Accurate Virgo horoscope for August work.

Venus really will not bring too much negativity into this part of your life, she will simply offer in August 2016 to dot the “and”. For some Virgos, this will be very good, but for others, especially women, it can be a disaster. But this is only because women are generally more emotional and like to give too much importance to events that do not deserve it. In this case, we are talking about a relationship with your loved one. They are likely to become seriously aggravated now and require fundamental changes. Here options are already possible - either make peace once and for all, and then your relationship will move to a new level of understanding, or, on the contrary, part and not torment each other. If the latter option is more likely, try to do everything to avoid unnecessary emotional upheavals, disperse in a civilized manner.

Do not try to attract friends to solve your love problems - no one here will help you, if only because they do not have all the information and cannot feel all the shades of the energy field of your relationship. Count only on yourself. Everything that has been said does not apply to Virgos who have long been legally married. You have quite acceptable harmony, and emergency situations are not expected. Only the stars advise you not to forget that people see objects from different angles, respectively, and the result is very different.

The first half of the month will not be able to please positive emotions and joyful love experiences. Now it will be important to be collected, patient and tolerant towards partners.

Since the two malefactors of any horoscope are Mars and Saturn- will converge this month and finally unite in sign of Sagittarius, they will alternately aspect Venus in the sign of Virgo with an unfavorable aspect, which will undoubtedly be negatively reflected in love relationships.

It also happens that one of the partners may be a burden to the other, for example, due to illness. This month is going to be tough. start a serious relationship based on tenderness and great passionate love. Rather, a calculation (material or non-material) is mixed in here, which will move you towards rapprochement.

ATTENTION! Your relationship is in danger!

August 3-6 you may experience increased excitability and irritability. Partners can really annoy and piss you off. At that time it will be difficult to contain quarrels, especially on the basis of some domestic issues. The reasons for dissatisfaction will be found by themselves, claims will pour in, as if from a cornucopia, and resentment will arise at lightning speed.

ADVICE: restrain your negative emotions, try to put yourself in the place of your partner, think about what drives him when he becomes aggressive and uncontrollable.

August 10-13. After some period of passions and quarrels, you may have lack of confidence in the feelings of a partner, bad mood and depression. These days, especially, you may feel lonely and abandoned. Your partners may also experience unpleasant emotions, emptiness and depression.

ADVICE: show maximum care and attention to your partners, do not make them think that they do not need you.

August 11-14- these days you may experience strong feelings and experiences. Criticality and impatience can lead to deterioration of relationships and even breaks. At this time, the strongest grievances can arise. Partings and quarrels at this time are not uncommon.

TIP: try not to charm your partners too much so that they don't experience disappointment. It's easy to splurge right now, but your true face will be revealed very quickly.

After August 14 relationships with partners can go to the next level to become more intimate and intimate. In the second half of the month, quarrels will be much less frequent, and understanding between partners will grow. This is also a good time for new acquaintances. Relationships will be pretty fast, however, will not be devoid of criticality, partners will be very careful in choosing. By the end of the month, many love problems will be left behind.

Love horoscope: men and women

WOMEN. This month you can be cold and unavailable. You will make great demands on partners, it will be difficult to satisfy all your requests. Perhaps now you will be much more critical of the shortcomings of partners, it will be difficult for you to forgive misconduct. From here, either a showdown or serious disagreements will follow.

MEN. This month it will be difficult for you to decide on new serious relationship, and already in the existing relationship you may have a crisis. We advise now not to be too cynical and tough in relation to partners.

If you are experiencing rather conflicting or negative feelings, try to keep your meetings and your communication to a minimum, perhaps after the negative aspects have gone ( after August 14), you will look at your partners in a completely different way.

The second half of the month is good to make a relationship something new, bring them to a new level, refresh the senses. Although this will be quite difficult to do. August 15-17 can be done An offer of marriage.

When is the best time to celebrate a wedding in August 2016?

This month, the most successful period for weddings will be the days when Venus leaves the negative aspects with Mars and Saturn, and therefore, you can schedule a marriage for 14th or 15th.

With the Moon in Libra August 7 and 8 you can also celebrate the wedding. However, here Venus will still be approaching Saturn, which can complicate the situation with marriage a little if, for example, it is a marriage based on strong love and passion: there is a big risk that it will quickly fall apart. August 7 and 8 it is best to schedule a wedding for those who want a long-term relationship, but at the same time want to maintain smooth and calm feelings.

Also a good day August 23 when the moon is in the sign of Taurus . After August 23 and almost the whole of September it's better not to have a wedding. The point is that in September 2016 a series of eclipses awaits us, and these astrological events are not conducive to successful events.

Worst days this month love relationships and dating: 4-6, 10-13 August 2016

The best days for dating and relationships: 3, 7, 8, 15-18, 25-29 August 2016

Love horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac

Aries love horoscope for August 2016

This month, the desire for novelty and departure from the usual routine can lead to quarrels and disagreements with partners who will not always be agree to change something around you. Now it will be very dangerous to do anything under the influence of emotions. It is better to cool down first, and only then go to sort things out. Resentments and problems in personal life can affect your work, productivity and inspiration. At the end of the month, flirting at work is not ruled out, and an office romance may also begin.

Love horoscope Taurus for August 2016

At the beginning of the month you will be quite painful take in every little thing that is related to your relationship. You will be jealous and touchy, you will be critical of the actions or character traits of your beloved. As for the rest of the signs of the Zodiac, during periods of negative aspects it is dangerous to go in search of partners: there are risk of disappointment or even enough bad memories. Your hopes may be deceived in relation to love, it is possible to experience one-sided love or sympathy. Reschedule dating until the end of the month.

Love horoscope Gemini for August 2016

Family life this month will be rich enough. You can be explosive, irritable and impatient. Quarrels in married couples are likely due to damage to property, problems with communications. Deception by partners, betrayal, nervous breakdowns are not excluded. By the end of the month, all the troubles will fade into the background. In love relationships harmony will reign. You will want to change something in yourself and your relationships with partners.

Love horoscope Cancer for August 2016

This month, your social circle will allow you to make new interesting acquaintances, including romantic ones. However, not all acquaintances can be harmonious and will continue. If you are single and looking for your other half, go looking for after August 14 when Venus is in a more favorable position. At the end of the month you have the opportunity to meet people from far away or foreigners. At the beginning of the month there may be misunderstandings with partners. Perhaps they will say something wrong, or you will perceive their words. too close to my heart. It will be very easy to hurt you with words.

Love horoscope Leo for August 2016

Any problems with partners that you may have this month may appear on the basis of money. Don't be too thrifty or greedy, as this can scare off potential partners or ruin an existing relationship. Be moderately generous, but also win over your partner with your charm. If your goal is to find a wealthy partner, the most successful days for dating will be August 15-18 and 25-28 when Venus is in favorable aspects. If you are not particularly interested in money, but you would like to meet a caring and economic partner, there is no better time than August 25-28.

Love horoscope Virgo for August 2016

This month you will feel more attractive and charming because Venus is in your sign right now. You will strive to communicate and develop love relationships, however, for most of the month you should prepare for difficulties. You may face bad luck in love, an obstacle to reciprocity, separation and parting with lovers. In the second half of the month there is a possibility of new loves or conception. You will have the opportunity to experience the fullness of feelings and pleasant love experiences.

Love horoscope Libra for August 2016

Now you will want to immerse yourself in your feelings and emotions, not to share them with anyone. You may have secret relationships or secret love experiences. not excluded disappointments and disappointments. However, do not worry too much: by the end of the month you will experience completely different feelings: brighter, more beautiful and happy. You may have a secret admirer, a benefactor. However, you should not trust anyone too much now. It is better to look at new acquaintances.

Love horoscope Scorpio for August 2016

Now you have the opportunity to bring fulfillment of your dreams. In the first half of the month, you should carefully be frank with friends about your amorous affairs, as your secrets may become known to the public. Set aside new acquaintances, at least until August 15. In the second half of the month, you may meet in a circle of friends, or a love relationship may develop from friendly communication.

Love horoscope Sagittarius for August 2016

In the first half of the month, we advise you not to sort things out with partners: this can end badly. Now there will be especially unfavorable relationships at work: your connection may open, or you may part with your lover, which will make it too difficult for you to continue working together. Personal life and career will now be in close connection. In the second half of the month, your lovers may offer to work together or start some interesting project together.

Love horoscope Capricorn for August 2016

This month you have a chance to start a relationship with a person from afar or with a foreigner. If you are going to travel, be be careful with new friends in the first half of the month. Love passion can end in disappointment. In the second half of the month, luck will be on your side. Now you should trust fate. Secret desires may come true.

Aquarius love horoscope for August 2016

Your partners will have a hard time with you this month. This is a period of crisis in relationships, when many issues will be difficult to resolve, and problems will be difficult to overcome. Be patient, hold back aggression and jealousy, then many conflicts will not develop. However, it is usually quite easy for you to turn on indifference and go about your business, even if something hurts you. Personal life this month, especially in its first half, will not satisfy you, but remember that after the black streak white is coming. New relationships are quite possible, surprise your partners, prepare interesting surprises for them.

Pisces love horoscope for August 2016

Now there is a risk of falling under the influence of others, as well as facing the dishonesty of partners. The first half of the month promises to be quite tense for relationships. Even the most well-established relationships are at risk of getting cracked, and only those that have begun can fall apart completely. Your cooling towards partners can be noticed, which will lead to conflicts and a showdown. In the second half of the month it can pull on experiments in relationships, you want to change something, somehow improve, renew your feelings.

August 2016 for Virgo is a special month, because at once many planets will be in the sign of Virgo, which will make her a leader in everything. It is worth noting that Virgo in August is also able to demand attention to her person, sometimes she can behave defiantly, extraordinary.

General horoscope for August 2016 Virgo

It is very favorable if Virgo in August 2016 decides on her plans, values, sees real prospects for herself. This month, representatives of the Virgo sign need to think positively as much as possible, imagine themselves as a successful person, because the energies of the planets at this time can influence in such a wonderful way that even dreams will come true.

Due to the fact that the planet of love and beauty Venus will move into the sign of Virgo on August 6, where it will stay until August 29, the representatives of the sign will be very attractive, they will be paid attention and admired. It is likely that Virgo will become a style icon during this period. In addition, due to their attractiveness, Virgo will be able to easily solve many personal and work issues at this time.

Another feature of August for Virgo is the search for answers to questions regarding career growth, home and life, personal relationships. The main task for Virgo this month will be to find a balance between these areas, the harmonious development of oneself as a person.

The horoscope for August 2016 for Virgo also sees the most important dates suitable for solving issues related to the upbringing or leisure of children. So, on August 11 and 15, Virgo is best to go to an amusement park or other specialized institution with their children, they will be delighted with the time spent together.

Virgo in August 2016 should also be aware of the possible appearance of a source of conflict towards the end of the month. So, due to the action of the aggressive planet Mars, especially on the days from August 21 to 25, a child or a close relative of Virgo may behave outside the box, show negative emotions and aggression. In order to avoid conflict and contentious situations, Virgo at the end of August 2016 needs to avoid quarrels in any way and smooth out all sharp corners.

On the days from 1 to 3, 12, 13, and also on August 16, Virgo may have to solve important issues related to real estate and a house, and a loan may also be required at this time. In this case, Virgo is only required to take a constructive approach to resolving the issue, to behave calmly, not to give free rein to their emotions.

Career and money horoscope for August 2016 Virgo

Due to the fact that the planet Mercury will be in the sign of Virgo for the whole month, representatives of the sign will be able to easily conclude promising contracts and quickly resolve serious issues. Due to the fact that Virgo will be the central person this month, some close people and colleagues will turn to Virgo for help.

In general, August 2016 is a very promising month for Virgo. To achieve the greatest success, representatives of the sign need to be in society as often as possible, to meet new people.

Luckily, Virgo will be able to regulate career matters on her own in August 2016. For representatives of the sign, whose activities can somehow be connected with foreign languages ​​and companies, art and beauty, August 24 and 28 can become important days: on these dates there is a chance to meet an influential person who can contribute to the successful career growth of Virgo.

Auspicious days for career and financial affairs in August 2016 for Virgo: 1-3, 12-13, 16, 24, 28 August.

Love horoscope for August 2016 Virgo

The horoscope for August 2016 for Virgo draws attention to the fact that on the days of August 5, 7 and 14, representatives of the sign may have an opinion that they and their partner are on different planes and do not have common points of contact. This may be due, first of all, to the fact that the planets are located in opposition this month, opposite each other. This can also be expressed in the fact that in August 2016 Virgo will be so busy with work that there will be almost no time to communicate with a partner, such a distance is connected with this.

Nevertheless, Virgo in August 2016, from August 19 to 21, should disconnect from problems, try to spend time with her partner in a romantic, emotional atmosphere, not paying attention to external stimuli.

During August 2016, Virgo may meet new interesting people, as well as old acquaintances. Therefore, representatives of the sign may have to decide whether to make their choice in favor of the new or the old.

Auspicious days for love relationships in August 2016 for Virgo: August 19-21.

Health Horoscope for August 2016 Virgo

The horoscope for August 2016 for Virgo speaks of possible health costs, especially at the end of the month. Such expenses are most likely to arise due to overexertion and stress at work. In this regard, Virgo in August 2016 needs to take care of herself, not to give in to nervous strain, to rest more.

August 2016 for Virgo is also suitable for vacations in distant lands.

January 2016 for Virgo will be marked by a return to something seemingly irretrievably gone, but significant: you may be offered to return to a project that you left a long time ago; or a forgotten value will be returned, or a person with whom you had strong feelings will re-enter life ... If you decide to return, keep in mind: there are chances of success, but only if you are ready to seriously work on yourself. Willing to change? Then hold on.

The horoscope for 2016 Virgo promises that in February-March, personal life will come to the fore and overshadow both work and plans. Moreover, a surge of romance can be completely sudden: for example, an old friendship or working relationship will grow into love. The Monkey allows you to enjoy the joys of the heart without unnecessary problems until the beginning of April, but then he advises you to resolutely push aside romance and seriously get down to business, otherwise you can be left without work and on beans.

Mai will demand: "Be a diplomat in yourself!" The sunny month will be rich in relaxation, barbecues, pleasant shopping and other joys of life, but at the same time it will exacerbate contradictions in your inner circle. Try to be as tactful as possible with your opponents: May quarrels and conflicts can drag on for years.

In June, Virgos will face the task of paying off old debts, fulfilling promises made, and completing unfinished projects. It is extremely important to get rid of the "tails" - they are holding back your movement forward. By the way, treat business proposals received in June calmly: their chance of being realized is extremely low.

July 2016 will bring Virgo a renewal of feelings: old partners will look at each other from a new, fresh side and admire, as if for the first time. And the Virgos, who are in active search and have almost ceased to believe in love luck, will finally meet an excellent candidate for a spouse.

Against the backdrop of emotional July, August 2016 will seem calm and measured to Virgos. Things will go on a knurled track, as if by themselves, and therefore God himself ordered the Virgos to go on vacation - away from cities and closer to nature, forest lakes, mountain rivers. It is this environment that you need to “recharge” with energy and harmony for several months ahead. If you can’t go on vacation, make a habit of walking in the parks and listening to the murmur of water in the fountains at least once every couple of days.

You will need the stored energy already in September-October: serious changes are coming at work, which you can turn in your favor only if you find the strength to plow for four, the courage to take risks and the courage to defend your decisions before your superiors. In mid-October, pay special attention to what is happening around: Fate will give you signs where to move on.

In November, you will unconsciously begin to look for support before the next jump. Monkey's advice: look for it not in useful acquaintances, but within the family. The more warmth and care you give to your loved ones, the more support they will give you in return. This support will come in handy already in December, when huge opportunities and prospects will open up before you. Take action! And the Fire Monkey and Fortune have already agreed on personal luck for you.

Love horoscope for 2016 Virgo

Virgos in a couple should listen to the wishes of a partner, and a fateful meeting awaits the lonely representatives of the sign.

Virgo 1st decade (24.08-3.09). In relations with the opposite sex, Virgos of the first decade this year will find calm and stability. The chances of getting a marriage proposal will increase. This year you can completely trust your partner. Lonely Virgos expect new acquaintances and romantic experiences, and everything will end with the creation of a serious relationship. The best period for romantic meetings and dates is from April to June. In addition, now is the time to leave long-standing unrequited love in the past - soon you will meet a congenial person.

Virgo 2 decades (4.09-13.09). Your life is about to take an important turn. This year, the contradictions in the pair may escalate. A partner can rule, creating conditions favorable for conflict situations, so try not to succumb to provocations and peacefully resolve conflicts. Lonely Virgos are waiting for a period of vivid impressions from new romantic acquaintances. The main thing - do not get involved in love adventures.

Virgo 3 decades (14.09-23.09). Virgos, born in the third decade, this year expect active attention from longtime fans and former partners. Therefore, reconsider your attitude towards people for whom feelings have not yet faded. But be careful not to get caught up in relationships that haven't satisfied you in the past. It will be useful for single Virgos of the third decade to show courage and creativity in dating and romantic meetings this year.

Business horoscope for Virgo for 2016

Trust your intuition, show diligence, and then you will get a chance to realize your plans.

Virgo 1st decade (24.08-3.09). This year, the business and work of Virgos of the first decade will advance only if they put in their best efforts and are hardworking. Then for solving problems that others cannot do, you can expect a bonus or a promotion. Of particular danger will be laziness, lack of initiative. If you "go with the flow" - do not expect much career success. Influential connections and the help of friends will help you achieve success this year.

Virgo 2 decades (4.09-13.09). Despite the fact that Virgos are more rational and thoughtful in their actions than other signs, this year they will show extravagance and a craving for unpromising investments and large-scale purchases. To avoid this, transfer control over your finances to a partner or make a literally weekly spending plan, as there is no increase in income this year. This way you can save for next year.

Virgo 3 decades (14.09-23.09). Virgos of the third decade should this year pay attention to relationships with colleagues and superiors. The stars promise them a possible career growth, against which envious people can oppose. Therefore, improve relations with others at work as much as possible: do not get involved in conflicts, do not lead colleagues and do not elevate yourself above them - such behavior will entail unpleasant consequences.

Family horoscope for Virgo for 2016

Pay attention to your family - spend more time together.

Virgo 1st decade (24.08-3.09). It is best for virgins of the first decade to spend the year in a state of family peace and peace of mind. Do not start rearranging, repairing or building. Try to improve family relationships. Be sure to hold small family dinners, but not noisy feasts, but family gatherings. Talk, share plans with your spouse and children.

Virgo 2 decades (4.09-13.09). Virgos of the second decade in spring and autumn may experience an exacerbation of possessiveness in relation to a spouse or partner: attacks of jealousy, suspicions of treason. But all this in general will be caused by fatigue and stress at work. To avoid conflicts, remember: working relationships remain outside the home. Your family loves you and won't hurt you.

Virgo 3 decades (14.09-23.09). This year, Virgos of the third decade expect calm and stability in family relationships. Be prepared for the fact that diseases in children may worsen in early spring, so take preventive measures in advance. Pay attention to their progress (if your children are schoolchildren) - control grades and homework.

Health Horoscope for 2016 Virgo

This year, Virgos will have to take care of the treatment of chronic diseases.

Virgo 1st decade (24.08-3.09). Virgos of the first decade this year should pay attention to the state of the thyroid gland and organs of the respiratory system, to prevent colds. Favorably affect the state of the body inhalation. There is a danger of injury to the lower part of the spine, so take care of your back.

Virgo 2 decades (4.09-13.09). This year, Virgos of the second decade will have to work hard so as not to get sick. Depression, despondency and pessimism will have a particularly bad effect on health, they will entail not only physical, but also psychological problems. To avoid this, arrange days of relaxation and good rest, visit a psychologist regularly.

Virgo 3 decades (14.09-23.09). At the beginning of the year, there is a risk of injury due to a ridiculous accident, be especially careful in transport. To neutralize the negative energy that will cause injury, pay enough attention to yourself and the state of the body. Get enough rest, maintain your strength with proper nutrition, take vitamins, drink herbal teas regularly.

Horoscope for Virgo for 2016 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Rat

Knowledge of the world, travel, self-improvement - this is what the Monkey calls you to. Do not try to justify someone's hopes and please everyone. Take more time for yourself and your needs. You will be surprised how healthy selfishness will change your life for the better. And those around you will only benefit from your happiness. Get out into nature more often: this will help you get rid of negativity and gain strength.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Tiger

You are lucky in everything related to career and finances. Probably a promotion. And those who are determined to change jobs will receive a profitable offer. In the spring, you need to take care of your health: listen to your body, allow yourself a little rest, refrain from harmful foods, and avoid stressful situations. And when the year opens up new opportunities for you, you will be as good as new.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Dragon

2016 will provide new options for earning. The monkey advises to give up easy easy money in favor of a not so impressive, but stable income. Risk in any area is contraindicated for you. Multiply what you have without getting involved in dubious adventures and "leftist" novels. In the second half of the year, strong ties with influential people will become a serious help.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo — Horse

This is the perfect time to put things aside and focus on your family. Spend as much time as possible with your spouse and children. Many of you will think about procreation. A child conceived in the year of the Fire Monkey will strengthen relationships and bring harmony. Don't expect super achievements in your career. But you can lay the foundation for further growth in the service.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Monkey

The Year of the Monkey has prepared pleasant surprises for Virgos in work matters: someone will successfully find a job, someone will change their boring routine for a more exciting activity, someone will go on a highly paid and promising business trip abroad. Old and new friends will flock to your success: you will even be surprised how many of them you have! But not everyone needs to be trusted. Choose only the most reliable, but rather rely on yourself.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo — Dog

You, like a magnet, attract people to you, conquer them and captivate with your ideas. It is this gift that will help you secure financial stability in 2016. However, try not to focus on your career: your personal life also requires your attention. Spend your free time with your loved one. And if you are single, actively search for your "half": the stars will help you!

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Ox

The stars recommend that already at the start of the year, sketch out a rough plan of action for the next 12 months and try to follow it. This will help you achieve maximum results with minimum effort. In the realm of feelings, creativity is welcome: surprise your “half” more often. Lonely Virgo-Oxen stars are advised not to spray on unrequited love: it is better to focus on the search for reciprocity.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Rabbit (Cat)

The main bonus of the year: you will be able to restore lost relationships with once dear and close people. And it will be beneficial for both parties. The Monkey also promises new useful and pleasant acquaintances. In the service, you will strengthen your position by gaining the respect of superiors and employees. In personal life, significant positive changes are possible: engagement, wedding or replenishment in the family.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Snake

At the beginning of spring, the Fire Monkey gives you a chance to fall in love and forget. It doesn't matter if you are a family man or a free man. It is likely that the feeling will remain unrequited. In any case, bright emotions will come in handy: they will force you to get rid of the unnecessary and open new doors for you. Also in 2016, you will reconsider your views on lifestyle, habits and nutrition, which will benefit the body and allow you to restore strength.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Goat (Sheep)

Big changes await you, and all of them for the better. In work, the stars recommend overcoming your signature trait - intransigence. By becoming more accommodating, you will only raise your credibility in the eyes of employees. Some representatives of the sign will be drawn to exploits, including sports. The main thing here is not to overdo it: learn to save and restore strength - and then victory will be yours.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Rooster

Creativity is your helmsman throughout 2016. You will be able to realize your latent abilities, and so convincingly that it will help you move up the career ladder. In the first half of the year, some representatives of the sign will experience unexpected, albeit well-deserved popularity. And by December, your talents are converted into a quite tangible financial bonus.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo - Boar

Success will be achieved by those who will not be scattered, but will direct all their efforts to one goal. Also, the Red Monkey strongly pushes you towards the treadmill or fitness center. Sports will give you extra energy and save you from going to the doctor. In the realm of feelings, you have a temporary lull. Take advantage of the respite to do more mundane things like a career or renovation.

The personal life of Virgos in August 2019 can cause strong feelings for representatives of this zodiac sign. Will new acquaintances bring happiness to Virgos or will they not cause the desired emotions? The possibility of the implementation of long-awaited events will determine all the actions of Virgos in August.

Love horoscope for Virgo for August 2019

Many single representatives of the Virgo sign in August will be determined to exchange their freedom for a relationship full of feelings, tenderness and care. In order for the conceived plans of those born under this sign of the Zodiac to come true, they will have to make sufficient efforts. In the last hot days, Virgos should not refuse to meet in large companies, meet on social networks and even on the street. The love horoscope predicts Virgo in August a very high probability of finally meeting the right person and starting to work together on personal happiness.

Hot August will bring family Virgos some worries because of their soulmate. Many representatives of this sign during this period may suddenly feel jealous and follow their own suspicions. Such actions can cause conflicts and quarrels in the family. They can hurt the feelings of the Devs themselves most of all, therefore, before blaming the other half for infidelity or cooling their feelings, they should carefully assess the further consequences of their actions. The stars in August advise Virgos not to become hostages of their own emotions, but to try to assess what is happening with a cool head.

Love horoscope for Virgo women for August 2019

Most free girls born under the sign of Virgo will actively show their interest in the opposite sex in August 2019. At this time, their desire to find their other half may outweigh the arguments of reason, so single Virgo girls can do things that they will regret in the future. Despite the complete readiness for new feelings, representatives of this zodiac sign will not become less picky and will be able to choose a reliable man.

The events that will take place in the last weeks of the hot summer can greatly disturb the calmness and prudence of married Virgo women. Many of the girls will feel the close interest of the second half, which can cause an unexpected increase in love feelings in a couple. The pleasant emotions of Virgo in August will intensify from the manifestation of care, tenderness and attention from the spouse. The newly flared passion will evoke memories of the beginning of a relationship and a honeymoon, which Virgos will be able to repeat with pleasure in August.

Love horoscope for Virgo men for August 2019

The events unfolding in the last month of summer can be a little confusing for single Virgo men. Their plans for this time threaten to remain unfulfilled, but this will not bring obvious bad consequences. August prepares them unexpected acquaintances and meetings with interesting girls, a lot of flirting and a dizzying development of relationships. The exact love horoscope for August 2019 recommends Virgo men not to cling to their plans, but to allow themselves spontaneous decisions and actions.

The family life of men born under the sign of Virgo will turn out to be somewhat different from premeditated ideas. August for married representatives of this zodiac sign can bring new experiences associated with changes in the behavior and appearance of the second half of Virgo. These changes can awaken new love emotions and increase sexual attraction between spouses. An accurate love horoscope for August recommends that Virgo men show more imagination in relationships with their beloved woman, pamper her with small gifts and surround her with the maximum amount of attention and care.

Love horoscope for Virgo for other months of 2019