The best fertilizer for grapes in summer. What and how to feed grapes at their summer cottage: recommendations for fertilization

Despite some difficulties, the cultivation of this southern and rather capricious crop in the conditions of central Russia is quite possible. It is necessary to provide the grapes with careful care, including systematic feeding, and this must be done with knowledge of the matter.

Many do not know if it is possible to feed grapes, because the introduction of fertilizing can lead to the accumulation of harmful nitrates. There is only one answer: the correct dosage is important. The danger also lies in the fact that regularly feeding the grapes exclusively with mineral fertilizers, you can harm the crop itself. Of course, gardeners do this unintentionally, but out of inexperience. So, an excess of nitrogen in the soil can cause phosphorus and potassium starvation in grapes, even if these elements were introduced.

Some believe that one organic matter or the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers is enough, but for normal growth and ripening of the vine, successful fruiting, various feeding will be required.

How to calculate the required amount of fertilizer for grapes

Initially, you need to learn how to calculate how much fertilizer is needed for grapes to complete nutrition.

How to determine how much potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and other trace elements need to be added during the growing season? Calculation is difficult, but possible.

Note that one kilogram of grapes contains on average 17 mg of boron, 19 mg of zinc, 10 g of calcium, 7 mg of copper, 6.5 g of nitrogen, 4 g of magnesium and 2 g of phosphorus.

Now remember how many kilograms of crop you harvest from one bush and multiply by ten. The resulting figure indicates the amount of nutrients spent on fruiting. This is the so-called economic take-away, the plant took so many useful elements from the soil only for growing fruits.

There is also such a term as biological removal - it will be necessary to ensure the viability of roots, leaves, branches and shoots. These costs also need to be compensated, but they are almost impossible to calculate.

Most of the fertilizer rates for grapes are calculated based on the area (dosage per 1 m²). However, inexperienced gardeners can hardly determine where the territory of the bush ends, on which the roots seeking nutrition are located. On average, an adult shrub extends over 6 m² of area, this is the area around the vine that needs to be fed.

Naturally, young bushes occupy a smaller area, the dosage of feeding for them should be reduced.

Root dressing system for grapes for growth and harvest

How to feed

Fertilization under the root of grapes is carried out at certain stages of development; in total, three additional dressings will be required per season. An ideal option would be the presence of a drainage pipe or an underground drip irrigation system on the site, which will allow the nutrient solution to be delivered directly to the grape rhizome. In the absence of such devices, just step back from the base of the vine 50-60 cm and dig a groove about 30 cm deep around the perimeter of the bush (this is one bayonet of a shovel) and add top dressing to it.

How to feed grapes in early spring for growth and laying a good harvest

First feeding grapes are held in early spring during the swelling of the buds. A complex of mineral fertilizers is introduced, consisting of 30 g of potassium sulfate, 60 g of superphosphate and 90 g of ammonium nitrate. Dilute each drug in water separately, and then pour into a common container, bring the volume of liquid to 40 liters and water under 1 adult bush.

Mineral can be added dry, and then watered or replaced with organic matter. Add a solution of fermented mullein or chicken manure (1 L or 0.5 L of concentrate to a bucket of water, respectively).

How to feed grapes before and after flowering

Before flowering, it is applied second feeding:

  • It is prepared from the same ingredients, but the proportion is increased. You will need 160 g of superphosphate, 120 g of ammonium nitrate, 80 g of potassium sulfate. Dissolve each ingredient separately in water, then mix together in a 40 L working solution and water on 1 adult bush.

Very useful after flowering third feeding ash. How to do this, see the video:

Ash is a source of potassium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for grapes for fruiting. Providing the bushes with these trace elements, you will get a rich harvest.

How to feed grapes for ripening and sweetness of berries

Fourth feeding required when growing grapes in regions with short summers. In these conditions, it is very important, since it accelerates the ripening of berries and the process of lignification of the vine - the key to successful wintering.

  • The nitrogen component is excluded, the solution is prepared from 60 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water, 1 bush is watered. It is useful to pour 3 more buckets of water on top.
  • Top dressing can be replaced with a drug such as Aquarin, Master, Novofert, Plantafol or Kemira, prepare working solutions according to the instructions.

Foliar dressing of grapes (by leaves)

It is a mistake to think that foliar feeding is unimportant and cannot be beneficial compared to root feeding. In fact, grapes are able to absorb nutrients through the leaves even better than through the root system, if done correctly and regularly (do not skip processing).

Consider when and how to feed the grapes by leaves.

How to feed grapes for a good harvest Top dressing before flowering

Spend the first foliar of grapes on the eve of flowering.

  • For 10 liters of water, take 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate, 1 tbsp. l. ammonium nitrate and 5 g of boric acid.
  • We dilute each component separately, then pour it into a common container and bring the volume up to 10 liters.
  • Strain and spray the vines with this mixture.

How to feed grapes when tying berries

Immediately after flowering, a second treatment will be required to successfully set the berries. The composition of the solution is similar, you can add a ready-made solution of trace elements to it.

How to feed grapes while pouring berries

Carry out the third foliar dressing at the beginning of the ripening of the berries. Proportions for 10 liters of water: 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate. Nitrogen is not introduced at this stage of the growing season.

How to feed grapes during fruiting with folk remedies

The final foliar dressing is carried out in August right on the ripening berries. It is prepared from natural ingredients with fungicidal properties and serves as the prevention of diseases. It can be a solution of an infusion of wood ash, iodine or potassium permanganate, diluted serum.

How to prepare ash infusion:

  • Take three densely filled liter cans of ash, fill them with 10 liters of warm, settled water, stir well, cover and let it brew for two days.

To prepare the working solution, take 1 liter of ready-made infusion for 10 liters of water. Carry out the processing on the leaves or pour from 4 to 8 buckets of such dressing under each grape bush.

How to feed grapes to be sweet Treatment with iodine solution

The sweetness of the berries can be increased by making iodine solution over the leaves. In addition, such feeding is an additional protection of the vineyard from diseases. Take 1 drop of iodine in 1 liter of water and treat the bush with this solution. Such a simple feeding will not only improve the sugar content of the berries, but also fill them with iodine useful for human health. The peel of the berries will not crack in adverse weather conditions.

By the way, iodine treatments can be applied throughout the growing season. This will improve the condition of the plants, the vine grows better. However, do not do this more often than 2 times a month, so that the roots of the bush do not deplete due to the accelerated growth of the ground part.

Top dressing with potassium permanganate, iodine and boric acid for the sweetness of berries and green leaves

How to feed the grapes in August if the leaves are pale? And how to increase the sugar content in berries? You can make the bush turn green and increase the sweetness of the berries with this simple top dressing.

For 3 liters of working solution you will need:

  • Potassium permanganate on the tip of a knife, throw it into the water and get a slightly pink solution.
  • Boric acid at the tip of a teaspoon is first diluted in a glass of hot water (a small amount of water), and then poured into the general solution.
  • Dripping 3 drops of iodine

With this solution, we carry out processing on the leaves in the afternoon. Such feeding increases the immunity of the plant, makes the leaves green, and the berries are sweeter.

Feeding with serum and iodine

Good feeding and reliable protection against diseases is obtained if you use serum and iodine:

  • Take 10 liters of water
  • 1 liter of whey
  • 10 drops of iodine

Stir well and work over the leaves. This is a safe feeding and protection against diseases, which is used during the ripening of berries. This method can be practiced throughout the growing season, starting in early spring. The frequency of treatments is 1 time in 7-10 days. Use low-fat milk instead of whey.

How to feed grapes with yeast

Yeast feeding is a good growth stimulant:

  • For 10 liters of warm water, you will need a bag of dry yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar, let the mixture ferment for a couple of hours (put in a warm place).
  • Dissolve the concentrate in 50 liters of water and water an adult bush.

It is useful to combine such feeding with eggshells. Finely crush the shells and sprinkle in a circle near the trunk.

How to feed grapes in August video:

Of course, for grapes, this is a laborious occupation, requiring time and effort from the gardener. But as a reward, you will receive a healthy, actively growing and fruitful vine, which will become a real pride.

How to feed grapes in autumn to ripen the vine after harvest

Preparation for future wintering is the most important condition for obtaining a good harvest in the next season. How to feed the grapes in the winter before the shelter? Feeding with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers will help to provide the ripening vine with all the necessary elements.

Phosphorus fertilization of grapes after fruiting:

  • Take 10 liters of warm water
  • 100 g superphosphate (5 tablespoons)
  • stir thoroughly, apply top dressing under 1 bush
  • Water the plant abundantly after feeding.

Feeding with superphosphate is especially useful in cold summers with prolonged rains, when the vine is very difficult to ripen. In this case, you can not prepare the solution, but simply scatter the fertilizer in the trunk circle. The rains themselves will wash the fertilizer into the soil.

How to feed grapes with potash fertilizers in the fall

To feed the grapes with potassium in the fall, after harvesting, add a maximum of 50 grams (3 tablespoons) of potassium salt under the bush. It can be scattered in the trunk circle and watered abundantly on top. Or combine it with liquid fertilizing with phosphorus by adding potassium salt to the superphosphate solution.

In addition, do not forget: if you have been feeding with ash during the spring and summer, this will become a very good basis for a safe wintering of grapes.

How to feed grapes after planting

When planting a young grape bush, it is useful to immediately add mineral fertilizing, which will become the main source of nutrients in the first 2 years of growth:

  • Take 90 grams of nitroammophoska, mix it with the garden soil in the planting hole and plant the plant.

Such a simple top dressing will give a charge for the full growth of the grape bush: the vine will grow quickly and ripen well.

How to feed young grapes in September

It is also useful to feed young grape bushes with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Take 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium salt and add them dry to the trunk circle, mixing with the ground. Afterwards, abundant watering is recommended.

If, when planting grape seedlings, fertilizers were immediately introduced into the soil, in the next three or four years, top dressing of the grapes will not be required. For adult bushes, for good fruiting, certain trace elements are necessary, which are not always enough even in fertile soil.

In the photo grapes

Grape plants thrive and bear fruit best in nutrient-rich soil. But over time, the content of useful trace elements in the ground steadily decreases, and without fertilization, the soil becomes depleted. In such conditions, the grape yield deteriorates markedly, the bushes grow poorly, suffering from drought and frost.

It would seem that it is enough to feed the grape bushes several times per season. complex fertilizers and the plants will come to life again. However, in grapes, the need for different nutrients varies depending on the growing season. And if you want to succeed in viticulture, you should definitely figure out how certain microelements affect grapes, at what time they are especially needed for plants, and how they should be introduced into the soil.

Video about proper feeding and fertilization of grapes

Nutrients for grapes:

  • Nitrogen. It is responsible for the growth of green mass (leaves and shoots), therefore, the main part of nitrogen fertilizers is applied in spring, at the very beginning of the growing season of grapes. In summer, the need for nitrogen decreases, but since August, nitrogen fertilizers become harmful to grape bushes, since the untimely rapid growth of greenery will interfere with the maturation of wood. Introduce in the form of urea or ammonium nitrate.
  • Phosphorus. The vineyard needs most of all at the very beginning of flowering: thanks to phosphorus dressing (superphosphate), inflorescences develop better, berries are tied and bunches ripen.
  • Potassium. Closer to autumn, it is very useful to feed the vineyard with potassium chloride, as it accelerates the ripening of vines and fruits, and also prepares plants well for winter.
  • Copper. Promotes an increase in frost and drought resistance of shoots, enhances their growth.
  • Bor. The introduction of boric acid into the soil helps to increase the sugar content of the grapes and accelerate their ripening. In addition, boron stimulates pollen germination.
  • Zinc. Thanks to this microelement, the grape yield is noticeably increased.

In the photo, phosphorus fertilizer

Calcium, magnesium, sulfur and iron are also beneficial for grapes, but these elements are usually found in sufficient quantities in the earth. It is not necessary to additionally feed the vineyard with them.

You can feed grapes with single-component mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, potassium salt, potassium chloride, superphosphate, etc.), fertilizers containing two or three elements (nitrophoska, ammophos), or complex (Kemira, Florovit, Solution, Novofert, Aquarin).

But mineral fertilizers alone will not be enough: grapes need manure to fully utilize the incoming nutrients. The addition of manure improves the aeration and water permeability of the soil, and also stimulates the development of microorganisms in the soil, which are needed by the grape roots for the best absorption of microelements. In addition, rotted manure provides the vineyard with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients.

Instead of manure, you can use compost as an effective and affordable tool for any gardener. Suitable for composting are food waste, tops, grass cuttings, sawdust, bird droppings and animal manure, wood ash, shredded branches and other organic debris. The finished compost is rich in nutrients no less than manure.

Photo of mineral fertilizers

Another valuable organic fertilizer is poultry manure. It also contains the most important elements for grapes in a highly assimilable form. A week and a half before use, poultry droppings are diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4, and before direct application to the ground, an infusion is made, diluting with water 10 times more. One grape bush consumes half a liter of infusion.

Well, instead of potassium chloride, which can harm the vineyard due to its high chlorine content, it is better to use ash. It will provide grape bushes with an intake of not only potassium, but also phosphorus. The most useful is ash from.

To feed the root system of the grapes, grooves about 40 cm deep should be dug around each bush at a distance of at least 50 cm from the stem. Through such grooves, the main roots of plants absorb nutrients much more efficiently, especially if you combine top dressing with watering the grapes.

In the photo, feeding grapes

When to fertilize:

  • in the spring, before opening the bushes after wintering, superphosphate (20 g), ammonium nitrate (10 g) and potassium salt (5 g) are dissolved in 10 liters of water - this portion is enough to water one grape bush;
  • a couple of weeks before the grapes begin to bloom, they are fed with the same aqueous solution;
  • before the grapes ripen, the land in the vineyard is fertilized with superphosphate and potash fertilizers (no nitrogen is applied);
  • after harvesting the fruits, the grapes are fed with potash fertilizers in order to increase the winter hardiness of the plants.
During spring feeding, you can use slurry instead of mineral fertilizers: 1 kg of solution is consumed per square meter of planting.

Every three years in the autumn months, the vineyard should be fertilized with manure with the addition of ash, superphosphate and ammonium sulfate. The fertilizer is distributed over the surface of the ground, after which a deep digging is done. If, on a site of sandy loam soil, it is worth applying fertilizers for digging in a year, then on sandy soil - annually.

Foliar dressing of grapes for a better harvest

Through the leaves of grapes, nutrients dissolved in water are remarkably absorbed. Therefore, in addition to the usual root dressing, it is advisable to carry out foliar dressings - on the leaves. This will help the plants to thrive, maximize yields and tolerate winter frosts well.

Regardless of the fertilization of the root system, the grape foliage is sprayed for the first time with a solution of trace elements before the appearance of flowers to prevent their shedding and to increase the ovaries, the second time - after flowering, the third time - when the grapes are ripe. With the last two sprays, nitrogen fertilizers are excluded from the top dressing.

Video about fertilizing grapes

For foliar dressing, you can use solutions of micro- or macro-fertilizers, which are easy to find on sale in a large assortment. A water infusion of ash mixed with fermented herbal infusion of herbs is also suitable.

Spraying the foliage should be carried out on calm days in the morning or evening, or in the daytime in cloudy weather, so that the plants do not get burned under the sun, since the solution remains on the leaves in the form of small droplets. For the best absorption of trace elements, you can add 3 tablespoons to the nutrient solution. Sahara.

Correct feeding of grapes in spring is the key to a good harvest

The grapes need basic dressings, which are applied every few years, and additional ones, applied annually in spring and autumn.

The need and timing of grape dressing in spring

Every year, giving off a harvest, grapes take nutrients from the soil, without which they will not be able to develop normally and bear fruit in the future. With a lack of necessary substances, the bush becomes vulnerable to diseases and pests, the vine does not ripen well, the ovaries crumble.

Additional dressing in the spring is applied according to the scheme, focusing on the stage of grape development:

  • The first - the bush is dormant (mid-April);
  • The second - two weeks before the beginning of flowering, when the embryos of the brushes have just appeared (mid-May);
  • The third - after the fruit set (late May - early June).

The main elements that grapes need are nitrogen - for the growth of vines and leaves, phosphorus - for flowering and ripening, and potassium - for an active ovary and increasing plant immunity. Also grapes are needed: copper, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, boron, iron.

The lack of a particular element can be determined by the state of the grape foliage and the composition of nutrient solutions can be adjusted. The following symptoms appear with a shortage:

  • nitrogen - the leaves are light green, the growth of the vine is slowed down;
  • potassium - the border along the edge of the leaf is brown;
  • phosphorus - dark green leaves with brown spots, belated flowering;
  • iron - yellowing of the leaf plate, while the veins remain green;
  • sulfur - points of growth of vines die off.

As a dressing for grapes in the spring, you can apply organic matter, one-component and complex fertilizers, as well as use folk recipes for nutrient solutions.

How to fertilize grapes in spring: organic and chemical products

Fertilization of grapes must be applied at the level of occurrence of the main roots - this is one of the basic rules for feeding vines. So the nutrients will be fully absorbed, and will work for the benefit of the bush. Top dressing stimulates the growth of additional roots, which can slow down the development of the grapes.

Top dressing methods

When planting a seedling, experienced growers recommend digging in a pipe through which you can water and feed the grapes in the future. Use asbestos or plastic pipes with a diameter of 10-12 cm. They are placed at a distance of 50-80 cm from the seedling (depending on the growth strength of the variety) and deepened by at least 40 cm.

There is another way to properly feed the grapes. At a distance of 50-80 cm from the bush along the entire diameter, you need to dig a trench 40-50 cm deep. Nutrient solutions are poured into this ditch, after which it is covered with earth.

It is important to remember that the grapes must be watered abundantly before each feeding.

Chemical solutions for spring feeding

The base for spring feeding grapes is a solution of two tablespoons of superphosphate, one tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate. All components are dissolved in 10 liters of non-cold (20-25 degrees Celsius) water. This amount of solution is spent on one grape bush, pouring into a pipe or groove.

The first and second dressing of grapes in spring is carried out with the solution described above. Ammonium nitrate should be excluded from the composition of the third feeding - nitrogen at this stage of development can cause an increased growth of green mass to the detriment of the formation of bunches.

For feeding grape bushes in spring, you can use complex fertilizers containing all the elements in the right proportions, such as - Aquarin, Solution, Novofert. The preparations are dissolved in water according to the instructions and applied to the soil in the manner described above.

Using organics for spring feeding

Grapes respond well to organic fertilization in the soil. Organics can be used both as a basic top dressing and in combination with mineral fertilizers. It must be remembered that organic fertilizing can only be applied before flowering.

The overripe manure is brought under the bush in early spring and buried in the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm. It improves the structure of the soil, promotes the development of microflora, saturates the plant with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can replace manure with compost made from cut grass, ash, sawdust, plant waste.

For liquid dressing in the spring, you can use slurry. One part of the manure is poured with two parts of water in a barrel, and insisted for 10 days. The fermented solution is diluted with water one to six and poured into the recess around the stem at the rate of 10 liters per bush.

Chicken droppings are effective as top dressing. It is used as a liquid infusion. For preparation, a liter of dry droppings are poured with water (4 liters) and left to ferment for two weeks. Immediately before adding, the slurry is diluted with water, bringing the volume to 10 liters. For each bush, 0.5-1 liter of solution is consumed.

It is possible to completely compensate the need for potassium in grapes with the help of ash from sunflower husks. For root dressing, an extract from the ash is prepared - two liters of the substance are poured with 8 liters of water and insisted for a day, stirring occasionally. A liter of the finished extract is diluted with a bucket of water and brought under each bush.

Foliar dressing of grapes in spring

Foliar dressing of grapes complements the root, but does not replace it. Grape leaves quickly assimilate micro and macro elements dissolved in water. The solution for spraying is prepared from the same components as for root dressings: urea or ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, with the addition of trace elements - zinc, boron, copper, etc. Before use, add 50 g of sugar to the nutritional composition to slow down its evaporation from the foliage.

You can use solutions of complex fertilizers: Master, Florovit, Biopon - they are sold in any garden store. The dosage of preparations for foliar dressing is indicated in the instructions.

From folk recipes for foliar dressing of grapes, herbal infusion with the addition of ash extract is popular. To prepare it, you need to fill the barrel up to half with the cut grass, fill it with water to the top, and leave to ferment for 10-14 days. For spraying, add a liter of fermented infusion and 0.5 liters of ash extract to a bucket of water.

The first spraying is carried out before the appearance of flower buds (at the beginning of May), the second - after flowering (at the beginning of June). Processing is carried out in the evening or morning hours, when there is no aggressive sunlight. To prolong the action of the solution, every day the grape bushes are irrigated with clean water. At the same time, the dried solution regains its liquid form and is well absorbed by the plant.


To maximize the yield of the grape bush, you need to apply fertilizers according to the schedule, adhering to the recommended doses. You can use chemicals or resort to folk recipes - the choice is yours. The main thing is to provide the grapes with sufficient nutrition for growth and abundant fruiting.

Grapes are an exquisite culture that requires quite delicate care. In addition to pruning, regular watering and pest control, balanced organic and mineral fertilizing is required. But winegrowers, especially beginners, should be aware that the need for nutrients in the vineyard varies slightly at different stages of the growing season. Since an excess of nutrient components can be no less harmful than a deficiency, attention should be paid to the study of this issue. Consider, in particular, how grapes are fed in summer.

Why you need to feed grapes in summer

In the summer, when the vegetative mass is actively growing, and the fruits begin to form, the vineyard requires special care, without which it will not be necessary to count on a full harvest. Top dressing also plays an important role here.

By the time the fruits ripen, the nutrients introduced into the soil can be completely consumed. Lack of nutrition prevents the berries from filling up to the fullest and accumulating sugar. The result is small, poor quality grapes with a sour taste.

What does a vineyard need in summer

Usually grapes begin to bear fruit only in the third year of life. Therefore, the young vineyard does not need summer dressing in the first two years. In the third year of life, you cannot do without top dressing in the summer.

Many growers use complex fertilizers for these purposes, of which a wide variety is sold in gardening stores. When purchasing a complex fertilizer, we pay attention to the composition. Here must be present the components that the grapes need in summer.


First of all, for the full development and formation of fruits, grapes require the following minerals and trace elements.

The fertilizer is scattered under the bushes or applied in solution. It is important not to exceed the dosage, otherwise the roots may burn. Instructions for use must be found on the packaging of each fertilizer. It is important to know the composition of the soil on which the grapes grow. This will make it possible to more accurately determine which substances it needs more, and which ones will only harm the plants.

Phosphorus is necessary for grapes to ripen fruitful shoots. It is best to carry out two superphosphate dressings. The first is carried out before flowering, the second in summer, when the ovary is already formed.

Usually, the need for plants for potassium increases by the beginning of autumn, since a lot of energy is spent on ripening the crop. In addition, potassium contributes to the fact that the vineyard will be better prepared and protected before wintering. Potassium fertilizers must be applied in the last decade of August. If harvesting is planned at this time, then feeding should be done a little earlier. It is important that no fertilizing or watering is carried out 2 weeks before the harvest.

If the vineyard is cultivated on acidic soils, then calcium supplementation may be required during the summer. Calcium neutralizes oxalic acid, which negatively affects plant development and fruit formation. Keep in mind that adding calcium in summer is the exception rather than the rule. In most cases, such feeding is not needed.


The best option for organic feeding of grapes in summer is wood ash. It contains all the necessary macro and microelements that help to revitalize the plant: phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. The most useful for feeding the vineyard is sunflower ash. It contains up to 40% potassium, up to 4% phosphorus and other useful components that are easily absorbed by the soil.

You can prepare a solution of rotted humus or compost. This solution should also be used sparingly, watering the plant around, and not at the very root. We retreat 50 cm from the trunk and water the plant into the formed groove. For better assimilation of nutritional components, top dressing of grapes is combined with regular watering.

It is good to combine mineral and organic feeding. Organic matter ensures that most of the nutrients are not absorbed into the soil, but transferred to the plant.

The mullein solution activates the development of beneficial bacteria that help the root system absorb nutrients. Only this organic fertilizer should be applied either after harvesting, or in the spring immediately after the buds awaken. Then in the summer it will be possible to do only with mineral fertilizing.

Working solutions for summer top dressing of the vineyard

20 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of ammonium nitrate and 5 grams of potassium salt. All this dissolves in a bucket of water. This amount is calculated for 1 bush. You need to feed the grapes with such a solution in June-July.

Mix 50 grams of superphosphate with a glass of ash. Dissolve in a bucket of water. Water the bushes during the ripening period of the crop.


It is possible to determine what specific feeding of grapes is required by the appearance of the plant.

  1. Yellowish foliage is an indication that the plant requires potassium supplementation;
  2. Lack of phosphorus gives out a reddish-purple tint of some leaves;
  3. Pale, as if faded leaves are a clear sign of a lack of nitrogen.

In order to understand when to provide the maximum amount of minerals and organic matter to the vine, it is necessary to dispel several myths about root dressing. Many gardeners believe that the greatest need for them is present in a young bush that has just been planted, and a huge 10-year-old vine growing nearby does not need it anymore and will itself get everything it needs from the soil. In fact, the opposite is true. A large bush of grapes sucks out almost all useful macronutrients and organic substances from the soil. This process is especially fast during flowering and fruiting, since it is at this moment that not only nitrogen and other necessary elements for growth are drawn out of the ground, but also potassium with phosphorus.

Fertilizers for a young vine are practically not required, it is quite enough what was laid for it during planting - for the next 2 years it is provided with everything you need, especially if you introduced orthophosphoric components and humus. You can feed a little, of course, but there is still no urgent need. An adult bush must be fertilized with easily digestible components (ammonia, nitrogen) 1 week before flowering, 15 days before the start of fruit formation and 10-15 days before the fruits are at the stage of technical ripeness.

This scheme allows you to optimize the process in the best way and provide the vine with many useful substances and minerals. Some gardeners use chicken droppings around the vine in the fall. During the winter, it decays and weathers out all the nitrogen that can hit the plant if it is too concentrated (there is a lot of it in chicken droppings). Before flowering, this amount will be sufficient, and there will be no need to carry out root dressing in March and April.

Let us now consider the step-by-step process in numbers.

First feeding(before flowering). In this case, it would be best to give preference to liquid preparations. Under the root, you need to pour manure, well diluted in water (2 kg of manure is enough for 10-12 liters of water and it is applied per 1 square meter). You can use again liquid chicken manure, which was introduced in the fall, only the concentration must be reduced so as not to burn the roots. It will be enough to dissolve 40-50 grams in a bucket of water and use it per 1 square meter. Those who prefer mineral fertilizers need to make a mixture of nitrophos (65 g per bucket of water), boric acid (add it to the bucket in an amount of 5-7 grams). This is the most suitable consistency for the first root dressing.

Second feeding(13-15 days before fruit set). It is already based on an increase in the vegetative mass, as well as the weight of future fruits. The main component that should be included in it is active nitrogen. You can mix 6-10 grams of potassium magnesia with ammonium nitrate (20 grams per bucket) and add to 1 square meter. After that, you can complete the process of applying foliar fertilizers in the flowering stage (the second feeding is done after 5-7 days).

Third feeding(2 weeks before harvest). It aims to increase the mass of fruits, as well as to increase their sweetness. To do this, you need to add 20 grams of superphosphate and potassium (dissolves in 10 liters of water). Then it is necessary to supplement the "composition" with organic fertilizers, preferably manure, thoroughly dissolved in water (1 kg / 10 l).

If you follow these instructions and do everything according to the schedule, then you can count on an extremely large yield and heavy bunches. It should also be noted that this process allows not only to get more during fruiting of the bush, but also to preserve it in winter, since thick, healthy branches can easily endure frosts. They must accumulate a lot of nutrients and sugars so that low temperatures cannot harm the stem.

Features and timing of foliar feeding of grapes

As you know, not only the roots of the plant can absorb all the useful substances. Leaves, in addition to secreting vital chlorophyll, can also absorb (absorb) many trace elements that get on them with water. If they are well dissolved, they can penetrate the pores of the leaf blade in just a few minutes, which has many advantages for the plant. Let's take a closer look at how foliar feeding is better than the usual introduction of manure and chemistry:

  • Soil for grapes dissolves all components for a very long time and soaks them; it may rain more than one day until your fertilizer gets to the roots. Leaves, on the other hand, absorb microelements entirely and dissolve, assimilate them almost immediately, so the effect can be seen after a couple of days. The plant is much more responsive to this type of feeding, immediately begins to gain vegetative mass.
  • It is much more effective to spray the leaves than to fertilize the grapes at the root, since the digestibility of the components increases almost 2 times. You can significantly save money - make 2 times less concentrated mixture - the effect will be exactly the same as if you pour the concentrate directly under the root.
  • There is no negative effect of the soil on fertilization. As you know, upon contact with the ground, some elements can be replaced, dissolve without providing the desired effect, and also bind with each other. As a result, you get a completely different effect that you would like to see after performing this operation.
  • It is much faster to spray the leaves than to put water under each nest. Labor costs are several times less, water consumption is ten times less, just like the consumption of fertilizers.
  • Spraying helps in the shortest possible time to strengthen all physiological processes, to give the plant a quick start. But it should be borne in mind that his action is short-lived and only complements root nutrition where the elements can take years to decompose. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything in a complex.

The first feeding should be performed no earlier than 3-4 days before flowering, since the assimilation of all nutrients occurs almost instantly. Here you can add boric acid (5 g per 10 l of water), as well as fungicides to combine fertilizer with insect control and kill two birds with one stone. You can use nitrogen fertilizers, which will allow the vine to gain vegetative mass as quickly as possible and prepare for the formation of fruits.

The second stage is a week after flowering ends, but already exclude nitrogen-containing preparations. You can make an ash-based solution or apply phosphorus fertilizers. It is important to give the plant as many elements as possible to form bunches. After they are fully formed and begin to gain weight, you need to make another spraying, about 2-3 weeks after the second treatment.

Before harvesting the grapes, you can do the fourth treatment. Here it is already necessary to use superphosphates, ammonia and potassium, add less nitrogen-containing components, since after fruiting it is necessary to transfer the vine to the stage of calmness and preparation for winter.

How to determine what the plant is missing

Many summer residents do not think about what needs to be added to the soil and throw everything "on the knurled", boxes of nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphoric mixtures, potassium and the like. But is this always beneficial, and is it worth it so thoughtlessly to trust your intuition when choosing one or another component? In fact, you can seriously harm the plant if you oversaturate the soil with various unnecessary components. For example, excess nitrogen will not do any good and can burn the roots and leaves of the plant if overdosed.

There are several methods for determining the "diet" for a vine. The most time-consuming, expensive, but also the most effective method is laboratory analysis of soil and grape juice. You will need to bring soil samples and a few ounces of vine sap for further analysis. Of course, it would be more correct to hire a team from the laboratory to come and use a drill to take all the necessary samples at a depth of 150 centimeters, but such a call can cost you quite a lot. You can also limit yourself to the analysis of the topsoil. Such an analysis gives an accuracy of up to 85% and you will surely know what and when to add to the ground so that the roots receive everything they need for growth and development this year. Held about once every 2 years.

The second, less costly and less effective method is to determine the condition by the appearance of the leaves. You can learn a lot from it, especially if you have some kind of gardening experience. The complexity of the definition lies in the fact that the color, shape and other indicators can change when exposed to diseases or a lack of several components at once. The color of the leaf plate is also greatly influenced by temperature and moisture, with a lack of which they can turn yellow. That is why gardeners try not to trust this method and resort to more accurate analyzes that can exclude diseases, temperature conditions and other factors.

The third method is also laboratory and very accurate. Unlike the first option, this does not require a lot of time and money. All you need to do is collect healthy leaves from other bushes and from the one you don't like in appearance. In the laboratory, they will make a detailed analysis of the juice and will tell you exactly what the plant lacks or what is in excess of the norm in the soil. Thus, you do not have to analyze the soil itself, you will give the plant only what it urgently needs at the moment. Leaf analysis can be done once every couple of months in order to track changes and accurately calculate the required proportion of fertilizers.