Ways to install a wooden picket fence with your own hands. We make a fence from a wooden picket fence with our own hands Build a fence from a picket fence with our own hands

Choosing a fence for the site is not an easy task - it is necessary that it be reliable, durable, beautiful. All these requirements are met by a fence made of a metal picket fence (Euro picket fence). Climbing on it is problematic - not that rigidity. Breaking it is "boring" - usually, lovers of mischief are limited to bending a couple of planks. Beauty, of course, is a subjective criterion, but such fences look better than the same solid one. In addition, they are not so susceptible to wind loads, which saves on support poles. An additional plus is that they are breathable. In general, a good option.

What is a metal fence

The metal fence is made from galvanized steel sheet. A relief is formed on the sheet, after which it is cut into picket strips, covered with protective compounds, and painted. Get strips of a certain height. Usually the height is from 150 to 180 cm. To complete the fence, you also need support poles (most often 60 * 60 * 2 mm), bowstrings (two or three crossbars that go between the poles) and fasteners.

Types, shapes, profiles

The thickness of the metal of the European fence can be from 0.4 to 1.5 mm. The most common is made of steel with a thickness of 0.5 mm. Fence width - from 80 mm to 128 mm, length - up to 2 meters.

P and M - shaped profiles of a metal picket fence

There is a metal fence with a different profile: P (rectangular), M-shaped and semicircular. M-shaped have more ribs, respectively, have greater rigidity. But there are also U-shaped ones, in which grooves are formed in the “back”. In this case, it is already difficult to say which of them will be tougher. Most likely, the latter, especially if it has rolled edges.

Semi-circular also have greater rigidity, but are more difficult to form and usually have a higher price. For greater strength, additional grooves can also be formed along the long side.

In general, the more grooves, stiffeners, the better the bar resists bending along the length. But with the complication of the relief, the price becomes higher. Since it is rather big in itself, you usually have to find a compromise. In any case, the bar must withstand your attempts to bend it.

What to look for when choosing

When you choose a metal picket fence, it is advisable to look at the party offered to you live. The same thickness of the metal can be declared, but in practice it turns out that the edge of the bar from one batch can be bent with a finger, with another batch such a trick fails. And this is from the same manufacturer. The point is the quality of the batch of metal, and it is rarely stable.

Rolled edge, several layers of protective coatings - these are the signs of a good metal picket fence

Also be sure to pay attention to the edges - it is better if they are rolled. First, it's more attractive appearance, secondly, the high rigidity of the picket fence, thirdly, the sharp edge is bent and it is impossible for them to get hurt. There is only one drawback with a rolling fence - a higher price, since special equipment and additional processing time are required.

If we talk about the products of specific companies, then the Grand Line (Grand Line), Barrera Grande, Nova, TPK Metalroofing Center, FinFold, UNIX (Unix) are popular.

Coloring methods

It is worth understanding the method of coloring. There is an iron picket fence with two-sided and one-sided painting. With one-sided, the back side is covered with a layer of primer without staining. Has, respectively, grey colour. Metal picket fence painted on one side, gray on the inside. It's not so bad - it's not conspicuous. If this option does not suit you, either buy with double-sided painting, or paint it yourself. The paint is taken “for roofs”, choosing the right shade. Note that the metal painted with a brush looks ... not very good. If there is an airbrush, the appearance will be good, although not ideal.

This is how the “wrong side” of a metal picket fence painted on one side looks like

It should also be noted that there are two types of coloring of a metal picket fence:

  1. polymer coating;
  2. powder paint.

The first method is much more reliable, since the application technology requires special equipment and strict adherence to technology. As a result, such a picket fence withstands increased mechanical stress. Even if there is a scratch in the coating (although you have to try), the metal does not rust, as there are still protective coatings that prevent the appearance of rust.

Polymer coating is the best choice today

Powder coating, in theory, is no worse. But only if it was made according to the rules: protective covering, and on top of it - powder paint and baked it in special chambers. But the bottom line is that you can apply paint in the "garage", and somehow you can burn it there. The result will just be completely different. In addition, there are ready-made sheets of Chinese origin. In these, the paint is applied in the shop, but often directly onto an unprimed steel surface. Outwardly, it is impossible to determine all these nuances, and after the slightest scratch, rust appears. So the polymer coating is more "safe".

What can be a metal picket fence

You may like metal fences or not, because there is no dispute about tastes. But in terms of practicality, they certainly outperform. Once installed, you do not remember the fence for years. It does not need to be painted in order for it to look decent, since good quality The paint stays on for years without visible changes. And this is one of important factors that make you think about installing such a fence.

On a strip foundation

With foundation and pillars made of clinker bricks

Mounting methods

There is a single-row and double-row (double-sided, checkerboard) method of mounting the metal picket fence strips. With a two-row, the slats are placed on both sides of the bowstring, and so that they overlap each other by at least a centimeter. Therefore, the distance between the planks should be slightly less than the width of the fence. With this installation, the slats on running meter fences will need 55-60% more. But the fence turns out to be practically invisible - only at a certain angle you can see a small part of the area. And this despite the fact that the fence will not be solid and all the "charms" of a solid fence will not touch you.

Most often, the slats are mounted vertically, but there are also horizontal way installation - it can also be single-row or double-row. The horizontal fence looks more "exotic". With a two-row (two-sided) installation of the strips, it turns out to be generally opaque.

The disadvantage of this mounting method is that special poles and intermediate poles are needed to provide the required structural rigidity. Another caveat: planks are usually produced up to 180 cm long, longer ones will have to be ordered, and this costs extra money. So either you have to put up poles more often, or overpay for a non-standard size.

Dimensions and distances

When mounted in one row, the gaps between the strips may be different. The exact distance is chosen arbitrarily, depending on how "transparent" you want to make the fence. Most often, the distance between the pickets is 35-50% of the width of the plank. But this is not a rule, there are both smaller and larger gaps.

When mounting in a checkerboard pattern, if you do not want your yard to be visible at an angle, the planks should overlap 50% of the width of the picket fence or more. If "viewability" is not important, you can set them so that the edges overlap by only 1 cm.

The height of the fence is selected depending on the wishes of the owners. If you want the yard to be as closed from prying eyes as possible, the length of the plank should be from 180 cm. Given that they will be slightly raised above the ground, this is enough to prevent the vast majority of people from looking into your territory.

If you don't care if something will be visible through the fence or not, you can take both 1250 mm and 1500 mm. In the first case, the fence will end somewhere at the level of the chest of passers-by, in the second - at eye level or slightly lower (see the figure for an approximate layout), and this is without a foundation.

The width of the span of a vertical fence made of a metal picket fence is 200-250 cm. It is at this distance that the pillars are dug in, then two or three crossbars are fixed between them. These crossbars are called "lags" or "bowstrings". For a picket fence up to 150 cm high, two crossbars are enough, for higher ones, three are better.

Infill types

There are several more varieties of filling spans (distances between supporting pillars). The easiest way to install a direct way is when all the strips are the same length. On top of such a fence, you can put a U-shaped bar made of the same material (sold in the same place as the euro picket fence). In addition to the aesthetic load, it also covers the metal sections, which increases the service life of the fence.

All "waves" require trimming most of the planks to a certain distance. One "wave" per span is made in increments of 50 or 25 mm. With a step of 50 mm, the height difference between the shortest and longest planks is significant, but the fence looks more delicate. In the case of a "wave" with a pitch of 25 mm or with a "double wave", the difference is smaller. The upper bars are put here much less often, but they can also be installed. Only at the point of fracture of the “wave” will you have to cut the sidewalls and bend.

Features and installation rules

When installing a metal picket fence in middle lane Russia, it is recommended to install poles from a profiled pipe 60 * 60 mm (60 * 40 can be). For crossbars, it is more convenient to take the same profiled pipe, but with a section of 40 * 20 mm. In this case, the fence will definitely withstand wind and snow loads.

When installing, the installation step of the pillars is 2 meters. If there are two crossbars, then they are fixed so that there are 25-35 cm to the edge of the plank. With a fence height of 150 cm or more, the distance is 30-35 cm, with shorter ones - 25 cm. But, with a fence height above 1.5 m, it is better to do three lags, and not only in regions with strong winds. Just with two lags it turns out too long distance between fasteners, which makes it easy to push the slats.

There are two ways to fasten the slats: with screws and with rivets. Self-tapping screws and rivets are installed along both edges of the bar on each of the crossbars. That is, if there are two crossbars, 4 self-tapping screws / rivets are needed for each bar, if there are three, then 6 fasteners are needed per picket. You can, of course, fix it on one self-tapping screw or rivet on the crossbar, setting it in the middle. But in this case, pushing the pickets with your hands is as easy as shelling pears - and you don’t need to climb over the fence.

Mounting is faster this way, but this is a “purely decorative” fence

Which fastener type to choose? Self-tapping screws are easy to install - this is their plus. But they are also easy to unscrew, which, under certain circumstances, can be a minus. Rivets take longer to install, but are much more difficult to remove. What to choose? On the front of the fence, or if the fence is left unattended for a long time (summer cottages), it is definitely worth putting rivets. Of course, if the attackers set their sights on the goal, they will also cope with the rivets, but this will be more difficult to do. When installing a fence between neighbors in houses permanent residence, it is quite possible to mount a metal picket fence on self-tapping screws.

How to DIY

As you probably noticed, the metal fence is produced using almost the same technology as the profiled sheet, but the sheet costs less. Therefore, many people have the idea to make a picket fence by spreading the profiled sheet into strips. In principle, this can be done if you are able to cut strictly along the line without any noticeable deviations. But for cutting it is necessary to use scissors for metal - perforated or manual. In no case should a grinder be cut, as it burns out the protective cover. So the work is not easy and it will take a lot of time. If that doesn't scare you, you can try.

What is the disadvantage of a homemade picket fence from a profiled sheet? Everything is obvious: the edge is rarely even, since it is difficult to do it manually. In addition, the cut is unprotected and may begin to rust. You can, of course, smear the sections with a primer / paint, but in order for all layers to lay down normally, an absolutely clean surface is required. That is, the places of cuts must first be dedusted (not so difficult, but it takes time), then also degreased. Only in this case the protective coating will be of really high quality.

It is advisable to roll the edges - this will give the home-made picket fence greater rigidity, because additional reliefs are rarely formed on the profiled sheet. It "holds" its shape due to its size and the alternation of waves.

Every owner wants his plot country house or cottage was surrounded by a beautiful fence. Now there are many options for fencing, you just have to choose which one suits you best both in appearance and affordability.

The golden mean in the choice can be a wooden picket fence, which can be easily done with your own hands, without using the expensive help of a specialist. With the help of a picket fence, you can beautifully outline the territory of a country house or cottage and at the same time save a lot of money. Making a wooden picket fence with your own hands is quite simple, you just need to know a few basic rules and features, which we will consider point by point.

A country house or cottage is the place that you want to make in a special way beautiful and cozy. This is an area for rest, solitude and relaxation. You can achieve the necessary harmony with the help of small parts: plant beautiful flowers, make a gazebo, swing, build a good decorative fence. And if you do all this with your own hands, then it will be much more pleasant to admire all this beauty later.

Why picket fence?

A do-it-yourself wooden picket fence has so many advantages that it’s probably impossible to count all of them, but making a wooden picket fence with your own hands and installing it is quite simple.

Here are the main advantages of such a fence:

  1. Such a fence is universal. The wooden fence just fits perfectly into almost any design and can become the color of the landscape.
  2. The picket fence is pretty reliable. Everything, of course, depends on the wood you choose, the height of the fence and the width of the fence.
  3. Cheap materials and their availability.
  4. This fence is very easy to care for. It is only necessary to periodically cover the surface with paint or varnish to prevent the possibility of defects.

It is also equally important that the wooden fence does not obscure the area near the fence, which means that beautiful flowers or other plants can be planted near the fence. And such a fence will perfectly emphasize country style territory or no less popular now country style.

It is very easy to work with a picket fence, and different original variants appearance of the structure - in the form of a wave, semicircles, triangles and other patterns.

Types of fence designs

Wooden picket fence can be of two types - with a base or without a base. In order to make a do-it-yourself wooden picket fence with a base, you need to make a foundation for supporting pillars and strip foundation under the fence. The foundation for a wooden picket fence is made in the form of a trench using an ordinary do-it-yourself shovel, and it is better to make recesses for poles using hand drill.

The depth of the foundation should be about one meter. At the bottom it is necessary to fall asleep and compact a pillow of sand or gravel. Support pillars are concreted strictly vertically into the recesses, and formwork must be installed in place of the foundation for the fence. After pouring the foundation, you must wait about 7 days for the mortar to dry and set. After confluence of this line, you can proceed to the next work.

Such a fence is more durable than a fence without a foundation, since the base of the fence is additionally protected from moisture from the ground. The foundation of such a fence can be overlaid with torn stone or other material.

A fence without a base is simpler in its design. For its construction, it is only necessary to make holes for the supporting pillars and, after their installation, tightly compact the soil. The post must be more than a meter deep into the ground.

If the fence is high and heavy, then a metal plate must be attached to the posts, which will additionally ensure the stability of the post. The plates rest firmly on the ground.

Necessary materials and tools

For construction wooden fence Do-it-yourself picket fence requires the following materials and tools:

  1. Wooden pickets. They can be from different tree species - pine, cedar, larch and others. Fences are made from narrow edged boards.
  2. Support pillars. They are usually metal or asbestos pipes, as well as thick bars.
  3. Crossbars. Do-it-yourself metal or wooden bars are used as crossbars for a wooden picket fence.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Nails or screws.
  6. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  7. Level.
  8. Means for processing wood (paint, varnish, stain).
The bottom of the support poles (if they are wooden) must be treated with a special protective agent against decay. This will extend the fence service lines.

Fences can be purchased ready-made in special stores, or you can make it yourself. This process does not require special knowledge and skills. Surface wooden slats it is necessary to clean, file and sand the tops well. The decorative tops on the fence look beautiful. It can be semicircles, rectangles, triangles, you can also do decorative figures with an image.

Wood must be of a certain moisture content. If used for building wooden picket fence raw wood, then the fence will not stand idle for a long time, defects and distortions will appear soon after installation.

In order to start the installation of a wooden picket fence, you need to prepare and clean the area through which it will pass, cut the grass with your own hands. Next, you need to mark the perimeter. To do this, along the line of the future fence, it is worth hammering wooden stakes and pulling the cord. Do-it-yourself wooden picket fence will be installed exactly according to this markup.

The next step will be excavation. With the help of a hand drill or a shovel, required view foundation as described above. The foundation for the pillars must be done after accurately measuring the distance between the future support pillars. After the development of the foundation is completed, support pillars can be installed. The column is installed on a prepared sand or gravel pad and concreted (a ball of concrete can be alternated with a ball of soil). Metal poles before installation must be painted to protect against corrosion.

During the installation of support pillars, it is necessary to adhere to strict verticality, since a violation of this rule can lead to a collapse of the fence. This will help you building level.

Next, crossbars are attached to the supporting pillars. If the posts or crossbars are wooden, then you can fasten them with bolts, self-tapping screws or ordinary nails, and if they are metal, then you can use electric welding. Usually two crossbars are designed, at a distance of about 20 cm from the bottom and top of the fence. Good fastening crossbars are very important for the stability and durability of the fence, since it is they who perceive the load from the fence. During the selection of crossbars, it is necessary to take into account the weight of one span of a wooden picket fence.

After all the crossbars are attached, you can proceed directly to the installation of the fence pickets. Fences are attached to the crossbars with self-tapping screws and a screwdriver or simple nails and a hammer. In order for the pickets to be fastened at the same level, after mounting the extreme pickets, pull a cord over their top. The distance between pickets is usually equal to the width of one picket. To make the distance equal, it is possible to install another picket between the nailed and nailed pickets, which will act as a distance template.

It is better to nail one shtaketin with 4 nails (self-tapping screws), 2 for each cross member from above and below. This will ensure the tightness of the fastening.

Wooden fence is ready! It remains only to cover it with a protective agent. As such a tool, you can use paint, varnish, stain, lime. The wood, covered with stain and varnish, looks very beautiful. With this processing method, you can imitate different types of wood. Periodically it is necessary to process a wooden fence. This will ensure its durability and strength.

The content of the article:

A picket fence is a structure consisting of supporting pillars, horizontal ties and narrow planks, which performs a delineating, protective and decorative function on the site. Traditionally, planks are nailed with a gap, which allows you to view the outdoor area. We will talk about how to build a fence of this type in this article.

Picket fence features

A traditional picket fence is not very high and rarely exceeds a height of 1.5 m. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about the reliability of the fence. In most cases, such a fence is erected to mark the boundaries of the territory. To improve protection against uninvited guests the length of the boards can be increased, and the ends pointed.

The picket fence consists of the following elements:

  • Pillars to which horizontal beams are attached. They are made of bars or a metal profile. Unlike a solid fence, the supports do not experience a large wind load, therefore, with a fence height of 0.5 m, a foundation is optional.
  • Bearing elements to which pickets are nailed. They are located perpendicular to the pillars. For low fences, it is enough to place two strips, at the top and bottom of the fence.
  • Picket fence - slats 45-50 mm wide and height at the request of the owner of the site.
  • Fasteners - nails or self-tapping screws. Corners and brackets are often used to fix horizontals. Hardware usually boiled.
The fence can be built in two ways. According to the first, at first, the legs are attached to the pillars, and the planks are nailed to them. The second method involves assembling the spans separately, and then fixing them to the supports.

Fences are made in the following versions:

  1. designer. In this case, the fences are cut out in the form of various shapes, which gives the fence a unique look.
  2. Combined. The fence is used with other types of fences, for example, with concrete slab which is placed below. In this way, the contact of lumber with snow is limited.
  3. Bilateral. Planks are nailed on both sides of the horizontal, which ensures ventilation of the territory, but excludes viewing of the fenced area.
To increase durability and expand functionality, the fence is made of various materials. There are the following product types:
  • Wooden picket fence. It is very popular due to the versatility and availability of the material. Often used for fencing summer cottages or to create internal partitions. Looks good in the background wooden buildings. Elements are made from scraps of wood, so the fence will be inexpensive. Planks can be cut independently. The material is easily processed, which allows it to be used as decorative ornament. The highest quality fences are made of pine and larch, but if necessary, any wood can be used. To extend the life of the fence, paint. The wooden structure is light and does not require a foundation. The main disadvantage is a short service life, up to 15 years.
  • metal fence. Manufactured from strips of thin-walled steel. Usually attached to a brick base. It is mounted very quickly, installation does not demand experience of works. Fits harmoniously into modern styles site design. Installation often requires welding machine. The structure is quite heavy, so the supports are poured with concrete. The cost of the fence will cost more than wood.
  • plastic fence. It is applied to a protection of places of rest, flower beds, lawns. He is not afraid of frost, does not need a protective coating. Has high strength. Has an attractive look. Installation resembles the assembly of the structure and does not require tools. It costs much more than wood.
  • Fence made of euro and metal-profile picket fence. They are made of galvanized iron and profiled strips, which are covered with a decorative and protective polymer. Such protection provides the service life of the fence up to 30 years. Blanks are sold in the form of strips with dimensions of 10x1500 cm or 10x3000 cm with a thickness of 0.5 mm. The fence is made double so that the territory is not visible from the outside. Among the shortcomings can be noted the high cost of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages of picket fence

The popularity of this type of fence is due to its properties. The advantages of a fence include the following:
  1. Versatility. Picket fence looks good with any landscape.
  2. The fence is combined with all bases, whether stone or concrete. Also suitable for metal.
  3. Original look. The main parameters, height, clearance, material, etc., can be chosen independently, according to the design of the house or site.
  4. Ease of installation - you can build a fence even alone.
  5. The fence is easy to care for. Periodic painting and elimination of defects will ensure the good condition of the structure for many years. Some types of picket fence do not even require such care.
  6. Reliability. The design is strong and withstands sufficiently large mechanical loads.
  7. The fence does not obscure the area and allows you to plant plants near the fence.
  8. To create a fence, you can use any materials - wood, metal, plastic. It is possible to choose the material of your choice.
The owner must also be aware of the design flaws:
  • The fence cannot hide what is behind it.
  • It will not protect the area from dust and wind.
  • The fence is not reliable enough as a protective structure.
  • Wooden fences have a short lifespan.

Technology for mounting a wooden picket fence

At first glance, it is impossible to build an even and beautiful fence having no experience of such work. In fact, everything is simple. The secret to a good fence is correct placement supports and compliance with the technology of fastening the main elements. Stages construction works are listed below.

Selection of fence elements

Unlike other types of fences, all elements of a wooden picket fence can be made independently. When buying or manufacturing structural parts, be guided by the recommendations below.

Cut out the supports from the bars, which have a section of 100x100 mm. Define their length like this: underground part- 1-1.3 m; aerial part - the height of the slats plus 15-20 cm for the gap between them and the soil.

Carry out the bearing elements from beams with a section of 50x80 mm. You can also use poles having a diameter of 50-100 mm. Their length should be such that they are placed between the racks. If the size is not enough, you can connect the bars anywhere in the run, for which one of two methods is used: the first method is half the width of the tree, the second is an oblique frame in height. The ideal length of the slab is 6 m, so that it can be installed on three poles dug in 3 m increments.

The picket fence can be made independently or purchased prefabricated prefabricated. If you choose the first option, you save a lot of money, but it will take a lot of time to cut the blanks. The result is a product that will fully comply with the owner's idea. Planed boards are best suited for planks. They are more durable and easier to paint. To get a good result, the workpieces must be dry. Before making a picket fence, lumber must be additionally dried in special dryers. If you use raw material, after drying the plank will “lead”.

The traditional picket fence is not very high - 0.9 ... 1.5 m, the height of the slats should also be within these limits. The most common width of boards for a decorative fence is 4.5-5 cm with a thickness of 2-2.5 cm. A fence that performs protective functions, is made with a width of 100-120 cm and a thickness of 2-5 cm. The tops of the shtaketin must be sawed down and sanded.

Factory products may have a significant drawback - poor-quality raw materials, and soon after installation, these defects will appear.

Preparatory work

The installation of a fence from a picket fence begins with the preparation of the details of the fence for installation.

Perform the following operations:

  1. Impregnate all lumber by special means to protect against rot, insects and fire.
  2. Paste the underground part of the pillars with three layers of roofing material or cover with hot tar.
  3. Saw the tops of the supports into 2 slopes.
  4. Slightly cut off one slope, so they will rot less.
  5. Treat all lumber with 60 grit sandpaper. This will roughen freshly planed boards that do not absorb paint well.
Prepare the following fixtures:
  • Cord - necessary for setting the upper ends of the slats in one plane. It is attached between the posts at a given height.
  • Cross - used to ensure the same opening between the planks. It is made from a strip, the thickness of which is equal to the size of the opening in the fence. Usually it coincides with the width of the shtaketin. The second bar is nailed perpendicular to the first, it serves to fix the template on the slug. With the help of the device, the boards are quickly fixed in the required position.
  • Level - for placing pillars in the vertical plane and power elements in the horizontal plane.

Installation of fence posts

Drive stakes into the corners of the fenced area and pull the cord. Mark the position of the fence posts. The ideal distance between them is 3 m, but it can be changed to ensure the equality of the gap. Do not make the crossbars too long, they can bend. Ideally, the pitch of the supports corresponds to the length of the purchased sleds.

To attach the racks, dig a hole 1-1.3 mm deep and as wide as a shovel. You can also use a drill.

At the bottom of the pit, pour a layer of crushed stone and sand 20 cm thick. The pillow must be carefully compacted. It prevents swelling of the soil in winter.

Install the post in the hole in a vertical position and fix it with layers of soil and concrete mortar.

Repeat the operation to attach the stand on the opposite side. Pull the cord between the supports and repeat the operation with the rest of the elements. After installing the fence from the picket fence, check its straightness - the stretched cord should touch the posts on one side. Check that the supports protrude above the ground at the same distance.

Perform further work after the concrete has hardened.

Picket mount

Apply horizontal marks on the posts at a distance of 20-25 cm from the top of the supports and 20-25 cm from the ground. Pull the cord, put it in a horizontal plane and check the location of the marks along one line.

Fasten to the racks in any way - with nails, self-tapping screws, etc. It is allowed to use special corners on which load-bearing elements are installed and fixed.

First, carefully expose the first picket fence. It should be located in a vertical plane, and the top should be at a given distance from the ground. In this position, fix it to the legs with nails or self-tapping screws at four points.

Stretch the cord between the posts, ensuring it is horizontal. It should touch the top of the fence. Using the T-slot, align and secure the rest of the planks, aligning them with the cord.

How to make a protective coating of the fence

For guard wooden structures from atmospheric precipitation, follow our recommendations:
  1. It is necessary to cover the fence with paint or stain. Do not use coating on water based, it is not absorbed due to the presence of acid in its composition.
  2. Before painting, inspect the lumber for cracks. If found, seal them with wood primer.
  3. To paintwork well stuck, process wooden surface sandpaper with grit 60-80.
  4. Apply paint with a brush, stain with a spray gun.
  5. To increase the life of the fence, the paintwork must be renewed every year. After 5 years, remove all old coating and reapply.

Features of the construction of a metal picket fence

Installation of a fence made of metal picket fence is not much different from wooden products. The difference lies in the fact that the parts are fastened together with screws or welding.

For the manufacture of metal fence the following details are required:

  • Fences - parts made of plates 0.5 thick, 0.5-1.8 m high and 100-120 mm wide. In the markets there are ready-made elements made of galvanized metal or with a polymer coating. The type of profile can be very different. Their service life reaches 20 years or more.
  • Pillars - metal pipes diameter from 60 mm. Instead, it is allowed to use stone and building structures.
  • Crossbeams - the pro-thinned-out pipe with a section of 20x40 mm.
Marking the location of the supports and making holes is no different from the option with a wooden fence. Poles in pits must be filled concrete mortar. This is due to the fact that the metal fence is very heavy, so it should be carefully fixed.

Concrete is prepared from sand, cement and gravel in a ratio of 1:2:2. After pouring further work can be carried out only after the mixture has completely solidified. Horizontal logs are attached to the poles by welding, and pickets to them by self-tapping screws. After assembly, the fence must be painted.

How to make a picket fence - look at the video:

Building a picket fence with your own hands is not difficult at all. At the same time, you can not only save money, but also enjoy the self-made beautiful design on your own site.

Just 50 years ago, wooden picket fences could be seen around most country houses. But they were the same vertical structures. Now a reliable and durable picket fence can be built in various configurations and even in combination with other material. Fencing is quite easy to build with the correct calculation and preparation of the material. It will serve as a reliable protection of the site, and decorate it with its appearance.


Everyone wants to make their home beautiful, and the fence is the element of the suburban area that people pay attention to in the first place. Therefore, it is important to give this element maximum aesthetics. One of the materials that fall into the category of aesthetic and malleable for unique buildings can be considered wood. If you have skills in working with wood and a desire to independently build a fence around the site, then the question of how to make a picket fence will be solved by itself.

A picket fence installed with your own hands, with some imagination and a little skill, will look great on any terrain and against the backdrop of any building.

The reliability of a wooden fence depends on the type of wood chosen for its manufacture, as well as on the size of one picket fence. If done right choice the fence will last for many years.

News proper care it's not hard for him at all. All that the owner must do is to apply protective substances to the surface in a timely manner. It is also important that the picket fence almost does not obscure the site and has an excellent throughput air. Near it, you can plant any plants that need sunlight.

The main types of styling

Vertical and horizontal

Traditionally, in the manufacture of a wooden fence, pickets are installed vertically. However, horizontal installation is also possible. This design is made of several boards or poles. In another way, this type of fencing is called "ranch". It is well suited for creating a rustic style.

You can even tilt the slats to one side, and then you get an even more unusual fence. And given that the angle of inclination can be different, the options for creating unusual designs do not count.


The checkerboard fence also has an attractive appearance. It looks beautiful not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Location feature wooden parts consists in the fact that the shtaketins are installed on both sides, but are displaced in relation to each other. The gap, on the one hand, is closed with a rail on the other, and vice versa.

Material preparation and calculation

A wooden picket fence is so easy to install that you don't even need a lot of tools to install it.

For the manufacture of the fence itself, in addition to wood, you will need:

  • fasteners - nails or screws;
  • hand saw or jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • protective agent to be applied to the surface. These products include water-repellent and antiseptic impregnation, as well as varnish, stain and paint;
  • a shovel for digging a hole under the support pillars;
  • a hammer, if nails were chosen as fasteners;
  • building level so that all elements of the fence are installed evenly.

You can buy wood and make fences from it yourself, or you can buy a fence already ready. In the latter case, you will have to pay more, but there will be less work.

Note! Before making a picket fence, it is important to correctly calculate the wood material. Based on the perimeter of the territory, as well as the width of the shtaketin and the gaps between them, the required number of wooden elements is calculated. For example, if the width of one picket is 4 cm, and the width of the gap is 6 cm, and at the same time it is planned to make a fence 30 m long, then to calculate the amount of 30 m, you need to divide by 10 cm, that is, by the total width of one gap and one picket.

How much shtaketin is needed depends on the design chosen. For example, if the fence will be erected with gaps, then it will need less material than for a deaf structure of the same length.

It is important not to forget to calculate everything in the same unit of measure. It’s easier to express meters in centimeters, and then 3000 will need to be divided by 10. After the calculation, it turns out that such a fence will require 300 pieces of shtaketin. In addition to the material for the manufacture of the fence itself, you will also need bars for the supports. Such poles should be long enough and strong. It must be remembered that they will sink at least half a meter.

Laying a picket fence in a checkerboard pattern

You can install a fence from a picket fence by working in the following order:

  1. Markup. It is necessary to determine where the support pillars will be located. A strong rope stretched around the perimeter can help in this matter. The optimal distance between the supports is 2-3 meters. Given this, it is necessary to make marks on the ground in those places where holes will be dug.
  2. Digging holes. Their diameter should be greater than the diameter of the support column. The calculation of the depth of the pit depends on how much the height of the future fence will be. Most often it exceeds 1 meter.
  3. Installation of pillars in prepared recesses. If they are wooden, you can just get by with applying to the surface protective equipment. It is possible to lay a wooden picket fence and, using metal poles, in this case, it will be necessary to lay a concrete mixture in the recess.
  4. After the supports are installed, you can begin to attach veins or slabs to them - thicker boards that should be parallel to the ground surface, that is, perpendicular to the support pillars. At least two veins are needed. Their number depends on the total height of the building.
  5. The calculation of the distance between them can also vary. It also depends on the height of the mounted fence and on the method of attaching pickets to them. The main thing is not to bring the lower one closer to the ground by less than 25 cm, and the upper one should not be raised too high so that the edges of the nailed pickets rise at least 25 cm above it.
  6. When the installation of the veins is completed, you can proceed to attach the picket fence itself. When installing the very first picket fence, it is better to use a building level so that the entire fence does not turn out to be crooked. If there is no level, you can use a plumb line instead, which is easy to make yourself using a heavy weight and thread. To attach all the other shtaketins, it will be enough just to determine the width of the gap. You can make it equal to the width of the shtaketin and measure the required distance without any problems by applying one of the rails. But you can specially make a rail of the required width, so that you can then use it only to make gaps.
  7. When the slats are nailed along the entire length of the fence, you can be content with the work already done, since, in essence, the classic fence is already ready.

To make a "checkerboard", you will need to go to the other side to install another row of pickets. In order to avoid distortions and inaccuracies, it is necessary to correctly install the first rail. It should be located strictly opposite the gap between two adjacent pickets on the other side. After installing this rail, all that remains is to nail all the others, measuring the length of the gaps using a template.

Secrets of painting

Finished structure painting

Painting a picket fence with your own hands is not difficult, but you still need to be careful about the details. The durability of not only the paint layer, but the entire structure depends on the quality of this work. For quality application coatings need to clean the wood from dirt, and then primed with a substance that can penetrate deep into the structure.

You can apply multiple layers. Before applying the next, you must wait until the previous layer dries. Many manufacturers can assure you that there is no need to prime the surface before painting. But, nevertheless, it is better not to pay attention to this statement, and to conduct a primer. This will have a positive effect on the durability of wood and on the economy of the main coating.

It is also better to paint in several layers. After applying the first layer, it is better to polish after drying with sandpaper. For painting, it is better to use a brush, not a roller, as it will allow you to get to hard-to-reach places. But if there is a desire to speed up the process, you can also take a roller, but only in this case it must be borne in mind that then you still have to paint many places with a brush.

Picket fences are eternal timeless classic. Due to the low cost and ease of installation, the installation of such a fence is available to any summer resident. In the article we will tell you how the installation of a wooden picket fence goes, we will talk about the choice of materials, their preparation, the stages of creating a fence.

Advantages and disadvantages of picket fences

The picket fence lets in sunlight and does not give streaks of strong shading.

Today's construction market is replete with materials for fencing: corrugated board, concrete typesetting sections, polycarbonate and much more. Wooden picket fence in comparison with them may seem rustic, "rustic". But this material has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • it harmoniously fits into the country landscape;
  • allows you to create an airy and openwork, but at the same time a solid structure;
  • little shade area;
  • inexpensive;
  • easy and quick to install.

Choosing a picket fence

In order for the fence to serve for a long time and be strong enough, the choice of material must be approached responsibly. When buying, you need to pay attention to the following points:

It is very important to avoid the following mistakes when choosing a picket fence:

  1. Buy material from low-quality wood. Any defects - black spots, knots, mold - will affect the strength and service life of the fence. It is necessary to reject pickets with signs of a slant layer - a wood defect in which the fibers deviate from the longitudinal axis.
  2. Buy dyed material. Under the paint, unscrupulous manufacturers often hide the above defects.
  3. Buy material without taking into account the characteristics of the area. Wood of different species behaves differently in conditions high humidity. If country cottage area located in a lowland or in an area where it often rains, it is worth paying attention Special attention for this moment.

For operation in such conditions, it is better to choose a picket fence from the following types of wood:

Breed Characteristic
Spruce or pine Light shade of wood. High resistance to decay and splitting. There may be resin pockets that reduce the strength of the picket fence.
Aspen A popular type of wood for baths and well log cabins. It is practically not subject to rotting from moisture. Easily processed, resistant to splitting, has a slightly greenish tint. Can be affected by a fungus, requires treatment with fungicides.
Larch Exceptionally resistant to rotting rock, it turns to stone in water. The wood is durable, very strong, with a beautiful reddish tint. Difficult to process.

Tip #1 When buying a picket fence, you can ask the manufacturer when the wood was harvested. Practice shows that winter harvesting materials differ more high quality than spring or summer.

Preparation of tools and materials

If you think about a carved decorative fence, at the stage of preparing the materials with pickets, the desired shape is given.

Starting the construction of a wooden fence, you need to acquire the following tools:

  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • screwdriver or hammer;
  • screws or nails;
  • rope and stakes for marking;
  • plumb;
  • shovel.

You should also prepare the supporting pillars and veins to which the picket fence will be attached. For concreting the pillars will require a certain amount cement mortar. Everything wooden elements the future fence is pre-treated special formulations that prevent rot and mold:

Compound Characteristic
"Aquatex Soil antiseptic" Permanent alkyd coating with enhanced protection against biodegradation. It does not change the color of the wood, it can be covered with paint on top, retaining its properties.
"Euro Eco Wood" Finnish glazing antiseptic from the Tikkurila company. Provides protection of wood from moisture, fungus and ultraviolet for up to 5 years. Does not change the color of the wood.
"KSD" A unique impregnation that provides not only bioprotection, but also the resistance of wood to fire. Does not wash out, does not change the color of wood, can be covered with paint on top.

Tip #2 lower part supporting pillars will be useful to process with liquid bitumen. This will provide reliable protection from decay, even if the supports are not concreted, but simply dug into the ground.

Installation of the base for fastening pickets

As an alternative to concreting, the support beams can be supported on U-flange metal piles.

Having cleared the area on which the fence will be installed, markings are made with the help of stakes and a rope. Then proceed according to the following plan:

  • With an interval of 2 m, dig holes for supporting pillars. Depth - at least 100 cm.
  • Drainage from sand and gravel is poured into the pits, supports are installed and their strictly vertical position is checked with a plumb line.
  • Pillars are concreted.
  • The supports are interconnected by horizontal veins.

As a standard, two veins are made: the lower one is at a height of 20 cm from the ground, the upper one is 20 cm below the support post.

Installation of a picket fence "Duga"

A picket fence is not necessarily a boring rural option with an even top cut. Give a fence interesting view it is possible, by mounting pickets with an arc:

  • Pickets are prepared, making out a rounded upper cut.
  • By adjusting the length of the shtaketin, they are mounted between the supports of the section in the form of a wave.

Horizontal laying of planks successfully imitates expensive fences from a metal eurostudent.

The difference with this design is that the pickets are not stacked vertically, but horizontally. If this type of installation is selected, the distance between the support posts must be reduced to the length of the pickets. Another option is to dig additional ones between the main supports. Horizontal veins are not required in this case.

Fence "Blinds" is especially suitable for wet areas, providing them with good ventilation.

A rather complicated, but very effective type of laying a picket fence - in the form of blinds. However, wooden supports are less suitable for creating such a fence. It is better to take a metal channel and for each pole tie it in pairs with “backs” to each other. Horizontal veins, as for the Ranch fence, are not required.

The pickets are mounted in such a way that they are located horizontally, but at a slight angle. The finished canvas resembles half-covered Mediterranean blinds. This design is good in that it provides ventilation and light transmission, but at the same time it perfectly protects the interior of the site from prying eyes.

Installation of a picket fence "Lattice"

One more custom solution- laying the picket fence in the form of a lattice. It is more convenient to tie such a fence to the supports with ready-made sections at once, so the installation takes place “on the ground”.

The fence "Lattice" does not create a feeling of isolation and is in harmony not only with wooden, but also with brick buildings.
  • To make a lattice section of a picket fence, you will need a wooden or metal carcass. The strips are cut to the required length and attached to the frame crosswise.
  • If to create a fence "Lattice" are used metal elements, it is better to paint them the same color as shtaketin. This will ensure the visual integrity of the structure.

Actual questions about picket fences

There is a special construction formula for this: N=L/(S+d). The value L here shows the length of the fence, S is the width of each fence, d is the interval between them. If there is a fence standard width 5 cm, which must be laid in one layer with an interval of 3 cm, then 125 shtaketins will be required for 10 meters of the fence.

Question number 2. How to care for a picket fence?

A wooden fence, assembled from well-prepared material, needs minimal maintenance. Once a year in the spring, it must be carefully inspected and the fences that have become unusable should be replaced. Fences older than five years may require cleaning from old paint and re-treatment with an antiseptic composition.

Question number 3. Which fence is better - wooden or metal?

A metal fence (it is called a euro fence) is more profitable than a wooden one, since its service life is practically unlimited. It is easier to take care of it - the polymer coating is reliable, and it will be necessary to paint the fence from this material no earlier than in 10 years. Its minus compared to the classic wooden fencing- the complexity of installation.

Question number 4. How to paint a wooden fence?

First, you need to clean the wood of all contaminants and sand it. If it is not impregnated with an antiseptic, or the impregnation has expired, it is applied to the surface protective compound and left to dry. After that, the wood is covered with a layer of primer. This step can be skipped, but you need to remember that the primer saves the main coating. For a perfectly even painting, the dried primer layer is ground and the paint is applied with a roller.

Question number 5. Is it possible to make a picket fence with your own hands from the boards?

Certainly. To minimize material consumption, you need to take six-meter boards with a thickness of 20 mm. Of the tools you will need a jigsaw, a grinder with a grinding disc and an electric planer. The boards are marked in length - usually into four parts of 1.5 m each - and sawn with a jigsaw. If the width of the board is large, each blank is spread lengthwise. The same tool can be used to shape the upper sections - at an angle, spear-shaped or rounded. The edges of the workpiece are processed with an electric planer, after which the entire surface of the picket is carefully polished.