Dieffenbachia pruning an adult plant. Dieffenbachia propagation

If you decide to have such an exotic plant as Dieffenbachia at home, you need to learn how to properly care for it at home so that it grows beautiful and healthy. This plant will also help you maintain your health, as it purifies the air of many toxins and enriches the air with oxygen.

To answer all the questions that arise when growing dieffenbachia, in this article we have compiled the most complete guide for you, after reading which you will not make mistakes and do not ruin this plant.

Also from this article you will learn what types of dieffenbachia exist, how to choose, transplant, care for and propagate these flowers correctly. We advise you to place dieffenbachia in the kitchen to purify the air from toxic substances.

What is this plant

Dieffenbachia is a beautiful evergreen plant, very beloved by flower growers. Dieffenbachia's leaves are large, beautifully shaped, with a variegated pattern. The stem is thick and strong. The pattern on the leaves consists of stripes, specks, specks of different shades from light green to dark yellow.

There is a species, this is Dieffenbachia Oersted, which has dark green leaves with bright white stripes along the central veins. And there are varieties with almost completely white or white-yellow leaves. The bright coloration of the plant creates a warm, joyful atmosphere in the room.

Plant dieffenbachia (lat.Dieffenbachia) belongs to the genus of evergreen plants of the Aroid family, growing in the tropical zone of the American continent. The Dieffenbachia flower was named by Heinrich Wilhelm Schott, an Austrian botanist, after Joseph Dieffenbach, the senior gardener of the botanical garden at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.

In nature, there are about 40 types of dieffenbachia. Indoor dieffenbachia is characterized by rapid growth - some species can reach a height of two or more meters in five years.

Dieffenbachia care is generally simple, this plant can recommend for growing to beginners lovers of indoor plants. It is interesting that Dieffenbachia has useful properties for humans... It cleans the air from various toxins: formaldehyde, xylene, trichlorethylene, benzene. In an industrial urban area or the proximity of major highways, this is an irreplaceable plant.

Dieffenbachia flower - features

For all dieffenbachia, a common feature is a thick, succulent stem, bearing large, oval leaves. The leaf of this plant is an amazing creation of nature, although breeders have made their contribution to the creation of many varieties and hybrids with different leaf colors. The growth point of dieffenbachia is usually located at the top of the shoot, although there are species in which the dormant points are located at the base of the shoots, and therefore they are able to bush.

The inflorescence in representatives of this genus, like in other Aroids, is in the form of an ear, but dieffenbachia rarely blooms at home. And flower growers are not interested in flowering: flowers attract the eye with the beauty of their large variegated leaves.
Dieffenbachia is a peculiar plant. Get to know a number of features that distinguish this indoor flower:

  • - Dieffenbachia is poisonous, therefore, pruning and transplanting the plant must be carried out, observing safety measures;
  • - it grows very quickly - under favorable conditions for it, it releases a new leaf weekly, but as it grows, its trunk in the lower part becomes bare, the plant loses its decorative effect, and it has to be cut off with subsequent rooting;
  • - absolutely does not tolerate a sharp cold snap and drafts and is very fond of moisture;
  • - does not tolerate lime, therefore, the water for irrigation and spraying must be settled or filtered. Rain or boiled water can be used.

These not very attractive properties of Dieffenbachia, however, do not detract from its indisputable merits, the most important of which is beauty and imposingness.

What is important to consider when caring for dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia is a tall plant. In nature, it can reach two meters in size and even more. Dieffenbachia strives for this at home, therefore, over time, it needs a powerful support. As the plant grows, the lower part of the stem of the "matured" plant stiffens, the lower leaves fall off and the plant is somewhat loses its decorative appearance... In this case, the plant is rejuvenated, the top is cut and rooted, the stem is cut into cuttings and rooted as well. You can rejuvenate the plant as follows: cut the plant completely, leaving only a short stump, new young shoots will begin to appear from it in a few months

It is important that dieffenbachia has and dangerous properties... Its juice is poisonous. Therefore, after working with the plant, which is best done with gloves, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. And, despite its useful qualities, it is better not to breed dieffenbachia in rooms where there are children.

Dieffenbachia care at home

How to care

Dieffenbachia prefers bright diffused light without direct sunlight, and varieties with variegated leaves need more light than with solid green ones, otherwise their original color fades. The best place for this rather large plant is a meter or two from a brightly lit window. You can keep Dieffenbachia not so close to the window, but then you will have to use additional artificial lighting.

  • Temperatures in summer are preferable from 20 to 30 ºC, in winter - at least 15 ºC, and remember - no drafts, or dieffenbachia will begin to lose leaves.
  • Watering should be plentiful in the warm season, but still the soil in the pot should not resemble liquid mud. In the cold period, watering is accordingly reduced, but the earthen lump should not dry out even in winter.
  • Increased humidity is required (65%), so spraying and washing the leaves is necessary, and the more often you do this, the better Dieffenbachia will feel.
  • And for irrigation, and for wiping, and for spraying, you can only use settled or boiled water. Sometimes, however, it is possible to arrange a plant, if it is small in size, not cold shower, but at the same time the water should not get into the ground.

Dieffenbachia care involves seasonal feeding. It is fertilized, like most other plants, in the spring-summer period, applying liquid mineral or organic fertilizers that do not contain lime, once a decade at half the recommended dose. By the way, varieties of dieffenbachia with white leaves from nitrogen contained in complex fertilizers lose this varietal property, becoming greenish, therefore they are not fertilized with organic matter, and mineral dressings are applied every 20 days.

How to transplant dieffenbachia.

  • Dieffenbachia is transplanted as the roots fill the pot space, sometimes you have to do this twice a year, and the best time for this procedure is from February to May.
  • A pot is chosen a couple of centimeters in diameter larger than the old one, a decent layer of drainage is placed in it and a dieffenbachia with an earthen lump is transferred into a new pot, but cleared of adhered fragments of the old drainage.
  • Then add the required amount of fresh slightly acidic loose substrate, consisting of two parts of leafy soil, one part of peat, one part of crushed sphagnum and half of river sand.

How to trim

Sometimes you have to remove damaged Dieffenbachia leaves, which cats like to eat, in addition, if the plant grows too quickly, you also need to take some measures. In such cases, cropping is used.

First of all, blot the damaged sheet with a napkin so that when cutting the poisonous juice does not splash into your eyes, then cut off the sheet or part of the trunk with a clean knife or a blade treated for disinfection with alcohol. Places of cuts must be wet again with a napkin that absorbs the juice, and treated with crushed coal. Pruning must be done with gloves, and the rest of the plant can be used for propagation.

Dieffenbachia - harm or benefit?

If dieffenbachia juice gets on the mucous membrane or skin, it will cause burning, redness, swelling and temporary numbness, as with local anesthesia. And if, God forbid, it ends up in the stomach, then profuse salivation, vomiting and paralysis of the vocal cords will almost certainly follow, so dieffenbachia should be at home out of the reach of children.

If a trouble occurs, you need to immediately rinse your mouth with plenty of water, take activated charcoal and, just in case, consult a doctor. In the homeland of the plant, it is considered a weed, it is ruthlessly destroyed, making sure that its remains do not end up in livestock feed. They made poison for rodents and insects from it and used it as rods to punish slaves who suffered a week after the execution. However, indoor dieffenbachia are much less poisonous than their wild-growing sisters.

On the other hand, dieffenbachia is undoubtedly beneficial: NASA data indicate that this plant, along with ficuses and dracaena, purifies the air of such toxins as formaldehyde, trichloroethane, xylene and benzene. Therefore, at home, the best place for this flower is your kitchen.


Reproduction by apical cuttings.
This is the easiest way to dispose of an old plant with a bare trunk from time to time. How to root dieffenbachia? The cut off top, having soaked the poisonous juice on the cut, is placed in water, moss, wet sand or a mixture of sand and peat for rooting. The main thing is to regularly spray the cutting, protect it from direct sunlight and keep it in a moderate heat (21-24 ºC). If you are rooting the cutting in water, let the roots grow up to 2 to 3 cm, and then plant it in a dieffenbachia substrate in a permanent pot.

Propagation of dieffenbachia stem cuttings.

The rest of the plant, that is, the bare trunk sticking out of the pot, cut into pieces with at least one knot in the middle, leaving only a stump in the pot no higher than 10 cm.Dry the cuttings for a day or two, lay horizontally on a wet mixture of peat with sand, buds up, cover film and keep at a temperature of about 25 ºC.

  • When the pieces are rooted, transplant them to their permanent location in a normal dieffenbachia substrate.
  • The stump is also useful: leave it in the pot, continue to water in moderation, and after a while a new shoot will appear from the top node.
  • Wait until 2-3 leaves appear on it, then cut and plant in the soil for rooting.
  • How many nodes remain on the stump, so many new shoots will develop on it.

Air layering.

Propagation by cuttings is a quick and fairly easy process. But how else can dieffenbachia be propagated? Just like ficus - with air layers. You need to make an incision on the stem, line it with wet moss, wrap the moss in dark plastic wrap and fix it tightly with tape, tape or thread above and below the notch. When the roots grow under the film, part of the stem along with the roots and the film is cut off, the film is carefully removed, and the cuttings are planted in the substrate together with the moss.
Seed propagation of dieffenbachia used only by professionals for breeding new varieties. Dieffenbachia bush also reproduces by dividing the bush.

Pests and diseases

Insects and Dieffenbachia Diseases.

Of the insects, dieffenbachia is most often affected by spider mites, scale insects, aphids, thrips and mealybugs. Methods for dealing with them consist in the mechanical removal of pests with a damp sponge soaked in soapy water, followed by washing off the soap with plenty of water. In case of severe infection, treatment is used with a solution of actellik or karbofos in a proportion of 15 drops per liter of water.

Sometimes dieffenbachia suffers from bacteriosis, which manifests itself in the appearance of watery areas with clear boundaries on the leaves. Unfortunately, this disease is bacterial in nature, it is incurable. An adult plant can also be destroyed by root rot, which rot firstly affects the underground part of the plant, and then the ground one.
As soon as you notice areas with a light gray bloom, take action immediately: reduce watering, replace the substrate, treat with a systemic fungicide.

Dieffenbachia turns yellow.

Very often, amateur flower growers ask the question why the leaves of Dieffenbachia turn yellow. To begin with, if you followed all the rules for caring for the plant, you would not have to find out why Dieffenbachia turns yellow, since proper care makes the plant invulnerable to diseases and pests. But in life, anything happens, so let's clarify this issue.

First of all, in such cases, the suspicion falls on a violation of the temperature regime: either it is too cold in the room, or the plant was standing in a draft. A possible reason is also watering the plant with too hard water or a lack of nutrients in the soil. Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow due to root rot.

Dieffenbachia dries up.

Often our readers also ask why dieffenbachia dries.

  • If the lower leaves dry, turn yellow and fall off, then this is a natural process, which, unfortunately, cannot be prevented, and if the trunk is very bare, then the time has come to rejuvenate dieffenbachia by cuttings.
  • But if young leaves dry, then this is most likely due to insufficient watering for a long time, cold air or drafts.

Dieffenbachia withers.

If the leaves are drooping and the substrate is dry, then you rarely water the plant, but if the substrate is wet and the leaves are drooping, check the roots for rot.

If it is found, clean the roots of the soil, remove the rotten areas with a sharp, sterile instrument, treat the wounds with crushed charcoal or ground cinnamon and transplant the dieffenbachia into new soil.

We will also have to revise the mode of plant moisture in the direction of reducing the amount of moisture or the frequency of watering.

Dieffenbachia types

The most common species in culture are Dieffenbachia maculata and Dieffenbachia variegated , or painted (Dieffenbachia picta) - plants with a large, succulent stem and elongated oval leaf plates with obvious venation, reaching 12 cm in width and up to half a meter in length. Their bright green leaves are dotted with white spots and stripes.

They differ from each other in that variegated dieffenbachia grows up to two meters in height, and spotted dieffenbachia does not exceed a meter, but its leaves are slightly larger in size and they are more pointed at the top. It was the spotted dieffenbachia that became the basis for most of the varieties and hybrids bred by breeders. Here are some of the most popular varieties of Dieffenbachia spotted in the culture:

  • - variety "Vesuvio" - a graceful medium-sized plant with narrow, delicate white leaves and green specks on white petioles;
  • - Dieffenbachia "Camilla" - one of the most hardy bushy varieties, which is why it has earned popularity among amateurs. Lanceolate creamy white leaves are surrounded by a light green rim. Young leaves are greenish;
  • - Dieffenbachia "Compact" - a neat dense bush with green leaves with light specks along the central vein.

Dieffenbachia leopoldii

- a low-growing plant native to Costa Rica with a short and thick stem, pale green short petioles with purple spots and dark green elliptical leaves up to 35 cm long with a pronounced white central vein.

Dieffenbachia adorable, or pleasant (Dieffenbachia amoena)

lovers of flowers like it for its unpretentiousness and excellent adaptability to home conditions, since it tolerates dry air and the proximity of heating devices better than other species. In addition, its decorative qualities are beyond any criticism: height up to one and a half meters, large dark green oval leaves up to 60 cm long with white stripes along all the veins.

Dieffenbachia seguina,

which amateurs often confuse with spotted dieffenbachia, has wider - up to 16 cm - leaves with fewer lateral veins than that of spotted dieffenbachia. This species also gave many varieties and hybrids, for example, "Tropic Snow" - a cultivar that never goes out of fashion with the correct pattern on the leaves formed by yellow spots, while the central vein and edges of the leaves remain dark green.

Dieffenbachia oerstedii

- a species with monochromatic green leaves of a cordate or pointed shape with a distinct light central vein. The length of the leaves is 30-35 cm. The most famous hybrid of this species is the Green Magic, a dense small bush with unusual color leaves: they are of a dark bluish-green hue with a white central vein. There is a form with small light specks along the leaf blade.

Magnificent (Dieffenbachia magnifica)

a light green appearance with white dots along the leaves and petioles.

Large-leaved (Dieffenbachia macrophylla)

- the only species with monochromatic green leaves and veins, the shape of the leaf plate is ovoid, the median vein is thickened. This species grows in height up to one meter.

Dieffenbachia bowmannii

- the species with the largest among dieffenbachia leaves up to 70 cm long, dark green in color with small light specks.

Dieffenbachia bausei

has yellowish-green leaves up to 35 cm long with a marble pattern of dark green and white spots.


People who are accustomed to looking for an explanation of their problems and troubles by the standing of the planets, a horoscope and some mystical laws often ask what, in an esoteric sense, the appearance of dieffenbachia in the house threatens. With this question, it is better to turn to a fortune teller, psychic or astrologer, but there are a couple of signs about dieffenbachia that many know about. So, for those who do not know these signs: they say that Dieffenbachia, along with hibiscus, is the strongest "muzhegon".

That in families growing this flower in their home, children are not born, because men lose the ability to conceive. And generally they lose the ability to be men. Using many examples, I could refute these tales, but it is unlikely that people who believe in omens will listen to me. They also say that you cannot keep dieffenbachia in the bedroom, because it absorbs oxygen.

To this I can answer that such nonsense is contrary to the law of photosynthesis and common sense. In addition, if you are looking for a bad sign or a bad omen in everything, you are attracting problems, misfortunes and other negativity to yourself. Dieffenbachia is just a beautiful plant, and this is how it should be treated. Pay attention to cats: they gladly eat dieffenbachia leaves, since for them it is just an anthelmintic.


Care rules

1. Temperature:

Dieffenbachia loves warmth. Cold and drafts are contraindicated for her. The room temperature should not fall below +18 ° С. For some types of dieffenbachia, sudden changes in temperature are also harmful. Feels good in rooms with central heating.

2. Lighting:

Although Dieffenbachia is generally a shade-tolerant plant, it is best to provide it with bright lighting. In the shade, its leaves are not so beautiful and decorative. However, in summer it is imperative to shade the plant from direct sunlight to avoid burns.

3. Watering:

Regular watering is a prerequisite for dieffenbachia. Drying out of the earth must not be allowed. From spring to autumn, water the plant abundantly, in winter - moderately. Dieffenbachia also needs high air humidity, this plant is tropical.

In dry air, the leaves begin to dry and turn yellow at the edges. Therefore, they must be frequently sprayed and washed as dust accumulates on them. Water for irrigation should be taken soft, settled.

4. Reproduction:

Dieffenbachia is propagated by cuttings, which are usually cut from the top. After cutting off the top, the plant begins to branch out, a lush ornamental bush is formed. You can use sand, light and loose soil mixture or water for rooting.

  • Young, non-lignified apical cuttings form roots well and quickly in water.
  • Stem cuttings, which are quite thick and hardened, which are obtained, as a rule, when old plants are rejuvenated, root better in soil that is constantly kept moist.
  • Such rooting takes a longer time.
  • Stem cutting with multiple internodes can be dug into the ground horizontally, then you will have several new plants at once, formed from different internodes.

5. Blooming

With good home care, dieffenbachia bloom, however, the growth of the plant is delayed, the lower part may be exposed. For this reason, many people choose to remove flowers.

6. Top dressing

In the spring-summer period, dieffenbachia are fed once every one to two weeks. Any complex mineral fertilizers or special fertilizers for variegated ornamental deciduous plants are suitable for this.

From September to March, due to the short daylight hours, the plant spends less energy on growth and life. During this period, watering should be reduced somewhat and not fed.

7. Transfer

Once every 3-4 years, the plants are transplanted into larger pots. For large plants, the top layer of soil in a pot is changed every 1-2 years without resorting to transplanting. You can use a regular indoor plant substrate.

Diseases, pests and other growing problems


Dieffenbachia in nature can be found in the tropical zone of South and North America, where the plant forms dense impassable thickets. All species have thick, variegated leaves that grow on a sturdy stem. Over time, the plant resembles a palm tree with a knobby trunk and a furry cap of variegated leaves at the top.

  • Dieffenbachia is botanically classified in the Aroid family, which is rich in species grown in room culture. Variegated leaves differ in the pattern and color of the base; there are specks of white, yellow, pink, cream and dark green colors on green leaves of different shades.
  • Dieffenbachia flower releases only in adulthood, in room culture dieffenbachia begins to bloom a few years after planting from a cuttings, some species may not bloom at all. After flowering, Dieffenbachia forms large orange berries.
  • The sap of the plant is very poisonous, if it gets on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes and larynx, it causes severe burns. Possible severe poisoning when dieffenbachia juice enters the body. With a burn of the skin with a burning juice, persistent dermatitis occurs.

Dieffenbachia - plant in the room

Due to their high growth (over 2 meters), in room culture, dieffenbachia of various varieties are used for landscaping winter gardens, insulated balconies and loggias, greenhouses and halls of public buildings.

The plant is very unpretentious, tolerates a lack of sunlight, and can develop in the back of the room. Caring for the culture is quite simple, even a beginner in indoor floriculture can grow spectacular dieffenbachia.


Cutting plants in water.

Young dieffenbachia can be grown from a stem cuttings or sown with seeds, we will dwell on the methods of reproduction in more detail.

Propagation by stem cuttings is best done in spring, when old, overgrown plant specimens require renewal. To do this, cut off the top with leaves with a sharp knife (the stalk is not more than 30-40 cm), which is placed in a jar with settled water. The cut must be done obliquely under the knot. After a while, strong white roots will appear from the nodes of the stem, when they reach a length of 2-3 cm, the plant can be planted in a pot with fertile soil.

The stem of an old plant can be shortened to 40 cm, the rest of the bare stem can be cut into cuttings, which are also placed in water until the roots form.

From the remaining parts of the stem, planted in the ground, new shoots will soon grow. The renewed dieffenbachia flower, after pruning, will very quickly acquire the lost decorative effect.

Reproduction by seeds is a longer process - seedlings grow to adulthood in 2 years. Sowing is carried out in the spring in a light nutrient mixture, maintaining high humidity. Only fresh seeds can be sown, the longer they are stored, the more the germination decreases.

It is even easier to propagate dieffenbachia by root suckers, which appear in abundance from the rhizome. The cuttings are separated from the rhizome with part of the root, planted in a small pot in a light nutritious substrate and watered abundantly. Soon the young dieffenbachia will get stronger and grow rapidly.


Houseplants dieffenbachia are planted in plastic or ceramic pots. It is very important when transplanting to gradually add the volume of the planting capacity. At the bottom of the pots, a layer of expanded clay is laid, with a height of about 3-5 cm, which depends on the size of the pot.

A young plant (dieffenbachia) should be planted in a soil mixture with an acidity in the range from 5.6 to 5.8. Despite the fact that the plant loves moisture, the soil for planting should not be dense, this will improve the aeration of the roots.

You can use ready-made soil mixtures for decorative deciduous plants or prepare the soil according to the following recipe:

  • Leafy land - 4 parts.
  • Red peat - 2 parts.
  • Sphagnum moss - 2 parts.
  • Coarse sand - 1 part.
  • Charcoal - 0.5 parts.

Transplanted plants should not be placed on a sunny windowsill; delicate leaves can get painful burns. Plants are watered as they dry out; it is impossible to bring the soil substrate to dryness.


Dieffenbachia care consists in timely watering, spraying the leaves from a spray bottle in extreme heat and feeding with nutrients. Dust often accumulates on the large leaves of the plant, so the flower can be wiped off with a damp cloth or washed with a shower.

Dieffenbachia requires frequent feeding, the plant is fertilized 1 to 2 times a month with a complex fertilizer for decorative deciduous indoor crops, starting from March to October. One top dressing in the summer months can be replaced with a foliar, by introducing microelements, diluted in water, through a spray bottle over the leaves.

Room dieffenbachia care is required daily, but it is not at all burdensome.

Tall specimens may require the installation of a support, because the stem is not able to support the heavy mass of the apical leaves.


Leaves turn yellow when the plant is crowded, constant watering is not established, and for some other reasons.
The plant cannot be called a sissy plant, but the tropics are still the birthplace of Dieffenbachia, so in winter it is undesirable to keep an indoor flower indoors at temperatures below + 18C. In summer, too high a temperature (above + 30C) has a depressing effect on the plant, so do not forget about water procedures.


In nature, Dieffenbachia grows in moist shady forests, so the sun has a detrimental effect on the plant. You can not place tubs with adult flowers in the open sun - leaf blades can get burned, and the color of the leaves will fade.

With the right lighting, a luxurious beauty grows a lot of new leaves over the summer, gives root suckers, which propagate a houseplant.


The flower of the plant is not very decorative.
An indoor flower can bloom with nondescript greenish-white flowers, which consist of a veil of the bracts and real flowers collected on the cob. The room rarely blooms. Flowers are not very decorative, therefore it is recommended to remove them in a timely manner.


The species is characterized by infectious bacterial and fungal diseases, which is expressed in stem or leaf rot. Diseases develop on weakened plants that are grown without complying with agrotechnical measures for caring for dieffenbachia. To prevent the development of infections, the soil should be pre-treated before planting.

Of the pests of room dieffenbachia, the scale insect and the tick can annoy; if pests are found on the leaves, it is worth treating with insecticides.


The variety of compact varieties is simply amazing.
Modern varieties of indoor dieffenbachia are very diverse, among them there are tall varieties of giants and compact, undersized, bush plant species.

The following types are very popular:

  • D. spotted is the most common species among indoor plant lovers, which grows up to 2 m, the stem becomes bare over time. The oblong green leaves are covered with a chaotic pattern of cream-white streaks and spots. The most famous varieties are Exotic and Camilla.
  • D. Seguina is a sturdy plant with dark green elongated leaves that can reach a length of 60 cm. There is a convex white vein in the center of the leaf. A well-known variety of this species is Tropic Snow (bright white-cream spots cover almost the entire leaf blade).
  • D. Sublim is a compact, showy plant with variegated leaves of regular shape.
  • D. Large-leaved is a one-of-a-kind plant that has gigantic, solid, dark green leaves. The plant does not exceed 1 m in height.

In addition to tall dieffenbachia, bush forms have recently become widespread, which are distinguished by a compact bush and restrained growth. Especially often you can find the Compact variety in the collections of lovers.


General information

Dieffenbachia is a perennial plant with a massive stem and large leaves with a variety of colors. It blooms only if all care conditions are met; flower - an ear, covered with a veil.

The plant is poisonous, consider this fact when placing a flower in the house. Try to keep children and animals out of reach.

Types and varieties

The most popular flower varieties are Dieffenbachia spotted and Dieffenbachia variegated (painted ). These plants have large stems and rounded green leaves adorned with white patterns.

Outwardly, these varieties are quite similar, but Dieffenbachia variegated grows much taller than its relative.

Most varieties are bred from spotted dieffenbachia. The most common varieties are: Vesuvius , Camilla and Compact .

In terms of care, dieffenbachia is a rather problematic plant. Direct sunlight should not be allowed to fall on the leaves of the plant, but, nevertheless, the lighting must be sufficient, otherwise the patterns on the foliage will begin to disappear. Dieffenbachia Baumann has completely green foliage, so it needs less light than other species.

Dieffenbachia is quite sensitive to temperature changes and drafts. In spring and summer, the air temperature should be around 23 ° C, and in winter the column should not be allowed to fall below 16 ° C, but it is best to keep the heat around 20 ° C.

Dieffenbachia watering

Dieffenbachia can be watered only with settled soft water, preferably rainwater. The soil in the pot should be slightly damp throughout the spring and summer.

  • In the autumn-winter period, watering is reduced, allowing the top ball of soil to dry out.
  • In order for the flower to develop normally, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the spraying air.
  • You also need to wipe the foliage every seven days with a damp cloth.

Fertilizer for Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia needs fertilization throughout the spring and summer period. For varieties with completely green leaves, they use exclusively fertilizing without lime, which is applied every 10 days and diluted twice as much as indicated in the instructions.

It is better to feed variegated varieties with mineral fertilizers, since with an excess of organic matter, their foliage loses its variegation. In this case, fertilizer should be applied every 20 days.

Pruning bushy dieffenbachia

The loss of the lower leaves of dieffenbachia indicates its aging and the need for pruning. The top of the plant is cut off 2 cm below the node, the milk is wiped off the cut and treated with crushed charcoal.

This procedure will give growth to young shoots that form on the remaining stem.

Dieffenbachia transplant at home

When filling the pot with rhizome, dieffenbachia must be transplanted. It is best to do this in the spring, but if the flower is growing too quickly, then an additional summer transplant may be required, which should be done in a transhipment way so as not to disturb the roots too much.

The pot needs to be taken a little more than the previous one, be sure to add drainage. Dieffenbachia needs a soil of weak acidity, which can be made from leafy soil, peat, sphagnum and sand (4: 2: 2: 1). It will also be good to mix crushed coal into the soil.

Reproduction of dieffenbachia at home

Dieffenbachia can be propagated by cuttings, air layers and the seed method, but the latter, due to its complexity, is used only by breeders.

Propagation of dieffenbachia by cuttings

The remaining stem of the plant is also used for reproduction.

The shoot is cut, leaving only 10 cm. The cut off part is cut into pieces, so that each has a knot. Then the material is dried for a couple of days and put on a raw mixture of peat with sand, bud to the top. The container is covered with oilcloth and left at a temperature close to 24 ° C.

After rooting, a transplant is performed.
The stump of the stem left in the pot can also be used for reproduction. Continue watering it and after a while a young shoot will appear from the bud. When a pair of leaves forms on it, they can be cut off and rooted.

Dieffenbachia reproduction by air layers

Another way of propagation of dieffenbachia is the use of air layers. You just need to cut the shoot and wrap this area with damp moss, and on top with a film. When the roots appear, the cut is cut off and planted in a new pot.

Bush types of dieffenbachia can be propagated by dividing the bush, which is performed during transplantation.

Diseases and pests

Due to improper care or the appearance of pests with dieffenbachia, a number of problems can occur.


What is included in dieffenbachia care?


Dieffenbachia is a fairly light-loving plant that needs bright, but at the same time, diffused lighting. Such a pet cannot grow in direct sunlight, because in this case, its leaves will be covered with burns. Experienced growers advise placing dieffenbachia on the east or northwest window.

  • And when grown on the south side of the house, it must be shaded or placed a little further from the window.
  • It is worth noting that the lack of lighting is also not useful for such a pet. Indeed, in this case, its leaves become smaller, and their color loses its saturation.
  • Owners of variegated dieffenbachia varieties should even organize additional lighting for the plants in the cold season.
  • Optimum temperature

In order for dieffenbachia to grow well and please the eye, readers of Popular About Health should provide it with a suitable ambient temperature. Ideally, in the warm season, it should be twenty to twenty six degrees, and in the cold season, sixteen to eighteen degrees. If suddenly the temperature drops below ten degrees, the roots of the plant can rot, which is fraught with its death.

Optimum ambient humidity

Dieffenbachia came to our apartments from the tropics, so it needs high humidity. To do this, it is worthwhile to carry out daily spraying of its leaves from a spray bottle using settled water at room temperature. It is extremely important to maintain sufficient indoor humidity during extreme heat and during the heating season. However, if the room temperature drops below eighteen degrees, it is better to refuse spraying. To maintain the optimum air temperature, you can use a special humidifier or an ordinary pallet filled with wet expanded clay. Also, it will not be superfluous to periodically wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge.


Dieffenbachia are extremely negative about excessive soil moisture, since their roots rot very easily. So watering should be done very carefully, only after the soil has dried by about a third of the pot.

  • For watering, you need to use extremely soft and warm water.
  • And it is better to carry out such a procedure in the morning or in the afternoon.
  • If you suspect that you have transfused the plant, dry the soil well and then sprinkle it with an antifungal solution.

Top dressing

At home, dieffenbachia periodically needs additional nutrients. So, this plant should be fed at the stage of active growth - from the end of March to the beginning of September. For this, it is worth using complex mineral products with an interval of two weeks. In the cold season, the plant needs fertilizing much less often - once a month.

Dieffenbachia transplant

Young dieffenbachia need to be transferred to a new soil mixture annually, preferably in spring, while adults and very large ones only need to replace the topsoil with a new soil of a high degree of nutrition, for example, with the addition of compost.

The best soil option for such a plant will be a breathable mixture, for example, from 70% universal soil based on peat and 30% leavening agents (perlite, vermiculite, sand or crushed bark). Also, it will not be superfluous to add a certain amount of charcoal or crushed activated carbon to the mixture.


Old plants with a bare trunk can be used to get a new house pet. To do this, you need to cut off the top of such a dieffenbachia and place it in water, moss or wet sand for further rooting. Such a cutting should be systematically sprayed, covered from the bright sun and kept in a warm place.

It is also very easy to propagate dieffenbachia with stem cuttings. The stem must be cut into cuttings, each of which must have one knot. They should be dried for a couple of days, then put on a wet mixture of sand and peat (horizontally). Such cuttings should be covered with plastic wrap and sent to a warm place. After rooting, the parts should be transferred to a regular pot.

When growing dieffenbachia, it must be borne in mind that its milky juice is poisonous, and if it gets on the skin, it can cause local irritation reactions. If the juice gets on the mucous membranes, they will swell greatly. Therefore, all work with such a flower must be carried out with gloves, and children and pets must also be kept out of it.


Dieffenbachia is one of the most common indoor plants, despite the whimsical care. Outwardly, the flower attracts with its rather large variegated leaves and creates a special atmosphere in the interior of your home. The variety of species of this plant makes it possible to choose the appropriate option for decorating the interior space.

If the flower stands in one position for a long time in relation to the sunlight, then it can bend, and the fallen lower leaves will make the plant unattractive. Experienced gardeners know how to prune dieffenbachia and they have the following tips:

Prepare in advance a sharp knife with small teeth (hacksaw), rubber gloves, alcohol, cotton pads, a glass jar with a volume of 0.5 liters, 2-3 tablets of activated carbon.

When pruning dieffenbachia, be extremely careful, since the juice released from the trunk and leaves is quite poisonous. Even after contact with 1 drop on the skin or mucous membranes, it can provoke serious health problems. Therefore, you should wear tight gloves before pruning and periodically wipe off the released juice with a clean cloth. Wash your hands thoroughly with an antiseptic when finished. One of the ways to stop the active release of juice is to stop watering the plant 3-5 days before the procedure.

There are no strict time limits for the pruning procedure, that is, it can be done at any time of the year as needed. However, do not forget that radical pruning of the stem dieffenbachia to the base of the root is carried out every 2-4 years, after which several full-fledged plants grow from the trimmed part, creating an excellent decorative effect.

The plant must be mature (trunk diameter at least 2-4 cm) and well-rooted. Be sure to leave small buds on the trunk, from which new shoots will subsequently begin to grow. The optimal number of kidneys is 2 or 5.

The sequence of actions for cutting is quite simple: make a strictly horizontal cut with a sharp knife, apply alcohol on a cotton pad and wipe the cut part to avoid the spread of harmful molds and bacteria, cover the stump with a jar, which should sometimes be lifted for airing. Remember to regularly water and fertilize the pruned plant as usual.

Dry the removed top of dieffenbachia for a day in the open dry air, and then put it in water for further growth. By adding the crushed activated corner to the water, you will find the first roots in 2 weeks. If the trimmed part is rather large, then it is worth dividing it into several small ones and rooting it in a special soil intended for the flower.

Now you know how to prune Dieffenbachia and these tips will come in handy in the future in order to properly propagate the flower. The main reasons for the procedure for cutting a flower are considered to be excessive exposure of the trunk, yellowing and falling leaves, loss of the decorative appearance of the plant. In general, the remaining tops of the plant take root quickly, and a gorgeous flower that looks like a thick bush grows from the cut trunk.

(2 rated, rating: 9,00 out of 10)

Dieffenbachia is a tropical perennial ornamental deciduous plant that belongs to the Aroid family. This is an unpretentious plant, caring for dieffenbachia at home will be within the power of even a novice florist. You just need to learn a few simple rules and get acquainted with the features of the flower.

Lighting and temperature control

This unusual flower with variegated leaves can be seen in many houses and apartments, where it forms a single composition with orchids, ferns and other flowering crops.

Where to place Dieffenbachia so that it grows healthy and beautiful? What rules should be followed when growing it? The best place for the plant would be a window with a bright but diffused light so that direct sunlight does not harm its leaves, which can become small and lose their variegated colors. And such a place for a flower is the east, west and north sides of the house. If all windows in your house are southern, then it is better to cover them with curtains. In winter, the flower also tolerates partial shade. If you decide to place it far from the window, you need to provide it with additional lighting.

In spring and summer, the optimal temperature for a flower is 20-22 degrees, but even if it is slightly higher, it will also tolerate heat well, provided that you can maintain high humidity in the room with frequent spraying. In winter, it is better to keep this culture in a cooler room with a temperature of 15-18 degrees. At lower temperatures, it can lose lower leaves. She also does not tolerate sharp drops or increases in temperature.

How to care for dieffenbachia?

Dieffenbachia home care for which consists in optimal conditions of detention, timely watering and feeding, grows very quickly. Every week a new sheet appears on it. For several years, tall plant species grow up to two meters, and small ones - up to a meter. Despite its unpretentiousness, Dieffenbachia does not like drafts and low temperatures, it needs proper watering and pruning.


How to water dieffenbachia? The soil in the flowerpot where the plant is planted should not dry out and the flower should be watered regularly. Watering dieffenbachia depends on the season:

  • in winter it should be moderate and should be done as the soil dries up, once every 7 days;
  • in spring and summer, the soil in the pot is watered often - once every 2-3 days. Once a week, a culture can have a warm shower.

Before watering, the water must be defended for at least two days. It should not be cold, as this will damage the roots of the plant. If the leaves of the plant turn brown, the water has increased hardness and a little oxalic acid needs to be added to it. Softer water for irrigation will be rain and snow. It is very important to maintain a balance of water in the soil so as not to cause rotting of the root system. No less important for the bush and moisture. If the air in the room is too dry, the flowerpot is placed in a pallet with wet sand, gravel or moss, or a container of water is placed next to it. Dieffenbachia leaves are wiped with a damp cloth.

Pruning and updating the plant

As it grows, the flower loses its lower leaves and its trunk becomes bare, which means it needs pruning or renewal. How to trim dieffenbachia? Pruning the bare stem of the bush should be carried out with gloves, as the sap of the plant is poisonous and can cause irritation. The stem is cut to a height of 10 centimeters from its base. After a while, new young plants will appear on it.

Young flower care

In the first year of life, it is better to install the bush on the windowsill of the western or eastern window. In order for it to develop correctly and not lose its decorative effect, it is necessary:

  • water and spray the flower regularly;
  • turn it from time to time so that its trunk is straight and develops evenly from all sides;
  • feed with fertilizers containing potassium, reducing the indicated dosage by 50% (before feeding, the flowerpot must be well watered so that the fertilizers do not burn the roots).

Reproduction methods

You can keep new young plants for yourself if the old bush has lost its decorative effect or make a gift to your friends and family. How does Dieffenbachia breed? Dieffenbachia can be propagated at home in several ways: by cuttings, by rooting a piece of the stem, and by the method of forming new shoots on the old trunk. The second method is considered to be quite laborious.

When rooting with the help of pieces of the stem, those with dormant eyes are selected. They are placed horizontally in a container with soil and half deepened. Before planting, the sections of the stem must be treated with charcoal and dried. The first shoots on them may appear not earlier than in 8-12 months.

How to grow a new plant from the leftover old trunk? What to do if you have a small trunk of an adult plant, and the cuttings from it or part of the stem did not work out to root? If dormant buds remain on the trunk, then after a while they may wake up, and you will get a new plant that needs to be carefully cut (when they have the first roots) and transplanted the cut trunk into a new flowerpot.

How to root dieffenbachia if you have pruned it and you have its apical stalk? Propagation of dieffenbachia by cuttings is considered a fairly simple method. They also call it “rejuvenation” of the plant. The cut off top of the flower is placed in water or potting soil. Add 1-2 tablets of activated carbon to a container with water where the stalk is placed, this will prevent the stalk from rotting. Dieffenbachia, which is propagated in this way, gives roots very quickly. It must be planted carefully, since the young roots are very fragile and can be damaged. Self-grown, it will be the pride of every grower, no matter which breeding method you choose!

How to transplant dieffenbachia?

How to transplant Dieffenbachia correctly? Dieffenbachia is transplanted every year, adult plants - once every 2-3 years. This should be done in the spring, at the end of April. The soil for the flower should consist of:

  • four parts of sod land;
  • one part of peat;
  • one part of leafy soil;
  • one part of the sand.

One of the famous florists, V.V. Vorontsov. recommends this potting mix:

  • two parts of sod land;
  • one part of peat;
  • one part of leafy soil;
  • and half of one piece of sand.

How to plant dieffenbachia with the least injury? The plant can be transplanted, but you can also "roll over" by moistening a clod of earth and carefully pulling it out of the old flowerpot, so that the clod does not fall apart and the roots are not exposed. The latter method is considered the most gentle and does not allow the plant to hurt after planting.

Diseases and treatments

Failure to follow the rules of caring for the plant, you risk its health, since improper or untimely watering, disturbed temperature conditions and insufficient air humidity, which are so important for dieffenbachia, can cause various diseases and pest damage.

Why do dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow? What can cause such changes and what can be done to save the diseased flower?

The pests of this culture are a soft false shield, a mealybug. The soft scabbard settles on the upper part of the leaves and stems of the plant. The leaves of the bush begin to curl and fall off, and the appearing companion of the scale insect, the twill fungus, can completely destroy it. To prevent this from happening, when this pest appears, remove it from the leaves with cotton wool dipped in alcohol or soapy water. After processing, the humidity in the room must be increased, and the plant itself must be placed in a dark place. The mealybug, which settles on its leaves, branches and flowers, is also a dangerous pest of a flower. The trunk of the bush, like the leaves, is deformed and then dies. They fight him in the same ways as with a false shield.

If the leaves of dieffenbachia turn yellow, then this may be caused by too low a temperature in the room, or due to an emerging disease - root rot. If yellowness appears at the bottom of the plant, and its lower leaves have withered, then you need to raise the temperature in the room or remove the flowerpot from the draft.

Root rot, which causes yellowing of the leaves underneath, appears due to over-watering of the crop and high acidity of the soil. And if the leaves of your Dieffenbachia become yellowed, and the plant itself has stopped growing, it must be removed from the rest of the plants. If the plant is damaged by stem rot, it can still be saved with rooted upper cuttings. They can be planted in new soil, with the addition of activated carbon, which will prevent them from rotting. If the leaves fall off and they turn brown or lose color, first of all, adjust the keeping mode of your green pet.

Breeding video of Dieffenbachia. For the propagation of dieffenbachia, we need a sharp knife, since it is impossible to leave jags and burrs on the cut. It must be remembered that Dieffenbachia is a poisonous plant, so you need to work with rubber gloves, especially if there are wounds or cuts on your hands. After finishing work, hands and equipment should be washed with soap and water. The video shows how to make a cut, how to root a cutting, and how to plant it. Happy viewing!

Reproduction of dieffenbachia - video

Good afternoon.

Today we will talk about what to do with dieffenbachia if it stretched out and bent, because it was not turned towards the light in one direction or another, and the lower leaves fell off due to cold drafts or improper watering. In such cases, the best thing to do to bring dieffenbachia to a beautiful appearance is to cut it off and root the apex. This is also called apical shoot dieffenbachia propagation.

Now we will just tell you how to properly trim the top of Dieffenbachia, and how to root it.

We take a sharp knife and cut it just below the beginning of the bend. As a result, the curved part will be covered with a substrate, and this curvature will in no way affect the decorative effect of the newly transplanted plant.

It is worth remembering that the plant is poisonous, so you need to work with gloves, especially if there are cuts or not completely healed wounds on your hands. After working with the plant, you will need to wash your hands, and before that, try not to get them into your eyes or mouth.

Cut off. Just put the cut off top of Dieffenbachia on a newspaper on the knocks so that the cut point dries up. You can periodically blot the cut with a napkin to remove emerging juice. A day after pruning dieffenbachia, the apical stalk must be placed in water, and after two to three weeks, roots will appear at its base. You can throw an activated carbon tablet into the water. If the cut dieffenbachia has a long piece of the trunk, it can also be cut and rooted - the probability of successful rooting is very high. It .

Dieffenbachia is an amazing of its kind lush green plant, which can be a great decoration for offices and residential apartments. It will take only one year to turn a small seedling into a half-meter tree.

It should be borne in mind that in a room where dry air reigns, the plant rapidly becomes naked, and therefore, instead of a beautiful lush bush, you can get a pitiful resemblance of it with a bunch of leaves on the crown and a curved empty stem. In order to give the Dieffenbachia a graceful look, it is necessary to regularly prune it. This process is not so complicated, but it has its own characteristics.

Experienced growers advise pruning to be carried out in adult plants, the thickness of the trunk of which has reached the order of two to three centimeters in diameter. The cut on the bare trunk should be made as low as possible. It is also important to make sure that there are no dormant buds on the trunk that look like half rings.

Dieffenbachia, during the pruning process, secretes a large amount of milky juice, which is considered poisonous. For this reason, it is necessary to work with gloves. It is highly desirable that at this time there are no small children and pets in the room. This is due to the fact that even the smallest dose of dieffenbachia juice (literally a drop), when it gets on the mucous membrane of a child, can cause anaphylactic shock and severe burns. In order to minimize the juicing process, it is recommended to stop watering the plant a few days before the upcoming pruning.

Next, you should prepare the tools necessary for the job. It is best to use a thin hacksaw. In order not to introduce various kinds of infection into the wound of the plant, the cutting part should be treated with alcohol. At the end of the work, the tool must be thoroughly washed with soap, thereby removing the remaining juice residues from its surface.

It is important to make the cut completely horizontal. In order to avoid the appearance of rot or infection of the plant, it is recommended to treat the cut with charcoal. The tree stump should be covered with a small glass jar, which needs to be lifted from time to time in order to provide fresh air. Until the dormant buds awaken, it is worth reducing watering.

The top of dieffenbachia, which remained after pruning the plant, can be rooted and, after a while, planted to the resulting hemp. In this case, you can get a voluminous large bush.

The plant reproduces perfectly in pieces of the stem, even when leaves are completely absent on them. Before rooting, the pruning must be dried for several days.

The apical part must be rooted in a wet mixture prepared from sand and earth taken in an equal ratio. If the pruning takes root in water, it is recommended to use an opaque dish for this purpose.