Registration of summer cottages of 6 acres. How to plan a plot of land

The arrangement of small and large summer cottages will last in several stages. Each of them is an integral part of the layout, and maximum attention should be paid to each.

  1. Territory zoning... Regardless of whether there is a house on your six hundred square meters or not, first of all, you will have to determine where the living, recreation, vegetable garden, perhaps amenities and other details will be located. Draw the zones on a piece of paper in as much detail as possible so that later on you have something to build on. The layout of the zones, for your own convenience, should be applied in as much detail as possible.
  2. After defining the zones, you will have to decide what exactly you want to see on your vegetable garden whether you will plant vegetables or fruits, or it will be shrubs and flowers. Depending on this, you will need to designate shade and sun zones on your plan, since different plantings require different amounts of solar heat.
  3. Installing amenities... If they will be located in the house, then this item can be skipped.
  4. Indicate exactly where on your site six acres will pass, and what material will serve as their basis. The paths do not have to be straight, winding paths look much more effective and much easier to arrange.

Territory zoning

Zoning of a summer cottage of six acres is of decisive importance. The competent location of the zones guarantees you always a fruitful harvest, as well as a comfortable pastime in the country.

Home area

The center of any suburban area is the area of ​​the house. The location of all other zones will depend on housing. On a small plot, the house area can also be combined with economic zone, terrace and garage... All these elements can either be directly adjacent to the house, or be directly next to it.

Garden and vegetable garden area

If you think in advance what exactly you will grow in the beds, then you can even accommodate the maximum number of beds in a relatively small area of ​​the garden and vegetable garden. Many vegetables and plants can grow in close proximity to each other, this must also be taken into account. We also advise you to divide the garden area into small areas of vegetables, flowers, berries and shrubs.

Rest zone

The rest area should be located as deep as possible in the area, away from prying eyes and dust from cars. The recreation area can also be adjacent to the house.

Features of landscape design

Landscaping can turn your six hundred square meters into a dream vacation home. Its features in such a small area are as follows:

  • wood or stone will make your six hundred square meters visually even smaller. The ideal solution could be hedge which you can grow with your own hands or create from artificial plants;
  • after the main zones of your site have been designated, try to add as many additional elements as possible to it: a small well, small , pergola entwined with artificial or live plants. They will add zest to your summer cottage. Thanks to these elements, your site cannot be looked around with one eye, which will create a feeling of its infinity;
  • create a small clearing to highlight the originality of your landscape design;
  • try to post fruit trees around the entire perimeter, and not in one place, to create a sense of the volume of the garden;
  • curved track from large stones will create the feeling of a large space;
  • do not forget about flower beds.

Arrangement of a summer cottage 6 acres with your own hands

Before you take on the arrangement of a summer cottage of six acres, you will need to do a lot of work with your own hands. You must completely rid your area of ​​roots, weeds, old plants, stumps, possibly bird or insect nests.

If the abundance of large trees or the shade from the house gives your area little light, then we advise you to plant more plants and flowers with bright fruits. We also recommend painting the fence, perhaps the house and other decorative elements in bright yellow or orange, which itself will create the feeling of the sun and will automatically attract it.

If you find a hole on six acres, you can either completely level it, or deepen it even further and create a small pond or pool. Such a pond in the garden always looks very impressive and attracts the attention of guests.

Surely there are objects on your site that you would like to hide from yourself and from prying eyes. Show your maximum imagination in order to create a work of art out of them.

A few ideas and tips will help you transform your 600 sq. M. Into a fabulous place to return to.

  1. If you plant shrubs and plants on the site, then decorate them with an interesting design. It can be specially purchased or created with your own hands from old tires or containers.
  2. In the very corner of the garden, create screen that will create shade for you on a hot summer day. In addition, you can always retire there for reading or just relaxing.
  3. If you don't have the money to buy new furniture or decorations for your garden, take the trouble to create a second life for your old garden furnishings. Connect the maximum of ideas and originality.
  4. Do not forget about lighting in your garden area in order to create additional comfort and safety in the dark. Hang up lanterns around the perimeter.

And in Soviet times, on the coveted 5-6 acres, people lovingly created coziness and beauty, skillfully alternating all this with paths of beds. Vegetables happily coexisted with simple flowers and ornamental shrubs. With the development of the market economy, gardeners have new opportunities and other needs. Landscaping of a country house 6 acres - 55 photos of ideas in our article.

The garden plot is gradually being transformed into a summer cottage as a place for summer recreation. Beds are replaced by lawns, rocky hills are built in flower beds, and reservoirs are organized. And the very diversity of the decorative floral and plant world is simply pleasing to the eye. Beautiful landscape design of a country house - there are pronounced recreation areas with gazebos, barbecue, benches, tables, pergolas, entwined with roses, clematis and grapes.

Watch the video: Landscaping of a country house 6 ares

Children have not been forgotten either. Playgrounds with swings, sandpits, bright chalets, Swedish walls, basketball baskets are increasingly taking their rightful place in our summer cottages. Homes have also ceased to be a place for storing garden tools and changing into work clothes. Coziness, convenience and comfort are the main criteria for a garden house. Landscape design of a country house photo:

Much has changed in recent years. It is not for nothing that a new direction of design art penetrated into Russia and spread widely - the landscape design of a country house of 6 acres. After all, there is no end to wonderful novelties for our garden. Wherever you look: ideas for paths, seeds and seedlings, gates and fences, building and finishing materials, landscape gardening, lighting devices and much, much more that cannot be used all together without building harmony, without subordinating the elements to a harmonious system without having an initial logical idea and design plan. Therefore, they create a project for a landscape design of a country house in order to visually delimit the entire territory.

Modern landscape design of a country house requires a lot of attention, landscape design specialists will help turn a piece of land into a unique complex, taking into account climatic conditions, terrain, soil, and most importantly all the wishes of future owners. Landscaping of the site of a country house photo:

Landscaping country house plants

In arid regions, tamarisk (bead, comb, comb) is very popular - it not only decorates the garden area, but also fixes the surface layer of soil, restraining the spread of deserts.

Tamarisk is a graceful shrub with many small shoots, the foliage of which has a pleasant rich green color with a bluish tint. The time of flowering of the plant falls in the spring - tamarix dotted with small pink flowers makes up a magnificent ensemble with any trees or shrubs on the site. Landscape design of a country house photo:

The love of landscape designers and amateur gardeners for this plant is explained by its unpretentiousness - even a severe drought is not terrible for tamarisk, but it takes root on almost all types of soil. Fertilization of the soil with organic substances contributes to the full growth and rapid development of the shrub, but the endurance of an adult plant is largely determined by the quality of the planting material - the seedlings of an ornamental plant should be purchased in specialized shopping centers or directly from manufacturers.

Features of landscape design

Landscaping of a country house of 6 acres - features of growing gerbera in landscape design. Gerbera is very often used for landscape design. Such frequent use is due to its very beautiful flowering, unpretentious cultivation. Landscaping of the site of a country house photo:

Gerbera is a perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. You can plant special varieties of gerberas that are grown in pots. They can be placed along the paths. There are also large and tall gerbera varieties, they are used to decorate flower beds, their flowers are cut into bouquets.

Beautiful landscaping of a country house will provide beautiful flowers. Gerbera loves to grow on bright sides where there is a lot of light and warmth. The location must be chosen so that the sun's rays fall on the plant. In this case, the plant will not stretch, it will reach for the light, and the flower itself will be bright and large.

In order for flowering to last longer and many buds to bloom, it is necessary to cut off the faded plants. To make bouquets, gerbera flowers are broken out, not cut. Gerbera is very susceptible to various fungal diseases. If you plant a gerbera in the ground, you need to water it with mineral fertilizers so that the plant receives all the trace elements it needs. Modern landscape design of a country house photo projects:

It is necessary to water the plant every other day, only in this case your landscape design of a country house of 6 acres will delight you with beautiful flowering. In order for the gerbera to bloom as abundantly as possible, it is regularly fed. For this, complex fertilizers are used, in which there is a very high content of potassium and calcium. It is also necessary to fertilize with fertilizers containing iron in order to rid it of chlorosis.

Country house landscape design project. Gerberas can be grown year-round using hydroponics. Gerbera is especially susceptible to the negative influence of insect pests - mites and thrips. In the fight against pests, it is necessary to use special preparations. Gerbera can be planted in a flower bed and along paths, decorate the edge of the pool with it - in any case, it will give you a pleasant mood and the landscape design of a country house of 6 acres will only benefit from its use.

Until now, it is plots of 6 acres that can most often be seen in the dacha economy. At first glance, this is not very much. But with the right planning, you can create great landscaping that will set an example for your neighbors.

To begin with, you must understand that there are many examples of landscape design on 6 acres. Much depends on the main and secondary objects that you want to build. For example, if building a house is a matter of course, then there are a number of other structures that can radically transform the landscape.

Very often, when creating landscape design on 6 acres, a building for a bathhouse is included in the plan. You can also build a small gazebo and even a pool. In fact, this area is more than enough to create a cozy and beautiful corner.

But the layout of landscape design on 6 acres includes not only the construction of buildings. You also need to map out where the trees, ornamental shrubs, lawns, and so on will be located. All these items can be seen in the examples from the photo.

To understand which examples of country estates are right for you, consider what constitutes a footage of 6 acres. In most cases, this is an area of ​​15 by 40 or 20 by 30 meters. To create an ergonomic landscape design in such a small area, you must not only plan everything accurately, but also use modern zoning methods.

It is very important to understand the priorities before starting the creation of a landscape design project for a summer cottage on 6 acres. You should know in advance that a big beautiful house, a swimming pool, a garden with fruit trees or a lawn with green grass are more important to you. Only then will you be able to start creating your own example of a future plan diagram.

Things to Consider When Planning

There are a number of parameters that need to be taken into account when developing landscape design on 6 acres, then the example of a future design masterpiece you have designed will be the most functional. To create a good project, you need to rely on the following parameters:

  1. Relief. Your site can be on a slope, in a ravine, on a hill and even at the foot of a cliff. Naturally, this must be taken into account when planning. Otherwise, all your design delights will not make sense. The type of construction of the house, its location, the necessary engineering communications and much more depend on the relief.
  2. The shape of the site also plays a significant role in creating an example of landscape design on 6 acres. The fact is that most people think that this is a traditional square or rectangle. But the truth is that the shapes can be very diverse, ranging from a triangle to a parallelepiped. There are more than enough options.
  3. Naturally, when creating an example of landscape design on 6 acres, the type of soil is of particular importance. Only the most hardy plants can grow on poor soils. Of course, with the proper amount of effort, you can create black soil or even artificial soil on the site, but such an example of creating a landscape requires money.
  4. Water resources. In some areas, water bodies may be located. They can be used as part of landscape design or, for example, to fall asleep. It all depends on your aesthetic preferences.
  5. Groundwater. If your site is located where there are problems with groundwater. Then you cannot do without arranging a good drainage system.

As you can see, when planning a landscape design option on 6 acres and focusing on ready-made examples, you need to take into account many parameters on which the very possibility of translating your chosen example into reality depends.

We create landscaping


To make your landscape design pleasing to the eye even on 6 acres, you need to approach its creation wisely. The plan should be done on a scale of 1: 500. Simply put, five meters will be one centimeter.

Attention ! The layout includes the location of outbuildings and zones, based on current regulations.

At the beginning of landscaping planning for 6 acres, study the act of not land. This document contains the parameters of your site. Transfer them to paper and only after that, focusing on the examples you like in this article, start planning.


Decide on the size of the house and other buildings. Each object should have its place on the plan, and its clear parameters should be indicated here. But at the same time, you must take into account the norms of SNiPs, which guarantee you a comfortable arrangement.

To create the correct layout, you should rely on SNiP 2.07.01-89 and SNiP 2.01.02-85. Here are the main extracts from these documents:

  1. Buildings must not be placed closer than five meters from the street.
  2. To other areas from the house should be more than three meters. This parameter for outbuildings is one meter.
  3. The windows of your house should be located at a distance of six meters from the neighboring master's buildings.
  4. From a barn with cattle or poultry to a residential building, the distance is 15 m.
  5. The distance from a residential building to a residential building is from 6 to 15 m.

By following these simple rules, you can create an excellent landscape design on 6 acres, which will become an example for everyone else.


It depends on zoning whether your landscape design on 6 acres will become an example for everyone else. Of course, the correct location of the house and outbuildings is of great importance. But that's not all.

It is very important when creating landscape design on 6 acres to correctly arrange the garden, vegetable garden, pool and other areas. The inner comfort of the site depends on how harmoniously you do it.

It's worth starting with the fact that, according to the zoning rules, it is impossible to place a garage in the depth of a plot of 6 acres. First, it is not very convenient. And secondly, you have to allocate space for the driveway, which is an unaffordable luxury in such conditions.

The garden should not be located in the southern part of the territory. Since it will create a shadow for the garden. This, in turn, will negatively fight off plant growth. A vegetable garden can also not be made where a shadow from buildings will fall on it.

Attention ! In turn, the recreation area is best located in a shaded area.

If you want to create a great example of a BBQ area in your 6-acre landscaping, be sure to take care of knowing the prevailing winds in the region. This will allow you to choose the best location.

The barbecue or barbecue area is best set upwind. With this foresight, the smoke will not spread throughout your entire property.

To create a truly high-quality landscape design on 6 acres, you must take into account many nuances. For example, the fact that water will accumulate in the lowest place of the territory. Therefore, there is no worse zone to start a vegetable garden.

If you have a problematic terrain with constant elevation changes, then a staircase of terraces will be an excellent example of good landscape design. It will serve as an addition to it.

A great example of good zoning using terraces is the autonomy of each zone. Moreover, they all unite with each other through paths and stairs.

Attention ! Retaining walls are used to strengthen the terraces. Concrete structures are an excellent example of solidity and strength.

But if desired, retaining walls can become decorative elements in your landscape design on 6 acres. These designs have long been considered an example of excellent design taste and a non-standard approach to zoning.

Examples of successful landscape design

If desired, on 6 acres, you can arrange quite a lot of objects and at the same time maintain the comfort of movement. To achieve this, you need to accurately calculate the size and plan everything carefully. You can also rely on ready-made examples.

House, sauna and car garage

This type of project is especially popular in Europe. It allows you to squeeze out the maximum possibilities with a minimum of free space. Let's take a look at a real-world example. There is a plot in the form of a rectangle. A bathhouse is being built in its upper right corner. There is also a recreation area. A gazebo and a pond will organically complement this example of a successful zoning.

A little below the recreation area, a vegetable garden is being set up. As an example, it is best to take a semicircular shape. This will maximize the use of the available space of 6 acres.

A good example of a successful facade in such an example of landscape design on 6 acres will be the front zone. Flower beds and a lawn are traditionally made here. The top left is best for fruit trees.

Attention ! At the same time, when drawing up a plan-scheme, you must take into account the characteristics and parameters of your territory.

An example of a design for an extended area

If your territory is strongly elongated to one of the sides of the rectangle, the house should be located right next to it. An open area is made in front of the house. There is a lawn and decorative items such as trees and bushes.

The winding path in this landscape design of a summer cottage on 6 acres will run along the entire rectangle from the house at one end to outbuildings at the other. A garden is laid out on the sides.


Even a small space can be used efficiently. Six acres is not a little at all, if you choose the best zoning option and calculate everything correctly. The main thing is not to violate building codes.

Gardening and landscape construction is a very large area of ​​phytodesign that requires serious theoretical and practical training. Regardless of the size of the site, in order for the future result to be worthy and long-term, it is necessary to apply a professional approach to design. Even when creating a landscape design of 6 acres, it will take patience, initially paying enough attention to theory.


It is important not to neglect the creation of a detailed project on paper, this will help not to overlook various subtleties, take into account all the "pitfalls", and also realistically assess your capabilities, both physical and financial.

The garden plot project will contain the following sections:

  • Initial site plan;
  • Zoning;
  • Design.

If necessary, also:

  • Drainage system;
  • Irrigation scheme;
  • Scheme of electrical networks.

An initial or rough site plan is needed to create all other plans. It should display the cardinal points, landscape features (lowlands, hills, planting of large plants), buildings on the territory of the cottage, as well as near borders, adjacent areas or roads.
The second stage of design is zoning. Here you need to think about what functional areas will be (recreation area, vegetable garden, sports, household, children's area). Assessing the real possibilities of a small summer cottage, it is better to limit yourself to 3-4 zones, having determined their acceptable sizes.

Garden Garden

Traditionally, in our country, land plots are used for growing vegetables. The top advice from professionals is not to maintain this tradition with absolute precision. A vegetable garden can be beautiful too, not like a graveyard with rectangular graves.

We combine vegetables and flowers

To diversify the design of the suburban area, you need to add paints in the form of flowers, harmoniously combined with fertile plants. Flowers can be used both perennial and annual.


When creating a landscape design, you need to provide access to all elements of the garden, so that there is no difficulty in caring for them.

Fruit trees and shrubs

For a summer cottage of 6 acres, it will be rational to select undersized trees and shrubs, alternating them with medium-sized fruit-bearing bushes.

Shady part of the garden

When creating a design for a summer cottage with your own hands, you need to take into account all the little things.
One of these tricky moments can be considered filling the shady part of the garden. Often, inexperienced gardeners, due to their inexperience, millet leave this area under a thicket of weeds, it’s not scary if this is an inconspicuous area behind the house, much more difficult for those who have it as the front area of ​​the house.

Leisure garden

In recent years, it has become fashionable to acquire summer cottages not in order to get involved in gardening, but simply for cultural recreation in the fresh air. As a rule, it makes no sense to acquire large territories for this, a plot of 6 acres with a small country house with a well-equipped recreation area will be enough.

Flower beds

The most common element of landscape design is a flower bed.
Distinguish between rectangular flower beds, they are called ridges and flower beds of arbitrary shape. Also distinguish between single-level and multi-level flower beds.

Annual flower beds

When creating a do-it-yourself landscape design, you can start with flower beds with annual crops. Among them there is a large selection of unpretentious plants on which you can practice and gain experience in floriculture.

Individual landscape

Most of the sites are characterized by a monotonous landscape that does not have individual characteristics. So that the view is not boring, you need to create elements that imitate the natural elements of the landscape (hills, lowlands, different levels).

Harmony in the garden

It is quite possible to create a harmonious landscape design with your own hands.
For this, individual elements must be selected in the same style, combined with the buildings and natural features of the site.

In conclusion, we can say that creating a landscape design for a summer cottage with your own hands is very exciting, skills can be improved every year, bringing them to the ideal. Expanding your knowledge in the field of certain topics touched on in this article, without fear of experimenting, you can develop your own individual style.

You can make it comfortable and beautiful using the simplest rules adopted in landscape design.

Unusual, memorable buildings and compositions will give the site uniqueness and charm, you just have to show a bit of artistic taste and work with your hands.

Consider the design options for various corners of the suburban area of ​​6 acres. High-quality photos will give you tons of creative ideas. It is especially valuable that all the accessories for decorating the dacha, which will be discussed, can be made with your own hands from improvised means.

The principles of landscape design

It is right to start the design of a suburban area with careful planning, which takes into account the purpose of the territory. On six hundred square meters, it will not work to breed farm animals, beekeeping or poultry. The usual purpose of a small summer cottage is a resting place in the bosom of nature and a source of fresh vegetables for the season.

First, priority objects are applied to the paper: a house, a barbecue area or a barbecue area, a utility yard, a well or a well, places for beds and fruit trees. Then they think over the location of paths, lamps, small decorative compositions.

Rules for registration of a plot of 6 acres:

  1. Don't use massive constructs. The gazebo, veranda, terrace, fence, attic (if any) should look light.
  2. Do not put a blank fence around the perimeter - while at the dacha you will be haunted by the feeling that you are in a cage. A translucent fence pushes the boundaries of a small area and makes it optically larger.
  3. You can not plant vegetation that will eventually reach gigantic proportions. Low-growing trees are planted in the garden, arranging them in compact groups. With such a planting, they will not only be a source of fruit, but also elements of landscape design.

Fences, hedges and fences - how to make beautiful?

- the key issue when decorating a summer residence. Acquaintance with the site begins with the fence. Passers-by will use it to judge the dacha as a whole and the owners themselves. Beautiful, neat, made with fiction and "zest" - such a fence characterizes the owners of the site from the best side.

Country fences are built from, plastic, brick. When designing a fence, you need to adhere to the style in which the entire site is drawn up. The design should unobtrusively fit into the design of the cottage and the surrounding landscape.

Metal welded and forged fences look solid. Forging is expensive, but the result is always excellent - openwork, but very strong and durable construction. It can become the hallmark of your summer residence.

If you need to give the forged fence more solidity or reduce visibility, the support pillars and the lower parts of the spans are laid out of brick or wild stone. The disadvantage of this option is a significant increase in cost, since it will be necessary to build a foundation and hire bricklayers.

Working with wood does not require special equipment and special skills. Wood is easy to handle, so a wood fence can be given the most amazing look.

Typical wooden fences are inexpensive and quick to install. But if you want exclusivity, you have to forget about the banal picket fence. Instead, it is better to install a stylish wattle fence, which will give the cottage a rustic flavor.

The simplicity of the village tyna is apparent. Weaving such a fence is not easy, so most summer residents simply buy ready-made spans, then fixing them in the right place. Those who want to make a wicker fence with their own hands will have to stock up on a huge number of branches, flexible trunks and a good guide to weaving from wood.

You can enclose the entire allotment around the perimeter or fence off the flower beds, front garden. A wicker fence is well suited for delimiting two adjacent areas, because, due to its low height, it does not shade the land of its neighbors.

Instead of branches, you can take any sufficiently flexible lumber to make a tyna. If it is leveled and well finished, the fence will turn out to be extremely elegant.

How to arrange a flower bed or flower garden?

In a small area, there is not always a place for a full-fledged flower garden. Many owners of six acres have to be content with a small flower bed. In this case, it is better to place it in the most conspicuous place: under the window, near the porch, at the entrance to the site.

Low along the central path, it instantly creates a festive mood. Unlike geometrically correct ridges and borders, which are usually used to decorate paths, mixborders have irregular shapes.

They can include any plants - from ground cover to shrubs. In the photo below, the mixborder is made up of ornamental cabbage, which is in good harmony with the deliberately rough paving of the path.

Track decoration

Thinking over the appearance of the tracks, you need to take into account that they must be comfortable. Usually, the central path is made so wide that a garden wheelbarrow and other equipment can pass along it. The paths can be made narrower - about 60 cm wide.

Material No. 1 for - concrete. To make the path look unusual, the hardening cement mortar can be made to look like a wild stone.

Partly filled concrete paths look interesting. The missed areas will soon be overgrown with grass. Such paths are unusually cozy.

Brick paving is one of the most durable. The brick-lined walkways add a touch of antiquity. They are especially beautiful against the backdrop of vibrant greenery. For perfect color harmony in an area with red brick paths, the fence, facade and gazebo should be white.

Wooden paths are the cheapest and fastest way to equip the territory. To decorate a Japanese-style garden, the wood can be painted red and a landscape accessory with hieroglyphs can be placed next to the path. Being in this part of the garden, it is easy to imagine that you are right in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Registration of outbuildings

Outbuildings influence perception no less than a house or a fence. Therefore, sheds, a toilet and even a water barrel should look appropriate.

It is most convenient to hide the ugly walls of the summer kitchen under vertical gardening. To do this, weaving plants are planted nearby: a rose garden of rambler roses, ivy.

Old boards and bricks can be painted with colorful paints to make them an interesting backdrop for a plant composition. The photo shows how the dark vertical surface accentuates the brightness of the tall flowers planted around the perimeter of the building.

- the most intimate building on the site. But it can also be designed in an extremely attractive way. For example, decorate the walls with hanging pots and antique accessories.

If you can never look into the gazebo for the whole season, then the washbasin and the restroom are a place that enjoys the increased attention of the owners and guests. For its design, do not spare inventions and materials. The owners of unlimited imagination and skillful hands, as usual, win. It will not be difficult for them to make the garden bathroom look like a medieval carriage.

Installed in a utility or recreational area - depending on whether it will be used for burning garden waste or as a recreation area.

The place for the fire is laid out with any heat-resistant material: brick, natural stone, concrete blocks. On sale you can find portable fireplaces for the garden made of metal, cast iron or ceramics. This is ideal for a small summer cottage. Portable fireplaces do not take up much space and can be easily carried to any corner of the garden.

Small pond - relaxation area

Small ponds are in great fashion now. A mini-pond decorates the site, gives individuality to the design.

A modestly designed artificial pond made from untreated sandstone slabs looks good when combined with lush coastal vegetation. In the photo, this is a chick.

The modest size with a plastic or concrete bottom is almost completely hidden by lush aquatic vegetation. Garden sculptures depicting fairy-tale characters and fountains can be installed on the shore of the reservoir or right in it. They make this area of ​​the garden very attractive for children, so the pond should not be deep.

On the shore of the pond, paved with artificial slabs "marbled", it is convenient to relax, contemplating the unique beauty of aquatic plants, spreading leaves on the mirror surface.

You just need to sit in the shade on a comfortable bench. The wooden footbridge gives this section of the garden an oriental flavor.

The fence, bench and footbridge are made in the same design and create a seamless composition.

It blends well with the lush, colorful terrestrial vegetation of the Chinese style of landscaping. It is better to hide the plastic sides of the frame swimming pool behind the masonry.

It gives the hydraulic structure the appearance of a medieval oriental fountain. The Mediterranean plants surrounding the reservoir - oleander, myrtle, boxwood - make the similarity even more complete.

If a good one is arranged at the dacha, it will become the best resting place for children. This will allow the whole family, including its younger generation, to take a good break from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoying a weekend in the lap of nature.

The main requirement for the design of a playground is safety. All its elements are made of non-traumatic materials. It is best to use a well-cleaned and sanded tree for the construction of the site. Instead of a synthetic springy covering, you can use pieces of elastic bark, covered with a layer of 10-20 cm.

For the decoration of this, nautical motives are taken. The awning overhead, which protects babies from the sun's rays, is made of dense multi-colored canvas. The sandbox-boat, in which you can not only build a sand castle, but also stand at the helm like a captain, or fish with a bamboo rod, will delight the boys.

The task of the parents is to make the sandbox. How to play it, the kids will figure it out for themselves. The simplest design, which does not require large costs, is to make a side of concrete, in which large multi-colored smooth pebbles were used as a filler.

If the weather permits, the playground can be used for an overnight stay. Of course, if there is such a cozy house on it, almost like a real one. This wooden structure combines a simulator, a slide, a playhouse and a sandbox.

How to arrange a gazebo in the country?

The purpose is to provide the family with the opportunity to gather for communication and meals in the open air, in a place protected from rain and other weather disasters. Very often, summer residents spend most of the day in the gazebo, going into the house, only to spend the night. Usually the gazebo is the most stylish element in the landscape of the site.

The open version of the gazebo is a conventional canopy attached to support pillars. This design is simple and beautiful at the same time.

Closed gazebos are like small houses. Those sitting in them are reliably protected by walls from gusts of wind.

A closed gazebo makes the space more enclosed, therefore, for small plots of 5-6 acres, it is better to use an open version - it visually expands the territory.

The easiest way to build. It is an environmentally friendly material and is easy to process. For the manufacture of the roof, you can use polycarbonate.

The most budget-friendly resting corner is a structure made of fabric stretched over a prefabricated metal frame. It is better to supplement such a gazebo with a mosquito net so that you can relax in it in the evenings.

How to use tree stumps and driftwood?

Compositions from roots or rutaria are an independent trend in landscape design, which replaced Japanese stone gardens. Rutarius means root.

An ordinary driftwood or rotten stump is already the simplest rutaria. After a small alteration, it will turn into a flower bed or pots.

The easiest option is to make a mini-flower bed out of driftwood, having previously painted it with varnish or paint.

Nutrient soil is poured into the center of the tree trunk and unpretentious long-flowering plants, for example, are planted. Low flowers are placed around the perimeter of the driftwood, in this case - salvia.

A sawed-down tree can be turned into pretty garden furniture. But the easiest way is to use them as beautiful flower beds, especially since you may not find another place for flowers in a small area.

Another way to decorate your garden is to arm yourself with a chisel and create quirky park figures. , which can be interesting to decorate the beds.

Lighting equipment

It has not only a functional purpose. Lamps and lanterns, installed in the right places, allow you to highlight the most beautiful compositions, create accents in design. Well-chosen lighting demonstrates the good taste of the owners and their wealth.

Electric floodlights are used on lawns and flower beds. Their spectral composition is important. It should match the color of the plants in the flower bed.

To enhance the brightness of certain plants, lamps of a similar spectrum are inserted into the lamps:

  • mercury lamps enhance blues and blues;
  • sodium lamps accentuate the brightness of red plants.

An important technique of lighting design is the illumination of paths. In small individual areas, the paths are decorated with columnar lamps. The smaller the area, the smaller the electrical appliances should be.

Lamps along the paths can be simultaneously used to illuminate flower beds, as shown in the photo below. Miniature lanterns not only emphasize the beauty of the path paved with glossy stone, but also make it possible to admire the lush balsams even in the dark.