How to remove odors after renovation. How to get rid of the smell of paint after repair: airing the room, wet cleaning

Not to describe all the sensations caused by contemplation own apartment after a major overhaul - everything sparkles with novelty and freshness! True, the air has not changed in better side- became heavy, with a chemical aftertaste. How to get rid of the smell of paint that filled the whole dwelling? If you just wait for the specific aroma to disappear on its own, then it will settle in the house for a long time, clothes and furniture will be saturated with it, there will be a taste of paint even in morning coffee and sandwiches made for a snack at work. Act immediately!

Actions during the repair

Start the fight against suffocating fumes in advance.

  • AT winter time. Before painting, dry the air in the room as much as possible - turn on the air conditioner or heating. So the paint will dry faster, and you will be able to remove the nasty smell in a short time.
  • On warm days. Do not get tired of airing the room during painting: open the windows in the room, turn on the fan, or use the air conditioner again.
  • Be sure to remove open boxes of paint, paint brushes, used rollers, trays from the room. Together with them, you will be able to eliminate one of the sources of "fragrance".

Post-repair odor control

Do not rush to immediately settle in a freshly painted apartment - first try to weather the post-repair fumes that are hazardous to health.

Intensive ventilation

How to get rid of the smell after repair? Make relatives happy - stay with them for a couple of days. Before leaving, open all the windows and hoods, the doors to the balcony to create drafts in the house. This method works great in the summer when the weather is warm and dry. Or turn on the air conditioner by selecting such functions that will help eliminate heavy odors - ionization, air purification.

Aroma absorption

Smell oil paint try to reduce it with a damp cleaning with vinegar: wipe all stained surfaces with an vinegar solution (5 parts water, part vinegar). Instead, you can take mustard powder: a tablespoon of mustard will be enough for 5 liters of water. By the way, with this solution, many hostesses wipe everything wooden surfaces after repair.

Use water as an odor absorber: fill buckets, basins, wide bowls of water and arrange in the room.

To remove odors faster, add a few tablespoons of ordinary table vinegar to the basins: its vapors destroy the molecules of chemical dyes that are in the air. Change the water often (every 2-3 hours) to remove the smell completely.

The increased humidity in the room will help neutralize the aroma after painting. Wet more clean sheets, towels and hang them in the room where the renovation was made, moisten them as they dry.

Burn with the desire to quickly get rid of the smell of paint in the apartment - apply several methods at the same time.

If after the next trip to the barbecue you still have charcoal, consider yourself lucky, because it is reputed to be an excellent sorbent for unpleasant odors. Pour the charcoal into containers or flat bowls, put them close to the painted surfaces and leave for several days. Instead of coal, you can pour baking soda, drop a few drops of ammonia into each container and place it in the room.

Arrange a romantic evening by candlelight. Light more candles, let them maintain a romantic mood for several hours in a row: volatile residues will also burn out along with oxygen paintwork materials. Optionally, use scented candles to not only remove the chemical spirit, but also fill your home with a wonderful oriental fragrance.

While you were choosing ways to deal with poisonous paint odors, were the upholstery and carpets already saturated with them? At night, sprinkle these surfaces with baking soda, and more, vacuum the next morning. Together with soda - an excellent sorbent - the smell will also go away. Be careful: baking soda can lighten dark upholstery.

Odor masking

It was not possible to completely remove the smell of paint and it still left an “aftertaste” - try to reduce the annoying aroma by masking it with others that are no less persistent.

It can take several days, and sometimes even a month. It is important that the room does not have high humidity, that is, it would be good to periodically warm up and dry the air with the help of an air conditioner or.

2 Water

3 Absorbents

Photo: Instagram @casket_of_happiness_s


5. Exist special primers(eg Zinsser), which are used after fires to block the smell of burning.

6. They also sometimes help odor destroyers like OdorGone, which is used with .

7. You can invite a laboratory like a sanitary and epidemiological station to conduct an odor analysis.

8. There is such a service as ozonation. This is cleaning with ozone, which destroys all known. In Moscow, such a service costs about 1,500 rubles per room.

9. If nothing helps for several months, call specialists. They might be able to find the cause of the smell. She can hide in poor quality materials, and then the smell will disappear for years, and also that some materials do not mix well with each other. For example, the laminate may not be compatible with the underlay.

The smell of paint is an inevitable consequence of the repair. But this does not mean at all that it should be put up with. Headaches and dizziness are not the most pleasant sensations, and therefore it is necessary to get rid of such a smell as quickly as possible.

How to remove the smell of paint with improvised means

If possible, it is generally better to take the painted objects into the yard into the open air. It is clear that in practice this can only be done in calm weather, otherwise the freshly painted layer will be replete with grains of sand and debris. If painting is carried out indoors, good ventilation must be provided.

For more effective fight with a smell, you can use a basin or any other container with water. Water left in the room will help clear the air of the solvent fumes. As for oil paint, its smell is perfectly absorbed by table salt. If you place open containers of salt in different places rooms, the effect will be simply amazing. If the question is how to weather the smell of paint, especially enamel, then finely chopped onions and garlic will solve it in the shortest possible time.

How to Remove Paint Smell with Fragrances

In the fight against unpleasant odors after repairs, you can use various substances and products with a strong pleasant aroma. For example, coffee may not be able to rid the house of the smell of paint, but it will effectively mask it. The same can be said about vanilla. During repairs, vanilla can be added in small amounts directly to the paint, which will help mitigate the unpleasant smell. True, before this, it is worthwhile to pre-mix a small amount of paint with this flavor in order to exclude an unexpected reaction.

Concerning scented candles and sticks, they produce a double effect. Fragrances mask the smell of the paint, but since you have to light a wick to do this, it will help to get rid of the unpleasant smell even more effectively. The products of combustion kill the stench, so you can enhance the effect by burning a small sheet of paper in the room. After airing the air in the room will become much more pleasant.

Washing painted surfaces

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of paint, painted surfaces really need to be washed. But it is necessary to do this not just with water, it will not give the desired result. Add a little vinegar to the water. This mixture eliminates the smell of chemicals and additionally relieves the painted surface from stickiness. Alternatively, you can add ammonia or a small amount of dry mustard to the water. When choosing an additive, it is worth stopping at one option, since experiments with the composition can lead to unpredictable results.

Most importantly, you should not leave cans of paint and solvent in the room after repair, because even closed they spread around them unpleasant odors.

After the layer of paint or varnish has dried, it is necessary to use a solution ammonia or vinegar. To do this, a tablespoon of the selected product should be diluted in 5 liters warm water and without effort to process the painted surface. It is better to apply the composition not with a rag, but with a brush with soft bristles, movements that repeat the movements of the roller during painting.

The active substances of vinegar and ammonia will eliminate the smell and accelerate the hardening of areas where the layer did not have time to securely fix.


If the paint dries for a long time, and the smell has already exhausted the household, you can use candles. So, in a room with tight closed doors and windows, you need to light a few ordinary candles. It is important to securely install them on candlesticks so that they do not lead to a fire, and paraffin does not spill onto the floor or table.

Candles should be left lit for about 5 hours. During this time, together with oxygen, the fire will burn bad smell paint fumes.


Wet terry towels hung around the perimeter of the room will quickly absorb all unpleasant odors. Water evaporating from the surface of the fabric must be periodically renewed.

A similar effect can be achieved by placing buckets of water in the corners of the room. The liquid perfectly absorbs odors, therefore, the larger the containers, the faster the pungent aromas will go away.

To speed up the weathering process, you can use the following method. In a painted room, place a bucket of water with diluted 10 g of ammonia. To increase the effect, ice is added to the container. It is important to open windows in the room and leave a bucket of water all night. By morning, the smell is significantly weakened or completely disappears.


Natural absorbents will absorb unpleasant odors. They are soda, charcoal, coffee, and salt. A few drops of ammonia will improve the absorbency of the baking soda.

Absorbents must be poured into flat containers and placed around the perimeter of the room. After a day, the containers should be replaced and the procedure repeated until the paint smell is completely eliminated.

The fact that a fresh renovation gives the apartment a completely different atmosphere and will please the owners for a long time is no secret to anyone. But, as you know, none overhaul impossible to do without the use of varnish, putty, glue, paint, plaster and others building materials, but they have a rather pungent odor. Such aromas are often not only the cause of a spoiled mood, but also poor health and prolonged headaches. The question of how to get rid of the smell of paint in the apartment still does not lose its relevance.

What to do before starting a renovation

If you're planning on renovating soon, remember that it's much wiser not to remove the odor. coatings after it ends, but just try to prevent it from happening, here's how to do it:

  • Before applying paint to walls or other surfaces, add a little lemon or mint extract to it, because, as you know, essential oils perfectly eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • Repairs should be carried out at a time when the apartment is warm enough, and the air is well warmed up, because the paint dries quickly only in warm rooms. But if your apartment is humid and you are constantly freezing, then before you start taking action, it is recommended to warm it up thoroughly. This can be done using conventional air conditioner or a desiccant;
  • If the repair is carried out in the summer, then you will need to open all the windows wide open, and, preferably, also the doors. This is the only way you can create a strong draft that will not allow such aromas to linger in the room.

As you can see, the rules are quite elementary, but if you take note of them, you will not have to puzzle over how to remove the smell after the repair.

Basic methods of struggle

If you still failed to prevent the appearance of a specific aroma, then in order to have fresh air in the apartment, you will need to try hard. Here is what is usually used for these purposes:

  1. Airing;
  2. Wet cleaning of the apartment;
  3. smoking out;
  4. natural absorbents;
  5. Persistent aromas.

All these methods have proven themselves quite well and are more than effective. But keep in mind that it is not always possible to cope with the task at hand the first time, it is likely that you will need to use several methods at once in order to stop the smell of paint in the apartment.

Wet cleaning

The fact that getting rid of an unpleasant odor in an apartment is best with the help of fresh air, it’s not a secret for anyone, and no one needs to talk about how airing is carried out. But not everyone knows that it is possible to eliminate the smell of paint with the help of wet cleaning. Here's how it can be done:

  • to 10 liters cold water add 2 tablespoons of dry mustard powder. Mix it all thoroughly, and with the resulting solution, thoroughly walk on the floor, as well as furniture;
  • You can clean the apartment with the help of vinegar solution. All you need to do is mix 5 liters of water and a tablespoon of vinegar essence together.

smoking out

Ordinary or scented candles will also help you remove the smell of paint after a renovation. In addition, it is worth noting that such products have a very low price, so you do not have to spend much on them.

In each room, you will need to light several candles, and arrange them at a decent distance from each other. They should burn for at least 5-6 hours, it is during this time that the particles will burn out, which are the cause of the unpleasant fragrance. Undoubted advantage This method is also the fact that after such a procedure in your apartment it will be very pleasant to smell. But be careful, such an event must be carried out very carefully.

Using a bow

It is the strongest natural absorbent and will help you get rid of the smell of repairs. By the way, garlic can also be used as an alternative, since it also has a very strong smell. In order to no longer smell in the room paint and varnish products, follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • Grate any of these vegetables on a fine grater (you should get a decent capacity of mashed potatoes);
  • Now it will need to be divided into several identical parts and put everything on saucers;
  • Carefully arrange them throughout the apartment in each room.

After 7 hours, there will be no trace of an unpleasant aroma. In addition, many people also choose coffee as a natural absorbent, baking soda or salt.

Now you know how to remove the smell of paint from the apartment. As you can see, it is not so difficult to cope with this task, and you can choose absolutely any method that you like. And, of course, do not forget that in addition to the above methods, special automatic fresheners are on sale today, which will also help you correct the situation.