How to insert a mosquito net into a plastic one. Installing mosquito nets on windows

With the advent of heat, hordes of insects are reborn to life and one cannot live without mosquito nets. Only they are able to protect the premises from the ubiquitous insects. And then some specimens manage to seep somewhere. But since the grids are for some reason very short-lived, they have to be replaced, then repaired. You won’t call a company representative every time and pay pretty decent money for work that takes a couple of tens of minutes at most. That is why they are trying to make / repair / install a mosquito net with their own hands.

Types of mosquito nets

There are three types of mosquito net:

As you can see, there are many types. Nevertheless, in 90% of cases frame structures are installed. At a low price, they create quite normal level comfort.

Types of fastening frame nets

Most often they put exactly the frame counters Mosquito nets. There are two ways to fasten them: Z-brackets and rods (plungers).

Different ways to install a mosquito stack

When mounted on brackets, they are mounted from the side of the street. In most cases, this is convenient and, if circumstances permit, this installation method is chosen. In this case, the dimensions of the grid should be greater than the light gap of the window sash: the frame is inserted from the outside.

When using plungers, the mesh is also attached behind the glass, but the clamps (rods) themselves are located on the side of the room. This device is convenient on the first floors: it is impossible to remove the grid from the outside. When installing a mosquito on rods, its frame must be equal to the size of the light opening. You can’t do it with an accuracy of a millimeter, and to ensure that there is no gap, a brush is attached around the perimeter. It keeps insects out.

View of the installed mosquito net on the rods from the street

How to measure the order window

Quite often, a frame with a mesh is ordered from a company, and they are installed on the windows on their own. When ordering, you will be asked to provide the dimensions of the light opening. The required measurements are taken with the sash open. You measure the distance from one sealing gum to another: width and height. Measure in several places, record with millimeter accuracy. How accurate the grids will fit on your window depends on the accuracy.

How to measure a window when ordering a mosquito net

Watch how to measure windows for ordering a mosquito stack in the video.

What you need to know

When ordering or buying a mesh for a window, you need to pay attention to its characteristics. Firstly, it is available with different cell sizes: from 0.6 mm to 1.2 mm. The smaller the gap, the less likely that the insect will “leak through”, and there will be less fluff. But at high density, air also passes poorly, which can be critical in the southern regions. That's why best option somewhere in the middle 0.8-1 mm.

The mesh is also produced from different materials:

  • Cotton. Cotton thread has high UV resistance. Its fleecy structure increases the "holding" ability: insects do not crawl through such a mesh. But since the fiber is natural, it reacts poorly to moisture, is often affected by mold and rot, and therefore is rarely used.
  • polyester. The most common material. Strong enough and durable, with everything has a low price, but no special properties does not possess.
  • Nylon. Nylon is used to make a special anti-allergic mesh. It is produced using a special technology with complex weaving. Thanks to what it detains even dust and pollen. Such nets often go under the name "anti-dust" or "anti-allergy".
  • Fiberglass. It is considered optimal, since it has high transparency: when using such grids, the degree of illumination almost does not change. At the same time, its strength is very high - comparable even to the strength of metal. Fiberglass is used to make an anti-cat mosquito net that can withstand the weight of the animal and does not tear under the claws.

If no special properties are needed, choose the usual one - from polyester. Sometimes they may ask what color the net is needed. The most invisible to the eye is gray, so you can order it.

How to install a frame mesh on a plastic window

You have received the finished mesh. It comes with 4 small Z-brackets (brackets). Please note that they have shelves different sizes: two 4 cm and two 2.5 cm. Brackets with large shelves are installed at the top of the frame, with smaller ones at the bottom.

Z-brackets have different shelf lengths

For fastening to the frame, for each bracket-stop, you will need 2 self-tapping screws with a screw, which are also called "seeds". You will need a marker with a thin lead or a soft pencil. You will need a drill with a 2 mm drill and a screwdriver or screwdriver.

Outside the window frame, we draw a strip 3 cm below the edge. We stand on a small stepladder or on a chair, we bring the frame with the net out of the window, we ourselves also lean out halfway. Attaching the lower edge of the frame to the drawn line, mark its top.

You can do without manipulating the frame: you need to accurately measure its height, and postpone this value from the line drawn below. From the resulting point, we put another 1.8 cm upwards and here we draw the second line. On it we will align the fastener shelves.

We take brackets with long walls. We apply so that the protrusion is on the line. Regarding the light gap, you need to retreat about 10 cm from the edges. We mark the points where you need to make holes. We carry out a similar operation with “short” brackets from below. For control, measure the distance between the marks above and below. It should be 1.8 cm longer than your frame. If everything is correct, we drill holes in the profile (drill 2 mm), install brackets on the "seeds". Actually everything, we can assume that the mosquito net is installed with your own hands.

Installing a mosquito stack in a window

Now take the grid by the handles, turning it sideways a little, take it out into the street. Insert the upper edge into the upper brackets, align it vertically, lift it up to the stop, insert the edge behind the bottom brackets and lower it. The grid stands, held by brackets.

She shoots in reverse order. Grasp the handles, lift up to the stop, pull the bottom edge out of the brackets, feeding the mesh a little away from you (a couple of centimeters, no more). Then, moving it slightly down, pull it out of the upper brackets.

Corner installation

There is another type of fastener, similar in principle to "work" with brackets - corners. When installing this type of mosquito net clamps, it is also necessary to accurately measure the width. To do this, you will have to find the center of the light opening, from which set aside half the width of the grid. The inner part of the corner should correspond to the width of the frame with a mesh with a small gap of 2-3 mm for freedom of fixation.

Mesh corners

That is, in the presence of this type of fasteners, they fix the corners and in width should stand exactly at the corners. In height during installation, we leave the same gap of 1.5-1.8 cm. It provides the possibility of installing the frame in the mounts, and is held due to the fact that the upper shelves are larger.

Do-it-yourself mosquito net: we assemble it ourselves

As you understand, you can assemble the frame and stretch the grid yourself. All components can be bought in companies that sell spare parts for plastic windows. You will need the following components:

It looks like a frame for a mosquito net in a semi-assembled state

  • profile for mesh frame MFP2;
  • mullion profile (transverse partition with a mesh height of more than 1 m) MFPI and two fasteners for it;
  • mesh cloth;
  • assembly corners;
  • sealing cord (rubber or even woven);
  • handles - 2 pcs;
  • self-tapping screws with a countersunk head with a drill, dimensions 3.9 * 16 mm;

Frame assembly

The frame consists of two long profile sections and two short ones. They are connected to each other with the help of corners. They can be plastic (cheap, but short-lived material) and metal, painted with white or brown paint (to match the profile).

Still often they put an impost - a jumper, which is installed approximately in the middle of the long side. It increases the rigidity of the structure and prevents long profiles from "playing".

The lengths of the profiles must be cut, taking into account the fact that they are going to the corners. Therefore, 20 mm is subtracted from the width and length of the light opening (as described above) - it is this length that is replaced by the corners.

Saw off from the profiles in two segments of the required length. Sawing is better hand saw for metal - it turns out a more even saw cut with almost no burrs. It is brought to smoothness with a file or sandpaper. Then on a flat surface - it is more convenient on the table, laying the profile with the grooves up, fold the rectangle, insert the corner holders - the grooves are also up. In the photo, the grooves are directed downwards, but this is inconvenient - then you have to turn the frame over.

We assemble a frame from profile segments and corners

With the normal coincidence of the corners and profiles, they should be inserted tightly. Very tight. Hand put in place, it will not work. We'll have to tamp, and in order not to damage the plastic, use a lining - wooden block or a piece of chipboard, as in the photo.

How to assemble a frame for a mosquito net on windows

When assembling, also check the corners. They must be strictly 90 °, or the frame will be oblique, and there will be gaps into which mosquito flies will crawl. After the rectangle is assembled, we install the impost. We saw it off 2-3 mm shorter than the resulting frame width, insert the holders on both sides, fix it on the frame in the groove.

Impost and holder

We stretch the grid

We spread the grid on the assembled frame. It should be 3-5 cm larger than the frame on each side: it will be more convenient to pull it. We take the cord, we press it through the grid into the groove. You can start from one of the corners, or you can start from the middle of the short side, alternately moving either to the right or to the left.

The cord comes in quite hard, in the workshops it is rolled up with a roller, in its absence, you can use any object with a rounded surface. A knife handle is suitable - a clerical or kitchen knife, a screwdriver handle, scissor handles, etc. Straightening the mesh, insert the cord.

Types of handles: plastic and with a metal base

Installing handles

Having reached the installation site of the impost, we put the handles. Usually they are thin, plastic, inserted into the groove under the net, then pressed with a cord. There is a second type of handles - they are denser, sometimes with a metal base, they are screwed onto the profile with screws, but after the mesh is stretched. If you have a choice - take metal or at least plastic, but thick. The plastic ones are very flimsy and often break.

If during the process the mesh lay crooked, the cord can be pulled out by prying with a screwdriver or something similar, corrected, and rolled up again. Having finished stretching, check the width and height of the frame at several points. If there are deviations somewhere, then in this place the mesh is stretched too much. It is loosened by pressing a little with the palm of your hand near the frame. If this does not work out to equalize the width, the cord is hooked and pulled out at some interval. aligning the width, holding the grid, refuel again.

You can pry the sealing cord with a screwdriver

If all dimensions match, you can cut the cord, tuck in the tail, then walk along the profile again, checking the evenness of the “entry of the seal. Now the protruding edges can be trimmed. This is usually done with a utility knife. Everything, the mosquito net is assembled with your own hands, you can proceed to install it on the window.

An assembly example can be seen in the next video. This is a commercial: the company sells ready-made kits for self-assembly. The process is not detailed enough, but in in general terms can be considered.

Homemade mosquito nets: save on the full

If you calculate the cost of all spare parts, take into account the loss of time for their purchase and assembly, then the benefit is doubtful. You still sell components more expensive than firms. It can be useful only in the sense that after self assembly you can easily repair it yourself.

However, there are quite a few inexpensive options homemade mosquito nets. They are made according to the frameless principle, mounted directly on the window. There are two ways to install this:

  • On Velcro - a knitted tape, which consists of two parts - a tape with hooks and a counter with a rough surface. The mesh is cut out a little more than the light opening, the counterpart is sewn to the mesh, and the part with hooks on the sticky layer is attached to the frame around the perimeter of the window.
  • On the sealing cord. It is inserted in place of the standard seal. To do this, they remove it (hook it up and pull it out), pull the mesh over the opening, and press the cord into the groove. The principle is the same as when installing a grid in a frame.

Second way self-manufacturing budget mosquito net, see the video. The idea is great, the costs are minimal.

Related videos

Pleated mesh

Hinged mosquito net

How to reduce the amount of dust through the mesh

Replacing handles on a mosquito net

Now it is impossible to imagine metal plastic windows without mosquito nets. V summer period protection is indispensable, since insects (mosquitoes, midges and flies) strive to enter the dwelling. In addition, the mosquito net serves as protection against dust, debris and fluff entering the room. You can order a mosquito net complete with windows and install it immediately after installing window blocks or purchase it separately.

The classic version of the mosquito net is made of aluminum profile, on which the mesh fabric is stretched. As a standard, mosquito nets for windows are made of a gray shade of fine mesh to protect our homes from the penetration of annoying mosquitoes and flies. In the last century, when no one knew about metal-plastic windows, there were no mosquito nets either. In those days, people hung gauze or mesh on the windows. If it was very hot outside, in order to sleep peacefully at night and not worry that mosquitoes could bite all family members, the windows were opened, and the free opening was hung with a thin curtain. Naturally, such protection did not work and the insects still flew into the premises.

Now you can forget about the buzzing of mosquitoes and sleepless nights and order special plastic mosquito nets.

The main task of grids is to provide reliable protection housing from the penetration of flies, mosquitoes and midges. In addition, the mesh traps dust, debris and small particles that can cause allergies. If you install mosquito nets on windows and doors, then you can not worry about your safety and the safety of your pets. Let's say you live on the 5th floor or higher, you want to open the window wide open to ventilate the rooms, but you cannot afford such a luxury, because your beloved cat may fall out of the window. With a mosquito net, this can be avoided.

In addition to the listed advantages of protective nets, there is another important plus - ease of maintenance. Twice a year, the nets are cleaned of dust and dirt with a soft sponge and soapy water. After half an hour, we put the grid in its original place.

Types of protective products

The cost, method of attachment and configuration of mosquito nets may vary. Consider the main types of protection:

  • on a framework from a strong frame, a removable design;
  • sliding structure on the frame;
  • roll;
  • fastening on a magnetic tape or adhesive tape;
  • a product with an applied composition that protects the home from dust;
  • durable mesh - protection from the claws of pets.

Consider the popular types of mosquito nets used for installation on windows and doors.

If you have pets at home (a dog or a cat), then you also need to take care of the safety of your pets. You can order a protective net with the funny name "Antikoshka". It is made of durable material, so the mesh is able to withstand heavy loads. If the animal tries to break the mesh with its claws, nothing will work. The mosquito net will remain just as strong. The pet will not be able to spoil the protection or break it. For safety, this mesh model has a strong mount, so you can not remove it for the winter.

Sliding mosquito net is suitable for installation on balconies and terraces. Consists of 2 sliding halves that open and close with pressure. In order for the grids to function correctly, it is necessary to install guides, they serve to adjust and move the halves. The color of the mesh fabric is standard, gray. By the way, mosquito nets of any kind are made of gray canvas. This color does not impair visibility and does not affect vision.

Mosquito net on magnets - convenient solution. This model is considered universal, since you can order a mesh of any size to install in the country, take it with you on vacation or provide protection in a home where windows are not installed. standard sizes. Among the advantages of this type of mesh, it is worth noting the ease of installation - you need to remove the protective tape and attach the mesh to metal-plastic window. Due to the magnetic tape, it will firmly adhere to the frame. There is a second option for window protection, but instead of a tape with a magnet, the mesh is equipped with adhesive tape (like double-sided tape).

Among the shortcomings of the mosquito net in rolls, it is worth noting the fragility. In addition, such a design cannot be called durable.

The classic version is a mesh stretched over a durable plastic frame. Can be made from standard fine mesh, pet claw resistant and dust resistant coated. Mosquito net is installed on both doors and windows.

The anti-dust mesh version is made from a very fine mesh fabric that is capable of trapping large dust particles. This is the main advantage of the mosquito net, the disadvantage is that it is difficult to maintain. Since the product retains dust, it is necessary to clean the canvas frequently. To do this, remove the structure, rinse with a stream of warm water, then apply a soapy solution, wait 5-7 minutes and rinse again warm water. After water procedures, the mesh must be thoroughly wiped. soft cloth(not damp) to check how well the dust cells have been cleaned. Despite the rapid contamination, the mesh transmits light well. The cost of such protection will be 2 times higher than the price of a conventional mosquito net.

Mosquito net attachment

Depending on the selected type of mesh, the mount may be different:

  • fastening "ears";
  • loops;
  • plunger pins;
  • fasteners "z-shaped".

A popular and commonly used mosquito net fastener is the z-shaped fastener. It will be easier and more reliable to carry out installation with the help of such fasteners. It is important that you do not need to make holes in the metal-plastic frame. In addition, the grid can be installed not only on plastic windows, but also on wooden frames. Of the shortcomings, only one should be noted, such a mosquito net holder does not provide a snug fit to the frame, so small insects can still squeeze through a small hole.

A reliable mounting option is the use of pins. They screw into window frame, so the mesh fits snugly and insects cannot get inside the home. Ease of installation and reliability of fastening - this is worth paying attention to. It is also important that the mesh can be easily dismantled for the winter or in order to be washed from dirt.

Hinge mounting is best chosen when you need to install a mesh on the door. Then it is advisable to order a durable profile with an additional jumper so that the structure does not sag under its own weight over the years of operation.

How to install a mosquito net

When ordering mosquito nets for windows, you receive your order with the necessary set of fasteners. When taking measurements, it is necessary to discuss the issue of fastening so that the manufacturer produces mosquito nets and provides full set fasteners. If you deal with these issues yourself, then you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances in order to correctly take measurements.

What you need to know:

  1. Open the window. Take a construction tape measure and measure the free opening first horizontally (a), then vertically (c). Record your measurements on a piece of paper.
  2. Further, depending on the type of fastening chosen, you will need to add a few millimeters to the resulting figure.

If you want to work with a zigzag fastener (“z”), you need to add 5 cm to the resulting measurement figure for width and height (a and b). This will give us a net measurement of height and width. Fasteners are needed 2 each: lower and upper, plus 8 more screws (size 3.2 x 16).

If you want to install mosquito nets on windows on brackets, then you need to add 5 cm to the received figure "a" (width), + 18 mm to the height measurements.

When mounting grids on pins, add 2 mm to the measurements on each side.

Attention, if window opening there are protrusions that may interfere with the installation of the grid, it is necessary to notify the manager when ordering. It is also advisable to take a picture of the window and tell the experts exactly how you took the measurements in order to avoid annoying misunderstandings when receiving an order and installing it yourself.

After you have chosen the method of attaching the mesh, you need to prepare the tools. May be useful at work electric drill if you need to drill holes for the hinges.

Features of installation of mosquito nets:

  1. We make markings for fasteners. For a window of standard sizes, 4 elements can be distinguished, for large windows – 8.
  2. After the planned marking with a drill, we drill holes in the frame of the mosquito net.
  3. We attach the fasteners to the frame, screw in the screws, check our work.
  4. Now you need to make 2 more markings for attaching the holders. We take measurements vertically, divide the resulting figure in half - this will be the attachment point.
  5. We screw the holders into the plastic mesh frame with screws, check the strength. The material can be different: plastic or metal. If you chose the first option, then it is advisable to handle the holders very carefully, as they break quickly.

How to insert a mosquito net

Many people who decide to install the nets on their own are wondering: “How to put a mosquito net” on the window. This work is not difficult, the main thing is to be careful not to accidentally drop the grid on the ground.

It is necessary to turn the fastener (“lugs” or holders) to the “away from you” position in order to put the net. Now take the grid by the holders and carefully pull the grid out of the window, now bring it back, insert it into lower part and fix on top. With one hand, hold the net by the holder, with the other hand, try to turn the fasteners to fix the frame. That's all, you have successfully completed the job, now you can enjoy fresh air without fear that insects will bother you.

We have reviewed outdoor way attaching mosquito nets to windows. There is another method that can be used to mount protective structures This is an internal mount.

The grid is mounted in a slightly different way:

  • holes must be drilled around the perimeter of the window opening;
  • then we fix the fasteners;
  • install handles in the middle of the mosquito net;
  • we take the grid by the holders, we start the grid first from above by the window in order to install the lower part of the grid into the grooves;
  • then lower the canvas and align in the opening.

At first glance, the installation may seem to you challenging task, but if you delve into the intricacies of installing a mosquito net, then you will enjoy the work done with your own hands. Just remember that regardless of the chosen method of fastening, the mesh is not designed for strong mechanical pressure, so you do not need to let your pets and children close to the wide open windows.

How to remove the grid

For winter, it is best to remove mosquito nets from windows to protect them from harsh weather conditions. If it is not possible to remove the screens so that they are not damaged indoors, then they can be left on the windows. Nothing terrible will happen to the nets, only the service life of the products will be reduced.

To remove the nets, you must do the opposite: first unscrew the ears or brackets to the sides (do not forget to hold the product with one hand on the holder). Then take the mesh out, unfold it and bring it into the room. Do this job very carefully so as not to let the net fall to the ground.

You can and should take care of the nets. In the end summer season when it is already cool outside, the protection can be removed and washed. You can simply wipe the product with a damp sponge to remove dust, fluff and dry insects, but it is best to take the nets to the bathroom and wash thoroughly with warm water and detergent. It is not necessary to rub the canvas strongly, it is enough to walk with a damp sponge over the surface to remove dirt, then apply a soapy solution, wait a few minutes and rinse with water. Such manipulation must be done at least 2 times a year.

Mosquito net installation. Video:

As soon as summer comes, the owners of all apartments open windows for access fresh air. However, the pleasant coolness is overshadowed by various insects that do not allow you to sleep peacefully and bite throughout the night. To protect yourself from such trouble, you should figure out how to install a mosquito net.

A standard mosquito net is made in the form of an aluminum profile with a fine-mesh material stretched over it. The canvas has grey colour, which is not striking, while the color of the profile is similar to the color of the window.

Mosquito cloth performs several functions:

  1. Protecting your home from insects.
  2. Prevention of the penetration of small plant particles that can lead to allergies, as well as a particle of howl and dirt.
  3. With the help of the net, you can not worry about the safety of your pets when there is an open window.


Mosquito nets have one significant plus - easy process care. It is enough to wash the canvas with a mild detergent a couple of times a year. It is also quite easy to remove, so it does not take much time to leave.

The process of manufacturing and installing the grid also does not require excessive effort, or the possession of special skills and tools. Self installation and the production of a mosquito net will require much less financial costs than ordering from a company that installs PVC windows.

Mesh installation can be performed on a door or window opening with any size. this work does not take much time and depends on the complexity of the installation. For standard mounting frame mesh it will take no more than 2 hours.

If the old grid malfunctions, it is enough to order the same one by removing it exact dimensions. Moreover, the mounting system on the windows themselves is already available. In this case, great attention must be paid to the choice of the company to which you will give the order. You can contact the company that installed the windows, but it will be much cheaper for you to buy at a wholesale warehouse that specializes in selling components for manufacturing companies.

If the installation of your window fell on winter time, there is a chance that the mosquito net will simply not be included in the order when you place it. In this case, measurements must be performed differently:

  1. Open the frame for which the future mosquito cloth is intended.
  2. Measure the width and height of the open opening.
  3. Next, add 3 cm in height and 2 in width to the results obtained.

When the order is ready, you should be given both the mesh itself and the fasteners for it. Fasteners include two pairs (upper and lower).

When installing, do not confuse the fasteners: the top bar is much wider than the bottom.


  • Install the fasteners from below so that the mesh subsequently installed in it is located 1.5 cm lower than the window opening;
  • Next, fix the upper fasteners to the frame. To determine their height, measure the distance from the bottom fastener, including the height of the mesh itself, and add 10 mm;
  • Install the frame as follows: pull it out through the window, then insert it into the groove of the upper fastener, pull the frame towards you and lower it into the lower groove.

To install mosquito nets, you can use two methods of fastening. Let's consider them below.

Internal fastenings

Installation is as follows: take the product by the side handles, hook the hooks on top of the window influx and lift the mesh up to the end. After that, hook the hooks from below behind the influx of the frame and lower the product onto the lower fasteners. Next, align the mosquito sheet in the window opening.

External fixings

This method is more reliable and practical, but more dangerous, because to fix the corners on the screws, you need to lean out of the window. If you have not had experience with installation in this way and you live on a high floor, entrust this work to specialists.

Installation is carried out in the following order:

  • The top fasteners are fixed with screws at a distance of 5 cm from each edge. The screws used must be no larger than 2 cm, otherwise they will rest against the window frame.
  • Having installed the upper mounts, proceed to the lower ones, for fixing which there are also two ways:
  1. Suitable when there is external access to window profile: you need to take the product, install it in the upper fixture, pull the mesh towards you and press the bottom edge to the profile. At this time, the other person should make a mark on the outside along the bottom edge. According to the mark made, fix the lower fasteners with screws.
  2. In this case, after installing the top fasteners, measure the length of the product, add 2.7 cm. overall length from the top end of the fastener. Make a mark and screw the bottom element according to it.

On this assembly process completed and you can enjoy the fresh air without being afraid of various insects.


This video shows the process of installing a mosquito net.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


I really want to open the balcony and windows with the onset of warm days, so that fresh air enters the house. A problem arises: numerous insects - wasps, flies, mosquitoes - are activated at the same time. If you put mosquito protection, you can easily fix the situation.

What are the fastenings for mosquito nets on plastic windows

Anti-mosquito frames are popular because they protect the room from external influences. You can order them immediately when installing windows, or install them later. Over time, deteriorate and require updating and replacement of old structures. Due to the low price, the installation of the product is unprofitable for specialists from firms. You can understand how to install a mosquito net on a plastic window, change it yourself. With the help of such protection, you can protect yourself from the effects of:

  • rain, snow;
  • dust, dirt;
  • mosquitoes, midges.

Before you learn how to install a mosquito net on a plastic window, understand the design features and fastening methods. Often used and affordable option with a frame. To assemble such an anti-mosquito structure on your own, you will need special tools, skill, and dexterity in work. It is more profitable to order it to specialists - you first need to measure the internal opening of the installation site, and then install it yourself. The necessary holders can be bought inexpensively in the online store or purchased from the same company.

The low price is different type, which is attached to the opening with Velcro. When replacing old structures, you can use in modern ways protection. How to fix a mosquito net on a plastic window? There are fastening methods:

  • plunger - fixed with pins;
  • sliding - moves away on skids;
  • door - the design is equipped with hinged hinges;
  • rolled - unwound from a special drum;
  • installation of hooks;
  • fixing mounting angles;
  • fixation with magnets;
  • rotary structures;
  • spring-loaded pins into the inner opening.

How to securely install a mosquito net on a plastic window when animals live in the apartment? Special reinforced fasteners will protect the cat, even if it jumps onto the structure after a flying bird. A more durable model of the anti-cat system will protect your pet from injury. If you do not tolerate dust well, you can install a structure with the smallest cells that do not let it through when replacing. For the sunny side, it is good to hang a device with a reflective coating. This will keep the house cool.

How to put a mosquito net on a plastic window

deal with installation work within the power of any person holding a screwdriver. Figure out how to install a mesh on a plastic window using mounting brackets. You will need fasteners - two upper and two lower. For clarity, see the photo:

Parts are attached to the window with self-tapping screws with outer side. To get the job done, you need:

  • measure the inner opening;
  • order a finished frame with dimensions 20 mm larger than the received dimensions;
  • purchase accessories.

How to attach a mosquito net to a plastic window? We follow technology:

  • set aside from the outside down from the opening 30 mm;
  • at the top we mark the size of 40 mm;
  • we make risks from below from the side of the opening inside with a distance of 20 mm;
  • we apply a smaller bracket, aligning the inner shelf with the lower marks on the window;
  • fix with masking tape;
  • fasten with screws;
  • repeat the operation from above large brackets, installing the inner shelf according to the markup - it should look down.

It will not be difficult to install the structure in place. Instructions for inserting it correctly:

  • it is necessary to take the frame out of the window, holding it by the handles;
  • with a slight inclination, bring it up to the stop against the shelf of the bracket;
  • align vertically;
  • lower, put on the shelf of the bottom bracket;
  • to remove, you need to do the operation in reverse order.

Prices for installing a mosquito net on a plastic window

Figuring out how to install an anti-mosquito frame on your own is not easy, and sometimes not at all. Get acquainted with the prices for work offered by firms in Moscow for orientation. One installation is estimated from 350 to 800 rubles. The total cost does not include delivery and the call of a specialist to measure the dimensions. Price spread for square meter to manufacture and install the design is:

  • for framework - 1200-1500 rubles;
  • sliding - 2500-2800 rubles;
  • rolled - 3500-3800 rubles;
  • type "antikoshka" - 1700-2000 rubles;
  • "anti-dust" - 2400-2700 r.

Video: installing a mosquito net on a plastic window yourself

If you are going to protect your apartment from mosquitoes and other insects, see how to install a mosquito net on a plastic window yourself. Help to understand the features of measurements, essential tool and mounting video instructions. You will learn how to insert a mosquito net into a plastic window, you will see little installation tricks. Everyone will understand why repairing and installing mosquito protection on their own is more cost-effective than ordering installation by specialists.

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As soon as hot days come on the street, one wants to open wide all the windows in the house so that fresh air displaces the stagnant stuffiness. But here's the problem: along with fresh air, annoying insects happily fly into the home to spoil our mood with their bites and buzzing.

The best way to keep them out of your territory is with a mosquito net. We will talk about the rules for installing it on a plastic window in this article.

Mosquito net: how it works, types

This simple device will not only act as a protection against annoying insects, so you do not have to spend money on fumigators and other not-so-useful chemicals. The mosquito net will not let street dust, poplar fluff and plant pollen into the house, which is very important for allergy sufferers. In addition, you can not worry about the safety of your pets - cats, dogs and birds when the window is open.

Note! There are many cases when cats and dogs, trying to jump out of an open plastic window, got stuck between the frames and died from asphyxia. By installing a mosquito net, you can save your pet not only health, but also life.

Structurally, such a grid consists of the following parts:

  • profiles: frame, transom and corner;
  • connecting corners;
  • fastening cord;
  • 4 holders (z-mounts) made of metal or plastic.

Using a mosquito net, you will be convinced of the mass of its advantages. The first is convenience. At the right time, you can easily remove this design, and if necessary, insert it back without much hassle. The mosquito net does not require careful maintenance, as it is rubbed with a sponge and washed with soap and water.

Second - discreet appearance grids, its aesthetics. Small holes in the material make it translucent, so the view from the window is not obstructed, enough sunlight and fresh air enter the room. Rainwater from the street through such holes will not leak.

And the third - the design of the mosquito net consists of aluminum and fiberglass. This means that it is highly durable, resistant to mechanical stress (tearing, stretching, bending tension) and does not fade in the sun. But nevertheless, the net is flexible and compact enough that you can roll it up and put it in a closet for a while.

The most common types of fastening mosquito nets

Taking into account the features of installation and use, mosquito nets are divided into several types. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Frame mesh - the most simple design, affordable, and therefore the most common. It is presented in two versions: removable and sliding. This is your option if you are not going to open the grid often. Window mesh too big size often reinforced in the center with a bar. There is another type of frame mesh - plunger. It is mounted in the window opening, and not attached to the corners.

    Frame mosquito net - the easiest and most affordable option

  2. Velcro construction (sometimes tape) is very easy to use. It is mounted on inside window sashes, and can be easily removed when needed.

    In order for such a mesh to stick well to the window, you must first clean the surface of dust and load.

  3. The roll mosquito net is a relatively new invention. It consists of the mesh itself, rolled up and attached to a guide profile with a transverse bar equipped with handles. The principle of operation of the device is the same as that of roller shutters: when you open the grid, it goes inside the box located above the door. This type of grid is very well suited for large windows.

    Rolled mosquito net, or rollet

  4. The pleated mesh resembles a rolled mesh by the principle of operation, it only gathers into an accordion, moving in a horizontal direction. These meshes are so good in appearance that modern designers often offer them to customers not only as protection, but also as an interior element. This design can be made in any color and decorated with drawings or other decorative elements.

    Pleated mosquito net can be a decoration for your window

  5. "Antikoshka" - this design is useful to you if there are pets in the house. The mesh is made of very strong threads that are resistant to any damage, and is equipped with additional mount to improve security. No cat can hurt her. And it is not necessary to remove this mesh for the winter - it will perfectly withstand snow and frost.

    Mosquito net "Antikoshka" will withstand the pressure of your pet

Types of fastening on plastic windows

This design is usually fixed to PVC windows with one of four types of fasteners.

  1. Plunger mount - experts position it as the most reliable, but at the same time it is more expensive than other options. Plungers can be mounted in windows of any type, they are most resistant to wind. The plunger is a metal pin with a spring-closer, adjustable in length. A mosquito net with such a mount is easy to install and remove.
  2. Plastic corners are a popular type of fastening. They are installed with outside so imperceptibly that they are not conspicuous, which means they do not spoil the design of windows. The mesh can be easily removed and will not interfere with closing the window.
  3. Corners made of metal, z-mounts are not as reliable as plungers. They should be tightly fitted to the frame and fixed on it additionally from the inside.
  4. Mount "Flag", unfortunately, is not reliable compared to previous options but cheaper. Fasteners are plastic hooks small size fixing the grid. The disadvantage of such fastening is low resistance to external influences: it is easily torn off by a strong gust of wind.

Mosquito net mounts: plungers, flags, corners and z-mounts

Installation Instructions

To independently install the mosquito net, prepare the tools:

  • screwdriver or drill;
  • thin drills;
  • riveting tool;
  • screwdrivers;
  • ruler, tape measure.

Fasteners are supplied with the assembly. But you need to be sure to specify this when ordering and check before purchasing products.

Installation on metal brackets from the inside

This method of attaching the mesh to PVC double-glazed windows is considered the simplest and safest. With the help of aluminum rivets, the hooks are baited onto long strips.

  1. Hold the product by the side handle and wind the top bracket over the window sill.
  2. Raise the mesh all the way up, hook the lower hooks on the frame ledge.
  3. Seat the mosquito sheet down to the very end and align with the window opening.

Install the mesh and fasten it to the brackets

Fastening the canvas from the outside

This method is reliable, moreover, with such a mount you will not damage rubber seals. But do not forget to follow the safety rules, because you will have to lean out of the window outside to screw the corners.

Video: how to install a mosquito net on the corners

Mounting on plunger mounts

If mounting on conventional brackets is not possible, this method is used. As a rule, a protective grille can interfere. Or there is not enough space on the frame to place the brackets. Since the plunger mesh should be placed inside the opening of your window, and not overlapping, measurements are taken in strict accordance with the perimeter of the frame.

Roll mesh (roller)

Most effective method protection from insects and dust from the street. The system is fixed above the window.

  1. Free up the attachment point: remove the plastic or aluminum frame from the mesh.
  2. Having attached the net to the window, mark the place where you will fasten it, and fix it.
  3. Open the covers on the slats to get to the fasteners.
  4. Along the entire length of the perimeter of the window frame, mark the installation locations and mount the strips as evenly as possible. Tuck the mesh under them, then fasten the covers of the slats back.

The installation of the roll mesh begins with the installation of the box on the upper window frame

Video: how roll mosquito nets are attached

What about timber framed windows?

So far, not all apartments and houses are equipped with PVC double-glazed windows. How to protect yourself from the invasion of insects if you have windows with wooden frames? We offer you several options.