Report at the MO: "A positive attitude towards learning is a guarantee of moral behavior." Attitude towards learning How does one relate to learning

The work of a teacher cannot be overestimated. A lot of responsibilities rest on the shoulders of the teacher. In addition to his main calling - to bring knowledge to the masses, which in itself is not easy - he also has to do a lot of paper work: prepare plans, check notebooks, keep journals, and do methodical work. In addition, the teacher draws up a characteristic for the students.

Compilation of characteristics is an important and responsible part of the teacher's work. This procedure is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, the information in the reference must be presented truthfully and impartially, it must adequately characterize the student. Secondly, it is necessary to correctly convey the required information on a piece of paper, since this document is of a public nature and will be available for reading to other people. What is a characteristic for a school student, how to write it correctly, why is it needed? All these questions are of considerable interest to teachers, especially beginners who have just encountered such a task.

Characteristics for a student, its purpose

Often, the characteristics are compiled by the class teacher when the student moves to another school or class, or at the request of the school management. For example, at the end of the fourth grade, the teacher draws up a characterization for students for a high school teacher, in the ninth - for a vocational school or technical school, in the eleventh - for a higher educational institution.

Therefore, the teacher often has to write a large number of them, because of which the text turns out to be stereotyped and contains general information, without presenting the personality characteristic in the proper volume. As a result, this can negatively affect the student and his relationship with the new teacher. A characteristic for students is a document that is familiar to almost every person; it should reflect the student’s character traits, his psychological and personal characteristics as much as possible.

It is important to avoid bias when compiling the characteristics and to give an objective assessment of the student. A correctly drawn up characteristic will be of great help to a new teacher when a student changes his place of study. It will help determine the type of personality, characteristics and character traits, as well as identify the needs and abilities of the child.

Basic requirements for compiling a characteristic

The document should have a certain structure and be easy to read. Should be understandable to a person who is not familiar with the student on whom the characteristic is drawn up.

The information indicated in the characteristic should give an extensive picture of the individual psychological characteristics characteristic of the particular student for whom it is drawn up.

It is forbidden to indicate the abbreviated surname, name and patronymic of the student, as well as his address and contact information.

In the characteristic the qualification of knowledge and skills of the student should be given.

The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student are compiled on the basis of the student's card. Thanks to the psychological and pedagogical map, it is easier for the teacher to impartially assess the student's abilities according to a specially designed scale. It helps to reveal the characteristics of the student's character, to assess the level of knowledge and behavior.

Cheat sheet for writing characteristics

The first paragraph of the characteristic describes general information, indicates the full name, address, age of the student. A verbal description of the student is given.

Health, physical development

In the next paragraph, it is necessary to describe the general state of health of the child, his physical development, indicate whether there are any chronic diseases, whether the height and weight of the student correspond to the norm for his age.

Family atmosphere

The next point is about the conditions of family education of a student. The composition of the family, its material well-being, the psychological atmosphere in the student's family, his relationship with relatives are described. It is necessary to indicate the age, profession and place of work of the parents, contact information for communication with them.

Class Information

A characteristic for an elementary school student should contain information about the class. Indicate the number of students in the class, how many boys and girls are studying in it. Give a general description of the class, its performance, activity and organization.

Description of the student's personal qualities

This is followed by an extensive description of the behavior and place of the child in the classroom: his discipline, academic performance and organization, other personal qualities (whether he is a leader or, on the contrary, behaves in isolation and apart, whether he is an organizer or a performer). Indicate if he has close friends among his peers. Mark the level of development of morality and morality of the student: his ideas about friendship, honesty, betrayal, conscience, attitude to work. Does he have a passion for one of the areas of activity, can he do what he loves for a long time, does he attend sections that interest him?

Attitude towards learning

The characteristics of the students should indicate the student’s attitude to learning: is there an interest in it, what subjects are favorite, is the student more inclined towards the humanities or the exact sciences, etc. Describe whether the child is inquisitive, his psychological characteristics, type of thinking, how developed memory. Indicate what qualities are well developed, and what still needs to be worked on.

Student Temperament

Next, describe the type of temperament to which the student belongs, what mood prevails at school, whether he is subject to emotions and how he shows them. Give an assessment of strong-willed qualities, courage, purposefulness, determination.


In the last paragraph, summarize the above information, draw conclusions. Does the student develop according to the norms for his age? Give general recommendations and advice to parents and future teachers, focus on points that require special attention from adults.

Characteristics for a student of grade 4-B

Secondary school No. 171

Vasilkovsky Vasily Vasilyevich

2006 year of birth

residing at:

Tyumen, st. Lenin house, 56, apt. 158

The student masters the school curriculum at an average level, non-conflict, restrained, calm. Discipline does not violate, respectful of the teaching staff. The physical development of the child is normal, active, engaged in martial arts. There are no visible health problems; he is not registered with highly specialized specialists. Height and weight are normal.

He lives in a full-fledged family, which consists of his father, Vasily Ivanovich Vasilkovsky, born in 1980 (works as an engineer in a bridge construction company), and his mother, Victoria Andreevna Vasilkovskaya, born in 1984 (housewife). The family is prosperous, family members have no criminal record, parents are interested in the child's progress at school, and participate in the organizational issues of the class.

The psychological atmosphere in the class is satisfactory, academic performance is at an average level. There are 26 children in the class, 15 of them are boys and 11 are girls. The third grade was excellently completed by seven people, fifteen more children finished the year with good students and four students satisfactorily. Vasily is organized, performs the tasks entrusted to him, executive, does not have leadership qualities. It does not conflict with the class. The boy has a friend with whom he spends time during breaks and after school.

The child is friendly, shy, balanced. Inclined for the most part to the exact sciences, shows interest in sports. The problematic subject is reading. Reading skills below average.

The child has a sense of purpose, but not very pronounced. Emotions clearly does not show, constrained in their expression.

In general, the child is well developed, meets all the norms of mental and physical development. Mentally balanced, he can attend a children's team. Attention should be paid to the excessive shyness of the student, continue to develop skills in the exact sciences and improve reading technique.

Above, an average sample of a characteristic per elementary school student was presented. The characteristic for a student of the senior and graduating classes is compiled in the same vein, the distinguishing feature is a greater bias towards professional skills and the student's predisposition to certain subjects. Recommendations are indicated on the choice of direction in training at a higher educational institution and the further choice of profession.

After the characteristics for the students are drawn up, it must be documented, assigned a registration number and entered in the log of incoming and outgoing documentation. The volume of the characteristic should be on average one sheet of A4 format. Using the recommendations described above and following the example of compiling a profile, you can easily prepare the necessary document for any student in your class.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


According to pedagogical practice


4th year student

D.V. Agafonova

Signature _____________

Head of Psychology:

Ph.D. Busygina T.A.

Signature _____________

Grade _____________

Samara, 2017

Psychodiagnostic research and conversation

1.General data:

Name: Nadir

Gender: male;

Age: 14 years;

Class: 8 "A";

External data: the young man is a bit overweight, neat, constantly wears a jumper or shirt with jeans.

State of health: healthy;

Physical development: normal;

2. Conditions for family education:

Family composition: mother and Nadir (parents are divorced).

Profession of parents: mother is an accountant in kindergarten, father is an investigator.

Cultural level of the family: Nadira's mother is an educated woman. She instills in her son a love of art by visiting exhibitions and museums. The family loves to go to the movies. The home library is small, but there is. Nadir doesn't like to read.

3. Characteristics of the cognitive sphere of the student:

Features of the perception of educational material in the lesson: according to observations, Nadir perceives the material easily, the grades are different. It has to do with his behavior. At the same time, it is easy to distract the researcher, after which it is difficult to join the work. During the lessons, Nadir most often sits with a friend. Answers the teacher's questions enthusiastically. Easily distracted by conversations with classmates.

Bourdon Correction Test[App. one]

After analyzing the diagram data, we can conclude that from the 1st minute to the 3rd, the accuracy and productivity increased and had indicators approaching the maximum. Already at 3-4 minutes there is a decline, and then only an increase in the obtained indicators. The results of this study indicate the instability and exhaustion of attention.

Most mistakes were made from 3 to 5 minutes of the test, but the correct answers here are slightly higher than in the rest. This suggests that the emphasis was on execution speed. And at the beginning and at the end of the study, the installation was already on the accuracy of the work.

Based on the results of the work performed, 41 errors were made, showing that the indicator of concentration of attention is at an average level.

Test "Methodology for studying the type of memory"[App. 2]

The coefficient of auditory memorization - 40%

Visual memory coefficient - 30%

Coefficient of motor-auditory memorization - 60%

The coefficient of combined memorization is 60%.

The test showed that the subject's motor-auditory memory is more developed. Based on the conversation, the subject also said that he remembers the educational material if the teacher plays it out loud.

Test "Methodology for identifying the features of mental operations

When studying the features of mental operations, it was noted that the vocabulary of the researcher is small, similarities and differences were most often compared on a situational (external) basis, but also on a conceptual basis.

Test "Methodology for studying the speed of thought processes"

The subject completed the task in 3 min 34 s. 50% completed and this shows a low level of speed of thought processes.

Test "Methodology for the study of logical patterns

(Lippmann test)"[App. four]

The speed of the Lippmann test is 3 minutes 55 seconds. The subject was unable to cope with the test completely. Based on the test, we can conclude that logical thinking is poorly developed.

Characteristics of the attitude to educational activities

Achievement level: good and excellent. Attitude towards teaching: Nadir performs all tasks conscientiously. Of particular interest are those subjects that Nadir has in priority (depending on the teacher and the topic). Nadir approaches them with great responsibility.

Learning motivation prevails from the outside (mother). When diagnosing learning motivation, Nadir chose that he wants to be a cultured and developed person, to receive the approval of teachers and parents.

Attitude towards success and failure in school: to the question: “What do you experience when you get low or high scores?” Answer: “I am happy when I get an excellent grade and upset when I get a bad one.”

Preferred and rejected disciplines: With interest, Nadir attends such disciplines as physics and chemistry (the influence of the teacher who presents the material affects, the lessons are always interesting and everything is clear), he considers algebra to be rejected (does not understand the theoretical material and does not understand the solution of problems) .

Diagnostics of educational motivation showed that in the family in which the subject is brought up, study is prestigious. For Nadir, first of all, cognitive interest, awareness of social necessity, fear of punishment are important, while all this is influenced by the family.

Why does the child not want to study?

Interest in school and school education largely depends on the attitude of children to learning. In the presence of a positive attitude, there is also a desire to go to study. And if the child does not have such a desire? How can we help him?

The attitude of children to learning depends both on age and on the positive or negative experience associated with obtaining knowledge.

For example, 5-6-year-old children perceive study as entertainment, a game, or treat it as a boring, uninteresting activity. Moreover, the answers of girls and boys are significantly different. Let us give examples of associations of 5-6-year-old children with the word "study".

Boys. Arthur: “I like it, I have an album”; Prokhor: “I like to sculpt from plasticine, draw all sorts of monsters. I like to collect a collection of birds”; Nikita: "Letters and numbers, nothing else"; Roma: "It's inconvenient to study at school."

Girls. Sonya: “You have to write what they say, write letters and numbers and trace along the dotted lines”; Diana: “Study well, get “5”, try, always make beautiful drawings so that mom is happy, and she will swear at the bad.”

From the answers of the children, it is clear that they do not yet have clear ideas about learning, and boys, to a greater extent than girls, associate study with their favorite games, and girls try to give so-called socially desirable answers, that is, answers that are expected to be heard from them. adults, because such behavior is acceptable. In general, the thinking of children of this age is still very concrete and tied to well-known situations.

The answers of children 6-7 years old (those who are already preparing to go to school and attend the preparatory group) are completely different. When asked to name the words with which they associate the word “study”, the children answered:

Kira: "Work, listen, student, teacher"; Zlata: “Study, go to school, do assignments”; Yulia: “It is difficult, but interesting, because there you are preparing for work”; Veronica: "For me it is to study and write"; Lisa: "Reading books, complex games, a living organism - everything is interesting."

It is noticeable that after 6 years the child’s thinking becomes more abstract, he can already generalize various concepts, therefore he does not answer in whole sentences, but only names the main words, that is, he can “fold” information to one keyword. The answers of children of this age also reflect a more meaningful attitude to learning, which, like motives (“I want” or “I don’t want to study” and “why I go to school”), changes in children throughout the entire educational activity.

Any child at the beginning of schooling has both cognitive and social motives. In the first case, he seeks to gain new knowledge, remember more, understand, and shows curiosity. In the second case, it is important for the child, first of all, to receive the approval and praise of adults, he strives to take a worthy place in his social environment, find friends and communicate more.

For my child, an important incentive to study is the friendly and attentive attitude of the teacher, as well as the fact that the teacher is beautiful and young.

For a younger student, the predominance of one of the motives is typical, but over time, their ratio, of course, changes. A child is considered psychologically unprepared for school if he is dominated by play motives. At the age of 6, this situation occurs often. Therefore, do not send your child to school prematurely.

In Germany, for example, compulsory schooling starts at the age of 6. But most children are not yet motivationally ready for school. They prefer the game to all types of activity, they quickly get tired, they are still strongly attached to their mother and emotionally suffer from a sudden change in the situation. True, in elementary school, all learning takes place in the game. Children are not given homework all week. Lessons often take place not in the classroom, but on the street or in a store where children study the cost of food, write down the prices in a notebook, then buy, for example, vegetables and already at school make a salad, which they then eat together. Reading lessons can be held in a large hall on mats, in sleeping bags with a flashlight that dimly illuminates a fascinating book. Children call teachers on "you".

One can agree or deny such an original pedagogical system, in which the main thing is not the development of the intellect, but the personality. But the fact remains: 6-7-year-old children in Germany love school and go there with pleasure. Those who do not cope with the program stay for the second year, which is quite common in Germany and is not considered shameful.

Why does the child not want to study? Why does he come up with more and more tricks to avoid going to school? Why doesn't he want to do his homework, doesn't want to collect his portfolio, why doesn't he care where and in what condition the textbooks and notebooks are? This is a headache for many parents who come to a dead end when solving this problem. Let's try to figure it out.

In elementary school, boys' learning motives are weakly expressed and are formed more slowly than girls. But by the end of schooling, boys are distinguished by more stable and pronounced motives than girls. The content of motives depends on the temperament of the child. Choleric and sanguine people often show social motives, while melancholic and phlegmatic people show cognitive ones. In choleric and sanguine people, motives are very unstable, they, without finishing one thing, can start a new one. In melancholic and phlegmatic people, motives are formed more slowly, but they are more stable.

Usually, when a child does not want to go to school, we first of all begin to scold and shame him for laziness and irresponsibility. We focus on the negative: you write worse than anyone, you can’t even count up to 10, you can’t remember two lines from a poem, etc. And a child who doesn’t get joy from studying anyway begins to hate it after that. Indeed, most often children do not strive to study, because they are either bored or difficult.

That's why you should try to follow simple rules:

1. Praise small successes.

2. Offer to start homework with simple and attractive ones.

3. Weaken control over the implementation of all tasks by delegating part of the child. Children who do not feel responsible for completing educational tasks, because their mother took all the initiative, do everything under duress.

4. Be more interested in school life, ask to tell what you liked, what was difficult, etc.

5. Use rewards and punishments wisely (we'll talk about this later).

6. Do not compare the child with other children (“But Lena always does everything right and beautifully, not like you!”)

7. Adhere to the rule: “Did the job - walk boldly” (that is, do not delay with homework until late in the evening), but at the same time, after school, the child should have rest and a walk.

8. Translate uninteresting abstract tasks into a practical area. For example, solve the example "18-5" using money or candy. Visual information is absorbed better and arouses the interest of the child.

9. If your child needs to practice reading or writing, ask him to fill out a "questionnaire" that is easy to come up with and type on a computer. Children love to write their name, address, phone number, etc. The child exercises his hand and reading skills at the same time.

10. Be attentive to the experiences of the child, try to listen to him and instill confidence in him. Children often do not want to go to school because they do not know how to communicate, and therefore they are more likely to be offended by their peers. “No one is playing with me, Nadia pushed me hard, I fell, and everyone laughed.” Such complaints should not be ignored. Try to find a way out of this situation together. You can offer your child several popular games that he can interest his peers in, learn funny counting rhymes. The main thing is to focus on what the child does better than others.

My daughter, for example, draws beautifully, and when the children did not accept her, the new one, at first, we began to solve these problems through drawing. The daughter painted portraits of her peers, funny pictures, and they, having become interested in the drawings, began to show attention to their author.

Remember that coaxing peers with sweets or other treats creates the appearance of an established connection. You can't buy attention.

A complete collection of materials on the topic: attitude to learning from experts in their field.

The work of a teacher cannot be overestimated. A lot of responsibilities rest on the shoulders of the teacher. In addition to his main calling - to bring knowledge to the masses, which in itself is not easy - he also has to do a lot of paper work: prepare plans, check notebooks, keep journals, and do methodical work. In addition, the teacher draws up a characteristic for the students.

Compilation of characteristics is an important and responsible part of the teacher's work. This procedure is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, the information in the reference must be presented truthfully and impartially, it must adequately characterize the student. Secondly, it is necessary to correctly convey the required information on a piece of paper, since this document is of a public nature and will be available for reading to other people. What is a characteristic for a school student, how to write it correctly, why is it needed? All these questions are of considerable interest to teachers, especially beginners who have just encountered such a task.

Characteristics for a student, its purpose

Often, the characteristics are compiled by the class teacher when the student moves to another school or class, or at the request of the school management. For example, at the end of the fourth grade, the teacher draws up a characterization for students for a high school teacher, in the ninth - for a vocational school or technical school, in the eleventh - for a higher educational institution.

Therefore, the teacher often has to write a large number of them, because of which the text turns out to be stereotyped and contains general information, without presenting the personality characteristic in the proper volume. As a result, this can negatively affect the student and his relationship with the new teacher. A characteristic for students is a document that is familiar to almost every person; it should reflect the student’s character traits, his psychological and personal characteristics as much as possible.

Each parent dreams of raising her child to be a responsible person who will be able to answer for his actions. Parents are especially worried about the lack of a responsible attitude of children at school age, when they do not want to prepare lessons and do not show perseverance in their studies.

Responsible children demonstrate self-confidence and independence, they do well at school and help their parents at home. However, there are less and less such children today, the improvement of living conditions and material well-being of people has led to the fact that parents do not want their beloved child to shoulder additional responsibilities and try to solve all the problems for him. The result of such upbringing is that a person who grew up in such conditions in adulthood loves to complain all the time and blames outsiders for his failures.

Do not increase by work, the evil boss is to blame, relations in the family are not going well - he chose the wrong wife. A responsible person behaves in a completely different way, he is sure that only he himself is to blame for all his actions. If he is not satisfied with the work, he will not whine and complain, but will go looking for another - more promising one. I succumbed to the persuasion of my parents and chose the wrong profession, what's done is done, you need to find a way to get a different education.

Picked the wrong one wife, Only to me to solve, to live to me with it further or not. An irresponsible person believes that he is a victim of circumstances. He is sure that everyone should take care of him and create comfortable living conditions for him. The boss should treat him well, his wife should understand and love him at any time, and his parents should repent all his life for sending him to study at the wrong institute.

Modern children parents begin to teach reading long before entering school, but it is advised to build this education taking into account the desire of the child. If you don't want to read today, well, let's try to read tomorrow. Washed the dishes yesterday, well done. Today I left the dirty dishes in the sink, nothing, we'll wash it ourselves.

With admission to the first Class such an attitude towards the child is no longer possible, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the teacher and prepare lessons at home, regardless of whether he wants it or not. That is why some of the children who were allowed to do nothing by their parents before school if he does not want to, in the primary grades are trying to defend their right to do everything the way they like. This is expressed in inattention in the classroom and careless attitude to the implementation of school assignments.

Child unaccustomed fulfill what he does not want, often rolls up or declares that he has a stomach ache or a headache in order not to go to school or sit down for lessons. It depends on the attitude of parents to such behavior of the child whether he will grow up as a responsible person and will try to achieve success in life. If the parents indulge the child and allow him to always do only what he wants, then in adulthood he will not be kept at work that requires him to be responsible, he will quickly leave the family, because family life imposes certain obligations on each person. .

But too strict attitude in raising a child so that he always does what is "necessary", also cannot contribute to his correct development. A person who does everything "needed" to the detriment of his interests does not live his own life. All his life, doing everything right, he becomes the subject of ruthless exploitation of the people around him: bosses, wife, children and parents. Therefore, when educating a child in a responsible attitude to learning, one must set a goal: to teach him to find a balance between "necessary" and "want".

The process of education responsibility in a child, it is necessary to start from early childhood, from the age of 3 the baby must understand that he is responsible for his actions. To accustom him to this, the parents themselves must be consistent in their actions and show him an example of a responsible attitude. For a child to be responsible for learning from an early age:

1. Trust the child. If you think that the baby is too small to do something on his own, so it will be. Let the child do everything on his own. And you only evaluate his actions and when necessary praise. The child's self-esteem depends on how adults evaluate his actions.

2. Do not try to satisfy all the whims of the child, so he will lose the incentive to achieve something on his own. This is usually done by parents who, with great effort, have achieved the fact that they can already afford to do only what they want. They extend this attitude to life to children, who very soon also begin to do only what they like. The child should know how and in what way you have reached this life. Explain to him that finances must be handled wisely, and in order to replenish the reserves of money, one must learn independence and be responsible.

3. Do not confuse responsibility with obedience. Total control and obedience do not contribute to the formation of a child as a person. Let him make his own decision and do as he decided and then evaluate the result. After all, we enjoy not only doing the things we want to do, but also overcoming difficulties. The child should be proud of what he could, and parents should only approve of his actions.

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