How to install horizontal blinds on plastic windows. Assembly of vertical blinds

When a lot of light enters the room, this is fine, but sometimes it becomes too much, it interferes with work or rest. Fixing the situation will help fix the blinds, which are vertical, horizontal, roll. You can mount them yourself or resort to the help of professionals.

Installation of products is carried out to the wall, ceiling or directly into the opening. When purchasing blinds, you need to remember some rules.

  1. First of all, you need to determine the exact parameters of the window - the width and height.
  2. Decide where the control system will be located.
  3. Find out the best type of fasteners for blinds.

Vertical models are usually mounted above the window opening, they can serve as curtains. Horizontal and rolled ones have more options - they are mounted on the upper slope, on the window, on each sash separately. At the same time, they are perfectly combined with any curtains, leaving the window sill free. Everyone must determine the product and installation options that are suitable for themselves.

Blinds are best ordered from the same company that made the windows.

The standard set of products usually includes detailed instructions that tell you how to install it yourself.

Mounting methods

Fastening blinds to plastic windows directly depends on the design and functionality. Horizontal or roll products that cover only glass are attached directly to the frame. In this case, they can function simultaneously or independently of each other. To install vertical blinds on the ceiling, you need to attach a bracket.

The opening sash does not require drilling, as the brackets can be installed using special clips or double-sided tape. The most reliable and durable installation method is screws that are screwed in with a screwdriver. Be sure to keep in mind that the walls in many rooms are uneven, so determining how to install blinds mounts is one of the main factors in the successful completion of the process.

For a quality installation, you need brackets or brackets, which are usually included in the kit, as well as tools: a Phillips screwdriver, a hammer, a drill or a puncher, a plumb line, drills, tape measure.
Blinds are mounted on brackets according to a certain algorithm.

  • Make a markup at the intended installation site.
  • Hang the blind holder in a certain place: from the ceiling, sash, wall.
  • Turn the latches of the mechanism counterclockwise to the stop, insert the eaves, return the latches to their original position.

Installation of blinds on non-standard openings using drilling is different.

  • Brackets are installed at the top of the frame, and plastic corners are installed at the bottom.
  • In special bushings of the upper cornice, it is necessary to fix the cables.
  • Attach the cornice to the brackets.
  • Pass the cable through the holes in the slats.
  • Another pair of bushings must be inserted into the holes of the lower brackets, the cable should be passed through them and fixed.
  • Attach the handle to the structure.
  • Check system performance.

Installation of fasteners for blinds on inclined windows using screws is carried out in a similar way using drilling.

How to determine the size of the blinds?

When installing blinds on large openings, it is imperative to use intermediate elements, which will significantly increase the reliability of the structure. One bracket must be placed next to the control mechanism, since this area is most subject to stress. However, keep in mind that it should not interfere with the normal functioning of the system.

The width of the blinds installed on the sashes and opening with them must correspond to the parameters of the window plus three centimeters - one and a half on each side. Installation inside the opening implies a canvas four centimeters smaller than the width of the window - two centimeters on each side. For free functioning between the canvas and the upper edge of the opening, a gap is required.

Installation outside the window opening requires the use of a canvas that is ten centimeters larger than the width of the window - five on each side. The length is not less than the height of the window plus ten centimeters. If the window handle protrudes, the blinds are attached to the brackets. In this case, the canvas should exceed the width of the opening by 20 centimeters, which will more effectively darken the room.

Before installing blinds fasteners, it is necessary to check whether the chosen design will not interfere with the normal functioning of the shutters.

Vertical models are mainly attached to the ceiling. They consist of a cornice with a control mechanism and lamellas made of different materials: plastic, fabric, wood. After installing the eaves, it is necessary to attach the lamellas, while it is imperative to ensure that the seams on the plates are inside when the blinds are closed. After installing all the strips, it is necessary to attach a cord that activates the control mechanism, and so that it does not get tangled, a special plumb line included in the kit is put on it - it can be of any shape.

The slats are easy to cut, so in case of errors in the calculation, the position can be easily corrected with simple tools. Modern manufacturers are doing everything possible to minimize the complexity of the process. The main thing is to hang the strips correctly, since all windows have different parameters.

Sectional diagram of the design of horizontal blinds

How to choose?

Due to the simplicity of the design, blinds are made very quickly, and a variety of mounting methods - with or without drilling - allows you to install them on windows with both a rotary and a folding mode of operation. Now it is not necessary to drill the frame at all, and in case of dismantling, unattractive holes will not remain.
Modern manufacturers offer completely new installation methods:

  1. holding magnets that allow the canvas to be parallel to the sash;
  2. double sided tape;
  3. brackets or clips that are attached to the sash.

Before installing the blinds, it is necessary to check the tightness of the window, make sure that there are no drafts that will shake the structure and interfere with its functioning.

The installation method depends on the design and size of the product. When choosing a model, it is necessary to take into account the functional purpose of the room. During work, you must exercise maximum precision and care, as well as determine for yourself the most suitable product, how to install and operate it. It is important to remember that all blinds have strict geometric shapes, so even a slight misalignment during installation will spoil the appearance and make it difficult for the control mechanism to work.

Today, blinds are one of the most effective elements of decorating the interior space of a room. They gracefully regulate the flow of sunlight, and ease of use, affordable cost, a variety of models and materials used for production, allow them to remain relevant for more than a decade.

Another factor influencing popularity is easy care, which consists in periodically wiping the slats with a sponge dipped in soapy water. Once a year, the strips should be removed, rolled up and placed in water with detergent - the dirt will come off without any additional action. After rinsing them wet, hang them in a place where they will straighten out on their own. Certain types of blinds can only be dry-cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

A huge range of products of various configurations and sizes allows you to choose the right option in each case. You can install the products yourself, however, there are restrictions on warranty service. A more reliable option is to contact specialists, this will avoid many difficulties.

Installing blinds on windows or doorways is not at all difficult and can be done by the customer himself if he has at least minimal homework skills. Moreover, there are detailed instructions on how to install the light protection with your own hands. However, in order to avoid any defects in the product or its incorrect operation in the future, it is better to entrust the installation of blinds to experienced professionals. Almost all manufacturing companies provide the service of installation of their products at the customer's site. We also offer installation of louvered structures.

Installation of horizontal blinds

This product is supplied to the customer with top and bottom fixings. The first are designed to attach blinds to a window sash or wall. The second ones are present only when the product is attached to the sash itself and serve as a kind of leaf retainer when the window opens vertically or horizontally.

First of all, the master, using tools, will mark the places for future drilling. At the same time, in the “mount on the sash” option, an experienced professional will definitely place the technological holes so that the drill does not get into the metal reinforcement inside the PVC profile. In addition, he will accurately measure the point of installation of the lower fastener, fully unfolding the canvas and making sure that it is stretched and not hanging loose. When installing blinds using the “in the window opening” or “on top of the wall” methods, there is no need to install a lower holder.

Installation of vertical blinds is somewhat similar to the process described above. First, the master will determine the exact location of the cornice, which may be in the window opening or outside the window, including on the ceiling. Then a cornice is attached to the mounts with the help of special latches. After that, lamellas are filled into it - they are hung from the runners for special elements - plank holders, strictly observing the sequence in which the individual elements were in the roll, especially if the blinds planks carry any decor.

Installation of roller blinds

Roller blinds, also known as roller blinds or roller blinds, have recently gained wide popularity. They are made of a special material that resembles textiles in appearance, but in its practicality is not inferior to modern plastic. Installing such light protection on windows is also not difficult. In the kit for these products, special fasteners are offered, resembling a compacted double-sided construction adhesive tape. It is necessary to remove the protective film from one side of it and attach the adhesive surface to the frame or wall. Then the protective layer is removed from the second side of the tape, to which the blinds are glued. This procedure takes just a few minutes and can be performed independently by the customer. At the same time, in order to avoid problems with the future work of the structure, we recommend entrusting the installation of the product to an experienced professional. Moreover, before starting the installation, it is necessary to determine the place of the tape sticker as carefully as possible, because it will be impossible to transfer it later to another place.

Installation of "complex" types of blinds

Pleated, multiimpressive, tulle - should also be entrusted only to a master with extensive practical experience in this field.

September 21, 2016
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

If you need high-quality protection of windows from sunlight or prying eyes, then the simplest solution is to install blinds on the windows. This option has a number of advantages: low cost, ease of installation and the ability to purchase products of any size. In the review, we will figure out how to fix the structure, the methods of work are different, so you will definitely find the right one.

Overview of mounting options

Now let's go directly to the workflow. When installed in different ways, the size of the blinds varies significantly. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you first read this section, choose the method that is most suitable, and only then order blinds according to the recommendations that will be given in the corresponding paragraph.

No need to rush, in construction and repair, this always leads to unnecessary costs or problems during the work. Only having understood all the nuances, proceed to the selection of the product and its installation.

Method 1 - fastening inside the opening

A very common solution, which is characterized by a fairly simple workflow and is highly reliable. Installing blinds with your own hands on a plastic window can be done in several ways:

  • On top of the window frame, this is a very popular solution due to its simplicity;
  • On the wall above the window, if the space in the opening allows it;
  • On the top of the opening, if it is not possible to use any of the above methods.

If you decide to use this particular option, then here are recommendations for you on how to choose the optimal size of the blinds:

  • The width of the system should be 4 cm less than the width of the opening, that is, you should have gaps of 2 cm on both sides. This is necessary not only for the free movement of the structure, but also for the normal fixing of the upper box, since it can be wider than the lamellas themselves;

  • The height of the system should be 2 cm less than the height of the opening. But there is an important nuance here - if one or two doors open, then the box should be located so as not to interfere with the work of the structure. If this does not work out, then it is better to use the sash mounting option, which we will describe below.

To carry out the work we need the following:

Equipment Description
Mounting brackets
Blinds You must purchase a ready-made kit in size, taking into account the above recommendations. Usually the structure is assembled and you only need to make sure that the cord is not tangled
Mounting brackets Most often they come in a kit, but sometimes you need to purchase them separately. For example, if you mount the system to the ceiling, then the wall bracket may not be suitable, although many modern manufacturers come with universal elements that can be used for any type of work.
screwdriver With its help, self-tapping screws will be twisted, if you fix the blinds on the frame, then no other power tool will be needed
Perforator It is necessary when drilling an opening for the installation of dowels, with which the mounting brackets will be fixed. Naturally, a drill of the appropriate diameter and length must be present in the kit.
Measuring tool Of course, you can’t do without markings; a level, ruler or tape measure and a pencil are used for work. It is important to place the blinds evenly, so do not do the work by eye.

Now let's figure out how to install the structure correctly:

  • First you need to unpack the blinds, make sure that everything is in order with them and there are no damages. Then the box is tried on to the opening, you have to check if everything is in order and if all sizes match, this will not take much time, but everything will definitely be in order. If the sashes open at the window, then be sure to check if the box interferes with their movement, do not miss other little things like handles on the windows, the blinds should not rest against them;

  • Using the level, you need to mark the horizontal on the surface, just put a couple of dots or strokes so that you can navigate them as you work. Next, brackets are applied and the points for drilling holes are marked, if you will be attached to the wall or the top of the opening, in case of fixing to the frame, you must also put points in the right places;
  • If you need to drill holes, then this part of the work is done, after which plastic dowels are inserted, holes are obtained for the screws with which the fasteners will be attached. In cases where you are attached to PVC, you can immediately screw special self-tapping screws into plastic, they fit well into the material. It is much easier to work with a screwdriver, although a regular screwdriver will do;

  • If the brackets are installed correctly, then it will not be difficult to fix the container with blinds in them, it simply snaps into the fasteners. The structure must be held securely and not move at the attachment points;
  • Lastly, the operation of the system is checked, everything should move easily, without any problems and obstacles.

Method 2 - fastening outside the opening

Now let's figure out how to install the blinds outside the opening yourself. This option is suitable for cases where the window is not recessed deep into the wall and if you want to darken the room as best as possible, there are two mounting methods:

  • If the window is deep, then the structure is installed on the wall above the opening;
  • When the window is flush with the wall or slightly deepened, the installation is carried out on special brackets;
  • Sometimes fastening is made to, such a system is more often used in vertical blinds due to their large size.

Now let's figure out how to determine the optimal dimensions of the blinds in this case:

  • The width of the product must be 10 cm more than the width of the opening, so that the system enters the walls at least 5 cm on each side, this will ensure high-quality darkening. The height can be 10 cm more than the opening if the window sill does not protrude or the size is calculated individually if there is a protrusion;

When hanging the box, do not forget that it should not interfere with the opening of the doors, the easiest way is to place it along the top line of the opening.

  • If the window is flush with the wall and the blinds are mounted at a distance from the wall, then the width of the structure must be at least 20 cm wider than the opening in order to ensure high-quality blackout. As for the height, it is determined based on whether the system will be lowered below the opening or whether it will lie on the windowsill.

To work, you need the following list of tools:

  • Perforator with a drill of the right size;
  • Level and pencil for marking;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver for tightening fasteners.

The work instructions look like this:

  • First you need to attach the blinds to the opening to make sure that you did not make a mistake with the width. Using the level, marks are made in the right places, after which it is necessary to determine the exact position of the mounting brackets and mark the points at which these elements will be attached to the wall;

  • Drilling is done at the marked points, so as not to constantly check the depth, wind the tape around the drill in the required place and navigate along it when working, so you do not make the holes too deep or too small;

If your structure width exceeds one and a half meters, then you should hang it not on two, but on three brackets to ensure the necessary rigidity and strength. For larger sizes, it is better to use aluminum products, they are less susceptible to deformation and retain a clear geometry for many years.

  • Attaching the brackets is quick and easy if you've made the holes in the right places. The workflow is simple: first, plastic dowels are inserted and pushed all the way, after which the supporting elements are attached and fixed with the screws included in the kit. They can be either screwed in or simply hammered in with a hammer, the reliability of fastening does not suffer from this;
  • The last step is this: you need to insert the container into the latches, make sure that it is fixed securely, after which you can proceed to check the system's performance.

Method 3 - fastening to the sashes with clamps

Now let's figure out how to install plastic blinds on plastic windows, although the process is similar for products made from other materials. This option is great for windows in which one or more sashes open, separate elements are attached to each half of the glazing, which allows you to open not the entire opening, but part of it. In addition, such solutions do not interfere with the opening of windows, which is also important.

Fastening is always done on the frame, and you can do it as indicated in the first method - using self-tapping screws. But such a solution has one significant disadvantage: if you decide to remove the blinds, then holes will remain on the surface, which you are unlikely to get rid of. Therefore, it is better to use the technology from this section, then the frames will remain intact.

Consider how to determine the optimal dimensions of the blinds in this case:

  • The width of the structure must be 3 cm greater than the width of the glazing, that is, the overlap on the frame is 1.5 cm. It is important that the system does not rest against the handle and does not interfere with opening the window;
  • The height should be 3-5 cm more than the height of the double-glazed window.

In this case, we need the following set of materials:

  • Blinds in finished form with a U-shaped top;
  • Plastic clips that are specially configured to be mounted on the frame and snap into the louver box;
  • Lower holders that will fix the blinds in a taut position and will not allow them to sag, even if the window is open.

As for the tool, we will not need anything at all - only hands and the desire to carry out the installation without outside help.

Installation of blinds on a plastic window is carried out according to the following technology:

  • First you need to open the sash and wipe it with a cloth, the design must be clean;
  • Latches are placed on the frame on both sides of the sash with an indent from the edges of at least a few centimeters if the width is large or the blinds are massive, then three fasteners can be used;
  • Lastly, under the outer part of the holders, a box of blinds is started until it clicks. The protrusion of the latch should go into the groove in such a way as shown in the diagram below, everything is quite simple and easy;

  • Lastly, latches are installed at the bottom of the frame. Here it is important to clearly note their position so that the open blinds are in a taut state, and not dangling. When the markup is completed, you can attach the elements with self-tapping screws or using double-sided tape so as not to damage the window profile.

Method 4 - mounting on universal brackets

This option resembles the one described above, but also has a number of differences, so it should be considered separately. It also does not require drilling of sashes, no tools are needed for work, and the main fastener is a universal mount that is suitable for blinds, roller blinds and pleated blinds. That is, you get a platform on which you can mount different systems.

The list of materials and the measurement process is no different from the above option, so we will start immediately with the installation process. Work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First you need to clean the surface of dust and degrease it, this will fix our elements as reliably as possible;
  • Then you need to stick double-sided tape to the back of the latches. There are different options in stores, choose better products that are designed for attaching heavy objects so as not to worry about the reliability of the design;

  • The bracket is inserted into the mounting platform if necessary, if you will fasten the structure to a blind sash, then the latch is not needed. This is a very big plus, since in the previous case it is impossible to attach the blinds to blind sashes without self-tapping screws;
  • Then a bracket of the configuration we need is attached to the base, short self-tapping screws are used for work so that they do not protrude from the back side;
  • Further, the elements are glued to the surface in the required places, and in the case of opening doors, they are also snapped onto the upper end;
  • Lastly, the blind box is fixed - and the design is ready for use, everything is simple and fast.

If you are thinking about how to install plastic blinds on windows, then this option is the best fit, because the design is lightweight and double-sided tape will easily hold it.


Installation of blinds can be carried out without hiring specialists, any of the above options for carrying out work is within the power of even an inexperienced master. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if you have additional questions, then write them in the comments below.

September 21, 2016

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In summer, blinds become an invariable attribute of a plastic window. Especially if the light of the midday sun is directed directly into the window, you have to look for protection behind curtains or blinds. A thing, no doubt, useful and practical. They are easy to use and take up almost no space in the window space. Roll or cassette designs are slightly inferior in popularity to classic horizontal lamellar systems or strict vertical fabric sets. The latter, for a number of reasons, have become wildly popular in offices and office spaces. The classic curtain is everywhere removed from the business style.

Ordinary lamella horizontal blinds are much more likely to be found in a window opening of standard sizes, vertical ones are mainly used in rooms with high ceilings and large windows. Roller blinds are preferred for opening plastic windows as a "deaf" protection from the outside world - in this they are indispensable. It can be a bedroom or a children's room.

Blinds fastening methods

Modern designs of fixtures for blinds on plastic windows can be divided into three categories:

  • Capital fastening to the frame using self-tapping screws or screws;
  • Mounting the blinds system on the sash of a plastic window, allowing it to open freely in all positions, including in ventilation mode;
  • The sparing method of fastening makes it possible not to disfigure the plastic profile by drilling holes.

According to the already established tradition, vertical systems are mounted on any window opening according to a baguette pattern, without contact with a double-glazed window. This is due to the design of vertical slats, their width is most often at least 10 cm, therefore, to regulate light transmission, at least 10-15 cm of space is required between the window and the lamella plane.

In addition, there are increased requirements for the appearance of vertical blinds used in office space. They should be successfully combined with the interior of the room and usually, in addition to plastic windows, they cover the window sill and part of the wall space adjacent to the window opening.

The design of such blinds practically allows you to open the sash of a plastic window only in the ventilation mode. The fastening of vertical blinds is almost identical to the installation of a baguette for conventional curtains, but instead of the latter, a special heavy cornice with a hidden mechanism for controlling the blinds slats is installed.

Roll options use a powerful and heavy web storage system, so almost always fastening to a plastic window is carried out using additional fittings and awnings. This allows the structure to maintain rigidity and strength when stretching the web to the required height.

Both horizontal and roller blinds are designed for one sash and are placed on the inside of the window.

How to fasten blinds on a plastic profile without self-tapping screws

Most people rightly believe that it is better if the fastening of the blinds to the plastic window is done without drilling holes.

The basis of the system is a set of horizontal strips of plastic, aluminum, pressed cardboard or wood connected in a special way into one flexible sheet. The special mechanism of the blinds allows you to rotate the strips around the horizontal axis, thereby changing the shaded area of ​​the window opening.

All the secrets of blinds control are hidden in the box-shaped cornice located at the top. The total weight of the structure depends on the size and area of ​​​​the blinds, the width and material of the lamellas. Fastening standard blinds with a lamella width of no more than 2 cm and a length of no more than 80 cm can be easily done on the plastic of the window using a special double-sided adhesive tape.

To glue the blinds cornice to a smooth plastic surface:

  1. We use double-sided tape or glue applied along the entire length of the glued cornice;
  2. When gluing, before applying glue to a section of a plastic frame, it should be thoroughly degreased with acetone or alcohol;
  3. Apply one layer of adhesive to the side surface and dry it for 1 hour. Then apply glue again and fix the cornice. Further operations can be carried out in 10-12 hours.

In the lower part of the window, clamps are glued in a similar way to hold the blinds in the expanded and taut state. A control cord or a special bar is threaded into the hole on the cornice, by turning which the angle of inclination of the slats is adjusted.

Advice ! The use of double-sided tape is a completely justified option, provided that the material used is of high quality.

To compare and test the strength of the connection, try attaching two identical objects to a smooth surface using tape and glue. In the first case, the tear-off force will be much higher than for an adhesive joint.

Fastening blinds on plastic windows using self-tapping screws

Before starting work, make sure that the model you choose in height and width matches the proportions and dimensions of the window glass. On the Internet, there are many recommendations to use a plastic glazing bead to fasten the blinds - a narrow, 10 mm wide, strip of plastic that fixes the glass in the frame. Usually, the authors motivate the advice by the fact that in case of failure, the glazing bead on the plastic profile is easy to replace with a new one. It is easier and much cheaper than changing the lining.

It is easier and more reliable to fix the blinds cornice directly on the main array of plastic window cladding, approximately in the following sequence.

With the help of a level and a pencil, we mark the position of the cornice above the window glass in such a way that the window glass is closed exclusively by lamellas. We lay fastening earrings in the upper part of the eaves. These are elements that serve to fix the cornice body on external brackets, we install them inside the cornice according to the instructions.

We mark the position of the brackets on the cladding and mark with a pencil the places for drilling holes for self-tapping screws. With a drill, about 0.5 mm less than the diameter of the self-tapping screw, we drill one hole for each bracket.

For fastening, we select self-tapping screws of the sizes recommended by the instruction, or standard aluminum ones, for a Phillips screwdriver. The length of the working part is not more than 12mm. Having wrapped one self-tapping screw, the brackets should be aligned using the building level. Otherwise, the cornice can be fixed with a slope to the left or right side.

After that, the remaining holes for attaching the brackets are drilled, and the missing fasteners are wrapped. A cornice is put on the brackets, all the necessary accessories for the blinds mechanism. In a similar way, clamps are fastened with screws in the lower part of the window, after which the fittings of the mechanism are adjusted.

Important ! When choosing drilling locations, one should not retreat excessively to the periphery of the window; it is possible to stumble with a drill on the hidden parts of the window control mechanism.

Installation of blinds on the opening sash of a plastic window

The device of the sash allows you to refuse the use of self-tapping screws for fastening the blinds of any configuration. In this case, a special plastic earring is used to fasten the cornice, hooked, like a hook, to the upper edge of the window sash. Depending on the length of the plastic window and the weight of the blinds, there may be two or three such "hooks". Earrings simply "snap" into the body of the cornice, firmly held inside it due to the elasticity of the plastic. Further, the cornice is simply hung on the window sash.

It should be noted that this method of fastening is the most versatile and allows you to painlessly remove the blinds from the window and mount them again an unlimited number of times.

The disadvantages of such a mounting system include:

  • The fastening ear pinches the rubber seal of the sash, with prolonged use this can lead to partial punching of individual fragments of the seal and loss of tightness;
  • The plastic of the mount is inferior in strength to metal brackets, respectively, the service life of such a mount is much less;
  • When fastening the blinds, it is necessary to provide a limiter for the opening angle of the sash to prevent possible damage by the lamellas of the blinds to the inner surface of the window slopes.

Blinds protect from bright sunlight, prying eyes and maintain the microclimate in the room. The first step is to choose the type of blinds that suit your preferences and wishes. The second is the choice of mounting method. It is important to carry out the installation of blinds with high quality in order to avoid unnecessary financial expenses and negative emotions.

Blinds and types of fasteners

Blinds can be divided into three types: horizontal, vertical and roller blinds. Depending on the design features and the window opening and the type of frames, different mounting methods are available.

There are three types of blinds fastening depending on their type: to the wall, to the ceiling, directly to the frame, and two ways: with drilling and without drilling.

Below is a correlation between the types of installation and the type of blinds in.

Table 1.

For each type of fastening, it is necessary to measure correctly so that the blinds are placed accurately and perform a protective function.

Mounting on the wall above the window opening and on the ceiling

The universal basis of any fastening is a cornice, which is attached to a wall, frame or ceiling in various ways.

When measuring the opening for mounting on the wall, it is necessary to take into account the indents of 5 cm: on top for the cornice, on the sides so that the blinds go a little beyond the opening. The length of the blinds is chosen as desired: to the bottom edge of the window or to the floor.

For ceiling mounting, the height to the floor or window sill is measured, then 2 cm is subtracted. With this fastening, the clips are screwed with self-tapping screws, the eaves are snapped into them, that is, the brackets will not be used.

Installation in a window opening

Placement of the blinds in the window opening is the most difficult type of installation, it is necessary not only to measure correctly, but also to make sure that the folded blinds do not interfere with the opening of the window. In order for the blinds to be installed neatly, you need to measure the width of the opening at the top and bottom, subtract 20 mm from the smaller size. Then compare the height on the left and right, take the smaller one and subtract 10mm.

Window frame mounting

You can install horizontal and roller blinds on the window sash. There are several mounting methods:

  • fasten with screws;
  • install brackets;
  • stick with double sided tape.

You can make fasteners for blinds on PVC windows with self-tapping screws straight into the profile using a screwdriver. The disadvantage of this option is that if the blinds are removed, holes will remain in the profile forever.

Today, manufacturers immediately provide for the possibility of fastening blinds, releasing PVC window profiles.

Mounting inside the frame

To install inter-frame blinds, the distance between the glasses must be 3 cm. Fastening is made on brackets. However, to remove the control of the rotary-lift mechanism, drilling is necessary.

Drilling installation

Drilling installation is the most secure fixing method, ensuring that the blinds will hold firmly. To begin with, markup is made, marking the places where the brackets will be located. Then they drill through. After that, when mounting on the wall, dowels are inserted into the holes, brackets are applied and screws are twisted using a screwdriver. After that, the cornice is installed and the whole structure is assembled.

When installing on a frame, it is important to understand that the holes will remain forever and will significantly spoil the appearance of the windows if the blinds are removed in the future.

Mounting without drilling is available when installing blinds on a frame profile or inside a window.

In this case, the brackets are attached to the upper part of the PVC profile on the opening doors or on double-sided tape, which can be glued without fear of leaving marks.

When ordering blinds from the company website, you will receive not only a unique product according to the size of your window openings, but also a high-quality installation of the product.