A detailed description of the process of transplanting zamiokulkas at home. Tips from experienced flower growers

Zamioculcas is popular with flower growers due to the friendly growth of dense green foliage and undemanding, but transplanting can be a serious stumbling block. A video on how to transplant zamiokulkas at home will help you avoid mistakes and quickly master a complex but necessary procedure for a plant.

The difficulty of transplanting a culture that has fallen on window sills from Africa is that under the surface of the soil, Zamioculcas hides not only tubers, but also powerful succulent rhizomes. Their damage during transshipment or division of the bush can cause a long and painful acclimatization, rotting of the roots.

In addition to caring for the roots, the African guest is very demanding:

  • to the timing of the transplant;
  • soil composition;
  • the size and even the material of the pot.

So that, with proper care for Zamioculcas, a transplant at home does not lead to sad consequences for the plant and the grower, you need to prepare in advance for this process.

Zamioculcas transplant after purchase

If the zamiokulkas is only brought into the house from the store and is in a transport pot, after 2-3 weeks of being in the house it will have to be transplanted.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Young plants planted in a peat substrate in such soil are easy to flood or, conversely, miss the moment when the plant needs moisture.
  2. In addition, there is often no drainage layer inside the shipping container, and its role is played by large holes at the bottom, through which Zamioculcas roots easily penetrate. This complicates care, future transplantation and negatively affects the well-being of a green pet.

A detailed video on transplanting zamiokulkas at home will provide comprehensive material for its implementation. And even an inexperienced florist can easily cope with an important task.

Pot selection and preparation for transplanting zamiokulkas

If a Zamioculcas transplant after purchase is carried out regardless of the season, then it is better to schedule a regular procedure for the time when the plant is preparing for active growth. In conditions middle lane In Russia, this period falls on the spring months.

Transplanting zamiokulkas in the spring allows the tubers to better acclimatize to new conditions and, taking advantage of getting into a fresh nutrient substrate, quickly grow green mass.

Transplantation is preceded by the choice of a pot for the plant. In the case of Zamioculcas, it is important to choose a container that will be suitable in size, but also in material. The powerful roots are so strong that they can tear apart a thin plastic container or cause cracks in fragile ceramics or glass.

Clay unglazed pots have proven themselves best when growing Zamiokulkas. They are strong enough, but at the same time, the porous surface of the clay does not interfere with the penetration of air into the interior and the removal of excess moisture from the soil.

The diameter of the pot is chosen slightly larger than the tuber being planted. The roots of the plant, which in nature is accustomed to extracting moisture not in the most accessible places, willingly grow in depth. Before transplanting zamiokulkas at home, as in the video, it must be removed from the old container without damage. In the case of roots that have grown to a great depth, this will be extremely difficult. Therefore, spectacular high pots need to be filled at least a quarter with large expanded clay:

  1. Young zamiokulkas are transplanted, or rather rolled over without disturbing the earthy coma, every year, consistently increasing the size of the new pot.
  2. Adult specimens should not be disturbed so often. With age, growth slows down somewhat, so such plants can change their place of residence every 2-3 years as needed.

If, during the removal of a large plant, it is found that the bush consists of several parts formed by individual tubers, it is better to carefully separate such a zamiokulkas. This is easier to do if you wash the roots, clearing them of the old substrate.

How to transplant zamiokulkas correctly, the video will tell you step by step and in a very accessible way.

What kind of land is needed for zamiokulkas

In nature, Zamioculcas lives on stony soils with impurities of sand and a small amount of humus. The plant has a hard time getting its own nutrients and moisture, as evidenced by tubers and powerful roots.

What kind of land is needed for zamiokulkas growing in indoor pot? In some sources for the plant, it is recommended to take mixtures based on humus, garden soil and. Such a substrate will give the plant the opportunity to quickly grow the aerial part, but an excess of nutrition and moisture will lead to a high risk of rotting of the Zamioculcas root system - the main problem when growing this spectacular indoor crop.

The soil for transplanting zamiokulkas should be moderately nutritious, but at the same time very loose, air and moisture permeable.

As a ready-made substrate, you can offer soil for succulents. If a universal mixture for ornamental crops is purchased, at least a third of the volume of fine expanded clay, washed river sand and perlite, crushed to small fragments of charcoal and granite chips.

How to transplant zamiokulkas: a step-by-step guide

The easiest way is to transship the plant. In this case, there is no risk of damage to the roots, and caught in new ground Zamioculcas continues to grow without loss.

If we are talking about an adult plant, before transplanting zamiokulkas at home, as in the video, you need to clean root system from the remnants of the old substrate:

  1. A plant consisting of several tubers and shoots extending from them can be separated and, turning into several independent plants, planted in their pots. This will simplify the care of zamiokulkas and increase the grower's home collection.
  2. A layer of large expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of a pre-selected pot with drainage holes to drain excess moisture.
  3. A little wet substrate is laid on top of it so as to completely cover the drainage and leave room for comfortable placement of the Zamioculcas root system.
  4. Backfilling of the roots is carried out in such a way that the apical parts of the roots and tubers are on the surface of the soil. At the end of the process, the substrate is carefully compacted.
  5. Expanded clay, pebbles or other suitable mulching material is laid out on top of the soil to conserve moisture and protect the soil from excessive compaction.

If you properly transplant zamiokulkas at home, and then pay a little attention to the plant, it will grow well and delight throughout the year. decorative green foliage.

Video about transplanting zamiokulkas

Zamioculcas - a small genus of succulent plants of the Aroid family, has been grown at home since the 90s. According to Feng Shui, this flower brings prosperity to the house, for which the people call it the "Dollar Tree". lovers indoor plants appreciate it for the beauty of the leaves, resembling a branch. On a long central vein (rachis) there are from 8 to 10 paired simple leaves or "feathers" of the same size, dark green, thin and hard to the touch. Their glossiness and one-dimensionality creates the illusion of artificiality of the plant, giving it additional effect.

Zamioculcas is unpretentious, easy to care for and very beautiful, so many people want to have this plant. In flower shops, elite types of dollar tree are most often offered. They are expensive and do not always successfully adapt to room conditions. You can get a new plant by multiplying an existing specimen.

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    Reproduction of zamiokulkas

    The dollar tree can be propagated by seeds. However, getting them is a big deal. The dollar tree blooms very rarely, and only in adulthood and in natural conditions.

    The inflorescence-cob is formed at the bottom of the plant, in the axil of one of the leaves and is painted in light nondescript colors. It is of no value from a decorative point of view. In place of the flowers after their pollination, large berries are formed. Each contains one seed.

    At home, Zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely. Experienced flower growers consider the appearance of an inflorescence a sign of the imminent death of the plant. Seeds in captivity are not tied, even with artificially carried out repeated pollination. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get them on your own.

    At home, zamiokalkus can be propagated vegetatively: from cuttings and tuber division. However, in this case, not everything is simple: the plant takes root hard and develops slowly. This is due to the fact that Zamioculcas first forms a rhizome and only then shoots and leaves. The grower will need patience and strict implementation of the recommendations.

    Attention! Zamioculcas juice is poisonous, so all work with the plant is best done with gloves.


    As cuttings of zamiokalkus use:

    • a section of a leaf or branch on which at least 2 leaf blades or "feathers" are located;
    • top 15-20 cm long with 4-5 feathery leaves;
    • a separate leaf blade or "feather".

    Procurement of cuttings

    Cuttings are harvested in late spring or early summer. An adult (from 3-5 years old) plant with a lignified base and evenly colored undeformed leaves is used as a donor. Action algorithm:

    • A branch is cut with a sharp knife and divided into parts. The longer the cutting, the faster rooting will take place. Sections are treated with any root formation stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Zircon) and dried for 2-3 hours. It should “ventilate” - be covered with a thin layer of “cork”.
    • The "feather" is cut at an angle of 45 °. Its lower third is treated with a mixture of powdered activated carbon or crushed chalk with the addition of any root growth stimulant.

    Do not take leafy cuttings from a newly acquired plant. In the store, they are often treated with chemicals that stimulate the growth and development of the flower, but significantly reduce the likelihood of rooting.


    Rooting leaf cuttings and "feathers" has some differences.

    1. 1. Rooting of leaf sections is carried out in a substrate or water. As a substrate use:
    • ready-made, store-bought soil for growing violets or cacti;
    • a mixture of equal parts of wet sand, vermiculite or perlite with finely chopped moss.

    Rooting will require small transparent containers. Convenient to use plastic cups, having previously made small holes at the bottom for water to drain. The cups are 1/3 filled with fine drainage, then the substrate is poured. The base of the cutting, previously treated with any powdered root formation stimulator, is deepened by 2-3 mm, tamping the soil around it.

    An alternative way to root cuttings-leaves is to use settled water. room temperature with the addition of an activated charcoal tablet or a few crystals of potassium permanganate.

    2. Cuttings in the form of "feathers" are rooted in the soil, consisting of peat chips and sand, taken in equal amounts. The soil mixture is placed in shallow containers: containers or boxes. The leaves are arranged in rows, deepening by 1/3.

    Caring for cuttings is simple and involves the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

    1. 1. Warm (22-25 ° C) humid (from 70%) air.
    2. 2. Placement of seedlings in a bright place.
    3. 3. Daily ventilation.
    4. 4. Starting from 3-4 days after planting - moderate watering (preferably from a spray bottle) using a solution of any biostimulant.

    Features of the development of young plants

    Rooting of cuttings-twigs and "feathers" takes place with different rates of tuber formation and leaf growth:

    • In cuttings-twigs, the first tubers the size of a pea will appear in about 2 weeks, leaves - not earlier than in 7-8 months.
    • "Feathers" take root 1-1.5 months. At the same time, they turn yellow and dry, giving all their strength to the emerging tubers. New leaves will have to wait a year or even 1.5.

    After the appearance of leaves, young plants are transplanted into separate pots filled with soil for ficuses or palms and the usual care for adult forms is carried out.

Self-propagation of zamiokulkas at home can be carried out by several methods. The main methods that allow breeding a tropical ornamental plant are very simple and accessible even to amateur growers who are not even experienced, but step by step guide allows you to choose the most appropriate option in each case.

Reproduction of zamiokulkas sheets at home

For leaf propagation of adult specimens from a plant, it is necessary to cut off a leaf with a sharp and clean knife, dry it for several hours at room temperature, and then treat it with crushed charcoal or root growth stimulants, which Kornevin has proven itself to be. For propagation by leaves, the use of ready-made universal soil is best suited.

During the formation of nodules and root system planting material should be watered by spraying the soil and leaf surface with a spray bottle. The first irrigation measures should be carried out no earlier than two or three days after planting the leaves. Subject to the regime of irrigation measures and in comfortable temperature conditions, rooting takes about a couple of months, after which a well-developed nodule with white and fairly juicy roots is formed.

Zamioculcas belong to the category of slow-growing ornamental plants, so new leaves will appear no earlier than six months after the rooting of the planting material.

How Zamioculcas reproduces by leaf (video)

branch propagation

The “Celibacy Flower” or Zamioculcas reproduces very well with a standard branch when rooted in the sand. From a botanical point of view, a branch is a feathery leaf of a zamiokulkas, starting, like a fern's frond, from the base of an ornamental culture. For planting, it is recommended to use a twig or vayu, the lower part of which is half stiff, and the apical part has a juicy green color.

If water is used for rooting, then the addition of an activated carbon tablet is mandatory, which will reduce the risk of decay and death of the planting material. It should be noted that branch propagation allows a more developed tuber to form, and the resulting indoor flowers look more mature. However, while young, newly formed shoots "catch up" in growth with the maternal aerial part, the decorative effect of the culture is reduced.

Propagation by cuttings in water

Even a novice florist can propagate a decorative culture with a cutting. With this method, it is preferable to carry out rooting in water. Propagation by cuttings is best done at the stage of active vegetation of ornamental culture, from spring to autumn. A healthy and well-formed Zamioculcas branch must be carefully divided with a sharp and clean knife into several cuttings of sufficient length. Properly harvested cuttings should have paired leaves.

The stalk prepared for rooting must be dried a little in the room at room temperature and placed in a glass filled with settled water with the addition of a small amount of activated or charcoal. It is allowed to carry out rooting in a nutrient soil substrate. In this case, the landing tank must be provided with drainage holes and a layer of high-quality drainage. In the first days of rooting, the shoot can be provided with a greenhouse effect, which increases survival rates and accelerates the process of formation of the root system.

Propagation of zamiokulkas by cuttings (video)

Reproduction by tubers

Reproduction of zamiokulkas by tubers, or rather by dividing them, is practiced quite often in indoor floriculture. This method of obtaining a new plant is used in the process of planned transplantation of an ornamental crop. It is necessary to divide the tuber carefully, minimally injuring the plant.. The separated parts should be slightly air-dried, and the sections should be treated with crushed charcoal or activated charcoal.

Planting after dividing the underground part of the plant into separate fragments with a kidney should be carried out in a previously prepared soil. Planting material should be planted in flower pots with drainage holes and filled with a light, fairly nutritious soil mixture. You can use universal primers with the addition of a small amount of baking powder-vermiculite. First watering young plant produced no earlier than three days later. Irrigation measures should be in the form of spraying the soil with settled water at room temperature.

Young culture care

From how competently the care of the young is carried out ornamental plant, further indicators of decorativeness and the full development of zamiokulkas will depend. The cultivation technology is not too complicated and involves the following activities:

  • it is best to use special soil mixtures for cultivating succulent plants or universal soils with the addition of perlite and vermiculite for cultivation;
  • it is very important to ensure that the cultivated ornamental indoor crop is reliable drainage system in the form of expanded clay;
  • young specimens of zamiokulkas need to be transplanted annually by transshipment of the plant into a new one flower pot;
  • in summer period young zamiokulkas need to be watered several times a month, preventing waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the root system;

  • recently planted plants do not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore, in order to preserve the decorative characteristics of the culture, it is necessary to provide sufficiently bright but diffused lighting;
  • it is required to feed zamiokulkas once every two weeks, and foliar top dressing is allowed to increase external attractiveness.

Periodically, you need to carry out water procedures that help make the foliage smooth and beautiful, and also prevent the accumulation of dust.

Experienced flower growers know that zamiokulkas can reproduce in several ways, but if mother plant is large, it is best to use tuberous propagation. For those flower growers who are just about to purchase a tropical plant for indoor cultivation, The method of reproduction by leaf blades is optimally suited. Important to remember, that not only water, but also soil or medium-grained sand treated with fungicides can be used as a substrate for rooting.

Reproduction of zamiokulkas by dividing the rhizome (video)

Medium-sized plants are most easily propagated by cuttings. This method is the most reliable, but will require a stable temperature regime or the use of mini-greenhouses. Regardless of which method is chosen, only strict adherence to agricultural technology and high-quality plant care will allow you to get a highly decorative and durable, tropical indoor culture.

A houseplant such as zamiokulkas is popularly known as " dollar tree". Growing and caring for him is quite simple, so he is very popular among beginner growers. The only difficulty that can be encountered is its transplantation. The plant has a voluminous root system, so during its transplantation you need to be extremely careful not to damage it.

In order for Zamioculcas to take root at home, this process must follow all the rules and at a certain time. Of great importance is the composition of the soil, as well as the right pot.

When is it necessary to transplant Zamioculcas?

Change after purchase

This exotic plant comes to us from other countries and the containers in which it is transported are filled with a special transport substrate intended for temporary “residence”. If the flower is not transplanted in time after purchase, it may die. Therefore, once in a new fertilized soil, the plant will delight with its presence for a long time.

Regular transplant

When else is a Zamioculcas transplant required? At home, it grows very slowly, so young plants are subjected to this procedure every year as the roots grow. More mature flowers transplanted every 2-4 years. If the root system has grown very strongly, this must be done immediately.

Secrets of a successful Zamioculcas transplant

In order for the transplantation of Zamioculcas at home to be less traumatic for him, you should follow certain rules:

How to choose the right pot?

Choosing an exotic plant new pot, it must be remembered that its dimensions should not be much larger than the root system of the flower. The ground part of Zamioculcas will not develop until the roots completely fill the soil. So the new capacity should be 10 - 15% more than the previous and be sure to have drainage holes.

What material to choose a pot from - the owner of an exotic flower must decide. In clay conveyors, the soil dries out much faster, which favorably affects the root system, and in plastic conveyors it is easier to determine when it is necessary to transplant the plant. In addition, it is much easier to extract it from such a container.

Let us consider in more detail the process of transplanting a plant at home.

Zamiokulkas transplantation

The plant should be moved to a new place at the most favorable time of the year for this, which is April. The first time after such a procedure at home, the flower will not grow, but this is considered normal, because it gets used to the new soil, which should be rich in humus. To prepare it, they take forest and garden soil in equal proportions and add a little sand and humus to it.

Must be in the pot must have drainage, which is used to divert excess water and improve aeration. Fill them with about a quarter of the container.

Used as a drain:

  • expanded clay;
  • gravel;
  • vermiculite.

The latter is able not only to absorb moisture, but also at a certain point to return it to the root system.

Once all the materials have been prepared, they begin to transplant the plant into a new pot. First, Zamioculcas is carefully removed from the pot. To keep the roots in their original form, use the transshipment method.

Drainage is placed in a pre-prepared pot, the soil mixture is poured on top, after which the plant is placed in it. The remaining space is filled with soil. It is necessary to transplant zamiokulkas to the same depth as in the old pot. After the procedure is completed, the flower is removed in partial shade.

Since the plant contains poisonous juice, it is necessary to use rubber gloves. At home, it should be kept as far away from children and adults as possible.

Plant care after transplant

After carrying out such a procedure, zamiokulkas must be left alone for some time so that it takes root in the new soil and adapts to it. After that, he is cared for, which consists in the following:

  • regular watering;
  • comfortable temperature;
  • implementation of feeding.

Zamioculcas refers to a type of plant that do not like excessive moisture. It should be watered moderately in spring and summer, and in winter this process is minimized. It is important to ensure that the earth ball dries completely between waterings. Since moisture evaporates rather slowly at home, excess water begins to stagnate in the pot, causing the appearance of various diseases.

This exotic plant feels comfortable at temperatures from +15 to +24 degrees. The main thing is to avoid sudden temperature changes.

The soil must be enriched with fertilizers. They should be applied from spring to autumn, i.e. during the growing season. In winter, the flower rests, so he doesn't need a boost.

Thus, we have analyzed when and under what conditions such an exotic plant as zamiokulkas should be transplanted. This is necessary for its normal growth and development. It does not require any special care, it grows well at room temperature, delighting the owner with its beautiful appearance.

Flower growers love zamiokulkas for its unpretentiousness and presentable appearance. The flower has dense, dark green pointed leaves and attractive inflorescences. But this plant blooms very rarely and in room conditions it is difficult to achieve the appearance of a bud. Proper care and transplantation of Zamioculcas helps to ensure the formation of a flower. Of great importance is the regularity of this procedure, as well as the composition of the soil, the shape and size of the flowerpot.

Features of the dollar tree

You can buy zamiokulkas in flower shop. It is quite easy to get a new plant from an existing one. The succulent is unpretentious and feels good in small room as well as in the office. Most often it is planted in outdoor containers or small containers.

The popularity of this houseplant is associated with the belief that it brings prosperity to the home. Therefore, it is also called the dollar or money tree.

Zamioculcas is a slow growing indoor plant. On average, with sufficient light and proper care, it reaches up to 1 m in height. But, like other succulents, its root system is developing very actively, quickly filling the entire space of the flowerpot. The plant brought from the store is transplanted after 2-3 weeks. During this period, the flower acclimatizes, gets used to the climate and irrigation regime.

The best time to transplant a dollar tree is February or early March. It is not recommended to disturb the succulent in autumn, spring and summer. Young plants should be repotted every year. Adult zamiokulkas are transplanted less often, focusing on filling the flowerpot with roots.

The optimal composition of the soil for zamiokulkas

At the beginning of the last century, the dollar tree was brought from East Africa. The modern name Zamioculcas Zamiifolia was given to him by the director of the Berlin Botanical Garden, Adolf Engler. In its natural environment, Zamioculcas grows on poor sandy soils. This must be taken into account when compiling the substrate.

The land for Zamiokulkas is loose, with good moisture permeability. The soil should be dominated by sand with the addition of:

  • peat;
  • leaf land;
  • chopped sphagnum;
  • turf.

You can buy ready-made substrate for cacti in the store. Loamy soils are not suitable for zamiokulkas due to low water permeability. If moisture lingers in the soil, the roots may rot and the dollar tree will die.

It is not necessary to add the substrate left after the purchase to the soil composition when transplanting Zamiokulkas, since chemicals and compounds are usually added to the soil for the development of beneficial bacteria to transport plants to the soil.

At the bottom of the flowerpot, it is imperative to lay out drainage from expanded clay or brick chips. This is done not only to ensure water permeability, but also for the stability of the pot. Adult zamiokulkas have heavy stems and leaves and can outweigh the container. For them, you can use a special support, which is installed in the flowerpot and holds the flower.

Requirements for a flowerpot

A properly selected pot is a guarantee that the dollar tree will grow and develop well. Large containers for this flower are not suitable, since they have enough space for the growth of roots and all the forces of Zamioculcas will be spent on the development of the root system, and not the growth of green mass. But too tight a container is also not suitable. It is best to choose a low flowerpot. The size of the pot should be 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the ground part of the plant.

A clay or glass flowerpot will provide good air and water permeability. Plastic containers are not very suitable for growing a dollar tree. But they have one advantage. When transplanting an adult succulent, a plastic pot can be cut and Zamioculcas can be easily removed without damaging its root system.

How to transplant zamiokulkas

It is best to transplant zamiokulkas in winter, in February, when it is just beginning to prepare for active vegetation. The rhizome of the plant consists of a tuber and a large number of roots growing from it. If they are damaged, then the dollar tree will acclimatize and get sick for a long time.

To properly transplant zamiokulkas at home, you need to remember all the features of this plant and accurately follow all the instructions step by step:

  1. 1. Remove the dollar tree from the flowerpot using the transshipment method.
  2. 2. If it is found that the plant has formed young tubers, they must be carefully divided. It is easier to do this if you wash the roots, freeing them from the substrate.
  3. 3. Inspect the rhizome and cut off rotten roots.
  4. 4. In another pot, slightly larger, pour expanded clay. Drainage holes at the bottom of the flowerpot should not be too large so that the roots do not penetrate through them.
  5. 5. Lay a small amount of substrate on top of the drainage.
  6. 6. Set the plant vertically in a pot and cover it with a substrate until the roots are completely covered.
  7. 7. Compact and mulch the soil with pebbles, expanded clay or brick chips so that moisture evaporates more slowly.

A properly transplanted dollar tree quickly takes root, grows well and pleases the owners with healthy foliage.

plant care

Despite the fact that Zamioculcas is considered unpretentious plant, when growing it, you need to follow some rules.

Caring for a dollar tree is proper watering, observing the temperature regime and sufficient lighting, fertilizing.


Zamioculcas is one of the few indoor plants that do not suffer from heating devices that, in winter period very dry air. It can easily grow in conditions of low humidity, because its homeland is Africa. But if you spray the plant from time to time with a spray bottle, it will feel even better. Every week it is required to clean the leaves of the dollar tree from dust. Do this with a cotton swab or sponge soaked in water.

In summer, zamiokulkas needs frequent, but not too plentiful watering. Water should be settled, room temperature. The need to water the succulent is indicated by a 1-2 cm dry soil surface. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, allowing the substrate to dry to half the depth of the pot.

Lighting and temperature

Lots of light - one more important condition when growing a dollar tree. If the flower is on the floor, then this should be a place next to the windows on the south side. On window sills, it is better to install the plant from the western or eastern side.

Zamioculcas is a heat-loving flower. At low temperatures it starts to hurt, the leaves turn yellow and the plant dies. Optimal temperature regime for him - +20 degrees in summer and +16 - in winter. In summer, the plant is taken out to the balcony, terrace, garden, which favorably affects its growth and decorative qualities.


Like many succulents, Zamioculcas is able to accumulate moisture, but consumes nutrients very quickly. Therefore, in spring and summer, when the plant is in a state of active vegetation, you need to feed. For this, substrates for cacti, which are sold in stores, are well suited. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage indicated on the package. Too much fertilizer can kill the plant. Top dressing is applied once a month.

Flower growers love the dollar tree for its unpretentiousness. Even a beginner will be able to cope with the cultivation of this succulent, and subject to all the rules, according to popular beliefs, the plant will not only please its decorative look, but also bring prosperity and well-being to the house.