Beautiful and cheap fence. Do-it-yourself fence is cheap and beautiful: we make it from wood and other materials

For most, privacy is an important factor. It allows you to feel safe and be the master of your possessions. It is normal when we are intolerant of unexpected interference in our personal lives. In a summer cottage and a country house, it is easy to prevent it by installing a fence made from improvised materials. Ordering ready-made structures can be quite troublesome, because a special approach to delivery and installation is required. In some cases, it is difficult to choose exactly what you would like the most. This article will describe what components can be used, and the photo will show ready-made options.

Important Factors

The construction of your own fence in the country or in a country house should not begin with installation work, but with the preparation of a small questionnaire that will allow you to determine the goals and purpose. It's worth thinking about the following:

  • how high will the fence be?
  • what is the main purpose of the fence;
  • will it be only a fence for flower beds;
  • what material is most available for the fence;
  • what can be combined;
  • whether serious intrusion protection is important.

These points will allow you to analyze exactly where the fence will be. It can serve as an element of decoration, which will additionally decorate the territory of the site. Perhaps the purpose of such a fence will be to protect flower beds or vegetable crops so that animals do not harm them. It would be good to decide on the material and, if necessary, collect the required amount for the hedge.

metal fence

Perhaps when you hear about a fence made of metal, images of powerful and large fence structures arise in your imagination, which eventually become rusty and require constant painting. But if you approach the issue creatively, you can get a very interesting country fence that will attract the eyes of passers-by.

Bicycle frames

If you have been repairing bicycles or have a friend at the acceptance of scrap metal, then you can build an interesting fence from bicycle frames. It is better to choose those that are made of aluminum. They do not require special care and perfectly resist the corrosive effects of moisture. The first step is to sort the structures by folding them by size. This will allow during the assembly of the fence in the country to perform alternation. All iron frames are cleaned of old paint and cleaned with sandpaper to a metallic color. After that, it is not recommended to leave them in open space, because they will quickly become covered with rust.

Next, you need to measure the inner diameter of the tube into which the front fork was installed. A metal pipe is selected according to a given size. The installation process of the fence will be very simple. A piece of pipe of the required length is taken and inserted into one of the frames, it will serve as the initial support. After that, the partner holds one part, and the second person strings the frames, alternating their sides and sizes. When they are strung, you will need to fix the fence. To do this, metal posts from the same pipe are installed at the corners of the fence, which are recessed into the ground.

In order not to use the welding machine during the installation of the fence, it is enough to cut the threads on the ends of the pipe and, using the corner tee, assemble the fence junction. Someone prefers to provide additional rigidity to the hedge structure by pouring a small base of concrete and immersing the lower part of the frame into it. When the hedge is assembled, the frames can be painted in one or more colors.

Advice! If there are a large number of old bikes that cannot be refurbished as an assembly, then there is no need to dismantle them into fence frames. You can mount them as a fence as a whole. An example of such a fence is in the photo.

Embroidery on the grid

Many have a chain-link fence installed in their dacha, which separates the site from neighbors or serves as the main fence. Such a fence can be made unique for the whole village. To do this, embroidery can be placed on the hedge. It is made according to the principle of ordinary cross-stitch. As a material, you can use unnecessary threads for knitting. It is easy to replace them with plastic or plastic bags. You can definitely find them lying around in abundance. It is enough to cut them into small strips and you're done. Any pattern can be placed on the fence. To do this, the photo file must be uploaded to the service (for example, this, which will break it into colors and squares. After that, you can begin to implement the masterpiece. One of the options can be seen in the photo below.

wooden fencing

A wooden fence is one of the classic fence solutions for a summer cottage. The boards are given various shapes so as not to look like their neighbors. Such a fence requires constant care. The fact is that wood is very sensitive to moisture and pests, so the fence must be periodically painted and treated with antiseptic compounds. Here are some non-standard and beautiful hedge options that are suitable to make.

Logs in the form of pencils

If you have been clearing your yard of old trees or harvesting firewood, then some logs can be used for a fence. Unused boards are also suitable for a hedge. They don't need to be handled in a special way. All that is required for such a fence is to remove the bark and sharpen one of the ends of a log or board. There is no need to equalize their sizes. If they are scattered in the fence, then they will look more interesting. A special effect will be to paint them in different colors. To fix the fence on the site, it will be enough to dig a few main logs a little, which will be larger. They must be placed evenly so that they hold the entire fence. After that, two transverse strips are nailed on the inside of the hedge.

stump fence

This fence will be an excellent decorative fence for the site. It requires virtually no investment. It will be enough for such a hedge to cut round timber of the same length. They, for example, can be laid on a cement mortar, as shown in the photo below. The solution itself for such purposes is made only of cement and sand. The ratio should be observed 3 parts to 1 for such a fence. Additionally, a good foundation is required for the hedge. It is performed on the model of a shallow strip foundation. A trench is dug under the hedge to a depth of 50 cm. A layer of coarse-grained sand of 15 cm is laid on the bottom. It is well rammed. The next layer of crushed stone of a fine fraction of the same height is placed. After that, the formwork is exposed and the concrete solution is poured. After two weeks, a fence can be mounted on it. Hedge logs are stacked in a checkerboard pattern, fastened with mortar.

Note! In the photo below you can see another version of the implementation of such a fence. It is assembled not from whole logs, but from small cuts of round timber. The basis for such a fence can be an old wooden fence or several dug-in logs.

Plastic is on the way

The invention of polymer compounds and their derivatives made it possible to greatly simplify life and introduce new types of materials. But in some cases, the plastic has only made things worse by supplying landfills with tons of waste that will take hundreds of years to be recycled by bacteria. If you decide to rationally use what others consider garbage, then plastic products can be an excellent option for a fence. You can use bottles and old pipes.

Water bottles

Such goodness can be found both at home and with neighbors. It is easy to make various household items from PET bottles. There are several options for fences, which are quite quickly assembled from this material. The main operations that will have to be done are to soak the bottles that will be used for the hedge in water to remove the label from them. It is also advisable to wash them from the inside so that there are no stains and other inclusions on the walls. Lids should not be thrown away. The hedge can collect rainwater and lose its appearance. The air inside the containers will give them good stiffness.

One of the options for implementing such a fence can be seen in the photo below. You will need to sort the bottles by color and shape. Along the perimeter where the fence will be located, several columns are set. They can be wooden or metal. The latter are not just dug into the ground, but are fixed with a solution, following the example of how it was described for a wooden fence. The bottom of the bottles is cut off, except for those that will be in the hedge closer to the ground. The bottom needs to be cut to the same height, because it will still come in handy. If caps are no longer needed for any projects, then they can be left on the hedge if needed, then they remain only on the top row of bottles.

Depending on how high the fence will be, the number of bottles is calculated. You can build on the fact that the height of the bottle is 25-30 cm. For a fence 1.8 meters high, at least four rows of wire must be stretched between the posts. A bottle is strung on a wire. After it, two bottoms are mounted. They are located with the cut off part to the bottle. Their purpose is to ensure the same distance between adjacent bottles, so that the design looks more harmonious. Between the bottles, which are strung on the fence wire, another one without a bottom is installed. Subsequently, a fence is formed with bottle partitions.

Note! Fixing the bottles for the fence can be a little easier. To do this, they are located not vertically, but horizontally. They are simply strung on a wire, like beads. Visually, such a fence can be contemplated in the photo below.

If you want to build a more reliable fence from plastic bottles, you will have to tinker a little. Each individual container will need to be filled with sand or clay. It is important to compact the material well inside. To fasten the bottles together, you will need to prepare a solution of sand, cement and clay. The ratio of sand and cement, as given above for a wooden fence, and clay needs six parts. Bottles in the fence are additionally tied by the necks with wire. The elements are laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Additionally, the surface can be plastered to form a monolithic hedge.

Advice! From plastic bottles you can build a beautiful fence for a flower bed. You won't have to put in much effort. It is enough to cut off the neck of the bottle with a lid and simply drown it in the ground so that the bottom rises by 5 cm.

plastic pipes

Polypropylene pipes are increasingly used for the installation of heating and water supply systems. But someone prefers to replace them with pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene. Throwing away what remains is not worth it, because of them you can build an excellent fence for a site or flower bed. All that is required for this is the ability to work with a soldering iron for plastic. Implementation options and forms can be very different. Using imagination and various fittings, you can build a fence according to the example shown in the photo.

glass fence

It would be great and expensive to build your own glass fence from double-glazed windows. But there is a free material that is perfect for these purposes - a glass bottle. Before starting the installation of the fence, you will need to carry out the same preparation as in the case of a plastic bottle. They are easy to soak in an old tub outside. There is no need to ram the earth or sand inside, because the bottle must retain its transparency. There are two main ways to implement this type of fence:

  • monolithic wall;
  • bottle screen.

To make a fence in the form of a screen, you will additionally need metal rods or wire, as well as a corner and pipes for posts. First of all, columns are mounted, which will act as a support. The distance between them will depend on the specific project. They can simply be dug into the ground or fixed to a concrete solution. In the latter case, you will need to prepare a mixture of sand, cement and gravel in proportions of 3 to 1 to 2. A pit is made 50 cm deep, a fence post is inserted, leveled and filled with the prepared solution.

The next step is to make metal frames for the fence in the form of rectangles or squares using a welding machine. They are attached to the mounted posts. A hole for a rod or wire is drilled in the bottoms of the bottles. Bottles are simply strung on the base. A wire or metal rod is attached to a metal base. It is necessary to place adjacent "beads" end-to-end in order to achieve the effect of a wall. On a sunny day, such a fence will play with different colors when the rays pass through.

Advice! The screen fence can be made not on a metal, but on a wooden base. For this, frames with additional transverse boards are made. The distance between the boards should be equal to the height of the bottle. Holes with a diameter for the neck are drilled in the boards and inverted bottles are inserted into them.

A monolithic version of the fence will require a lot of effort and time, but the result will pleasantly surprise not only you, but all passers-by. The first step is to sketch a small drawing of how the bottles will be located. In the fence, they can be laid simply in rows with interlacing. Looks pretty interesting. Donami must be laid out, and necks should be left inside the fence so that light can pass through. You can make a fence with a pattern, as seen in the photo below. To do this, you will need to sketch a small sketch of the fence, indicating the specific colors of the bottles and their number, so that it is easier to pick up.

The first step in the construction of such a fence will be the preparation of the base-foundation. It is made according to the same principle as for a log fence. Next, a solution for the hedge is prepared and the laying of bottles begins on it. It is worth spreading in even rows so that the solution gradually gains strength and can hold the entire wall of the hedge.

Advice! A fence for flower beds can also be made from glass bottles. To do this, they are walled up with bottoms in a makeshift curb or simply sunk into the ground.

rubber fence

Rubber is not because it stretches, but because it is made from old tires. In general, flower beds are excellent from such improvised materials. But if a full-fledged hedge is required, then this is also easy to arrange. You will have to stock up on a sufficient number of tires. It is good if they are the same size, and also have a similar tread. You can buy them at car junkyards at a low price. The foundation for such a fence will not have to be built. It will be enough to level the area under the fence well.

The first row of tires are stacked so that the tires are close to each other. They need to be fastened together so that they do not diverge. Soil or sand is poured inside, which will give additional stability to the hedge. The next row is stacked so that a checkerboard pattern is obtained. That is, the tires should not lie on top of each other, but on the seams. Soil is also filled into the voids. To make the hedge lively, various flowers or weaving plants can be planted in the ground. Such a fence has a drawback, which manifests itself in a height restriction depending on the diameter of the tires. If a high fence is required, and the tires are small, then you will need to mount holding posts that will be inside the tires. An example of such a fence from improvised means, which was made by hand, can be seen in the photo.


As you can see, for a fence in a country house or in a country house, you can use any means at hand, which are in sufficient quantities. There is also an option for a wicker fence, as well as a hedge. Describing each option in one article is quite problematic. In general, you should not limit your flight of fancy. It is always possible to combine various building and non-building materials when building a fence.

A beautiful and reliable fence will decorate and secure any land plot. When its construction is only planned, the question arises - what is the best way to make a fence so that it fully performs its functions? To do this, consider the location and purpose of the structure. If the fence will protect the site from the street, then it is made of more durable materials. For example, from stone, corrugated board, concrete, brick, wood. To protect from neighbors or zoning your site, you can build a fence made of chain-link, plastic, picket fence. Sometimes such a structure is made of two different materials, successfully combining them with each other.

Combined fence options are practical and often economical without losing "presentability"

Let's take a closer look at what to make a fence from. We list the most popular building materials for the fence, from which durable and presentable structures are made.

concrete blocks

Concrete block fence

If you make a fence of two elements, concrete pillars and blocks, then it will last longer than a cottage can stand. It is a symbol of impregnability and reliability. The main advantages of concrete include:

  • Easy and fast assembly.
  • High strength to all kinds of influences.
  • It can be built on any soil.
  • There are many options for block designs. Their sizes can also vary.
  • Durability.

And now a few disadvantages:

  • High construction cost.
  • The area will not be adequately ventilated.
  • To do it, you need to involve construction equipment.
  • If the manufacturing technology is not followed, the fence may warp after the winter season.

profiled sheet

Fence made of profiled sheet with poles made of profile pipe

Often the choice of material for the fence often rests on the availability of those on the local market. Profiled sheet is one of the most common materials for arranging a fence, especially for a fence in a country house. It combines ease of installation, affordable cost and durability of the structure. Completely covers the visibility of the area. There is a wide variety of materials available on the market, and sheet sizes allow for fences of varying heights. It is recommended to use sheets not just galvanized, but also coated with a polymer layer, as a result of which the service life of corrugated board increases significantly.

Advantages of a fence from a profiled sheet:

  • Rising quickly. You can build a fence yourself.
  • The light weight of the sheets, which eliminates the need for the construction of a powerful foundation.
  • They combine well with stone and brick pillars, but sheets can also be installed on a frame made of metal pipes.
  • Resistant to moisture, frost and heat.
  • Does not fade in sunlight.
  • To make the new fence beautiful, it is better to make it from figured corrugated board, the upper part of which resembles domes or peaks.
  • Relatively inexpensive

Curly profile

Cons of the material:

  • An impenetrable wall is formed on the site, which the plants do not really like.
  • The fence looks monotonous, in the form of a solid plain wall.

Forged metal fence

This fence looks very stylish. It can be done in combination with or stone pillars. Usually consists of two elements: an overestimated foundation and directly forged gratings.


  • Presentable look.
  • The fence can be made according to an individual drawing, taking into account the desired section sizes.
  • Variety of manufacturing options.
  • The area is well ventilated.
  • With proper metal processing, high-quality protection against corrosion is ensured.


  • The site will be fully visible inside. In some cases, some facing materials are mounted on the section, due to which the visibility of the site is partially blocked.
  • Periodically, metal elements must be tinted.

wooden fencing

Horizontal checkerboard fence made of wood - a completely modern version

It is advantageous to make a wooden structure if there is an excess of wood or there is an option where to get it, substandard, it can be of decent quality,. In all other cases, the cost of its manufacture will be quite high (with the exception of the picket fence). There are the following types of wooden fences:

  • Fence. May be sparse or solid.
  • Boards. Can be mounted horizontally, at an angle or vertically.
  • Wood lattice. Planks are usually placed at an angle.
  • board fence.

Which fence is better to make, each owner of the site decides for himself. The location of the fence and the need to ventilate the area are taken into account.

Wood benefits:

  • Eco-friendly material.
  • Nice appearance.
  • Ease of installation.
  • It can be successfully entered into the design of the site.
  • Compatible with any other materials.
  • It is light in weight, so it does not require a strong foundation.

Fencing disadvantages:

  • High price.
  • The need for periodic treatments from pests and dampness (pillars in the ground are especially affected).
  • The service life of wood is not too long.


Brick fencing is considered traditional. It has been successfully used for many years. Brick is a symbol of constancy and reliability, it emphasizes the taste of the owners.


  • Reliable fencing.
  • Harmonizes with almost all building materials: stone, metal, wood, glass.
  • Durability.
  • Does not require repair and maintenance.


  • When a brick fence is made, a powerful foundation is poured due to the significant weight of the structure.
  • The cost of such a structure is considered one of the highest.
  • Masonry requires the involvement of qualified craftsmen.

A rock

Exterior of a fence made of wild natural stone

For the manufacture of a fence, stone can be used both and artificial. The latter option is much cheaper. Benefits of stone fence:

  • Excellent appearance.
  • Durability.
  • Reliability.
  • Lack of care.


  • High price, especially if you make a fence made of natural stone. You also need to consider the cost of shipping materials.
  • Its production time can be extended for a long time.

Gabion - a fence made of stones in a grid


Green mesh fencing

For fencing, a galvanized or polymer-coated mesh is used. It is better to use a material with a polymer layer, if possible. The mesh sizes are selected depending on how high the fence is made.

Benefits of a chain link:

  • The whole area is well blown.
  • Inexpensive price - is the lowest among all materials used for the construction of fences.
  • Simplicity and speed of installation - it is important at their summer cottage.
  • You can choose the cell size you want.
  • Ease of construction.


  • The site is fully visible.
  • With the help of a special tool, the mesh can be cut and penetrated into the area.
  • The grid can be stolen from the site in your absence.


Dark plastic picket fence

Plastic fencing is not suitable for fencing a site from the street, but it is successfully used for zoning the territory, as well as for establishing boundaries between neighboring sites.

Pros of plastic:

  • make the site more aesthetic.
  • Functional areas are well defined. For example, flower beds, playgrounds, recreation areas.
  • Plastic is resistant to temperature changes, is not afraid of moisture, does not rot.
  • Over time, plastic fencing will not change color.
  • There are many design options from which you can choose the most suitable type of fence.
  • The sizes of plastic sections give even more choice for creativity.

Disadvantages of plastic:

  • Insufficient resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Preferably for indoor use only.
  • The service life usually does not exceed 12-15 years.

We have analyzed the most popular materials for the construction of fences. Which one is better to choose and from what the fence can be made is decided on an individual basis, taking into account many related factors. Consider the purpose of the fence, the location of the site (house or cottage), your financial capabilities, possible labor costs.

Country fences - created with their own hands, quite common and successful practice, the main thing is desire and creativity. After all, you will have to decide how to decorate the fence in the country with your own hands, but we will tell you about everything and give recommendations.

An inexpensive fence for a summer residence - to build this structure with your own hands, this is a rational solution.

Types and purpose


A seemingly banal question, however, in addition to the design of the natural boundaries of the site, the fence can perform a number of certain functions, on which its purpose in the full sense of the word depends.

The most convenient moment for determining what you want from your future creation is the choice of the type and type of the structure itself and the technology for its implementation.

So decide what you want right away:

  • tightly closed from prying eyes;
  • or a little more clearly define the boundaries of the site, while not completely interrupting communication with the outside world.

Various wicker imitations and fences are often used, which, among other things, are a sign of trust between neighbors. But transparency or closeness is a delicate topic that depends on many factors and situations, and therefore it is worth considering full-fledged solid options, and it is worth it.

Of course, the first and main purpose of the fence is to create a barrier on the border of the site in order to signal to others that this place is occupied, and also to make it difficult for anyone to cross this border without permission.

But if those around you have earned trust and demonstrated sufficient education, you can limit yourself to designating boundaries, but not performing the function of an impregnable barrier. Here you decide.

Therefore, they build different fences for giving with their own hands, then we will consider their types.


Fences and their systems can be divided into groups and subspecies, but we will try to convey the idea in a simple table:

  • Wooden fences, that is, completely wooden structures without foreign inclusions - brick, concrete, steel and other things;
  • Wooden fences with steel, concrete, brick or asbestos posts, concreted into the ground;
  • Steel and corrugated systems. The columns are easily concreted, and the rest of the parts are fitted and assembled like a designer, only using a screwdriver, welding and other things;
  • brick fences. The most serious, impregnable and solid fence, as evidenced by its price. In addition, you will need a foundation, and this is also not easy and expensive;
  • mesh structures. The same as corrugated board, only modules from the grid are hung instead of a profile. Wind pressure is applied to the structure, so it becomes lighter and, accordingly, cheaper;
  • Concrete "Eurofence". Maybe not the most beautiful, but quite strong and reliable thing that will stand for a hundred years. There are also problems here: you need special equipment and it’s better not to take risks on your own.

As you can see, there are a lot of options, and there are plenty to choose from.
It remains to study the details carefully.

Wooden fence

Usually, the first thing they bring in is country houses from block containers, so that there is a place to stay in the coming days. It may also be necessary to rent a diesel generator for a summer residence, since central electrification is not everywhere.

The tree is chosen because of the excellent qualities of this material:

  • it is easily processed with a simple tool;
  • does not weigh much;
  • looks nice;
  • harmless and even useful;
  • but, most importantly, it is inexpensive.

They begin by marking the site and determining the installation locations for the supporting pillars.
It can be a bar or a log, other types of forest.
But it is better to make the posts from another material - steel or brick, then the fence will live much longer, and it will stand stronger.

To make it clearer, we have compiled an instruction:

  1. We mark the boundaries of the site, determine where the gates, gates and so on will be. Then, from any of the corners, we begin to drill holes in the ground with a motor drill. Depth - 70 cm, width - 50 cm. The distance between the pits is 1.7 meters, it is imperative that they fall on corners, junctions with other structures and intersections.

  1. We prepare the required number of columns - these will be segments of a steel square pipe 50x50 mm. They should be trimmed, covered with a wear-resistant primer in two layers and painted with any good exterior metal paint, such as acrylic.
  2. We install the posts in the pits using a level strictly vertically, level them in height and concrete with a mixture of cement, crushed stone and sand in a ratio of 1: 4: 5, cement grade M500, crushed gravel of medium fraction;

  1. Next, we wait for the concrete to dry for at least a week and continue: we take the board and trim it along the length according to the template. We process all edges and surfaces with a planer, we proliferate the board or impregnate it with another anti-rotten agent. It is also necessary to impregnate the material with antifungal and fire-fighting compounds.

  1. On the posts at the places of installation of the board, and it will go with siding, we drill holes for the bolts and cut the threads into them. Next, we hang the board, starting from the bottom, according to the principle of siding or blinds, when the edge of one board covers the end of the previous one;
  1. We install . Complex and massive gates are best left to specialists.

  1. We paint the fence in your favorite color with acrylic paint, open it with varnish or soak it with oil - the choice is yours.

As a rule, the color of the fence matches the color of the roof on the house, the color of the paths or the building itself, so measure seven times when choosing a paint.


A do-it-yourself wooden fence for a summer house is a completely feasible solution, and the video in this article will help you believe it, and for some - even build your own fence.

The fencing of the suburban area is being built in the first place. It defines the boundaries of the site and hides it from prying eyes. You can make it yourself or order it on a turnkey basis. Often they choose the first option, since it is not at all difficult to build a fence in the country with your own hands. How to make a simple and beautiful hedge will be described in this material.

Garden fencing options

Types of fences for summer cottages can be divided into three categories: light, heavy and combined. Lungs are fences made of wood, mesh, profiled sheet. Heavy is stone, brick. In combined, both light and heavy materials are used.

If the question arises of how to make a fence in the country house inexpensively and quickly, then preference should be given to light fences. Such structures do not require the preliminary manufacture of the foundation, and it is very easy to install them with your own hands.


Heavy fences are also not difficult to make yourself, but the construction time and costs will greatly increase. For the reason that it is necessary to make a strip foundation for brick or masonry.


Quite often, heavy fencing structures are installed on the facade of the site, and light ones are used to distinguish between neighboring sections. Combined views can be used in both cases.

How to make a simple site fence

Having understood the types of hedges, you can proceed to the question of how to make a fence in the country with your own hands. Structurally, any fence consists of supporting pillars and spans. The entire construction process is divided into the installation of pillars and the assembly of spans. Depending on what materials will be used, the order of construction and design depends. The only thing that is common is the distance between adjacent pillars and is 2 - 2.5 m.

The simplest fence in the country can be made from a chain-link mesh. To do this, you need metal poles with a length of 2.5 - 3 m and a diameter of 50 mm. You can use an ordinary water pipe or purchase ready-made fence posts, the latter option is preferable. Under the pillars with a step of 2 m, they drill holes with a garden drill 1 m deep and 150 - 200 mm in diameter. Pillars are installed in them and covered with earth, carefully ramming it, this option is well suited for heaving soils (clay, loam). If the soil is not heaving, then the pillars can be sealed with concrete, which is easy to prepare on the spot from cement, sand and gravel in a ratio of 1: 3: 5-7.


The mesh can be attached to the supports using special hooks (possibly if special poles are installed), or with clamps if a water pipe is used.

Another option is to purchase a ready-made mesh fencing kit. It includes poles, mesh and fasteners. Putting a fence in the country with your own hands using a ready-made kit will not be difficult.

The main disadvantage of such a fence is that it does not hide the site from prying eyes. To eliminate this drawback, a camouflage net is used for the fence in the country. It is stretched on supports over the top of the steel mesh. The camouflage net perfectly hides the area and does not stand out against the general background of vegetation.


The disadvantage of the camouflage net is its low durability; cats and other animals will easily penetrate through it into the area. In it, they can even get stuck and die. Therefore, the facade mesh for the fence in the country is very popular, which has the same ease of installation, but is devoid of the disadvantages of camouflage. Given the variety of colors, it can be a wonderful decoration not only for the fence, but for the entire site.

How to make a fence from a profiled sheet

Another equally popular option is the fencing of a summer cottage from a profiled sheet. Making a fence in the country from corrugated board with your own hands is somewhat more difficult to make than from a grid. This is due to the fact that for this version of the fence, only supporting pillars are not enough, but horizontal crossbars are also needed, to which the profiled sheet will be fixed.

For fixing the profiled sheet, at least 2 cross bars are required. In order for the profiled sheet to hold the wind load well, it is advisable to install them at a distance of 1 m from each other. Therefore, for a 2-meter fence, it is desirable to install 3 cross bars. The first is installed at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from the ground level, the second in the middle of the supporting column, the third on the top of the pillars.


As a cross section, a square pipe ranging in size from 20x20 to 40x40 mm or a metal corner from 30x30 mm in size is well suited.

Transverse to the supporting pillars are traditionally attached by welding. If there is no welding, then you can fix them with bolts. Of course, such a connection will have less rigidity, and you will have to tinker a lot.

The profiled sheet is fixed to the assembled structure using self-tapping screws. For this purpose, it is good to use roofing fasteners. It is galvanized and equipped with rubber gaskets, which prolongs its service life and eliminates unpleasant sounds. Which can publish a profiled sheet in the wind. Before fixing the sheet, it is necessary to drill a hole, and then fix it with a self-tapping screw.

When installing a fence from a profiled sheet in the country, it is important to take into account one more point. It is not good if the profiled sheet touches the ground. From constant moisture, it will quickly rust and lose its appearance, but leaving a gap is also not good. Therefore, the profiled sheet is installed with a gap of 5–10 cm with the ground, and a rubber strip 15–20 cm wide is fixed to the lower edge of the profiled sheet. The rubber strip is buried in the ground. Thus, the profiled sheet does not rot, and there is no gap left.

How to build a wooden fence

A beautiful fence in the country can be made from boards. There are many options for wooden fences of the site, they can be divided into two types with vertical and horizontal fastening of the boards.

A wooden fence, as well as the previously considered types, is installed on support poles. However, in this case, not metal poles, but wooden ones can be used.

As wooden supports, a beam with a cross section of 80x80 mm is usually used. Before fixing the beam in the ground, it must be treated from decay, otherwise the fence will not last long.

Only the part that will be below ground level is subject to processing. The first stage is the treatment with an antiseptic, then the timber is covered with mastic and wrapped with roofing material. Only after that it can be installed in the ground.

Under wooden poles, it is necessary to drill pits with a depth lower than the depth of soil freezing of about 1.2 -1.5 m. At the bottom of the pit, drainage is arranged from a layer of sand and gravel. After that, a wooden fence support is installed and poured with concrete.

Once all the pillars are installed, you can proceed to the lining of the spans. At this stage, it's time to think about how to decorate the fence in the country. The main decoration is a special order of fastening the facing board. There are many options, here are some of them.







We examined what you can make a cheap fence in the country. If you want to have a stronger, more durable and impregnable fence, then the only option left is to use brick or stone.

Brick fence on a strip foundation

Brick fences differ from the options considered earlier by the presence of a strip reinforced concrete foundation, on which brick or masonry is being erected. All the complexity and high cost of construction lies precisely in it.


The strip foundation for a country fence is made in the same way as for a house. A shallow strip foundation is used. The depth of its occurrence is about 50 cm.

The order of its device is as follows:

  • A trench is dug along the perimeter of the site with a depth of 70 - 80 cm, a width of 20 cm.
  • A layer of sand 20 cm is poured at the bottom of the trench, then a layer of crushed stone 10 - 20 cm.
  • A formwork 10–20 cm high is erected above the trench.
  • The trench and formwork are laid with roofing material. It is necessary so that the concrete does not go into the ground.
  • They make a binding. Reinforcement of concrete is carried out with a bar 12 mm thick. The bar is installed 10 cm from the bottom of the trench and 10 cm from the top. Fasten it with wire or welding.
  • Pouring concrete. For 2-3 days, the formwork is removed and the foundation is left to dry and gain strength for another 30 days.
  • After the strip foundation has dried, you can lay stone or brick.


An analogue of a strip foundation, but a simpler option is a columnar foundation with a grillage. This foundation consists of piles buried below the freezing depth of the soil (1.2 - 1.5 m). Piles can be steel pipes or special screw piles. The grillage is made of concrete. The advantage of a foundation with a grillage is that it is cheaper and less labor-intensive to manufacture.

As you can see, putting up a fence in the country is quite simple. It is important to decide on the design and purpose. If you do not want to spend a lot of effort on installing a fence, then preference should be given to lightweight materials such as corrugated board, mesh or wood. If you want to have a fundamental building, then you should consider building a fence made of brick or stone, or make a combined version.

The cheapest fence for a summer residence is one that is made from materials left over from the time of construction, or simply lie idle. In this case, their initial cost is no longer important, and the labor costs will pay off in any case. For example, if there is an outcrop of rock in the neighborhood, and cement and sand remain after the construction of the house, then you can build the most expensive type of fence - from natural stone. Or the second option - a fence made of scraps of logs cut down on a tree plot

The fence of the site can be built in such an unusual way. Source

But these are more special cases - usually you have to buy materials or order a “turnkey fence”.

Features of a country fence

There are certain restrictions on the height and nature of the fence between adjacent sections. The fence should not cast a solid shadow and be higher than 1.5 meters. Although in practice this is not always the case. But it is precisely such requirements that make this part of the fence inexpensive in terms of the cost of materials. Everyone can build a relatively affordable fence to the country, options for materials used for these purposes:

  • Rabitz;
  • wooden fence (picket);
  • welded sections from rolled metal.

For the part that protects the summer cottage from the "street", the choice of materials is greater, including those listed above. But such a “transparent” fence has rather poor protective functions, especially from prying eyes, wind and dust. Therefore, such a fence to the country house is used in combination with a hedge - shrubs or climbing plants.

Translucent fence made of mesh and climbing plants Source

If a "deaf" and cheap fence is needed along the front border of the site, then boards or corrugated boards are chosen as materials. Thus, you can build a fence with your own hands cheaply and beautifully.

wooden fences

You can build the cheapest fence out of wood. With the right choice and timely care, wooden fences will last at least 10 years. Moreover, this statement mainly applies to poles, and if they are made of steel pipe with an anti-corrosion coating, then we can talk about at least twenty years of service. And, importantly, there are different types of fences for giving from this material.

Usually fence, or a fence board, is the easiest option wooden fence made of edged lumber. But the protective functions of the fence are low, as is its cost. An unedged board fence only marks the boundary of the site, and its decorative qualities depend solely on the method of trimming the upper part of the rails and the color of the paint.

Although, if desired, a fence from an ordinary picket fence can also be made attractive Source

There are also “full-fledged” fences made of wooden picket fences, which are distinguished by higher reliability and a degree of protection against penetration into the site. Moreover, such a fence can even be "deaf", if you use double padding of fence boards- from the front and the inside.

Deaf fence made of slats Source

Traditional type of decorative railing made of thin lath source

Rack fence also allows you to make and section decoration in the form of a decorative panel. And at first glance, a cheap fence will no longer look very cheap.

You can also assemble this type of fence, but this is clearly not a budget option. Source

And they look very original. "wicker" fences from a wooden slat.

And this is what a modern interpretation of wattle looks like Source

Edged board fence can be both deaf and "perforated". In the first case, the boards on the veins are stuffed end-to-end or on both sides (alternately from the front and the inside).

In the second case, the scheme of stuffing the board on the cross members of the spans is similar to a picket fence. To some extent, they are even similar, but this option is more “solid”.

Edged board fence - reliability and solidity Source

If horizontal direction wooden reiki for a picket fence - this is a rarity, then for an edged board such a solution is more common. Perhaps this is the cheapest fence for giving, but it looks pretty nice.

This sheathing of the span makes it look like a wall of a house. Source

And in a separate category can be taken out wooden fence blinds. This type of fence resembles a wall lined with planken. The principle of the location of the board (or slats) is the same - at an angle to the vertical plane with an overhang on the front side of the top panel above the bottom.

This type of fence has appeared recently, but is already popular. Source

Blinds Fence Matches positive sides solid and "perforated" spans:

  • the territory is protected from prying eyes;
  • the direct impact of the wind, the penetration of dust and dirt from the street is reduced;
  • the site is ventilated, so excess moisture from the soil will soon evaporate;
  • the shadow from the fence is not so “thick” and “undersized” plants can be planted nearby.

Video description

An example of fences from other materials in the video:

Another type of wooden horizontal fence - fencing using a block house. This type of cladding panel is thick enough to withstand severe mechanical stress. And the decorative properties of the panels fit perfectly into the rural landscape, especially if the house is built of round logs, lined with a block house or siding with a similar profile.

Block house, one of the most unusual finishing materials, looks great as a fence Source

Of course, this is not the cheapest fence - according to this characteristic, the block house does not lag behind most types of planed lumber fences.

Budget fences from improvised materials

First of all, it must be understood here that not all materials at hand can be “legal”. Often seen as a cheap fence example wattle fence or palisade made from twigs or poles felled in the planting or neighboring forest. Now fences are often chosen from pallets remaining after construction. In a word, if you need an affordable fence to the country, there are many options.

Such a purely rustic fence can serve as a reason for administrative punishment Source

But in this case, you can wait for the police to visit, since illegal felling of trees and shrubs (even lianas) is punishable by both administrative and criminal codes. For individuals, the fine is small - 4-5 thousand rubles. But this is if they do not find signs of a criminal act. If found, the fine starts from 100 thousand rubles. Moreover, if such a fence is bought, and its wood is obtained illegally, then the buyer will also be fined.

And if the purchase of a ready-made wicker fence can be considered an affordable option, then log fence no longer falls into the category of the budget fence.

A log palisade turns a house into a fortress, but it comes at a hefty price Source

The most inexpensive material is slab. It refers to lumber production waste, but this does not mean that anyone is suitable for a hedge. It is divided into two classes: wood and business. And for the construction of the fence, you need to choose only the second option, as it is thicker and more uniform in section geometry. Moreover, selection must be carried out both in terms of the quality of wood (lack of rot), and in terms of uniformity in size - it is advisable to select plates of approximately the same width and thickness. If there is a suspicion of infection with a bark beetle, then the croaker must be sanded and treated with an appropriate solution - so as not to infect the trees on the site.

Such a hedge will be the cheapest among all, and in a rural landscape it is quite appropriate Source

The second in terms of cost of materials is considered unedged board. It makes affordable, but attractive wooden fences for summer cottages. And here there are nuances of choice - it is better to use a wide format.

A vertical fence made of such a board is mounted with an overlap, with alternating alternating "front" and "wrong" sides

And this fence of the site naturally looks in the countryside. source

For horizontal fences, the location of the plates is more diverse. For example, it could be "volumetric" installation of the board around the beam in the center of the span.

If you show imagination, then from an ordinary unedged board you can make an original fence for the site Source

Fastening the board "herringbone" carried out by analogy with the installation of siding.

Another design of a blank fence made of unedged boards Source

There is also such an inexpensive option for materials for the fence - pallets. More precisely, euro pallets. For their production, a fairly high-quality edged board is used, from which enterprising people even make furniture. And not only garden, but also for residential premises with an interior in the style of a loft or rustic.

The euro pallet can be used as a source of "raw material". That is, disassemble it into boards, and make an ordinary vertical fence out of them. Or build a horizontal fence, borrowing from the pallet not only boards, but also the very idea of ​​​​a “two-row” three-dimensional structure.

Both the fence and the flower bed Source

There are options when pallet practically unchanged goes to the manufacture of spans low fences.

Such a fence is perfect for a front palisade. Source

Metal inexpensive fences

In this category, the cheapest fences for summer cottages are made from mesh netting. Their seeming unreliability is deceptive - it is impossible to climb over them, and in order to unauthorizedly enter the site, you must use at least metal shears. When choosing what to make a fence from, you should not discard this option.

Chain-link mesh - the leader among metal fences for summer cottages Source

This also includes fences with spans of welded construction mesh, which is even stronger due to the greater thickness of the wire.

Welded mesh fences are one of the easiest to manufacture Source

There are quite a few manufacturers of turnkey sectional fences using welded mesh as a basis. Moreover, in the simplest versions, it is not even attached to the frame from the corner. For fastening, special clamps are used, selected for the section of the profile pipe, from which the fence posts are made.

And this is the most affordable option for a metal sectional fence source

And the next stage in the evolution of welded mesh as a material for fencing a site is gabions. In landscaping, wire baskets filled with natural stone are commonly used as retaining walls. They also found application for the construction of a fence with "blind" spans. This design is more accessible than a stone fence, especially since the gabion does not need a foundation, and if necessary, it can be disassembled and moved to another location.

Gabion fence - a union of metal and stone Source

Another inexpensive option is welded fences. from smooth reinforcement or square bar.

Welded fence made of smooth reinforcement - simple and elegant Source

And if you need to close the site from the street with a solid fence with high resistance to burglary, then wall profiled sheet there are no competitors in the category of inexpensive materials.

Professional sheet - reliability and safety of the site for little money Source

Video description

And a few more options for beautiful fences on the video:


The final cost of the fence is affected not only by the materials of the span, but also by its nature. Solid fences are strongly influenced by wind loads, so the supports for them must be more reliable than for through spans. And the calculation of their number and size of the underground part has the same algorithm as that of a pile or monolithic foundation. Therefore, a cheap but solid fence can ultimately cost more than its competitor made of more expensive materials that are freely blown by the wind.