What to wash doors from MDF interroom. How and than laundering doors interroom, wooden, plastic, glass, painted, lacquered and metal from dirt, fat spots, divorces and after repair: methods, means, recipes, tips

Another 20 years ago, choose the interroom door was very simple - almost all of them were made by approximately the same technology. Yes, and materials used for their manufacture were not so much. Today, the situation is completely different. Now for the production of doors, a wide variety of materials are used: an array, veneer, plastic, eco-stick, glass, plywood, MDF and many others. It is worth saying that it is the doors from MDF, today, are among the most popular.

MDF is the first letters of the English phrase medium density fiberboard, which translated into Russian denotes the "fibreboard of medium density stove". The technology of production of such doors is not so new as it may seem. For the first time, these doors began to be made in America, in about 1966. In the closer to our Russia, their release began in the late 90s. Such a door consists of a pine frame, which will be protected from two sides. mDF plates. The space honey plates are filled with a special paper cell filler. Moreover, the smaller the "hundreds" of this filler, the stronger the door.

Doors from MDF have a number of advantages, in view of which they occupied such a durable place in our homes and apartments. First, they have a sufficiently high heat resistance and moisture resistance - these indicators of the MDF are higher than that of the tree. Secondly, these doors are less susceptible to fungi. Thirdly, with quality manufactureThey possess good enough sound insulation. Fourth, there are more than 200 possible colors of these doors, which allows you to select them almost under any interior. Fifth, doors from MDF, compared with others, have a very affordable price.

After buying and installing doors from MDF, you must not forget that they also require some care. In order not to think about to wash the fat stains on the MDF doors and that the door retains its qualities as long as possible, it is recommended to periodically wipe them with an alcoholic solution. To prepare it, you need to mix 900 ml of water and 100 ml of alcohol. Then we take a piece of soft tissue and wipe the door, not forgetting about the decks. After such a procedure, it is desirable to wipe the door again - already a dry cloth.

In addition to alcohol mortar, you can also use special care products from MDF. Most often use various polyters that contain oils and wax. The most famous of them are "Pronto", "Big D", "Euronova", "Mebelux", "Amway". To give the door tidy look, you need to apply the means to soft fabricAnd then thoroughly wipe her surface. If the surface is glossy - the direction of movement of the fabric does not matter. But if door leaf It has a fibrous texture, then it is necessary to wipe along the fibers. It must be said that the polyroli is not only perfectly cleaned the doors, but also perfectly masked scratches and other defects. In addition, the polyroli "envelop" the door surface is a kind of film, which prevents depositing of dust on them.

If you do not have special Toolsthan laundering fat stains on MDF doors, you can use the windows for washing windows to care for doors. Usually they are sold in packages with a sprayer, so very convenient to use. To clean the door with such a means, you need to apply a small amount of its number on the door, and then thoroughly wipe with dry soft rag. Such a cleaning procedure can also be carried out before using the polyroli.

If you don't care outside the doors, then the likelihood that fatty stains are formed over time they are formed. And sometimes get rid of them is quite difficult. But you do not need to immediately despair. You can try to clear the solar stains with the help of funds that will be in the house at each mistress.

Wash fat spots on MDF doors using raw potatoes. Cleaning potatoes, cut it in half and rub the stains. We wait for the potato juice will dry out completely, and then wipe the surface of the door with a dry cloth. If, after that, small divorces remained on the doors, you need to apply a talc or powder on them, and then rub the dry rag again.

Also with the solar fat stains, a soap solution copes well. To do this, pour warm water into a saucepan or in any other dishes, add a few drops of dishwashing products there, and then mix before the formation of foam. With this solution wipe stains. For its preparation, the household soap is suitable. Perhaps you have to make some efforts so that the door reappears the neat look. After all stains are washed, the door must be wiped with a dry piece of fabric.

Another means than washing the fat stains on the MDF doors is ordinary vegetable oil, which is found in every home. To do this, you need to dip a piece of fabric into the oil and intensively rub the spot to the formation of foam. Then you should wipe the soft dry napkin foam. The next phase of purification is prepare acetic solution consisting of water and 9% of the table vinegar in the ratio of 1: 1. With this solution, we wipe the places that have just been cleaned with vegetable oil. And in conclusion, we wipe the door with a dry napkin. The door will look like new!

In some cases, it may be necessary to resort to a more sophisticated method. To do this, we need to prepare Cashitz from clay and table vinegar, in proportion 1: 1. Then this cleaner must be applied to the stain for 20-30 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed. If the result is achieved, and the stain went out - we wipe the door dry, if not, we repeat the procedure again. At the final stage, it is desirable to use the polyrolla.

Sometimes the Stationery Eraser can help in the fight against old stains. We use it, as usual - "erase" stains from the door surface. Only to start trying to spend this procedure on little plotTo understand whether the door surface is not damaged.

These tips will help you clean the doors from old stains. However, it is worth mentioning that there are some funds to which it is not desirable to resort when cleaning the MDF doors. First, it is better not to use bleach and abrasive cleaning products. The latter include, for example, washing powder, particles of which can damage the door surface. The bleach will simply discourage the door. Secondly, when cleaning doors, metal scrapers, rigid brushes and the like are impossible. They can also be irrevocably spoiled. Thirdly, remember: no matter how the cleaning method you use, the final step will always wipe the door with a dry soft napkin.

So, following these advice, you can clean the MDF door from fatty solar stains and give her a neat look.

Greetings, readers of my blog.

Spots from water and fat, the appearance of scuffs on the surface - all these are the causes of the loss of the presentable type of interior doors. Basically, the stains appear around the door handles, as well as at the bottom of the door canvase in the place of contact with the legs. Especially relevant the problem of dirty doors becomes with the advent of children or pets.

If the surface of the web is contaminated in part, then remove stains on the door Will not work. In the event that defects affect the entire surface, you will have to resort to more radical methods.

Each normal hostess strive to maintain order and purity in the house. But some surfaces are very sensitive to cleaning and not to make mistakes worth adhere to my recommendations:

  • for the manufacture of interroom doors, wood is directly or indirectly used, which is afraid high humidity. Even in case of simple cleaning, it is not necessary to use a very damp cloth, which can lead to the belling of the canvas.
  • for elimination fat stains You should not use aggressive tools, such as acetone, solvent, alcohol.
  • to eliminate stains, use a soft sponge for washing dishes, and not metal brushes. The damaged surface of MDF or laminated doors is not to restore - you have to change the canvas.

Secrets to remove stains with doors

Different doors manufacturing materials provide different variants To remove spots from them. But there are several universal ways to return the doors of beauty:

  • in order to remove the greenhead with the door, use acetic acid
  • Fitters from the feltwaster can be washed off White - spirit, or glass wash liquid
  • Some types of stains well launders vodka, mixed with sunflower oil
  • Spot from chocolate or juice - well washed off by a children's wet napkin
  • Spot from varnish can be washed cotton disc, slightly moistened in acetone
  • Coffee stains are fine with ammonia

As you can see people's methods To eliminate stains with doors, there are a lot, but there are professional detergents: Profoam 2000, Sif - Pasta, Mr. Chister, Adrilan, PREDE and many others.

Types of stains and ways to remove them with doors
View of spots People's removal method Professional belt
MoldDry the door, mold to scrape the scraper and process the agent
EggMix soda and soap, pour hot water and apply on a stain
Old dried spots We make a mixture of salt and vegetable oil, We apply on a stain and wait for drying. Then neatly scrape
FootprintsWet napkins or rag Furniture cleaners
Traces from ScotchaLacquer Tool for removing Scotch Stickker Remover
Footprints from ballpoint handles PROFOAM 2000.
PlasticineThe remains of scraping and wipe with a weak solution of alcohol in proportion 1 to 9.
Glue or resin.Resin is removed by heating with a hairdryer Solvent for glue
Varnish Nail polish remover
Urine Laundry soap
JamSoap solution + vinegar
Spots from wine, chocolate or juice Wet wipe
Footprints from pencil WD-40 is excellent PROFOAM 2000.
FlomasterLiquid for washing glass, you can try erase the traces of the eraser PROFOAM 2000.
ZelenkPerfectly washed off with acetic acid
Bloodtwo tablespoons of cook salt + dishwashing detergent
Fat stainsAcetic acid + water, wet wipes Various cleaning products

Than laundering doors - video

How to remove stains with MDF doors

For the most part, MDF doors with a veneer surface immediately after repair, we strongly recommend you to open the polyroli. This will protect the surface from the appearance of greasy traces and stains. But if the problem has already appeared, it must be solved.

I will share with you the way that my mother advised me. Used it since the time of the existence of the USSR, when Mr. Muscule also did not hear the layers :)

To restore the primordial view of the doors from the MDF, the following ingredients will be needed:

  1. Potatoes - 1 pc.
  2. Dry rag
  3. Some baby powder

The order of removal of the bold spot from the door:

  1. Cut the potatoes in half and rub the spot until juice appears
  2. Leave a stain for 10 minutes
  3. After the potato juice dries in place the stains will remain starch. We remove it with a dry cloth.
  4. If, after cleaning the spots, there were white divorces left, then we apply a children's talc on them and thoroughly wipe the dry cloth.

With this people's Method You can remove a bold spot.

Eliminate the contamination of doors from the fiberboard you can detergent for dishes. To do this, in a small container, we gain water and wept the tool in it. Sponge apply a foam into the place of pollution and gently erase the stain. We wash off the remnants of the foam and wipe the door with clean rag.

Doors with laminated surface - cleaning methods

Thanks protective coating From the laminated film, such a door was laundering than the rest.

Ways to remove bold spots with doors with a laminated surface:

  • With the help of household soap

First we prepare the solution. To do this, we need a piece of 72% of the household soap and warm water. We are planing soap into small pieces and prepare the solution.

Wash the foam sponge dirty places.

Now we wash the soap divorces and carefully wipe, not leaving divorces on the door.


The entire procedure must be done as soon as possible, so as not to give water to absorb the door. Otherwise, the door will sweep, and the laminated coating will be squeezed.

  • With the help of alcohol


Do not think to use pure alcohol!

To begin removing the stains, we prepare an alcohol solution. It is prepared in the proportion of 1 to 9, where 1 part is alcohol, and 9 parts are water. In the cooked mixture, we make a rag and apply on a stain. We are waiting for five minutes and remove the remains with a dry paper towel.

How to remove fat stains with doors - video

Eliminate stains on wooden doors

Unfortunately, the stains arising in one-piece wooden doors for their subsequent removal require removal from the hinge of the door canvase.

Removable door laid on a flat surface, previously unscrewing doorknobs and.

With the help of a solvent, we remove the old varnish from the door. Due to the fact that the solvent has a sharp smell - work is better to carry out outdoors.

After removing the lacquer, the wooden door must be polished with grinding machine or emery paper. It is better to use paper with grainy - 180/220.

Then you need to remove dust residues from the door. It is more convenient to use a soft large brush.

Finish stage - coating the door with a new layer of varnish.

Removing a bold spot with painted MDF doors

For the most part, all painted doors from MDF are covered with a layer of varnish. Therefore, the use of abrasive materials and aggressive means to remove stains is unacceptable. Damage to the upper lacquered layer will lead to fascination and disruption of the integrity of the protective layer.

To wash the painted doors in two ways:

  1. As in the case of LDSP, we use 72% economic soap. It is necessary to wash the location of the contamination with a strong soap solution, then thoroughly wash the residues of the solution and wipe dry with a paper towel.
    • Lemon Acid

    We prepare the solution - on 200 ml of cold water add two tablespoons of acids. Mixing thoroughly, wash the spot obtained by the mixture. Processed place wipe with a dry cloth.

    • With solvent

    The cotton disk must be mixed in the solvent and carefully rinse the fat stain. Amboint removal The surface is also wiping into a clean towel.

    • Detergent

    Three tablespoons of detergent add half a glass of water. Mix and the resulting foam is applied to the stain. We are waiting for 3 - 5 minutes and thoroughly wash off. Wipe dry with a clean rag.

    • Food Soda

    We mix three tablespoons of soda on a glass of water. The resulting solution was washed off. Then the surface is wiping to dryness.


    Well, that's all, friends.

    On this page of my blog, I shared my experience with you - how to remove stains on the door.

    if you have interesting methods, then share with them in the comments.

    All success!

Sooner or later, any mistress faces different stains on the doors and furniture doors, including fat. Especially often they appear in the kitchen in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handles and the lower part, which gives a common untidy look. Therefore, the knowledge of what fat spots on the door is to wash, just an urgent need.

Where to begin?

To begin with, determine what material the door is made. Today's assortment of furniture products in this regard is incredibly diverse. Most often there are options:

  • wooden;
  • metallic;
  • laminated;
  • glass.

The next step is the origin of pollution. As soon as they coped with this task, we prepare the means that best come for cleaning. You will need one of the following options:

  • acetone;
  • white Spirit;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • table vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon essence;
  • clay;
  • talc;
  • raw potatoes;
  • several soft napkins;
  • sponge and wool.

How to wash the fat stains on the painted door?

If the problem arose on the painted surface, you will need a table vinegar:

  1. Moch your cotton or napkin in vinegar.
  2. Process the location of the contamination until the vinegar is fully absorbed.
  3. Finally, wipe the surface with a clean damp cloth or a rag of dry.

Important! If this is freshspot, then forcleaning Painted surface Replace vinegar on warm water with liquid soap or dishwashing liquid.

How to remove fat stains with unpainted doors?

If the surface of the web is not painted, and a fat stain appeared on it, such a solution and cleaning technology will help you:

  1. Table vinegar and clay in equal proportions mix until a homogeneous liquid paste appears.
  2. Apply the prepared mixture directly on the klyaksu and leave until it dries.
  3. Rock dried acetic-clay mixture from the surface with warm water.

What to wash wooden doors from fat spots?

On a polished wooden door, such unsightly contaminants may also appear. In this case, the following options are suitable as cleansing means:

  1. Thorough Talc treatment:
    1. Apply a small amount on the sponge.
    2. Wipe the place of the powder.
    3. Remove with a dry cloth.
    4. Make sure the fat stain has sued.
  2. Well copes with this task with raw potatoes:
    1. Wash and cut the fruit on 2 parts.
    2. One half wipe the place of pollution.
    3. Leave the surface for some time in the processed state.
    4. Wipe the surface with a wet cloth.

Important! On the surface of the web can be divorced. To remove them, apply a small amount of flour and polish the surface with a soft cloth.

How to remove fat stains with laminated doors?

Laminated products based on a plywood plate or chipboard, and even plastic. On top of hand drawing on paper based and illuminated special film. On such doors, stains from fat can also be formed.

To solve this problem, this set is suitable:

  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • vinegar or lemon essence;
  • several soft napkins

Important! Forw.distant stains with laminateddoors It must be remembered that the napkin is wetted in the solution on the surface of the web in no case cannot be kept for more than 5 minutes. After 1-2 minutes after processing, it will only be necessary to wipe with a damp cloth.

How to remove bold stains from a metal door?

To solve the problem on metal surface White spirit or acetone is best suited. You know everything to choose to you - the smell of acetone knows everything, but the White-Spirit of the smell is practically no, + it cleans very effectively.

How to wash off stains from a glass door?

The most delicate and problematic is the removal of oily spots from the surface of sandblasting glass, which is increasingly used in decorating the interior. But, if such a problem is overtook you, use the following means:

  • mix the ammonary alcohol with water in the ratio of 1:10, and launder all the contaminants neatly;
  • apply food soda Do not sponge and rub the stains on the glass door;
  • you can still wash the canvas with alcohol or special alcohol-containing equipment for glass.
  • use the means on ammonia or soap-based.

Important! Forremoval stains from glass Use special napkins for glasses and mirrors, poropolone sponges or soft toothbrushes. And you should not put pressure on a napkin or sponge on the canvas, as it can be easily damaged.

Stock foot

During any product, it is necessary to properly care for as long as possible to keep the primary attractive appearance. To do this, more often wipe the doors from dust, remove fresh spots with maximum speed and do not allow them absorbing and drying, as well as take food and store it in specially reserved places. There will be no extra and extra personal hygiene, in particular - the purity of the hands. Be careful to yourself and your home to live in a beautiful and cozy room!

Doors and furniture from MDF look in the interior stylish and beautiful. But fat spots formed on the surface spoil the whole view. You can withdraw them in different ways.

Before starting cleaning, it is necessary to determine what coating: laminate; PVC; veneer; Painted canvas.

Depending on the top layer, the method of cleaning is also selected.

What can I do

  1. From what material did not make doors, it is impossible to use aggressive cleaning agents, such as pure alcohol, solvent, acetone and acid.
  2. Cannot be used for washing abrasive agents that can leave scratches on the surface.
  3. It is impossible to rub a metal brush.

Applying these funds can be damaged upper layer canvas.

Various specialized means for cleansing are sold in stores: pencils, pastes, liquids and sprays. Before their application you need to get acquainted with the instructions.

Before applying any method, it is best to try on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe door, for example, on the end, from the loop side.

Laminated surface

The laminated door canvas is covered with a thin protective film that facilitates care.

  1. Alcohol solution - dilute in 9 parts warm water 1 part of alcohol. Mix the soft cloth in this solution and wipe pollution. If you can - apply fabric for 5 minutes to the surface. After what to wipe out a dry napkin.
  2. Soap solution - There is a liquid economic soap 72% on sale. It copes perfectly with fat stains. Floor-dipped in soap to treat the surface and washed with warm water. It is necessary to do it quickly, so that the moisture does not fit into the door canvas. If not liquid soapIt is possible to preside on the grater half of the bar of the household soap and dissolve warm water, or simply dense the sponge with soap.

Surface from PVC

The film of their PVC protects the canvas. It can be different shades and have a drawing. She is well cleared different ways. It is important to prevent long-lasting door wet so that it does not swell.

  1. Mix an equal amount of liquid soap and means for plumbing. Sponge apply on a stain and flush after 10 minutes. Wipe it carefully.
  2. Mix 3 tsp. soda and 3 ppm Sunflower oil. This paste rub polluted areas. Clear clean cloth. This is soft I. effective tool. In addition, the thin layer of oil forms protective film on a surface.
  3. Well launders and soap solution.

Veneered surface

Veneer is a thin layer of wood, which covered the door canvas. It retains the texture of a tree and looks natural. Immediately after installation, such furniture you need to cover the furniture polyrolla. This will keep its appearance and protect against contamination. But if the stains appeared, that is, ways to get rid of them.

  1. 3 tbsp. Tools for washing dishes Dissolve in half a glass of warm water. Out with a sponge Foam apply to a contaminated surface for 5 minutes. Wash away clean water And wipe dry.
  2. Potatoes helps to clean the stains. Half potatoes grate the stain until it is covered with highlighting potato juice. Leave to completely dry. Pour a talc or baby powder on a soft cloth and wipe the door surface, washing the remains of starch. After that, go through a clean towel.

After cleaning, process the entire surface with a polyrolon.

Painted surfaces

Doors from MDF cover and enamel. They are well withstanding cleaning.

  1. Half lemon grasp the problem areas. After 10 minutes, rinse with water.
  2. Dishwashing liquid and lemon acid On a tablespoon, and a teaspoon of water. Dilute the composition in the blue, apply on the stains of the fat. After 5 minutes, remove a clean napkin.
  3. For such a coating, a liquid economic soap is well suited, which is applied to the surface for 5 minutes, and then washed off.

To with MDF with any coating, the melamine sponges are suitable. The sponge must be slightly moiste with clean water and wipe the stain. She like an eraser will erase pollution.

Spots and traces of fat spoil the appearance of surfaces from MDF. But you can get rid of them in 15 minutes using the funds that are in every home.

It often has to wash furniture from different stains, what is afraid of chipboard? So, the chipboard is afraid of of course water in large quantities. What then wipe furniture from chipboard and than to reduce spots?

It is important what kind of chipboard in front of you is a laminated, covered with PVC film, or it is not a chipboard at all, but MDF. Care for laminated chipboard is easier than chipboard without lamination. The usual chipboard can not be wiped with a wet rag, use most detergents. Care for laminated chipboard is much easier.

The greenstock is easy to launder with chipboard with vinegar.

Flomer traces easy to remove with alcohol. Liquid for glass, household soap

We struggle with greasy stains on furniture from chipboard

Fat stain with chipboard must be removed as quickly as possible.

Fresh fat stain on chipboard must be immediately wiped with a water solution with baby soap.

Algorithm Foreign spot information from the surface of the chipboard:

  • wipe the stain with a wet napkin,
  • put on a short time (no more than a minute) a different napkin moistened in a solution of alcohol, acetone or the White spirit, vinegar apply to the stain,
  • then B. we wipe the soft dry napkin andwhether the cloth.

Fat stains to reduce furniture chipboard thanks to the melamine sponge, the main thing is not to zealous and do not rub much.

Fat stain S. MDF Door Or furniture can be reduced using a simple household soap, and you can also use the ammonia alcohol and after walking the polyrolla.

Than washing chipboard

To eliminate foreign smells, the shelves from the chipboard in the closet can be wiped barely with a damp cloth with a weak solution of manganese, or soap, but after sure to wipe with a dry cloth.

Well copes with stains on furniture of any origin "Polyrol 2".

After cleaning, you can handle furniture from chipboard antistatic.

Traces from hot, juice, wine, chocolate, etc.

Spot from hot to chipboard with a film - folk remedy: Vodka is mixed with sunflower oil, and after it is possible to grasp flannel cloth.

If the stain fails to be removed, it can be smeared with a pencil for laminate.

Spot from juice, wine, chocolate - a simple wet cloth.

Coffee stain - ethyl alcohol or ammonia.

Spots from varnish, cosmetics - slightly applying a sponge with acetone.

Care rules for chipboard and MDF

Furniture from chipboard and MDF is afraid of solvents, gasoline, abrasive tools and washcloths, bleach, ammona alcohol, chlorine, couple, mastic, wax.

Napkin or cloth can not be kept on the surface more than 5 minutes.

Spots better delete immediately.

The furniture can not be scrumen and rub with abrasive means, as well as aggressive solvents, gasoline.

The chipboard cannot be cleaned with soda or soda solution.

Summary Table by type of spots and ways to remove them

Type of spotsPut a stain with chip folk remedy Professional tool for stains
Fat stains Wet wipes, water with baby soap, alcohol, diluted vinegar, diluted wine vinegar. Soft degreasing gels, sif paste. Mr. Chister, Mr. Cleener, etc.
Blood 2 tbsp. Salt, 2 tbsp. Shampoo or liquid dishes wash and cold water
Zelenka, iodine Melamine sponge, noise, salicylic acid.
Flomer trail, ink Pencil Eraser PROFOAM 2000.
Footprints from pencil WD-40. PROFOAM 2000.
Spots from hot Vodka with sunflower oil.
Spot from juice, wine, chocolate Wet wipe
Coffee stain Ethyl alcohol or ammonia
Wax stain Attach the ice in the package, gently scrapeped with a non-sharp spatula, wipe the surface with a soft cloth, moistened with a solution of 1 part of the apple vinegar in 10 parts of warm water.
Jam Soap solution with vinegar
Varnish nail polish remover
Divorces from urine Economic Soap, Chlorine
Paint 1 kg lime solutions and 1 kg. The chalk is diluted with a 20% solution of soda. Soda solution weigh the resulting mixture of chalk and lime, adding water and turning all this into a pasty state.
Stains of reagents, street mud Potato paste. We clean the potatoes from the peel, rub it on the grater, add some water and mix. Dishwashing liquid.

Furniture Cleaner - Antipl Furniture Cleaner

Resin, Glue Solvent, for glue-moment - antique, or heat the hairdryer. For pVC glue - Release on 15 degree frost.
Plasticine Remove with a dry paper napkin. Then wipe with alcohol.
Traces from the handle PROFOAM 2000.
Scotch traces from chipboard Shaving foam, dishware, White spirit, warm soap water, vegetable oil, antistatic, melamine sponge.Cleaning agent Adrilan 5V1, proces. PROFOAM 2000.
Footprints from fingers on chipboard Melamine sponge, wet wipes.

Polyrol for furniture. Furniture Cleaner Furniture Cleaner

Old dried spots

Apply a mixture of cooking salts and vegetable oil, wait for drying, gently scraping or shallow.

Spot from Yaitz

A mixture of soda and soap, filled with hot water to stain.
Mold on chipboard Dry, carefully scrape mold, treat a tool against mold.