Conspiracies and rituals from unwanted guests. How to protect yourself from the unborn and unkind guests

12 ways to properly suspended guest

Very often we invite you to visit friends and acquaintances, goals are different, but the result is always alone. Have fun, you get tired and start dreaming about silence and rest. But what if your guests do not think so?

1. "Thin hints"
This method is the most polite and therefore the most intact. The guest is needed by all ways to clearly hint, which is generally time to sweep away. It is necessary to demonstratively look at the clock, nervous and sigh, repeating as if about myself: "Already at midnight! And mommy allowed only to eleven ... "Or" after midnight, and I also didn't do the lessons ... "At the same time, you can delicately yawning and fiercely rub eyes. You can also periodically access the guest with such, for example, the question: "Do you not need to call, what are you going to go?" Or "if you come out now, then you still have time to go on the last bus (Trolleybus, subway train, train, taxi, steam, cart - choose the right one)".
If thin nama Do not help, go to the following ways.

2. "Board guest hunger"
A good way, perfectly helps with those guestswho love to eat and always spin next to the refrigerator! This guest well, but fun, but firmly report that there is no food in to no longer! Everything! Found! And there is no money either. So run to the store - it is useless to show a guest hardness to the kitchen. The effect manifests itself approximately half an hour - sorcery minutes.

3. "Touch his thirst"
Also good way. Especially effective if the guest before it feeds the herring by execution is similar to method 2, but instead of food you need to say about drinks.
If an invulnerable guest will climb water from under the tap, you need to inform him that in your water water Not further, the bacillus of the abdominal typhoid, Siberian ulcers and salmonellosis found today. However, after that, do not forget to politely stretch the guest glass!

4. "Labor service"
If the guest does not want to leave, why not stick to it work on cleaning an apartment and washing the dishes?
Usually, when the guest sees the mountain of dishes in washing and mountain of garbage in the room, he immediately begins to quickly gather. A simple and reliable way.

5. "Financial difficulties"
A good way is not only to pay a guest, but also to get out of a person at all.
Ask him to borrow and do not be shy and immediately name the inbox. What exactly advise you will not have your own ideas about this amount. Approximately it varies from 100 to 5,000 US dollars at the CRH course on the day of the party. One of the most effective ways.

6. "Weak place"
Suitable for the owner who studied the habits of their guests well.
Do what your guest does not like most. If he does not like classical music, we are destroyed on the whole floor of the 5th symphony of Beethoven, or the 19th - Shostakovich, or the 7th Prokofiev or Opera Overtures of Rossini ... In general, everything that will be at hand. True, there is a possibility that he will love this music, but then it can be "getting" in another way. For example, your guest does not like animals. In this case, feel free to sick on my cat's knees (a dog, a rat, a guinea pig, snake, Tarantula, a parrot) with the words: "He loves you, he liked!" If your animal is not, for the sake of such a case you can lend from the neighbors.

7. "Soft rudeness"
Looks like the first way, but his task is a bit different. "Soft rudeness" should be taken out of the guest, bring it out of itself. For example, you can approach him and confidentially report: "You know, there are such people ... They do not understand the hints! They are told that the owners are tired that guests are time home, and they do not react! " Or, if your guest began to read the last number "TV Park", you can snatch the magazine from the hands, with the words: "I read, and give others to read!"

8. "Rough rudeness"
Come to the guest and say: "You know, Vova and wouldn't you go home?" At the same time, you can play with biceps in front of the nose, twist the pan or remove the muzzle with love Bull terrier.
Good, effective way.

9. "Injugulation"

If previous ways do not help, intimidation. Progration that if the guest does not leave now, you will call the police, firefighters, " ambulance", Gaza, manager, relatives, brother, serves ...
If the words do not help, do it!

10. If you applied all previous wells, and the guest still does not leave, we advise you to check - and is he still alive?
If not, consider what you're lucky! It remains only to cause bodywork. And you will not need to resort to the method 12!
And if yes ... then take advantage of the way 12.

11. "Plive and Forget"

This method is suitable for patient, calm owners.
You have a lot of things, here and come with them. Passing the dishes, remove the room, rejection, begging, clean your teeth and go to bed.

12. "Higher Measure"
If you consistently applied the ways 1-8, if all the spa services visited you, if the guest loved classic music and is inseparable with your python, if he washed the dishes, removed in the room and lent you 5,000 dollars if you woke up in the morning And he is still here and alive, then one thing remains to use the way Odyssey. Do you remember how he did with the contagious grooms Penelope? If you do not remember, re-read the immortal poem of Homer Odyssey. This is a good allowance for all owners of the party!

Each of us is familiar with the expression "My house is my fortress." And everyone would like to protect this very fortress from all evil, which is in yourself the world And people. For this reason, many may think about how to dare from their homes of those people whose presence in it is extremely undesirable. Turning for help to magic, it can be concluded that the conspiracy from unwanted guests is very effective tool Protection of their living space from the unwanted people.

Currently, there is a wide variety of magical actions that can be used to protect your home from an uninvited guest or a detractor, so as not to come and did not come. Therefore, a person has the right to choose the method that he will use, whether it is a conspiracy, prayer or other magical effect. The main thing - in any case, follow the rules for the implementation of the rite. In this case, the consequences of the incorrectly conducted ritual will not be overtaken by the Contractor, and the result will be as required.

Conspiracies for raying enemies

Guests are different, and you don't want to see more often. We look forward to alone, and we don't want to see others even on the threshold, you want to get rid of them before they come. But every living person has a list of unwanted visitors begins with enemies. It is unreleased, as obvious and secret, each of us under no circumstances would not want to see those present in their home. For this reason, many people can excite the question, and it is possible to get rid of the unifunciers standing on the threshold at home through the use of magical actions. As the magical heritage of our ancestors says, it is quite possible.

A conspiracy that helps not let enemies to the house and get rid of them in advance, is extremely relevant, because every person has hostile people. The proposed rituals are quite simple in execution, which increases the guarantees of the successful result, ill-wishers will change their mind to you. Also, these magical actions will not only fall unwanted enemies, but also help to return all the evil, which these people sent to the owner of the house.

Ritual with an animal heart

The first step is to prepare for a magical action. Before conducting a rite, you need to buy everything you need, namely:

  1. Heart of animal small size. For the ritual, the body of the bird, dogs or rabbit will fit. You can not buy a heart, but cut it out of the killed animal.
  2. Nine nails of small size.
  3. One big nail.

Conducting ritual

  1. Position the bought heart on the surface of the plate, then begin to drive the cooked nails alternately.
  2. Driving is accompanied by a verbal promise of misfortunes and adversity for the enemy, which you want to stay away from the monastery.
  3. After that, it is necessary to bury everything that is on the surface of the dishes, to the ground.
  4. For injection, it is necessary to choose a desert terrain, so that ordinary passers-by adopted the effect of the enchanted heart.
  5. Pour the remnants of the attributes used in the ritual accompanying their actions by plotting:

"All sorrow and misfortune that you brought me, I will return you! I did not invite you not to my house your way lies! ".

At the time of the end of the ritual, it is important for the next three days not to take and take anything in return. Only then every magic word that the person uttered, will fully work in full force, and the enemies will forget the road to the house.

Copy salt in home protection

As you know, salt has the powerful characteristics of the cleaner and shield. This is a weighty reason to use this subject in order to protect your abode from the imperfect visitors. A person has the ability to apply a simple and effective spoken of salt, which will certainly help.

The proposed conspiracy from uninvited guests does not require training and is quickly carried out:

Take a pinch of salt, standing near the main entrance to the dwelling, which is open, and segue a quiet voice:

"The whole damage and misfortune will bring to the one who sends evil on me."

After that, throw the spoken salt, focusing on the left side. Make sure that the salt does not hit the resident of the house, it will hurt the ritual and will break its effectiveness.

Also save the dwelling from those guests whose visit is not expected to help the rite of sanctification of salt, wrapped in a convolution. Just remember the salt should be consecrated in the Holy Holiday, it is best for Easter or on another red day.

Country for the purchase of milk

Who would have thought that the usual purchase of milk could become a means of magical protection against the excessive attention of our ill-wishers. But the magical heritage of our ancestors suggests that you can escape from unwanted attention, having bought milk and spending a simple and effective ritual with him.

How to dare from home unwanted guests

How to protect your house from unreasonable guests. Lifehak from Angeya Kuchinski

Ritual against uninvited guests. Vedic psychologist

How to spend ritual

So far you go for buying, you need to repeat magic words:

"I go for milk for my enemies."

Bringing home, it is necessary to wait until the purchased milk is skis, speed up this process, can be purchased in the sun or in any warm place.

"How processed milk is so that you are the Proble from me, ( full name enemy). As I wash my hands and my legs, so that you are lying away from me, (the full name of the enemy). Amen".

Drinking non-crushed visitors

Many people understand that they need to protect their house without limiting those who obviously wishes the evil, but also from all uninvited guests. After all, you can break your head for a long time, with what intentions the visitor came. The conspiracy will help the owner to be reinforced from the possible influence of the thoughts of envious and simply unexpected visitor.

Conspiracy with clove

Some practitioners argue that the nails can help protect the house of a person from visiting those who are in the thoughts of their evil. Making a simple and effective ritual, protecting housing, take the handful of dried leaves of cloves, pour out into the prepared heat-resistant sought. In the course of the ritual, magical words need quietly:

"My home is to defend, an unwanted guest of the ebony! May it be so!".

The plant is poured with steep boiling water and put in a dark, roast place for half an hour or three quarters (45 minutes). While the carnation insists, it is necessary to whisper a ritual population:

"Magic spices and water, I spell you! Let the power of your energies fill my infusion by force! Forces and protection in action! Let the threshold of this house never go to those who I do not expect to visit! May it be so! May it be so! May it be so!".

The conspiracy tincture is used during the consecration of the housing of the one who conducted a rite. Special attention Pay in such parts as the threshold and the main entrance.

Copy Valerian

IN magic practices Very much and often used special herbal zarlas, they perform cleansing and recovery. In order to protect the house from the unreasonable visitors, some magicians can use Valerian. So that the plant helps in defense, it is necessary that the plant has stood in a common place, most often put a flower in the hallway or in the hallway room:

"Let the one who no one here is waiting for, will never enter this house! Obragi, defend, uninfected from us distinguish! May it be so!".

Ritual for distraction with the use of fresh garbage

The magic of our ancestors is distinguished by unpredictable in the attributes of the rites and texts of the statement. Ritual actions that protect the house from guests that they do not expect them, they can assume the use of a variety of items and substances.

The proposed claim is required to read right on the garbage, which is quite non-standard, but effective method To protect the house. If the goal is to leave from his threshold of all unreasonable guests, notice each room, garbage to the package and say the spell:

"How this garbage will not turn into malice. It will not be a stone fighting bird. Peas will not turn into powder. So (such). On my threshold will not appear. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Now, confessed, in the eyelids. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, the croke is burned, and the remnants are buried there where people rarely go and run dogs. When the ritual is finished, magic will begin its impact and will have a protective effect on the house, eliminating its owners from those guests who do not want to see.

Sometimes it happens that the uninvited visitors arrived earlier than magical actions ended. In some cases, it is recommended to hold a rite again, but in the case of a ritual with garbage, you can simply depart the house after all strangers leave it.

Protection of the house with the help of faith

In magical practices, a common occurrence is to create special items that perform certain functions. They can be called chambers, talismans and even artifacts. But can help the charm get rid of those whom I would not want to see on the threshold of your home? As it turned out, you can. And most importantly, this item can be created independently, in domestic cases. Properly created charms can not only lead all unwanted people from the house, but also to protect against the negative impact, both conscious and random.

The easiest way to protect your house from people you do not want to see is to pronounce magic words while tie the laces or buttons buttons on clothes. Spell text Next:

"This castle is closed from the case of evil and thin, from the eye of black and prompt, from words of false and envious. So that neither access, no half-visit to you to me or in the way, nor on the road, nor in holiday, nor in work, no day or night. I close the key to the key, be strong we command. From now on, and forever. Amen".

During this simple ritual, a magic castle is created, which will not allow non-crushed guests to enter the house, or to start any negative programaimed at the atmosphere in the house and its inhabitants.

Icons on defense

Great strength also have icons, which is not a secret. So that the evil does not penetrate into the house magical impactNor through people entering the house, the host of the premises must be taken care that his house has a certain set of images. Full protection OT. non-crushed guest It will be only when the following icons stand at home:

  • Jesus Christ;
  • Holy Trinity;
  • the icon of the patron of the host of the house (usually this holy, whose name was given to a person who owns the house, with baptism).

In order to protect your housing from everyone who has evil in the soul, and prevent the negative impact on the atmosphere created in the house at all, it is not necessary to go to grandmother-leader and ask for help. Each of us in the depths of your soul keeps a small wizard. Sincere faith in the one that housing can be made a fortress from evil intentions on its own, we are awakening our inner sorcerer and create real wonders who protect us, our family and our home. The ancestors left a large selection of possible tools and methods. What kind of use for your goals is exclusively your choice. Listen to the voice of the heart and create magic without any help.

About uninvited guests.

How to take us teach us from childhood. The main principle: a person who came to your house should be good! But what to do when the guest is uninvited, unplanned and his presence in a burden?

Guests should be surprised and treat, merry and entertain. How? Thousands of books give a response to this: starting with culinary and ending with label benefits. Which plug from which side to put, how to turn the napkin, how to cook cakes - salads, what games - Phanti can be started when everyone is being found, how to choose music for dancing, what themes to offer for a conversation ... a good owner should not regret the time and strength so that To please your guests! I did not regret.

And at the dawn independent life, I have a problem. Numerous friends and acquaintances quickly understood that we have good at home. Heat and tasty, interesting and fun. And we live separately from parents. At first we were really interested and fun. I became like in the nineteenth century, the "mistress of a secular salon"! All news I recognize the first. Conversations, music, photos. And friends love us so much and appreciate!

Frustration was bitter. Our house with every day more and more reminded the restaurant, hotel, caravan - shed and the courtyard in one bottle. Friends and acquaintances came not warning, at any time. If some arrival friend urgently needed overnight, he was led to us. I was tired as it was as if I worked in three shifts, the refrigerator was devastating rapidly, and on personal affairs we had almost no time to my husband. And very few were grateful for our hospitality. But those who belonged to our rejoicing as a must, for some reason appeared abound.

I panicked. It was clear that all this disgrace it time to finish. But how? Where to take the necessary words and actions to streamline us the flow of people whose presence in the burden? Yes, so to not offend anyone?

Here are some real examples.

Rows a friend: "Can I come to you? - Good, come! - And if I'm not alone? - Yes, you can ". Well, she will probably come with their young man? Why don't we drink a seagull threesome?

But the most interesting began in half an hour. She really came with a guy, and from the threshold stated: - "For us, two more, and three more people go here!" "Yes, you crazy! I want to relax, and does not intend to take this crowd of the people! Well, two - wherever nothing went, but seven? " "Yes, let you, we are beer captured, now we will rest! And you will not need to cook snack, we will do everything ourselves. "

How was it possible not to release the situation from under control when it started rapidly unfold?

Attention - the correct answer! It is useless to indignantly and resent. For you, everyone decided. Just the people were nowhere to drink a beer, and you live nearby. Suitable candidate! So act quickly and decisively.

Five? No, dear, we did not negotiate it! Either you also explain to them that they don't go anywhere, or I will stop all the relationship with you forever. By the way, I am at all glad at all at all. So look for yourself another nightclub!

Principle - with the unceremonious people we do unceremoniously. Of course, then resentment and complaints will begin. Perhaps even blackmail and threats. As an option: requests, staining and logical beliefs. But to this you need to be ready.

Suddenly, three acquaintances come: "Husband at home?". I, yawning: "No, and I rest after work." "And he told us that by this time will be at home. Can we wait for him? " You have to wake up, put the kettle, and keep the conversation. Although I was going to sleep until arrival! Fuck them like not for what?

Attention - the correct answer! You have to drive out for what - they prevented resting me, in my territory, in my free time.

I sleep, and I will not get up. He did not say anything to me. So find out with him why it is not at home. Close the door.

A scandal is possible with an expensive spouse on his return. But let him teach not to appoint meetings at home. Or warn, at least.

Mobile rudeness. Rings on a mobile phone: "I'm nearby, I will go to you, I will soon." It seems everything is polite, but this visit is still like snow on your head. And our plans for this evening do not interest him at all. - No, you go, but not to us! Home. Because we are busy now.

We make repairs, home full of mess. Two familiar girls come. "Oh, we have no one hundred years, we went past, they decided to go!". We hastily bring the semblance of order, put the kettle, cover on the table. The conversation is clearly delayed. Tactfully interested: "Girls, and you are going home? Too late". In response, I get a thoughtful look: "But this is already a big question. Of course, we did not plan to sleep with you, but ... now too late and transport no longer walks ... "I explode:" So you put me before the fact? And, instead of our night rest, will I arrange you overnight? " Both are instantly hidden, offended inflatable sponge. And was it possible to do so that they are not offended, but with apologies?

Attention - the correct answer! In no way. They disappeared - great achievement.

Guest is not anyone who appeared in the house, and applying to the attention of the owners and the contents of their refrigerator. And the expulsion of uninvited guests is not less than the reception of the welcome.

If you suspect that someone from the guests came to your home with unkind intentions, then immediately after his care, notice the floor in the hallway and assemble the entire quarrel in the package. Take it out of the house and break at the nearest intersection, reading the prayer "Our Father". The next day, visit the church and put a candle for the health of this person. If your doubts are wrong, then the guest held the guest will benefit, well, if they confirm - he will have problems, and you get rid of them.

Unfortunately, each of us can come to the house of unpleasant, unkind people. Such guests, out of anger or envy, can be jammed, send damage.

To avoid possible problemsIt makes sense to take some precautions.

Charm for home from bad people with their own hands

To begin with, make a charm for your home. It is very simple. Take a short black thread and, tie to the nodule at one end, tell me:

"This is to catch them."

Tie a nodule on the other end of the thread and say:

"It To tie them. "

Then tie the ends of the thread and tell me:

"This is not Let them. Stone on a stone, do not break forever. I said everything)! It is done"

Now the thread with the nodules, which has become overfielded by the faith, must be posed before the threshold if you live in a private house. If you live in the apartment, you can hide it under the rug.

It is necessary to make a fabulous to new moon when the moon is not visible in the sky, in the period after sunset and before the onset of the new day.

And also remember a few more simple rules:

  1. Taking a gift from the guest, say mentally: "My with me, yours with you. May it be so!"
  2. Do not get up because of the table last.
  3. Do not let go of your sex for yourself to care.
  4. If you are not left-hand, do not pour alcoholic beverages with your left hand.
  5. During a feast with you, have a coin in five kopecks, which, after leaving guests, throw in the window.
  6. When meeting mentally autumn your breasts and guest cross sign, and when leaving the back.
  7. All guests must be shovel in that shoes in which they came to your house (or brought with them), it is impossible to give them their replacement shoes. Or get the so-called "guest" slippers.
  8. Have also a "guest" towel, so that those who came wipe their hands. Owners
  9. we should never use. After leaving guests boil it in a separate container.

Close windows with curtains, slit hair and break. There should be no pin on clothes. Machine hands so that there are a lot of foam, especially on your fingers. Apply foam to the feet of the right leg. Then take the knife you do not use, and carefully remove the foam with the soles on the threshold of the house. Scatter foam fist. At the same time saying:

Another way to draw on the doors of 12 crosses and repeat 12 times:

Conspiracy "Forgive the offender"

If you are uncomfortable, and you can't calm down because of unfair reproaches, then take a glass of water and stir in it wooden spoon (can be a twig) pinch of salt. At this time, speak

« Not salt stirring - mix off with water. Not Salt in water dissolves - resentment from the soul is expelled. May it be so".

Then left hand pour fluid into sewage, and even better - under dry wood or stump with the words:

"Brought, return with water-salt.

It is advisable to visit the church and put a candle for the health of the person who offended you.

Prayer Protection of the house from evil people

"Come visit the mother-in-law. Take to live for a couple of weeks. "From the ads on the women's forum.

Do you love unexpected guests? And under the guests it means not a girlfriend, which ran into the tea, and not a crowd of friends with whom you selflessly sing songs under the guitar. We are talking about guests with a capital letter G - about those after which there is an empty refrigerator who fell into the hysterical cat and a firm conviction: "More - never!"

Worse than Tatarin


- I somehow came the guy to visit Moscow arrived. I met in Smolensk, he actor, came to us on tour, and I did the plot there. Then they began to communicate. With him in Smolensk spent excellent time. And in the evening he drank home. And then I wake up once in the morning, and I comes a message: "Hi, what are you doing?" I answer: "Sleep". He: "And I came to visit you."

I used to dream of any such story, but in reality a person was very surprised in reality. We quarreled, he went one around the city. I was going through. In the evening, he came with a big teddy bear. As a result, they broke up well, but he no longer came to visit me. And with the bear I still sleep.

To avoid such situations, watch the tongue. Often we throw in a conversation: "Well, you do not forget, come to visit." For you, this is so, the turnover of speech, and a person, maybe already a suitcase begins to collect.

Rule number 1.Do not invite anyone to visit the politeness or for the sake of a red sense.

It also happens…


We invited us somehow with a young man for a birthday on kebabs in a picnic zone. We knew only the birthday girl. We come to the place - there all the faces are unfamiliar, the culprie of the celebration departed somewhere (he ran for drink). I got acquainted, drank wines. For an hour, all friends became the best. The birthplace is returning, and here the confusion is not the same. It turned out, the clearing was mistaken. They spent us to the desired glade, they rested everything together.

I came to you forever to settle

Nowadays, when personal space is almost sacred concept, please send to live for several days perceived as an invitation to the execution.

When the secondary aunt of the father's sister arrives in your city with a visit and two daughters entering the institute, and intends to live with you "a couple of weeks, no more", refuse to deny it in hospitality awkward. Suggest a aunt to go to the hotel it is impossible - relatives will be offended and will not understand. In this case, the smaller evil will be placed than a few weeks to creak teeth and eventually break.

Rule number 2. It is better to refuse immediately than then to invent reasons, however to offer positiveunexpected guests Clear ravis.

Let them know what you have

- repairs begins;

- You decided to leave and rent an apartment for a while.

If you have a warm relationship with alleged guests, but I don't want to let anyone in your house, you can find an inexpensive removable apartment and even help with part of payment.

On the other hand…


- My husband and I are journalists, we go a lot on a business trip. Fine when there is an opportunity to stay at the acquaintances. There is no money for the hotel, and I want to save. Therefore, we never refuse to those who ask for a few days to stay, knowing that tomorrow the same service will be needed.



- Twice a year, our houses are at home: the relatives of the wife, who study in absentia, come to our city at the session. Usually it is two weeks of hell - first they teach at night, then drink at night. In their free time, they ask them to entertain them, show the Red Square and carry in Ikei. Our two-bit is becoming similar to the student hostel - everywhere abstracts, books, on the floor are decomposed air mattress. We are not smoking your wife, but they do not strive to smoke at night in the kitchen in the window. The last drop was that after passing the next exam, the guys dragged home to us - the hosts, they say, will not be against, such a holiday! I could not stand and said that next year we will not be able to take them, because we start to make repairs. They are a little offended, but calmness is more expensive to me a relative relationship.

Vitaly Pakhomov, psychologist:

- discomfort associated with the reception of uninvited guests is explained by violation of the borders of the personal space. This is a natural feeling, you do not need to be ashamed. To minimize the inconvenience, caused by the visit of the guests, it is necessary to talk that in the house you remain the owner. Do not change your day of the day. Rules and orders in the house must remain yours. If the visit lasts long enough, you need to discuss who cleans the apartment, buys products and prepares lunch.

If you avoid the invasion of the guests failed and they already lay out our clamshears in the second week, they ask the towels, frank your spirits and squeeze your cat, then it is time to take measures to protect their borders.

- Stop cooking, entertain and get off for midnight with guests.

- Ask the "guests" about the exact date of departure.

- Wedge Wedge: Explain that you expect the next guest party, so it's time to "release the room".

Rule number 3. Guest, living in your house for more than a week, automatically ceases to be considered a guest. This is already a tenant, so boldly shift on it a part of the work on the house, the purchase of products and other economic affairs.

Could be so…


- Once, two girls-girlfriends were wandered to my friend, whom he did not really complain, and began to behave in Hamski: it's bad to joke, say tough and nasty. At the request to leave stupid giggles and stayed. Then Mitya took the pulverizer and Pshikhani made them to be returned to the door.

Natalia, Mini-Hotel Administrator:

- The main thing is that the guests know that you are here hostess and your decision is not subject to discussion. There are, of course, such guests that are noisy, mothers. In a good way, it is necessary to call the police, but after all, the rest does not want a person to spoil, maybe I just drank too much, so Zascandalil. In such cases, I call Grigory is our neighbor, a huge such uncle. Usually, browns from one glance only to the Gregory reassure.