Painting decorative plaster in two colors. Painting decorative plaster: the choice of materials, tools for work, technology for performing work

Labor-intensive application work decorative plaster deserve to be appreciated as a design element when creating original interior. This possibility is presented due to the coating of the facade with a monolithic coating applied in the most various colors and shades that are offered today on the market of painting materials. In addition to the aesthetic role, the coating plays the role of a protective layer that saves from external influence temperature fluctuations, precipitation, solar radiation. You can also increase the degree of protection of a plastered facade by a skillful choice of color - light colors will prevent overheating of the walls, which, firstly, will protect against premature destruction, and secondly, will save money when using the building's air conditioning system.

It is possible to give the facade an original color without painting the material after it has been applied to the facade. To do this, the so-called color (concentrated powder or liquid) is added to the wet plaster mass before it is applied to the walls, gradually bringing its color to the desired shade. It is worth remembering that when dried, the color becomes lighter by half a tone or even a tone.

In this case, you deprive the facade of additional protection from external precipitation, but reduce the amount of work by eliminating the procedure for covering plastered walls.

Staining technique

It should be noted that not every plaster mass must be tinted before it is applied to the surface of the walls. Such plaster should dry on the facade. Learn how to cover a typical decorative or other material that is originally white. For this, special facade or interior paints are used.

Work on covering the applied plaster relief on the walls should begin only after its final drying. This may take from 8 to 48 hours, depending on the composition of the plaster mixture.

Some mixtures are made on a cement basis, therefore they are prone to shedding or partial delamination. To strengthen it, it is treated with a special colorless primer. It is also necessary to leave time for the primer to dry completely, on top of which the plaster relief can be painted.

Secrets of painting art

It is possible to facilitate any painting, including learning how to work with decorative plaster with minimal losses, if you know some secrets of painting work. First of all, you need to acquire the main devices. If the coating will be carried out with a roller, then you will definitely need a tray that will allow you to economically dose the material on the roller and facilitate its uniform application. The tray configuration makes it easy to remove excess from the roller.

If the work is carried out indoors, then the use of a covering protective material should be provided, which covers the floor, furniture, window sills, windows, door jambs, etc. With a facade coating, protection is required only for front door, windows, and it is also worth protecting the path along the wall from splashes.

Any painting is carried out by chaotic movements. This is required in order to avoid sharp color transitions and not to create areas of the treated surface that differ from each other.

Coating methods

Let's take a look at some of the coverage options below.

Painting in one pass

The simplest way for decorative plaster is to cover in one pass. To do this, with a long-haired roller or a regular brush, the entire surface is worked out, including protrusions and recesses. We get the "base" shade.

Dry brush technique

A more complex effect or the so-called "relief coloring" can be obtained if, over a darker "base" layer that has dried for at least 2 hours, a material of a different shade is applied to the projections of the relief, as a rule, lighter by half a tone or a tone. To apply this technique, you will need a brush or roller with short bristles, on which a minimum amount of material is collected (the so-called “dry brush” technique). The technique of embossed piercing allows you to give the surface a greater "voluminousness".

"Volumetric" elements of the plaster relief can be tinted using decorative metallics - coatings such as bronze, silver, gold. This type of paint is applied both by the “dry brush” method and with the help of a mitten by shading the top layer. With a mitten it is easier to achieve smooth color transitions. It must be remembered that metallics do not tolerate excesses, which always speak of a lack of taste. The purpose of bronze or gold is to only slightly shade the base color.


In addition to the “dry brush” method, a “wash” type of coating is applied. If the first method contributes to emphasizing the bulges on the surface, then the second highlights the depressions. The surface looks more advantageous if, when applied with a “dry brush”, paints are more light tone compared to the background. In the case of "blur" on the contrary - darker tones.

Covering the surface with the “washout” method is characterized by very large physical and time costs, because its essence is as follows: a layer of a darker tone is applied to the main background of the surface, which is left for a short time to dry, and then this upper layer ruthlessly erased with a damp cloth from the bulges. As a result, the dark layer remains only in the depressions, thereby creating a three-dimensional pattern. To apply the background layer for washing, apply good quality material resistant to washing the surface of the walls. For filler, on the other hand, a cheaper, non-moisture-resistant paint is better suited, which will be easier to wash off the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages of various methods

The results of both methods are difficult to evaluate by a simple comparison, because it is only a matter of personal taste or the request of the customer. One thing is for sure – it is much more difficult and time consuming to wash out the coating than to apply it with a dry brush.

The more textured the surface and the deeper relief of the plaster, the greater the material consumption.

The coating can be carried out not only in one pass, but also in several steps: two layers of the background color and finishing with a “dry brush” or “wash”. At the same time, do not forget that the excesses of the material can distort the severity of the texture.

The final "chord" of any coloring can be protective layer varnish, which is applied over a layer of material after it has completely dried. Suitable for any varnish water based(e.g. Tikkurila, Alpina). Before use, it must be diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 1, which will greatly facilitate its penetration into the cavities of the material. Ready mix applied with a wrung out wide brush in two or even three passes with breaks for drying (lacquer, as you know, dries very quickly). Apply the mixture immediately to the entire surface of the wall, avoiding smudges. The consumption of the varnish mixture will be approximately 2.5 liters of varnish per 50 square meters. meters of surface.

The varnish will give the decorative plaster an exquisite shine, ennoble the colors, facilitate the care of the surface, protect not only the material, but the plaster design relief itself from the influence of external destructive factors.


Just a few years ago, plaster was used mainly as finishing material for leveling surfaces, hiding various chips and cracks. Today the situation has changed: a special decorative plaster has appeared on the market, which is used as a final coating. Painting decorative plaster: consider application methods.


Decorative plaster, like other finishing materials, has its own distinctive features:

  • This kind of plaster has 2 purposes: rough leveling of walls and their finishing.
  • This finishing material is resistant to fading, mechanical damage, high humidity and sudden changes in temperature.
  • It has two varieties. On sale you can find decorative finishing material for indoor or outdoor use.

These are the general features of the material. It also has some distinctive properties, which should be discussed in more detail.

Distinctive features

The main feature of decorative plaster experts consider its texture. Thanks to her, you can create almost any design on the walls, everything is limited only by the imagination and skill of the finisher. The second feature lies in the very structure of this material. Decorative plaster incorporates larger particles of other materials. It is their presence that allows you to create unique bas-reliefs on the walls when decorating the premises.

All components that make up this finishing raw material are of natural origin., which means that they are completely safe for human health. During operation, the material does not release toxins into the air. For decorative plaster, you can use almost any paint: a lot of pigments are suitable for it. At the same time, the material does not absorb any odors. Decorative plaster is perfectly combined with any building materials. It can be applied to brick, stone, concrete and plaster. In fact, it is a universal finishing material.

Is it possible to paint?

Since this material is intended for leveling walls and finishing them, the buyer is often interested in the possibility of painting such plaster, because its natural shades are gray or white, which not everyone likes. The developers allow the process of coloring the finishing material. This work can be done using various colors, or by adding color to the mixture itself during manufacture.

The specific type of color scheme or coloring mixture must be chosen based on the type of finishing material itself. You also need to take into account the place where the work process will be carried out. If the work front is located in an apartment, it is better to choose a paint that is practically odorless or quickly erodes. For outdoor work, it is better to choose special paints with increased resistance. Each type of dye has its own characteristics and performance characteristics, which are taken into account when buying material.

What to choose?

The range of such finishing raw materials on the market today is quite wide. Choose from the decorative plaster presented on the shelves the most suitable option It can be difficult for an inexperienced buyer. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of this finish and its characteristics in advance.

According to the type of filler, plaster is divided into three types:


Such a material has a highly viscous structure and large particles of filler in the composition. The use of this variety does not imply detailed preparation of the walls. It is ideal for indoor and outdoor use. The finished surface eventually imitates leather, wood, fabric or paper. Especially popular when carrying out outdoor work is the so-called "bark beetle", which is considered a type of textured plaster.

Venetian Blend

This variety has become widespread during finishing works indoors. When dried, it imitates the pattern of onyx or marble. At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish it from real stones. Surface treated Venetian plaster, can be glossy or matte. By adding various colors to it, you can achieve the effect of imitation of precious stones. Shades of mother-of-pearl, silver and platinum are best suited for this.


This decorative plaster consists of several layers and is made on the basis of silicate or acrylic mixtures. It has a heterogeneous structure, excellent specifications, increased resistance to moisture and mechanical shock.

Depending on the type of link, decorative plaster is divided into four categories:


In this case, the main component is acrylic resin. hallmark This material has low vapor permeability. On sale, such raw materials can be found in a ready-to-use form. The most common decorative plaster of this type is from the VGT brand.


This category includes products based on liquid glass. It is distinguished by high strength and durability. Can be used on any type of surface. This plaster is sold exclusively in a ready-to-use form.


This variety is made on the basis of cement. This decorative plaster is suitable for outdoor work, as well as wall decoration inside rooms with a high level of humidity. It is usually sold as a dry mix, which must be diluted with water for use.


chief binder This decorative plaster is silicone resin. Such plaster belongs to the category of universal, it can be used for wall decoration outside and inside, finishing in any room of the dwelling.

After reviewing the main characteristics of each type, you can choose from the putty presented in the store exactly the variety that you need.

How to use?

There is nothing difficult in painting decorative plaster. You can easily do this work with your own hands. Today there are various types of staining, for which their own ways of doing the job have been developed.

Coloring in two colors

For this method of coloring, you will need the following tools:

  • short foam roller;
  • roller with a long pile.

The process of painting the surface of the wall with the applied finish occurs in two stages. Initially, paint is applied to the entire wall with a long-nap roller. It is important that the paint layer is uniform, dense, but not thick. Only the protrusions on the wall surface are re-painted using a foam roller. The paint layer should be thin. Thanks to the two-stage painting, the ledges become darker, while the rest of the wall retains its original appearance. You can do otherwise. To do this, color is added to the plaster itself before use and the mixture is applied to the entire wall, then only the protruding parts are painted over with a foam roller.

Venetian plaster effect

This staining is performed in 3 stages.

It takes a lot of time, requires diligence in work and is as follows:

  • Using a long pile roller, paint the wall in the main base color.
  • With the help of a small foam roller the protruding parts are slightly painted over with overflow paint (for example, silver mixed with a universal primer in equal parts).
  • Now apply the final coat. To do this, water-based acrylic varnish is mixed with water in a ratio of 3: 1. A small amount of special glitter (sparkles) is added to the resulting mixture. The approximate volume is 1 tbsp. l. per liter of water. The resulting mixture is applied in an even layer of medium thickness using a new small foam roller.

The result is an imitation on the wall natural stone. This effect looks good in modern interiors apartments and country houses. This surface cladding gives the space nobility and hints at the well-being of the owners of the house.

Dry brush painting

In this case, a little color is immediately added to the plaster and only then the walls are plastered. Further, only the protruding parts are painted with paint. The peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that the paint is applied with an almost dry brush, that is, on the brush itself (the coloring agent is applied in a minimal amount).

Painting decorative plaster is done quite often. From a practical point of view, this will be the protection of the plane from the external environment. And from an aesthetic point of view, an excellent solution to the appearance.

Today we will tell you how to paint decorative plaster correctly and foresee everything at the same time. You can also look at many necessary points on the video in this article and instructions for this work will be offered below.

The main advantages of painting

Decorative plasters (see Decorating walls with decorative plaster: creating a beautiful interior) and paints have a number of advantages as a finish.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  • rich color palette , which allows you to implement any design solutions;
  • Ease and flexibility of application- while working with this material there is no discomfort, and due to the plasticity with the application there will be no problems;
  • Environmental friendliness- This factor is extremely important at the present time. Everyone pays attention to what surrounds them, especially if we are talking about a children's room;
  • Durability– long service life helps to save future costs.

Paint types

Paints and decorative plasters have several types. The dye acts as a protective layer. And before deciding how to paint decorative plaster, you need to choose a dye, because they are quite different in composition and have different characteristics.


Paint for decorative plaster of this type based on acrylic is a fairly popular and good material. It is used for painting rooms with high humidity and living rooms.

Such compositions have in their arsenal the following characteristics:

  • They respond well to evaporation, it is for this reason that during their service life they are wiped with wet wipes without fear, while the aesthetic appearance will not deteriorate;
  • Manufacturers for tinting produce a huge range of various colors and shades, thanks to this quality, the coloring composition can be selected for any interior;
  • After the composition is applied to the plaster, the walls will acquire a matte surface;
  • Acrylic based material is affordable. It can be called the golden mean between price, production, modern technology and quality.

There are some nuances that simply cannot be ignored.

Attention: Experts do not recommend buying this type of paint for those rooms in which there is a risk of liquid getting on the ceiling and walls. This includes bathrooms, as well as rooms where a car wash will be carried out. If contact with water cannot be avoided, then latex-based formulations are best suited.

latex paints

The point of working with dyes of this type is to dry the material, which becomes thin, but at the same time strong enough.

  • Thanks to these characteristics, you can safely carry out wet cleaning, because the compositions made on its basis are not afraid of liquid ingress.
  • The coating is absorbed into the base and lasts long enough. Moreover, it can be applied with your own hands. From this, the price of finishing will be significantly lower.
  • The composition of such paint can create both a matte and glossy surface, which is perfect for painting walls that have been plastered.
  • If decorative plaster is applied to the surface, then the latex composition (see Latex paint: how to work with it) fits perfectly. This is all due to the fact that no other material will highlight the texture and volume of this type of putty pattern.
  • This material will great solution for coatings in unheated rooms. It is also effective for outdoor applications.

But this material also has its drawbacks:

  • If you want to remove the paint, then this will be quite difficult to do.

Attention: If this material is frozen, then the purchase is not necessary. She loses her properties. Therefore, refrain from buying in the winter on open stalls.

Water-based paint based on PVA

Such a composition is a fairly convenient option if you want to stick to the “cheap and cheerful” style, besides, the appearance will be quite attractive. Despite the fact that the water emulsion is not rich in colors, it is simply created for rooms that do not require color saturation and special design.

Do not forget that water-based material is not used in rooms with high humidity, as well as where there is an option to wipe it with wet wipes.

Decorative plaster, sold as a dry mix, has a white or grey colour. It can be colored immediately when mixed with water. To do this, use tinting aqueous solutions or pastes that are added directly to a container of plaster. The amount of color depends on the desired color saturation. The addition takes place with constant stirring. This is the easiest way to paint decorative plaster, used to get the base color of the walls.

Tinting has its advantages over painting the surface in that subsequently scratches and chips in the plaster will be less noticeable.

What colors to choose

Painting decorative plaster completes repair work and allows you to create a unique individual design. In addition, the paint coating creates an additional protective layer.

For decorating facades often choose plastering such as "bark beetle", "fur coat", "American". Such textured plaster is often painted in one color. You can choose acrylic, silicate or silicone paint. These types are moisture resistant, suitable for outdoor use, have a wide range of colors. They also have good vapor permeability, unlike oil and alkyd paints.

Facade paints after drying, they create a strong film on the surface of the plaster, which is resistant to precipitation and temperature extremes. They are sold more often in white and are tinted in accordance with the manufacturer's shade table. Consumption for textured plaster is slightly different. For example, for acrylic paint, it will be 0.17 - 0.2 kg / m2 when applied in one layer. For silicate - 0.15 - 0.3 l / m2

For internal works suitable water-based paint. You can paint decorative plaster with it either manually with a roller or brush, or with the help of an airbrush. The walls become matte after painting.

Acrylic paints for interior renovations are also popular. They are suitable for rooms with high humidity, such as a kitchen or bathroom. Wear resistance is better than that of a water-based emulsion, so often an acrylic coating is used to protect decorative plaster in the corridor.

Latex paints are very similar in properties to acrylics, they are also quite versatile, they easily fit on any surface, including gypsum and cement bases.

Which of these paints is better to paint decorative plaster is not important from a technical point of view, you can choose any colors and shades. Therefore, when choosing, customers often focus on the cost of the material. If you are choosing a coating for the facade, then look for the appropriate marking on the bank.

Painting decorative plaster

After the choice of paint comes the last stage in the decoration. This is a responsible but not difficult process. Below we will look at how to paint decorative plaster using one of the main methods: in one color, several shades, the “dry brush” and “wash” techniques.

To carry out the work, the necessary tools are prepared:

  • roller (depending on the method chosen, it can be with a long, short pile, foam rubber or rubber);
  • wide and narrow brush;
  • roller tray;
  • ladder.

Sometimes, with large volumes of painting work, it makes sense to use an airbrush with a compressor.

Staining is carried out after the plaster has completely dried to avoid the appearance of streaks or violations of the texture. A primer is applied before painting.

One color

The method of painting plaster in one color is called "in one pass" and is the simplest. In this case, it is required to cover the wall without gaps with a uniform layer. First, the paint is applied with a long-haired roller or spray gun, carefully painting over the grooves of the relief. Excess, smudges are rolled out with a roller.

Application protective coating occurs by moving the roller up and down. Each vertical layer is applied by capturing the previous one.

When working with a large brush, the movements should be first vertical, then horizontal, for even coloring.

The method is suitable for any kind of decorative plaster.

two shades

First, the first tone is applied to the wall with a thick layer using a long-haired roller.

For the second tone, take a foam roller or sponge. With the help of spikes on the tray, they ensure that there is a thin layer of paint on the roller. Then only the protruding parts of the textured plaster are covered. The recesses remain in their original color.

Two-color staining can also be done by adding color to the primer and then painting over the protruding parts.

Dry brush technique

The first tone is covered similarly to the previous method. The second and subsequent colors are applied with a brush to the protruding parts only slightly touching them. The essence of the technique is that very little paint is captured with a brush. In this case, there is no uniform coloring of the surface, only the very tops of the relief. The second tone is usually chosen lighter than the first. It is possible to cover with gold, bronze, silver colors or apply sparkles.

Removing paint for highlighting

This method is suitable for interior work. First, the plastered walls are painted in one color. Use diluted water-based paint and cover a small area of ​​the wall. Then, with a damp sponge, they pass over the entire surface, washing off the paint. It remains only in the recesses of decorative plaster. The main task in this case is to highlight the depressions. If desired, the tops of the relief can be tinted in a different color using one of the methods described above.

There is another way to create contrast in colors by removing paint. The plastered wall is completely painted, allowed to dry for at least a day. After that, the textured surface is easily sanded with a hand or power tool and the protrusions of the plaster are removed along with the paint. You can work with a spatula "on the rip". It turns out as in photo number 3.

Venetian plaster effect

Venetian plaster imitates natural stone, such as marble, granite or malachite. In the classical technology, stone chips were indeed used, and this was a very expensive coating. Now for such a decor they use ordinary gypsum plaster mixes, paints and glazing compositions. With the proper skill, everyone can make an imitation of a "Venetian". Let's take a look at one of the ways.

The wall is painted in the base color. Use a long-haired roller so that the paint penetrates into all the recesses of the decorative plaster. corners and joints with door frame It is easier to paint over with a narrow brush.

The second color is taken with a metallic sheen: silver, gilding, bronze, etc.. The most affordable is aluminum silver powder. It is diluted on a transparent basis, for example, on a universal primer in a 1: 1 ratio. Then, with a small roller of foam rubber, they easily pass over the tops of the texture. base color while remaining visible in the recesses. It is important to ensure that the roller does not leave streaks, they need to be shaded.

The third step is varnishing the Venetian plaster. By experimenting with the composition of this topcoat, you can achieve different effects, shades and shine. The first thing you need is a water-based acrylic varnish. In order that there would be no visible crust on the wall, it is diluted by 30% with water. Then add 1 teaspoon of glitter to 1 liter. Glitter is glitter that gives a shimmery effect. The resulting mixture covers the entire surface of decorative plaster. Use again a small foam roller. Gradually, the sparkles settle to the bottom of the container, so the varnish must be mixed.

Wax, varnish and glazing compounds

Wax applied to create an additional decorative and water-repellent coating. Suitable for all types of plaster, especially for Venetian and stone imitation. The result is more bright shade and beautiful shine.

Wax types:

  • liquid;
  • gelatinous;
  • natural;
  • synthetic.

liquid wax used for both embossed and smooth walls. It is applied with a soft cloth. Gel-like - with a rubber spatula. Natural wax is a product of beekeeping and is rarely used for finishing. Product from synthetic materials not susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity. The surface is durable and matte.

This type of wall treatment can be transparent or colored. Before applying, you need to make sure that there is no dust on the wall. Coating work is carried out without stopping. Within four hours, flaws can still be corrected. Material consumption 50-80 gr per 1 m2.

varnish- a finishing coating that strengthens the surface of the plaster, protects it from mechanical damage, moisture, and most importantly, improves the appearance of the decorated walls. For interior decoration water-soluble acrylic varnishes are used, for the facade - on organic solvents.

Before applying the varnish is mixed, if desired, a pigment (color) or glitter is added. The walls are covered in one layer using a soft foam roller.

Types of varnish: matte, glossy, with the effect of crackle (cracks).

Glazing composition, or glaze- translucent top coat for paint. Apply to a flat or textured surface. Suitable for outdoor and indoor work. The composition is applied at a temperature not lower than +10˚С. Cover with a sponge or a special mitten. The entire surface is visually divided into squares and the composition is applied in stages with strokes, shading the joints. The glazing composition turns out to make a beautiful color transition.


The video tutorial shows how to paint the decor. plaster with a water-based emulsion with a gold pigment, using a brush and a sponge.

In the next video - painting textured walls in two colors. The base color is white, the highlighting of the relief is gold and bronze. A small foam roller is used.

Another way to highlight the texture is to cover with colored wax.

A photo

At the end of our review, we give a few photos of decorative plaster after painting.

We hope that the article was of interest to you. Leave your feedback and questions in the comments below.

Decorative plaster is a great alternative to traditional wallpaper. Initially, it has a white or gray color, which allows homeowners to show imagination and create an interior in an original style with paint.

What paint to choose

To finish the facades, decorative plasters "bark beetle", "American" or "fur coat" are used, which are most often painted in one color. Acrylic, silicone and silicate coatings are suitable for painting them. They are resistant to moisture and, unlike oil and alkyd paints, create a vapor-permeable film on the surface.

Facade paints tolerate temperature fluctuations well and reliably protect plaster from atmospheric precipitation. Sold in the form of a white composition, which is tinted in a special machine or independently in accordance with personal preferences. The consumption of different types of paint on decorative plaster is slightly different. For a single layer coating with acrylic paint, approximately 170-200 g / m² will be required, silicate - 150-300 g / m².

When working indoors, water-based, acrylic or latex paint. Water emulsion requires a two-layer application, after which the plaster acquires a matte surface.

Acrylic coatings are used mainly in rooms with a high level of humidity - bathrooms or kitchens. They are more wear-resistant than water-based paint, so they are also used for finishing textured plaster in corridors.

Latex paints practically do not differ in technical characteristics from acrylic ones. They are universal and fit well on any base, including cement and gypsum textured plaster.

From a technical point of view, the choice of any of these colors is not fundamentally important - the range of shades allows you to implement a variety of design ideas, so basically customers are guided by the price of coverage. The only thing you should pay attention to when painting the facade of a building is whether the paint is suitable for outdoor use.

Technologies for painting decorative plaster

There are several common ways to paint decorative plaster:

  • tinting;
  • in one color;
  • in several shades;
  • dry brush;
  • blur.

The staining technology is not difficult even for beginners - it is enough to have a standard set of painting tools:

  • roller - the length of the pile is selected depending on the texture of the surface;
  • brushes of different widths;
  • paint tray.

For painting large surfaces, it is convenient to use an airbrush. This greatly improves the speed and quality of work. Before you start painting, you must wait until the plaster layer has completely dried, and then treat it with a deep penetration primer, otherwise the paint may swell and crack.


The easiest way to paint plaster, used to obtain a basic shade. Decorative plaster is sold in the form of a composition of white or gray colors, which is tinted by adding a coloring pigment. Its quantity depends on the required color saturation. Kohler is added to a container with plaster and intensively mixed until it acquires a uniform color.

The advantage of this method is that the plaster layer has the same color throughout its thickness and, in the event of small chips and scratches, they will be almost imperceptible. In addition, after drying, the plaster already has a color and the need for additional painting works disappears.

Painting in one color

Another easy way is to paint the plaster in one color. The painter also calls it "in one pass." The paint is applied in an even layer using a roller or spray gun, while making sure that all the depressions and protrusions of the plaster are painted over. Then excess paint, in the form of smudges, is collected with a brush.

When working with a roller, the coloring is done in vertical stripes. Each subsequent strip is rolled with an overlap of several centimeters over the previous one. For uniform painting of the wall with a wide brush, the coating is applied first with vertical movements, then overlapped with horizontal ones. You can also first paint over the wall with a thick layer of paint with a brush, and then evenly distribute it over the surface with a roller.

One pass painting method can be used on all types of decorative plaster.

Painting in several shades

This method allows you to add expressiveness to plaster painted in one color. First, the paint is applied in one pass, as described in the previous method. Smudges on the wall and excess paint accumulated in the recesses of the plaster are carefully removed with a dry brush or roller.

To apply the second tone, use a roller with a foam coat or a sponge. The roller is rolled in the tray in such a way that a thin layer of paint remains on it. After that, they lightly walk along the protruding parts of the decorative plaster, as a result of which the recesses on the surface remain in their original color, and the protrusions acquire a different shade. The protruding parts can also be tinted on tinted plaster.

Dry brush painting

This method is similar to the previous one, only the protruding parts are painted with a brush. Initial painting is carried out by tinting or in one pass. Then, with a semi-dry brush, they pass along the tops of the relief. Basically, the second paint is chosen lighter than the main color. To give expressiveness to the surface, gold, silver and bronze colors are used, and glitter is also used.

Lightening plaster by blurring

The method is suitable for indoor use. First, a small area of ​​the surface is painted in one pass with a thinned water-based paint. After that, in a circular motion of a wet sponge, they pass over the surface, blurring the paint. As a result, the paint in the recesses of the coating remains intact and contrasts against the general background of the wall. You can add an accent by additionally toning the protruding areas of the surface with a different shade using one of the above methods.

There is another common method to create a contrasting surface without using a sponge. To do this, a wall painted in one tone is allowed to dry completely for a day. Then, manually or with the help of a power tool, the surface of the wall is sanded, removing a thin layer of protruding sections along with the paint. This operation can also be performed with a spatula, working “on the swipe”.

Creating the effect of Venetian plaster

In the classic version, Venetian plaster, imitating the surface of natural stone, contains crumbs of marble, granite or malachite. The cost of coverage is quite high, but this method allows you to create the effect of Venetian plaster using only a gypsum mixture, paint and glazing coating:

  • The wall is painted in one pass with a long pile roller so that all the recesses of the plaster are filled with paint.
  • As the second shade, paint with a metallic sheen is used. It is diluted with a universal primer or other transparent base in a ratio of 1:1.
  • With light movements of a small foam rubber roller, they walk along the protruding sections of the relief. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no streaks on the surface.
  • At the next stage, the plaster is coated with acrylic varnish. It is diluted by 30% with water and glitter is added to create a shimmering effect, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of varnish. The resulting mixture is treated with a plaster surface using a foam roller. During operation, the varnish must be stirred regularly, since the glitter tends to settle to the bottom.

You can experiment and add other components to acrylic varnish, achieving a variety of effects and shades.

Additional compositions for processing decorative plaster

To make the appearance of the plaster more spectacular and create an additional protective layer, you can use wax, varnish and various glazes.

Wax creates a protective waterproof coating that gives the surface a sheen and a bright hue. Suitable for any type of plaster, looks especially impressive on the Venetian. On sale there are both transparent and colored compositions. Before application, dust must be carefully removed from the base. Plaster coating is done at one time without stopping. The setting time of the wax is about 4 hours, during this period you can still correct the resulting flaws.

Lacquer is a single layer finish. Creates a durable water-repellent film on the surface, which strengthens the plaster, protects it from damage and, most importantly, makes the appearance of the finish more attractive. To work indoors, acrylic varnishes are used, outside - on organic solvents.

Before work, the composition is thoroughly mixed, if necessary, glitter or coloring pigment is added. The coating is made in one layer using a foam roller. Approximate consumption - 50-80 g / m².

Glaze is a glazing translucent composition for the final coating of paint, which allows you to make smooth color transitions. It is applied to drawing on a plain and relief surface as indoors, and outside. Works can be carried out at a temperature of less than +10°C. The coating is applied with a sponge or a special mitten with strokes.

Wall decoration with decorative plaster is becoming increasingly popular. It is not so easy to apply such material and paint it, especially since there are several varieties. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail the subtleties of the process of painting decorative plaster.


Ordinary plaster on cement or plaster base intended only for partial alignment of walls. After its application, the surface is leveled to the end with finishing putty and then painted, covered with wallpaper or other finishing material.

Decorative putty is different in that it already forms a finished beautiful pattern or three-dimensional texture.

Despite this, it is often necessary to paint it, for example, to create a unified color scheme in the interior.

The advantages of using decorative plaster in a special aesthetics, originality of the interior. Its different types, which have unique patterns, are used to decorate and decorate walls in shopping malls and office space, various institutions and even at the entrances.

In an apartment, it can be used to line the walls in the hallway, part of the living room or bedroom, and for the kitchen or bathroom, use special varieties with protection from moisture, steam and fungus.

Decorative plaster is made from mineral or polymer components. mineral may be based on cement or gypsum, for the latter slaked lime is used as a binder.

Polymer available in vinyl, acrylic and silicone. Any of the types can contain crushed solid components of various substances: crushed stone, pebbles, marble, granite and others. It is they who, when applied, form intricate patterns, for example, the widely popular "Bark beetle" has such a property.

All types of decorative plaster are sold in the form of dry mixes., which are diluted with water in a certain proportion and then applied to the walls. Application technologies are different, you can use a spatula, brush, rubber comb or even the palms of your hands.

Types of plaster

Decorative plaster, depending on the characteristics of the pattern, is of two types:

  • textured, which after application gives a three-dimensional pattern on the wall;
  • Venetian or texture plaster, which has in ready-made smooth surface with imitation of artificial stone.

Since Venetian plaster itself, after application, has fancy patterns with different shades and overflows, it is not painted. But textured views need to be painted.

There are several types of volumetric pattern of textured plaster:

  • "Bark beetle" has small longitudinal grooves, resulting from hard pebbles in the composition. In appearance, it resembles a tree eaten by insects, which is why it got its name.
  • "Lamb" the texture is filled with small grains, the surface is fine-grained, rough to the touch.
  • "Fur coat" It turns out with a rough surface and a small pile.
  • "Martianida" has a complex three-dimensional pattern with spots of various sizes.
  • Volumetric texture "American" granular, interspersed with even spots of different shapes and sizes.

Decorative mineral-based plasters are well suited for wall decoration in an apartment, they are strong and durable. But not suitable for outdoor work, as they are afraid of moisture, temperature changes, sunlight.

Silicone and acrylic types can be used for both indoor and outdoor use.

Vinyl plaster based on polyvinyl chloride, protected from dampness, ultraviolet radiation, fungi and mold can be successfully used in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in living rooms and on the street. Its only disadvantage is its high tightness, due to which the walls in the apartment “do not breathe”.

Paint selection

According to their composition, organic paints intended for decorative plaster can be acrylic, silicate and silicone. The first are made from acrylic polymer resins, have a drying time of 5 to 30 hours, the surface becomes matte after application.

Acrylic types of paint on plaster are odorless, retain a rich color for a long time.

Silicate dyes based on organic silicon resins and metal pigments form a viscous, durable film on the surface that is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. Silicone paints are water-dispersion, safe to work with, have persistent saturated shades.

Paint on decorative plaster can be made and mineral based. Such varieties are designed for finishing concrete or brick surfaces..

Despite the affordable price and a large variety of colors, mineral water-based paints have a shorter service life than organic ones are less protected from adverse effects. With the help of them, finishing work on plaster is often performed inside and outside buildings.

Oil enamel, used for painting textured plaster, is made from quartz sand, oxides various metals, polymer and mineral pigments, giving the material a different palette of colors.

After painting, a strong opaque film is formed, most often with a characteristic sheen.

Lack of oil paints and enamels in strong smell, which can be preserved after work for a long time, even when completely dry.

Alkyd paints, like oil paints, have a sharp bad smell. Most often they work with them, wearing a respirator. Despite this drawback, they dry faster than oil types, do not form smudges, and are resistant to mechanical damage and moisture.

Coatings from these dyes can be safely washed, they are quite popular for interior work.

Experienced craftsmen recognize that the consumption of this type is less than that of the others.

When choosing a paint for decorative plaster, you must first take into account what type of work it is - facade or internal. Water-based acrylic, silicate and silicone types are perfect for decorating facades.

They will tolerate bad weather well, are resistant to moisture and, importantly, vapor-permeable.

A huge number of shades are on sale - several hundred colors, there is a choice for any exterior. These paints are used for various textures of plaster: "Bark beetle", "Lamb", "American".

For interior work, acrylic, latex, mineral water-based paints are most often used.. You can also use oil or alkyd options, but they often cause inconvenience in work, you often have to ventilate the room. But on the other hand, these paints give a stable and bright film with intense shine.

Also, when choosing a paint, it is worth considering its consumption.

On a rough surface, the norms of one layer for various types are as follows:

  • oil enamel- 1 liter per 10 - 15 sq. m;
  • Acrylic- 1 liter per 8 - 10 sq. m;
  • water emulsion- 1 liter per 10 - 18 sq. m.

However, this consumption may vary depending on the degree of unevenness, more rough plaster textures absorb more.

Coloring methods

Do-it-yourself painting of decorative plaster can be done without problems both indoors and outdoors. Work begins with surface preparation. If the walls have been recently plastered, you must wait until they are completely dry, then clean them of dust and debris.

Washing decorative plaster with a rag or sponge is not recommended; an industrial or household vacuum cleaner is best suited for cleaning.

  • Firstly, it gives better adhesion to the surface, the layers will not peel off.
  • Secondly, the primer solution is able to close small pores in the decorative texture of the plaster, paint will not get there, therefore, its consumption will decrease.
  • Thirdly, the primer will also strengthen the structure of the plaster itself, it will be integral longer.

It is best to choose deep penetration acrylic or polymer grades depending on the location - for outdoor or indoor use.

The paint is applied with a roller or brush. It is better to use a roller, as it captures a large area and distributes the composition as evenly as possible over the surface. For him, you need to take a special bath, where to periodically dip. Painting is done in one motion from the bottom up. A brush is needed in order to paint over the edges, small areas, hard-to-reach places where the roller cannot reach.

Textured plaster is usually painted in at least 2 - 3 layers., less for full coverage is indispensable. Therefore, the consumption of paint increases. Some dilute it with water, but the lower the concentration, the more layers will have to be applied.

For painting decorative plaster, several interesting methods. All of them give their own unique effect.

Painting in one color is the easiest way. It occurs with a wide terry roller with vertical movements, smudges are removed by it. Each previous layer closes a new one.

It is necessary to paint until all the irregularities are filled with a uniform color.. This method has found application in facade work.

Painting in two colors begins with a regular roller until it is completely painted in one base shade. After drying, you need to take a sponge or foam roller and dip it in the paint with the second color so that it lies in a thin layer on the surface. Then, with a sponge, the protruding sections of the relief surface are carefully passed so that only they are painted, and the recesses retain the base color.

It is possible to paint textured walls with the effect of Venetian plaster. base layer performed by the usual method of coating in one color. The second shade is taken with a metallic sheen, for example, based on silver or aluminum powder.

Color can be used different: gold, silver, bronze.

The secondary color is applied with a small foam roller or sponge, the raised spots become shiny. The third stage is the application of varnish or wax so that the surface begins to have a smooth, shiny film.

Any the one-color surface of textured plaster can be varnished, waxed and other compounds that give shine. They will also have another useful function - protection against moisture.

Liquid, gel-like or synthetic wax, glossy varnish, glaze are used as materials.

So you can process relief surfaces painted with mother-of-pearl, bronze, ocher. Their appearance is simply amazing.

Natural or synthetic wax may contain pigments that give saturated colors. Then the base paint is not required - just one is enough. In liquid form, it is applied to textured walls with a cloth of soft tissue or rubber spatula. A variety of intense shades are obtained, shimmering in the light.

Beautiful examples in the interior

There is a mass interesting examples use of painting for various types of decorative plaster:

  • Finishing the bark beetle plaster with pink paint in stylish interior. As you can see: painting in one color can look very impressive.
  • Painting the relief surface in two colors gives a very impressive effect. Great combination of pink and gold.
  • Exterior finish plaster with the texture of "Lamb". It turns out a very light and cheerful shade.
  • Finishing plaster in the hall under the Venetian. Very intricate textures do not even remind you that this is ordinary gypsum-based plaster.
  • A very impressive two-tone pattern. Such a wall makes the interior of the room simply chic.

One of the ways to paint plaster is shown in the video below.

Just a few years ago, plaster was used mainly as a finishing material for leveling surfaces, hiding various chips and cracks. Today the situation has changed: a special decorative plaster has appeared on the market, which is used as a final coating. Painting decorative plaster: consider application methods.


Decorative plaster, like other finishing materials, has its own distinctive features:

  • This kind of plaster has 2 purposes: rough leveling of walls and their finishing.
  • This finishing material is resistant to fading, mechanical damage, high humidity and sudden changes in temperature.
  • It has two varieties. On sale you can find decorative finishing material for indoor or outdoor use.

These are the general features of the material. It also has some distinctive properties, which should be discussed in more detail.

Distinctive features

The main feature of decorative plaster experts consider its texture. Thanks to her, you can create almost any design on the walls, everything is limited only by the imagination and skill of the finisher. The second feature lies in the very structure of this material. Decorative plaster incorporates larger particles of other materials. It is their presence that allows you to create unique bas-reliefs on the walls when decorating the premises.

All components that make up this finishing raw material are of natural origin., which means that they are completely safe for human health. During operation, the material does not release toxins into the air. For decorative plaster, you can use almost any paint: a lot of pigments are suitable for it. At the same time, the material does not absorb any odors. Decorative plaster is perfectly combined with any building materials. It can be applied to brick, stone, concrete and plaster. In fact, it is a universal finishing material.

Is it possible to paint?

Since this material is intended for leveling walls and finishing them, the buyer is often interested in the possibility of painting such plaster, because its natural shades are gray or white, which not everyone likes. The developers allow the process of coloring the finishing material. This work can be done using various paints, or by adding color to the mixture itself during manufacture.

The specific type of color scheme or coloring mixture must be chosen based on the type of finishing material itself. You also need to take into account the place where the work process will be carried out. If the work front is located in an apartment, it is better to choose a paint that is practically odorless or quickly erodes. For outdoor work, it is better to choose special paints with increased resistance. Each type of dye has its own characteristics and performance characteristics, which are taken into account when buying a material.

What to choose?

The range of such finishing raw materials on the market today is quite wide. It can be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to choose the most suitable option from the decorative plaster presented on the shelves. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of this finish and its characteristics in advance.

According to the type of filler, plaster is divided into three types:


Such a material has a highly viscous structure and large particles of filler in the composition. The use of this variety does not imply detailed preparation of the walls. It is ideal for indoor and outdoor use. The finished surface eventually imitates leather, wood, fabric or paper. Especially popular when carrying out outdoor work is the so-called "bark beetle", which is considered a type of textured plaster.

Venetian Blend

This variety has become widespread when carrying out finishing work indoors. When dried, it imitates the pattern of onyx or marble. At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish it from real stones. The surface treated with Venetian plaster can be glossy or matte. By adding various colors to it, you can achieve the effect of imitation of precious stones. Shades of mother-of-pearl, silver and platinum are best suited for this.


This decorative plaster consists of several layers and is made on the basis of silicate or acrylic mixtures. It has a heterogeneous structure, excellent technical characteristics, increased resistance to moisture and mechanical shock.

Depending on the type of link, decorative plaster is divided into four categories:


In this case, the main component is acrylic resin. A distinctive feature of this material is low vapor permeability. On sale, such raw materials can be found in a ready-to-use form. The most common decorative plaster of this type is from the VGT brand.


This category includes products based on liquid glass. It is distinguished by high strength and durability. Can be used on any type of surface. This plaster is sold exclusively in a ready-to-use form.


This variety is made on the basis of cement. This decorative plaster is suitable for outdoor work, as well as wall decoration inside rooms with a high level of humidity. It is usually sold as a dry mix, which must be diluted with water for use.


The main binder of this decorative plaster is silicone resin. Such plaster belongs to the category of universal, it can be used for wall decoration outside and inside, finishing in any room of the dwelling.

After reviewing the main characteristics of each type, you can choose from the putty presented in the store exactly the variety that you need.

How to use?

There is nothing difficult in painting decorative plaster. You can easily do this work with your own hands. Today there are various types of staining, for which their own ways of doing the job have been developed.

Coloring in two colors

For this method of coloring, you will need the following tools:

  • short foam roller;
  • roller with a long pile.

The process of painting the surface of the wall with the applied finish occurs in two stages. Initially, paint is applied to the entire wall with a long-nap roller. It is important that the paint layer is uniform, dense, but not thick. Only the protrusions on the wall surface are re-painted using a foam roller. The paint layer should be thin. Thanks to the two-stage painting, the ledges become darker, while the rest of the wall retains its original appearance. You can do otherwise. To do this, color is added to the plaster itself before use and the mixture is applied to the entire wall, then only the protruding parts are painted over with a foam roller.

Venetian plaster effect

This staining is performed in 3 stages.

It takes a lot of time, requires diligence in work and is as follows:

  • Using a long pile roller, paint the wall in the main base color.
  • Using a small foam roller, the protruding parts are lightly painted over with overflow paint (for example, silver mixed with a universal primer in equal parts).
  • Now apply the final coat. To do this, water-based acrylic varnish is mixed with water in a ratio of 3: 1. A small amount of special glitter (sparkles) is added to the resulting mixture. The approximate volume is 1 tbsp. l. per liter of water. The resulting mixture is applied in an even layer of medium thickness using a new small foam roller.

As a result, an imitation of natural stone is obtained on the wall. This effect looks good in modern interiors of apartments and country houses. This surface cladding gives the space nobility and hints at the well-being of the owners of the house.

Dry brush painting

In this case, a little color is immediately added to the plaster and only then the walls are plastered. Further, only the protruding parts are painted with paint. The peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that the paint is applied with an almost dry brush, that is, on the brush itself (the coloring agent is applied in a minimal amount).

Illuminating coloring

This method of painting is suitable for interior walls of the room. Initially, water-based paint is additionally diluted with water. Then, with a wide roller, carefully paint over a section of the wall and immediately wipe off the paint with a wet, clean sponge. As a result, only the depressions on the wall remain dyed.

Each method of painting decorative plaster is unique and allows you to create a unique interior design for a separate room and the entire building as a whole. It is important to choose the type of plaster and its coloring option in accordance with the style of the interior and the general colors rooms.

Interesting examples

Decorative plaster for right choice able to turn even the most ordinary room into a real work of art:

The rich golden color and textured surface of the finishing material turned this living room into a royal chamber. Such a room looks quite expensive, stylish and unique. The color of the plaster is in perfect harmony with the curtains and flooring, emphasizes soft color living room furniture.

The wall in the hallway, which has such a beautiful plastered wall, immediately becomes extraordinary and stylish, hinting at the delicate taste of the owner of the house.

Properly selected colors give the space a cozy and ambience hearth, textured butterfly refreshes the whole design as a whole.

How to apply decorative plaster with the "Flowers" effect, see the following video.

What paint is better to use for painting decorative plaster? What tools to work with? How to prepare the surface? What are the main stages of work?

The easiest and most logical way to paint decorative plaster, in my opinion, is to add the desired color (color) to the pre-mixed plaster and already apply it to the walls of the color you need.

The second way, perhaps the most common, of painting plaster is to apply paint on already finished surface. In this case, it is better to use water-based paints (acrylic, silicate). It is important to follow some elementary rules for the durability of the painted surface:

  • painting should be carried out only after the decorative plaster has completely dried (approximately after 48 hours);
  • before painting, can be coated work surface acrylic primer;

It is also worth paying due attention to the materials with which you are going to apply paint on decorative plaster:

  • you can use a wide brush, roller or, for example, a special mitten;
  • using a brush or roller, as a rule, uniform painting of the working surface is carried out;
  • also, using a rubber sponge or mittens, you can create an interesting pattern, the texture of a plastered surface, by rubbing the paint;
  • it is also possible to make volumetric decorative plaster by combining the sequence of surface coloring:

A lot depends on the type and texture of decorative plaster, because the main thing is to know what effect you want to achieve when painting. As for paints, they can be water-based or organic-based, it all depends on your desire and wallet.

The choice of tools depends on the relief of decorative plaster and on desired result, mostly painting is done with a roller or brush, but in special cases sponges, grouting cloths, spatulas with a comb or other working tools are used.

Preparation of the surface of decorative plaster requires treatment with a colorless primer for better adhesion of the paint to the plaster, after the primer has dried, you can start painting. If you want to get a well-painted surface - apply paint with a brush, filling all the reliefs, and then roll it with a roller. If you want to have a non-uniformly painted surface - start painting with a roller, and then dry with a sponge.

The types of coloring of decorative plaster depend on its texture and design, which you want to have on the walls of your house or apartment, and the paint can be anything from water-based to alkyd-based enamel. It is good to lay down on decorative plaster alkyd enamel for interior work Alpina Mattlatex, after painting of which the walls can be washed, therefore it is suitable for finishing bathrooms, kitchens and balconies.

It's very easy to paint! For this use water-based paint, paint rollers with a long pile, brushes and, as an industrial version, a spray gun.

Preparation consists in removing debris and dust from the surface, you can brush it off with a broom or a rag, you can blow it off with a vacuum cleaner or spray gun.

When painting, hard-to-reach places are first painted over - these are corners, elements decorative drawings, small places, and places around doors, windows, and other objects.

If you paint with a solid shade, then in principle the movements do not matter, but if you have purchased expensive iridescent or tinted / structured paint, then you must paint with movements in one direction!

Do not rush to cover up right away, it is better to go through a thin layer, let it dry, look at the gaps and streaks in color, paint again with a thin layer, let it dry and complete the work with another control layer for problematic places.

The question is not specified, there are a lot of decorative plasters, and, accordingly, everything is painted differently. For example, pebble plaster such as "lamb" and "bark beetle" can be painted with a roller or spray gun.

Facade acrylic and silicone paints are suitable for painting, if inside the premises, then interior paints and varnishes are suitable. If the "bark beetle" is painted in two layers different colors you can get an interesting texture.

Here is the Manna-type plaster

By painting the plaster with a brush, you can also get an excellent pattern.