How to determine with the help of fortune telling if there is damage. Independent fortune-telling for the definition of damage Fortune-telling for the definition of damage

Often people confuse two concepts - damage and the evil eye, or simply do not see the difference between them. In fact, the differences are significant.

Both types of magical activity are aimed at causing harm to a person, but the evil eye is often an unintended impact of a surge of negative energy (envy, resentment). This clot of negative emotions "sticks" to the human biofield, exerting both psychological and physical influence. But over time, its strength weakens, and the negative impact stops.

Corruption does not lose its effect over time. Therefore, it needs to be diagnosed in time and a ritual for cleansing should be performed.

Corruption is a targeted bioenergetic message, the purpose of which is to cause maximum harm to a person, up to death. Such a ritual can only be performed by a knowledgeable sorcerer or witch, using a piece of a person that carries his information (hair, nails, blood). Damage does not lose its power of influence, it must be removed by conducting a reverse ritual of purification.

When can damage be suspected?

When a person is haunted by troubles: problems at work, illness, family troubles, sooner or later he asks himself the question “is there a curse on me?”. After all failures can be the result of a wrong line of behavior, or they can be induced.

What are the signs of damage:

  • rapid weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • sudden apathy, loss of appetite, fatigue, constant drowsiness;
  • depression, thoughts of taking their own lives;
  • insomnia or painful nightmares;
  • if, in the absence of objective reasons, a person becomes “uncomfortable” in church, when reading prayers, when wearing a cross;
  • sudden dislike of mirrors;
  • unrestrained drunkenness;
  • oppressed atmosphere in the family, constant scandals and illnesses.

Constant conflicts in the family are one of the main signs of damage.

In addition, the following “gifts” may indicate a directed negative impact:

  • scissors, needles and any piercing and cutting objects thrown to the threshold;
  • salt, sand, earth, cereals scattered at the entrance to the house;
  • photographs of personal or strangers, pierced and streaked with incomprehensible signs.

Animals are indicators of the presence of black energy in the house. Dogs in this case behave aggressively, and cats "do not take root."

How to check for damage

In esotericism, there are diagnostic methods that allow you to determine whether a person has really been subjected to damage or the evil eye. Some of them you can do on your own, others will require an assistant.

Working with a pendulum

"Pendulum" is any object freely suspended on a thread or string. By asking a question, you can only get an unequivocal answer "yes" or "no", but with skillful use this is enough.

For the ritual, loneliness and silence are necessary, the light can be dimmed. Such an environment sets up mental energy in the right way, allows you to relax and get rid of everyday problems. Further, it is useful to carry out "grounding", that is, cleansing from fatigue and negative thoughts.

To do this, they sit down comfortably, putting their feet on the floor or the ground, close their eyes, the muscles relax as much as possible. All negativity is presented as a stream of energy, light or fog (everyone has their own imagination), flowing through the feet into the ground. And it is replaced by fresh light energy that fills every cell.

The next step is to establish contact with the pendulum. It is necessary to take the thread, holding it between the index and thumb, the free end with the weight tied to it should hang down by 20–25 cm. Mentally, you should ask the pendulum a question, the answer to which will sound “yes”. Then ask a question, the answer to which is “no”. This is necessary to understand which fluctuations correspond to the answers.

There are no rules and restrictions in working with the pendulum, it can move back and forth, circular oscillations clockwise or counterclockwise, each pendulum is unique.

You should wait until the pendulum calms down and ask an exciting question: is there damage on me, was fortune-telling for damage used? The first fluctuations of the thread will show the correct answer, in the future the movements may change under the influence of your own emotions, so you should not wait long.

Checking on the cards

Most often, Tarot cards are used for prediction, but it is almost impossible for a non-professional to understand the many meanings and combinations. That's why a check for damage can be done on a playing deck of 36 cards. There are many layouts, but consider the simplest and most effective way of fortune telling on cards.

You can check for damage using a regular playing deck

Lay out three rows of three cards:

  • upper - past;
  • middle - present;
  • lower - future;
  • we put one card to the very bottom - this is the result.

The main combination that speaks of the induced negative is the nine of spades next to the ace of spades. After that, you can determine which area the message concerns. If cards of a heart suit appear next to the mentioned combination, especially 9 or 10, then this means that someone passionately wants to take away your love, damage concerns love relationships, family, health.

If there are a lot of diamond cards near the peaks, the negative is directed to the business and material sphere, deprivation of luck.

With a large number of club suits, the goal is a psychological breakdown, an impact on the subconscious, pushing for suicide.

When a peak seven appears next to the ace and nine of spades, we are talking about serious witchcraft by a person who has powerful negative energy. Worst of all, if the Queen of Spades is immediately present, this in most cases speaks of a curse, possibly a generic one.

The position of the cards plays an important role. If the negative values ​​fell out in the “past” row, and the values ​​​​of “present” and “future” are very favorable, then this means that the stage of someone’s malicious influence has passed (if this is not a generic curse).

If black magic is aimed at the “future” series, this is most likely a warning and unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

The main card is the final one, if it is an ace of spades, a nine of spades or a queen of spades, then this means that you have been damaged, which has a huge charge and it will not be easy to deal with it.

Use of runic signs

Runes have been used for divination since ancient times. This is a simple and old way of determining if there is damage on a person, or if existing problems have a different cause.

Runes - an easy way to determine damage

The layout is very simple, after mixing the runes are pulled out at random and laid out in three rows from top to bottom:

  1. The first row - in four characters, these runes show the presence of damage, the evil eye or other directed energy. They reveal what area of ​​life the impact is aimed at.
  2. The second row - two signs will show who wants evil and who should be feared.
  3. The third row - one sign will tell through what the negative was introduced, they will point to the source of evil.

In the runic layout, there are so-called magic signs, there are four of them. Their appearance in the upper row indicates that the directed action on a person has reliably taken place:

  1. Eyvaz testifies that the ceremony was carried out by a knowledgeable person with strong negative energy.
  2. Hagalaz is a verbal curse.
  3. Turisaz is a corruption out of revenge or envy.
  4. Laguz is a love lapel designed to break an existing relationship.

If the runes of Berkan or Laguz fall out in the second row of the layout, evil has come from a woman; if Teyvaz or Turisaz is the culprit of a man. If Gebo, Odal, Perto or Fehu fell out first, the negative came through some thing. Rune Mannaz says that a person accidentally took over someone's damage through an object that was cursed.

The third row clarifies exactly how the transmission took place: through a thing, through a touch, by a reset method.

Divination with matches

You can check the induced negative energy as follows: take pure spring water poured into a glass, a wax candle (not paraffin), matches.

A pinch of salt is thrown into the glass and a slander is pronounced on the water:

"Salt and water mix, the curse is reflected on the matches."

This must be repeated at least five times. The glass is placed on the crown of the person over whom the ceremony is performed. He closes his eyes, calms his breathing and mentally asks the question: “Is the damage directed at me?”.

Then, matches are lit one by one from a burning candle, they circle the supposed boundary of the ethereal double (about 5 cm from the physical body) in a cross-like manner and are thrown into the water. In total, five matches are required, they are carried out: over the head, behind the back, from the left shoulder, from the right shoulder, in front.

A glass of matches is placed on the table and two minutes later they begin to decipher the signs.

If the match goes out during the round:

  • above your head - self-evil or a well-deserved punishment for a wrong way of life and thinking;
  • behind the back - the negative stretches from the past personal or generic;
  • in front - a verbal curse thrown into the face, possibly during a major quarrel;
  • on the left - discarded damage, that is, a person unknowingly took on someone else's curse through a random object, gift, water;
  • on the right - a curse, resentment, envy emanating from a loved one or relative;
  • a match going to the bottom is an alarming signal, speaks of a conspiracy to illness, a desire to lime a person.

A partially sunken match indicates the presence of a strong energy that resists damage. It can defeat the evil message, or it can run dry.

Matches that have gone to the walls of the glass indicate a repeated attack by an energy vampire, small evil messages.

Matches arranged in a cross report sent illnesses, the withering of youth, deprivation of vitality.

If the matches are located along the edges of the glass, and only one is left in the center - a conspiracy for loneliness.

In the center of the glass there was one match left - a conspiracy for loneliness would be carried out

The presence of the evil eye or the presence of a vampire in the environment is indicated by matches that have strayed into a heap.

If the matches lined up in an even row, this indicates the absence of a negative message. If the matches make up a letter, their meaning will be as follows:

  1. P - damage transmitted purposefully.
  2. X - a curse on abortion, infertility, impotence.
  3. L - love magic of separation.
  4. T - lapel for good luck, material losses, business failure.
  5. G - focus on health, both physical and mental.
  6. K - damage to the cemetery land, a conspiracy to death.

Free floating matches indicate that there are no problems with the energy body.

Simple diagnostic methods using candles and eggs

The principle of using a wax candle is similar to the method described above. With a lit candle, the border of the subtle energy body of a person is smoothly outlined.

The biofield of a healthy person does not affect the uniformity of the flame in any way. The aura, damaged by the brought dark program, forces the flame to crackle and go out. It matters which of the energy chakras the candle reacted to, this can indicate health problems, mental clamps, a love spell.

The use of a raw egg is based on the analogue connection of the embryo with human energy channels, which makes it possible to transfer information from a damaged biofield. At night, a glass of water is placed near the head of the diagnosed person, into which a raw egg is broken.

In the morning, a study is carried out if the protein becomes cloudy, the yolk becomes covered with dark spots or there are other changes - this is a cause for concern. If the egg remains unchanged, then this means that nothing threatens human health.

It is worth noting that not all troubles related to health, business or personal relationships stem from an evil human attitude. The temptation to blame someone else is always strong. But in order not to suffer from the evil eye or the negative influence of others, it is necessary to strengthen your aura and get rid of negative thoughts in time.

If you have suspicions of induced damage, do a divination on Tarot cards. Fortune telling on Tarot cards is a simple and effective way to get an answer to the question about the induced magical negativity.

The alignment of the Tarot for damage will allow you to determine whether you have damage, the evil eye or its absence, magical negativity on your home and property, who is doing you harm. To this end, you can take into service a variety of, simple and more specific layouts on the cards - fortune-telling to determine damage using Tarot will give an answer to the questions posed.

Tarot layouts for damage

The alignment for damage using Tarot cards is the magical way that will help determine the presence of external magical influence. Diagnosis of damage to the Tarot is simple to carry out and even a beginner can handle it. We will talk about the most popular layouts further.

The layout of "3 troubles"

Whether there is damage or not will help determine this alignment - shuffle the deck of cards, focus on your question. Next, draw a card from the deck that designates exactly you, and put next to it a photo of the person they are guessing at. After simply randomly drawing 12 cards randomly and arrange them according to the diagram below.

Then proceed to the interpretation of the layout.

  1. From 1 to 3 cards show whether there is damage or not, it all depends on the symbols that have fallen out.
  2. From 4 to 6 - the alignment will show whether there is an evil eye or not.
  3. From 7 to 9 - whether you have a love spell on you or not.
  4. 10 the picture will show who exactly brought or ordered the damage.
  5. 11 the picture will show who exactly jinxed the person.
  6. The 12th symbol will show who exactly bewitched the person.

The layout of "Corruption"

This alignment is used if there is a suspicion of damage or other magical influence - it is enough to lay out the cards according to the presented scheme and then interpret the result.

  1. The first character will indicate a high probability of a magical evil eye or damage.
  2. The second character indicates the presence or absence of damage.
  3. It will show that you have obvious enemies, as well as secret ill-wishers.
  4. The last symbol will indicate the internal state of the fortuneteller himself.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and is not difficult even for a novice magician.

How to find out your offender by Tarot

Certain signs will indicate the magical effect of a person, but the alignment on the Tarot cards will help to give an accurate answer. At the very beginning, you can resort to simple divination for 1 card - select cards with figures and Major Arcana from the deck. Ask an internal question - Where does the damage come from, who brought the negative, and so on, and pull out any picture. Already on it you can consider the answer to the question posed to the higher forces.

Damage breakdown

If such a one-word answer to 1 picture does not suit you, lay out the cards according to the following scheme.

The interpretation of the received positions is as follows:

  1. The first position will show the presence or absence of magical influence.
  2. The second will point to its initiator.
  3. The third will reveal the reasons for the magical influence.
  4. The fourth position in the layout will show the time of inducing damage - either this is the past or the current incarnation.
  5. How exactly does a person react to this magical influence.
  6. What needs to be done in order to get rid of the induced damage.

Attack layout

This alignment and its positions will allow you to find out not only whether damage has been directed at you or not, but also indicate the author of this magical influence. The layout and interpretation are presented below.

The positions are interpreted as follows:

  1. The first will indicate the presence or absence of damage.
  2. The second will indicate which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife is the magical influence.
  3. The third position will show who is attacking you on a magical level.
  4. The fourth position will indicate what goals your "well-wisher" pursues.
  5. The next position will tell you in what way it is possible and whether it is possible to eliminate the negative influence at all.
  6. The final position will show the entire final result.

Meaning of tarot cards

The meaning of the position of the Major Arcana.

  1. The magician indicates that there is corruption and its author is a young man.
  2. The devil speaks of the presence of the strongest magical libel.
  3. Priestess - damage is induced by an aged woman.
  4. If a priest fell out, then a man in years brought damage.
  5. If a hermit fell out in the layout, this indicates an old corruption.

Minor arcana and the meaning of their positions

Tarot will reveal to you the answer to the question of who brought and when the damage

Interpretation of wands

1. If an Ace fell out, it will indicate dark damage and where and how it was brought.

2. Two and three indicate a love spell or a magical lapel.

3. The six will indicate a greater likelihood of inducing love magic, and the eight will indicate a love spell.

4. 10 will indicate a negative, but of unclear origin.

5. The page in the layout will indicate the love spell made.

6. The queen will indicate induced magic using plants, and the king will indicate love magic.

Cups and their meaning in the layout

  1. The ace indicates spoilage imposed through the drink.
  2. Two and three will indicate a love spell.
  3. The four will indicate an existing black love spell.
  4. Five is a pointer to the existence of an energy vampire next to you.
  5. Six will indicate damage.
  6. Eight says that damage is imposed through fire.
  7. Nine will indicate that damage is of a kind.
  8. A dozen will indicate a strong damage that is induced at the wedding.
  9. The queen, according to the alignment, will indicate household damage, and the king - damage is induced by alcohol addiction.

Swords in the layout will indicate the following

  1. The ace in the layout will indicate damage induced through the funeral service in the temple.
  2. The deuce indicates the induced glued, the three - the damage done in the cemetery.
  3. Five will indicate a black, dark love spell, and eight - damage is induced through a wax figure.
  4. Nine will indicate that you were buried alive in the temple, and 10 will indicate a strong love spell.
  5. The knight symbolizes a forced influence on the biofield, the human aura.
  6. The queen speaks of a love spell, and the king speaks of the negative influence of an obscure theology.

Pentacles and their meaning

  1. The ace indicates that you are being magically robbed of your luck, bringing on many financial difficulties.
  2. The deuce speaks of induced damage to infertility, and the three - luck was stolen from you with the help of magic.
  3. The four speaks of the induced crown of celibacy, but the five speaks of the negative induced on the human biofield.
  4. Seven is an obstacle to personal and professional growth, and 10 directly speaks of induced damage.
  5. The page points to the damage induced by the doll.
  6. The knight points to the damage induced on the blood.
  7. The queen says that the negative is aimed at damaging your property.

Modern people are not used to writing off a series of failures for the evil eye or damage. There are many ways to determine the presence of a negative program on a person. One of them is card reading. Specialists who use Tarot cards in their work determine who made the evil promise: a magician, someone from a close circle, relatives.

How to diagnose

There are many variants of the Tarot - the Shadow deck, the Black Grimoire, the Demon Tarot, etc. For beginners, it is better to use the classic version for diagnosis, which will clearly show the current situation. The contractor will have to read and understand the layout. Beginners who decide to diagnose damage can use the publicly available symbol values ​​to decipher the solitaire.

Tarot deck rules

To get a reliable diagnostic result, you must follow the rules for working with Tarot cards.

  1. No one should be allowed to touch the deck, look at the images out of curiosity. This rule does not apply to working with clients, when a person himself must pull out the Arcana for alignment.
  2. It is impossible to guess during the period of the lunar and solar eclipse.
  3. The easiest way to protect yourself from the influence of the Tarot is a burning candle placed on the table.
  4. Fortune telling, like layouts of another type, is carried out in complete silence. Quiet background music is allowed. Street noise, conversations behind the wall, phone ringing are unacceptable.
  5. If Arcana opens in the layout, contradictory in meaning, then the diagnostic performer did not concentrate, formulated the request incorrectly. The ceremony should be postponed for 2-3 days.

After each layout, you need to wash your hands: wash off the Tarot information from them. The cards need to be cleaned periodically. Each tarologist uses the most acceptable option for clearing the deck: a circle, a full moon.

The easiest way to diagnose

You can determine the presence or absence of a negative program on a person using an express layout. Fortune-telling is carried out by the senior Arcana: 3 fragments are pulled out of the deck.

  1. The first card - indicates damage or its absence.
  2. The second - determines the evil eye, induced by a stranger.
  3. Third - indicates a circle of people who can provoke a wave of negativity.

The impact on a person is confirmed if the inverted Major Arcana are present in the layout:

  1. Moon.
  2. Empress.
  3. Devil.

The last two cards in an inverted position indicate the presence of strong black damage. The Major Arcana in the upright position also signal a problem. These symbols include:

  1. Tower.
  2. Death.
  3. Priestess.
  4. Priest (hierophant).

If the Hermit is present in the layout, this is a sign that the cause of the black stripe in a person is psychological problems, and not damage.

Playing card diagnostics

It is difficult for an ordinary person to understand the meanings and layouts of the Tarot, so it is recommended for beginners to diagnose damage on ordinary cards. Fortune telling is considered reliable if the performer follows the rules.

  1. The use of new suits that have not been in the game. No need to buy a new deck before each diagnostic. It is enough to use one card for divination, avoiding their falling into the wrong hands.
  2. Ability to clearly formulate a question. If the suits do not understand the goals set, they will show a confusing result.
  3. During the alignment, you need to focus on the question. Magicians recommend mentally asking the deck to assist in the diagnosis (“help me identify damage”, etc.).

Simple fortune-telling on ordinary cards

The easiest way to diagnose a negative program by performing a layout on playing cards will tell a lot of interesting things:

  1. The deck is shuffled, removed with the left hand away from you.
  2. Pull out 9 characters from it.
  3. Arrange them in three rows.
  4. Study the schedule.

The first row from the bottom is the past. If there is a peak suit in it, then the evil eye has worked. The combination of 9 of spades and an ace of this suit is a bad sign. A strong black corruption was made.

The row in the middle is the real one. The spade suit indicates the presence of negativity at the moment. Having studied the suits lying near the black one, they determine the scope of damage.

  • tambourines - business;
  • worms - with family, love;
  • clubs - money.

The combination in the top row predicts the future. If there are no spades cards in it, this is a good sign.

Fortune tellers sometimes offer to draw an additional card to determine who caused the damage. If the younger ones fall out, this is an evil eye from an outsider. Jack, queen, king - close people, environment. Black ace - damage was caused by an experienced sorcerer.


Fortune telling on cards is one of the ways to expressly diagnose a person's aura, which allows you to determine the presence of damage. But the result on playing cards cannot be taken seriously. The reason to turn to the magician to remove the negative is the recommendation


One day, any tarologist is faced with the fact that he is approached with a question about damage, the evil eye, or some other negative impact. This is not surprising, because if they came to you for advice, then the person definitely has problems in a personal, financial or other area of ​​​​life. And since there is a problem, then there is its source, and there is nothing more convenient than blaming damage for all your problems. If you are asked to make a Tarot layout for damage, this does not mean that it really is on a person. Today we will talk with you about how to act in such a situation.

Before starting scheduling

First of all, you need to find out from the client why he decided that there is damage on it. Most often, such suspicions are not based on anything, except that a person is simply unlucky in life, or he himself does not really try hard in work, relationships, but it is more convenient and comfortable for him to believe that someone else is to blame. Also, "corruption removal" will be a kind of magic wand, which should effortlessly make his life better. If you see that this is the reason, then there is no point in diagnosing damage to the Tarot.

Sometimes the situation is exactly the opposite. To the question of whether there is a corruption, the alignment itself on the Tarot can push. This happens in those cases when a large number of negative cards come out in a scenario for some problem, while in the position of the cause of the problem or in advice on what to do, cards appear that indicate a magical effect. Of course, such cards as the Priestess, Magician, Devil, Moon do not necessarily indicate a magical effect and can be interpreted differently, in accordance with the context of the issue. Nevertheless, the presence of such cards leads to relevant thoughts, and therefore there may be a need to make a Tarot alignment to diagnose damage and the evil eye.

I would like to immediately note that we will not share with you such concepts as damage, evil eye, curse, since the Tarot is not too provided for working in this direction, which means that there are no boundaries in the cards between one and the other. Tarot will help you find out if there is a negative distortion in a person’s energy, and only then, using other methods, you can decide how to correct it. A detailed analysis of damage by methods of application and methods of removal is no longer the responsibility of Tarot. However, when developing a certain technique, a deck of cards can also be used, along with clairvoyance and a pendulum.

Safety precautions for spoilage

As with any divination session, certain safety rules must be followed. If you make a typical layout for your personal life, then sometimes you can neglect them and not notice any negative effect on yourself. But if it came to analyzing the negative damage to the energy sector, then safety comes first.

You can use whichever method suits you best. It is traditional to use candles at the time of the spread to put an energy barrier between you and the person's energy. After you finish the divination session and part with the client, it is also necessary to conduct a ritual of cleansing the space and the deck, which can be done with a new candle, going around the perimeter of the entire room where the divination took place, and also holding the deck over the candle. This must be done in any case: whether damage was detected or not.

Of course, like any professional tarot reader, you cannot afford to put off the alignment indefinitely, reschedule a meeting with a client in search of a good moment. In addition, as a rule, the alignment for damage is already addressed during the current fortune-telling session, as with a clarification regarding the cause of the problem that has arisen.

In my opinion, there is no need to choose some special and special time for fortune telling, at least this time is no different from what you choose for fortune telling. It is worth noting that it is better to avoid such alignments during the full moon and during the twilight period, when the line between the worlds is very thin and the risk of negative energy interaction increases. This rule does not apply to special rituals that must be performed precisely at such moments.

In any case, the choice of time for the spread is not a determining factor and serves only for convenience and additional security, but if necessary, this can be neglected and the alignment can be done when the situation requires it.

On which decks to make a deal for damage

First of all, for these purposes, there are so-called "dark decks", which in their images and interpretations initially contain descriptions of various types of damage and the evil eye. Such decks will allow you to accurately determine both the presence of damage and its shape. I recommend that you acquire just such a deck if you decide to regularly diagnose negative conditions in your practice. In the manuals for such decks, there are specialized layouts that will allow you to clarify all the necessary points.

The presence of a second deck, especially for spoiling layouts, is also important for the reason that in this way you separate energy flows. On one deck you will look at everyday affairs with the usual living energy, and on the other - the affairs of the other world with their own specifics. It will be much better if this energy does not intersect and overlap each other.

If we want to determine, during fortune-telling, who did the damage, then here the question of alignment does not concern the energy of other worlds, but the determination of the personality of the person behind all this. In this case, we can use any familiar deck. One method is to lay out a card for each suspect and see who is most likely to be the culprit. Another method: lay out several cards on the characteristics of a person, and use them to describe the one that caused the damage. In any case, identifying a particular person is not an easy task. But this no longer applies to the sphere of fortune-telling for damage, but such layouts lie in the same section as fortune-telling for a betrothed.

Alignment for determining spoilage

As mentioned above, there are special layouts for special decks. Here I will present you with one layout that you can use for divination on any deck. It .

We already talked about him when we touched on the issue of well-being in. Since the chakras belong to our energy body, any negative impact will primarily affect them. Thus, we need to lay out 7 (or more) cards and see the energy state of each chakra. If the dropped cards are neutral, then everything is in order with this chakra, even if the card is negative, but within certain limits, then we can talk about the weakening of one or another chakra, but not about damage.

If there is damage, we should see a map that will directly show this. This should be an obvious state. Which chakra the indicating card will fall on will tell us which sphere this negative energy will affect, as well as methods for removing it.

What cards can indicate damage

Of course, the question of card interpretation is very, very individual, depending on your experience, knowledge, school and deck used. All this must be taken into account. Therefore, for you, some cards may indicate damage, for me - completely different. However, let's discuss with you those cards that are often enough pointers to the negative.

The Magician and the Priestess often indicate that someone has made an impact on you, performed some kind of rituals. Not necessarily negative. This is an indication of the very fact of action on the part of another person. Rarely, Priest and Hermit can take on the same meaning.

The Moon and the Devil are symbols of the presence of energy problems that have a certain depth, which largely indicates that this is damage, and not fatigue or another similar condition.

The Last Judgment also speaks of problems, but they are of a personal nature, it can be karma or negative through the fault of the person himself, for example, self-evil eye.

The tower can indicate serious damage to the energy, but they are often one-time, one-time, that is, they do not have depth and connections, which means that they were not induced, unlike damage.

The Minor Arcana in the classic deck do not, as a rule, indicate damage, and can only suggest the degree of damage to the energy. As an exception, here we can mention Aces and Court cards (Kings and Queens), which in meaning can be close to the Magician and Priestess.

Subject diagnostics

Divination for damage to property requires a certain flexibility of the mind. Items do not have chakras or other obvious elements of energy, by which we could reliably determine whether there is damage on it. Of course, we can lay out several cards in a row and see the general condition of the item. If there are several cards from the list above at once, then the probability of damage is very high. If this is a significant item (for example, an apartment), then in this case it is necessary to carry out a purification ceremony.

If the item is not so significant, then here I recommend not so much looking at the state of the item itself, but rather its impact on the client. In this case, you can again resort to the layout of the chakras. What is important here is how we formulate the question: "How does this subject affect the energy of a person." And in this case, you can see that it either does not particularly affect in any way, or it improves energy, worsens it, and so on. Moreover, it is possible that it works well on one chakra, but badly on another. This is an actual alignment not only for diagnosing damage to an object, but also when selecting stones and jewelry made from natural materials.

If you undertake to diagnose the negative, then you must understand what to do next. It is not enough to simply identify damage, you must know and be able to remove it. Or, in your notebook there should be a person to whom you can refer your client for more detailed diagnostics and subsequent procedures. Otherwise, the work of diagnosing the negative becomes not only meaningless, but also harmful.

Having determined what you don’t know how to proceed with, you doom the client to a long walk through specialists who will define the negative in different ways, use different terminology and ways to solve the problem. Sometimes it will be much better to refer the client to the appropriate specialist who deals with issues of diagnosis and removal of damage than to try to do everything yourself.

In order to determine damage using the Tarot layout, it is advisable to use the Major Arcana Tarot. For a detailed analysis of the situation, to accurately determine the magical negative, it is best to use the Tarot of Shadows deck, or other dark cards. However, you can also use the classic universal deck of Tarot cards, it will also show all the negative aspects in the present object.

Independent fortune-telling on the Tarot deck is there damage on a person - which a beginner should not allow

Great value for negative tarot card layout has the right questions. There are card layouts to identify destructive and dangerous magical influence. And there are layouts for the general. If you have recently picked up Tarot cards, and still do not know how to make a correct analysis of the answers of the arcana, refrain from diagnosing other people's situations.

With independent fortune-telling on Tarot cards for damage, and when interpreting the answers, there should be no mistakes. A novice tarot reader should not answer questions from clients about negative witchcraft effects. I, the magician, will consider the alignment scheme for diagnosing damage called Black Raven.

Independent Tarot layout - find out if there is damage on a person

The magical layout is designed for the dark Tarot of Shadows deck. There are 12 Major Arcana cards involved. Here is a Tarot layout for determining pori on a person:

  1. The reason that makes the questioner suspect the presence of destructive magical interference. It is subconscious impulses that make a person to begindivination on tarot cards to determine damage.
  2. The second position is a check. Is there a real magical effect?
  3. 3 and 4 cards. How the magical effect manifests itself:
    3 lasso: what do others notice?
    4 lasso: what does the questioner notice?
  4. Who carried out the magical attack? In the course of fortune-telling on the Tarot, the lasso in position 5 will indicate the one who caused damage, or performed another action of a negative witchcraft nature.
  5. Map in 6 position in a fairly simple home tarot layout for the evil eye and damage, will give information about how the magical effect was carried out.
  6. 7 and 8. These arcana will reveal the motives and true intentions of the enemy. What is the reason for the magical attack?
    7. What, by what actions did the querent deserve this? It's just that damage doesn't stick. This is a known fact.
    8. A tarot card in position 8 will indicate what the initiator of witchcraft wants to receive from the querent. It will become quite clear with a competent interpretation of the Tarot cards in a negative scenario, what exactly caused the magical attack on the querent: for the purpose of punishment, because of the desire to destroy relationships and take away a loved one, for financial reasons, and so on.
  7. The card in the 9th position will show how dangerous the witchcraft is for the querent.
  8. Whether it is necessary to remove the received influence.
  9. What way to act if you need to remove the impact?
  10. The result of self-fortune telling on Tarot cards to determine damage.

Free layout of Tarot cards for damage - is it possible to do it yourself

Like the previous one, this Tarot layout for analyzing the situation called Toad is designed for the Tarot of Shadows. The purpose of the magical alignment is not so much to determine the negative on the Tarot, but to identify ill-wishers and enemies in a close circle of a person who are capable of negative magical effects.

There are 6 Major Arcana cards in the Tarot spread. The goal of home tarot divination is not so much the need to identify damage, but to find out who could do it.

  1. The opinion of the questioner about how others treat him.
  2. How does his environment really feel about him?
  3. Does a person have ill-wishers in his close circle?
  4. What is the reason for the negative attitude towards the questioner?
  5. How are the actions of enemies or rivals manifested or may manifest themselves?
  6. Advice given by Tarot cards to a person.

Find out the damage on a deck of cards yourself at home - the Three Troubles layout

Given the above, I, the magician, will say that most often people ask about damage, the presence of a strong evil eye, or about a love spell. Here is another good and rather simple layout for diagnosing damage, which is called "Three Troubles". Allows you to identify not only the presence of damage, but the presence of magical negativity in general.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

In addition to the Tarot deck, you need a photo of the client. The significator of the querent is chosen. A photo is placed above it.

And they begin to spread the alignment in order to find out the presence of negativity on the Tarot.

  • 1, 2, 3 - is there any damage
  • 4, 5, 6 - is there an evil eye
  • 7, 8, 9 - is there a love spell
  • 10 - source of damage
  • 11 - the source of the evil eye
  • 12 - source of love spell

If in any of the 3 groups a negative impact is revealed, then the map in the “source” position should show its source.

What Tarot cards indicate induced damage

When viewing the situation using divination on the cards of the Tarot deck, you need to ask the right question. No need for long and confusing phrases. Just ask: Do I have an evil eye on me? When viewing damage, you need to know which ones tarot deck cards mean damage.

Tarot card Priestess. This is the first lasso, signaling damage. If it is next to the lasso Death, then damage is definitely present. And just as the presence of Death and the Priestess confirms the presence of corruption, so the Devil card can speak of the same. May indicate a generational curse. Next to the Emperor of the Tarot deck in the negative layout, the value of the Devil card can be interpreted as a possible oncological disease. Cancer is the result of an energy disorder.

Arcana Justice is associated with the development of generic energy problems and old karmic debts. In principle, when making a layout on the Tarot, in order to find out if there is an evil eye or magical damage, you always need to consider the combination of the card and its position in the layout. In specific positions and in certain combinations, many cards indicate the presence of destructive corruption.

I, the magician, will give advice for beginners, for the layout of the diagnosis of damage to a person, try to take only Tarot cards of the Major Arcana.

When interpreting fortune-telling on Tarot cards for damage, consider the meanings of the cards in direct and inverted positions. So the arcana Mage, Devil, Priest, Priestess, Moon, Hermit, by their appearance in an inverted position, indicate the presence of corruption.

  • Magician - damage was done by a young man for the purpose of retribution
  • Devil - strong damage
  • Priestess - an old woman sent damage
  • Priest - an old man brought damage
  • Hermit - an old, long-rooted corruption
  • The inverted Emperor also points to a strong damage done to a person.

Regardless of the position in which the Tower, Death, Priestess, Priest arcana fall out in the layout, they indicate the presence of magical negativity. If at self-fortune telling on Tarot cards to determine damage you use only the Major Arcana, to supplement the information received, you can pull out 1 clarifying card from the deck.

Tarot deck cards meaning damage and clarifying the presence of negativity

  • Ace of Wands - there is damage, additional clarification is required
  • Ace of Cups - negative impact made through water
  • Ace of Swords - funeral service in the church
  • Ace of Pentacles - for financial difficulties, taking away luck
  • 2 of Wands - made for love
  • 2 of Cups - made for love
  • 2 of Swords - curse, clarification required
  • 2 of Pentacles - done for infertility or impotence
  • 3 of Wands - strong love spell
  • 3 Cups - black love spell
  • 3 of Swords - damage done in the cemetery
  • 3 of Pentacles - abduction, weaning of luck
  • 4 of Wands - clarification needed
  • 4 of Cups - black love spell
  • 4 Swords - most likely, there is damage, clarification is needed
  • 4 of Pentacles - made for the crown of celibacy
  • 5 of Wands - card to be clarified
  • 5 of Cups - there is such a thing as energy vampirism
  • 5 of Swords - made a black love spell
  • 5 of Pentacles - a negative impact on the biofield of the object
  • 6 of Wands - there may be influences related to
  • 7 of Pentacles - interference of a magical nature, freezing, cessation of personality growth
  • 8 of Wands - cast a love spell
  • 8 Cups - negative is induced with a candle
  • 8 of Swords - damage done through volts
  • 8 of Pentacles - card needs clarification
  • 9 of Wands - card to be clarified
  • 9 of Cups - Ancestral Curse
  • 9 of Swords - funeral alive
  • 9 of Pentacles - card needs clarification
  • 10 of Wands - a magical negative, most likely present, the card needs to be clarified
  • 10 of Cups - there is a strong damage done at the wedding
  • 10 of Swords - there is a strong love spell
  • 10 of Pentacles - an indication of damage
  • Page of Wands - the card indicates a love spell
  • Page of Cups - to be clarified
  • Page of Swords - activation of the actions of the sorcerer
  • Page of Pentacles - there is a negative, damage is induced through a volt
  • Knight of Wands - card to be clarified
  • Knight of Cups - card to be clarified
  • The Knight of Swords is not so much a finished impact as it is a human scan
  • Knight of Pentacles - corruption is made on blood
  • Queen of Wands - plant magic applied when impacting an object
  • Queen of Cups - there is household damage, the evil eye
  • Queen of Swords - cast a love spell
  • Queen of Pentacles - the curse lies on the dwelling
  • King of Wands - love spell
  • King of Cups - made a strong damage to alcohol addiction, or drug addiction
  • King of Swords - negative energy impact
  • King of Pentacles - card needs clarification