Maximum level in divinity original sin 2. Divinity Original Sin character creation guide

Our first guide Divinity: Original Sin 2 we have traditionally dedicated to tips and tricks that every newbie to the game should know. Below we will consider such game moments as interaction with the environment, Origin stories, finding companions and using quick save.

Choose a story

New opportunity in Divinity: Original Sin 2 Is the ability to choose an origin story for your character. You can still create a character to your liking and discretion, but trust me, the backstory is much more interesting and it will open up a lot of dialogue options for you in many conversations. These Stories will give your characters a special character and better reveal it, as they each have their own goals and interests. These Stories also shape your character's personality, and when you interact with other NPCs in the world, you will sometimes have access to Story-specific dialogue options that will offer you alternative way completing the quest or simply making the NPC react differently.

Origin stories will also affect how other NPCs perceive you, and this makes group management more fun.

Look for other characters with History

Once you have selected the Origin Story, the rest of the characters you have not selected will become available for recruitment as party members. While you won't have access to their personal quests, you can still hire and control them. After you find all the Story characters available in the game, be sure to talk to each NPC to see how they react to the different members of your party. Some characters may have better persuasion skills than your own character for persuading a stubborn NPC, so it is a good idea to switch between them periodically.

Different characters in the same party can conflict, so keep track of their desires and priorities in the process of passing.

Make sure that skills are not repeated in a group

This is a fairly simple tip, but it should be remembered over and over again. When developing your characters and choosing different qualities for them, make sure that each character in your group specializes in a different area. For example, one will focus on the persuasion trait and another on trading. This will make your group much more efficient and thoughtful. When faced with unruly NPCs who refuse to give in to you, consider letting a more charming group member talk to them. This way you can get the best results.

In terms of combat, Divinity: Original Sin 2 allows different characters to have different combat classes, so you don't have to sacrifice your usual abilities to fight your enemies.

Assess your position and use the environment

When you engage in combat, be sure to position your characters so that AoE attacks don't hit everyone at once. Watch out for explosive barrels and nearby bodies of water. A frozen ally should be immediately moved to a warmer location, as its proximity to water will only slow down the recovery process. When using your own AoE attack, make sure your allies don't interfere with your movement. Try to lure your enemies into yourself and into traps whenever you can. Your abilities have cooldown periods, so it would be more efficient to use objects in the environment to more effectively attack your opponents, rather than waste all your abilities on them.

Also, remember that characters standing on high ground are harder to hit, so this can be a good option for mages and archers. If the battle is too hard, remember that you always have the opportunity to run.

Talk to everyone, click on everything

To make the most of your quest progress in Divinity: Original Sin 2, talk to everyone you find. So you can get hints and clues to the story of your interest only from eavesdropping on a strange conversation between two warriors around the fire. If you see any dialogue that appears next to you, be sure to go there and talk to the NPCs around. You won't always get direct prompts on how to proceed in the main quest, but you can unlock new side quests.

Also click on every object in the game. If you have a shovel, you may stumble upon areas with hidden paths or even treasures. Collect whatever you find and sell valuable goods.

Fast save

Very easy to lose good quest because you said something wrong. There will be many options for completing quests, so you don't have to be afraid even if you accidentally piss off an NPC. However, if you are afraid of losing some opportunity this way, do not forget that you can save time by pressing F5 on your keyboard. This way, you can quickly reload the previous save if you want to change something.

It is also recommended to use quick save before entering the battle. If you are playing in Classic mode, the battles can be quite tricky, and you wouldn't want to lose what you achieved in history simply because you messed up the fighting position or something.

The Divinity: Original Sin series is renowned for its extremely flexible and sophisticated combat system. There are a thousand and one ways how you will conduct battles, but we are ready to tell you about one funny method that allows you to kill even the most powerful monsters, simply by turning them into a chicken!

In total, two such methods are now known, the second of which is rather a development of the first, but both of them are based on the "Rupture Tendons" ability of the "Rogue" class. You can buy this ability from Hilda in Fort "Joy" upon reaching the fourth level. The essence of this skill is that when imposed on an enemy, his every movement leads to him receiving piercing damage for several turns. But usually we use the "gap" and start waiting for the enemy to take a step or two, which was not very deadly. However, there is a way how you can increase this damage to incredible values.

Having received the fourth level, in the same Fort "Joy" from Dr. Leste you can buy another ability - "Chicken Paw" (Chicken Claw). This skill can be learned if you have a character specializing in Polymorphism spells, but it is easier for Shadow Blades and Metamorphs - they immediately start with Chicken Paw (and can later pump Tendon Break). The spell itself turns the enemy into a frightened chicken, which runs chaotically for two turns, which results in an excellent combination with "Break".

Reduce the enemy's physical armor to zero, apply Tendon Break first, and then Chicken Paw, and just enjoy the result. Feel free to use Haste on the chicken, it will only increase the already large amount of piercing damage. The best part about this combination is that the damage scales with the values. basic attack and dexterity indicators, so even on high levels this method will not lose its relevance.

However, a Reddit user under the nickname Ulminati went further and found a similar method - more complicated, but most effective.

We need a character who knows a lot about necromancy and knows how to use the Shackles of Pain spells (can be bought from Mona in the Fort Ghetto “Joy”) and “Living on the Edge” (may accidentally get caught somewhere at level 11 or hire a Witch, since they have this skill as basic). "Shackles of Pain" bind you and the enemy in a single chain, and all the damage that you take is transferred to the victim. "Life on the Edge" grants your character immortality, preventing the health bar from dropping below 1 HP.

We reduce the armor to the boss to zero, then we connect him with one of the characters using the "Shackles of Pain" and impose "Tendon Break" on our character in the "Shackles", protecting the latter from death by means of the "Life on the Edge" spell.
Now every step of this "kamikaze" will cause a loss of health for both him and the enemy. You can lead your hero into fire, poison or under enemy swords - the more damage you absorb, the more it will be transferred to the enemy. But it should be remembered that after two turns the spells will end and your poor fellow will need to be healed.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 adds a lot interesting features and one of them is the ability to combine two skill books and create completely new abilities. You cannot know in advance what you will get, so instead of going blind, here full list combinations of books of the first level.

To use a combo from skill books, you need at least one point in both types of magic - the combo only works if it combines elemental and non-elemental magic. This means that you cannot combine two books on intelligence together.

Skill Book Sellers

Right now, the locations of the sellers are known only in the first act, but later the guide will be updated.

Please note that you can kill the skillbook merchants and strip yourself of many bonuses until you travel to another location with a new vendor. For example, the Red Prince has dialogue options that lead to a lethal battle with the warrior skill book seller Kalias.

  • Air Spells - Gavin (Fort Joy Ghetto)
  • Geomancy - Maol (Fort Joy ghetto)
  • The Hunt - Bahara (Sanctuary of Amadia)
  • Hydrology - Rezik (Geto Fort Joy)
  • Necromancy - Mona (Fort Joy Ghetto)
  • Polymorph - Dr. Leste (Fort Joy ghetto)
  • Pyrokinetics - Singletail (beach outside Fort Joy)
  • Scoundrel Spells - Hilde (Fort Joy Ghetto)
  • Summon Spells - Nebora (tent near the western gate of Fort Joy)
  • Military - Kalias (Caves outside Fort Joy)


  • Fire + Necromancy = Corpse Explosion
    the effect: Explodes corpses, dealing damage.
  • Fire + Polymorph = Ignite Blood
    the effect: Sets enemies on fire, leaving additional fire behind.
  • Fire + Military = Sparking
    the effect: Melee attacks generate chain lightning that strikes nearby enemies.
  • Fire + Hunter = Exploding Trap
    the effect: Sets up a trap that explodes when an enemy approaches.
  • Fire + Scoundrel = Sabotage
    the effect: Causes any grenades or arrows in the enemy's inventory to explode.
  • Fire + Summon = Fire Tincture
    the effect: Your minion learns (and uses) fire ball.
  • Fire 2 + Necromancy 2 = Massive corpse explosion
  • Fire 2 + Polymorph = Burning Skin
  • Fire 2 + Warfare 2 = Master of the Spark
  • Fire 2 + Hunter 2 = Massive Exploding Traps
  • Fire 2 + Scoundrel 2 = Mass Sabotage
  • Fire 2 + Summon 2 = Fiery Necro Tincture


  • Air + Necromancy = Vacuum Touch
    the effect: Deals damage and suffocation.
  • Air + Polymorph = Evaporation
    the effect: Creates clouds that remove frozen and petrified status.
  • Air + Military = Breathing Bladder
    the effect: Grants immunity to strangulation and cloud effects.
  • Air + Hunter = Scattered Shreds
    the effect: During an attack, enemies will teleport randomly.
  • Air + Scoundrel = Smoke Screen
    the effect: Creates a cloud around the target character.
  • Air + Summon = Electric Potion
    the effect: Your minion learns to discharge electricity and switches to an electrical element.
  • Air 2 + Necromancy 2 = Mass Vacuum Aura
  • Air 2 + Polymorph 2 = Jellyfish Skin
  • Air 2 + Military 2 = Massive Breathing Bladders
  • Air 2 + Hunter 2 = Evasive Aura
  • Air 2 + Rogue 2 = Blessed Smoke Cloud
  • Air 2 + Summoning 2 = Cursed Electric Potion


  • Water + Necromancy = Rain of Blood
    the effect: Creates a bloody rain that causes enemies to bleed and ignite.
  • Water + Polymorph = Healing Tears
    the effect: Creates tears that heal party members within their radius.
  • Water + War = Cleanse Wounds
    the effect: Powerful healing that also removes burn / disability / poison / bleeding and decay effects.
  • Water + Hunter = Kyrotherapy
    the effect: Frozen floor tiles grant magic armor.
  • Water + Scoundrel = Vampire Hunger
    the effect: Gives + 50% life theft over two turns.
  • Water + Summon = Water Tincture
    the effect: Minion gains regeneration and switches to water element.
  • Water 2 + Necromancy 2 = Bloodstorm
  • Water 2 + Polymorph 2 = Ice Skin
  • Water 2 + Warfare 2 = Massive wound cleaning
  • Water 2 + Hunter 2 = Massage Cryotherapy
  • Water 2 + Scoundrel 2 = Vampiric Hunger Aura
  • Water 2 + Summon 2 = Ice Potion


  • Earth + Necromancy = Corrosive Touch
    the effect: Causes acid damage and atrophy.

    Earth + Polymorph = Oil Run
    the effect: Converts water and blood to oil. Oil removes Shock or Jam effects.

  • Earth + Warfare = Oily Shell
    the effect: Consume oil for bonus physical armor.
  • Earth + Hunter = Dust Throw
    the effect: Throws dust that damages and blinds enemies. She also removes elementary clouds.
  • Earth + Scoundrel = Cover of Poison
    the effect: For two turns, adds poison damage to all attacks.
  • Earth + Summon = Poisoning Suggestion
    the effect: The minion switches to poison and uses the Poison Dart attack.
  • Earth 2 + Necromancy 2 = Corrosive Spray
  • Earth 2 + Polymorph 2 = Poisonous Skin
  • Earth 2 + Warfare 2 = Massive Oily Carapace
  • Earth 2 + Hunter 2 = Dust Blast
  • Earth 2 + Wretch 2 = Poisonous Aura
  • Earth 2 + Summon 2 = Acid Tincture
  • In Divinity: Original Sin 2, the developers especially tried to diversify the gameplay elements by adding as many as fourteen classes. The figure, of course, is impressive, but do not flatter yourself especially, since in general they resemble classes from the same Dark souls, that is, they are hybrids that differ only in starting skills and characteristics.

    No one will forbid you in the future to change the path of development of your class and choose other skills, on the contrary, the game itself will advise you to do this so that you do not get bored. Also, after the first act, a mirror will become available in the game, with which you can reset talents, characteristics and appearance at any time for free.

    However, knowing which path is most appropriate for which class is an important task, especially in such a complex tactical RPG.

    You will set up your own hero before the start of the adventure, but you will have to wait with companions. At the first meeting, each of them will offer you to change his specialization, which is incredibly useful, but you can only put your hand to their characteristics and appearance after opening the aforementioned mirror.

    Be careful when choosing a Specialization for your party member, as you will not suitable friend friend classes can ruin your entire walkthrough. Ideal option no, but there is more or less flexible: a group of melee warrior, support mage, battle mage and hunter or thief.

    Before the beginning it is worth noticing again that will not limit you in pumping options, another thing is that sometimes hybrids can come out either with fish or meat, which is why in isometric games of the 90s, players had to start the entire passage from scratch.

    Fortunately, here you can always redistribute talents, but only after the first act, so even at the beginning it is necessary to approach the creation of a hero and choose a party wisely, otherwise you simply cannot get out of the initial island. Well, let's get started!


    The fighters are classic tanks wielding one-handed axes, swords and maces, and defending themselves with a shield. A good shield will give the tank a huge increase in physical and magical armor, so it will be very difficult to deal with it. In general, it is not difficult to play as a class, and it will suit those players who prefer to be in the thick of the battle.

    First of all, pump strength and constitution - the first indicator directly affects the attack power, the second on the amount of health.

    Intelligence is useful insofar as it affects the strength of magical abilities, and geomancy is just one of them. Another thing is that it's easier to download geomancy itself in the next section, and instead of intelligence, add extra health to yourself.

    Invest in perception periodically, as it affects the chance of a critical attack and the order of the move during combat. Memory is useful for additional abilities, but, again, a lot is unnecessary.

    After the characteristics, the time for the distribution of skills comes. Here, be sure to take military affairs (with each increase, not only your strength, but also health will grow), as well as one-handed weapons.

    Leadership can also be useful if no one else in the group has room for this skill, but the best option will turn out to be geomancy. The latter is often used by a battle mage, but it can also serve a tank well, since it will restore armor to both himself and his comrades right in the thick of battle.

    From the talents (the third page in the creation of the hero), take the Big Man, since it is thanks to this talent that you will receive additional HP for each military deed. Opportunist, Living Armor, Leech are just as good, so take a closer look at them.

    To help the tank, of course, various fighters (not a class) who will simply do damage. You may also need a healer, who, even if the tank doesn't need it too much, but everyone else in the group definitely does.

    And the Inquisitor

    Both a warrior and a dark magician, who is able to inflict colossal damage with two-handed weapons, but at the same time curse enemies with various spells, drain their health and become temporarily immortal. At first, the Inquisitor will perform poorly compared to other classes, as his best skills will become available to you closer to the middle of the game.

    Moreover, in his case (this also applies to ordinary warriors with two-handed cannons) there is a problem of lack of AP, or action points, but this can be solved by choosing special talents.

    The Inquisitor will definitely come in handy for those who are going to play the game alone, as he is able to inflict great damage and restore his health at the same time. When choosing characteristics, invest points in strength (direct physical damage), as well as intelligence, which will affect the power of your necromancer abilities.

    From skills, of course, take two-handed weapons, military science and necromancy. The latter, in fact, allows you to restore HP after each hit (5% of the damage done, then 10, 15, etc.). By the time the Inquisitor begins to inflict 300-400 damage, he will be able to restore 1/5 of his health for each blow, or even more. If you invest a little more points in perception, it will increase your critical strike chance, which is also indispensable in the case of the Inquisitor.

    Among talents take a closer look at the Opportunist (the hero will attack every time the enemy starts to move in his radius), the Executioner (additional damage) and the Big Man (additional health).

    Without the talents Pawn and Glass Cannon, your hero will hit 1-2 hits each, so if this problem is urgent for you, pay attention to the last two talents.

    It makes no sense to take a leech, because the necromancer already has a similar ability, and in general there is no problem in HP regeneration and will not be.

    The Inquisitor will need a support mage, a battle mage, as well as one more "damage dealer", but only if you make a tank out of your Inquisitor (then you will have to invest points in your physique, and forget about talents for additional OD ).

    If you prefer a fighter, then it is better to look in the group for one place for the tank. In the case of passing the game with the Lone Wolf perk, definitely take the Summoner Mage.


    The knight is the most ordinary warrior without any light and dark magic. You will put almost everything into them in strength, which, by the way, pays off incredibly, since by the middle of the game the Knight will begin to inflict just a gigantic amount of damage. His the main problem, as you might guess, this is survivability, so the Knight will definitely need friends.

    When pumping characteristics, invest points in strength. Back in effect. Then again and again.

    To increase the chance of critical hits, you can take a little perception, and if you are not allowed to pass, then a little physique. When choosing skills, rely on military affairs and two-handed weapons. When choosing talents, rely on the Opportunist, Executioner, Big Man and Living Armor.

    As already mentioned, the main problem of the Knight is the lack of abilities for protection. That is why a support mage, a battle mage and some other "damager" like a dagger with daggers will find a place in his group.


    In many ways, Metamorph is like the same Knight, only the gameplay for him is much more interesting. Of course, its essence is reduced to the standard "come and crack with a big piece of iron", but at the same time Metamorph will use bizarre tentacles, wings and other delights of the Transformation branch, which give a lot of pleasure. Its main drawback is hybridity.

    Choose strength and constitution from the characteristics. Of course, Metamorph can also use spears, but they require dexterity - an unaffordable luxury in our case, especially since there are not so many copies in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Physique, as well as a little memory and perception, come in handy in the same way.

    Take transformation from skills, which will also give you additional points of characteristics. Everything else is the same as that of the Knight, that is, for dealing a lot of physical damage.

    To help Metamorph, you need a magician and a character with great control (knockout, stun, and other abilities). A tank will also do the trick. When choosing initial skills, give up only stealth.

    With Icefighter (Wayfarer)

    A bow hunter who also uses the abilities of pyrokinetic, that is, fire. Without the Lone Wolf talent, it is better not to try to make a hybrid out of the Pathfinder, as it will require too many perks and for a long time will be very weak.

    In general, pyrokinetics is intended to enhance the skills of both the rest of the group and their own. In general, the class is good, given its mobility and nasty (for enemies) skills.

    Take agility from the characteristics, because it affects direct damage. Next - memory and perception to gain more possible abilities and increase the chance of a critical hit. From the skills, take the Mastery of Hunting - it is from him that you will make a start during the battle, and therefore you will have to constantly look for a position above the enemy.

    Among talents your choice should fall on the Arrow Collector, Hothead and the Elemental Guide (the latter in the case of a hybrid upgrade).

    The glass cannon will allow you to start each turn with full AP, but physical and magic armor will no longer protect you from "debuffs" (quite appropriate, because you will always be away from the thick of the battle).

    To get the most out of the Pathfinder, create a distraction group. If the Pathfinder is allowed to calmly shoot enemies, then not a single enemy unit can resist him.


    Also a hunter, but only with a crossbow and geomancy abilities. The class is similar to the Pathfinder in almost everything, but its geomancy is more applicable to melee partners.

    From talents, characteristics and groups, collect the same.

    In op (Rogue)

    The strongest class in Divinity: Original Sin is a fact that is difficult to argue with in the case of the second part. He still has colossal damage and is capable of carrying out whole series of attacks per turn, which puts him above all other attacking classes.

    In battle, send the Thief to private conversations with enemy archers and magicians, as in the thick of the battle he will die right there. Wielding a distance, he will methodically cut out the enemy's support and prevent him from implementing a group combo.

    When choosing characteristics, rely primarily on dexterity. Everything else (not counting strength and intelligence) is optional, since statistically it is equally useful. Leave the starting skills as the Art of Assassination will directly increase the chance of your critical hit, as well as the speed of movement around the map.

    V talents rely on the Executioner and the Master of Evasions, and the rest is optional.

    In general, the Thief is a simple class that is indispensable in a group where high damage and mobility are required. In the company, the tank and support classes will definitely come in handy.


    A kind of hybrid of Thief and Metamorph, which is even more fun to play. In addition to mobility and high damage, he also has the skills of stealth and armor regeneration.

    Pump the Blade of the Shadow in the same way as the Thief. He is not much different from him, but is capable of carrying out deadly combos.

    Turn the enemy into a chicken so that he loses control (the animal will start running from side to side), and then cut his tendons with the ability of the same name, which deals huge damage while the enemy is moving. If opponents squeeze you into a corner, just use the Chameleon ability and blend in with the environment.


    A light version of the Inquisitor, which instead of the abilities of a warrior wields the abilities of a robber, restoring his HP with dark magic.

    Pump it, like the two previous classes in the guide, but do not forget to invest skills in necromancy as well.

    The Wizard

    A destruction mage who harnesses the forces of earth and fire. It shows itself well both as a support class and as a combat class. With the help of geomancy

    The wizard will not give passage to enemies who get bogged down in oil, and will also constantly restore armor to his allies. Then, smeared in a black slurry, the Wizard will set fire to enemies with pyromancy, which can also speed up allies and increase their other characteristics.

    All your abilities will be enhanced by intelligence, so pump it up. Memory and perception will also be very useful to you, because without a critical hit, initiative and a large number of skills on the panel nowhere.

    From skills leave the initial ones, and from the talents take Range to increase the radius of action of abilities, Unity with the elements, which increases damage, for example, from fire, if you are standing in fire, Mnemonics for additional memory cells, Sadist to increase damage, as well as the Glass Cannon if you guarantee the Wizard is safe.

    Hothead is important - increased damage while your health is at its maximum. In a group, he will need both melee and ranged damage dealers, as well as a tank.


    The magician of more "sparing" schools of elements - air and water. Like the Wizard, he shows himself perfectly in the roles of both support and a fighter. Aeroturgy, or air magic, is focused on support, since it makes it possible to teleport opponents, castling, increase the chance of evasion by 100%, stun, and so on.

    Hydrosophistika, or water magic, is healing, ice, increasing the amount of magical protection, and more. For the rest, take the same as for the Wizard.


    A hybrid of a mage and a melee fighter, which, like any other hybrid, will require a long and correct leveling. The battle mage attacks opponents with rams and other abilities of the warrior, the damage of which depends on strength, but at the same time he will have to spend on intelligence, which will enhance the second part of his skills - the ability of aeroturgy.

    From this it follows that the Battle Mage is practically not in demand for a solo passage, but in a group that will help him build muscles and give him the necessary time, he will open up one hundred percent.

    Of the characteristics, you will have to swing strength, intelligence, and also periodically the physique, because you will be in the thick of the battle. From the skills, leave military affairs, but choose a school of magic at will - Hydrosophistika, Aeroturgy, and Pyrokinetics will do. The talents are as follows: Mnemonic, Unity with the Elements, Opportunist, Executioner and Big Man.

    F rets (Cleric)

    A marrow support class that deals with restoring health to allies and applying curses to enemies. Towards the end of the game, when the basic skills are pumped, he can be turned into a Summoner, which, among other things, will raise armies of the dead.

    The characteristics of the Priest are intelligence and memory. You can take a physique if they often kill. The skills are standard, and the talents are the same as those of other magicians.

    As pure support, the Priest will be needed in a group of fighters. Obviously, he won't do a lot of damage, so get used to this fact right away.


    There was no such direction in magic before - the Summoning school is a unique innovation in Divinity: Original Sin 2. The Summoner itself is good both in itself and in the party, therefore it is of great interest for the game.

    Its essence, as you might guess from the name, is reduced to the summoning of incarnates - demonic creatures that the Summoner must constantly strengthen and support.

    From characteristics take intelligence, as you need to enhance the magic of other schools. The fact is that none of the characteristics directly affects the summoning school, and by itself in a group it unfolds for a long time, therefore, in addition to it, you will have to take another element to inflict additional damage.

    Memory is an equally important indicator, since there are about ten abilities to support the incarnate in the game (add to this the abilities of an additional school, and then the relevance of memory will become obvious).

    As a loner, take the Summon from the skills, since already at the fourth level you will learn how to summon a huge demon champion to your aid. If you are in a group, then in parallel with this, pump another school that would be useful to your companions.

    Talents should be taken the same that are intended for other magicians: Range, Hothead, Unity with the elements, Mnemonic. The cannon is not worth taking in the case of a single passage.

    Video: character leveling in Divinity Original Sin 2

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    The gameplay at the beginning of the game will offer you to create two heroes, to which two companions can join in the future. Instead of a companion, you can buy a mercenary, but the number of characters attached to the heroes cannot be more than two.

    The game uses a classless system for creating heroes, in which you can change the characteristics, abilities, talents and starting skills at your discretion. By default, at the start of the game, 11 types of heroes are presented, which differ in the distribution of points of characteristics, abilities, talents and starting skills. All types of starting characters can be divided into 5 groups according to their characteristic set of skills.

    The first group - magicians who use the skills of fire, earth, water, air and witchcraft. Mages include: Wizard (fire, earth), Sorcerer (water, air), Sorcerer (witchcraft, earth). The main characteristic is intelligence.

    The second group consists of one-handed or two-handed melee warriors who use the Militia skill. Warriors include: Fighter (one-handed weapon and shield) and Knight (two-handed weapon). The main characteristic is strength.

    The third group is a shooter who uses ranged weapons; bow and crossbow, and has the Skill Shooter skill. The shooter is represented in the game by the Pathfinder. The main characteristics are Agility and Perception.

    The fourth group is a rogue who uses daggers and has the Outlaw skill. The Rogue is represented in the game as a Thief. The main characteristics are Agility and Speed.

    The fifth group - hybrids (multiclass), which have a combination of several skills. The battle mage has the skills Militia, Sorcery and Fire (a warrior with the ability to conjure and inflict fire damage). The priest has the skills Militia, Water (a warrior with the ability to heal, control and damage from the elements of water). The blade of the shadow has the skills Outlaw, Sorcery and Air (a rogue with the ability to enhance sorcery and damage, control from spells of the elements of air). The Wanderer has the skills Experienced Shooter, Water and Earth (a shooter with the ability to heal, control and inflict water damage, bludgeoning and poisonous damage, and enhancing protection from the elements of the earth). Hybrids do the main damage with weapons, magic skills are used as auxiliary ones. Due to the limited number of points for pumping abilities, you will not be able to pump all skills well, since some of the points will still be needed to pump other abilities. Another problem with pumping them arises from the limited number of stat points. You will have to pump two main characteristics, and even not forget about the combat characteristics: Speed ​​and Perception. As a result, you will get poorly pumped warriors, robbers and shooters, with penalties to magic skills. In addition, the complexity of the equipment will arise. Mages wear robes that require intelligence, warriors wear heavy armor that requires strength, robbers and archers wear leather armor that requires agility. To wear legendary items, you will need to pump these characteristics to 12. In connection with the above, I would not recommend choosing a hybrid for beginners at the start. With the "pure class" you can always create the hybrid you need, somewhere in the middle of the game.

    You can only play two heroes without companions and mercenaries. To do this, the heroes take the "Lone Wolf" talent, which does not allow the hero to take a companion, but increases his base health by 80%, and the starting amount, recovery and maximum action points - by 2. In addition, with each level increase, the character gets 1 additional ability point. This choice, in my opinion, impoverishes the gameplay and complicates it. I would not recommend this choice for beginners.

    The next factor to consider when creating heroes is the presence of two companions in the game. At the very beginning of the game in the city of Sisil, you will find two story companions: Jaan - a 3rd level spellcaster, and Madora - a 3rd level fighter with a two-handed weapon. Therefore, it makes no sense to create similar heroes.

    Now we need to decide on the future composition of the team. There are a lot of options here. Most the best option, in my opinion, is a team consisting of three elemental mages and an archer. This is due to the rather low combat effectiveness of melee fighters, due to the combat system adopted in the game. The enemy discovers our characters on great distance, and melee fighters cannot reach them in one turn, and even strike, which also requires action points. In addition, enemies often have a lot of distancers, archers and mages who calmly strike melee men. Therefore, the game is "ruled" by magicians who have powerful ranged AOE spells of different elements. The shooter has the greatest damage to a single target, can use magic arrows and has a number of abilities and skills that are very useful when going through the game. For beginners, I would suggest choosing the Wizard and Pathfinder as their starting heroes.

    After choosing the type of hero, you need to make its settings, which includes: the choice of gender and appearance, distribution of characteristics and abilities, the choice of two talents and starting skills.

    The choice of gender and appearance is a matter of your taste. But, I do not recommend doing same-sex heroes. Then you will understand why.

    When choosing talents, you should be guided by the fact that during the game you sometimes need to communicate with animals. To do this, it is advisable to take the talent "Animal Lover" from one of the heroes at the start.

    The characteristics of strength, agility, intelligence, speed and perception can not be changed, they are given in an optimal way.

    At the beginning of the game, you will need abilities related to the hero's weapons and skills. One of the heroes must have the Legendary skill to identify magic items. For heroes carrying weapons (staves are not considered weapons), you must have the Blacksmithing skill to repair weapons. You can distribute the remaining ability points at your discretion or leave all the ability points of the type.

    Starting skills are directly related to the skills of the hero. If you change these skills, then change the starting skills.

    In conclusion, I will give an example of creating heroes for the game with four characters with whom I played the game.


    Specifications: Agility +3, Speed ​​+1, Perception +1.

    Capabilities: Archer +1, Bow +1, Legendary +1, Blacksmithing +1, Leadership +1.

    Talents: Rudeness, Scientist.

    Starting skills- standard for the tracker.


    Specifications: Intelligence +3, Speed ​​+1, Perception +1.

    Capabilities: Pyrokinetic +1, Geomancer +1, Aerotheurgy +1, Hydrosophistika +1, Willpower +1.

    Talents: Long arms, Animal lover.

    Starting skills: Flash, Teleport, Lesser Heal.

    In the course of the further game, the companion Sorcerer Jaan was added to the heroes. Madora did not attach the fighter, since she, like other melee men, is of little use in most battles. Bought a level 1 Sorceress mercenary Nerea. Thus, my team consisted of only distancers, a shooter, and three magicians. All magicians during the game had the skills of fire and air magic for dealing single and AOE damage and healing skills of water magic. With such a team, the game can be played quite easily on medium difficulty, even for beginners.

    All of the above is not a priori for all cases. gameplay, and is given from personal experience... Everything is at your discretion.