Gelenium growing from seed when to plant. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

What kind of flower helenium, as well as where exactly such a name came from, can be found below. This article will talk about this perennial gelenium, its planting and care. You will also learn what varieties there are and how to grow them from seeds. Photos will be presented below.

Gelenium culture (from the Latin Helenium), serves as a family of annuals and perennials of the Compositae division, which contains 32 subspecies. Similar plants grow in Central and North America, especially in the Western United States. It is generally accepted that the culture was able to get the name in honor of the wife of Tsar Menelaus, the beautiful Helen, because of which the war between Greece and Troy, described by Homer in the Iliad, began. What is remarkable about this plant? Initially, it was their own inconspicuousness. With the onset of summer, the saturation of colors in the garden begins to fade, but you can find that a modest plant stands aside, which you could not notice until yesterday. On this day, he, along with his golden baskets, which can change their own color, begins to delight your eyes with a not very elegant, but lukewarm, calm and cozy disposition.

A culture that has been growing for many years has the following zest - its root system dies by winter cold along with flower stalks, but from the buds that grow under the ground of a stem that lives one year, a leaf rosette with roots appears by this period of time, which for the future year will be able to give a brand new peduncle.

What many consider to be a gelenium shrub, in truth, are closely growing independent crops with straight, branched stems at the top, which can be up to 1.5 m high.

In this gelenium, the leaves are represented by lanceolate, alternate. Baskets are single or collected in corymbose inflorescences, consisting of marginal reed flowers. The latter are orange, brown, yellow, red and purple, centrally tubular have a yellow or brown color. The fruit is a pubescent achene, which has an oblong and cylindrical shape.

How to grow crops from seeds

The presence of freshly harvested seeds of this crop, without starting a topic already for stale seeds, has low germination. However, if you have a desire to experiment with seed propagation of a flower, you can safely try, and we will try to help by telling you how to do it. It will not be superfluous to note that the plant is perfectly able to reproduce with the help of vegetative way- that is, when they share a bush, as well as leaf rosettes.

Seeds should be sown in autumn period time, directly into the soil, or in the spring - in boxes for seedlings. However, when planting in the spring, seed stratification is necessary: ​​a container with seeds sown on top of the soil is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator, in the vegetable section, forgetting about it for about one or one and a half months. When the deadlines are already coming to an end, they can be taken out of the refrigerator and put in a warm place under artificial lighting.

The temperature regime, in order for the growth process to be, should be about 18-22 degrees Celsius. After the seedlings begin to develop 2-3 true leaves, they will begin to dive.

How a plant is planted

In this section, we will learn when to plant a crop. Planting a flower on open soil must be done at a time when there will be no night frosts, approximately, this is the month of May or the beginning of June. A plot of soil should be chosen as a sunny type, although such a culture can also grow in a shady zone. It is desirable that the soil be light, but nutritious, contain a neutral reaction and well-drained. Before planting, it would be good to dig up the earth, adding compost to the distance of the shovel bayonet.

How is the planting of gelenium. A hole for seedlings must be made a couple of times larger than the root ball. Even before you start lowering the flower into the pit, its roots need to be lowered into the water a little so that they can absorb moisture, and then plant the seedlings at the same depth at which it grew in the container. It should be planted so that between the flowers there is about 30 cm of distance, and between rows of at least 35 centimeters. Following planting, it is necessary to mulch a piece of land with peat or humus.

A plant that is grown by seedlings from seeds will begin to bloom only in the second year. Also, it would not be superfluous to recall that in order to propagate the species gelenium, the seed method is suitable, and in order to propagate a varietal plant, it is required to use the vegetative method, since when seed propagation, the species characteristics of the parents will not be preserved.

How to care for gelenium

How to grow a flower. Landing and caring for a gelenium is not so difficult if you know its features. But the main difference between culture is that it does not like dry soil, based on this, the most important moment in caring for a plant is its watering. After the onset of hot dry days, it is necessary to water the gelenium quite often and not sparing water. However, the culture does not like too much wet earth, based on which, we can conclude that the soil must have good water permeability. Having a shallow loosening of the ground, along with weeding, should be included in the required action to care for the plant, although mulching an area of ​​the ground makes it much easier to fight weeds. If we talk about nutrition itself, then in one summer, feeding a flower using mineral and organic fertilizers takes about three times.

The debut is in May. It is necessary to dilute in 10 liters according to art. spoonful of urea, potassium sulfate and organic fertilizer Effecton. Everything should be calculated in such a way that 3-4 liters of such a mixture are required per 1 m (2).

The second feeding takes place during flowering. It is required to dilute a liter of liquid mullein and according to Art. spoon of liquid Agricola-7 and Agricola-fantasy in 10 liters of water, taking into account that 1 square meter about 2-3 liters of solution will go.

The last meal will take place during the October period. You need one tablespoon of superphosphate, as well as potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water, at a consumption of 5 liters per 1 square meter.

To optimize the bud emergence process, it is initially required to spray the crop with Bud Growth Regulator. For 10 liters of water, you need to dilute 10 grams of the drug.

If there is a desire, so that the flowering of the plant is lush, it will be necessary to remove wilted flowers in time. It will be possible to increase the branching and density of the bush by plucking the tops of the shoots. Cultivation means planting 2-3-year-old flowers, combining transplantation with propagation of the culture by dividing the plant. It is better to perform this procedure during the spring.

If you monitor the water balance of the soil in a timely manner, then diseases will not threaten the plant.

Culture after flowering

How and when to collect plant seeds. If you need to collect the seeds of this crop, you need to have time to carry out this procedure before the long autumn rains, otherwise the seeds will begin to rot. The presence of darkened reed flowers and blackened tubular ones will tell you that the seeds are already mature. However, it is logical to conclude that it is best to purchase plant seeds from specialized stores, since those that you collect yourself may not sprout at all, no matter how hard you try, and if they sprout, you cannot guarantee that you will end up with what you have sown. Therefore, you should not waste your precious labors in vain, but it is better to use vegetative methods of crop propagation.

Gelenium in winter. During winter, the stems of the crop should be cut almost to the surface of the ground, leaving only 10-15 centimeters of stems. Following pruning, the area is mulched with moss or sawdust and covered over with lutrasil, if any. very coldy or winter without snow.

Availability of varieties and varieties of crops

There are more than 30 varieties of the crop, but only 5 can be grown. Below, a brief description of the most famous varieties will be presented.

Helenium Bigelow. This is the most uncommon variety in vegetation, the genus of which is the West of North America. It has straight stems that can reach up to 80 centimeters. There are the presence of lanceolate leaves, whole, inflorescences up to 6 centimeters in diameter, tubular (median) flowers of brown color and reed - yellow. Flowering occurs in the summer months (June-July).

Helenium spring. It has stems that are straight, which can reach one meter in height. It has the presence whole leaves, lanceolate, inflorescences up to 7 centimeters in diameter, reed flowers of orange color, as well as tubular with brown. Flowering continues for one month, which begins in mid-May.

Helenium Gupes is up to 90 centimeters in height. It has the presence of whole lanceolate leaves with a grayish-green tint, long peduncles, single yellow inflorescences, which can reach 8-9 centimeters in diameter. Flowering begins in the summer months (June-July).

Helenium autumn is the most popular type of plant, which has received great popularity in culture and has become the most basic for breeding a large number of varieties. The stems are tall, reaching 160 centimeters in height, strong and woody. The plant has small foliage with jagged edges, baskets, which reach from 3 to 5 centimeters in diameter and gather in corymbose inflorescences up to 30 centimeters transversely. The presence of reed flowers is represented by a yellow or reddish color, and the tubular ones have a dark yellowish color. Flowering begins from July to September, and lasts a couple of months.

Helenium hybrid. This is a composite sample, in which there are species of indeterminate occurrence, although the autumn gelenium mentioned above is considered to be the initial sample of all varieties of this sample.

The most desirable varieties in culture are:

  • Helenium Rubinzwerg, which is a very well-known variety of a dense bush, whose height is about 65 centimeters and which has ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolored baskets. This variety begins to bloom from the end of July. Rarely can it be confused with the look of Rosie Jam;
  • The cockade, which reaches a height of 120 centimeters, and the baskets are 4.5 centimeters in diameter. There is also the presence of reed flowers of a red-brown hue, the edges of which have yellow, however closer to the center, the redness becomes clearer. Tubular flowers are yellow-brown in color. Flowering begins in August and lasts about 1.5 months;
  • Moerheim Beauty. This is one of the most popular types. It differs in that when it blooms, its flowers have different shades, where there is the presence of red, yellow, golden, copper color. However, at the moment of opening, they turn into red-brown. In height, the bush reaches about 90-120 centimeters. Its flowering begins in the summer month of July and ends in November.

In the Astrov family there is an annual and perennial helenium. The root system of the plant is not perennial, late autumn it completely dies off in a place with flowers and stems, while leaving a small leaf rosette with a rhizome in the ground, which will subsequently turn into a new plant in the spring. America is considered its homeland, its north and center. Under natural conditions, it grows on moist soils in swampy areas. Outwardly, the culture does not have the form of a clearly defined bush. It has a lot of single-stem shoots, more like a few completely unrelated plants.

spring bright flower revived thanks to the kidneys (leaf box with a rhizome). In height, it can reach up to 150 cm. The erect stems are woody and densely covered with oblong foliage. Each of the stems adorns many thyroid inflorescences. Flowers are outwardly similar to chamomile, but with a convex core. AT varietal diversity there are terry and semi-double specimens. The color palette is varied:

  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • brown;
  • orange.

Gelenium is a well-known honey plant that attracts striped workers with its exquisite aroma. The flowering period is long: from August to November. The fruit is an oblong box with seeds.

Use in landscape design

Gelenium, like no other, is able to turn the most nondescript garden into a bright, juicy landscape. Due to its long flowering from the end of August, it seems to prolong the summer when most plants have long lost their decorative look. Solar inflorescences blazing in the garden are actively used by gardeners to create luxurious and solo plantings (). A tall perennial is planted as a bright background for more restrained flowers. Or occupies a central place in the group ensemble, and under it color palette"neighbors" are selected.

In addition to the decorative function, the perennial also performs camouflage. It is planted to hide traces of communications, few aesthetic buildings, etc. Undersized representatives decorate, as a border, garden paths.

Combination with other plants

The sunny representative of the flora coexists well with many perennial crops that share his love of abundant watering and sunlight. When choosing plants, do not forget about the height of the gelenium. Its high growth can cause unwanted shade for sun-loving undersized flowers.

The most harmonious partners:

  • marigold;
  • yarrow.

Plant propagation


Difficult method with average efficiency. They are planted in open ground in regions with a mild climate and warm winters, in April. Middle latitudes pre-grow seedlings. Before planting, the seeds are stratified for a long time. This improves germination. The process begins in February with the mixing of planting material and moistened sawdust. The resulting mass is placed in refrigerator compartment for 15-20 days.

The easiest way to purchase soil is in a specialized store. It must be high in peat. Seeds should not be deepened. It is enough to evenly distribute them over the surface of highly moistened soil. Cover the pot with glass or film. Shelter is systematically removed for spraying and ventilation.

Seedlings appear after 4 weeks. After the appearance of 2 leaves, you can dive into separate containers.

Landing and care

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Planting material is safer to buy in a specialized store. It must be in a separate container. In the market or a stranger may have a low-quality product. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features of the selected variety. The seedling must be strong, healthy, without damage, with moist soil in a pot.

Choosing a place for planting, preparing the soil

Most favorable for lush and long flowering will be a well-lit area. Slight penumbra is acceptable. When choosing a site, it is important to consider the future role of perennials in landscape design.

Best of all, the culture grows in permeable, light and fertile soil. The reaction is optimally neutral or slightly acidic. Although the garden planting is not capricious, preliminary preparation is still necessary. The site is dug up to a depth of at least 30 cm. When moisture stagnates root system starts to rot. A thick drainage layer is introduced into the planting pit. Fragments of brick, small stones, pebbles, sand are suitable for it. Then a small amount of compost is added.

Landing Requirements

The most suitable the period for carrying in open ground is the end of May, the beginning of June. Frost on the ground is unacceptable. Seedlings are pre-soaked in water for 10-15 minutes. The root system must absorb enough moisture. The size of the hole should exceed the parameters of the root system with a clod of earth by 2 times. The depth is the same as it was in the container. The optimal distance between the planting holes is 35 cm. The process is completed by mulching with humus or dry peat.

Loosening is carried out after each watering, no more than once a day. Get rid of weeds at the same time. They can deprive plants of much-needed minerals. The soil is not deeply loosened and mulched with sawdust.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering is the first necessity. In dry soil, perennial gelenium may die. AT summer period, with a long absence of natural precipitation, moistening can occur twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. It is important to use not cold, and settled water. A sufficient amount of moisture is the key to lush flowering. Drip irrigation works well.

Mineral and organic complex fertilizers applied three times during the growing season May, August and October. Top dressing is diluted in water and applied during irrigation. The representative of the flora responds well to the introduction of nutrients.

Diseases and pests

High resistance to various diseases and insects does not interfere chrysanthemum nematode attack the bush. The signal of the appearance of a dangerous enemy is the yellowing of the leaves. The insect is too small and can only be seen with a microscope. To get rid of it, the affected leaves are cut and burned away from the flower bed. As a preventive measure, lime is added to the soil.

Shelter for the winter

The perennial must be protected from the approaching cold weather. The stems are cut, leaving only 10 cm above the ground, and covered with spruce branches, dry leaves or sawdust. For greater moderation, you can use a special material.

It is easy to survive a long and cold season with a thick layer of snow.

Species and varietal diversity

The most decorative and popular types:

  • autumn. It is the progenitor of all known species. A tall specimen, reaches 140 cm. The petals are yellow, the core is red or brown. The flowering period lasts from July to September. The most decorative varieties: Buterpatt, Pumilum.
  • spring. Height 100 cm. Early flowering group. The color of the inflorescences is orange, the core is brown. The flowering period is long: from late April (May) to June (July). Unpretentious appearance, perfectly tolerates winter.
  • hybrid. Includes many subspecies and varieties. They differ significantly in shape, height and color. The most famous varieties: Rose, Gartson.
  • Gupes. Reaches 80 cm in height. The flowers are large, similar to chamomile, up to 12 cm in diameter. The color is bright yellow.

Gelenium is one of the most common plants in our area, which attracts with its unpretentiousness in care and will help to significantly ennoble. Today, there are many varieties of this flower, so every summer resident can choose the one that best suits his taste preferences. Gelenium, landing and care in open field for which it is not difficult, anyone can grow, even a novice grower. How to do it right? When and where is the best time to sow a plant? We will find out the answers to the questions from this article.

Gelenium, planting and care in the open field

Landing Helenium - where to start?

To begin with, we note that this flower is very popular among all landscape designers due to its exclusive beauty, bright colors and the extraordinary splendor of shrubs. Depending on the desire, the flowers of the plant can be orange, yellow or red. Gelenium refers to long-flowering perennials, which implies the presence of many advantages, for example:

  • Not required permanent fit at the beginning of the summer season.
  • Perennials better adapt to adverse conditions.

The main feature of the flower can be called the duration of its flowering, since the flowers appear in the middle of summer and bloom before the onset of frost. How to plant Helenium? Let's look at some of the requirements:

  1. The soil. The flower will grow on any, even not very nutritious soil. The only thing to consider is the looseness of the soil. The weak root system of the plant is not able to take root and take root in heavy soil. To give looseness, peat is most often used, which is mixed with the soil.
  2. Location. The plant grows well in a well-lit, open area. It is worth avoiding dark places under a spreading tree or a large bush. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no drafts that negatively affect the development of the flower.
  3. Fertilizer. Although Gelunium is not particularly picky about nutrition, to get a healthy, beautiful plant It is best to fertilize the soil before planting. To do this, you can use organic or mineral fertilizers. As for the former, I would like to recall the importance of observing the correct dosage, otherwise an excessive amount of fertilizer can lead to the death of the root system.

When is the best time to plant a flower? Most optimal time- the horses of May or mid-autumn, when the earth is warm enough and frosts are excluded in the near future. Planting material is sold in any specialized stores. Gelenium is propagated by seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush, thanks to which you can save cash and plant a flower throughout. Seeds are first germinated at home, after that they are planted in the soil and grown until small seedlings appear. As soon as stable warm weather sets in, the seedlings are transferred to open ground.

How to care for Gelenium?

Caring for a flower is easy. This will require compliance with some rules:

  • Watering. The plant does not tolerate drought and lack of moisture, so you need to establish regular watering and follow it exactly. In dry times, increase the dose of watering.
  • loosening. Too much moisture can also adversely affect the Helenium root system, so loosening and mulching will be required.
  • splashing. Pests and infections can attack the plant. When this happens, you can use special chemicals, laundry soap or soda.
  • Shelter for the winter. Before the onset of cold weather, the flower needs shelter and protection from frost. To do this, the shrub is completely cut off, leaving about 10 cm on the surface, and covered with sawdust or straw. This will help preserve the plant and enjoy its magnificent flowering again in the spring.
For the winter, the shrub is cut off, leaving 10 cm on the surface.

As you can see, Gelenium, landing and care in open ground for which it is not difficult, anyone, even a novice master, can grow it. We hope that our advice will help you create an exclusive landscape design on your territory.

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Gelenium is loved by many summer residents and this is not surprising. Bright, perennial, diverse and fairly easy to care for, the plant is capable of quite long time decorate garden plot. The amazing features of the plant include the fact that it is able to change its color. In order to grow gelenium correctly and quickly, planting and plant care should be as follows.

How to properly plant and care for a plant for the first time

Helenium fission

Helenium reproduces by division easily, of course, for this you need to use adult bushes. Work can be carried out in the spring.

Further care for gelenium

Around the third year of life, geleniums should be planted, otherwise they may become entangled with roots, as a result of which they will begin to weaken. Seating and division is carried out in the spring, every three years. In May, the plants are fertilized for the first time. The second dressing should be before flowering, when the buds began to appear. The third time the plant is fed after its flowering. Geleniums practically do not get sick and are not afraid of pests. To get sprawling bushes at the gelenium, carefully pinch the tops. Since the plant loves light, they keep it in a sunny, brightly lit place.

A bright and elegant gelenium flower in nature grows in North and Central America. It is willingly grown in their gardens by flower growers all over the world. And this is not surprising, because at the end of summer the flower garden where autumn helenium grows is dressed up with bright colors that last until frost.

Gelenium flower - description, photo

Depending on the variety and species, the plant can have a height of 80 to 120 cm and bloom in yellow, red, golden, copper and even multi-colored flowers. In our gardens, autumn gelenium is most often grown, on high stems of which there are small leaves with jagged edges. In July, flowers bloom on the shoots with yellow petals and a darker center.

From the autumn helenium were bred beautiful varieties of which the best known are:

After flowering, the plants form cylindrical fruits, which are a pubescent achene.

By winter, not only flower stalks die, but also the roots of perennial helenium. You should not worry about this, since by this time a leaf rosette with new roots has formed on the underground buds of young shoots. It is she who will begin to grow in the spring, and will release a peduncle in the summer.

Growing gelenium from seeds

Gelenium seeds are characterized by low germination, so if you already have a bush of this elegant plant growing in your garden, it is best to propagate it with leaf rosettes or by dividing the bush, which we will write about in more detail below. Those who want to decorate a flower bed with new varieties of autumn gelenium and have purchased seeds in a store can sow them immediately in open ground in the spring or pre-grow seedlings.

Anyway planting material must first undergo stratification, that is, lie down in a cold place. To do this, the seeds are mixed with wet sawdust, placed in a container and kept in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for one or even one and a half months.

If gelenium seedlings are grown, then the seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, the seedling container is wrapped in cellophane and placed in the same section of the refrigerator or in another place with the same temperature.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Having chosen a well-lit place for a flower bed, it must be dug up, fertilizing the soil with compost or humus. The soil should have a neutral reaction, be nutritious, drained and light.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in grooves, the distance between which should be about 25 cm. The depth of seed placement is about 3-5 cm. Plantings are sprinkled with soil, watered and mulched with humus or peat, which will protect the planting material from the cold and will keep moisture in the soil.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

When to plant helenium seeds? This must be done in late February - early March, since the planting material must have time to undergo stratification. After six weeks, the container with crops should be removed from the refrigerator and placed under artificial lighting in a warm place with an air temperature of about +20 degrees.

After two or three true leaves appear on the shoots, they are carefully, together with a clod of earth on the roots, planted in separate small pots.

When to plant gelenium?

Around the end of May, when the ground in the garden warms up, seedlings can be planted in open ground. Plants are pre-watered, and the bed is fertilized with compost and dug up on a spade bayonet.

A flower bed is best done in a sunny area, although they grow well in the shade. However, flowering with a lack of sun will not be so plentiful and bright.

How to plant a gelenium

The distance between the bushes should be at least 25-30 cm, so the holes for planting seedlings are made with such a distance. The volume of the hole should be made such that it turns out to be twice the volume of the roots.

The plant, together with a wet clod of earth, is taken out of the pots, placed in a hole, sprinkled with nutrient soil on top and watered. The land around the plantings is recommended to be mulched with humus or peat.

Perennials grown from seeds will bloom autumn geleniums just next year.

Helenium - care

It will not take much time to care for gelenium in the open field, but you should know that the plant does not tolerate drought. Therefore, when growing it, regular watering is necessary, especially in dry weather.

At the same time, the roots of the flower do not like stagnant water in the ground. To prevent this from happening, the bushes are watered after the topsoil has dried, and after watering, the soil is loosened. Loosening will prevent the formation of a crust, and oxygen will flow to the roots.

Weeding should also be carried out regularly. Otherwise nutrients will be spent not only on flowers, but also on weeds. In addition, harmful insects often start up in dense thickets and various diseases develop.

  1. In early May, the plant actively begins the vegetative season, during which the stems and leaves grow and develop. To make the bush beautiful and lush, each square meter of the flower bed is watered with three liters of fertilizer, which consists of organic fertilizer Effecton, potassium sulfate and urea. In total, you need to take a tablespoon and dilute in 10 liters of water. Instead of this fertilizer, you can use mullein infusion and any complex mineral fertilizer.
  2. During the budding period, it is recommended to use the mineral fertilizer Agricola-Fantasy and Agricola-7 to stimulate flowering. From organics, you can use a solution of mullein. To prepare top dressing, you need a tablespoon mineral fertilizers and a liter of organic matter diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is watered with soil under the bushes, using two liters per square meter.
  3. At the end of October, geleniums are prepared for winter, for which they are fertilized with potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Each fertilizer should be taken in a tablespoon, diluted in 10 liters of water and watered a flower bed (5 liters per 1 square meter).

Throughout the season, faded buds should be regularly removed from the bushes. This procedure stimulates the formation of new flowers, and flowering will be lush.

In autumn, after flowering, the stems of the plant must be cut. Stems about 10 cm long should remain. In regions with cold winters, it is recommended to cover geleniums for the winter. To do this, sprinkle the soil in the flower garden with sawdust or moss and cover nonwoven fabric(for example, lutrasil).

Helenium reproduction

You can propagate geleniums in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

Propagation by seeds was written above. But this is a laborious method, so many gardeners propagate flowers by dividing the bush or cuttings.

The division of the bush

This method of reproduction can be done in May, or in the fall, as soon as the flower stalks and stems wither. You can divide the bush during transplantation. Dig up the bush carefully so as not to damage the roots. Then the root system is carefully cleared of the ground and divided into parts with a sharp knife.

Before planting in the prepared hole, the cut points are smeared with garden pitch or sprinkled with crushed coal. Delenki are planted in holes, sprinkled with a nutritious soil mixture and watered.

Reproduction by cuttings

Geleniums can be propagated by cutting for this purpose in June the tops of annual shoots 10-15 cm long. The cuttings are placed in water or immediately in moist nutrient soil. If rooting will be carried out in the soil, then the lower cut of the shoots is processed by Kornevin, after which the cuttings are planted in a container filled with moist soil. For better rooting, containers with cuttings are covered from above with a transparent bag. They need to be ventilated every day, and, if necessary, moisten the soil. As soon as new leaves appear, the shelter is removed.

Pests and diseases

Geleniums are resistant to diseases and pests. They are exposed to diseases only if the soil in the garden with flowers is often waterlogged. From this, the roots begin to rot, the flowers wither and the plant dies.

Of the pests, geleniums are often attacked by chrysanthemum nematodes. These worms damage flower buds and leaves. A bush affected by these pests is recommended to be dug up and burned. To protect the plant from nematodes, when planting flowers, you must carefully examine the ground. When worms are found, the soil is treated with slaked lime or ground sulfur. At the end of July, the plants are sprayed with a solution of Thiophos.

Gelenium in landscape design

Beautiful geleniums with bright colors can be planted in a flower bed without adding other plants. It will turn out a sunny flower garden, which will decorate the garden at the end of summer and autumn.

Tall bushes can be used for the background of flower beds or planted against the backdrop of shrubs. From them you can make hedges and decorate fences.

With the help of undersized varieties, paths and borders are decorated.

High geleniums will look beautiful along with asters and chrysanthemums, since the flowering of these plants occurs at the same time.

Picking up flowers of the same care, together with geleniums, you can plant in one flower bed:

You just need to show a little imagination and can be made from geleniums and other colors original flower bed that all the neighbors will come to admire.