How to make a polycarbonate canopy yourself, photo instructions. Do-it-yourself polycarbonate canopies for a private house: a photo of modern hinged structures What kind of polycarbonate to cover the canopy

Original canopies, spacious pavilions and translucent canopies today adorn the courtyards of many areas. Buildings decorated with modern building material- polycarbonate, they look very attractive, harmoniously fitting into the architectural ensemble. The owners of private houses are increasingly equipping polycarbonate sheds with their own hands, creating picturesque arched structures. Semi-matt and transparent awnings made of colored polymer base, besides direct use, become a spectacular decoration of the front area, playground or patio.

Polycarbonate is a versatile roofing material. Serving as a worthy alternative to wood, glass or metal, it serves as the basis for the construction of awnings, which are quite widely used in suburban construction.

Option # 1 - a canopy over the balcony

Equipping the balcony with plastic transparent canopy allowing the sun's rays to pass freely, you can create a real greenhouse that will decorate your home all year round.

The device of a polycarbonate canopy will protect the walls of the house and the area attached to it from the development of mold and mildew and will extend the service life of the wooden elements of the building

Option # 2 - carport

Quite rigid structures are able to withstand strong gusts of wind, the translucent roof creates a small shadow.

Rectangular and arched canopies are able to perfectly protect the car not only from snow and rain, but also others external factors negatively impacting

Option # 3 - a canopy for a gazebo or patio

Polycarbonate is ideal for roofing material for arranging a gazebo, covered area for relaxation, or barbecue.

A semi-matt or transparent roof will give a diffused shadow, thanks to which a slightly muted interesting lighting will be created inside the gazebo

Option # 4 - a canopy over the porch

Due to the wide variety color palette polycarbonate and the special structure of the material that easily takes any shape, you can always create a structure that fits perfectly into the architectural composition of an existing building.

A beautifully designed canopy will protect the front part of the house and the adjoining veranda with a porch from the scorching sun rays in the summer months and bad weather in the cold season

The choice of material for the construction of a canopy

In suburban construction, cellular polycarbonate is most often used for arranging sheds. Robust panels, consisting of several layers of plastic, which are interconnected by means of vertical stiffeners, have excellent quality characteristics... Besides the fact that they have an aesthetic appearance, polycarbonate panels are quite easy to install and bend, taking an arched shape. Due to the special structure of the material, polycarbonate is able to protect against the negative effects of UV radiation.

When choosing a material for arranging a shed, one should be guided primarily by the purpose and type of future construction.

When calculating a polycarbonate canopy, you need to take into account: wind and snow load, the pitch of the battens and the bend radius

Competent calculation will allow you to warn extra expenses: purchasing sheets that are too thin will require a more frequent lathing step, at the same time, installing the most durable panels will also entail additional costs.

When choosing polycarbonate panels, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the material:

  • Panels with a thickness of 4 mm are intended for the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Honeycomb panels with a thickness of 6-8 mm are intended for the construction of partitions, awnings, canopies and roofs.
  • Noise barriers are erected from sheets 10 mm thick, they are used for the construction of vertical surfaces.
  • The thickest panels with a thickness of 16 mm are characterized by increased strength. They are used for roofing large areas.

The palette of shades of cellular polycarbonate is wide enough, which allows you to choose the option that is best suited for arranging a particular building.

Green and blue translucent plastic panels will decorate the canopy over the pool. Brown and cherry shades of the canopy will complement the picturesque picture of the buildings entwined with greenery.

The main stages of arranging a canopy

Having decided on the location building structure, a project for the canopy should be developed. The design, which is performed before, from polycarbonate, allows not only to correctly calculate the required amount of materials during construction, but also to prevent the occurrence of possible deformations during operation.

When designing the base and the above-ground part of the canopy structure, you must first of all measure the parameters of the site and, on the basis of this, make the calculation of the frame, taking into account the longitudinal and transverse steps

When developing a project, one should also take into account the climatic features of the area and the loads created by external factors.

To install polycarbonate sheets with a thickness of less than 8 mm, a step of 600-700 mm is enough. When arranging heavier panels, longitudinal steps are performed in the size of 700 mm, and transverse steps - up to 1 meter

Stage # 2 - erection of a platform under a canopy

The area for arranging the shed is marked with pegs and leveled. Along the perimeter of the site, at a distance of 1-1.5 meters, with the help of a drill, holes are dug for the installation of support posts, which are most often used as wooden beams or metal pillars.

The supports are buried directly into the ground by 50-150 cm, leveled with building level and concreted, or fixed on embedded parts specially dug in the same principle

When used as support legs wooden beams, the lower part of the pillars is treated with bitumen or any protective compound preventing wood decay.

After waiting a couple of days until the supports settle and the concrete gains sufficient strength, a 15-20 cm layer of soil is removed from the entire territory of the marked site. The bottom of the pit is covered with a sand or crushed stone "pillow" and tamped.

At this stage of construction, it is advisable to provide for the arrangement of grooves and placement drainage pipes for drainage of rainwater.

As a final coating, you can use:

  • concrete screed;
  • paving slabs;
  • lawn lattice.

To lay this coating, formwork is installed around the perimeter of the site. The bottom of the pit, covered with a gravel "pillow", is poured concrete mortar 5 cm thick, on top of which a mesh of reinforcement is immediately laid and re-poured with the same layer of concrete. The formwork is removed after 2-3 days, when the concrete hardens. The site itself, filled with concrete, must stand for at least 2-3 weeks: during this period, the concrete will gain the necessary strength and naturally get rid of excess moisture.

Concrete screed is well suited for flat areas where the soil is not subject to movement

Paving slabs are more suitable for "floating" and heaving soils... Unlike a concrete screed, it is covered with paving slabs does not form a monolithic layer, thereby allowing the earth to "breathe"

The tiles are laid directly on the sand "cushion", tamping the elements with a rubber mallet that does not damage the surface of the coating. It is better to use a curbstone as a frame that will not allow the coating to creep out of the site. Having laid out the tiles, the surface of the site is watered with water. You can also use as a coating a natural stone, clinker bricks or paving stones.

Lovers of natural materials can opt for lawn grate through the cells of which the grass grows

The polymer material, which acts as the base of the grating, will provide drainage and protect the lawn from trampling, keeping its attractive appearance throughout the season.

Stage # 3 - installing the frame

Vertical support posts are attached to embedded parts. When constructing a frame made of metal pillars, the upper strapping around the perimeter and uprights constructions are performed by means of electric welding. After that, with the help of vertical spacers, the transverse elements of the frame are fastened to the supporting beams.

Most often, the transverse elements are given arcuate and domed, mono- and gable shapes. In addition to the presentable appearance, arched structures prevent the accumulation of snow, dirt and fallen leaves

All welding seams of the frame are cleaned, primed and painted.

Stage # 4 - laying polycarbonate sheets

The reliability and durability of the building directly depends on the quality of installation of the polycarbonate canopy roof.

To lay polycarbonate panels, you will need tools:

  • construction knife;
  • circulation saw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver.

Sheets up to 8 mm thick can be cut with a construction knife, while thicker panels can be cut with a circular saw with blades with fine, undivided teeth. All work on cutting sheets should be carried out only on a hard and level surface.

Cutting of sheets must be carried out taking into account the orientation of the air channels. Those must match the direction of the bend or slope

The outer side of the panel, which protects against UV radiation, is covered with a special transport film, on which the manufacturer applies images with installation instructions. All work on cutting and drilling holes can be carried out without removing the protective film, removing it from the surface of the panels only after installing the canopy.

Advice. To bend a plastic panel in an arc, you need to attach a profile to it along the line of channels, in which you make small cuts and bend, giving the desired shape.

Fitted polycarbonate sheets are laid on the frame and fixed with self-tapping screws and thermal washers with a diameter of 30 mm.

Such thermal washers, which have a silicone base, are able to provide excellent sealing of seams.

Holes for fastening, the diameter of which should be 2-3 mm larger than the size of self-tapping screws and thermal washers, must be placed between the stiffeners at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Fixing the sheets to the frame, the main thing is not to overtighten, so as not to break the edges of the holes in plastic panel... The sheets themselves are fastened together using H-shaped profiles, under which the edges of the panels are brought in by 20 mm, leaving small gaps.

When connecting polycarbonate sheets to each other, you need to follow the rule of arranging compression seams: leave 3-5 mm gaps for the possibility of shifting the sheets at temperature extremes.

The edges and open ends of the polycarbonate panels cover special overlays, aluminum or perforated tapes with microfilters, and then glued with a sealant

Such treatment will prevent the penetration of debris, dust and small insects into the empty cavities of the panels, as well as prevent the accumulation of condensation.

The canopy is ready. Maintenance of the structure consists only in timely cleaning of the surface using ordinary water without the use of detergents that can damage protective layer polycarbonate panels.

Polycarbonate is a high-tech material that has found its use in many construction industries. For the production of polycarbonate, the extrusion method is used, and the material itself, in principle, is a plastic based on polymers. What explains such a great popularity of the material? First of all, unique properties, including transparency, lightness, increased strength, plasticity and immunity to low temperatures... In short, an excellent alternative to obsolete PVC panels.

Additional photos (click to enlarge)

So, today we will find out how to build a polycarbonate canopy, what this material is in general and what are its main advantages. We will also get acquainted with the types, technical parameters and prices.

DIY polycarbonate carport assembly instructions

Source materials

We measure the area for the canopy

Checking the slope of the site

We drill holes for racks

Installing racks

We mount side trusses

Assembling arch trusses

Installation of arched trusses

Installation of the lathing

Installation of polycarbonate

Installation of the end profile

Concreting the racks

Price for polycarbonate awnings

NA6, Price: 2000 rub. m2.

NA7, Price: 2000 rub. m2

NA7, Price: 2000 rub. m2
N04, Price: 2200 rub. m2

N03, Price: 2200 rub. m2

N02, Price: 2200 rub. m2
N01, Price: 2200 rub. m2

N05, Price: 2300 rub. m2

N11, Price: 2400 rub. m2
N10, Price: 2400 rub. m2

N12, Price: 2500 rub. m2

N24, Price: 2800 rub. m2
N22, Price: 2800 rub. m2

N44, Price: 4200 rub. m2

N43, Price: 4200 rub. m2
N45, Price: 4400 rub. m2

N48, Price: 4600 rub. m2

N28, Price: 3200 rub. m2

Key varieties of polycarbonate

To begin with, the material itself can be:

  • monolithic;
  • cellular.

Let's get acquainted with the features of each type of material.

Cell polycarbonate - what is it?

This material differs enough simple device Is a kind of panel that includes several plastic layers (matte or transparent), connected to each other by means of vertically arranged stiffeners. The ribs themselves are located in the direction of the polycarbonate fibers.

Thus, voids are formed inside the material, in which, in turn, air is present. This feature provides the panels with excellent thermal insulation qualities. Note also that the sheets of honeycomb material are quite rigid, but they can still be easily bent even at low temperatures, so the panels are simply irreplaceable in the construction of complex objects.

As for the specific characteristics, they are shown in the table below.

Table. Characteristics and properties of cellular polycarbonate.

Monolithic polycarbonate - what are its features and benefits?

This material differs from the one described above in that it is molded plastic, which is why it received such useful qualities:

  • high strength;
  • ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation;
  • opacity / transparency;
  • insignificant weight.

Note! Monolithic polycarbonate is widely used not only in construction, but also in many industrial areas, including those related to high technologies.

Key advantages of polycarbonate structures

All structures made of polycarbonate (regardless of whether we are talking about a canopy or a greenhouse roof) have a whole range of advantages.

  • They have excellent appearance (the choice of colors and shapes is simply huge).
  • They are easy to install and maintain.
  • The cost of the material is more than affordable.
  • All structures are durable, capable of serving for many years.
  • They protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • Polycarbonate, as noted earlier, is both matte and transparent.

Choosing the shape of a polycarbonate canopy

Polycarbonate awnings can have the most various designs, however, all of them are conventionally divided by the number of slopes into two large groups - one- and two-slope. In addition, products can be divided according to the design of the slopes - from this point of view, they are:

  • arched;
  • straight.

Moreover, sheds can also be divided according to the roof structure (the latter can be located on the farm or on the rafters), the presence / absence of the lathing, etc.

Classification of polycarbonate awnings by their purpose

V recent times polycarbonate canopy is gaining more and more popularity, mainly due to the fact that it has become an excellent alternative to wood and metal. Consequently, the design boasts a fairly wide range of uses.

DIY carport

A car canopy is a great way to protect vehicles from negative impact. environment... Tellingly, the car canopy can be of any shape - for example, square, arched, in the form of an arc - and the only limitation in this case is only human imagination. You should also remember this important moment(especially in private houses), as environmental friendliness.

Polycarbonate pool canopies

These awnings have a ton of very great features. Thus, the structures protect bathers from the summer sun, thereby minimizing the risk of heat stroke. The texture of the panels is also moisture-repellent, so the drops do not linger on them, but flow down under the influence of their own weight. A shadow is created over the pool itself, and the water inside it does not bloom. Finally, leaves and other debris are guaranteed to stay out of the water.

There is also an alternative - we are talking at the pool pavilion. Yes, it will cost significantly more, but as a result, you will receive such significant benefits:

  • the pool can be used regardless of the season;
  • the structure will turn out to be rigid, which means it will be resistant to strong winds;
  • the water in the reservoir will be reliably protected from blooming and debris;
  • the design will give a lot of shade, which is especially important on hot summer days.

Features of the canopy over the porch of the house

For protection front door, as well as the territory adjacent to it, from the hot sun or bad weather, many build a small canopy using polycarbonate for it. Due to the fact that the shape / color of the material can be absolutely, the structure can easily fit into the composition of the building. You can even buy transparent plastic, which will allow you to sort of regulate the penetrating light.

Polycarbonate balcony canopy - you don't need to glaze!

This option will be an excellent solution if, with the slightest precipitation or snow, the functionality of your balcony is immediately lost (that is, it is simply impossible to go there). People who like to set up greenhouses can use transparent plastic that can provide the plants on the balcony with the amount of light necessary for their normal and full development.

Note! Such a canopy will not only protect against bad weather - it can also extend the service life of the balcony structure, especially if it is made of wood. Various fungi will not form there, which is important for people using the balcony as a storage room.

Polycarbonate canopy over the terrace

Recreation outside the city in the fresh air is truly incomparable. But so that such a rest is not overshadowed by precipitation or the hot sun, it is recommended to equip a polycarbonate canopy. You can organize, for example, a summer kitchen under it, so that the cooking process is carried out in the fresh air.

Polycarbonate gazebo canopy - today's alternative to traditional roofing

If you want to build a gazebo or are already in the process, but do not know how to cover the structure, we advise you to give preference to the polycarbonate described in this article. Due to its many advantages, it is the best choice for roofing. You can, for example, make a beautiful matte roof for the gazebo, which will also be an excellent addition to the design of the site. Be that as it may, the canopy will become excellent protection from surrounding troubles, and there are simply no other functions that the canopy in the gazebo should have.

Rules for choosing polycarbonate for the construction of a canopy

We figured out the features and varieties of material, now we will find out what to look for when buying. For the designs that have been listed above, the best option will become honeycomb material, with which you can build a porch of any configuration and color.

Competent choice of material thickness

When choosing, special attention should be paid to the thickness of the polycarbonate - it depends, first of all, on what is the purpose and type of the future structure. Also, this should take into account the bending radius, the step with which the lathing will be built, wind / snow loads, etc. More detailed information you can find in the table below.

If it comes about external structures, then for their roof, preference should be given to thin sheets of plastic. Do not think that this will save you money - this is a fundamentally wrong opinion. Indeed, the step of constructing the lathing here will be more frequent, which, of course, will require large expenses. It is also better not to use thick sheets, even to increase the strength characteristics of the structure. In a word, when choosing the thickness of the material, it is necessary to focus on the features and purpose of the canopy.

Here are some useful tips that can help you make the right choice.

  • 4mm polycarbonate is ideal for greenhouse structures and advertising structures.
  • Panels with a thickness of 4 to 6 millimeters can be used for the construction of awnings or canopies.
  • The thickness of 1 centimeter is ideal for various vertical structures - for example, skylights, noise protection structures, etc.
  • Finally, panels with a thickness of 1.6 centimeters are able to withstand significant loads, so they can well be used for parking lots or other structures of a large area.

Features of the frame structure

When designing a polycarbonate canopy, you must take into account the transverse / longitudinal pitch of the frame itself. In the case of transverse supports, the step depends on the thickness of the material, and for material 0.8-1.6 centimeters it is a maximum of 100 centimeters, and in the case of longitudinal supports, no more than 70 centimeters. If the sheets are thicker than 0.8 centimeters, then the distance between the transverse supports can be reduced to 70 centimeters.

How to choose the color of the material?

The thickness of the material is not the only criterion by which to make a choice. The fact is that the color of the panels can be very different, as well as the degree of their transparency. Below are the most popular paint options available today.

What should be taken into account when choosing a particular color? First of all, the purpose of the planned structure: for a pool, for example, blue, green, blue colors are ideal, but they are completely unsuitable for creating awnings over counters, as they will completely distort the color of the products sold.

If we are talking about a greenhouse, then it is obviously better to use a transparent material for it. At the same time, it is definitely not suitable for a vacation spot, because it will not be able to protect vacationers from sunlight.

What about quality?

How high-quality polycarbonate is depends solely on its manufacturer. If you give preference to well-known companies, then there will be no doubt that the material is reliable and environmentally friendly. Quality products are coated with a special layer designed to protect them from UV rays. Moreover, this layer protects not only polycarbonate, but everything that it - the material - covers.

The volumes of recyclable materials used in the production of panels are also important - this indicator should be within normal limits. If a manufacturer really values ​​his credibility, then he will definitely comply with clear standards, releasing high-quality material.

Video - Why you can't save on polycarbonate

DIY step-by-step instructions for making a polycarbonate canopy

To make a canopy from this material with your own hands, you need to carefully think over and design, prepare a site for the structure, build a frame and, in fact, install polycarbonate models. Let's get acquainted with each of the listed stages in more detail.

Stage 1. We draw up a project

First, select the place where the canopy will be built, after which:

  • measure the site and determine what the dimensions of the structure will be;
  • decide what the frame will be made of (wood, metal) and the canopy itself (cellular polycarbonate, monolithic);
  • make an accurate drawing.

Polycarbonate canopy drawing

Note! In doing so, it is necessary to take into account future loads and the influence of external factors. Depending on all this, certain adjustments may be made to the design.

Stage 2. We equip the site

First, mark the site, and then, where the racks will be, dig holes (the depth can be from 0.5 to 1.5 meters, it all depends on the height of the structure) and install mortgages there. Install the latter strictly vertically, and then fill it with concrete. You will subsequently screw all the racks to these mortgages.

Then take off at the site upper layer soil (about 20 centimeters). Fill the pit with a "pillow" made of sand or rubble, and then tamp everything well. Try to create small drainage ditches around the perimeter, through which excess water will be removed.

Stage 3. We build a frame

As you may have noticed, in the drawing, the iron frame racks have a cross section of 8 centimeters, while for other structural elements this figure is 4 centimeters. Attach the support posts to the mortgages that you poured with concrete, and to those, in turn, the horizontal beams around the perimeter. After that, collect the remaining elements (if we talk specifically about our example, then the arcs, for which special spacers are used to attach to the beams).

You might be wondering why the arch? Everything is extremely simple: nothing accumulates on such a surface, including precipitation, and it all looks very attractive. Use bolts and nuts (if necessary, washers) as fasteners.

Stage 4. We mount polycarbonate panels

The service life of the entire structure depends on how well you carry out the work. It is not difficult to install the panels themselves, for this you only need minimal skills in construction.

First, prepare everything you need - in particular:

  • circular saw;
  • construction knife;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver.

Cut the material without removing the protective film so as not to damage it. If the panels are thin, you can do it with a construction knife, if not, with a circular saw... Install the sheets so that the protective layer is directed towards the UV source. The film can only be removed after completion of installation work.

Video - Do-it-yourself correct installation of polycarbonate

If the canopy arched type, you will have to bend the sheets - do this exclusively along the channels. For fastening, use self-tapping screws made of "stainless steel", twisting them in increments of 0.3-0.4 meters. Additionally, you can use special thermal washers designed for cellular polycarbonate, the diameter of which is 3 centimeters. The base of such washers is made of silicone, so the tightness of the joints will be excellent.

Note! The diameter of the holes should exceed the diameter of the self-tapping screws by several millimeters, which is explained by such a phenomenon as thermal expansion of plastic.

Also remember that holes must be made between the stiffeners, otherwise there will be a risk of damage to the material. Only then is the sheet attached to the metal frame. It is not worth pinching the hardware, otherwise, again, the polycarbonate may be damaged.

For joining sheets to each other, standard H-shaped profiles are used (their length, as a rule, is 6 meters). To do this, remove the protective film from the ends of the material by about 5 centimeters in advance, and then insert the edges into the profile by at least 2 centimeters, leaving (without fail!) A half-centimeter gap for the same thermal expansion of the material.

So now you know everything you need to know about a polycarbonate awning. We recommend watching a video about the installation of this structure. That's all, good luck!

Video - DIY polycarbonate canopy

To figure out how to calculate a polycarbonate canopy, you need to clearly imagine the structure and draw up a plan or drawing of the building. By by and large polycarbonate panels are just a covering that defines the total area, but, besides that, there are still posts and a rafter system. In addition, among necessary materials there will be connecting, corner and end profiles, fasteners and (possibly) lighting. It is important to calculate every detail in order to obtain a strong and durable structure.

What parameters to take into account when calculating polycarbonate for a canopy

Bent roof on garden plot

Please note that polycarbonate is much more durable than glass (200 times), plastic and polyvinyl chloride. But not all panels can be bent, so their structure should be taken into account (sheets with triangular cells are not bent).

The choice of polycarbonate by thickness

First of all, in order to calculate the polycarbonate canopy, you need to take into account the possible mechanical load (snow, wind), on which the thickness of the panels depends. For monolithic panels, the thickness is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 8, 10 and 12 mm, they are called "vandal-proof", since the sheets are difficult to break mechanically.

Difference in structure cellular polycarbonate

The honeycomb structure implies not only the thickness, but also the configuration of the cell:

  • SX is a five-layer 25mm sheet with angled stiffeners. The thickness can also be 32 mm. Triangular mesh panels are not suitable for curved roofs;
  • SW - the sheet also consists of five layers, only the honeycomb has the form of a rectangle (the edges are located vertically). The thickness is 16 to 20 mm;
  • 3X - the sheet has 3 layers, the thickness is 16 mm, and the stiffeners are adjustable in density:
  • 3H - made of 3 layers with a rectangular structure. The panel is produced in 6, 8 and 10 mm;
  • 2H is the simplest sheet with square cells. Sheets are made in 4, 6, 8 and 10 mm.

Solid standard polycarbonate sheet

The thickness of the honeycomb polycarbonate changes only by 2 mm. That is, if the thinnest cellular sheet is 4 mm, and the thickest is 32 mm, then all intermediate sizes will be multiples of two.

Dimensions of polycarbonate sheet around the perimeter

The standard calculation of a monolithic polycarbonate canopy is made according to the dimensions of 3050 × 2050 mm. If desired, you can agree with the manufacturer to change the perimeter of the panel, but a special order, as a rule, is more expensive.

Standard size cellular polycarbonate

Standards for cellular polycarbonate vary in two parameters, they are 210 × 600 cm and 210 × 1200 cm. Long sheets are convenient to use for wide awnings, for example, in collective car parks with curved roofs, where joints are made only along the side edges. Also, on order at the factory, they cut from 1 m to 9 m, but this is only for colored panels.

There is also a profiled sheet, where the thickness does not exceed 1.2 mm, but, thanks to the wave, the height of which reaches 5 cm, the strength increases and precipitation is easily carried out. The standard width is 126 cm and the length is 224 cm.

Profiled (corrugated) polycarbonate sheets

Calculation of materials by types of canopies and types of roofs

To calculate a canopy made of corrugated board, polycarbonate or any other material, you need to take into account the configuration of the roof and the type of supporting frame. Such awnings are made of three types - single-pitch, gable and bent (oval). The most difficult is the bent type, but the whole problem lies only in manufacturing, but not in operation.

Shed sheds with an adjoining to the house

In cases where one side of the frame is held on the wall of the house, the calculation of the canopy from rectangular pipe will be with minus half of the vertical supports. That is, one side of the batten is held against the wall of the building. In any case, there must be a profile at the joints of the sheets, therefore, the distance between them is kept 126 cm, 210 cm or 205 cm, but this does not mean that the entire crate consists only of these profiles.

One side is attached to the wall of the house

In any case, the width of the roof must correspond to the parameters of the car and it is not less than 3 m in order to leave a free passage. But such a length of the profile will cause its deformation (deflection), and this should be avoided, therefore, a rafter system will have to be made for the canopy.

When calculating the canopy to the house, you will need 6 vertical supports - only on one side, but if the structure is autonomous, then twice as many risers will be required - 12 pieces. The principle here is as follows - for each rafter leg, supports should be installed on both sides, but if one side is attached to the building, then the risers are not needed there.

In addition, beams are installed along the length, and for a 6-meter width they will need 6 pieces - 2 at the edges of the overhangs, 2 along the pillars and 2 in the middle of the roof. If the canopy length is 10.5 m, then 10.5 * 6 = 63 m or 63/6 = 11 pieces of profiles. The ends of the cellular polycarbonate are muffled with an end profile.

Dimensional drawing for a lean-to building

Free-standing canopy calculations

To calculate a canopy in the yard, one should take into account not only its width and length, but also the amount of precipitation that falls in winter. The fact is that the snow exerts a strong mechanical load and it will have to be contained in some way. The most optimal option for stiffening the frame is a triangle - this is the only geometric figure that does not provide for backlash.

For calculations, take the conditional roof width of 6 m, a length of 10.6 m and polycarbonate with a width of 2100 × 600 mm. Rafters can be made from a pipe profile 60 × 40 mm or from wooden board 100 × 50 mm. Of course, a metal profile better than wood and its service life has practically no restrictions in the foreseeable future.

Principle roof structure

The drawing above shows a structure where the upper part of the ramp is 240 cm, and the rafter consists of 11 triangles - this is the most the best option... Considering the fact that metal profiles are usually 6 m in length, the width will turn out to be slightly smaller, but for each rafter leg 6 profiles are required, taking into account the vertical and inclined lintels. In total, you will need 6 rafters and 5 sheets of polycarbonate.

Of course, you can save on metal and make only 2 triangles, as shown in the top photo. In this case, the calculation of the canopy frame will be reduced by at least 2 profiles for each rafter leg, but if there are 6 of them, then this is already 12 profiles. However, for an average amount of precipitation, this is quite enough - you can calculate a lean-to canopy in a budget mode, saving on metal.

Single-slope freestanding design

Gable carports

For gable roofs, calculation metal frame the canopy is very similar to the lean-to, that is, the rigidity is created by the same triangles. Such awnings are usually made for large parking lots, the width of which exceeds 6 m, that is, there is an opportunity for parking several cars or buses.

The principle of installing polycarbonate does not change - at each joint there must be a profile, and in this case it is rafter legs... The number of triangles directly affects the rigidity of the structure - the more, the better. The most optimal option is as follows - each running meter is divided vertical profile, and this figure is divided diagonally into two triangles.

The principle of installation of a gable canopy

To calculate the metal canopy, you need to immediately determine the dimensions of the roof, and for example, you can consider the same option 10.6 × 6 m.To cover here, you will also need 5 sheets, but they will have to be cut in half, connecting them in the center with a ridge profile. The number of metal vertical supports is twice the number of rafters, if there are 6 of them, then 12 risers will be required.

More longitudinal beams are needed here - 7 pieces - a ridge beam is added. Total:

  • 2 profiles at the edges of the overhangs;
  • 2 along the pillars;
  • 2 between the supports and the ridge;
  • 1 - on the skate.

Diagram of a gable building

If we translate the longitudinal beams into pieces, then 10.5 * 7/6 = 12.25 or 13 six-meter profiles. The section for such beams is the same as for rafters (usually, it is 60 × 40 mm), but for risers, a pipe of 80-100 mm or a pipe profile of a similar section is used.

Advantage for gable roof lies in the fact that the calculation of the metal structures of the canopy will turn out to be more economical. Two rafter legs with a lintel already form a triangle, which can be divided into two parts in the middle. As a result, two figures with horizontal (lower) sides of 3 m will be learned.

Calculation of materials for a curved canopy

It is more difficult to calculate a canopy with a curved roof on your own, since here much depends on its convexity, that is, the steeper the bend, the more materials are consumed. But you can proceed from the same dimensions: 10.5 m long and 6 m wide, although the width here will be reduced due to bending.

Curved carport

A clear advantage of this design is the saving of material when assembling the rafter system. For given sizes, you can only do two or three rafter systems, along the edges and in the middle - all the other legs are simply made in the form of an arc without a lower jumper, as in the photo. A curved metal profile, fixed on two supports, in itself is a rigid figure and the only question here is a good fastening of the risers.

In this case, the calculation of a carport for a car will consist of 6 bent six-meter profiles, two or three of which are supplied with a jumper and are divided into several triangles. Supports are also required for each arc, which means there will be 12 of them. Longitudinal beams are enough 6 pieces:

  • 2 at the edges of the overhangs;
  • 2 along the pillars;
  • 2 along the roof.

Chetezh arched canopy

In total, you get 12 * 10.5 / 6 = 21 and 4 more profiles for the jumpers.

It is quite natural that for narrower canopies less material is consumed, but here it is important to take into account the length of the polycarbonate. That is, if you work with 6-meter sheets, then they should be used either whole or cut in half so that there is no waste. In this case, the roof will turn out to be 6 m or 3 m wide, and the length is already adjusted as necessary.

As a result, we can say that the most economical calculation of the canopy will be obtained with a curved roof, although this is the most difficult option. Nevertheless, in such designs, it is possible to save on metal profiles, so the benefits are obvious here.

If you have any difficulties in the calculation process, you can use special programs and services of professionals.

(17 estimates, average: 4,35 out of 5)

Cellular polycarbonate - best material for the construction of canopies and arches for the house, garages for cars and sheds in the country. It is lightweight, keeps heat well, and transmits sunlight well. Unlike glass, it does not need special tools and installation skills.

  1. A variety of shapes, colors and transparency.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Attractive appearance.
  4. Do-it-yourself installation.
  5. Acceptable price.

Due to these properties, the material widely used in the construction of canopies:

  • Front Awnings - Protect the porch and entrance from the sun and rain. Due to the variety of palette, such a visor will fit into the exterior of any building. You can also use it to build an elegant decorative structure.
  • Car visors - protect the car from rain and snow, ultraviolet radiation, fallen leaves. The structure can be arched or rectangular.
  • Polycarbonate swimming pool awnings - thanks to them the pool can be used at any time of the year. This design protects the water from pollution and prevents blooming.
  • Polycarbonate awnings attached to the house allow you to equip a terrace, veranda or summer kitchen.

Installing a canopy

Material selection

It is better to make a visor made of polycarbonate from hollow sheets - they bend well, retain heat, and weigh little. Compared to cellular, monolithic polycarbonate is more durable... However, construction from such material is less profitable. In addition, solid polycarbonate has poor thermal insulation.

When choosing a material, its color is taken into account. Transparent plastic transmits light well, but the colored version looks much more attractive. When choosing polycarbonate for the visor, the thickness of the sheets is also taken into account. The larger this parameter, the stronger and more reliable the structure will be. In general, a 6-8 mm thickness is sufficient for a carport or for a summer cottage.

Options for canopies for the visor of the house:

  1. The slopes are straight and arched in shape.
  2. By the number of slopes - single-slope, gable, multi-slope.

Measurements and calculations

When designing a structure, the transverse and longitudinal steps of the frame are calculated. For longitudinal bearing supports, the optimum pitch is 700 mm. To calculate the step for the transverse supports, take into account the thickness of the sheet. So, for panels with a thickness of 8-16 mm, the step should not be more than 1 m. If the material is thinner than 8 mm, the step should not be more than 700 mm.

Structural design

Construction of polycarbonate canopies start with the development of the framework... It is calculated based on the size of the canopy. It must be able to withstand the load of snowfall and sudden gusts of wind. The thickness of the posts will depend on the material of manufacture - wood or metal. For the roof of a house or garage, a material of a certain transparency and thickness is chosen.

Preparation of the base

The territory is marked, in the places where the bearing racks are installed, embedded elements are dug in and poured with concrete. The top 10-centimeter soil layer is removed from the site. The resulting recess is filled with crushed stone or sand, and then tamped. At this stage, a water drainage system is thought out. Before proceeding with the installation of a polycarbonate canopy structure, the site is laid out with tiles, concrete screed or put a lawn trellis.

Frame installation

To pre-installed embedded parts steel racks are mounted, which are then connected to each other along the perimeter. After that, an arched or gable roof frame is attached to the beams. The connection is made by bolting or welding. If hardware is used, you will additionally have to drill holes in the racks.

Installation of polycarbonate sheets

At this stage of work, you will need a drill, a screwdriver, a construction knife, a circular saw. To prevent damage to the material, it is cut without removing the protective film. Thin sheets up to 8 mm can be cut with a knife, thicker ones with a circular saw with fine teeth. The sheets are mounted with the side having UV protection, outward - a plastic film with installation instructions is applied to it.

The sheets should not be close to each other - you need to leave a margin of 5 mm for thermal expansion. This factor is also taken into account when creating holes for self-tapping screws - they should be 2-3 mm wider than the fasteners themselves. To fix the sheets, it is better to use thermal washers with a diameter of 30 mm. Such hardware has a basis in the form of a sealing rubber ring... Thanks to the latter, the ingress of water into the joint is completely prevented. From above, the cap is additionally protected by a plastic cap.

A polycarbonate canopy is made carefully, without overtightening the screws - otherwise the plastic will burst. To avoid this, thermal washers are screwed between the stiffeners. Screwing is carried out strictly perpendicular to the sheet - this way, deformation of the material can be avoided.

If the canopy near the house has an arched shape, the material is bent along the line of the channels. The sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws with a minimum pitch of 30-40 cm. The adjacent sheets are joined together by an aluminum or plastic H-shaped profile. Before installing it, peel off the film from the edges of the plastic by about 5 cm.

Outside use continuous connecting tape, from the inside - perforated. This measure protects the polycarbonate from dirt, water and insects. The joints are moisture insulated with a sealant. It prevents condensation from forming in the voids of the polycarbonate. After the installation of the visor is completed, the protective film is removed from it.


How to bend polycarbonate correctly

To make a canopy, it is not uncommon have to bend plastic sheets... Often times, improper flexion will cause them to burst. It is important to bend along the line of the hollow channels. For folding, one end of the sheet is fixed motionless, and the other is slowly bent. This must be done taking into account the manufacturer's instructions, because for a material of a particular grade and thickness, there is a minimum permissible deformation radius.

Life time

On average, manufacturers give a 10-year warranty for polycarbonate. In practice, a structure made of this material will last much longer, but for this you need to do the installation according to all the rules. The visor of the house will be durable if the material is properly stored in protective film, neatly transported and was regularly serviced. As a rule, the version with thick polycarbonate lasts longer than with thin one.

Care rules

To clean the surface of the visor of the house from dirt, you need to wash it with water, while it is not even necessary use detergents ... For cleaning, use the usual soft tissue or a sponge. Do not use abrasive household chemicals, alkaline solutions and other corrosive substances. Also, do not clean with sharp objects - there is a high risk of damaging the protective UV layer.

Before building a canopy with your own hands, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions. The durability of the structure depends on the correct installation. If you install polycarbonate not according to the rules, cracks will appear in it, into voids dirt and water gets in... Gradually, such a structure will collapse. Adhering to simple rules, you can do it yourself beautiful garage, a shed for a house or something else - only the flight of your own imagination can limit you.

Polycarbonate canopy structures

The installation of a polycarbonate canopy will provide protection from the rain or the scorching sun: the frame adjacent to the house is usually supported by racks. Another part of the canopy is reinforced against the wall of the building. In general, the structure should be in harmony with general style buildings, at the same time fitting into the design of the landscape.

Types of polycarbonate awnings

When designing a canopy style, the designer must consider architectural forms buildings. Exists different types structures from which you can choose the most suitable option:

  • single-slope;
  • gable;
  • arched;
  • wavy;
  • dome;
  • multilevel.

More common is a canopy that has pitched roof... The technology of its installation is quite simple. In order to correctly calculate the angle of inclination, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the snow cover can quickly disappear from the roof in winter. A common form of a gable structure has 2 slopes, with an angle of inclination of 35–45 °. If you take this into account when arranging the shed, the snow will melt under its own weight, and the rainwater will not stagnate. gable canopies are becoming quite popular.

Arched structures with a semicircular roof are considered functional and original. Plastic materials are successfully used to create awnings over the entrance of houses. The roof, which has a semicircular shape, does not impede the removal of snow.

The arch can have a bend radius that depends on the manufacturer's tolerance for the material used.

Dome or undulating canopies are protective or decorative elements... A multi-level canopy can have a pitched or arched roof. In any case, this structure consists of several tiers. More complex is the installation of bathing or arched structures made of polycarbonate, since the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • optimal bending radius;
  • direction of polycarbonate channels;
  • the thickness of the material used, etc.

Do-it-yourself installation of awnings over a polycarbonate entrance requires skill and skill.

The choice of polycarbonate for the canopy

The polycarbonate canopy structure attached to the house can be installed on support posts made of the following materials:

  1. Log.
  2. Bar.
  3. Profile pipe.
  4. Brick posts.

The frame is assembled using a profile and a bar. The materials used for the coating are quite varied. It is the roof that allows you to give the structure the required appearance. It can be made from the following types of materials:

  • metal tiles;
  • polycarbonate;
  • plastic slate;
  • corrugated board;
  • asbestos-cement slate;
  • copper sheets.

If we pay attention to polycarbonate, that is, its aesthetic component, then the sheets can be not only transparent, but also colored. Visors and awnings made of these materials always have a spectacular appearance.

When choosing the color of polycarbonate, tones are preferred that do not distort the natural color of objects located under the canopy.

For example, if the color of the panel is red or orange, then the shade of the objects will be appropriate. If plastic, similar to silicate glass, fits into the style of the structure, then monolithic polycarbonate of various shades is used.

For honeycomb or monolithic polycarbonate are characterized by their advantages. It is necessary to choose one or another type of material depending on the requirements that apply to the structure. Solid polycarbonate has an incredible light transmittance of up to 90%.

The unique properties of polycarbonate make it possible to create canopies of almost any shape

The translucent qualities of honeycomb samples are somewhat less, but this type of material is capable of excellent light scattering and creating an obstacle to ultraviolet radiation. The following are the properties due to which cellular polycarbonate is widely used for the manufacture of awnings:

  • high light transmittance and protection from ultraviolet rays;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations, taking into account the possibility of operation at temperatures from -40 to +55 ° С;
  • ease of processing the material using cutting tools, which ensures ease of cutting;
  • flexibility, allowing you to give the material a different shape without compromising any characteristics;
  • resistance to strong wind and snow loads;
  • light weight, allowing you to use the material without the use of special mechanisms (polycarbonate is 15 times lighter than glass of similar size);
  • ease of care, no need for additional processing material, the ability to quickly clean polycarbonate;
  • resistance to mechanical stress, impact resistance, absence of fragments at break;
  • resistance to chemical and atmospheric influences;
  • durability, which ensures the material will retain its properties during the entire period of operation, which is 10-11 years;
  • fire safety and hardly flammable material, self-extinguishing when removing a fire source;
  • increased strength of the layers of material, which are interconnected under different angles with the help of stiffening partitions.

Due to a number of properties, polycarbonate is considered a popular material used for the manufacture of awnings. He excels in his performance metal and glass, is not inferior to them in strength. Longitudinal stiffening ribs of cellular polycarbonate provide increased strength of the material.

What thickness of polycarbonate is suitable for awnings

The structure of polycarbonate has a great influence on its performance. For example, cellular panels are hollow, they have a lower specific gravity than solid sheets. Their cost is lower. Among the parameters that are taken into account when choosing a material, the following are noted:

  • geometric shape;
  • decorative properties;
  • appointment.

For determining optimal size the thickness of the honeycomb panels should take into account the purpose of the canopy and the degree of load on it.

Monolithic polycarbonate has a thickness of 4–12 mm. If in the process of work it is planned to use panels with a honeycomb structure, then the following must be taken into account:

  1. A 10 mm thick panel is used to create awnings in natural conditions that are close to extreme.
  2. Polycarbonate with a thickness of 6–8 mm can be used to cover structures with a large area (for example, swimming pools or parking spaces).
  3. Panels with a thickness of 4 mm are used to create canopies of not too large sizes, with a rounding (greenhouses or canopies).

Monolithic polycarbonate is 2 times more durable than cellular panels of its analogue. The most commonly used solid sheet is 4–6 mm thick. The structural strength of this material can be guaranteed in all weather conditions.

The choice of material for the support legs

For the manufacture of supports for canopies, beams of different sections can be used. The lathing is made from a board. Wood is an environmentally friendly material that is easy to process.

Working with wood requires the use of appropriate tools. Here you do not need a welding machine and skills to work with it. The disadvantage of wood is flammability. Wooden supports must be constantly monitored and treated with special compounds in a timely manner.

Structures can be made from a profile pipe with a different cross-section. The material must be at least 2 mm thick. Metal awnings have high strength, moisture resistance, long service life.

To prevent corrosion, the metal surface must be primed and painted. The parts are connected by welding or bolting. The canopy can be made openwork using forging elements.

It should not be forgotten that the cost of the entire structure increases.

In certain cases, the canopy supports are made of stone or brick supports. These types of support posts are quite expensive, and their appearance can justify the invested financial resources, given that stone structures are not afraid high humidity, sun and temperature fluctuations.

The choice of canopy design

To make a canopy to a house from polycarbonate with your own hands, you will need to make a choice of a design that has a pitched roof. It is quite simple to install, so it is not difficult to cope with the installation without any special skills. Before installation, a design drawing is developed, which facilitates the manufacture, assembly and installation of the structure.

Right choice additional elements the frame allows for the timely preparation of all materials. This will exclude their possible overspending. When creating sketches of the future structure, it is necessary to take into account all the structural characteristics of the selected shape of the canopy.

For a structure that must adjoin the house, it is provided certain parameters... At the same time, cutting of the material and cutting of pipes for the canopy are carried out with the least amount of waste. When choosing arched structures, the frames of which are made of shaped pipes, you will need special equipment. It should allow the pipes to bend, depending on how it is provided in the drawing. To work with a pipe bender, certain skills are required, since giving the pipe correct shape very difficult.

In the process of cutting polycarbonate for the manufacture of a semicircular structure, it is impossible to avoid some difficulties. If the installation is carried out independently, you should give preference to a shed structure made of polycarbonate sheets.

Before installing the frame, you will need to calculate required amount profile pipe to cut polycarbonate panels to the desired dimensions.

Canopy schemes usually provide such a distance between the transverse parts of the lathing so that the joint between the sheets falls on the frame shaped tube... As a result, the coating of polycarbonate sheets will be fixed quite rigidly.

How to make polycarbonate awnings with your own hands

Before installing a polycarbonate canopy attached to the house, you should decide on what materials will be used when making supports and the frame of the structure. Based on the drawings and sketches, you will need to calculate the amount of material. It should be purchased with a margin of 5-10% more than the estimated amount. This will allow you to replace damaged or prepared by mistake materials. Their list should include:

  1. Hardware and fasteners.
  2. Polycarbonate panels.
  3. Beam - section 150x150 mm.
  4. Board for purlins, rafters - section 100x150 mm.

Supports and horizontal frame beams should be made of timber. When calculating the amount of material, the width and length of the structure are taken into account. The board is taken in a quantity determined by the distance between the rafters. If the canopy is planned to be made of polycarbonate, then the step should be equal to 0.5-0.7 m.

Work should begin with marking the site. It is necessary to outline the points where the vertical supports of the structure will need to be located. The height of the posts must match the height of the structure. This takes into account the depth of the racks by 55-60 cm. The roof of the canopy usually has a outside, which is 15–20 cm.

It is necessary to locate the supports at a distance of 1–2 m from each other. A step is chosen between them, which depends on the length of the entire structure, including the thickness of the roof covering. First, the supports are mounted near the wall of the house, and after that a number of racks are installed on the outside of the structure. The racks are usually positioned exactly opposite each other.

The height of the supports is selected taking into account the intended slope.

Before concreting the supports, a hole should be dug, the width and depth of which will be 0.5 m. Its bottom is covered with a layer of sand and gravel. After that, a support is installed, which is pre-treated with an antiseptic. The support must be wrapped in waterproofing material... Next, you need to check the verticality of the installation. After this, the support is poured with concrete.

How to make a frame with your own hands

It is better to start the installation of a wooden frame from the inner row from the wall. Length wooden beams, installed to the support posts, must be docked using metal plates. The beams should be located strictly horizontally. They should be strengthened to the supports with self-tapping screws. They also apply to additional fastening beams to the wall surface.

When installing a canopy in front of a polycarbonate house with your own hands, you will need a square and a level. This will allow you to more accurately determine the vertical and horizontal lines, as well as identify the correct angles.

After fixing the beams in the horizontal direction, proceed to the installation of the cross-pieces, the installation of which is carried out using fasteners. To stiffen the entire structure, you will need to strengthen the beams with spacers. This is done on both sides of the supports. The spacers must be fixed with self-tapping screws at an angle of 45 °.

After that, you can proceed to the device of the cross members. First, you should mount the beams at the edges. Then you can install the middle beam, as well as intermediate transverse ones. After finishing the installation of the beams, the edges should be closed with an end board.

You can give the structure strength if you use the rafter legs. With their help, you can strengthen the extreme beams on the left and right. As a result, the structure will be resistant to possible excessive snow loads.

How to cover the frame with polycarbonate

You should start covering the frame with polycarbonate from the process of cutting out the material. A marker is used for this. The material is then cut along the marking line using a circular saw with fine teeth on the blade. The sheets should not vibrate during the cutting process, so they must be fixed in advance.

Then the channels of cellular polycarbonate are cleaned from sawdust and shavings. The material is cut taking into account the location of the channels inside it. They should be positioned so that moisture can drain freely from the polycarbonate. When laying this material, it is necessary to ensure that the manufacturer's logo is always on top, otherwise polycarbonate will lose its useful qualities.

After cutting the material, it should be placed on the frame, marking the attachment points. Further, it is necessary to take into account that the distance from the edge of the panel to the first hole should be more than 40 mm. Fasteners should be positioned in increments of 35-45 cm. Polycarbonate panels are connected using a plastic profile matched to the color of the sheet. The panels are fastened using self-tapping screws and thermal washers.