How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations. How to make a wooden floor on a balcony It is better to paint a wooden floor on a balcony

Before you start repairing the loggia, you need to find out how to cover the floor on the balcony better.

Balcony - a place actively exploited in household. Most people want the chosen material for flooring on the balcony to match. the following requirements: durability, reliability, beautiful appearance.

When choosing a floor finish for a given hinged structure experts recommend taking into account the fact that a large temperature drop and humidity index regularly occur on the loggia.

Factors influencing the choice of material for the improvement of the floor

The finish flooring for the balcony is selected taking into account both aesthetic and practical considerations. So, for example, the contamination of this structure has a direct impact on the hygiene of the entire apartment. Especially if the floor is laid on an open balcony. In this case, the issue of choosing a finish for an open loggia plays a decisive role in the cleanliness of housing. The selected material for the improvement of the floor must withstand both winter frosts and spring warming. Future flooring loggias should not be deformed from excessive moisture.

Use weatherproof paints marked "1". They are suitable for outdoor use. Applicable in rooms with low or high temperature conditions.

by the most simple method relief wet cleaning floors - painting the finish coat with weatherproof paint. However, it should be noted that on the balconies, especially open type, the device of a wooden floor is rarely laid. It is not advisable to paint the cement surface with paint, since in a couple of years such a coating will again need to be painted. This can be done in one day. However, such a coating does not have a presentable appearance, although it performs its functions with dignity. To paint the floor you will need:

  • capacity;
  • paint (depending on the parameters of the balcony);
  • brush or roller;
  • thinner or drying oil (depending on the recommendations of the paint manufacturer);
  • gloves (if necessary).

Linoleum - an economical option for a glazed balcony

Linoleum flooring has enjoyed considerable success due to its durability and relative strength. Modern linoleum is beautiful, muffles steps, is easy to use, and has sufficient thermal insulation.

Some households believe that it is better to make the floor on the balcony with linoleum than with paint. After all, such a coating lends itself well to care. However, its big disadvantage is slipping when wet. In this regard, the specialists of the construction company recommend glazing the loggia. Compared to paint, linoleum is easy to maintain. However, even the most quality material this type does not withstand temperature extremes and very coldy. Due to water getting under the linoleum, it begins to rot. As for the installation of such a finishing floor, linoleum is easy and quick to install. Unlike floor painting, linoleum requires base preparation. To do this, you will need to take the following steps: level the base, prime it and allow time to dry. After that, you can begin to carry out a new screed and priming work.

Linoleum is attached to a clean and dry surface, usually in one piece, if the configuration of the balcony or loggia allows it. After flooring, in 10-15 days the linoleum will completely straighten out.

Next, you will need to spread the linoleum and give it time to stretch. Experts recommend laying plywood before installing linoleum. It will allow the finishing flooring to “breathe” and not absorb moisture. For such a floor, the following tools will be required:

  • roller;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • level and metal ruler;
  • large scissors;
  • brush with soft bristles;
  • putty knife;
  • vinyl adhesive tape;
  • dry floor screed.

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles, which is better?

Ceramic tiles are a great way to make outdoor balcony terrace. But in this case, you will need to purchase ceramic tiles with a rough surface and high frost resistance. At the same time, the adhesive for this material and the grout for the joints should also have similar properties. Specialists from construction companies know how to lay ceramic tiles. Do this work harder than laying linoleum or painting the floor.

The ceramic tile well transfers various atmospheric influences, is not torn and does not bend, as linoleum. Such floors with confidence can be called reliable and durable, if you approach this issue correctly.

This will require the following inventory:

  • tile cutter,
  • building level,
  • mixer and drill,
  • glue container,
  • putty knife,
  • grinder with a dry cutter,
  • crowns with diamond coating,
  • rubber spatula for grouting,
  • crosses.

It is better to lay tiles on the floor of the loggia along a stretched thread. In this case, you will need to indent one row from the edge. It is better to buy crosses for tiles taking into account its size. During the installation of the first tile, it is necessary to check that it is level in each diagonal, both across and along. The next two tiles are stacked side by side in the ladder. They also need to be controlled with a level. When laying subsequent tiles, it is no longer necessary to carefully check their level. Porcelain tiles are great for landscaping an open loggia in areas with a harsh climate. This material has maximum density and lack of porous structure. It perfectly withstands frosts down to -50 °C and heat up to +50 °C. This coating has high strength and wear resistance.

The surface on which porcelain stoneware or tiles will be laid must be smooth, strong, without cracks and dirt, free from materials that reduce its adhesiveness.

Porcelain tile is laid in the same way as floor tiles. But, unlike painting, the base will need to be leveled. Next, glue is applied to the floor and tiles. It is necessary to choose it taking into account the purchased porcelain tiles. As for the inventory, for the improvement of the floor of the loggia from porcelain stoneware, you will need:

  • capacity,
  • drill and mixer,
  • spatulas,
  • tile cutter,
  • tape measure,
  • rubber hammer.

From the materials you will need to purchase porcelain stoneware, crosses, a primer for the base, grout for joints, tile adhesive, silicone sealant.

Decking and carpet - pros and cons

Decking is a durable and lightweight material that is made from solid wood species or wood-polymer composites. Precipitation and temperature fluctuations do not adversely affect the quality of the decking. It is easy to install such a device, since the decking is presented in the form of modular structures that are fixed to each other similarly to the designer. You can lay such a floor on the logs. Unlike tiles, decking is a lightweight material.

Benefits of using decking ( terrace board): light and quick installation, Smooth surface, easy care, a large selection of colors, high-quality imitation of wood of various species, including valuable ones.

This will require the following tools:

  • level;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • trimming;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • screws, nails;
  • wedge.

According to experts, it is better to lay carpet on a glazed and insulated loggia. However, this device should only be laid on a flat surface. Tolerances should not exceed 4-5 mm. Otherwise, the base must be leveled, and the carpet must be kept on the balcony for three days.

Carpet is able to organically fit into any interior design. It provides a pleasant tactile sensation. it perfect solution in the case when the loggia is converted into a rest room or study.

To lay this material you will need the following inventory:

  • video clip;
  • tool for cutting skirting boards from carpet;
  • kicker;
  • iron for joining pieces of carpet;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • influenza;
  • glue.

There are other types of materials used to improve the floor on the loggia. To choose top coat better in each case individually.

Fulfill construction works on the balcony is easy if you follow the advice of professionals. Especially when it comes to questions about how to paint the floor on the balcony or how to cover the wooden floor on the balcony.

Following the technology, the coating will turn out to be beautiful, environmentally friendly and will delight the eye for many years.

Positive characteristics

Everyone will appreciate the floor of natural origin, which has a low thermal conductivity, especially at the moment when they step barefoot on the terrace or balcony. Besides, wood flooring has other advantages, which include:

  1. With precisely executed processes, the surface will be perfectly flat.
  2. Coatings have a wide variety, which allows you to perform any design. By choosing wood that retains its natural color as well as texture, you can get a very beautiful surface.
  3. Boards have a long service life.
  4. It is possible to perform high-quality insulation.
  5. On the balcony slab has a small load.
  6. The material is environmentally friendly, which does not negatively affect human health.

Surface coating

Reinforced concrete structure attached to outer wall one reinforced part, and the other remains on weight. For this reason, the coating base should not be overloaded too much.

The best option for finishing the flooring on the balcony is wood.

Taking into account the structural properties of the plate, we can take the right decision than to paint a wooden floor.

Drying oil boards are impregnated for resistance to temperature extremes

But, first you need to complete the process of laying the lag. Choose quality timber made of wood, which has a size of 50x50 mm. Lay it across, retreating from the fence about 3 cm. This material must be treated with special biological means of protection against mold.

It would be useful to impregnate the composition of drying oil so that the timber is resistant to temperature extremes. Cover the surface with three coats. Be sure to allow time for drying, at least a day.

If the boards are used not planed, and the loggia is glazed, you need to think about what else you can cover the tree with? For such a room, you can choose several types of flooring:

  • staining;
  • ceramic or metlakh tiles;
  • moisture resistant laminate with a protective film;

Types of coverage

If the question arises, how to cover the wooden floors on the balcony, it is likely that it is made of wood or concrete. Concrete coating is most often covered with linoleum or laminate. It is better to cover a wooden surface with paints that come in different types:

Floor painting

The completed surface of the finished board must be painted. If grooved wood was laid on the balcony, it must first be prepared. Purchase paint designed for outdoor use in a suitable shade.

Treat the boards for degreasing with a solvent. Places where tar stains have appeared should be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

After the surface is completely dry, the first coat of colorant can be applied.

The work should be carried out with a paint brush, carefully rubbing the paint into the wood. Apply the first coat correctly along the grain of the board. Allow time to dry, which is usually 24 hours. Then apply a second, only across the fibers. The third layer is applied in the same way as the first. All layers must dry well before applying the next one. For the main mistakes when painting wood, see this helpful video:

Laying tiles

Choose frost-resistant tiles with a non-slip surface

This finishing material has a huge number of different shades and textures. When purchasing a tile for a balcony, it is important to choose with its frost-resistant. It is laid on a special adhesive intended for outdoor use. To work on the installation of tiles, you must have:

  • container for mixing glue;
  • a basin in which the tiles will be soaked;
  • several types of spatulas: flat, notched, and also rubber;
  • rubber mallet;
  • building level;
  • grout for seams;
  • rags.

This work should be done with rubber gloves. Spread the prepared adhesive over the surface with a notched trowel. It is necessary to lay the tiles in rows and check each of them with a level.

Start laying correctly from the far edge and gradually move towards the doors. After the glue has hardened, treat the seams with a grout that has an acrylic filler. Fill the seams with a rubber spatula.

Laying laminate

Moisture-resistant material is laid on a special substrate. Installation of lamellas is carried out by snapping the lock with the "thorn" - "groove" system. Despite the fact that the surface of the laminate has a moisture barrier, with a large amount of moisture it can deteriorate. For information on how to lay laminate on the floor, see this useful video:

It is better to install such material with a glazed balcony and do not forget to bury windows during rain.

Linoleum coating

It is better to choose a wide linoleum so that you do not have to connect several pieces

This material is not afraid of moisture, steadfastly withstands sub-zero temperatures. To perform the laying of linoleum, you must have a tool:

  • carpentry or clerical knife;
  • saw for wood;
  • drill with nozzles;
  • plywood;
  • self-tapping screws.

When choosing linoleum, it is important to take into account the width of the coating so that the laying is carried out whole piece, no seams. Place plywood under the material, preferably moisture resistant, 1 cm thick. It must be attached to the floor with screws. Treat the resulting seams with a special putty, and after drying, carefully grind with fine-grained sandpaper. For more information on how to lay linoleum on a loggia, see this video:

Spread the linoleum and leave for a few days to give the necessary shape. After that install decorative plinth, which should be fixed not to the floor, but to the wall, as under the influence various factors floors can "play".

Hi all! A neighbor recently contacted me. She and her husband had a desire to ennoble the balcony and they decided to start from the floor. They had an ordinary concrete floor, without any coating.

She needed answers to questions about what coverage would be most convenient and less costly financially. Well, we sat down at the computer with her, I showed her the options, calculated together and settled on the laminate, because. the loggia is glazed and moisture does not get in. Well, in the evening I matured to write this article. I hope it will be useful!

If your balcony is still not glazed, it is quite clear that the floor on it is constantly exposed to the active influence of precipitation and strong gusts of wind, and in winter it has to for a long time hide under a fluffy layer of snow.

Accordingly, in the spring the snow melts, and the floor again has a hard time due to the formed significant layer of water.

Therefore, in this case it is very important to create a surface that is resistant to negative natural influences. It immediately comes to mind that the floor can be raised due to the formation of a new screed, and a reliable one can be laid on top. durable coating preselected by you. We propose to consider everything in more detail and in order.

Option 1: Painting

You can simply take the concrete floor screed on the balcony and paint it with a special paint that is designed for outdoor work. Such paint, as a rule, lasts for three or four years. So, for this period of time you will not need to update.

It should be borne in mind that by painting the floor on the balcony, you will not be able to create a durable coating, since the paint is not designed for the loads associated with the pressure of gravity (furniture or other large items).

Option 2: Tile

If you plan to bring old, but still usable furniture here, then in this case it is better to cover the floor with tiles. By laying the tiles in accordance with all the rules, you will provide a protective layer to the concrete screed, and it will not collapse from falling rain on the balcony.

Laying tiles should begin with the outer row, and at the same time try to maintain a straight line. To neatly lay the tiles in the corners of the room, they should be cut at an angle of 45 °.

For a glazed balcony

For a closed balcony, the floor design will be somewhat different. If you want to turn it into an additional room where you are supposed to walk barefoot, please note that then the floor must be insulated to ensure comfort.

Most likely, in this case, it will be better for you to seek help from qualified builders. Works on flooring and floor insulation are carried out thoroughly, in several stages, the first of which is the creation of a high-quality concrete screed. Sheets of plywood or fiberboard are laid on top of the screed.

Option 1: Linoleum

The simplest and most affordable coating is linoleum. A variety of patterns depicted on linoleum allows you to expand design possibilities when decorating a balcony room.

Option 2: Laminate

As an option, you can consider laminated or wooden parquet or sanded wood board. The wooden floor is usually varnished or painted.

It has a huge advantage over other materials - to walk on wooden surface warm and comfortable, and not harmful to health. But there is also a significant drawback: the boards dry out over time from cold and dampness.

Option 3: Tile

If you decide to make a warm floor with electric heating, then take Special attention balcony waterproofing. The ingress of moisture in this case is unacceptable. With the help of sealants, carefully seal the windows and insulate the walls and floor. As insulation is suitable any modern foam material.

As you can see, having even the slightest experience in carrying out repairs will help you cope with installation work on laying the floor yourself without the involvement of professionals. Nobody says that repair is easy. But, as they say, there would be only desire and essential tool at your fingertips and you'll be fine.


The better to cover the floor on the balcony

For city dwellers, owners standard apartments in high-rise buildings, a balcony and a loggia are a favorite place where you can go out to breathe fresh air and admire the panorama of the city.

AT warm time year there you can sit with a book in your hand or have tea with your family. To create such an atmosphere, you need to correctly assess the situation and decide which floor to make on the balcony.

let's consider possible options materials for such work.

Repair of balcony floors must be carried out taking into account two factors:

  1. Will your balcony be open or glazed?
  2. What resources do you have to choose the right coverage for the cost?

If you want to get a good and high-quality result, construction work must be carried out in stages.

What is the best place to start

The process of initial preparation of the floor surface for subsequent work is also important. First you have to get rid of the old coating with the help of such simple tools like a chisel with a hammer.

Note! If you have an open loggia or balcony, then it is better to take care of laying the floors on the balcony in the warm season. Of course, you can do this in cold weather, but then you will have to invest in more expensive materials for leveling the surface.

Material selection

The options for purchased building materials will also depend on the type of balcony or loggia:

  • for open types, laying tiles is more suitable,
  • and on the glazed balcony, you can make wooden floors, followed by painting or laying linoleum.


This is a universal version of the material, it is well suited for any type of balconies and loggias. And before you cover the floor on the balcony tiles, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.

  • First, as is customary with any work, the floor is brought to a clean look.
  • Then a waterproofing film with insulation is laid on it. The thickness of the insulation layer depends on the height that is planned for the floor surface in the future.
  • A cement mortar screed is poured onto the coating thus obtained.
  • After drying, the surface is treated with special glue and tiles are laid on it.
  • To get a flat surface, the tiles are laid using regulating crosses, the seams after laying must be sealed with a special grout.

Note! Laying tiles on the balcony floor is very convenient for open country attics, because such a coating perfectly tolerates any temperature changes, the main thing is to choose the right tile adhesive.

Everyone considers tiles to be very durable and durable material, the surface of which is easy to clean and repair. But it has one drawback - it has a very cold surface. This can be eliminated by installing underfloor heating.

Balcony wood flooring

Before installing a wooden floor, it is imperative to level its surface, since the presence of even small minor irregularities can then lead to disastrous results.

For leveling, a cement-sand screed is used, followed by cleaning construction debris. In residential premises, a 5-6 mm screed is enough.

Heaters are placed between the floor and the lags. A flooring is made on the draft layer edged boards that must be soaked protective composition. After drying, the wooden floor can be painted with paint or varnish of your choice.

Note! Variant with wooden floors It is convenient in that you can put an additional coating on it - linoleum or carpet.

A few more options

The above methods are considered budget option, and if we talk about more expensive materials, then for laying the floor suitable: granite, marble, decorative rock or cork cover.

Also, the flooring can be made from fiberboard and chipboard, this option will be cheaper. The surface preparation technology is the same as when working with laying a wooden floor. The plates are attached to the logs with the help of self-tapping screws and must be treated with protective compounds.

A bit about granite and marble

These are very durable and heavy materials, and therefore they can only be used on the loggia. Such materials are considered cold, when laying them, you will need to take extra care of the underfloor heating system.


It's kind of decorative coating and it looks very attractive. But if you do not take care of its protection, then in three years such a floor will turn into dust, because the cork is very sensitive to moisture.

Before deciding what to lay on the floor of the balcony, and not be disappointed in the future, you need to take into account all the components of future work.


How can I cover the floor on an open and glazed balcony

Almost every apartment has a balcony, which is used as a kind of warehouse where temporarily unusable things are stored or small garden with beautiful flowers.

Some of the balcony space is turned into an office or a secluded place to relax.

Whatever the intended purpose of the balcony, you need to select a floor covering that can withstand the effects of harsh climatic conditions (temperature changes, sunlight, precipitation) and at the same time it should be comfortable to stand on.

There are a lot of materials for the floor, and it will be very difficult to understand how to cover the floor on the balcony better.

Flooring materials for an open balcony

Balcony flooring should be hardy, practical and even aesthetic. After all, no matter how perfect cleanliness is in the whole apartment, dust from the balcony can break it.

The choice of material is strongly influenced by the type of balcony: open or closed. For the first type, many floor coverings will be unsuitable, because constant precipitation, increased or too low temperatures can't handle everything.

For an open balcony, you can make an ordinary concrete screed, simply painted with paint. You can also lay ceramic tiles. Some believe that it is quite possible to cover the floor with thick linoleum with maximum protective layer and high density.

To do right choice you need to carefully consider each flooring option suitable for an open balcony.

Painting concrete screed

In order to create this flooring on your balcony, you first need to pour the entire floor of the balcony with a mortar, which includes 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and water.

After the concrete screed dries, it can be painted. The paint must be designed for outdoor use and resistant to harsh weather conditions. Apply several layers for best results.

The resulting layer of paint will repel moisture well, protect concrete from small mechanical damage, will give beautiful colour and shine to the floor.

But it is worth noting that the paint will not be able to save the screed from strong impacts or the pressure of furniture legs. And after 3 years, the coating again needs to be changed, the old one removed and a new one applied. Painting a concrete screed is the most economical option.

Ceramic tiles

A more expensive, at the same time durable coating can be made using porcelain tiles. It is also applied to the finished, most even concrete screed.

Tiles are divided into 5 classes according to their wear resistance, you need to choose 4 or 5, because. they have the highest degree of strength and resistance to abrasion.

Also, when choosing a porcelain stoneware slab, you need to pay attention to its weight; the base plate of the balcony may not withstand too heavy material.

You can safely take out furniture on the tile flooring, walk on it in street shoes with heels. But you won’t go barefoot to the balcony with such a floor, you will need to put on slippers or lay a small rug, otherwise your feet will freeze.

Not the best flooring for an open balcony is linoleum. It is not advisable to use even the thickest material, it will lose its color in the first year due to constant sun exposure, and will gradually begin to delaminate.

Moisture is fatal for him, and on this type of balcony it cannot be avoided. If water gets on the linoleum, it is impossible to walk on it, and in winter it will be very slippery at all. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from purchasing this material for an open type of balcony.

Floor covering materials for a closed balcony

With closed balcony spaces it is much easier, the choice of floor materials is large, especially if the balcony is also insulated.

When using any floor covering, a concrete screed is first made, after which at least a fiberboard sheet is laid, and only then the selected material is used. After all, even on closed balcony the floor suffers greatly from high frosts and winds, so it’s better to insulate it a little, because not everyone wants to constantly wrap their legs, it would seem, on a warm balcony.

As insulation material can be used mineral wool, expanded polystyrene or lay an electric or infrared warm floor.

It is quite possible to use linoleum, laminate, wooden planks, ceramic tiles and even carpet. But the final choice depends on the required capabilities and characteristics of the material and its operating conditions.

The use of linoleum is the easiest and affordable option coatings. It is easy to work with it, the main thing is to lay it in one piece, without joints, in order to avoid moisture getting under the flooring.

There are many patterns on linoleum, and the variety of their colors is also pleasing. You can even find imitation of various stones, tree species, etc. True, if on the balcony high humidity, then this flooring will have to be changed in a few years.

Laminate is well suited for flooring a closed balcony space. The main thing is that the concrete screed must be covered with a substrate. Moreover, this cement surface must be made perfectly flat.

Laminate is lightweight and beautiful material. It can imitate valuable tree species, expensive stones. Laminate flooring is warm. But this material has a low resistance to moisture, so the balcony must be dry.

wooden boards

Wood is the best flooring for a closed balcony. Feet will always be warm and comfortable.

The tree is lightweight material, so there will be a slight load on the base plate.

In order for the floor from the boards to live for a long time, the choice must be given to yew or oak and treated with special protective equipment. You can also put birch, it is cheaper, but also very durable.

Pine or linden will not last long, because. they are the most susceptible to decay. It is better to cover the finished floor from boards with paint or varnish, this will give it an attractive appearance and provide additional protection from moisture and other influences.

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles look beautiful, but this is a cold material, so it is better to make the floor heated or constantly walk in slippers.

It is desirable to choose with a rough surface and light weight, so that the suspended structure of the balcony is not affected by strong loads and does not reduce its degree of reliability.

There are several classes of tiles, you need to choose based on the operating conditions. For a more insulated balcony, you can purchase tiles of a smaller class, 2 or 3 is quite suitable. You also need to pay attention to its moisture absorption and frost resistance, because even on a closed balcony, the flooring will feel temperature changes.

You need to buy tiles with a margin, because. there will be an inevitable large amount of waste. Ceramic tile flooring is durable and will last at least a decade. It is also practical, it will be easy to clean and wash it.

You can put carpet on the floor of the balcony space. Moreover, the surface of the concrete screed must be made as even as possible. Walking on this floor will be pleasant.

But in terms of practicality, it is inferior to other materials. It will need to be constantly vacuumed and washed and cleaned as often as possible due to the constant presence of dust.

self-leveling floor

Unusually will look bulk floor. It is difficult to make it, you just need to pour the mixture evenly on the surface of the balcony. And the very next day you can walk on it. The colors of this floor are very diverse.

With the help of paints and a stencil, you can create any pattern, only to fix it you need to apply several layers of varnish.

If you know how to cover the floor on the balcony, and what material you need to choose, then it is possible to use the balcony space to good use. Having properly insulated it, you can purchase another small and comfortable room and thereby make the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment a little larger.


Before you start repairing the loggia, you need to find out how to cover the floor on the balcony better.

When choosing a finishing floor covering for this hinged structure, experts recommend taking into account the fact that a large temperature drop and humidity index regularly occur on the loggia.

Factors influencing the choice of material for the improvement of the floor

The finish flooring for the balcony is selected taking into account both aesthetic and practical considerations. So, for example, the contamination of this structure has a direct impact on the hygiene of the entire apartment.

Especially if the floor is laid on an open balcony. In this case, the issue of choosing a finish for an open loggia plays a decisive role in the cleanliness of housing. The selected material for the improvement of the floor must withstand both winter frosts and spring warming. The future flooring of the loggia should not be deformed from excessive moisture.

Use weatherproof paints marked "1". They are suitable for outdoor use. Applicable in rooms with low or high temperature conditions.

The easiest way to make wet cleaning a floor easier is to paint the finish coat with weatherproof paint. However, it should be noted that on balconies, especially open ones, a wooden floor device is rarely laid.

It is not advisable to paint the cement surface with paint, since in a couple of years such a coating will again need to be painted. This can be done in one day. However, such a coating does not have a presentable appearance, although it performs its functions with dignity. To paint the floor you will need:

  • capacity;
  • paint (depending on the parameters of the balcony);
  • brush or roller;
  • thinner or drying oil (depending on the recommendations of the paint manufacturer);
  • gloves (if necessary).

Linoleum - an economical option for a glazed balcony

Linoleum flooring has enjoyed considerable success due to its durability and relative strength.

Modern linoleum is beautiful, muffles steps, is easy to use, and has sufficient thermal insulation.

Some households believe that it is better to make the floor on the balcony with linoleum than with paint. After all, such a coating lends itself well to care. However, its big disadvantage is slipping when wet.

In this regard, the specialists of the construction company recommend glazing the loggia. Compared to paint, linoleum is easy to maintain. However, even the highest quality material of this type does not withstand temperature extremes and severe frosts.

Due to water getting under the linoleum, it begins to rot. As for the installation of such a finishing floor, linoleum is easy and quick to install. Unlike floor painting, linoleum requires base preparation.

To do this, you will need to take the following steps: level the base, prime it and allow time to dry. After that, you can begin to carry out a new screed and priming work.

Linoleum is attached to a clean and dry surface, usually in one piece, if the configuration of the balcony or loggia allows it. After flooring, in 10-15 days the linoleum will completely straighten out.

Next, you will need to spread the linoleum and give it time to stretch. Experts recommend laying plywood before installing linoleum. It will allow the finishing flooring to “breathe” and not absorb moisture. For such a floor, the following tools will be required:

  • roller;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • level and metal ruler;
  • large scissors;
  • brush with soft bristles;
  • putty knife;
  • vinyl adhesive tape;
  • dry floor screed.

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles, which is better?

Ceramic tiles are a great way to turn an outdoor balcony into a terrace. But in this case, you will need to purchase ceramic tiles with a rough surface and high frost resistance.

At the same time, the adhesive for this material and the grout for the joints must also have similar properties.

Construction companies know how to lay ceramic tiles. Making this job is more difficult than laying linoleum or painting the floor.

The ceramic tile well transfers various atmospheric influences, is not torn and does not bend, as linoleum. Such floors with confidence can be called reliable and durable, if you approach this issue correctly.

This will require the following inventory:

  • tile cutter,
  • building level,
  • mixer and drill,
  • glue container,
  • putty knife,
  • grinder with a dry cutter,
  • crowns with diamond coating,
  • rubber spatula for grouting,
  • crosses.

It is better to lay tiles on the floor of the loggia along a stretched thread. In this case, you will need to indent one row from the edge. It is better to buy crosses for tiles taking into account its size.

During the installation of the first tile, it is necessary to check that it is level in each diagonal, both across and along. The next two tiles are stacked side by side in the ladder. They also need to be controlled with a level.

When laying subsequent tiles, it is no longer necessary to carefully check their level. Porcelain tiles are great for landscaping an open loggia in areas with a harsh climate.

This material has maximum density and lack of porous structure. It perfectly withstands frosts down to -50°C and heat up to +50°C. This coating has high strength and wear resistance.

The surface on which porcelain stoneware or tiles will be laid must be smooth, strong, without cracks and dirt, free from materials that reduce its adhesiveness.

Porcelain tile is laid in the same way as floor tiles. But, unlike painting, the base will need to be leveled. Next, glue is applied to the floor and tiles. It is necessary to choose it taking into account the purchased porcelain tiles. As for the inventory, for the improvement of the floor of the loggia from porcelain stoneware, you will need:

  • capacity,
  • drill and mixer,
  • spatulas,
  • tile cutter,
  • tape measure,
  • rubber hammer.

From the materials you will need to purchase porcelain stoneware, crosses, a primer for the base, grout for joints, tile adhesive, silicone sealant.

Decking and carpet - pros and cons

Decking is a durable and lightweight material that is made from solid wood species or wood-polymer composites.

The quality of the decking is not adversely affected by precipitation and temperature fluctuations.

It is easy to lay such a device, since the decking is presented in the form of modular structures that are fixed to each other in the same way as the designer. You can lay such a floor on the logs. Unlike tiles, decking is a lightweight material.

Benefits of using decking (terrace board): easy and quick installation, flat surface, easy maintenance, large selection of colors, high-quality imitation of wood of various species, including valuable ones.

This will require the following tools:

  • level;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • trimming;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • screws, nails;
  • wedge.

According to experts, it is better to lay carpet on a glazed and insulated loggia. However, this device should only be laid on a flat surface. Tolerances should not exceed 4-5 mm. Otherwise, the base must be leveled, and the carpet must be kept on the balcony for three days.

Carpet is able to organically fit into any interior design. It provides a pleasant tactile sensation. This is an ideal solution when the loggia is converted into a rest room or office.

To lay this material you will need the following inventory:

  • video clip;
  • tool for cutting skirting boards from carpet;
  • kicker;
  • iron for joining pieces of carpet;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • influenza;
  • glue.

There are other types of materials used to improve the floor on the loggia. It is better to choose a finish coating in each case individually.

Wooden material for finishing the loggia is the most popular. Although it is not cheap, it is still profitable, since the processing area is not too large and the assembly is very simple. Most often, cladding boards made of wood are used for walls and ceilings. But before covering the floor on the balcony, it is necessary to apply means to protect against fire, moisture, fungus and mold, and then varnish or paint.

This wooden material sensitive to the influence of moisture, temperature changes and the effects of woodworm bugs. And everyone is well aware that if you carry out erroneous care for such a finish, then the wood will age and lose its attractive appearance. Therefore, the owners of loggias have a question: how to process the lining on the balcony in order to maintain its beautiful appearance and make the material remain durable for a long period of time?

This is extremely necessary if you bought a sheathing that was not processed at the factory, but for planks with a "Europrofile" (thickness - twelve point and five tenths of a millimeter, working width (without a spike) - eighty-eight millimeters, overall width(with a spike) - ninety-six millimeters) already during their creation, impregnation with an antiseptic is provided.

If this type of wall cladding is poorly processed, then the cladding will become darker over time, peel off, and may rot. To increase its resistance to bad influences and keep this substance durable is obtained with the help of good processing and its subsequent coating.

How to process boards

The processing of these boards is carried out in several stages:

Covering agents

In order to cover the finish of the loggia, the following types of varnish are used:

  1. In a room with glazing, it is better to use a water-based substance that dries quickly, does not contain a solvent, and does not smell. May consist only of the base or of it and the hardener (more durable). Not resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations. It should not be used in rooms with very humid air.
  2. The alkyd product has a strong odor and takes a very long time to dry. Suitable for any type of loggia. Resistant to mechanical and external influences, able to repel water.
  3. Acrylic product protects from the influence of direct sunlight, it must be diluted with alcohol or water. Apply in two layers. The first layer is the varnish itself, the second is the layer to create the shade.
  4. A product containing polyurethane in its composition retains the natural color of the finishing material, while being toxic.

Most suitable option protection when solving such an issue - how to cover the floor on the balcony is a high-quality water-based varnish that retains the texture of the skin, because this product is elastic, resistant to abrasion and cold, does not crack or peel off.

When coating the material for finishing with varnish, the following steps must be carried out:

  • cover the surface with a primer;
  • apply the first layer of varnish and wait for it to dry;
  • apply the final coat of varnish.

In addition to varnish, it is permissible to use water-based paint or stain. Alkyd paints are resistant to cold. Oil-based paints should not be used because these compounds get very deep into the skin structure and make re-treatment more difficult.

The main difference between varnish and paint is that varnish does not distort natural look boards, and the paint gives them a different color. If the wood structure needs to be hidden, see the procedure.

Thus, it is possible to conclude that there are suitable answers to the questions: how to cover the floor on the balcony and how to cover the lining on the balcony. Wooden boards will be an excellent option for sheathing the entire loggia.

And for the boards themselves, impregnation with an antiseptic substance must first be provided, and then lacquer coating based on water.

It would seem that when deciding how to paint a wooden floor, no difficulties should arise. Grab your brush and paint and get to work. Those who think so are wrong, because in order to obtain a high-quality and beautiful wooden floor, all work must be done correctly. You need to start with the choice of tool and paint, then prepare the surface with high quality and only then paint it correctly.

Before painting the floor, you need to select the tool and paints, then carefully prepare the surface.

What is needed for work?

Any work begins with the fact that for its implementation it is necessary to select tools. In this case, we will need:

  • tassel;
  • roller;
  • paint tray;
  • putty knife;
  • chisel;
  • masking tape.

To perform this type of work, it is necessary to choose flat brushes, which will be convenient to paint over corners, baseboards and other places where it is difficult to work with a roller.

If we talk about how to paint a wooden floor, then it will be faster, easier and better with a roller. You need to buy a roller with a short pile, in which case the surface will be even and smooth. It is convenient to use the paint tray, its shape allows you to work quickly and easily.

To protect surfaces that you do not plan to paint from getting paint, it is convenient to use masking tape.

After performing its function, it is simply removed and leaves no traces behind.

To make the surface even, you need to remove knots from it, for which they use a chisel, and you need a spatula to close the cracks.

Choosing a paint

There are a lot of choices in stores now. different paint, but we need one that is suitable for coloring wood. A feature of floor paint is that it must be resistant not only to mechanical, but also to chemical attack.

When deciding which paint to cover the floor, it is necessary to take into account the features:

The wooden floor must be covered with drying oil or any other primer.

  • What wood is the floor made from?
  • in which room it is located, taking into account humidity, load intensity and other parameters;
  • What coverage was there before?

Typically, wood flooring is painted with oil or alkyd paint, you can use acrylic or alkyd impregnation and varnish. Much will depend on whether the floor is new or painted. If it is new, then acrylic or alkyd impregnation is most often used, and oil or oil is used for previously painted floors. alkyd enamel. If the service life of a floor covered with oil enamel is about 3 years, then for a floor covered with alkyd paint it is about 6 years.

If one can of paint is not enough for you, then you need to take several from the same batch so that they do not differ in shade. You must first calculate right amount paint and only then go to the store. Average for coloring 1 square meter about 200 grams of paint is spent in one layer.

Lacquer is rarely used to cover the floor, this is due to the fact that it cannot provide reliable protection. Such a coating will be quickly damaged by furniture, heels, it will be possible to walk on it only in soft shoes.

If the base of the wooden floor has defects - cracks, chips - they must be puttied and primed.

If you decide to varnish the floor in a residential area, then you need to take only the varnish that does not contain caustic solvents.

Impregnations are of the following types:

  • flame retardants are used to reduce fire risk;
  • antiseptics protect the wood from rot, fungus, they are deep and superficial, surface impregnations are used for the floor in the room;
  • oil impregnations not only protect the wood, as they are well absorbed into it, but also tint it additionally.

Painting methods and work technology

There are several ways to paint the floor and the quality of the surface will depend on their correct choice.

If the floor has no defects, then it is covered with a primer or drying oil, then they must dry completely, this will take 2-3 days. After that, the first layer of paint is applied, allowed to dry, then the second and after it dries, the floor is ready for use.

If there are cracks in the floor, then preparatory work must first be carried out. After applying the drying oil, it is allowed to dry, then the floor is puttied with oil putty. After it dries, this place is rubbed with sandpaper. The putty is primed again, then painted, and only then proceed to painting the floor.

After you have decided on the method of performing these works, consider how to paint wooden floors. The painting sequence will be as follows:

  • if wax was used to rub the floor, then it must be removed, it is best to do this with a soda solution;
  • all greasy spots removed with a solvent;
  • old paint is removed with a spatula;
  • loose boards are nailed, while the heads of the nails must be drowned in the tree;
  • knots are removed with a chisel;
  • the surface is primed with drying oil;
  • close up all the cracks with putty, if they are large, then use tow;
  • after the putty has dried, these places are polished with sandpaper;
  • the places where the putty is applied are again primed and covered with paint;
  • if several cans of paint are used, then it must be poured into one container and mixed well so that it turns out to be monophonic;
  • places where paint should not get covered with masking tape;
  • using a brush, paint the skirting boards;
  • paint on the floor is applied with a roller, do it in the direction of the location of the wood fibers;
  • paint should be applied in a thin layer so that it does not swell later;
  • the roller needs to be squeezed well, for this it is convenient to use a paint tray;
  • if the floor is new, then it is necessary to apply two layers, if it was previously painted and the coating is in good condition, then one layer will be enough;
  • the subsequent layer of paint can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried;
  • in order to remove the remnants of drying oil and oil from the finished coating, it must be wiped several times warm water, to which you can add vinegar, use soap and detergents it is forbidden.

Checking the quality of work

After you have completed the indicated work, it is necessary to allow the floor surface to dry well, this may take 2-3 days depending on weather conditions and the type of material that was used for painting.

To check whether the floor is dry or not, you need to take a piece of paper and press it against the painted surface, if it does not stick, then the surface is ready for use, you can just check it with your finger.