plans that are so strongly occupied by the human brain will turn out to be not promising or non-visual.
If there is a whole horde of children, then you are not far from the corpus, which will not be solved soon.
If you dream that you keep your hand, it is unexpectedly pleasant outcome in a risky business.
If this is your child, it's to deceive from your loved one.
Woman in a dream nursing someone else's child - Someone from those who trust, deceive.
Healthy and shining baby in a dream - By happy love or marriage.
The value of sleep in which the child is present can be interpreted in different ways.
Play with a boy in a dream - Fortunately.
Playing, funny infants - To success after obstacles and to a quick recovery.
Sometimes it testifies to someone close death.
As a rule, the boys will dream of trouble, and girls - to pleasant concerns.
When in a dream you are a child - Boy, then in reality it is worth expecting a profit, an increase in office, meeting with friends.
When in a dream you are cute, play with a little girl, then you should expect news.
When in a dream you saw a girl who bathes, then this is a good sign. He foreshadows you changes in life for the better. Perhaps you will have creative ideas or a new, interesting hobby.
When in a dream a woman or a young girl sees himself a little child, it means that it is possible that the development of events that will cause surprise, and then, as a result, material damage. It is important to remember exactly what a girl looked in a dream, with the help of this woman can understand her soul deeper.
To feed in a dream a child means that financial losses will be foreseen, the decay of spiritual strength, fatigue.
Breastfeed baby in a dream - To well-being in family relationships.
Breasting baby marks profit if it dreamed of a young woman. Such a dream is an older person talking about diseases or death.
Feed the child in a dream means that in reality you invest all your strength and funds in any case. Do not worry, it is worth it and will definitely give positive results.
Feed a child in a dream means that your business and planned plans will have a successful completion. As a result of their works, you will get moral satisfaction and material well-being.
Feed the baby infant with breasts or watch someone else's baby breastfeed feeds - a warning that one should not be unconditionally trusted to those who are not close friends.
Feed a child holding it on hands - Sleep means that you make favorable attachments, correctly place investments or rightly striking a profitable business in real life.
A beautiful baby foreshadows joy, and the dirty and naked child is unexpected care, courts.
Bathing a breast baby in a dream - By decision complex problem, something new.
Treat baby girl, child in hospital "To situations, when you will help someone, but do not wait for gratitude."
To admire how a man holds a child on his hands - a dream indicates that you will win the dispute, will become the best of the best in your own business.
A dead baby in a dream predicts severe diseases, injuries or trouble. Such a dream outlines that the child will need support for loved ones. This dream is said that the closest pressing plans will not be realized.
Many branches - Anxiety, half empty.
Young mothers who have little baby babies, to see the baby in a dream does not foreshadow anything. This is only a reflection of reality.
Not the best times promises a dream in which the child is dead. Prepare for diseases or hazard hopes. Such a dream may indicate that in real life you are too scattered and windy. It's time to take yourself in hand, otherwise you can face insoluble situations and troubles.
Newborn dreams of something unexpected.
To carry on the hands of his child, who is sick, foreshadows mental suffering and depression.
Nurse in a baby's dream - Not a good sign. Perhaps the betrayal of a person who you really trust.
Nurse a little baby in a dream - To new projects and ideas that will bring a lot of profits and praise your address. This dream can be a precursor appearance in your family family.
Nurse, amusing someone else's child - To betrayal.
Hugging or kissing an infant child in a dream - To inspiration, to new pleasant impressions.
If you dreamed of a child whom you nursing, it's for disappointments and longing.
Lonely, frightened, abandoned infants - To misses in work because of the self-conception and reluctance to cooperate and listen to tips.
However, it is not worthwhile, because the situation can quickly change your favor.
In short, wait for the decline of strength and mood.
Very soon in your family will happen a wonderful event.
Very good sign - To see the birth of a little girl in a dream. He promises the beginning of new, long and happy relationships.
Crying girl in a dream foreshadows a very heavy and complex disease. You should more carefully treat your health and do not tighten with visits to the doctor.
The boy crying in a dream, tells you that in reality you do not pay much time for your family, because of what they suffer very much and remain unhappy.
A crying or sick child, seen in a dream foreshadows disappointment, failure in affairs, and even health problems.
Crying baby infant age - You are waiting for a lot of small problems.
According to believe, a little boy dreams of the fact that in your life will begin white stripewhich will affect your personal life and career.
Loss of a child in a dream is a bad sign, be alert.
A dreaming deadly child is a symbol of hidden potential, deep essence and true me. It is necessary to pay attention to how the child looked in a dream.
A child in a dream can be associated with an angel. It can be considered a symbol of good intentions, but they require painstaking work In order to come true, because the child is a creature that did not grow and fully formed.
Child - The girl from your dream will bring to real life receiving news, surprise, gift, fun.
Child - For women is associated with deception (if she dreamed that she was nursing with him or holds a sick child on the hands).
Child - A schoolboy who has diskeding you, suggests that you are managed by fears and complexes, originally from distant childhood. You still failed to forget the mental injury received many years ago. Now a good time to teach and advance the qualifications.
Baby in a dream cheerful and pleasant "So, mutual love awaits you, many faithful, good friends with whom you will have a good time.
A child in a dream usually acts as some kind of business, work or relationship, that is, in the role of "childrens".
Baby girl in a dream. A symbol of what needs to be patronage, supervision, care.
A child in a dream symbolizes a new starting, renewal of the soul and body, reflects the nearest events that will occur in your life.
The child is most often associated with something new, troublesome, complete concerns and joy of an event.
A child walking down the street one, means that you will become independent.
A child who walks one, dreams as a sign of your soon loneliness and charity to all others. You would have thrown you all, and no one is before you.
The child disabled is a dream that you will soon need to help someone.
Riding a unwanted child - To the gossip.
Sleep about the sick child. Watch for health by catching the slightest indisposition - it will help to avoid serious illness.
A dream about the appearance of a child to light or childbirth can serve as a symbol of the birth of a new part of your personality or character traits. It is quite possible, it will be a new way of your communication around the world, you will become a more free and conscious personality. Sleep with the participation of the child can be a lot various interpretations, different.
Sleeping about the child does not mean that your family will be replenished.
Sleep warns against possible difficult situations.
Sleep in which you see a breast child, configures you on positive emotions. He foreshadows a very pleasant surprise in the right time.
Sleep, in which you or your friend come out with a child for a walk, prophesies to you the road not in close edges, long journey. And surprisingly, if you see or hear or hear how the child is crying, then you will soon be rejected as a child candy, only on a larger scale.
The dream in which you punish the child says that there is discontent in your life, the lack of recognition and approval is present.
If you in a dream you see yourself a little child, then this means the problem with which you can hardly cope.
The dream in which you saw the playing boy will bring you happiness and successful undertakings.
A dream in which the boy eats, foreshadows you a small digestive problem, so pay attention to what you eat.
Sleep, in which an old woman sees her baby boy, foreshadows her heavy illness or death.
Seeing a sick child in a dream, a child who remained the orphan, a disabled person or a child suffering from the incurable disease, dying, you can pay special attention On the depressed spheres of your public or personal life. Most likely some of the spheres or your desires, cannot find an incarnation in life and suffers from suppressing your personality.
See in a dream of a naked breast child - To the disease.
See in a dream dead thoracic baby - to a hurry, which can lead to a sad outcome.
See in a dream a lot of infants - To empty troubles.
To see in a dream, how someone walks with a breast child - to a meeting with old friends.
See a child with flowers in hand - To spiritual enrichment.
See someone else's dead baby in a dream - This means encounter serious problems and experience deep disappointment in of real life.
Learn about the birth of a child in a dream - To good luck.
Calm the little child in a dream, means the ambulance resolution of the conflict, but not in your favor.
Clean, cheerful child promises reward love and many faithful friends.

Little children are one of the most favorable dream symbols. They bring positive and good news. Dreams with children most often see women. Subconsciously, they are worried about their offspring or are preparing to give birth to the baby. If a woman or future mommy saw in a dream of a child - what does this mean?

Dreams about children

Women are often shot by children. This is due to the fact that the beautiful floor is more aimed at the family, relationships in it. In such dreams, experiences are reflected on the health, the upbringing of their baby or a grown child. Interpretation of dreams for unmarried girls And mammies may differ.

If a woman saw a child in a dream - this is a favorable sign. He promises joyful surprise or pleasant news. If the baby is pretty and cute - it means that mutual love will appear on the horizon soon. To see in a dream of a child who walks alone - to get pregnant.

It should be carefully referring to the details. They will help correctly express what dreamed. So, laughing baby promises joy and fun in the near future. And the crying predicts problems.

See baby boy

Such a dream is interpreted as anxiety, internal tension. There may be unscheduled situations that will require immediate resolution. Sustah, trouble, anxiety - that's what it means to see in a dream baby boy. If the workers are somewhat - worries and gain problems.

Washing at work or in personal life will not be too serious. But, nevertheless, the sleeping will have to be resolved. Depending on the mood of the child, the interpretation of sleep will also change.

Cheerful boy playing happy cage changes. Successful transactions, favorable projects will increase the prestige of sleeping in their colleagues. If the boy is crying - such a dream warns that the dreams give little attention to its relatives. You should return good relationships, eliminate the former misunderstanding.

For a woman, a vision with a boy - to good luck and profit. For a girl - an ambulance wedding.

See baby girl

But the dream of a girl will bring pleasant events. Joy will appear in the house or something good at work will happen. Sometimes such a dream predicts the birth of a kid. If there was no unpleasant precipitate on awakening - all problems will end, and life will shine again with rainbow paints. To see a baby girl - to positive change in life.

If she is joyful, there are good news or events ahead. Girl in a dream carries the gifts of fate. Traveling, new acquaintances. Random meeting will lead to mutual love.

If the girl is capricious, keeps his legs - not to avoid misunderstanding in the family. Perhaps you should pay more attention to your family and relatives. To make and restore warm relationships.

For woman Sleep with a girl promit peace of mind. For a girl - a pleasant meeting.

Sleep during pregnancy

Women who are waiting for the birth of the baby, very reverently belong to the signs and dreams. They are worried about the health of the newborn, they are preparing for childbirth, they are trying to guess the gender. For a pregnant woman to see a child in a dream - to happy troubles, small unrest, unexpected events.

If a boy has brewed - to light birth. He promises a successful burden resolution, good health mom and baby. If a girl dreamedled - this means that there are many faithful friends around a pregnant woman. They will support good advice, come to the rescue in a difficult hour.

What is pregnant mean in a dream to see the movement of a child? This is a good sign. Such a dream predicts successful childbirth. But there is another interpretation. The chapel of the child symbolizes that friends began to be given and cannot support the right time.

If in a dream, the pregnant woman strokes his belly - it means that she is satisfied with his relationship, feeling calm and protection. A pacification during sleep speaks of spiritual equilibrium and the emotional stability of the future milf.

Breast child

To see in a dream of a breast child - to a happy life. Even if there are some difficulties - they briefly delay in the life of the sleeping. All problems and obstacles will miraculously abandon the dream, and he will only stay to enjoy a serene reality.

If the unexpected appearance of infants was hardened - successful in love or unexpected acquaintance. The cleaner and neat the baby - the more positive changes can occur. Moreover, infants - a symbol of personal life. Therefore, all positive changes will be associated with new, pleasant acquaintances or restoration of previous friendly (or love) ties.

To see in a dream of a breast child - a good sign, if the sleeping career is just beginning. Such a dream is a symbol of future victories and prosperity. It is possible to have exhausting work, but it will later lead to career growth.

If the baby dreamed in a problem period - this means that soon all the cases will be allowed to be better for the dream. Anxiety will stay behind, life will return to the usual bed.

A lot of children

What does a lot of children mean in a dream? Well-being in the family, joyful events are already on the threshold. The most important thing is in such a dream - so that the kids are not crying, there were cheerful and joyful. Then you can wait for improving relationships with the surrounding people, the achievement of goals, sealing material support. After such sleep, you can safely realize your most grandiose plan - it will end with a deafening success and respect for the bosses.

To see in a dream, many children who cry - unkind premonitions, the close misfortune lies sleeping. It is possible that the cunning of friends will lead to the complete collapse of projects. Deceptions, betrayal from the closest people will persecute a dream. He will not be able to change the situation. It will only be expected to wait and hope that difficulties will last long.

Dead baby

To dream of a dead child - to trouble at work. Do not be afraid of such a dream. Nothing terrible after him will happen. The child is just a symbol. In a dream, it can mean long-to-wear plans, treble projects. Therefore, to see in a dream of a small child who died - to destroyed dreams, projects, but not to the death of his own Chad. Difficulties will appear with the bosses, colleagues who will be unhappy with the work of the dream.

In some sources, the dream interpretation is associated with health. Perhaps some deterioration in the state, a short disease.

Wonderful if the child suddenly came to life. Such a dream guarantees a happy business permit, emergency recovery. The dream will have an interesting journey, an exciting adventure.

Sick child

If the unfamiliar baby is sick - what does the dream book say? To see in a dream of a child, which struck illness - to the loss of family well-being. Perhaps a serious financial loss will have. Or the debtor will not return the money in the promised period. Conflicts and quarrels in the family are coming. After such sleep, you need to try to prevent impending troubles.

If, in a dream, the child recovers - this means that all material problems are safely resolved. Most likely, a new source of income will appear in the family or one-time help will return the former well-being in the family.

If your child is sick - it can be a precursor of the present disease. Thus, the subconsciousness warns parents that health care.

Bathful kid

To dream of a small child and bathe it in the bath - to spiritual cleansing. Water blends a man's mud. Therefore, the bathing of the baby is a sign that the sleeping will be forgotten for a bad act, and his mental experiences will stop. Sleep says that the dream should be tailed to good deeds, charity.

The batting of the child promises a way out of the unpleasant situation. It is possible to obtain material remuneration. At the same time, if the sleep has a long-round trip - it is worthwhile to fear random travelers. Cheating, theft can spoil the mood on the road.

A favorable sign is transparent, pure water In the bath. It will bring only positive setting And good news.

If the sleeper ishes the baby with a sponge - this is a signal that a chance will appear in real life to show yourself in all its glory. In work is the opportunity to take a higher position. In personal life - the prospect of achieving a loved one or restore relations with him.

Pull the toddler

Child swinging is a favorable sign that the good changes promulites. To dream of a child in his hands means that sleeping awaits an unprecedented career growth. Respect of colleagues, award from bosses. Good luck in the work will give confidence. And with her will come and happiness in personal life.

If a man dreamed of his beloved with the baby in her arms - a harmonious marriage foreshadows such a dream. He means that the couple lives with shared glances and interests.

The sick child, whom they tell - a sign that serious problems are coming and complications in achieving plans. Such a dream promises unfortunate changes in life, so it is worth mobilizing all your strength.

If the dreams tells the child in the hands of a disabled person - in real life, he is lucky to himself a lot of cargo. He is coming numerous concerns from which it will be difficult to get rid of. This is a dream warning, after which you should think about own health. Mental overvoltage is better prevented by refusing to unnecessary cargo problems.

Asleep baby

Sleeping child - symbol of defenselessness. If in a dream, the baby sleeps - this means that the dream or his relatives threatens an unknown danger. The calm dream of the baby is interpreted as problems that will soon pass. If the crumb screams restlessly, dares - serious obstacles will stand on the path of sleeping.

Another sleep interpretation is in the early receipt of money, the beginning of a new project or the emergence of new plans. Sleeping child may mean a disease or ill-wishers who prepared an unpleasant surprise for a dream.

Asleep baby is the beginning of new discoveries. Sleep signals about spiritual growth, reassessment of values. New awareness can lead to a change in the rhythm of life or work. The families in the family will appear, which will bring the long-awaited peace and calm.

The child fell

A child drop in a dream is interpreted as a loss of confidence, self-esteem. Therefore, the dream should pay attention to the problems that have arisen and try to solve them. Perhaps such a dream warns of loss of mutual understanding with relatives. It is necessary to establish relations with them and other people around.

What does it mean to see in a dream of a child who fell? Sudden obstacles can upset the dream. Quietly need to take new problems and gradually solve them. Perhaps there will be a hoax from loved ones.

For a man, such a dream signals about problems with potency. One-time confusion in bed affairs is possible. The greatest trouble should be waiting after sleep, in which the child fell and received injury. In this case, serious problems with the opposite sex are expected, scandalous gossip about sex insolvency. Or the work will appear difficulties, to overcome which will take a lot of time.

Loss kid

If a woman saw in a dream of a child and lost him - this is a unkind sign. There are disappointments, torn plans, unfulfilled promises. Financial losses are possible, which will not be able to prevent.

For a girl, such a dream is just a projection of insecurity, complexes. It does not carry any life complications.

The end of the dream should be tried to remember. If the baby is found - it means that in real life everything will end well. If the child will lead other people - an unexpected help, a goodwent in a dream of a dream. If the crumb does not exist - the sleeping will have to come to humble with inevitable losses. They will not be able to restore.

Feed kid

What other situations can be seen in a dream? Feed the child - to the implementation of plans. Everything conceived will finally come true, all problems will be allowed.

If the sick will see the feeding of the baby in a dream - his health will come back soon. For a woman, a dream about feeding baby breasts in a crowded place means that her secrets and secrets will open. Gossip will appear, which will cause damage to its reputation. Do not try to justify yourself before people. It is better to wait - then the gossip will come to no.

When milk disappeared in a dream - this means that failed projects, ridicule colleagues are waiting for a dream. Failure will pursue her in work, public affairs. If a woman with love and joy breastfeed the baby - she will be able to overcome all obstacles and adversity on the way to a cherished dream.

Kid in stroller

Sleep details will help correctly predict real events. If the baby is comfortable, the stroller is clean and new - joyful, good events are approaching in the life of the sleeping. All beautiful and aesthetic dreams of positive changes.

Dirty, untidy stroller, in which there is no child - to betrayal of a loved one. Possible treason of a loved one, which will inevitably lead to parting. After such sleep, it is not necessary to take on new things - they will crash and bring disappointment.

If the woman took the baby from the stroller and took him to his hands - she will have harmonious happy marriage with a loved man. Such a dream foreshadows family idyll, which will last for many years.

If the stroller has a unclean species, and the child has dirty diapers - the dream is the trial, unpleasant concerns. Broken transport means that they are waiting for losses, parting with close people.

The dreams, who saw himself with a child in a stroller, should immediately postpone all things. He needs a full-fledged rest. Otherwise, overvoltage can lead to a breakdown.

Unexpected gifts and acquisitions are waiting for those who found a stroller with a baby in a dream. The dreams in real life will receive what will be happy as a child.

See your own children

If a woman saw in a dream of a child (his son or daughter), such a dream means possible problems. The subconsciously warns her that the mutual misunderstanding will soon appear. More attention should be paid to your chad, try to eliminate the emerging nonsense.

Another interpretation of sleep suggests that son or daughter waits for a disease. Timely examination will help prevent a non-university.

See your children in a dream - to the arrival of distant relatives. Or family reunion after a friendly table. Sleep can warn about son or daughter's smoking wedding.

If he was hardened his very thin child - unpleasant events are already standing on the threshold. Bad news, gossip, quarrels, senseless troubles, the disease will soon appear in the family. Woman such a dream will bring disappointment. However, you should not take future problems close to the heart. This is a temporary phenomenon, after which clear days will come again.

If the dreams saw himself as a child

Being in a dream by a child means that the dreams feel insecurity. He strives for a support, feels his insecurity in front of the outside world.

If the child looks satisfied and healthy - favorable changes are expected in the dream life. If he is sick and capricious - it is necessary to prepare for serious tests, unpleasant news.

The psychological aspect of such sleep speaks of infantality, inability and reluctance to take responsibility for their own affairs and words. The inner child does not want to grow up and take realities of life. The subconsciousness with sleep warns that the sleeper chose not the road. It should be drafically change your life. In order to outline the range of interests, put real tasks and methodically achieve them.

Such a dream indicates that the dreams still clings to children's resentment. It is worth forgive and reconcile with the thought that the past is not to return. Let go of your resentment and start new life confident man. Enjoy your dreams!

Children in a dream cause in most cases only pleasant emotions, but should not be rejoiced, because such dreams may impose a danger. In this case, you should find out what the child will dream to make sure that the dream is not threatened.

Interpretation in different dreams

First of all, a dream context is considered to be the most important, but also need to take into account the feelings and emotions that appear from the saw seen.

Based on the scenery of dreams, dream interpreters offer various interpretation options:

  1. In the dream of a psychologist Freud, the child symbolizes the genitis of man. Therefore, all interpretations of visions will be associated with them. For example, if you dreamed how the child is crying, then expect an orgasm. The louder he cried, the brighter it will be. If the dreams took care of his child, then this indicates a careful attitude towards himself, while the punishment of the baby testifies to the desire for self-satisfaction.
  2. In the interpretation of Loffa, the baby personifies cases that require a lot of attention and time. Young girls like dreams talk about readiness for pregnancy, while a dream man indicates hidden fears to become a father.
  3. The sorcerer of Medea in his dream book described the baby as the beginning internal development. Often, Chado of one sex with a dream characterizes his character. To see a little unfamiliar karapuz in a dream means that all the plans intended earlier will soon come out, but for this you need to spend a lot of effort. Your child in visions personifies the process of relationship with him.
  4. Miller said that if you dream small childwhich constantly crying, then it is better to turn to the doctor, as the vision predicts the aggravation of the hidden illness. If the crumb in a dream is cheerful and wants to play, sleep promises clean love and strong friendship. Single children in dreams talk about a strong and independent dream character. Cheating is waiting for a girl who in a dream lulls someone else's baby. Bad omen is a vision where the dreams takes on the hands of a sick baby. In this case, the dreams prophesy a serious mental state.
  5. According to the interpretation, which is set out in Esoteric dream book, the vision of an unfamiliar child indicates the favor of someone from loved ones. If Kroch expresses its dissatisfaction with what a capricious in a dream, the dream personifies the negative behavior of the dream. If the child led himself calmly in a dream, and also rejoiced, it says that surrounding people love you. Dreams, in which sick children were present, personify the negative attitude of colleagues.