Homemade underwater gun with your own hands. Do-it-yourself harpoons and spear guns

Let's continue the theme of homemade weapons. This time, we present to your attention an overview of the video on making a powerful underwater gun.

So, we need:
- wooden block;
- a piece of polypropylene pipe;
- bandage of martens;
- three medium nails;
- a thread;
- glue gun;
- screw;
- vice;
- sandpaper;
- hacksaw for metal;
- file;
- insulating tape.

A bandage of martens can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is also popularly called a medical tourniquet, but this name is incorrect. Let's get started.

First you need to make the harpoon itself. To do this, take a nut and put it in a vice. According to the author of the idea, it is advisable to take a larger nut, since the harpoon will be thicker and stronger, but you should not overdo it so that the harpoon does not turn out to be too thick.

When the nut is clamped in a vice, insert the block into the drill.

We begin to scroll the bar through the nut at medium speed, giving it a round shape.

In the same way, we process the resulting base for the harpoon using sandpaper.

Then we take three nails and saw off the caps from each with a hacksaw for metal.

Now we take a file and hone the part of the nails from which the caps were sawed off. Then we sharpen the sharp parts of the nails with the same file so that they are sharper.

Next, we take electrical tape and wrap it on the extreme part of the harpoon.

We attach one of the nails to the base of the harpoon with a thread. It should be noted here that the author of the homemade product recommends using a fishing thread, since it is stronger than ordinary threads.

After we have wound one nail with a thread, insert a piece of wood between the nail and the base so that the nail is at a slight angle.

We fix the nail with a small amount of glue from a glue gun so that it is secure. In the same way, we attach the other two nails to the structure.

To better fix the structure, you can wrap more tape over the nails. The harpoon is ready. Let's start making the main part to launch it.

We take a bandage of martens and cut off a small piece.

The resulting piece must be attached to the polypropylene pipe on both sides. To do this, pour glue from a glue gun onto one side of the pipe and attach a piece of martens bandage. We do the same on the other side.

We carefully clamp and wind one layer of electrical tape.

Then we wind the thread and another layer of electrical tape on top. Thus, the setup for launching the harpoon is almost complete.

Spear, prison, harpoon - names familiar from childhood. Every schoolchild knows that all these tools were once used for different types of hunting, but few people know that the spear and harpoon, although they are used for water hunting, have differences between themselves. The ostrog is just a shaft with a sharp, serrated tip, which was not thrown, but held in the hands, in contrast to the harpoon, the shaft of which was tied to a rope, which made it possible not only to track the animal, but also not to lose the hunting weapon in the event of an unsuccessful throw.

Harpoon device and its history

Many centuries after the invention, the harpoons have changed little in appearance: a long and strong shaft, a tip with notches of various shapes, a hole in the shaft for a special rope (line) in order to pull prey to the boat. Only the materials used to make the harpoons have changed. The shaft of the harpoon boom is made of solid stainless steel, and the tips are replaceable. The purpose of the harpoons, as well as many centuries ago, remained the same - hunting for fish or whales and seals.

Hunting whales with a harpoon is one of the most ancient types of hunting. Scenes depicting whale fishing have been found on rock paintings that are more than four thousand years old. Norway is considered the birthplace of whaling, and the first evidence in Europe of this type of hunting occurs as early as 1000 BC. From the 12th to the 17th centuries, this type of commercial hunting has already spread throughout the world from the Arctic to the shores of North America and Japan. Earlier, when ships were sailing and small in size, whalers hunted whales in lighter and more maneuverable boats, and their main weapon was a hand whaling harpoon. Later, in the 19th century, when the Norwegian Sven Foyn invented the harpoon cannon, whale hunters expanded their geography and moved to the southern waters of the Pacific Ocean. The design of the whaling harpoon also underwent some changes: now it was a heavy (50 kg), two-meter spear, with spikes (or paws) of the tip, the petals of which, falling inside the animal's body, opened and did not allow the whale to escape from the pursuit of hunters.

Today, not only professional whalers use harpoons. Recently, spearfishing has become popular among amateurs, for which even special types of guns that shoot harpoon arrows have been invented. The spearfishing harpoon itself can be divided into several types, which depend on the design features of guns or crossbows for harpoon shooting.

Types of harpoons by tips and loading methods

Modern fishing harpoons are divided into several varieties:

  • A harpoon for a crossbow, which in the construction of its arrow does not have various retainers (grooves, grooves, solders, grooves). It is also used in shotguns with air or spring triggers;
  • With a groove: it is designed for shooting from underwater guns and pistols and is equipped with a trigger mechanism in the front;
  • In spearfishing weapons with a trigger located at the back, products equipped with clamps are used;
  • With non-removable tips. They have a high stiffness and strength of the rod and eliminate the risk of losing the tip, but they are a little inconvenient when removing from fish bodies;
  • Removable tips are less convenient, but you can change them. The type of tip depends on the type of spear fishing. The removable spearhead is very sensitive to damage, and the accuracy of the sight depends on the strength of the thread. If the thread "looses" from damage, the harpoon will quickly fail.

The shape of the tips and their sharpening play a big role when it comes to choosing a fishing tool.

Harpoon tip shapes

When talking about a collapsible tip, you need to know that this important element has several different forms:

  • Armor-piercing tip with an inserted dowel for fish with large and thick scales;
  • Single lobe tip;
  • Two-petal tip for strong and large fish;
  • Three-toothed (or more) tip;
  • X-shaped tip;
  • T-shaped tip;
  • Knurled tips; they are good for small fish.

According to the method of sharpening, the tips can be sharp-tapered, double-tapered, three- and quadrangular, cruciform or crown.

How to choose the right harpoon?

For a seasoned hunter who has been engaged in underwater fishing for several years, it will not be difficult to choose the right harpoon for any type of fish and fishing place. What should a beginner know when choosing a spear fishing tool?

  • The harpoon with an arrow up to 6.5 mm in diameter is suitable for small fish. Small fish are more difficult to hit, and a weapon of this diameter has a high rate of fire;
  • For medium-sized fish, arrows with a diameter of 7 mm or more are usually chosen;
  • For large fish species, the harpoon must be made of titanium and have a diameter of 8 or more millimeters.

When fishing, the method of tying the line to the rod is of great importance. Not only the accuracy of hitting the prey depends on this, but also the distance at which you can safely hunt under water.

How to care for a harpoon?

Regular lubrication will not hurt even stainless steel, because it can undergo destruction over time, especially if you use the harpoon for hunting in salt water. The shaft should be inspected for deformation, and the tip of the tips should be sharpened periodically. If the ferrules are removable, their attachment may loosen and the threads wear off. Lin is also susceptible to wear and tear, so it is necessary to periodically replace the aged line with a new one.

All harpoon maintenance is best done after each hunt. If such defects as worn out petals or cracks on the harpoon are not eliminated in time, then hunting, especially with an underwater crossbow, will not give you pleasure.

How to make a harpoon yourself

Beginners starting spearfishing ask experienced hunters: is it possible and how to make a harpoon yourself? The question arises because many experienced harpooners prefer a home-made harpoon to a factory one. The fact is that homemade weapons are often better than standard ones, since they are made according to the individual requirements of the hunter. When creating such a harpoon, everything is taken into account, down to the smallest detail. Making a harpoon with your own hands will not be difficult if certain materials are available.

To make a homemade harpoon, you need a strong stick, synthetic thick thread or rope, wire from which you can make tips, as well as tools. To make the simplest homemade tips, you need pieces of wire 4-5 mm thick and 25-30 cm long. One edge of the wire is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the other is flattened with a hammer. The ends flattened in this way are then sawn to the shape of a hook. Holes are made in the stick and the hooks are inserted into them. A simple homemade harpoon model is ready.

Harpoons, just like knives, spears and other hunting weapons, are the property of not one particular nation, but of all mankind. Today, in many civilized countries, modern models of harpoons are used both in professional activities (whale fishing) and among fans of underwater fishing. However, some peoples of Africa and New Zealand, Indonesia, as well as the peoples of North America, still hunt in the same way as their ancestors did many millennia ago - on boats and using an ordinary hand harpoon.

For spearfishing, a variety of guns are offered today. Their difference lies in the design. The most common of these are harpoon modifications. Traumatic models with high muzzle energy are also presented on the market. If you independently assemble weapons for scuba diving, it is more expedient to consider harpoon modifications. After all, a wide variety of materials can be used for them.

It must be borne in mind that the destructive power of a homemade weapon depends on the parts used. For self-assembly of the model, you should consider the most popular devices.

Double skid shotgun model

First of all, you need to think about preparing the pipe. Its length should be at least 12 cm, thickness - about 4.4 cm. After grinding it, you need to make a canal.

  1. It is cut with a width of 0.5 cm. This is required to place the cleaning rod.
  2. Then the runner is attached. For him, you need to select a wide piston.
  3. A hook can be used to secure the tube. A wooden clip will work here. Although you can stick an overlay on it.
  4. After that, a sear must be connected to the gun. Only after this is it possible to install the mainspring. It should have a diameter of 3.5 cm.

For such models, winding is rarely used. The trigger line should be installed last.

Shotgun with metal pads

The Hawaiian spearfishing gun can be fitted with metal pads. To do this, you need to prepare a pipe, the length of which is 12 cm. Its edges can be turned on any machine. After that, the pads are stuffed. From the front, they should be installed from the edge at a distance of 2 cm. At the rear, they should be fastened 2 cm further. This is required in order to fix the barrel on the clip.

The sear in the gun is installed only after the lining. After that, the winding is done, thanks to which the line in the gun is held quite tightly. The next step is to install the cleaning rod. The trigger can be used from any machine. In this case, expansion joints are not used.

Shotgun with two springs

It is difficult to make this type of spearfishing gun with your own hands. A wide clip should be used in this situation. But the work must begin with finding a pipe for the trunk. Then you can connect the sear and clip. It is recommended to make a winding on the edge of the barrel. In this case, the overlays are applied if desired.

The mainsprings must be mounted directly to the axle. But they should not come into contact with the line.

Having secured the mainsprings, you can start installing the feeder. In this case, the runner should be near the clip. For this purpose, a winding can be used. Some people prefer a latch, but pads may be considered.

Pneumatics with safety catch

You can make a pneumatic underwater gun yourself if you have parts from a machine gun at hand. First, the barrel is removed. In this case, the clip is attached from the bottom, making an indent of 4 cm. Next, you need to install the sear. However, expansion joints do not need to be installed in all cases. In this situation, a lot depends on the type of fuse itself.

The ramrod must be fixed at the base of the clip. And the latch on the fuse is installed from the side of the line. Here you need to look after the feeder. At the moment of changing the position, it must not touch the safety ring.

Shotgun with rectangular feed

The device of the model with a rectangular feeder is similar to the version with a latch.

  1. First you need to pick up a pipe with a minimum thickness of 10 cm.
  2. Then you can start cutting a tubule with a thickness of at least 0.6 cm. Here it becomes possible to make an overlay.
  3. The clip in this case should be installed after the sear. Use a fuse if desired.
  4. Next, you need to make a pretty tight winding.

All this is required so that there is not a big return. The axle for the weapon is often of the steel type. An aluminum sear can be used. Compensators for this model are suitable for various types. At the end of the work, the feeder must be carefully grinded, it should not touch the slide.

Shotgun with trapezoidal feed

To assemble a modification with a trapezoidal feeder, it is necessary to start work with the direct blank of the barrel. For this, a conventional pipe with a diameter of about 5.5 mm is used. It is more expedient to install the compensator after the holder. In this case, the mainspring is selected with a diameter of 2.3 cm.

A plastic feeder is often used. To securely fix it, use the latch. Then the trigger mechanism is installed. It's better to borrow it from a pistol. When installing a large mainspring at the base, it is possible to put a block.

Spearfishing is not only an effective way to get an impressive catch, but also an excellent solution for recreation, which is gaining more and more popularity every year. However, it is impossible to use classic gear under water, so there is a need to use special guns equipped with harpoons.

Such fishing can be carried out in virtually any water body where there is suitable prey for this, and the development of modern technologies has not greatly affected the characteristics of the harpoons. For their manufacture, the highest quality and most reliable materials are used today, but the design and mechanism of operation remain the same.

The proposed article contains all the necessary information that every person should be familiar with before spearfishing.


The classification of harpoons implies their division into two main groups, depending on the design features:

  1. Attachments equipped with plugs of a removable type, which can be installed or removed by screwing. Such models are most recommended for beginners, since they are distinguished by their versatility and ease of use. You can take with you a whole arsenal of tips of various shapes, which allows you to select the most suitable options on the spot, depending on the conditions in which spearfishing will be carried out. The main disadvantage is the fragility of the thread, which wears out with too much use. Even insignificant amortization can adversely affect the accuracy of shooting, as well as increase the risk of the harpoon failure.
  2. Cast fixtures in which the tip is securely embedded in the harpoon. A distinctive feature is simplicity of design, high reliability and durability, long service life. At their core, they are modernized versions of the classic weapons that hunters have used since ancient times. Even with significant pressure or maximum loads, the risk of deformation or unauthorized detachment of the tip is excluded; in addition, it reliably holds the caught prey, minimizing the likelihood of its descent. However, it will also be quite difficult to remove it, moreover, there is no possibility of using the rod with other types of tips, if such a need arises.

An alternative classification assumes division depending on the method of interaction; in accordance with it, the following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Devices with release mechanisms without latches. Such models are very close to the classic tools of ancient hunters, they are distinguished by their simplicity of design, and they are still the most widespread and popular option. Such harpoons can be equipped with spring and air guns, as well as crossbows for spearfishing, if the trigger mechanism is located on the back.
  2. Devices with a hole and groove added to the design. This is a more modern version, its use becomes relevant in the presence of guns or crossbows, in which the trigger mechanism is located in the front.
  3. Devices with a retainer added to their design. They are only used for spear guns with a rear trigger if they have grooves and grooves in their design.

How to choose

When choosing a harpoon, it is necessary to take into account not only the design features of the weapon used, but such factors as the rate of fire and the diameter of the main rod. These indicators are directly dependent on each other, and are determined by the estimated weight and size of potential prey, which will be hunted.

  1. Rods with diameters from 6mm to 6.5mm characterized by an increased rate of fire, such models are used when hunting small fish. Most often they are made of aluminum or other metals with an average strength.
  2. Rods with a diameter of about 7 mm used for hunting medium-sized prey.
  3. Rods with a diameter of 8 mm or more intended for hunting the largest inhabitants of the underwater depths. They are usually made from a variety of titanium alloy options.


The cost of harpoons depends on various factors, including the specifics of the design, diameter, length, brand awareness, material.

To understand the prices that are current today, below are the prices for some options for devices:

  1. 8mm diameter aluminum harpoon for air guns, in the design of which there is a thread for changing the tip, costs from 400 rubles.
  2. Crossbow harpoon without the possibility of changing the tip made of high quality stainless steel costs from 3200 rubles.
  3. Threaded crossbow harpoon for changing tips and with a diameter of 6 mm costs from 2000 rubles.
  4. Speargun harpoon made of hardened steel and with a diameter of 6 mm, it costs from 1200 rubles.
  5. Speargun harpoon made of stainless steel and with a diameter of 7 mm, it costs from 800 rubles.

DIY harpoon

Many people prefer not to purchase harpoons or tips for them in specialized stores, but to make their own. This allows you to get a tool that meets the individual requirements and preferences of the hunter, so it has undeniable advantages over factory products.

The manufacturing technology is quite simple, any person can handle this process, since it does not require any specific skills or knowledge.

You just need to make sure you have a set of tools for working with metal and the following materials:

  1. A fairly thick stick that is reliable and made of suitable material. It will act as a pivot.
  2. The wire is made of steel, the main requirement for it is the same - reliability and strength.
  3. Synthetic cord or rope.

The action algorithm is described below:

  1. Initially, the steel wire is cut for the lugs: the length of the segments should be within 20-30 cm, and the diameter should not exceed 4-5 mm.
  2. On each segment, you need to measure about 0.5-0.7 cm from any one edge and make a bend with an angle of 90 °.
  3. Opposite end of a line that does not bend, flattened with hammer blows.
  4. The flattened edges of the wire are filed and hand-crafted to give them a hook-and-toe-like shape.
  5. Holes are made in a pre-prepared metal stick through which the wire is inserted into it. The flattened and turned side must remain outside.
  6. The joints are additionally sealed.
  7. Construction rewinds securely with synthetic cord and rope, you will need to complete at least 10-20 turns.


There are also various bindings capable, the most popular options are discussed below:

  1. Front snapping is most commonly practiced by beginners, since the execution is quite simple, which facilitates the replacement process in the event of damage or other unforeseen circumstances. The main disadvantage is the loss of shooting accuracy if it is fired from a significant distance.
  2. Anchoring from the front to the bushing reduces the pressure of the rope on the boom, so the accuracy is not compromised. However, the resistance will be quite high, in addition, the likelihood of end-to-end losses of production decreases, and the implementation of the binding is rather difficult.
  3. Anchoring in the area behind the sleeve. It combines the advantages of the first and second options, but the presence of a hole negatively affects the strength of the harpoon itself, and the likelihood of through damage to the prey remains minimal.

  1. When hunting for the largest and strongest prey, it is recommended to choose attachments made of the most durable and reliable material - titanium.
  2. The device needs regular lubrication, since even stainless steel with frequent and prolonged contact with water is negatively affected by corrosion.
  3. Before each hunt, the harpoon must be carefully inspected for damage; the blade is additionally sharpened if necessary.

Novice spear fishing enthusiasts need to know how to make a homemade gun. This can be done even without special skills, professional tools and precision equipment. There are several key varieties of an underwater gun, differing primarily in the method of throwing a striking projectile - a harpoon. A spring, a special rubber band, vacuum and pneumatics can act as an element that gives the projectile acceleration and imparts the energy necessary to overcome the resistance of water. In addition, hydropneumatic, powder, gas guns and even double-barreled guns are produced industrially and are made by numerous home-made craftsmen. But since for the manufacture of most varieties it is necessary to have experience in such work, a variety of materials and drawings to comply with the exact dimensions, you should know how to make the simplest homemade underwater gun - an improved version of the so-called Hawaiian.

Novice spear fishing enthusiasts will be interested in a way to make a homemade gun without special skills, professional tools and precision equipment.

Hawaiians that appeared, as the name suggests, on the islands of Oceania had an extremely simple device. Initially, they consisted of a pole with a harpoon tip and a rubber band 10-15 mm in diameter, rolled into a circle. Having hooked a rubber band over the thumb of the hand, the hunter pulled the rope back to the elbow with the back end of the pole, after which he grabbed the pole closer to the middle with his brush. After that, all that remained was to aim and unclench the brush, so that the contracting rubber band would forcefully push the harpoon towards the target. However, the described method of catching fish is not very convenient for hunting, since holding the harpoon in the "cocked" state requires constant tension of the hand. This drawback can be easily corrected without fundamentally complicating the design, but simply by equipping the Hawaiian with a home-made trigger. Now how exactly to make a gun for hunting underwater - extremely easy to manufacture, effective and at the same time convenient to use.

In addition to sports interest, making such a homemade product also makes economic sense, since a specialized hunting store will gladly offer you the simplest harpoon gun for the price of a crossbow. In addition, a tool made to your taste will allow you to enjoy both processes - manufacturing and hunting itself. Before making an underwater gun yourself, you need to stock up on the following:

  • an aluminum tube with an outer diameter of 10-15 mm and a length of 150 cm;
  • PVC tube 25-30 cm long, the inner diameter of which is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the aluminum tube;
  • steel skewer rectangular in cross section;
  • M4 bolt 20-25 mm long with a nut, metal and rubber washers;
  • M4 bolt 40-50 mm long;
  • a steel rectangle measuring 40 × 15 × 2 mm;
  • three self-tapping screws 70-100 mm long;
  • fishing rubber;
  • ring-shaped elastic band;
  • nylon thread;
  • trimming boards with a thickness of at least 20 mm;
  • epoxy glue.

Also, in order to make a gun for hunting aquatic inhabitants with your own hands, you will need the following tools: a screwdriver, pliers, hammer, chisel, vice, wrenches, rasp, drill, hacksaws for wood and metal.

In addition to sports interest, making such a homemade product also makes economic sense, since a specialized hunting store will gladly offer you the simplest harpoon gun for the price of a crossbow

Separate a 20 cm fragment from the skewer, hold it in a vice so that 10-12 mm sticks out of the jaws, and bend the protruding section at a right angle. Having taken out the resulting L-shaped part from the vise, bend it in the direction opposite to the short part of the letter "G" so that you get an arc - a sector of an imaginary circle with a diameter of 50 cm. Drill a 4 mm hole in the middle of the part. In the center of the short tube, drill 2 opposite holes - 5 and 4 mm in diameter and 2 - 5 mm in diameter 1 cm from the edge. Also, in the short tube, at a distance equal to the length between the hole and the bend of the L-shaped piece, make a cross-cut 8 × 2.5 mm. Drill 2 opposite holes of 8 mm each centimeter from the edge of the aluminum tube, and then make a cross-cut 8 × 2.5 mm in the center of the tube. Make a rope of 1 cm thick, 40-45 cm long from fishing rubber and rewind it tightly with a nylon thread every 5 cm. From the board, cut a round plug corresponding to the inner diameter of the long pipe and drill a 4 mm longitudinal hole in it.

Gallery: homemade spearfishing gun (25 photos)

How to make a spearfishing gun (video)

Assembling the gun

Now, from the set prepared in this way, you need to assemble a gun. To do this, screw the L-shaped part with a short M4 bolt to the PVC tube, inserting a rubber washer between them so that the short part of the L-shaped part gets into the cut in the pipe wall. The bolt head should not protrude above the inner surface of the tube wall, otherwise it will interfere with shooting. Additionally, secure the L-shaped piece in the cutting area with a ring-shaped rubber band.

Outwardly, this springy structure vaguely resembles a bicycle handbrake lever and performs the function of both a trigger and a sear - a part that serves to set the weapon on a combat platoon.

First, you need a cut out wooden cork, after having lubricated it with epoxy glue, insert it into the end hole of the aluminum tube. Then weld 3 self-tapping screws to the metal plate on one side and the M4 bolt on the other in such a way that you get something like a Neptune trident, where the M4 bolt is the trident shaft. Coat the M4 bolt with epoxy glue. The resulting trident should be screwed into the hole in the wooden plug. The homemade harpoon is ready.

The aluminum tube must be inserted into the PVC tube, and a rubber band must be passed through the holes drilled in the aluminum tube with a diameter of 8 mm. The free ends of the bundle are inserted into holes with a diameter of 5 mm, drilled in a PVC tube, and carefully fixed there with a nylon thread. So, without having any special qualifications, in a maximum of 1 hour you can make an excellent attribute of active recreation with your own hands - an underwater gun.

DIY spearfishing gun (video)


To tension the rubber and prepare the gun for the shot, it is necessary to feed the PVC tube, which performs the function of the cocking handle, forward to the tip of the harpoon until a characteristic click indicates that a metal part caught in the slots of both tubes has fixed the gun in the cocked state. Now pressing on the protruding arc of the metal part will disengage it from the harpoon and a shot will be fired. Tests carried out in water show that from a distance of about 1 m, the harpoon confidently breaks through the wall of a plastic bottle filled with water, and it is quite difficult to remove it back due to the thread on the self-tapping screws.


This is the simplest scheme of an underwater weapon and the shortest instruction on how to make an underwater gun with your own hands. In addition to the described method, there are many more schematic diagrams and manufacturing methods. You can make, for example, an air gun, in which the harpoon is set in motion by the force of compressed air, a spring gun, etc.

You should be aware that home-made means for catching fish under water, like any weapon, require careful observance of safety rules when handling. There are more than enough cases of careless injury to oneself by this weapon, and the time spent on recovery will be irretrievably lost for fishing, hunting and other healthy hobbies.