Shy primrose growing from seeds. Transplanting seedlings to a permanent place

Primroses are flowers that will certainly become the pride of any garden. A multi-colored carpet from these wonderful early flowers is much easier to grow than you think. Read how to plant and care for primrose in this article.

- a flowering plant that will decorate any area, be it a garden or a small flower bed. The cultivation of these delightful flowers will be successful if you know some cultivation tricks primroses at home.

Primrose can bloom colorful flowers, which is the main advantage of the flower, because it is so pleasant to watch the bright lawn. Most gardeners start growing a flower already at the end of winter from seeds.

If you have well-lit greenhouse, then the sowing date can be postponed to the month of December. It is also advisable that the plant be planted in a greenhouse due to the fact that early planted on the windowsill the flower can grow very much.

On the summer cottage you can sow primrose immediately after the snow will come off the ground.

In order to sow a flower, a mini-greenhouse is perfect, either plastic cups ... Some housewives also found a way out with the help of plastic containers for storing food.

For sowing primrose use flower soil. It can be purchased at any seed or flower shop. The soil must contain such components as perlite and vermiculite.

Sowing seeds consists of the following stages:

  • Pour the seeds onto a napkin and, wetting a toothpick, gently pick up the seed and put in the ground... Moisten the soil before sowing to prevent the seeds from drying out.
  • Cover the seeds with foil and store at room temperature
  • The sun should not bake on the container with primrose, but the room where the flowers grow should be well lit
  • When you see the first shoots, watch the moisture of the ground
  • If you covered the greenhouse with foil, you can periodically remove it and ventilate the crops
  • Make sure the earth is not too wet, and the mature seedlings did not rot, water the seedlings from a small watering can

After the primroses have grown, you can dive them or, if it's already warm enough outside, plant flowers in open ground.

Video: Indoor primrose: planting and care

Growing primrose in the garden, in the greenhouse

The variety of primroses numbers about 500 species, all this variety of varieties and hybrids is a variety of colors and shades. The period and period of flowering also differ.

Primrose in the garden one of the first to bloom, it is because of this that the flower got its name - "primrose" with Latin translates as "First, early". If you have a well-lit greenhouse with a comfortable temperature for sowing, you can take advantage of it and grow flowers there from winter.

Initially, you can use the method indicated above, and then, when the seedlings sprout, transplant them into a greenhouse... Or immediately sow primrose in the greenhouse. The first and most important condition for correct cultivation the temperature of this type of flowers in the greenhouse. The greenhouse should not contain below + 16C. The cultivation technology looks like this:

  • In the ground, weed the rows for about 5 cm depth
  • Pour seeds into a bottle of water and pierce a few holes in the lid
  • Water the rows with a bottle so the seeds spread evenly into the soil
  • After that, gently lightly sprinkle with earth

After such planting, the seeds will already be sufficiently moistened and well will take on a new place... For the seeds to sprout well, make sure that the soil is constantly moist, but not wet.

Primrose Roseanne, grown from seed

V flower shops on sale you can see a beautiful terry primrose variety. This kind called Rosanna... In fact, it is not really terry look(we'll talk about it later), just because of the wavy edge, the flower is very similar to this variety.

Primrose "Rosanna"

Roseanne variety quite unpretentious, well adapted to both transplants and division. You can plant seeds as soon as the snow melts or in autumn, then after the cold weather you will already see first shoots. Primroses grow well in partial shade with moderate moisture but even on open sun and increased watering, flowers will also delight you with bright greenery and beautiful flowering.

If you have already grown primrose, you can collect seeds in the fall and prepare for planting from next year, or buy seeds and act in the following way:

  • Store seeds until sowing at temperatures up to +7 C
  • Before planting, dress the seeds with a special liquid, which you can purchase at the seed store. If you bought seeds, and did not prepare yourself, then you don't need to do this, since the manufacturer himself carries out this procedure.

Roseanne resembles small roses

Also it is important to remember that:

  • After planting in a container, put the container with seeds in the refrigerator for a month.
  • After that, transfer the seeds to a room with room temperature.
  • When you saw two leaves on Roseanne, you should dive the plant
  • If frosts are no longer expected, then the container with seedlings should be dug in the partial shade of the garden, and after a month you can already plant it about at a distance 30 cm apart

Roseanne primrose blooms very beautifully, such flower carpet covers your lawn. Follow these tips and admire the lush beauty of the garden all summer long.

Primula ear, growing from seeds

The primrose auricula is also called auricular, they count about 20 of her variety different types ... The plant is undersized with succulent leaves and oval, bear-ear-like petals.

This view can be plant in October, for the winter, and after the snow melts to see the first shoots. Or in mid-March, then the seedlings will grow approximately In 2 weeks.

In order to get after sowing seeds in spring good seedlings use these tips:

  • Plant seeds in partial shade, but with enough light
  • This type of primroses grows in the mountains, so they tolerate stagnant water well, but it is still desirable to provide the flower with good watering
  • Plant the seeds in a container or plastic cups, and store the container at room temperature until germination.
  • After the outlets appear 3-4 leaves primrose can be planted in open ground, on permanent place
  • Ear primrose blooms in the second year after disembarkation, therefore, unfortunately, in the first year it will not be possible to admire its wonderful flowering

Ear primrose is one of the most common varieties

Auricular primrose after 3 years old life can be propagated by cuttings. Thus, over time, you will be able to get a beautiful meadow of primroses on the site.

Small-toothed primrose, grown from seeds

Small-toothed primrose is a real decoration of the garden, as it has inflorescences in the form of large balls with small flowers. This variety blooms early enough - already in mid-April.

For good growth colors should be considered such nuances:

  • Grow fine-toothed primrose best in partial shade in slightly acidic soil
  • When sowing, consider the distance - it should be about 30 cm, so that the leaves of the flower have enough space, but there is no free space
  • You can sow seeds of fine-toothed primrose immediately into open ground, after the snow has melted from the ground. This variety is enough resistant to frost and cold, so you don't have to worry that the flowers will get in the way of unstable spring weather
  • When sowing in the fall, for a good wintering, cover the crops with a layer of fallen leaves
  • When the seed has already grown beautiful flower, lower leaves it is better to cut off to exclude the possibility fungus and rot diseases.
    Small-toothed primrose is great for decorating flower beds, it is ideally combined with daffodils, peonies, tulips, and also stands out brightly among the lawn grass.

Perennial primrose, grown from seeds

Perennial primrose- this is a real find for a shady garden. Since it is quite unpretentious in care and blooms even in swampy places from the earliest spring... To grow this type of primrose, you should use with these recommendations:

  • If you intend to grow a plant from seeds, then first you need to withstand the previously collected or purchased seeds. 2 weeks in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher + 6C

Perennial primrose will become an irreplaceable inhabitant of your garden
  • Next, plant the seeds in flower soil and leave the container with flowers at a temperature + 18C- + 21C
  • If the weather is already warm enough after the emergence of 3-4 leaves on the shoots, you can plant flowers in open ground
  • Prepare a shady place for primrose, watch out for regular watering of transplanted flowers
  • Primrose enough rarely gets sick, but it is often attacked by slugs, so make sure that after watering, there are no pests on young leaves

A perennial primrose is easy enough to grow from seeds. The main thing is monitor soil moisture and repel pest attacks.

Terry primrose, grown from seeds

Terry primrose- an unusually beautiful, but quite whimsical flower. This variety does not grow in all areas and soils. The plant does not grow in places that are too sunny, in dense ground and with insufficient watering.

One of the main tips for gardeners when growing this variety is mulching, which helps to avoid overdrying the soil.

Breed with seeds this variety is much more difficult than the others. It should also be borne in mind that purchased double flowers are more expensive and in their packages no more than 5 pieces... Be prepared for the fact that not all seeds will sprout. Follow these steps to plant terry primrose seeds:

  • Buy primrose seeds or collect in advance, it is advisable to sow twice - in late February and early May
  • The land for sowing must be loose, the best option there will be a special flower primer
  • Plant primrose deep 2 mm, compact and slightly moisten the soil

  • The seeds will sprout no earlier than after 1.5 months so don't worry if after 2 weeks as promised on the package, you will not see the shoots
  • Terry primrose grows slowly and for a long time, the February planting will bloom by the end of autumn, and the May planting only the next year
  • When the sockets appeared 3-4 leaves, you should dive seedlings
  • Across 1.5 months after diving, you can plant flowers in a permanent place

During the period of growth and flowering don't forget to water the primrose, since the terry variety is very hygrophilous. To keep flowering continuously, regularly remove wilted flowers... A year after sowing, you will see extraordinary beauty, for the sake of which it was worth paying so much attention to a whimsical flower.

Indoor primrose, growing from seeds

Primrose can grow not only in the garden, but also please the eye in the bedroom or in the kitchen. Popularly, tea with primrose flowers is considered a healing drink for soothing, and primrose leaves fill the body's needs. in vitamin C.

But one of the negative nuances of room primrose is allergic reactions... Many growers complain of a rash on their hands after caring for the plant. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, it is better to put a flower in a place inaccessible to them.

When growing room primrose from seeds use the instruction:

  • Plant seeds in June in moist soil to a depth of about 2 mm
  • Cover with earth and lightly press down
  • Cover the container with seeds with glass and place on the windowsill from the shaded side
  • Keep the soil moist, but do not pour the seeds in any case, they will start to rot from excess moisture
  • When the first shoots appear, place the container in a lighted place, with diffused light.
  • If the sockets have already appeared 5-6 leaves, you can transplant the primrose into a permanent pot
  • During flowering, primrose should be fertilized with a special complex fertilizer.

Indoor primrose, with proper care, blooms in the year of sowing. You can sow seeds at any time, the main thing is to provide the flower with room temperature, regular watering and soon you will be able to admire the gorgeous flowers.

Primula stemless, grown from seed

Primrose stemless from seed it's very easy to grow... To save money, you can collect seeds from your own garden and thus multiply on the site flower carpet, such plants do not retain varietal characteristics, so new colors can be obtained from them.

Write down detailed instructions for growing stemless primrose from seed:

  • Store primrose at temperature before sowing. up to + 7C
  • Before sowing, pickle the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and pour onto a plate
  • Pour flower soil into a container or other container and scatter the seeds to a depth 4-5 mm
  • Gently sprinkle earth on top of the seeds and compact slightly
  • Use a small watering can or syringe to moisten the soil
  • Cover the container with plastic wrap and place for a week in the refrigerator
  • After stratification, leave the seeds to grow at room temperature.
  • When the appearance 2-3 leaves stemless primrose can be dived

Seedlings can be planted in open ground in mid-August. Then the plant will be sufficiently strengthened by the next year and will delight you with beautiful flowers.

There are primroses beautiful legend... They say that the apostle Peter dropped the keys to Paradise from heaven, and when they landed on earth, at this place grown up primrose... This beautiful legend once again confirms that primrose is paradise flower, which will help create a heavenly atmosphere in your garden.

Growing primrose from seeds - effective method reproduction of this flower. Using it, a florist can get a lot beautiful plants without spending a lot of money. Primrose seedlings are usually adapted to local conditions, as opposed to the planting material sold in flower shops. Also, self-grown seedlings are not overfed with growth stimulants and fertilizers, are not infected with exotic diseases and pests, as is the case with industrially obtained plants.

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    Plant biology

    Primrose, or primroses, are short garden plants that bloom in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. There are perennial, biennial and annual species.

    The most popular variety is perennial garden primrose.

    Primrose leaves are collected in a rosette. The flowers are regular, five-petaled, collected in inflorescences, in some species - single. They differ from others in that each flower is located on a separate stem. There are also stemless species (primula vulgaris).

    One of the stemless varieties is widely known - the Potsdam giants. The plant is only 15 cm high, and its leaves are practically invisible behind the huge inflorescences. This variety is suitable for potting. Primroses "Potsdam giants" germinate from seeds later than other varieties - seedlings appear only on the 15th - 20th day.

    Potsdam giants

    Of the terry stemless primroses, the Rosanna variety variety of hybrids is popular. The height of her bushes is up to 15 cm, the flowers can be red, pink, yellow, apricot and white. It is a suitable perennial for shady areas of the garden. The plant grows quickly and loves moist, nutritious soil.

    Primula ear, or "bear ears" - a whole section of garden perennials of 20 species and hybrids with similar characteristics. It includes low-growing plants with evergreen leaves. "Bear Ears" bloom from April to June. The flowers are collected in umbrellas, the height of the peduncles is up to 25 cm.The diameter of the flowers is up to 4 cm.

    Not every variety of ear primrose is able to adapt to the climate of the middle lane. Terry varieties are especially capricious, but they can be grown as indoor potted plants, as they are hardy to poor lighting, unpretentious, have large bright buds and are distinguished by long flowering.

    Small-toothed primrose is unpretentious and winter-hardy. It blooms for about 40 days. Many varieties of this species have been created, all have small flowers, collected in spherical inflorescences-heads, located on high peduncles. There are varieties with white, lilac, lilac and purple buds. Compared to other species, the fine-toothed primrose is a real giant. The diameter of her bush can reach 40 cm, the peduncles are thick, strong, up to 30 cm long.

    Fine-toothed primrose

    The seed method is one of the most inexpensive and effective breeding options for primrose. It allows you to get acquainted with breeding, get a homogeneous plant population of the same age and size, and simply save money - after all, a bag of seeds from which you can get several dozen flowering specimens will cost less than a flowering plant in a pot bought in a store.

    Primrose obtained from seeds can only general outline resemble parent plants, differing in specific characteristics. This is due to the fact that primrose flowers are pollinated and inherit the characteristics of both the father and the mother plant.

    Seed preparation

    Primula is a primrose that blooms quite early. The seeds ripen in July - August.

    Primrose seeds are small, enclosed in fruit-boxes. They need to be collected before they crumble. The task is facilitated by the fact that primrose seeds ripen before the fruit begins to break down.

    The boxes are cut when they are completely brown and dry.... The fruits are broken, seeds are poured out of them and dried in a dry room or in the sun.

    It is more convenient to tie several peduncles together, put a paper bag on the inflorescences and hang the bundle with their heads down. In this state, the seeds will ripen, dry out and fall into the bag themselves. If this does not happen, shake the bags slightly as the boxes dry.

    Extracting seeds from fruits

    Optimum temperature for drying primrose seeds - 21 degrees above zero. The dried seeds are poured into cloth bags or paper bags. It is not recommended to store seeds in plastic bags, as they can rot.

    Prior to sowing, the seeds are stored in the refrigerator. If there is a danger of wetting the sachets, they are placed in plastic bag... Primrose seeds, properly dried and harvested at the optimal time, remain viable for 2 years.

    Some primrose varieties form non-viable seeds, they can only be propagated vegetatively.

    Pre-sowing treatment

    It is not easy to achieve friendly germination of primrose. If the seeds don't sprout, chances are they are just old. The primrose shows optimal germination only in the first year.

    Some varieties of primroses require stratification. This technique consists in temporary cooling seed as it happens in winter in nature. Seeds are stratified when sown:

    • scatter seeds over wet soil;
    • the container is covered with glass and transferred to the cold for 2-4 weeks.

    You can simply bury the container in a snowdrift or use your home refrigerator. If the seeds in the refrigerator do not hatch for a long time, the container is rearranged for 2-3 days in the freezer, making sure that the temperature in it does not drop below -10 degrees.

    An alternative to stratification is a special technique called "temperature wobble". Primrose seeds wintering in the wild under the snow are constantly experiencing temperature changes. The instability of external conditions brings them out of a state of rest. It is this situation that the temperature swing reproduces. Its essence is that for several days the container with crops is rearranged either to warm or cold.

    The tall primrose does not need stratification. Its seeds sprout amicably at normal room temperature. They can be slightly germinated before sowing: put on a damp cloth and cover with the same on top. The seeds that have hatched must be planted immediately in the ground.


    Experienced gardeners sow seeds of primroses in January. With early sowing, some varieties bloom as early as May. Primroses sown later may bloom in the fall or next year.

    There are varieties intended for distillation by a certain date, for example, by March 8 or for spring garden fairs: Premiere, Biocolor, Elba variety series.

    At home, primrose is sown in open trays with fine-grained peat soil. There is no need to fertilize the ground. Seeds require light to germinate, and excess fertilizer is harmful. The acidity should be in the range of 5.5-6.0.

    One of the options for sowing primrose substrate:

    • 60% peat;
    • 25% perlite;
    • 15% vermiculite.

    A hydrogel can be added to the substrate. The substance is prepared according to the instructions, pouring water in advance. Half of the resulting mass is mixed with the soil, achieving uniformity of the composition. The other half is passed through a sieve and spread over the surface of the container. The hydrogel allows you to maintain an optimal level of moisture in the soil, which is extremely important for primrose, since it has small, superficially sown seeds.

    The seeds must be planted so that they remain in the light. To do this, they are laid out on the surface of the soil and are not sprinkled with anything. It is recommended to maintain a moderate humidity level during germination. The seeds should not dry out or become waterlogged. If it is difficult to establish the correct irrigation regime, lightly sprinkle the soil with vermiculite - it will absorb water and help maintain sufficient moisture around the seeds.

    Sowing in tablets and hydrogel

    A common technique for growing primroses is seeding in a hydrogel. The balls of gel are poured with water, then one seed is gently pressed into each.

    The seeds can be kept in the hydrogel for some time after germination - until small roots are formed.

    A step-by-step guide to sowing into peat tablets:

    1. 1. Tablets are placed in a container, filled with water and left to swell.
    2. 2. In the center of each of them, a recess with a diameter of about a centimeter is made.
    3. 3. Place one seed inside the hole with a toothpick, without deepening or sprinkling it - it should remain in the light.
    4. 4. Tablets are placed in flower pallets or a container and placed on the windowsill.

    Growing seedlings

    At all stages of development, primrose does not need high temperature. Optimal conditions for germination - 15-19 degrees above zero. In this climate, seeds will germinate on the 7th to 10th day. After that, the temperature is lowered to 16-18 degrees.

    To prevent the seedlings from stretching, the temperature must not be raised above +20 degrees.

    After the emergence of seedlings, the moisture must be reduced to such an extent that the earth has time to dry out a little from watering to watering. Water scarcity accelerates rooting, encourages plants to grow root mass in search of moisture.

    Primrose is light sensitive. As soon as the cotyledon leaves appear, the pallets need to be transferred to the brightest place or begin to illuminate with fluorescent lamps.

    The stages of growing primroses from seeds are presented in the table below:

    Development phases


    Sowing, waiting for seedlings, final rooting of seedlings

    Maintain a temperature of +15 degrees day and night. With moderate humidity and sufficient light, seedlings will appear in 5-7 days. It will take them the same amount of time to get stronger before the dive

    Full disclosure of cotyledons

    The moisture level is reduced, but the soil is not allowed to dry out. Seedlings are sprayed two to three times a day, support high level illumination. The first feeding is carried out - with calcium nitrate at a dosage of 1 g per liter of water

    The appearance of the first true leaves

    Maintain a temperature of + 15 + 18 degrees and sufficient humidity. The first potash fertilization is carried out - this substance is extremely important for root growth. Any nitrogen-potash will do. mineral fertilizer, for example, potassium nitrate (potassium - 44%, nitrogen - 13%) at a dosage of 1.5 g per liter of water

    Formation of 3-4 true leaves

    They are transplanted into pots. A week before, they carry out nitrogen fertilization... Fit foliar fertilization urea - 1 g of the drug per 1 liter of water. Nitrogen will help plants to more easily carry the transfer from the common tray into separate containers

    Primrose is better to dive into pots white: they heat up less. Black plastic containers raise the soil temperature by an average of 3-6 degrees, which is dangerous for a cold-loving plant. Seedlings dive to the same depth at which they grew before transplanting to help avoid root rot.

    The soil should be crumbly. In a well-aerated soil, the bush will quickly grow dense roots that will surround the entire clod of earth. At the same time, the ground part will be healthy, lush, and the flowering will be bright.

    You should not discard the weakest seedlings - late emerging and slow growing. They can make the most beautiful flowers.

    The optimal level of acidity when growing seedlings of primrose is 5.5-6.0:

    • A pH value above 6.2 leads to an iron deficiency, chlorosis begins in plants - the upper leaves turn yellow.
    • Acidity below 5.5 causes excessive assimilation of zinc, as a result of which the seedlings will begin to die off the edges of the lower plates.

    Self seeding

    Primrose seeds can be sown in the garden immediately after harvest - then they do not need to be stratified. By spring, the germination rate of material stored at home decreases to 60-80%.

Growing from primrose seeds at home requires attention and patience. This process is not only laborious, but also lengthy. Experienced gardeners usually prefer to propagate flowers by cuttings or rosette divisions. Such methods allow you to quickly and without much hassle get young plant specimens.

When growing primrose from seeds, difficulties often arise associated with the germination of the material and the death of shoots. However, if there is no other way to get the flower you like, you should not refuse to use seeds. Easier than other forms, the stemless type of flower propagates by seeds.

When propagating stemless primrose, growing from seeds can show quite good results. But it must be remembered that if the planting material of a certain flower is used, it is necessary to collect it correctly. Primrose seeds ripen in a spherical or cylindrical box that is tied between August and September. As soon as the fruit is formed on the flower, you need to closely monitor it. The ripening of seeds can be recognized by its appearance. It is necessary to pluck the box when it turns brown or acquires a waxy ripeness.

It is important not to miss the moment of fetal opening. Primrose seeds, like many primroses, are very small, almost dusty. If they spill out of the opened box, it will be almost impossible to collect them. Experienced gardeners recommend placing the ripening fruit in a tissue bag. The seeds will remain in it if the capsule suddenly opens.

The ripe fruit is broken off from the stem along with the dried peduncle (so as not to damage it), then it is carefully cut over glassware. Primrose seeds are colored black or dark brown. To make them clearly visible, it is better to take a white saucer.

A primrose from seeds can differ from the mother plant from which the planting material was collected. The colors of its colors may be different. To get buds of a certain color, you must use purchased seeds. The lack of planting material offered in shopping centers, is the long period of its storage after collection.

Seed germination directly depends on their freshness and keeping conditions. If the seeds collected in the fall are planted in the spring, their germination rate will decrease by 20-40%. If they are stored at room temperature, the chances of sprouting will be further reduced. Not only germination depends on the freshness of the seeds, but also the time of their germination. Therefore, it is recommended to plant the seeds as early as possible. Before planting, they are stored in seed pods at a temperature of +2 ... + 5 ° C.

The seeds that are sold in the store have already been treated with drugs that protect them from fungal infection. Self-collected grains must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.5-1%). Several crystals of potassium permanganate are poured into a glass of cooled boiled water. Before sowing, the seeds are placed in the solution for 20 minutes.

For better germination, the grains are stratified.

Stratification process

Stratification refers to the conditions in which the planting material is in the wild before germination.

Stemless primrose scatters seeds into the soil before the onset of winter. Before being born, they spend several months in the cold. Protected by a thick shell, plant grains are perfectly preserved under the snow, withstanding low temperatures. During this period, physiological processes occur inside the seeds that promote germination. The dense shell softens, the seed swells, and the complex organic substances in it turn into simple ones in order to facilitate their assimilation by the sprout. In a warm and dry environment, the planting material does not begin to prepare for awakening. Such seeds do not germinate after planting in the ground.

It is imperative to do stratification before growing primrose from store-bought seeds. This procedure will increase their chances of ascending.

For stratification, seeds are mixed with moistened coarse river sand (in a ratio of 1: 3). The substance is poured into a container and placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, on the terrace of a house or in the basement with an air temperature of +2 ... + 5 ° C. The sand must be pre-washed and all foreign particles removed from it. The container is covered with polyethylene on top. It should have holes for air exchange.

Once every 7-10 days, the contents of the container must be checked. Rotten seeds are removed from it and the soil is moistened if necessary. It shouldn't dry out. The duration of primrose stratification is 1.5-2 months. Fresh seeds take only 2-3 weeks to sprout together.

Another way of stratification can be used. The grains are poured onto the central part of a 10x40 cm cotton strip, covered with the side edges of the tape and rolled up. So that it does not open, it is fixed with wire. The roll is placed in a container, at the bottom of which a little water is poured. The liquid should not cover the entire tissue, otherwise it will expel air and kill the seeds. You can use sphagnum moss to keep the fabric moist. It is highly moistened and laid around the roll. The container with seeds is placed in a cool place and its contents are monitored every 7-10 days. When to sow primrose depends on the condition of the grains and the grower's preference.

Sowing seeds

You can plant the seeds immediately after harvesting them. but experienced florists it is recommended to place the planting material in the soil later, in the period from January to March. If fresh seeds are sown in the fall, they can sprout even before winter arrives. Primrose seedlings develop very quickly and fill the entire space on the windowsill.

Garden soil for planting is not always suitable. It is usually too heavy. Primula stemless prefers light, well-fertilized soil. The land can be collected from the deciduous forest. The forest soil is loose and rich in humus from the leaves. It is mixed with river sand in a 2: 1 ratio. Soil mixture for primroses is also prepared from 2 parts of leaf humus, 1 part of sod land and 1 part river sand... Can be bought at the store ready soil for primroses (pH 5.5-6.5).

Before use, the earthen mixture must be calcined in the oven. Correct disinfection will kill disease-causing bacteria, fungal spores, dangerous nematodes, insect eggs and pupae. Damp earth is poured onto a metal sheet. Its layer should not exceed 5 cm. The sheet with soil is placed in an oven heated to +70 ... + 90 ° C. At a higher temperature, it is impossible to ignite the soil. Otherwise, beneficial microorganisms will die and nitrogen will be mineralized.

The disinfected soil is kept in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Then it is poured into a flat wide container, tamped and a new layer 0.5 cm thick is added. The soil is re-leveled and moistened with water. It is best to spray it with a spray bottle. Seeds are sown into wet soil and lightly sprinkled with dry earth. If you plant them deeply, they will not rise. The recommended seeding density is 5 seeds per 1 cm².

You can cool the soil with snow. The earth is poured into a container, compacted and covered with a layer of snow (1-2 cm). It will not allow the ground to warm up quickly after sowing the seeds. The planting material is laid on the snow and carefully leveled with a shovel or with a load. From above, the seeds are not sprinkled with earth. The snow will gradually melt and the grains will fall to the ground.

The container is covered with foil and placed in a lighted place. Primrose stemless does not tolerate direct rays of the sun. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a site for her on a windowsill with diffused light. The optimum temperature for seed germination is + 12 ... + 18 ° C.

Sprout care and picking

For the seeds to germinate, the soil does not need to be allowed to dry out. The soil is regularly moistened by spraying water from a spray bottle. Condensed moisture must be removed from polyethylene.

Growing a primrose from seeds can be time consuming. The first shoots usually appear in 2-3 weeks. Sometimes this process is delayed for a month.

As soon as the first shoots are observed on the surface, the film must be slightly opened. For 10-12 days, the plants are gradually accustomed to room air... Every day they are opened more strongly and for a longer time. At the end of the second week, the film is completely removed.

Plants continue to shade from direct sunlight. When the weather is warm, the container can be taken out to open balcony... Time spent on fresh air increase gradually. After 2 weeks, you can leave flowers on the balcony for the whole day. The container must be brought into the room at night.

When grown from seed, primroses respond well to feeding. Roseanne seedlings can be fertilized for the first time within 7-10 days after germination. The sprouts are watered with a liquid mixture for primroses, reducing the concentration of the drug by 4 times. This crop has very delicate and easily vulnerable leaves, so you need to make sure that fertilizers do not fall on the green mass. You can use a pipette to apply fertilizer. Subsequently, the soil is fed once a week.

Seedlings are watered through the pallet. You can moisten the soil with a pipette or syringe. If there is too much water on the surface, the sprouts can become infected with the black leg. Water for irrigation is preliminarily defended for several days.

Plants are picked when the first pair of true leaves appears on them. If the sprouts were densely planted and sprouted together, they can interfere with each other. In this case, they can be seated a little earlier.

The pick begins with large specimens. They are pryed off with a toothpick and removed from the soil, trying to injure the roots as little as possible. Plants are planted in special containers (cassettes) with a volume of 50 ml or plastic cups of the same size.

You can plant the sprouts in a container at a distance of 5 cm from each other. They are carefully dipped to the base of the cotyledonous leaves in holes made with a toothpick or wire. The cut seedlings are watered with a thin stream of water.

Planting plants in a permanent place

After the pick, the development of plants slows down a little. This is due to the fact that young primroses are actively increasing the root mass, trying to fill the space of the pot. As long as the flowers look healthy, there is no need to worry.

Re-plant primrose seedlings in May-June. The strongest plants are planted in a larger pot or outdoors. Weak specimens are removed.

If the grown primrose will be on personal plot, seedlings are planted in dense close rows. The recommended distance between plant rosettes is 10-15 cm. Culture does not like open space... Roseanne flowers can be planted at a distance of 30 cm.

For the first 2 years, young plants need to be covered with fallen leaves for the winter. In the third year, the flowers are transferred to a new place.

In the process of growing, stemless primrose can hurt and be affected by various pests. She suffers from stem and root rot, rust, powdery mildew... Plants show signs different types mosaics and jaundice. They are attacked spider mites, fleas, slugs, stem nematodes and aphids.

Affected by infection and pests, stemless primrose slows down growth and development. Even large and strong flowers can wither and die. The infection spreads rapidly among plants. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly check the quality of seedlings in order to detect signs of flower damage as early as possible. Sick specimens are processed special means or delete.

If you adhere to all the rules of agricultural technology, cultivation of primrose at home will not cause difficulties even for a novice gardener. A beautiful primrose will adorn your home interior and personal plot.

Primula is a very common and undemanding plant to care for. Growing it from seedlings is also not difficult. The main difficulty is getting the smallest seeds to germinate in the home. Not everyone succeeds. And yet it is possible to do this, albeit troublesome.

Which primrose to choose for seed propagation?

First, let's decide on the seeds, the easiest way to get them is in a store that offers many varieties of varying degrees of terry and colors. The germination of seeds is the worse, the older they are, two-year-olds may not germinate at all. Therefore, be sure to check the expiration dates on the bags. For growing in the garden, bushes with large leaves and high peduncles are preferable.

Very effective primrose fine-toothed, ear, high, orchid and candelabra. Only they are unlikely to live long in the open ground of the middle lane. The most common primrose is ordinary or stemless, which has many different varieties of different colors. There are even double flowers such as Rosie, Roseanne, Scarlet, but they are thermophilic. But the varieties of the Arctic are cold-resistant and do not need shelter.

Primrose hybrids stemless and tall are not suitable for growing outdoors. Some foreign varieties are grown in their homeland in greenhouses, used as disposables, they are briefly used to decorate verandas and offices. Such bushes will not give the desired spectacular re-flowering and will die in a snowless winter.

The information on the bags about the cultivation method may be inaccurate, and the type of flowers is determined incorrectly. Most often they are of hybrid origin. Seeds of species primroses are rarely found in the store, but domestic amateur flower growers have them. It is more difficult to germinate wild plants than hybrids, but the more fun process and the result is more valuable.

In areas of central Russia, a pink garden perennial Siebold primrose, occasionally lilac, has been growing for a long time. But collectors are already growing varietal primroses of this variety of unique colors, different forms, including terry. They are engaged in selection, which means that they also collect the seeds of their plants and sell the surplus.

In the garden center, it is better to choose hybrids of auricle, tall primroses, polyanthus or Julia primroses. If the most unpretentious and beautiful specimens plants obtained from seedlings, cross with proven local primroses, it is possible to breed new hardy primroses of various colors.

Collection technology, methods of sowing and germinating seeds

The easiest way to collect seeds is from garden bushes. Sometimes primrose seedlings are grown from seed to ensure that the flowers in the garden will be preserved in the event of their death. Another goal is the renewal of varieties of juveniles or obtaining a large number of flowering plants at once.

We collect at a time when the seed pods open slightly. We tear them off entirely and lay them out in a cool place for ripening. There are several terms and methods of germination:

  • Seeds sown in open ground immediately after ripening have the highest germination capacity, and the weather conditions are most favorable. We sow superficially, while not forgetting about mulching and watering. By the end of the season, tiny seedlings are already growing from them. Not all of them will survive the winter, but this is how natural selection occurs.
  • Podzimny sowing is done densely in boxes with mandatory drainage, lightly sprinkling with soil, immediately after the first frost, cover non-woven fabric... After the snow melts, we remove the material, taking care that the seedlings do not suffer from drought.
  • When sowing at home, the seeds must be stratified. With a small amount, lay them out on a damp soil surface in a container, cover with a film or a lid and keep them in a warm place for up to five days. After swelling, we rearrange it in the refrigerator, checking from time to time the degree of humidity. We transfer the sprouted sprouts to a window with a temperature of about 18 degrees. If nothing happened in a month, we still expose the bowl to the light, some varieties need it for awakening.
  • Instead of an earthen mixture, it is possible to use a damp cloth, which is then placed in a bag.
  • To save space in the refrigerator, we carry out sowing according to the same scheme in a sponge, which is usually used to wash dishes. We make several cuts to the middle of the foam rubber layer, put the seeds in them. Squeezing the sponge a little, moisten it and put it in a bag. Once every two days, we check, at the same time we ventilate, pushing the slots apart, then we place the bag on the coldest shelf of the refrigerator. Separate the sprouts from the sponge with the wet tip of a toothpick. By immediately placing them in cells with soil, we bypass the dive stage.
  • Another option is to soak the seeds in a warm place for a day, then put them in the refrigerator, then on the window.
  • You can also wet peat tablets, put them in Plastic container, press several seeds with a toothpick to the surface of each of them. Closing the lid, we put everything in a dark place, not forgetting to moisturize if necessary. After a month, we plant the seedlings in pots.
  • Some growers simply place the seeds in the freezer for twelve hours, avoiding stratification during germination.

Diving and planting outlets in open ground

We place the containers with crops in a warm, sunny place. Remove the film or cover when most of the seedlings have discarded the shell. We carry out the first dive when two or three leaves grow back, while rejecting non-viable seedlings. Holding the leaves with tweezers, we lift the sprout and plant it in the hole made with a toothpick, deepening it to the cotyledons. Pour gently from a pipette or syringe without a needle.

Primrose has no special requirements for the soil, but it is better to buy mixtures of proven manufacturers. It is desirable to add perlite to them, which prevents soil caking and provides drainage. The mixed vermiculite normalizes the moisture content, reduces the acidity of the soil, helps the root system to adapt and develop well. After the sprouts have grown, we either dive them a second time, or immediately plant them in separate pots. You can sow seeds from February to April, then at the time of planting in open ground we will get seedlings of different ages.

Starting in May, when the threat of frost has passed, we plant the bushes on the site. We grow them in partial shade so that the little ones do not get burned by the sun's rays. We make sure that the soil does not dry out, but it is not waterlogged either. In the fall, we transplant the grown sockets to a permanent place. In the future, we keep the soil around the outlets in a loose and moist form, removing weeds. We feed the primrose with a solution of a low concentration of fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus, we try not to overdo it with nitrogen so that the bushes do not grow greens to the detriment of flowering.

For 4-5 years, the primrose grows strongly. To rejuvenate the curtain, we dig up and divide it into parts, obtaining planting material that will completely repeat the varietal characteristics of the mother bush. To protect against diseases, we carry out preventive treatment with Nitrofen solution in the fall, and with Bordeaux liquid or Fundazol in the spring.

If the primrose variety is adapted to the conditions of the site, we leave it to winter without shelter, cover the heat-loving plants with spruce branches, dry cut stems. In the spring, we make sure that no ice crust forms on the outlets and that there is no stagnant water. In this case, the likelihood of damping out the bushes is high.

How to grow and maintain indoor flowers?

Autumn-winter season in middle lane long and meager in paint. Indoor flowers will help extend the season of joy. Suitable for these purposes: common primrose, Chinese or soft-leaved primrose. However, these species are used as an indoor annual crop. The best choice for home - perennial primrose obkonika, which blooms very brightly and for a long time almost non-stop, especially abundantly in winter and spring. It is thermophilic and does not even tolerate frost, and at home it can successfully grow for several years.

It is a short bush with inverse conical leaves on elongated petioles. At the same time, several umbrella-shaped inflorescences grow at once, which we cut off immediately after flowering, making room for the next flowers - varied, bright and elegant.

The leaves of this primrose can cause allergies in people who are sensitive to the primrose they contain. We remove the plant higher if there are small children in the house!

To get our seeds, we carry out artificial pollination. To do this, we transfer pollen from one flower to another. When cross-pollinated, grown rosettes may have the specific characteristics of each parent primroses, or something very special may be bred. To have in the apartment from autumn to spring flowering plants, we sow the collected seeds from January to summer every month. We sow in a container on the surface of the soil, slightly moisten, cover with foil or glass. We keep them in a bright place at a temperature of about 18 degrees, regularly ventilate and spray with water.

In two weeks the seedlings will germinate, as they grow, we dive them twice. Three months later, we transplant the sprouts into separate pots (we make up the soil from peat, sand and humus). Six months after sowing, the bushes will bloom. Caring for room primrose is easy:

  • She needs Light room no direct sunlight and no drafts. West or north windows work best.
  • The best conditions for flowering are temperatures between 12 and 16 degrees.
  • Water sparingly, avoiding water getting on the leaves.
  • Primrose is not picky about humidity.
  • We begin to feed twice a month only after the formation of buds, so that the plant does not linger with flowering, growing leaves.
  • We remove faded inflorescences in time, and also pinch off dry stems and leaves.

We plant the faded bush in a shaded place in the garden or balcony, return it to the room in the fall. Once a year, at the end of flowering, home primroses are transplanted into a pot of slightly larger diameter. At the same time, we remove damaged or rotten roots.

Forcing garden primrose for holidays

Very nice to receive flowering bush by March 8 or birthday, and to expel him and present him as a gift is doubly joyful. For accelerated development and flowering, we create the most favorable conditions for healthy adult primroses:

  • In the fall, we dig out the flowers, transfer them to separate small containers.
  • Store in a cool dark room with a temperature of about eight degrees.
  • In order to get ready for March 8, at the end of January we transfer the plants to a lighter and warmer place. The temperature should not rise above 18 degrees. We begin to water the soil in pots little by little.
  • In early spring, flowering begins. For the prevention of diseases, we spill a fungicide in a month, we feed them regularly.
  • We rearrange the faded bush in a cool, bright place for rest and recovery. It will be possible to expel him again only after two or three years.

Primroses are unpretentious and grateful plants. Their value lies in the early lush bloom when the rest of the garden dwellers hadn't even grown foliage yet. Outside flowering will highlight any celebration. And in each case, the joy of contemplating this beauty more than rewards us for the efforts to painstakingly create it.

Primula stemless, or ordinary (Primula acaulis, syn. P vulgaris), in nature - a small herbaceous plant, which gave the name to the family. The leaves are simple, the flowers are solitary, most often white or yellow, less often pink, purple or purple with an eye.

One of the first to bloom in early spring. Often on a plant in bloom, you cannot even see the leaves - they are covered with numerous flowers. From other primroses stemless and its hybrids are easy to distinguish - the flowers are always solitary, not collected in an inflorescence, each on its own stalk.

These unpretentious plants not uncommon in gardens. The best way get primroses - ask neighbors and friends for clones that have been growing well for a long time.

You can buy flowering specimens - then both the species and the variety will not be in doubt.

In winter, primroses rhizomes are sometimes sold. They can be bought and stored for a short time in sphagnum in the zero chamber of the refrigerator.

If they grow prematurely, they need to be planted in pots and kept on a cool loggia. In a room with a high temperature and low air humidity, planted primroses are likely to die.

Sometimes on sale you can see seeds of terry primroses (for example, the variety-series Rosanna).

However, if you look closely at the picture, and then at the living flower, it turns out that there are still five petals, they just have a wavy edge and they are not fully opened, which is why the middle is not visible and the flower looks double.

True double (multi-petal, without stamens and pistil) flowers are sterile. Terry varieties can only be propagated vegetatively. These are also available in stemless primroses.

New varieties appear every year, it is often difficult to understand what is sustainable and what is not. In general, resistant primrose clones are:

  • as close as possible to the natural species in color and size of flowers;
  • pastel colors, not blue;
  • without large bracts (“collar” of leaves immediately under the flower).

Planting and caring for common primrose (stemless)

Resistant varieties of stemless primrose - plants that last when growing, plastic and tolerant to the vicissitudes of garden life.

The best time for planting primroses - as soon as the snow melts, but if there is watering, they endure division and transplantation at any time convenient for you. Primroses take root when low temperatures(planted in late summer - autumn, they often bulge out after wintering).

Ideally, such primroses need partial shade with rich loamy soil, good nutrition (for abundant flowering), the absence of both locking and drying out. But they will also tolerate full sun (subject to guaranteed watering).

Leaving primrose almost does not require.

It is useful to clean them of dead leaves after the snow melts, water them in the heat, fertilize them with complex fertilizer according to the season, and mulch. Poor wintering is usually characteristic of unstable varieties and when planted in a damp place.

First of all, blue and large-flowered ones fall out. The species are very stable and can withstand any snowless winters for me. It makes no sense to shelter primroses: they get wet more often than freeze, and this will happen much faster under cover.

Using primrose

Primroses make dense borders and colorful rugs. The array can be located both near the track, and at some distance from it. For one group, it is worth using primroses of the same color. This is easy to do if you divide one overgrown clump.

Numerous varieties of primroses, when planted side by side, look like a cacophony of colors, much more harmonious than mono-planting or a combination of only two varieties.

Primroses are easy to combine with tall perennials, which will cover them from the scorching sun in summer - or even. Even more suitable companions for planting primroses in partial shade. There are only two restrictions: neighbors should not cover the primroses tightly with their leaves and should not be too aggressive.

So, I had to give up the proximity of primroses with kupins and disporum smilatsinov: very quickly these aggressors grew and "stitched" primrose bushes with their powerful shoots.

But ferns, even large ones, just planted at the proper distance, hellebores - almost the entire shady assortment - are quite combined with primroses. Small-bulbous plants are very good in joint plantings, blooming at the same time as primroses.

Reproduction of an ordinary (stemless) primrose

Stemless primroses are propagated by seeds and vegetatively.

Under favorable conditions, self-seeding occurs in the garden. But the easiest way is to divide them. Many grow well and even require periodic division.

The plant needs to be dug up and divided into separate outlets or groups of outlets with roots with a knife, planting them in a new place. The best time for this is the earliest spring after the snow melts, but primroses can be divided

And in bloom, and before the beginning of the summer heat. Autumn division is possible, but undesirable: if a snowless winter occurs, poorly rooted plants may die.

Sometimes the sockets are separated without digging out the whole bush.

Even perennial bushes can gradually grow, become bare in the middle and rot due to excessive density. They should be maintained by regular (every 3-4 years) division with transplantation or soil replacement.

Possible problems

One of the problems of varietal primroses is their fragility. Honestly, I just resigned myself to the fact that large-flowered and brightest primroses live in the garden from the strength of 1-2 seasons.

They just need a different use than stable clones. Attractive yet unstable potted hybrids are best kept low on hopes and considered short-term in the garden. They bloom all summer long, like summer flies, and it’s better to use them as summer flies. They will perfectly replace faded and retired small-bulbous ones, decorate steps or a patio, being planted in a beautiful flowerpot.

Varieties of primrose ordinary (stemless) photo: 1. Butter Yellow. 2. Danova Bicolor. 3. Quacker Bonnet.

Seed primrose - growing and care

It is very easy to grow primroses from seeds. If you want to break a delicate pink-cream carpet under the old apple trees, collect the seeds of your primroses - they sprout very amicably, and will not cost you a dime.

Plants from seeds collected in their garden do not retain varietal characteristics, but this is how you can get new colors.

Before sowing, the seed bolls of primroses are stored at a temperature not higher than + 5 ... + 7 ° С. Before sowing, the seeds collected in the garden are pickled to protect the seedlings from fungi (purchased seeds do not need to be processed - it is enough to steam the soil).

Fresh seeds usually sprout after a short cooling - they are tight in primroses. There is no need to be afraid of this procedure: the mechanism is laid down in nature, where they lie under the snow all winter and germinate in early spring.

The container with crops should be kept in the refrigerator or under the snow for 2-4 weeks. Then crops that have undergone stratification can be exposed to a bright window, shading from direct sunlight.

The optimum temperature for the development of seedlings of the planted primrose is + 16 ... + 18 ° С. When two true leaves appear, primrose seedlings dive. In the future, they need to be watered and fed.

After the threat of frost has passed, the container with seedlings is added dropwise until the end of summer in a semi-shaded place in the garden, and then planted in a permanent place at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.

Growing primroses from seeds (photo)

In order to indoor conditions to grow primrose from seeds it is necessary to consistently do the following:

1. Carefully shake out the seeds from the dried inflorescences over the saucer.

2. Place the seeds for 20 minutes in a 0.5-1.0% solution of potassium permanganate.

3. Scatter the seeds over the snow - when it melts, they will evenly and without embedding will be on the soil surface.

4. Snow after sowing must be compacted.

5. We mark the types and varieties of sown plants with tablets.

6 (a). After sowing, cover the container with a lid.

6 (b). We bury the container in a snowdrift outside (for about 2-4 weeks).

7. Seedlings in the phase of two true leaves are carefully pry on with large nests, without injuring the roots, and put them on a saucer.

8. Divide the seedlings one at a time, plant them in a box with a step of 5 cm or in individual pots. Water the cut seedlings with a thin stream.

9. It is better to plant the plants in a permanent place in the second half of August, when cool and rainy weather sets in.

Priula is the primam of the spring garden

This modest and unpretentious, but incredible bright flower not only enjoys the love of gardeners, but also has a special story.

Legend has it that one day the Apostle Peter fell asleep and dropped the keys to Paradise. And hitting the ground, they sprouted up with cheerful primroses.

Primrose, or primrose, is the favorite of most gardeners, and almost anywhere. the globe... At one time, England was even swept over by primomania, a "disease" so similar to the Dutch "tulip mania". Why is this little girl so good?

Perhaps the main talent of a beauty is the ability to be different: in nature, there are from 400 to 550 species of the Primula genus! But this is far from the limit, since botanists continually discover new ones, and breeders do not get tired of creating hybrids and new varieties. As a result, today the primrose is able to satisfy any whim: not only do its flowers amaze with all kinds of colors - even gray and green, two- and three-color, with or without a pattern.

Primroses also differ in the structure of inflorescences. On this basis, they were divided into 5 groups: cushion (for example, common primrose), umbrella-shaped (such as high primrose or spring primrose), spherical (for example, fine-toothed primrose), candelabra (one of them is bullsian primrose) and bell-shaped (primrose Florinda). By the way, not all of them bloom in spring.

There are many species that adorn the garden in summer, such as the primroses of Biss, Florinda, Bulley. You can rest assured that even if you decorate a flower garden exclusively with primroses of different types and varieties, it will be incomparable. But the bright "prima" is quite "sociable" - it goes well with other spring-flowering plants, as well as with low-growing ornamental grasses and ferns.

The main condition for the prosperity of our multifaceted heroine is an abundance of moisture in the soil in spring, but without excess and even less stagnation. Perfect place for a plant - partial shade with well-drained fertile soil.

If the primrose lives in a pot, make sure that the substrate does not dry out (only common primrose more or less calmly tolerates drought in summer). Top dressing is done 3 times per season: in early spring, 2-3 weeks after the first and at the end of July - mid-August. For the winter, it is advisable to sprinkle primroses with dry leaves with a layer of about 10 cm, since even the most hardy in the absence of snow can freeze.

Primula photos and species

  1. Primrose high it reproduces well by self-seeding and grows rapidly, but only on condition that the soil is fresh, moderately moist and rich in humus.
  2. Japanese primrose Miller's Crimson blooms in June - July. She prefers partial shade and moist soil. The purple-red flowers of this varietal plant attract attention with their unusual dark centers.
  3. Have spring primrose (Primula veris) small bright yellow flowers. Their distinctive featureorange spots at the base of the petals.
  4. In a bast basket, they look organic common white primrose and spring primrose... By the way, such an ensemble can be an excellent present for a gardener friend.

Below are other entries on the topic "Cottage and garden - do it yourself"

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  • : Auricular primrose (auricula) - cultivation, ...