Do-it-yourself snow removal from the roof. Removing snow from the roof of a house: risks, features and methods of removing snow and ice from the roofs of houses

Date of publication.

Every year, with the arrival of winter, snow falls in our city. Sometimes more, sometimes very little. The number of accidents and damage to roofs and property depends on this, but isolated cases occur even when the winter is extremely snowy. That is why it is so important to monitor the condition of the roof in winter. Houses located on the busy streets of the city require special attention. The ideal option is to clear snow after every heavy snowfall.

The most obvious thing that comes to mind is the formation of icicles that can fall on passers-by, parked cars and outbuildings. But the resulting icicles also indicate that a layer of ice has formed on the roof itself, with a thickness directly proportional to the weight of the icicles (there was ice more than 30 cm thick), as well as snow drifts on the roof, creating loads of up to 1000 kg / sq.

In the most advanced cases, falling icicles can even pierce the roofs of extensions and driveways.

The most common hazards associated with untimely snow removal can be divided into several types:

Deformation and damage to the roof.

For metal and slate roofs: Snow deposits create an additional load, from which the supporting roof structures are deformed: the rafters and roofing sheets bend, which can cause gaps in the joints of sheets and valleys, where snow can clog, ice can form and as a result, the roof leaks like during melting snow, and in the subsequent summer period. In the case of poor-quality thermal insulation of attic floors or an attic, these problems are simply inevitable due to the melting of snow and ice under the snow cap. It is extremely rare, but a collapse of the roof occurs, most often it occurs in the case of rotten wooden roof structures.

In some cases, an avalanche-like snow fall carries away elements of external valleys and drainage elements along with the snow.

For a soft roof: Snow on the roof with poor thermal insulation of the attic creates a layer of ice, which, when repeated melting-freezing cycles, destroys the soft roof, forming leaks primarily at the joints of the sheets of the soft roof, in rare cases - in an arbitrary place, provided that there is a poor-quality screed under the layers soft roof.

Deformation and damage to drainage systems.

The formation of snow and icicles on gutters quite often leads to their damage or collapse. For a metal roof, the danger is aggravated by the possibility of an avalanche-like snow melt, which is capable of tearing or bending the gutters along the entire length of the collapse.

To prevent an avalanche-like snow melt, our company recommends installing a snow retention or regularly cleaning the roof from snow.

Falling snow and ice on people and their property.

The worst thing that can happen is the death of people and their injuries due to the melting of snow or falling icicles. Also, vehicles parked nearby suffer regularly, less often the roof of outbuildings and canopies of the entrances.

How do climbers clear snow?

There are three main types of roof cleaning:

  1. Complete cleaning of the roof from snow and ice.
    The most reliable way to guarantee the safety of people and their property.
  2. Snow removal around the perimeter a meter from the edge of the roof.
    A method related to preventive and protecting only from the collapse of snow, ice and icicles directly from the edge of the roof.
    Does not protect against snow avalanches in the absence of snow retention.
  3. Removal of icicles and snow deposits in the most problematic areas.
    The method, also referred to as a preventive one, is the most economical, but it only protects from the collapse of the cleaned sections of the roof from the edge of the roof.

What safety measures are taken by climbers?

  1. The territory of the work is fenced off with a signal tape.
  2. Climbers work on special equipment with self-locking belay systems.
  3. In the area of ​​falling snow and ice, a person is on duty, warning pedestrians and drivers about the danger outside the territory fenced off with a signal tape (can be provided by the customer or the contractor).

What determines the cost of removing snow from the roof?

  1. The cost of work is primarily due to the convenience of work: the possibility of access to the roof, the presence of a ladder to the visor, the presence of a fence, etc. There were roofs, where the total area of ​​400 sq. M. there were only two dormer windows, there was no fence, snow retention and a ladder to the canopy.
  2. Scope of work. The larger the volume, the cheaper each meter.
  3. Snow cleaning type. Depending on the type of snow removal selected from the above types of snow removal, the cost of cleaning one square meter changes.
  4. The thickness of the snow cover and the thickness of the ice. We saw snow drifts up to 1.5 m and ice more than 30 cm thick, but this is an extreme degree of neglect of the roof.

Rarely are other factors affecting the cost of work, if they are present, they are determined by a specialist directly at the inspection of the object.

All roofs are different and it is impossible to describe each of them within the framework of one article, but most of the problems with snow are typical and can be solved using typical methods, of course, if these are done by professionals.

Why do you need to clean and remove snow from the roof?

In multi-storey residential buildings, the problem of snow removal from the roofs is solved by the workers of public utilities (management companies), and the owners of their own real estate must monitor the condition of the roof on their own. With the arrival of winter, it must be regularly cleaned of snow and ice.

It seems that there is nothing difficult in this work, but in reality you need to know how to clear the roof of snow correctly, observing safety precautions. On sunny days, a thaw is often observed, the snow begins to melt, and with a decrease in temperature, the water freezes and the roof surface becomes slippery and if you do not follow the rules for cleaning roofs, troubles cannot be avoided.

Icicles that collect along the perimeter of roofs are known to pose a health hazard as they can cause serious injury if dropped. The melting of snow layers can damage vehicles in the parking lot near the house, destroy evergreen decorative plantings and other property.

Cleaning roofs from snow is necessary, since the mass of snow, as in the photo, exerts a significant load on the roof structure, which can lead to its deformation, while there is a violation of the tightness of the joints and displacement of individual fragments of the coating is noted. In many domestic regions, a large amount of precipitation falls in winter, and the thickness of snowdrifts often reaches a meter or more. Not every roof can withstand their huge weight. So that the roof does not have to be urgently repaired in frosty weather, it is necessary to clear it of snow.

In the event of a sharp warming, snow that has not been removed in a timely manner begins to melt rapidly and the drainage system installed on the building may not cope with the large water flow, which leads to numerous leaks, wetting of ceilings, walls, foundations and other undesirable consequences.

The sequence of cleaning the roof from snow

As already noted, there are rules for cleaning the roof from snow, they must be followed and then the roof of the building will last a long time without major repairs.

It does not take much time to eliminate snow and icicles, and from a financial point of view, it is more profitable than restoring its surface and drainage system.

Stage one.

It is necessary to start work on cleaning the roof of your own house with icicles hanging from the slopes:

  • you need to take a long rail and gently knock them down, while you should not stand directly under them: the longer the object, the better;
  • in order not to damage the elements of the drainage system and the roofing, it is not advisable to hit the icicles hard;
  • if the ice does not knock off with a little effort, it is removed directly from the roof.

Stage two.

Before cleaning the snow from the roof, you should select the appropriate tool and use a safety belt or strong rope as the roof surface is always slippery. It is better not to do this work alone, but to use the services of an assistant. As for the tool, the shovel should be plastic or wooden, but in no case metal, which can damage the coating.

In this case, it is advisable to observe the following recommendations:

  • work is performed during daylight hours, when there is no rainfall, since they complicate the process and increase the risk of injury;
  • you need to wear the most comfortable clothing that does not hinder your movements; from shoes, a model with protectors on the sole is preferable;
  • it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that when carrying out work in the reach zone there are no people, animals and vehicles. Otherwise, falling snow may injure a passer-by or cause material damage to the vehicle;
  • after the snow has been removed from the roof, it is necessary to carefully clean off the remaining icicles on the roof, which are firmly frozen to the roof slopes and to the gutter elements. They can also be cut with a hacksaw.

If, for a number of reasons, self-cleaning of snow from the roofs is difficult, then it makes sense to seek help from professionals who, thanks to the acquired skills and the availability of mountaineering equipment, will easily and quickly cope with the order.

How to prevent snow accumulation

Cleaning the roof from snow in winter has to be done often, especially in the northern regions of the country. The constant recruitment of industrial climbers costs a lot of money, and many citizens cannot afford it. There are modern ways to prevent snow accumulation on the roof. This is especially true when it is required to clean the soft roof from snow (also read: "How to repair the roof in winter").

The most effective option is considered to be the installation of a roof de-icing system, which it is advisable to install in the process of creating a roof. It is a set of equipment consisting of a heating part, a distribution network and a control system.

The heating cable is laid until the finishing coating is laid on the roof in places where ice formation and accumulation of snow mass are most often observed. Then the snow melting system is connected to the power supply and the covering of the roof surface is completed. The included thermostats automatically monitor the ambient temperature and provide optimal heating.

The cable is also laid in gutters and downpipes to prevent ice formation.

Another option for protecting against a large snow layer is installing snow guards on the roof, but they do not eliminate the need to remove snow from the roof. Their installation in the right places prevents snow and ice from falling on the heads of citizens passing by the building and does not allow melted ice to flow onto the elements of the drainage structure and damage them.

Some homeowners create a large slope and an absolutely smooth surface on the roof to protect the roof from the accumulation of a large volume of snow mass.

Roof preparation measures for winter

Before the onset of winter cold weather, when abundant precipitation begins in the form of snow, and on the eve of regular forays on the roof, experts recommend preparing it in time for this.

First of all, you need:

  • clean the surface of leaves, branches and other debris that can disrupt the functioning of the drainage system;
  • close the funnels with special lids or plugs;
  • paint over damaged areas;
  • check the reliability and integrity of the coating fasteners, otherwise poorly fixed fragments may move and the tightness will be broken;
  • Consider installing an anti-icing system, as there is currently no better roof protection for the winter. The considerable cost of the heating system will pay off, since a large amount of money can be saved on the service provided by the climbers and the annual repair of the roof.

Winter time is, first of all, snow, which you first admire, then you look with a tired smile, and in the end you begin to curse, especially if you are the one tasked with cleaning the roof from snow. It makes no sense to wait for spring in this matter - of course, the gentle sun will help clear the roof of snow at once, but before that time it will have time to deteriorate considerably from snow, as well as debris that could rot under this snow, not to mention the icicles, which usually cling to the cornices with enviable stubbornness. So take the need to remove snow from your roof on time for granted and learn how to do it right.

How often should the snow be removed from the roof? It depends on the type of roof, as well as the intensity of the snowfall. For most roofs, cleaning is not necessary if the snow does not lie in a layer more than 5-10 cm thick, but as soon as the layers become more extensive, it is recommended to start cleaning them immediately so that the snow does not ice, and then cleaning it will become much more difficult and dangerous. event.

The first thing to do to clean your roof is to equip yourself with a work area. It is good if the roof is small and you can sweep it with a broom from a ladder firmly installed on the ground, or flat, with a convenient exit to it, then a shovel or broom will help you deal with snow embankments very quickly. Some people use water hoses for cleaning, but this, although it will shorten the cleaning time, can damage the roof more when the water begins to freeze and forms ice that will have to be chipped off, and such water procedures in the cold season have not yet benefited any roof ... If the roof is not very comfortable, provide yourself with reliable and high-quality insurance - at least a rope that will give you the freedom to move around the roof and at the same time help you stay on it in the event of a sudden gust of wind. Without insurance, no roof cleaning procedures should be carried out - at least in the summer, you were rollerblading on it. In addition, you will need some protective tape, or at least a strict warning to the household that you should not walk under the roof.

How to quickly and safely remove snow from the roof

By the way, pick up the right footwear, which will have a sufficiently stable sole and will not slip on a wet roof.

Then you can proceed directly to cleaning. It is better to start from the middle of the roof and gradually move to the edges, so that the snow does not interfere with your implementation. Ice can be cleaned from the ground (at least with the help of an ordinary stick, at least with the help of a water cannon, if one is available - at the same time move to a safe distance from the intended place of falling icicles). If you have children, you can prohibit them from eating icicles on the eve of cleaning, because "although they are tasty, but harmful," then by the day of cleaning there will be an order of magnitude less icicles. Snow and ice should be cleaned not only of the roof itself, but also all the elements adjacent to it - gutters, cornices, and so on, this will further prevent the growth of snowdrifts and icicles. Do not try to remove the entire layer of snow from the roof - by scratching it, you only contribute to the harmful effects of moisture on the roof, and for a good cleaning it is enough to remove the thickest layers of snow.

Do not forget about cleaning the roof not only on a residential building, but also on sheds, baths, gazebos - they all equally need timely winter care. If you do not have time to clean yourself, you need to contact a cleaning company that will provide the services of industrial climbers for cleaning absolutely all roofs on your site - and will save you time, effort and money for repairing a roof that could be damaged from - for the snow.

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Scraper for cleaning snow from roofs

A real snowy winter brings not only joy to children and a headache for public utilities, but also creates problems for the owners of private houses. We have to think about how to remove the adjacent territory from the snow, the entrances to the house and sections of the streets. Until we remove ourselves, no one will do it for us. But snow tends to accumulate not only on the ground, but also on roofs.

When snow is not a joy

Snow ceases to be a cute decoration for the roof as soon as the thickness of the cover reaches a critical point. But it is better not to allow the accumulation of snow on the roof. In addition to the fact that this is an additional load on the rafter system, it is also constant thawing and leakage, and as a result, the formation of a large layer of ice.

It is much more difficult to deal with ice on the roof, so it is better not to allow it to form. Constant soaking of the roof can lead to the destruction of the rafter system, cause decay processes, as well as a warm and damp atmosphere - an ideal environment for the formation of mold and mildew. In a word, it is necessary to deal with snow on the roof.

Dangerous snow cap

To be more convincing, we will present the main dangers that lurk in the snow cap on the roof of our house:

One conclusion follows from this. If in multi-storey buildings all responsibility for snow removal is borne by the housing office, then in a private house it is the owner's problem.

Methods for cleaning the roof from snow

To implement this method, all you need is a cord, a dozen plastic cans or bottles, and an assistant. How the design works is clear from the diagram. Still the most effective is a snow scraper with a telescopic handle.

Varieties of snow scrapers

The industry offers different models of telescopic hand scrapers up to 9 meters long. With this device, you can easily remove snow from the roof, while remaining on the ground and at a safe distance. When choosing a scraper, it is necessary to remember several important rules that relate to the materials from which the tool is made.

In no case should metal elements be used for contact with roofing materials. There is no need to explain that a soft bitumen-based roof becomes extremely fragile in the cold, so damaging it with a sharp metal scraper is as easy as shelling pears. The scraper should only be made of plastic or wood. This applies equally to metal roofs, since a steel scraper can touch the joint and break the integrity of the roofing.

Requirements for scrapers

It is also highly discouraged to remove ice with a scraper. It can also damage the cover. The ice will melt by itself in the spring, and it is better to prevent its formation in advance. Therefore, the primary task for the scraper is only the removal of snow masses.

A snow scraper is a simple and effective piece of equipment.

Cleaning the roof from snow and ice

Thanks to the telescopic handle, it can be wound by the ridge, after which, with gentle movements towards yourself, step by step, layer by layer, remove all the snow from the roof. Naturally, taking all possible security measures and restricting the passage and passage under the house.

The scraper can be done independently, but before making such a tool, you need to find either a snow shovel with a minimum weight made of plastic, or simply use a plastic plate, fixing it in an L-shape to the telescopic handle. We will not impose special strength requirements either on the handle or on the scraper itself, since their main task is to move loose snow, and not fight ice. Good luck to everyone!

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Our winters are snowy. If the snow falls incessantly, then the roof will inevitably sag under its weight and you should take care in advance about cleaning the snow cover. It will be about throwing snow off the roof of a country house using a hand-made device.

If the snow is not removed for a long time, then the roof "sits down" under it, and this is fraught with bends, distortions of window frames, openings, doors, and deformation of the supporting system of the pitched roof itself.

Cleaning roofs is a laborious and unsafe job; I propose to make such a scraper with your own hands.

Here you can see a rough drawing of a snow scraper for clearing snow from a roof.

The frame is made of pipes, wheels are installed at the edges, which will make it easier to move the scraper; a long strip of fabric - from an awning or dense synthetic material. Its length should be slightly longer than the roof itself. For the holder, take an aluminum pipe or profile and make it collapsible. To prevent it from bending or breaking from the pressure of force, make adapters between the pipe sections.

Some people think that you don't need to remove snow, but I think differently, so if you're interested, look at the options for removing snow from roofs.

Pictures are clickable.

What to look for.

When you make a scraper for removing snow from a roof, consider everything: what the roof is made of, what is the height of the house. All parts of your structure should have good rigidity, but at the same time not be heavy; the scraper should slide over the roof, not scrape it off.

The picture on the right shows that there is a danger that the sharp edge of the scraper will damage the roof.

Another option is easier to manufacture.

In the store you can buy a sliding handle, and bend a piece of high-strength aluminum in the shape of the letter "P" (width up to 60 cm).

The canvas fixed on the working surface is a frost-resistant film.

I want to note that on the Internet you can find scrapers, such as "hoe". But their disadvantage from these options: you need to sketch the entire structure from above.

Do-it-yourself snow removal from the roof: fast and safe

This is both difficult and does not give a good result.

Finally, the option - in my opinion, is quite simple.

These devices, of course, will not be able to clean strong ice. But cleaning fresh snow from the roofs of summer cottages is quite real.

The main thing is that you can clean the snow with your own hands, without spending much effort and without risking health.

Article author: Love

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Despite the fact that the general principle of cleaning the roof from snow is the same (moving the snow and ice mass from top to bottom), ways its implementation exists so many.

In this article we will tell you about most of these methods, because each of them depends on:

  • various tools;
  • personal qualities.

For one way required:

  • scrapers that you can buy at any hardware store;
  • excellent physical shape.

For another required:

  • technical savvy;
  • electric motor.

For the third way you will need:

  • special ladder;
  • wooden shovel.

In addition, we will tell you how you can clean the roof of ice build-up and icicles.

How to remove snow, ice or ice from the roof, including icicles, without damaging the roofing?

Consider list of main impacts on snow and ice:

  • physical movement;
  • mechanical destruction;
  • vibration;
  • heat.

Physical movement- this is the simplest impact.

Its essence is that they rest against snow or ice with some object and, using physical force, push the mass from top to bottom.

Such an impact does not require some complex technique and great skills, but it directly depends on the physical form, namely:

  • coordination of movements;
  • balance;
  • accuracy;
  • with an eye.

This way of influence effective only in a relationship:

  • snow;
  • melting ice.

Therefore, using this action, snow can be removed at any time, and the ice can be cleaned only during a thaw. Attempting to peel off the ice during freezing will only damage the roof or tools.

Mechanical destruction Is sawing. This effect is used if the thickness of the ice layer exceeds 20 centimeters. For sawing, conventional electric and gasoline saws are used.

This way of influence very difficult to execute, therefore, it is used only when no other methods have yielded results, and the ice needs to be removed urgently.

Vibration- one of very effective methods that work on snow in any weather, and on ice only in positive weather.

A huge plus This method is that everything can be done in the attic without getting out on the slippery roof.

Minus there are very high requirements for the rafter system - the effect will be effective if all the boards of the rafter system are free from rot and damage.

Heat roofing is effective as a preventive measure, because it prevents snow from caking and sticking to the roof, turning into ice.

However, heating the roof is ineffective against a thick layer of packed snow and ice.

Exception constitutes a simultaneous effect:

  • heating;
  • vibration.

In this case, even a thick layer of ice is cleared without any problems. Minus this way is huge electricity consumption if you heat the roof. If you warm up snow and ice from above, you will need a powerful gas burner.

How to clean the roof

All methods of cleaning the roof from snow, which we will discuss below, can be conditionally split by location of the one who will do this work:

  • standing on the ground;
  • from the stairs;
  • from a self-propelled lift;
  • from the attic;
  • from the roof.

We will also tell you about the cleaning method. flat roofs (soft roofs) and such an exotic method of dealing with snow, like sawing.

This method is effective when no possibility remove snow in time.

That's why accumulates a huge volume of ice mass that can damage:

  • roof;
  • rafter system.

Standing on the ground

This cleaning method is used only for one-story not too tall private houses, in which the distance to the lower edge of the roof does not exceed 3 meters.

To work for you will be required:

  • a wooden or plastic (you can use a homemade) scraper;
  • handle 4–5 meters long;
  • a handle 6–8 meters long (it can be made from a plastic water pipe of a suitable diameter);
  • assistant.

For work, you can use both one scraper with replaceable handles, and several scrapers with different lengths of handles.

Problem only that it is very difficult to store a scraper with a handle over 6 meters long, so a scraper with a collapsible handle would be the best choice. We talked about the manufacture of such a scraper and a handle for it in the article (equipment). In this case, you can gradually increase the length as the roof is cleaned.

Start cleaning with the icicles, which must be carefully knocked down with a scraper.

How to knock icicles off the roof without damaging it?

To do this, the scraper is taken away from the house (swing) and hit on the icicles 10-15 centimeters below the edge of the roof.

Do not hit the icicles near the roof, a strong blow can damage the roof.

If the outside temperature is above zero, then beat the icicles not hard, but several times to tear off the ice from the bulk.

In just shorten the frost time them all. Then carefully place the scraper on the roof (distance to the bottom edge of the roof 30-50 centimeters) and gently pull it towards you. If the snow is packed, you can reduce this distance to 10–20 centimeters.

Do not try to pull the scraper too much, if it meets an obstacle, lift it up to get around an obstacle.

Perhaps there:

  • snow holder;
  • ice build-up.

In both cases, an attempt to break the obstacle by force will not lead to anything good.

After cleaning the bottom of the roof around the perimeter, proceed to cleaning the next area, located slightly higher. When cleaning the perimeter roof, go up to the top ridge.

If on the roof a snow guard is installed, then lift the scraper so that it passes over it. Do not press the scraper against the roof; its weight is sufficient to safely remove the snow.

How to remove ice or ice from the roof of a private house in the safest way to cover the roof? Most sparing option: heating combined with vibration or light mechanical action in a thaw. Most wrong- strong mechanical impact in frost.

From the stairs

This method is suitable for one-story houses, in which the lower edge of the roof is located at a height of 3-4 meters.

To work for you you will need:

  • light scraper 40-60 centimeters wide with a 2-3 meter long handle;
  • wooden block(you can use a leg from a chair or stool) or a small rubber mallet;
  • ladder or an access ladder with a length of at least 4 meters with a roll-over protection (wide bottom step);
  • safety belt;
  • two assistants.

Place the ladder so that the slope angle relative to the ground is no more than 60 degrees.

Climb up the ladder and buckle with your belt.

Both partners at the same time must insure the stairs(one at the side, the other at the back) so that she does not fall, even if you fall off.

First, knock down icicles with a wooden block from a distance 5-10 centimeters from the roof.

It is undesirable to beat higher, because the roof can be damaged.

During frost and thaw proceed as described in the previous section.

If it is necessary to completely remove the icicles during frost, then hit them with a bar from the wall of the house, so the probability of damage to the roof is minimal... Hit lightly with a light wooden block or rubber mallet.

When you are finished with knocking down icicles, throw the block down or tuck it into your belt, and then ask the assistant to submit a scraper.

Take the scraper while standing straight, because tilting can cause the stairs to move... Place the scraper on the roof to your side (make sure the assistant is on the opposite side), and the distance from the scraper to the edge of the roof should not be more than 15 centimeters.

Brush off snow in strips length 1.5-2 meters and 10-15 centimeters wide moving the scraper from top to bottom without applying great force.

After cleaning the strip, lift the scraper up, gradually moving from the bottom of the roof to the top ridge.

Having cleared one area from bottom to top, proceed to another.

For this:

  • unfasten from the stairs;
  • get down to the ground.

Then move the ladder, climb up and buckle up again.

From the cradle of a self-propelled lift

Self-propelled lifts on the basis of trucks, many enterprises have. These devices lift a load weighing 200-300 kilograms by 20-30 meters.

To clear snow and ice from a self-propelled lift, you will be required:

  • safety belt;
  • folding scraper;
  • wood bar or rubber mallet.

Climbing into the lift cradle, fasten a safety belt to its grille. Having risen to the roof, knock down the icicles with a bar at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the roof.

If you need to completely remove the icicles, then lightly hit the icicles with a mallet from the side or from the side of the wall. Then clean the roof as described in the previous sections.

Snow must not fall into the cradle so clean the roof just to the side of it. Do not try to pluck ice build-ups. This will either damage the roof or rock the cradle violently.

Removing ice build-ups or a thick layer of ice can only be done while standing on the attic or roof, combining:

  • thermal impact;
  • vibrational impact.

During frost and thaw, proceed as described in the previous sections.

Standing on the roof

To remove snow and ice, you need shovel with wooden or plastic bucket... You can also use a plastic squeegee with a handle 1.5–2 meters long. The wooden scraper is too heavy.

Also, you will need wooden or plastic ladders, after all, walking on ice and snow cover is possible only on roofs without a slope. Going down the ladder to the very bottom of the roof, shoot down the icicles with a shovel.

For this:

  • lower the shovel bucket to the level of the middle of the icicles;
  • holding the handle of the shovel by the edge with your left hand, move the shovel to the right with your right hand for swing;
  • smoothly, with not too much effort, slide the shovel to the left, making a swing;
  • during the thaw, try to remove all icicles from the roof by hitting them several times.

After that:

  • turn over a shovel so that its bucket is directed towards the roof;
  • omit her on the snow (distance from the edge of the roof 20-40 centimeters);
  • bump snow mass down.

Do not try to clean off all the snow all the way to the roof; this will only damage the roofing material. Allowable balance between the shovel and the roof 5-10 centimeters.

Observe this rule even during a thaw, so you will protect the roof from damage.

Clean the entire piece of roof up to the ridge in the same way, then move the ladder and start cleaning the next section.

If you are cleaning the roof during the thaw, then after removing the top layer of snow all over the roof, try gently push flaking pieces of ice.

Do not try to break through or knock down the ice, as you will only damage the roof.

You can very lightly, moving the shovel only with your fingers and hands (without the use of your forearms), apply light blows with the bucket on the ice from top to bottom to move it.

If the ice does not go down after a few hits, stop hitting and go to another area.

If you use a plastic scraper instead of a shovel, then the procedure is the same with it.

From the attic

it most:

  • safe;
  • effective

a method of removing snow and ice, however, it can only be used where all the boards of the rafter system are not damaged by rot or cracks.

For such cleaning you need 2-3 electric motors with a capacity of 50-100 watts with a shaft rotation speed of up to 2 thousand revolutions per minute, as well as a hockey puck.

Instead of a washer, you can use wood or metal block... A vibrator must be made from a motor and a washer. To do this, a washer or block is pushed onto the shaft and fixed, but not in the center, but by sliding it to any edge. A metal bar can be welded to the shaft, and an adapter can be made for a washer or wooden bar.

One vibrator is enough for 100-150 square meters roofs. Attach the vibrator to any rafter so that the rotating eccentric does not damage anything, and lower the wire from it into the house.

The effect of the vibrator will manifest itself through 20-60 minutes after turning it on, so warn your family members not to go outside or walk under the edge of the roof while it is operating. After all, when exactly the snow and ice will melt, as well as what the mass of the descended area will be, no one knows. Snow usually melts within 2–4 hours and ice within 5–8 hours.

Most effective vibrator during thaw and on roofs where the roof is heated from the inside.

Also increase efficiency The vibrator can be operated by heating the roof from the outside using a gas burner. To do this, you will need the same ladders as in the previous section.

At the same time, exposure to high temperatures without the participation of a vibrator is very ineffective.

Cleaning a flat roof

To clean a flat roof, you need a wooden or plastic snow blower or a snow blower with a metal auger. A plastic or wooden scraper can also be useful.

Start cleaning from any edge of the roof and move around the perimeter throwing snow out.

After clearing the strip around the entire perimeter of the roof edge, move a little closer to the center and clear the second strip.

After cleaning 2-3 strips, the next strips first slide to the edge of the roof, and then throw it down.

Never shovel piles of snow or try to chop off or chop off ice.

When moving snow from the center of the roof to the edges, make sure that it thickness did not differ from the thickness of the remaining or already thrown off snow.

If you make the layer thicker, then can damage:

  • roof;
  • rafter system.

During a thaw, do not try to rip the ice off the roof. If the roof has a parapet, then clean the drain holes so that the melting water can flow freely.

On flat roofs, especially with soft roofs, all ice should melt on one's own, and the snow is cleared only to reduce the load on the rafter system.

Sawing ice

This operation is carried out only if the total weight of the ice poses a threat to the rafter system... You will need a gasoline or electric saw to work.

It is possible to cut the ice only if its thickness exceeds 35 centimeters. Saw ice from the upper ridge. First, a cut is made parallel to the roof slope, at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the roof.

If you are not sure that you can make a cut parallel to the ramp, then increase the distance to the roof... This cut is made along the entire ridge, first on one side, then on the other. Ladders are used to move on the roof.

Divide the ice over the cut into pieces of a convenient size(30–70 centimeters), for which they saw through, keeping the saw blade parallel to the roof. Then a longitudinal cut is made, which will completely separate the ice from the main ice mass.

Ice bricks are being thrown down, then the whole cycle of work is repeated on the next section of the roof. It should be taken into account that if the guide bar is parallel to the roof, then the distance from it to the ice will be 2–5 centimeters, depending on the saw model. Therefore, tilt the saw so that the front of the blade is at the level of the already cleaned cut.

The most common mistakes and their consequences

The most common mistake which people without much experience admit is an attempt to chop ice off a roof.

It doesn't matter what the ice is chopped with, with a shovel or a crowbar, the consequences are always the same - damage to the roof. The only difference is that the scrap penetrates the material through and through, and from shovels:

  • slate and roof tiles are covered cracks;
  • from corrugated board peel off the protective layer ;
  • soft roof delaminates.

In the spring, all materials, except for corrugated board, start to leak and the corrugated board, having lost a thin zinc layer, starts to rust and after 2–4 years a hole appears in it.

Another mistake- an attempt to cut down icicles on the roof under the very roof at sub-zero temperatures, directing a blow towards the wall of the house or hitting from above.

Frequent and very dangerous mistake- go out onto a roof covered with snow and ice without ladders.

Indeed, in this case, the only way to ensure stability is to use spiked shoes.

But the thorns damage any roofing material, so it is very likely that a roof cleaned without ladders in spring it will flow.

Exception is the cleaning of snow from the roof by climbers, because they use shoes without spikes, and their stability is provided by:

  • tensioned safety cable;
  • Huge experience.


After reading this article, you learned:

  • how to clean roofs from snow and ice with your own hands or with the involvement of climbers in various ways;
  • how to remove ice from the roof of a private house or high-rise building;
  • how to bring down icicles in different conditions.

There is one thing in common between all the methods of cleaning roofs from snow described in the article - they allow you to remove snow and ice, without damaging:

  • rafter system;
  • roof covering.

Choice the way the roof is cleared of snow depends on:

  • accessibility one or another equipment;
  • your physical data;
  • technical ingenuity;
  • fortunes roofs;
  • thickness snow and ice layer.

In contact with

Heavy snowfalls are always a nuisance. Difficult road traffic, an increase in the number of accidents, endless injuries and houses littered with snow - all these are consequences. winter bad weather.

Did you know that 1 cubic meter m of snow weighs approximately 750 kg? Just imagine what kind of load the roof of your house should withstand during a heavy snowfall! Snow layers can melt and build up, resulting in damage to the roof... To avoid such troubles, you need to know how to remove snow from the roof yourself.

Fortunately, the editors "So simple!" found some simple tricks to get rid of those pesky rooftop drifts safely in record time!

How to remove snow from a roof

Share these tricks with your friends to bring only joy and wonderful mood!

A fan of painting, especially Monet and Klimt. Loves cinema, appreciates music on vinyl. Architecture and sculpture are what inspires an inquisitive person around the clock! Christina is studying digital technologies for prosthetics in dentistry. The girl chooses minimalism and simplicity both in the interior and in life. An inspiring mountain view and the book "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne - this is what our charming author needs to be happy!

Do-it-yourself snow removal from the roof: fast and safe With the onset of winter, the owners of cottages and country cottages have problems associated with removing snow from the roofs. This is an important process that cannot be neglected, since the snow masses place a heavy load on the rafter system and lead to deformation of the roofing material. During the spring thaw, snow turns into blocks of ice, which can fall off the roof, damaging the drainage gutters and other elements of the facade.

2017-01-18T17: 16: 08 + 03: 00

With the onset of winter, the owners of cottages and country cottages have problems associated with removing snow from the roofs. This is an important process that cannot be neglected, since the snow masses place a heavy load on the rafter system and lead to deformation of the roofing material. During the spring thaw, snow turns into blocks of ice, which can fall off the roof, damaging the drainage gutters and other elements of the facade.

Instructions for cleaning roofs from snow

Like any occupation, cleaning work has specific features. To carry out them you will need warm clothes, non-slip shoes, rope and tools. So, how to properly remove snow from the roof with your own hands? Follow the instructions below:

  1. Wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. Keep your clothes light but warm. Then you will not freeze and will be able to move freely on the roof. Prefer non-slip shoes. For example, it can be boots with spiked soles.
  2. Start clearing snow by knocking down icicles. Use a long rail for this purpose. Do not hit the icicles hard as you may damage the gutters.
  3. Be sure to take care of safety devices, because snow removal from roofs is a dangerous activity that requires safety measures. Use a thick rope. Wrap it around the waist, and fix the other end to the pipe.
  4. Install the ladder securely to climb up to the roof of the house. On a roof with a steep slope, use a metal ladder with hooks at the ends and with a step width of at least 40 cm. It is laid on the slope, fixing it on the ridge fracture.
  5. First, clear the snow from the edge of the roof. Move higher and higher regularly. Follow this sequence of actions. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to clean the huge debris formed at the edges of the roof. Clean snow carefully. If the roof has a soft covering, you can damage it. Then the roof will start to leak.
  6. After completing the work, unhook the end of the thick rope and go down the stairs. Throw snow off the roof away from your home. In the spring it will melt and water will fall into the basement.

Preparing the roof for winter

Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to prepare the roof for winter. This process consists of the following steps:

  • Thorough cleaning of the roof and gutters from leaves, twigs and other debris. With the onset of frost and snowfall, it will be difficult to do this. Wet leaves and branches make the roof heavier;
  • Be sure to close the funnels special plugs;
  • Inspect the roof in order to detect corrosion and other defects. Pay close attention to the joints. Repair damaged areas;
  • Install snow guards if they are not. Such structures prevent the rapid convergence of snow masses and increase the service life of roofing materials.

Roof cleaning tools

Snow removal must be done with the "right" tools. Use a wooden or plastic shovel that will not damage the roof. It is possible to use a special two-handed shovel, which is called "spreading". Snow scrapers equipped with an aluminum telescopic handle are very popular. The scraper blade is made of plastic and reinforced with stiffeners.

There are also special devices with which the cleaning of non-caked snow is carried out from the ground. Below, in the video material, the technology for fast cleaning of the roof is clearly shown:

Cleaning methods

Cleaning the roof from snow and ice is carried out in two ways:

  1. Cleaning the entire area is a serious undertaking that requires adherence to safety rules. To avoid injury, use a belay rope, a portable ladder with hooks for fastening, and a mounting belt. Then you can safely clean the roof, reducing the risk of injury to zero.
  2. Partial cleaning - it is carried out with a slight snowfall. You can carry it out without getting out on the roof.

If you want to clear the snow with your own hands, use our tips:

  1. Get to work in the afternoon... Poor lighting increases the risk of injury;
  2. Consider the weather conditions... Snowstorm, heavy snowfall and wind make it difficult to work at height. In difficult climatic conditions, postpone the process for another day;
  3. Choose where the snow falls... Make sure that during cleaning, snow does not fall on the wires or on structural elements protruding from the walls. For example, it can be outdoor units of air conditioners;
  4. Work with a partner... He will provide the necessary tool and hedge you.

And one more interesting point: the dark color of the roof heats up better, so the snow on such a roof melts faster. You can find out detailed information on choosing the color of materials by reading the article “