Currant diseases and their control. Currant anthracnose: symptoms and treatment methods Anthracnose on currant leaves


Symptoms of the disease

Leaves, petioles, sometimes young shoots, berries and stalks are affected on currants. Small spots of dark brown color, rounded or semicircular shape are formed on the leaves. Spot diameter 0.8-1.2 mm. Shiny black tubercles appear on them (conidial sporulation).

On petioles of leaves, green shoots, stalks, the formation of black, slightly depressed spots with weak sporulation is observed. Small light brown spots with a red border appear on the berries.

On gooseberries, the first signs of pathogen development are observed at the end of the flowering phase. The maximum development is recorded in July-August.

Leaves are mainly affected, less often leaf petioles, berries and young stalks. The formation of small, about 1 mm in diameter, angular-rounded brown spots, often limited by small veins, is observed on the leaves. The spots merge with each other, give the foliage a brown color. In the center of the spot, the epidermal layer rises, turns black and acquires a characteristic sheen. Subsequently, the epidermis breaks through, releasing light-colored tubercles to the surface. They consist of conidia glued together by a mucous substance.

On petioles, green shoots, berries and gooseberry stalks, anthracnose appears in the form of small brown sores.


The causative agent of the disease is a fungus from the class of real marsupials or fruiting fungi, order Helotiales(Helotsiaceae). In the conidial stage, it bears a name and belongs to the class of anamorphic (imperfect) fungi.

The fungus is represented by three forms: - affects black currants, - red and white currants, - gooseberries. Each form has its own marsupial stage, similarly affecting only a specific host.

On gooseberries


Mycelium - develops in the intercellular spaces of the plant. In places of lesions on the upper side of the leaf, a subepidermal bed is formed, which consists of the stroma and closely standing conidia grown on it on conidiophores.

Conidiophores are conical or rod-shaped, thickened in the upper part.

Conidia are unicellular, colorless, slightly bent or crescent-shaped, and may have pointed or blunt ends. Size 14.8-28.7x4.0-4.4 microns.

Microconidia are colorless, rod-shaped. Size 5.0-7.0x1.50-2.0 microns.

Apothecia - narrow saucer-shaped, small. Sheath is black. Initially immersed in plant tissue. As they develop, they protrude from it on a thick short stalk.

Asci are colorless, club-shaped. Between them there are many thin transparent paraphyses.

Ascospores are colorless, elliptical in shape. Single cell structure. Size 15.70 - 19.20 x 7.0 - 10.0 µm.

On currant

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The mycelium, like the previous form, is located in the intercellular spaces of plant tissues. The subepidermal bed is more often located on the upper side of the leaf blade.

Conidiophores - same as

Conidia - similar to the previous form. They differ in an oblong shape and very slightly in size - 14.0-32.0x5.0-8.0 microns.

Microconidia - same as

marsupial stage


Asci is club-shaped, the shell is thin. Size 80.0-110.0x18.0-20.0 microns.


Pathogen forms that affect currants ( f. Nigri And f. Rubri), overwinter as mycelium on fallen leaves. In the spring, apothecia develop, immersed in the tissue of the leaf, protruding to its surface over time. They ripen in mid - late May and carry out the primary infection of plants. Leaves become infected at the age of over 25 days.

During the growing season, a small mycelium is formed in the intercellular spaces of the affected leaves, on which conidial sporulation is formed. Conidia are spread by raindrops and various insects. Germination of conidia takes place in droplets of moisture. In this case, the sprout penetrates the plant directly through the integumentary tissues.

The incubation period of the disease at a temperature of +15°C-+20°C is from 8 to 12 days. During the growing season, the fungus gives 2 generations of conidial sporulation.

The features of the form that affects black currant are the possibility of development within relatively low temperatures and the tolerance of high concentrations of tannin and tannins.

The form of the pathogen that infects gooseberries ( f. grossularia), winters on plants in the form of mycelium. In spring, asci with ascospores are formed in apothecia. Mass dispersal of spores is observed in late April - early May and lasts for a month. Sometimes conidial sporulation is formed on overwintered affected leaves, which causes an earlier manifestation of disease symptoms.

Primary infection of gooseberries can be carried out not only from ascospores, but also from conidia. The marsupial stage of the fungus sometimes does not form.

During the growing season, the fungus produces several generations of conidial sporulation. The maturation and spread of the pathogen is facilitated by moderate temperatures combined with high humidity or rain. Spores germinate only in drop-liquid moisture at a temperature of +5°C. The mushroom picker grows in the temperature range + 5°C-+ 30°C. The optimum temperature for conidial growth, spore formation, ascospore ejection is +21°C-+25°C.

The latent period of pathogen development at optimal temperatures is 6 days, at lower temperatures up to 15.

Gooseberry anthracnose develops intensively in thickened plantings, in lowlands, with strong weed overgrowth.

Geographic distribution

Currant anthracnose - widely distributed in America, Russia, the states of Western and Eastern Europe, the northern, middle and western regions with sufficient moisture and moderate temperature conditions are especially susceptible to the disease.

Gooseberry anthracnose - common in all regions of cultivation of this crop.


Currant and gooseberry anthracnose is a harmful disease. Heavily affected currant bushes reduce yields by up to 75% in the current season and up to 80% in the future. There is a decrease in frost resistance of plants with the death of 50% or more of the branches.

Gooseberries are most often affected by anthracnose in foci. The pathogen causes severe leaf fall, which affects both the yield and the growth of shoots and their winter hardiness.

The currant that once delighted with its fruits does not look good? Maybe small brown spots appeared on the lush foliage? Or, instead of small dark dots, the leaves are dotted with red tubercles that look like an ulcer? Either way, there's no need to panic. But you need to act, as your garden probably has a fungal disease called anthracnose. And what exactly to do in order to rejoice at the usual harvest again will be described in this article.

What is this disease?

Anthracnose is a fungal disease caused by the marsupial fungus. Both black and red currants are affected by the same fungus, however, it changes its shape depending on the type of fruit bush. This, in turn, makes little difference in the course of the disease. The fungus itself is quite insidious in nature. It hibernates on previously infected and fallen leaves, and in spring its spores move to new spaces along with water flowing past or clinging to the paws of insects.

As is typical for any fungus, active growth will take place in a humid environment at a favorable temperature (+ 21-25 degrees). It should be noted that the form of the disease that affects black currant is characterized by a more stable perception of low temperatures.

Signs of damage to the bush

As is already clear, this fungus infects the deciduous part of the plant, starting to appear as small dark dots and turning into a continuous affected area of ​​red or brown. And this will continue until the currant leaf dies and falls to the ground, thereby turning into a carrier of the disease. But this may not be the end of it. If the plant was previously weakened by a frosty winter or another disease, then, in addition to foliage, anthracnose will damage petioles, young shoots and stalks.

All these parts of the bush will be covered with the same small dark spots 1 mm in diameter. And, of course, if the infection has not stopped on the leaves, then it will affect the fruits themselves, covering them with light red spots. Under such conditions, the loss of crops of black or red currants will be enormous, and the degree of damage will be more than 50%.

Control measures

As with any other disease, treatment should begin as soon as the first signs appear. Of course, it is better to try to prevent the appearance of the fungus, but this will be discussed later. Before considering more crude chemical means of solving the problem, you need to turn to folk remedies and proven methods.

Folk remedies

If anthracnose struck the bushes already at the end of fruiting and did not have time to develop properly, then an inexperienced gardener can easily think that the problem has passed. Sorry, but it's not. If a threat has arisen, then in any case it must be eliminated, since the currant's immune system is unlikely to cope on its own.

One way to help defeat the disease is to scald the bushes with boiling water. For implementation, you need to heat the required amount of water so that by the time of spraying the temperature is around + 70 degrees. Bushes with unblown buds are subject to processing. Iodine dissolved in water also shows good results. Just 1 drop per liter of water can help. For the best effect, it remains only to preheat the water to room temperature.

In fairness, it should be noted that all these methods are mainly aimed at preventing the disease or combating its mild and inactive form. At the peak stage of infection, you should not expect a guaranteed result, but before using chemical exposure, it is still worth trying folk methods. You can not pass by such an ambiguous drug for this category as Bordeaux liquid. The fact is that its production from scratch at home is not possible for an ordinary person, but for more than a century this tool has been popular with gardeners. So it has already, one might say, deserved the title of the people. And this is not from scratch.

The drug is truly universal, if we talk about the fight against fungal or bacterial diseases. After application, you can definitely not be afraid of copper deficiency in the plant. And compared to other fungicides, Bordeaux liquid does not lead to calcium deficiency.

The drug can be prepared by yourself from ready-made elements. There is nothing complicated here, since there are only 2 components: copper sulfate and lime milk. Prepare, as a rule, 1% or 3% solution, depending on the application. To prepare a product of 1% concentration, you will need 100 g of copper sulfate and 100 g of lime. In separate non-metallic containers, the two ingredients are mixed with 1 liter of hot water. Then, gradually adding cold water, the volume of liquid in both containers is adjusted to 5 liters in each. And after obtaining a homogeneous mass, the solution of copper sulphate is slowly filtered, adding to the container with lime mortar. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and used when anthracnose was already noticed during a riot of greenery.

For early spring or autumn processing, a 3% solution is perfect. There will also be no difficulties in obtaining it, since the procedure is almost the same as making a less concentrated mixture. Only instead of 100 g of substances, 300 g are taken, they are dissolved in 2 liters of hot water. The procedure is then repeated without changes. After the final stage, it remains only to check the pH level of the mixture with litmus paper. It is necessary to achieve a neutral acid-base balance (pH), i.e., the solution should color the paper blue.

If such staining does not occur, and the color goes into red shades, then it is better to add a little more milk of lime to normalize the acidity.

Apply Bordeaux liquid according to the instructions. Since this is still a drug of artificial origin, it is easy to make a mistake with its concentration and frequency of use. And if such a mistake turns into a systematic one, there is a risk in 5-10 years to bring the plants to death, and the soil on the site to complete unsuitability. And this, though small, but an environmental disaster. But that summer resident who carefully and competently spends resources will never face such a disaster. And already where the above methods have failed, modern agricultural developments can be used.

Special preparations


Unfortunately, folk methods are not always enough for all occasions. And if the summer resident is not a supporter of the chemical impact on the cause of the disaster, then it is worth taking a closer look at microbiological preparations. This is a relatively new trend in crop production. Their principle is that their antagonists are planted with pathogens, who enter into confrontation with the pathogen and win. And the summer resident, as a result, receives a healthy plant without harm to himself and the environment.

  • "Gamair". This drug is mainly aimed at combating bacterial diseases, but it is also able to cope with some fungal diseases, in particular, with anthracnose. "Gamair" is not dangerous for either humans or animals, so it can be used at any stage of the development of the disease. At the same time, this agent does not accumulate in the soil and fruits. And this means that the harvested crop can be eaten immediately after the treatment of diseased bushes. But it is better to follow the manufacturer's advice and enjoy the berries the next day.
  • "Fitosporin-M". Another find for supporters of organic farming. Users argue how much better or worse it is than the above-described Gamair, but we can say with confidence that Fitosporin-M is also effective in the fight against anthracnose.

Classic fungicides

You can use the following drugs.

  • Means "Topsin-M" effectively copes with both small insect pests and fungal diseases. After watering or spraying a currant bush, "Topsin-M" penetrates the plant and spreads throughout the vascular system. From the inside, it begins to suppress the growth of the pathogenic culture, preventing the production of new spores. The use of the drug will not pass completely without a trace for the surrounding flora and fauna, but it is worth noting the low toxicity of the drug. Most of all, fish do not tolerate it, so you should not actively use Topsin-M near water bodies.
  • "Privikur" has a similar mechanism of action with the drug described above and has the same toxicity class. As a feature, the indirect effect of the agent on the growth of culture can be noted. The fact is that during the struggle of the drug with the pathogen, the work of the immune system in the plant changes, which, in turn, is associated with metabolism. After applying "Privikur", the metabolism is accelerated, which has a positive effect on the growth of the root system.
  • "Fundazol" also penetrates with water into the vascular system of the plant and has a detrimental effect on the fungus. Unlike previous fungicides, this one is more toxic and lingers longer on and inside the plant. On the one hand, this makes the gardener use the preparation more carefully, on the other hand, it leaves the fungus less likely to survive and adapt. At the same time, Fundazol does not harm the culture itself.

Currant diseases can deprive a summer resident of crops. It doesn't matter if it's red, black or white. All diseases and pests in different varieties of currants are the same.

It is important for the gardener to recognize the signs of the disease in the initial stage, until it has spread to the entire bush. Our article contains the most common currant diseases and the fight against them, photos with signs of damage, as well as all the necessary treatment and prevention measures.

Currant (from lat. Ribes) became popular in Rus' in the 11th century. The fragrant berry got its name due to its strong smell, for which it was called "currant". The culture belongs to the Gooseberry family (lat. Grossulariaceae) and has more than a hundred varieties.

Currant is a real medicine for a person. Its fruits and leaves contain a huge amount of all sorts of useful substances: vitamins (E and C, as well as many others), trace elements, acids and sugars, various biologically active compounds.

Due to its valuable composition, it is popular among lovers of folk treatment, but it can also get sick itself. At the same time, massive outbreaks of diseases can completely deprive you of the crop. Therefore, it is worth taking precautions very seriously and knowing in advance what you may encounter.

Common currant diseases and their treatment, description of signs of infection

If only a few bushes of this berry grow on your site, you should thoroughly prepare from the beginning of spring.

Currant anthracnose (lat. Pseudopeziza ribis)

The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare. The first manifestations of infection can often be seen in the middle of the summer season. Main symptoms:

  • small red and brown spots (up to 1 mm) with dark tubercles in the center appear on the leaves;
  • spots gradually increase, affecting the entire leaf;
  • leaves dry up and fall off.

This disease is characteristic of all types of currants, but is especially common on red. During the rainy season, the fungus is more active and dangerous to the plant.

Its spores can easily survive the winter on plant debris. Having found currant anthracnose on the site, treatment should begin immediately.

To do this, use Bordeaux liquid (0.1 kg of the drug per 10 liters of water). Spraying is carried out immediately after detection, and again - after harvesting the berries.

You can prevent the disease with the help of simple preventive measures:

  • all fallen leaves and plant debris must be removed from the soil and burned;
  • it is not recommended to plant young healthy bushes in the place where the infected plant was.
In the photo, blackcurrant leaves affected by anthracnose

Powdery mildew (lat. Sphaerotheca mors-uvae)

Powdery mildew is caused by the fungus Erysiphales. There are no currant varieties that are completely resistant to this disease. A fungus forms on leaves, petioles, young shoots, berries and stalks of plants.

In the middle of the summer season, the following symptoms of the disease can be found on berry bushes:

  • young leaves are covered with a white loose coating;
  • gradually it spreads to berries.

Powdery mildew belongs to a rare currant disease and the fight against it does not cause problems with timely processing.

In the fight against the disease, you can use pharmaceutical iodine: 1 bottle of 5% of the drug per 10 liters of liquid. The procedure should be repeated after 3-4 days. In the event that the treatment has not brought results, 1% copper sulfate should be used: a teaspoon per 6-7 liters of liquid.

The presence of such a disease indicates an unhealthy state of the bushes. The main prevention is the correct agricultural technology. Regular feeding and care will help to avoid infection.

Powdery mildew on currants appears as a white bloom

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Septoria is a currant disease that causes mass drying and premature leaf fall. The first symptoms appear at the end of May. On currant leaves, you can see small brown or reddish spots located between the veins. Then they brighten in the center, leaving a clear brown border at the edges.

On stems and petioles, these spots crack and deepen, becoming like ulcers. On the berries they are flat, with groups of crowded black dots.

Diseased bushes have poor growth and very small berries. Buds on shoots may not develop at all, and the shoots themselves dry out quickly. More often than other species, blackcurrant suffers from this disease. The source of infection are diseased fallen leaves.

Especially quickly septoria spreads in wet weather and in dense plantings.

  • use only healthy planting materials;
  • in autumn, destroy dry leaves, and in spring - overwintered ones;
  • dig the soil in the berry fields in early spring, as well as in late autumn;
  • do not postpone thinning of too dense plantings;
  • before bud break, spray with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture;
  • during the growing season, spray with a Bordeaux mixture three times - immediately before flowering, during it and after the end of the harvest;
  • apply fertilizers with trace elements to the soil under the bushes: copper, manganese, zinc and boron - at least 6 g per 10 sq. meters.

Bushes suffering from septoria lose their leaves ahead of time, grow poorly and give a poor harvest.

Currant rust (lat. Puccinia ribesii-caricis)

You can find rust on the bushes at any time of the season. There are 2 types of it:

  • goblet - expressed in the presence on the leaves of convex humps of orange color, resembling warts;
  • columnar - small orange dots form on the leaves. Columnar rust on currants appears as an orange coating.

goblet rust

The defeat of the currant with goblet rust can be immediately recognized by the large orange pads that form on the underside of the leaves. At the same time, the berries are deformed, become one-sided, stop growing, and then completely fall off.

The disease is fungal. One generation of spores is formed on the currant, so rust appears only in the first half of the growing season.

But the fungus does not die, as one might think, but passes to other plants - most often to sedge, where it winters. The development of the mycelium is facilitated by high humidity and close proximity to sedge. Therefore, in order to prevent infection of the currant bush with goblet rust, the following measures should be taken:

  • destroy sedge growing closer than 500 meters from currant plantings;
  • drain excessively wet areas;
  • spray Bordeaux mixture during bud swelling and 10 days after flowering.

Currant treatment for rust occurs with the help of fungicides - drugs that can destroy fungal diseases. These include phthalan, captan, nitrafen and other effective drugs.

columnar rust

This disease differs from goblet rust in that on the underside of the leaves, orange pads gradually turn into horn-shaped spore columns that look like felt. By the end of summer, they turn brown and cover the affected leaves like a pile.

Infection with columnar rust is most often associated with Siberian cedars and five-needle pines - spores matured on currants settle on them. And those that develop on conifers again infect currants. On berry bushes, the first signs of damage become noticeable in June.

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Prevention and control measures:

  • plant currants as far as possible from the coniferous forest;
  • collect and dispose of all fallen currant leaves;
  • especially carefully dig the soil in the berry fields;
  • apply organic fertilizers and ash under currants in the spring;
  • feed currant bushes with fertilizers with trace elements: zinc sulfate and copper sulfate;
  • spray in spring and autumn with the same preparations that are used against anthracnose;
  • in case of severe damage, spray the bushes with a Bordeaux mixture.

Columnar rust of currant significantly reduces yield. The disease refers to fungal diseases of the currant. The spores of the fungus overwinter on fallen leaves and are spread by water in wet weather.

Blackcurrant diseases and their treatment photo

The most popular variety of this culture is black. Its berries have a strong taste and aroma, and are most often used in conservation. This type of berry bushes should be given special attention, since blackcurrant diseases and the fight against them have their own characteristics and differences.

Blackcurrant reversion, or Terry (lat. Ribes virus 1)

The causative agent of the disease is Ribes virus 1, and the carrier is a kidney tick. The virus leads to a mutation of the original form of the species and infertility of the plant.

The main symptoms are:

  • change in the shape of the leaves: elongation, asymmetry, the presence of sharp teeth; leaves can become three-lobed;
  • decrease in the number of veins;
  • leaves may turn purple;
  • flowers become elongated with narrow petals;
  • lack of fruiting and characteristic smell of the plant.

You can detect a similar disease already during the flowering period. Infected plants are a source of infection for healthy ones, so the former must be removed. Treatment with drugs or pruning will not be effective.

Terry can be prevented in the following ways:

  • for planting, it is necessary to choose only healthy and proven material;
  • potassium and phosphorus top dressings make the plant more resistant to disease;
  • an excess of nitrogen supplements reduces immunity to the virus;
  • after harvesting, the bushes are treated with Karbofos according to the instructions.

Sick bushes bloom and bloom a few days later than healthy ones. This also indicates the presence of the disease. Double flowers do not produce berries or small and ugly fruits are formed from them.

Striped blackcurrant mosaic

Striped mosaic is a viral disease. Characteristic signs of the disease: a gray-yellow pattern appears near the veins of the leaves.

Infection occurs when a diseased cutting is grafted onto a bush, when pruning with one tool, first an infected and then a healthy plant.

Other carriers of the disease are also known - these are the bud mites and aphids. There is no treatment for the striped mosaic: the infected bush should be removed.

Currant leaf infected with striped mosaic

White and red currant diseases and treatment

Diseases of the red currant and their treatment are different from the black currant, and are often also found in the white berry. You can prevent the disease with the help of drugs and preventive measures.

Nektrium drying of shoots and branches (lat. Sphaeria ribis Tode)

Quite often, currants are exposed to the disease of non-nectary drying of young shoots and branches. The causative agent is a species of marsupial fungus Nectria ribis. Main symptoms:

  • orange dots form on the branches and shoots, which gradually grow, turning into voluminous brown tubercles;
  • during the maturation of spores, formations become black;
  • young shoots gradually dry up and die.

Nectrian drying of shoots appears on white and red currants. If you do not start treatment in time, you can lose the entire plant. When the first symptoms are detected, the bushes are pruned: the affected branches are cut and burned.

The cut points should be disinfected with a Bordeaux mixture and treated with garden pitch.

Infection can be prevented with the help of proper agricultural practices: it is necessary to regularly remove weeds, remove fallen leaves and systematically feed the plants. With proper care, currant diseases, the photos of which you will find in this article, are not terrible.

In the affected plant, branches begin to dry out and die. If you examine the affected shoot, then on the lower part you can see numerous tubercles of red-brown color. Then they turn black.

Currant pests, signs of their appearance

A variety of currant pests not only damage all parts of plants, weakening them and destroying the crop, but also often serve as a background for the development of currant diseases, and sometimes as carriers of viruses. The most dangerous pests are discussed below.

  • Currant bud mite

A characteristic feature of infection is the hibernation of the tick directly in the affected kidneys. External signs of damage to currants are as follows:

  1. The buds inhabited by ticks do not bloom in the spring, swell in an unnatural way and dry up. Ticks born in a dead bud move to other shoots, infecting new buds, where they can give another 1-2 generations.
  2. Infected with a small number of mites, the buds bloom, forming underdeveloped shortened shoots, the bushes do not ripen and are subject to freezing.

An omnivorous pest that greatly weakens the bushes, overwinters on the shoots and can subsequently develop on all parts of the plant. Young shoots and leaves are most susceptible to damage.

In the photo, currant bud mite
  1. Generations of insects emerge from their eggs in spring, and when warm and humid weather sets in, they multiply rapidly, and the colonization is undulating.
  2. Sexually mature light green individuals are visible to the naked eye, colonies are more often localized on the underside of the leaves and the tops of the shoots.
  3. The affected leaves swell in the form of light bubbles, the shoots are bent and remain undeveloped.

If there are already berries on the currant, then you should not spray the aphids with chemicals. You can also fight aphids with folk methods: an infusion of onion peel, an infusion of marigolds. Also, aphids do not like red pepper, tobacco, ash.
  • Currant goldfish and glass

Insect larvae of these species infect currant branches and in a short time, with a strong infection, they can completely destroy plantations. Determine the presence of pests as follows:

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Suspicion of damage by larvae should arise if in the spring the gardener observes withering and drying currant shoots.

Cutting along such a shoot, you can see inside an oblong dark passage, in which there is either a legless larva of a currant beetle or a white caterpillar of a currant glass.

The larvae of both species pupate in May, years occur in June, and the larvae hatch again in July, damaging the shoots.

In the photo, a glass-box pest butterfly. Flight is observed in the last days of June, just 2 weeks after the flowering of black currant. With spread transparent wings, its size reaches 25-28 mm. A small oblong body all in dark gray scales. And only the abdomen is furrowed by light transverse stripes: the male has 4 of them, the female has 3.
  • gooseberry moth

The gooseberry moth is a butterfly with wings covered with black and yellow spots. Usually she prefers gooseberries, but currants are also not averse to feasting on. Egg laying occurs on the underside of the leaves.

The emerging caterpillars eat the leaves from all sides. In the middle of summer, they turn into pupae and hang from the branches.

For prevention it is necessary:

  • carefully clean and cultivate the land;
  • collect all pupae in July and destroy;
  • treat in the fall with urea;
  • spray plantings ("Fitoverm", arsenic calcium DDT and others).

How to spray currants from pests

Cutting and burning damaged shoots, digging the soil under the bushes remain the main measures to reduce damage from pests in currant plantings.

For the comprehensive protection of berry growers, mandatory treatments are performed in the following periods:

  • After bud break

Against aphids, a 0.1% emulsion of 25% anometrin-N, solutions of decis, confidor or calypso are used in concentrations according to the instructions of the preparations.

  • Before flowering and immediately after.

Colloidal sulfur treatments contribute to the destruction of not only the powdery mildew fungus, but also have a detrimental effect on the currant mite. To do this, spray the bushes and the ground under them with a 0.5% sulfur suspension prepared according to the above recipe.

  • 20 days after flowering.

Spray currant bushes from goldfish and glassware with 0.9% emulsion of 10% karbofos, 0.3% chlorophos solution or BI-58 preparation.

The use of drugs during this period is effective in foci of high prevalence of pests, since the years of sexually mature individuals occur.

Folk remedies in the fight against diseases and pests of currants

Limiting the use of pesticides significantly increases the environmental friendliness of the crop; in many cases, folk remedies are quite effective and much more affordable than modern chemical remedies.

With the defeat of aphids, mites, and other sucking pests, treatments with herbal preparations prepared according to the following recipes are effective:

  1. Fresh garlic in a mass of 100-200 g is ground into a meat grinder, poured into 10 liters of water, filtered and the affected plants are immediately processed.
  2. Onion peel weighing 200 g is poured into 10 liters of water and infused for 4-5 days.
  3. Dandelion leaves (400 g) or plants with roots (200 g) are poured into 10 liters of water heated to 40 C and infused for 2 hours.

To combat goldfish and glassware at the same time as when treating with pesticides, that is, 20 days after flowering, the following means are used:

  1. Soap emulsion prepared at the rate of 200 g of crushed laundry soap per 10 liters of warm water.
  2. A decoction of wormwood is prepared from 1 kg of wilted raw materials, poured into it with 2-3 liters of warm water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, leaving it to infuse for 5-6 hours. The volume is brought to 10 l of water and the plants are treated.
  3. Green tops of potatoes (1 kg) are crushed, poured into 10 liters of water and infused for 4 hours.
  4. During the summer, insect traps are set with fruit syrups, periodically checked and destroyed by pests.

Video: Fighting diseases and pests of red and black currants without chemicals

Rules of care and preventive measures

In order for currant plantings to be healthy and invariably please the harvest, it is necessary to adhere to a number of simple rules for caring for plants:

Mandatory agricultural practices are:

  • planting seedlings with deepening of the root collar by 3-5 cm and cutting off the shoots so that 2-3 buds remain above the ground;
  • timely watering and mulching of the soil with peat, compost or humus; replacement of bushes older than 7 years old with young plants;
  • correct annual pruning, in which 2-3 best basal shoots are left every year, and the rest are cut out.

Attention! You can not make fresh manure for planting currants, you should carefully use nitrogen fertilizers. The best top dressing for berry growers is the introduction of humus and wood ash for digging.

  • In autumn, foliage is collected, berries dried on the bushes are removed, and the aisles are dug up.
  • Before the onset of frost, you should inspect and clean the exfoliated bark on the branches and burn it.
  • In the spring, before the juice begins to move, old and diseased shoots affected by powdery mildew, mites or insect larvae are cut out. The cut sites are disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulphate and covered with garden pitch.

Currant diseases cause severe damage to shrubs and reduce yields. Currant is a valuable crop, therefore, special attention is paid to the fight against currant diseases.

Currant diseases are divided into those caused by fungi, viral and unexplained nature. This article discusses currant diseases caused by various fungi that are often found in gardens.

Currant diseases - currant anthracnose

In addition to fighting diseases, it is necessary to destroy currant pests that are carriers of infections. Particular attention should be paid to the fight against the bud mite, which tolerates blackcurrant terry.

Currant diseases caused by various fungi are quite easy to treat with proper agricultural technology. It is important to carry out spraying in a timely manner, to prevent high humidity, to inspect shrubs and keep the soil in good condition.

Among currant diseases, anthracnose (flycat), is a widespread disease. In fact, anthracnose accompanies currants in all places of cultivation. Anthracnose is especially active in the northern and middle regions of Russia, that is, in areas with sufficient moisture and average temperatures.

Currant anthracnose - the causative agent of the disease

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Ps.ribis f.nigri. The spores of the fungus are spread with water or after wetting. Perhaps the spread of spores with insects. The infection most often penetrates from the underside of the leaf, where the mycelium germinates.

In years with dry and hot summers, anthracnose practically does not affect currants. The development of this currant disease is facilitated by the low location of the plots, thickened planting, overgrowing with weeds. Tillage in the autumn-spring period significantly reduces the stock of infection. On affected leaves buried in the soil, the fungus does not develop.

There are no varieties of currant resistant to anthracnose, there are strongly resistant varieties, moderately resistant and severely affected currant varieties. When choosing a variety, attention should be paid to resistance to anthracnose.

  • Important! The fungus overwinters only on fallen leaves, forming a new source of infection in the spring!

Description of the disease

Anthracnose affects the leaf surface, but petioles, young shoots, stalks and berries are sometimes affected. Very small brown spots 0.8-1.2 mm in diameter are formed on the leaves. First, small black varnished tubercles appear, where the spores of the fungus are located. Then the integumentary tissue is torn, and the spores come out in the form of white grains.

In the shade or in the depths of the bush, the site of spore formation is transparent yellow, similar to gelatin. The leaf tissue turns brown, the leaf dries up and falls off. Redcurrants may shed their leaves with just a few anthracnose spots. Blackcurrant does not shed the affected leaves for a long time. Small brown sores form on petioles and green shoots.

Harm of anthracnose

  • Currant anthracnose is considered one of the most harmful diseases.
  • Affected leaves dry out prematurely and fall off.
  • The supply of nutrients in the branches of the affected bushes is significantly reduced.
  • The general physiological functions of the bush are violated, which affects the yield.
  • Yields are reduced by more than 50%.
  • Anthracnose reduces the frost resistance of the bush. In winter, more than 50% of the branches may die off.
  • Even with good agricultural technology, next summer the bush cannot restore its development and wither.

Measures to combat anthracnose

Measures to combat currant diseases can be divided into agrotechnical and chemical. Agrotechnical practices are of great preventive value and can significantly reduce the incidence of plants.

Agrotechnical methods of currant anthracnose control

The most important technique is proper tillage. The purpose of processing is the embedding of fallen leaves in the soil. Activities are carried out during autumn and spring cultivation and digging of the soil. Fallen leaf is the only source of primary infection!

Even simple soil contamination of the leaf contributes to the destruction of fungal spores by antagonist bacteria contained in the soil. Prevention of excess moisture retention on currant leaves. To do this, thinning the bushes, destroying weeds, and removing excess moisture should be carried out.

When fertilizing, sprinkle fallen leaves with them. Cultivate only resistant varieties that are slightly affected by anthracnose.

Chemical methods of combating anthracnose

With severe damage to currants, eradicating spraying with fungicide preparations or a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid is carried out in early spring before bud break or in autumn. During the summer, currant bushes are sprayed three times at the following times:

  • First spraying: immediately after flowering.
  • Second spraying A: 10-12 days after the first one.
  • Third obligatory spraying: after harvest.

When spraying, be sure to wet the back of the leaf. With this spraying technique, the damage to currant leaves is sharply reduced. Red currants are sprayed 8-10 days earlier than black currants. For summer spraying, 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.5% copper oxychloride solution is recommended.

You can choose other fungicide preparations in accordance with the disease, of which there are many on the market. Bordeaux liquid is an old and tested drug that has proven itself well. Currant anthracnose is a well-studied disease. The combined use of proper agricultural technology and chemical protection will ensure the health of the currant.

White spotting (septoria)

White spot is caused by the fungus Septoria sibirica. This is one of the most common diseases, manifested in all climatic zones. Basically, only the leaves are affected.

Small 2-3 mm brown, then whitening spots with a narrow brown border are formed on the leaves. With severe damage, the spots merge. On the surface of the spots in the center on the upper side of the leaf there are dark balls, these are the spores of the fungus.

Septoria can infect currant berries, forming flat spots on them. The fungus overwinters on infected fallen leaves. Spores of the fungus come to the surface when swelling from moisture in wet weather, from excessive watering. Leaves become infected from the underside.

White spot develops more strongly in wet years and in conditions of severe neglect. Harm of white spotting:

  • With a mass defeat, the currant sheds its leaves.
  • Currant bushes stop their growth and begin to wither.
  • The defeat of the berries leads to the death of the crop.
  • The disease greatly affects the next year's yield.
  • Currant diseases. Measures to combat white spotting.
  • Agricultural practices:
  • Destruction of fallen overwintered leaves.
  • Autumn and early spring tillage in rows and between rows with digging between bushes.
  • Cutting thickened bushes.
  • Moisture prevention.

Chemical methods of dealing with white spot

Spraying bushes according to the scheme. See currant anthracnose. The first is immediately after flowering, the second is 10 days later, the third is after harvest. Spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid is recommended.

The introduction of microelements (zinc, copper, manganese, boron) into the soil to increase resistance to the disease. Other types of currant spotting are ascochitosis, cercosporosis. Measures to combat all spotting are common, as with white spotting.

currant rust

There are columnar rust, goblet rust, leaf rust. Rust is caused by various types of fungi.

columnar rust

The causative agent is the fungus Cronartium ribicola Dietr. The disease is very widespread throughout Russia. Columnar rust attacks the leaves. Orange pustules appear on the underside of the leaf. These growths begin to quickly powder, resulting in a mass of brightly colored spores.

Yellowed spots form on the upper side of the leaf. The underside of the leaf is completely covered with a bright orange rust coating. The leaves turn brown, die and fall prematurely.

The disease appears on currants in early August and spreads rapidly. The birthplace of columnar rust is Siberia.

Harm of columnar rust

  • There is a mass defeat of the leaves.
  • Leaves fall 1-1.5 months ahead of schedule.
  • The yield of currants and the growth of young shoots are reduced.
  • The supply of nutrients in the bush is reduced.

Measures to combat columnar rust

  1. Autumn and spring tillage.
  2. Collection and destruction of all fallen leaves.
  3. Spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid 3 times per season is effective (see diagram for anthracnose)
  4. Early spring eradicating spraying on dormant buds with 3% Bordeaux mixture or 0.5% copper oxychloride.

goblet rust

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Puccinia ribesii caricis. Goblet rust is very widespread. Dangerous for both currants and gooseberries. The appearance of goblet rust is the same for currants and gooseberries. On the leaves, flowers and ovaries of the currant, bright orange pads are formed.

In the second half of summer, the signs of the disease disappear. The greatest infection of currants occurs during flowering, as a result of which flowers and young ovaries are severely affected. The development of the disease is facilitated by wet weather in spring and the proximity of sedge growth.

Harm of goblet rust

Goblet rust can affect up to 80% of the leaves, which leads to their premature abscission. Affected flowers also fall off. All this leads to low yields.

Measures to combat goblet rust

Since the disease manifests itself only in spring and early summer, it is important to inspect the currant bushes in the spring. Spring inspection of currants will help identify the disease and the degree of damage. Agricultural practices and chemical methods of dealing with goblet rust:

  • When planting, avoid low, wetlands, do not allow the site to be located close to swamps overgrown with sedge
  • Fight on the site with clogging sedges.
  • Cultivation of resistant varieties.

Chemical methods of combating goblet rust.

Early spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Early spraying is crucial, as this currant disease develops only in the first half of summer.

  1. First spraying: during leafing
  2. Second spraying: during the budding period
  3. Third spraying: immediately after flowering.

In case of severe infestation, a fourth spraying is allowed. It is possible to carry out a preventive spraying on sleeping buds before the leaves bloom with 3% Bordeaux liquid. Such spraying is preventive against a complex of diseases.

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a very common disease. Spread by fungi: American powdery mildew, western powdery mildew, downy mildew are isolated.

American powdery mildew.

American powdery mildew infects both currants and gooseberries. Shoots of young growth are affected. First, a grayish coating is formed, which then turns brown. The raid captures the very end of the young shoot and the point of growth. Leaves do not develop. The petioles, the lower base of the leaf and large veins are affected, a gray coating is visible on the underside.

Control measures:

  • Pruning and destruction of affected shoots and leaves is necessary. It is not recommended to plant currants and gooseberries nearby.
  • Wild currant varieties are most sensitive to powdery mildew. Wild and semi-cultivated currant bushes should be destroyed on the site.
  • Cultivate resistant varieties.
  • In autumn, you should collect all the fallen leaves and dried berries, cut off the hook-shaped ends of the shoots, capturing 1-2 live buds and burn them.
  • Dig up the soil around the bushes.
  • Early in the spring, re-pruning the shoots.

In autumn and spring, spray the bushes with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or a 3% solution of iron sulfate. Spraying should be done before the leaves bloom, as there may be a burn. When buds open, after flowering and twice with an interval of 10 days, spray with a solution of soda ash with soap or a soap-copper emulsion.

Instead of soda and soap, you can use a soap-copper emulsion. Dissolve 150g in 9 liters of water. soap. Separately dissolve in glassware in 1 liter of water 5 grams of copper sulfate. Then pour a solution of copper sulphate in a thin stream into a solution of soap. The correct emulsion should be greenish in color and not flake.

Today, modern effective fungicide preparations have appeared on the market to combat spheroteca or American powdery mildew. They should be sprayed in the same way. The drug "Topaz" is effective.

Western powdery mildew

Western powdery mildew forms an inconspicuous white coating, which is located in separate spots. Then the plaque disappears, and black balls are formed mainly on the underside of the sheet.

Control measures.

Agricultural practices are the same as for other fungal diseases. Especially worth noting is the destruction of the affected leaves. Chemical methods include spring eradication spraying and summer spraying with fungicide preparations.

Other diseases caused by various fungi are niello, currant sponge, root rot, drying of branches, downy mildew, root cancer.

High agricultural technology, proper care of currants, cultivation of resistant varieties, spraying according to the scheme, eradicating spring spraying, timely cutting and destruction of diseased branches and leaves significantly reduce currant diseases caused by fungi.