Exercises for the development of imagination and clairvoyance. Practices

Imagination is traditionally considered an integral part of creative people.

And somehow there was a stereotype that "people who are serious and successful are not carried away with fantasies."

However, as practice shows, it is people who are successful and serious who owe their success to a well-developed imagination,
which intuitively finds a way out in the most difficult situations,
helps them make the right decisions,
find an approach to people
and to prevent conflicts and troubles.

Imagination is inherent in every person. True, we do not always realize all of its manifestations precisely as a resource of the individual and by no means always consciously use its truly limitless possibilities.

Imagination is the ability to imagine images, symbols, fantasies, dreams. These are "inner films" and unfolding plots that we experience in dreams or in reality, thinking or daydreaming.

During such periods, attention shifts from the outside world to the inside. And our consciousness changes - as if we are immersed in ourselves. And we find ourselves in the inner world, in the space of imagination. And while this “mental living” of stories takes place, something subtly changes within us, sources of new resources open up, the state improves, tension and anxiety are relieved.

  • The space of imagination is a very special space,
    which has its own landscape, its own roads and its own language.

This space is healing both for the body and for the psyche. After all, in it every person can meet his Soul, hear the voice and desires of his heart.

Modern psychotherapy is well acquainted with the imagination and the laws of its space. This is work with metaphorical cards, and catatim experience of images, and work with dreams in the Jungian approach or with the help of dreamtending, and much more. Since the days of C.G. Jung, many scientific research and created many effective practices and directions for healing based on power and space

  • It is very important to understand that simple daydreaming
    is not work with guided imagination (!)

In order to decide a serious problem it’s not enough just to fantasize about how things are resolved by themselves. Unfortunately, by itself, in general, very rarely something happens. All changes and transformations are the result of effort. Internal work, competently and seriously done in the space of the imagination, can give significant results.

This includes relieving anxiety and tension, and getting out of stress, and resolving conflicts, and building a new scenario for life, harmonizing family relationships, and healing bodily diseases, and much, much more.

Typically, working with images includes:

  • presentation of some image reflecting the actual situation or problem of a person;
  • awareness of the connections of this situation with the person's past experience and with the systems in which he is included (family system, generic system, cultural system);
  • identifying scenarios for the development of events, patterns of behavior, blocks and restrictions that keep a person inside a traumatic situation;
  • correction of the state, situation.

Three key steps in this work can be tentatively identified.

1). Awareness what is happening and how a person creates this situation in his life.

It often happens that in a stressful situation, a person does not always see what is really happening in his life. In moments of strong emotions, he tends to either distance himself from what is happening, or close his eyes to some important aspects, or displace what is happening into the unconscious. This is how defensive reactions work, protecting from perception, to cope with which there are not enough resources inside a person.

Working with guided imagination allows you to realize and see the connections of what is happening on a symbolic or archetypal level. At the same time, there is no “hacking” of protection, and the work is absolutely safe at the level that suits a particular person here and now.

From this point of view, working with images, symbols and archetypes is the most environmentally friendly and comfortable.

2). Understanding connections situations with other areas of life

There are no situations that arise out of nowhere in life. Each person is a part of his family system, his tribal system, a part of culture. And also - a part of their experience, their experiences of trauma, mistakes, victories and successes.

All events are interconnected and are both a consequence and a cause for everything that happens. In order to change the scenario, it is almost always important to find and correct the connections that led to the negative situation.

3). Correction or change what needs to be changed

It is very important that all corrective actions are carried out at the necessary and sufficient level in terms of the readiness of a particular person to such changes. A professional therapist will always find out what kind of changes a person is ready to accept in his life, what is the purpose of this particular work.

Correction - change and harmonization of what is happening - will take place with the help of special techniques that the psychologist will recommend. This can be direct work with bodily reactions, and work with drawings, with metaphorical cards. It can be the creation of stories and fairy tales. Or maybe - a direct change in the series of events in those images that unfold in the imagination.

  • Why when working with guided imagination
    do the changes then take place in real life?

Discovered in the early 90s, mirror neurons help to explain from the point of view of science the mechanism of how and why our brain does not distinguish between events that are realized in reality and events that take place in the imagination.

For human consciousness, both events in the imagination and events in the reality that we habitually consider "real" will be equally real.

Thanks to neural mechanisms and the peculiarities of the functioning of the brain, a person can learn through imitation of the actions of other people, instantly recognize emotions and respond to them correctly, and so on. And we can use this same ability of the brain in order to correct the scenarios of our own life with the help of guided imagination:

  • end conflicts that are difficult or impossible to resolve in reality;
  • to say goodbye and forgive those who are no longer in our lives;
  • build scenarios for harmonious relationships;
  • create career success;
  • work out internal barriers and self-restraints.

Two stereotypes get in the way effective work with a guided imagination.

    The stereotype that "imagination is not serious." Fairy tales and stories are often associated with the work of the imagination.

    This is not entirely true. These days, stories often become part of successful therapeutic practice. After all, as long as the human race exists, there are as many stories that people tell themselves and others.

    In fact, the tales are 2 million years old. And the images, symbols that come to us in dreams and dreams - even more.

    Dr. Stephen Eisenstat, archetypal psychologist, student of D. Hillman, believes that he dreams of all life on the planet. Not only people see dreams, but all plants, animals, landscapes and the planet Earth meet in the common space of images, in the space of dreams. We can say that the art of creating images in dreams is 2 billion years old. So ancient history imagination and images ...

    Each destiny is a life story. The experience of a person, his emotions, feelings, experiences are compressed in it. And - his transformation. And from that how to tell this story life depends what will happen in it further.

    That is why techniques with fairy tales and with metaphorical cards in which people create their stories work so effectively. They help to come to terms with losses, to feel a new challenge, to see new dream and find the meaning to move on.

    And also such stories give hope.

    You must admit that often it is precisely hope that we do not have enough to pull ourselves together and change what poisons life from day to day ...

    The fairy tales and stories we tell about ourselves and for ourselves help to overcome feelings of helplessness.

    After all, creating a story of his life - together with a therapist or on his own - a person feels himself to be a creator. And he sees how the thread of history is born by his will and intention. And this experience can be transferred to real life - creating events in life just like the story about it.

    So, working with imagination, with images and dreams is not at all a discovery of our days.

    The rest is in the so-called area of ​​the unconscious. Our instinctive reactions, associative connections, trauma, attitudes, emotional charges are stored there. Our resources are also located there.

    The unconscious is a huge storehouse of resources, knowledge, it is an instance that protects us, works around the clock, stores all our experience and intuition and all our abilities. For every situation, a person always has a resource to cope with it.

    If consciousness communicates with us at the level of speech - thoughts and words, then the unconscious communicates with us at the level of images, symbols, sensations, emotions. We access it with our imaginations.

    The stereotype that trances, altered states of consciousness are something "frightening and incomprehensible, this is what magicians, shamans and hypnotists are doing."

    There is, of course, some truth in this. But shamanic trance is very different from the so-called everyday trance. And there is no magic in well-built algorithms for working with archetypes, with dreams, with controlled imagination and catatim experience of images.

    These are effective, consistent strategies that help you gain access to 100% of your internal resources and synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain. And it is through this to achieve healing or a solution to a difficult life situation.

Traditionally, the processes of logic and consciousness are associated with the left hemisphere, and unconscious processes, emotions, decision-making are associated with the right hemisphere. Each hemisphere of a person specializes in its own types of perception, perceives the world in its own way.

The left hemisphere works with words and numbers. Analytical thinking, linear reasoning is characteristic of him. And the right hemisphere is our images and imaginations, these are premonitions, intuition, fantasies and the ability to be creative. Our imagination lives there.

In order for both hemispheres to work synchronously and a person has access to all their resources and capabilities by 100%, it is necessary to go into a special state. This state is sometimes called trance.

Trance- the state of maximum concentration of attention, maximum immersion in the inner world and in internal processes. Trance is a tool that makes available the resources of the unconscious.

Trance states are part of natural, biological rhythms that are naturally built into the functioning of the organism in the process of evolution.

V Everyday life we are familiar with such states.

  • These are both daydreams and the sleepy state in which we find ourselves before falling asleep.
  • This is the state in which we sometimes look at the landscape flashing through the windows of a car or train.
  • This is a state of prayer or meditation.
  • These are insights and insights, inspiration and the famous "state of flow", about which M. Csikszentmihaya wrote.
  • This is the observation of a flame, repetitive rhythmic activities (for example, sewing, knitting).
  • This is a state of thoughtfulness during a movie or reading.

In science, there is the concept of a 90-minute rhythm of activity, during which about 80 minutes is normal functioning, and 10 minutes is a spontaneous trance.

In this biorhythm, each hemisphere in turn reaches a peak of activity, and then the moment of synchronization comes, at this moment the interhemispheric asymmetry disappears.

And it is at this moment of synchronization that all the body's resources become available. This cycle continues both during sleep and during wakefulness, it is similar to a person's internal biological clock that helps the best way work for the whole body.

Some types of work with the imagination are associated with altered states of consciousness and are sometimes called trances. Usually, such conditions are characterized by:

  • relaxation of the body;
  • calm and deep immersion in your inner world;
  • the brightness and significance of the experienced images and stories that are born in the imagination;
  • focusing on internal images;
  • a decrease in the acuity of perception of external objects.

They are completely safe and healing for the entire human body system.

Relaxation is not an activity. Relaxation is a natural response that you simply allow to happen. When you stop straining, relaxation remains.
Joel and Michelle Levy. "Meditation without hoaxes"

When working with a catatim experience of images, with meditative trances, when working with a controlled imagination, clients in 99% of cases note a decrease in anxiety and tension, a state of inner peace and harmony. Often, during such work, they receive insights, a better understanding of what is happening in their life and awareness of the right decisions.

Psychotherapy provides us with more and more evidence of impact internal images to our physical shell.
Rudiger Dahlke. "Miracle of imagination"

According to S. Gilligen, one of M. Ericsson's students, in this state our self-manifestation does not require effort - images and solutions seem to come by themselves. And we are in a state of experiencing participation, when we are immersed in our real feelings, and not in ideas about them . It is this moment that allows us to change our patterns of behavior, remove blocks and interfering attitudes from the subconscious.

In fact, during such work, the therapist invites the client to focus on his inner world. And through symbols and images, make a journey in your imagination. With this kind of work, the brain stops processing millions of signals from the outside world, it switches from a “thought-talk” to solving an urgent issue. And this focus on the main thing, on what worries a person, leads to what is best solution just for him.

According to Daniel Goleman, attention is a muscle that requires constant training. Working with the imagination provides such a workout.

Altered states of consciousness and work with imagination help to quickly restore strength after high loads and in a state of stress, accelerate recovery after operations and severe somatic diseases, and get out of severe psychological conditions.

Also, a state of rest and relaxation, a state of fullness vitality and internal energy is extremely pleasant in itself. There are few medications and psychological tools that are equally effective and enjoyable.


By training your imagination, mastering the methods of guided imagination with the help of a psychotherapist or on your own, you will significantly improve the quality of your life and bring your dream closer to reality.

Below are 10 philosophical theories that can change the way you think about the world.

1. Great glaciation

The Great Glaciation is the theory that our universe is heading towards its end.

According to this idea, the Universe has a limited supply of energy, which will finally be exhausted, which will lead to absolute permafrost. It is understood that thermal energy is produced during the movement of particles, and heat loss is a natural process, as a result of which the movement of particles slows down and, apparently, one day everything will stop.

2. Solipsism

Solipsism is a philosophical theory according to which there is nothing but individual consciousness. At first glance, this is an absurd statement. How can you completely deny the existence of the world around us? But if you think about it, the only thing you can be sure of is your own consciousness. Don't believe me? Take a moment to think about your realistic dreams. Couldn't it be that everything around you is an incredibly difficult dream? Here one can object: we are surrounded by people and things that we cannot doubt, because we hear them, see them, feel their smell and taste. But people who take LSD, for example, are just as confident that they can touch their most compelling hallucinations, although we insist on the "unreality" of their visions.

Your dreams mimic sensations that are perceived in the same way as information received from different parts of the brain. If we think in a given direction, then in what aspects of being can we be sure? None of them. There is no certainty about the chicken you ate for dinner, or about the keyboard under your fingers. Each of us can only be sure of our own thoughts.

3. Philosophy of subjective idealism

George Berkeley, the father of idealism, argued that everything exists as an idea in someone's head. Many considered his theory stupid, even some of the philosopher's comrades. The story goes that one of his ill-wishers kicked a stone with his eyes closed and said: "So I denied it!" The implication was that if the stone really existed only in his imagination, then he could not kick it with his eyes closed. Berkeley's rebuttal is hard to understand. He insisted on the existence of an omnipotent and omnipresent God who sees everything at once. Plausible?

4. Plato and Logos

Plato is the most famous philosopher in the world. Of course, he had his own thoughts about reality. He argued that outside of the reality we perceive, lies the world of "ideal" form. Everything that we see is just a shadow, an imitation of what really is. Plato said that by studying philosophy, we have a chance to catch a glimpse of everything as it really is, to discover the perfect forms of the perceived. In addition to this startling statement, being a monist, Plato argued that everything was created from one substance. That is, according to him, diamonds, gold and dog feces are all made of the same base material, but in a different form. With the scientific discovery of atoms and molecules, this statement has been confirmed to some extent.

5. Presentism

Time is something that we take for granted, and at any given moment, as a rule, we divide it into past, present and future.

Presentism asserts that the past and the future are imaginary concepts and only the present is real. In other words, today's breakfast and every word in this article will cease to exist after you read it, until you open it again. The future is imaginary, because time cannot exist before and after it happened, according to the statements of St. Augustine.

6. Eternalism

Eternalism is the complete opposite of presentism. This is a philosophical theory based on the layering of time. All time exists simultaneously, but the dimension is determined by the observer. What he sees depends on what he is looking at. So dinosaurs, the second World War and Justin Bieber - everything exists at the same time, but can only be observed in a certain place. If you adhere to this view of reality, then the future is hopeless, and free will is an illusion.

7. The brain in the bank

A brain in a jar is a thought experiment that engages thinkers and scientists who, like most people, believe that human understanding of reality depends solely on subjective sensations.

Imagine that you are just a brain in a jar, influenced by aliens or mad scientists. How can you find out about this? And can you deny the likelihood that this is your reality? This is the modern interpretation of Descartes's "evil demon" theory. This thought experiment leads to a similar conclusion: we cannot confirm the actual existence of anything other than our consciousness.

If you now remember the movie "The Matrix", it is only because this idea formed the basis of a sci-fi action movie. Only in reality we do not have a red pill.

8. Theory of the Multiverse

Each modern man at least once heard of the "multiverse" or "parallel universes". According to this hypothesis, many of us (theoretically) imagine parallel worlds, similar to ours, with small (or significant) differences.

Multiverse theory suggests that there may be an infinite number of alternative realities. For example, in one of them you have already been killed by a dinosaur, and you are lying in the ground. In the other, you are a powerful dictator. In the third, you may not have been born yet, since your parents have not met yet.

9. Fictional realism

This is the most entertaining version of the multiverse theory. Superman is real. Yes, Harry Potter can be real too. This teaching, given the infinite number of universes, states that everything must exist somewhere. Thus, all our favorite science fiction and fantasy inventions can be descriptions of alternative universes, in which everything necessary came together in one place for a possible world to be realized.

This article is devoted to the opportunities that a person can acquire during the transition to the fourth and fifth levels of consciousness.

As mentioned in previous articles, four-dimensional and fifth-dimensional spaces are very closely related to each other. Therefore, the abilities that open up when mastering these realities are difficult to attribute to the fourth or fifth level. Generally, it comes about the possibilities of interaction with information and energy, and when the ability allows you to operate with information to a greater extent, then it can be considered four-dimensional, and when it is associated with the ability to feel energy and interact with it, then this quality can be called five-dimensional. For example, many modern contactees (channelers) are able to receive messages from representatives upper levels, or energetic entities located in the field of the Earth. If these messages convey to a greater extent the meaning, but not the emotions of the representatives of the subtle plane, then this method of contact can be attributed to the four-dimensional. If the contactor succeeds in conveying the emotions of the spiritual essence, then such channeling already more reveals the capabilities of the fifth-dimensional consciousness.

Nevertheless, most people can only approach the abilities of the fifth level, but not realize them in their entirety. This is due to the fact that the possibilities of the fifth level open up with the interaction of one or more people who are able to subtly tune in to each other's state. If someone activates their energetic qualities on their own, then first of all he develops individual consciousness. The fifth-dimensional abilities are related to the collective consciousness, and are manifested at the level of a group and a larger community of people.

The reason is that the ability to move to the fifth level largely depends on the energy conditions in which people are. While a person is engaged in personal development, he can only prepare for the transition to the fifth level, realizing his desires, through which it is possible to feel his deep state. The ability to manifest this state is the most important human need, and for this he is born into the world. Carrying out internal preparation for the disclosure of his unique energy, a person can activate many of the abilities of his body, associated both with the operation of information and with the feeling of energy. This process of personal activation can be carried out through the energy contained in human desire, and this source of emotional energy is revealed at the level of the body. Thanks to this activation, the vital energy of a person is colored by his individual vibrations, and due to this, the deep vibration that is the individual's personality begins to resonate in the body. This process allows for the integration of the energy body, aligning its flows and balancing its structure. The coherence of the work of energy processes will affect the physical body, the person will feel more ease in movement and will spend less energy during physical exertion. In the same way, it will affect the emotional state, which will become calmer and more even, making the perception of the world around us cleaner. In addition, internal integration will be reflected in the mental sphere, which will also become a cleaner conductor of information and allow any reasoning to be carried out easily and undistorted.

Thus, the process of internal integration of a person will affect his three main bodies - physical, energy and mental. Such integration consists in uniting the separate parts that make up the human consciousness. Each part of consciousness is a part of a person's information and energy field, related to the manifested (everyday) consciousness, or to the subconscious. For example, everyday memory consists of many cells in which a person puts the details of situations that happen to him in life.

The boundaries between memory cells are needed in order to systematize information coming from the outside world. However, such boundaries do not allow to gain a holistic sensory perception of what is happening. The energy in the memory cells has to circulate in a very compressed framework, so its flows become intermittent and limited in vibration. This, in turn, leads to dullness of memories, which can convey information about past events quite well, but the emotional content may not satisfy the person. The reason is that everyday memory is organized according to the principles of four-dimensional reality, and is a matrix consisting of many units of information. Such a memory device is most convenient for the perception of ordinary patterns. physical world, therefore, it has found such wide application both in living organisms and in modern technologies.

For example, a computer's memory consists of cells, the rest of its boards and microcircuits can also be considered part of the consciousness of this device. Each such detail has its own energy structure, manifested in matter. A similar connection between energy and physical processes is observed in the human body, and for example, memory is manifested in the neural network of brain cells, and the cellular structure of organs can be considered other parts of consciousness, each of which performs its own functions. For example, the heart allows you to feel and express emotions, and its structure helps it to be a high-quality resonator of energy vibrations. The stomach is a kind of portal through which a person's sensual communication with the outside world takes place, and in particular the emotional energy contained in food is absorbed by the body and becomes part of it vital energy.

Each organ is manifested not only on energy level, but also on the mental, that is, it is a kind of storage of information. Most of the organs of the body, like the brain and spinal cord, are divided into memory cells, and they contain knowledge that can be useful for life. If the information recorded in the brain is more connected with everyday life and can be easily perceived, then the information stored in the cells of the rest of the body is related to the subconscious and is usually not used by a person. It is believed that the reason for the inaccessibility of subconscious information is its inapplicability for everyday life, but this is not entirely true.

In the subconscious, a person's own memories are stored, which are related to those moments of life that are not important for implementation in society. However, many of these experiences could provide emotional support and support a person at the state level. Remembering some bright and valuable event for oneself, a person is renewed energetically, the channels of his body are cleared and allow vital energy to flow more easily and harmoniously. In fact, any quality experience experienced in real time or being a memory is a real energy nourishment for the body, renewing and supporting its structure.

The subconscious mind is a unique repository of human sensory experience, and these memories are often much more saturated with emotions than the information contained in the daily memory of the brain. The fact is that inside the brain there is a perception filter that sifts all vibrations received by a person through the physical senses. In the memory structure of the brain, only bare information is usually retained, on which a person's actions that are relevant in society can be built. Emotional filling is considered by the brain to be redundant information, and it is put on the back burner - the subconscious.

On the one hand, the work of such a filter of perception is justified, since it allows mental activity to become easier and more practical, since referring to memory, a person does not need to restore many subtle details. If we compare the mental activity of a person with the work of a computer, then such a facilitation of the work of the brain allows you to raise its productivity and increase RAM by freeing up space for analysis. One way or another, during the evolution of the human body, the brain has become a kind of analytical center, and it can cope with this task perfectly.

However, the mental activity of the brain does not allow a person to carry out at least important work associated with the feeling of energies. The human brain is practically devoid of emotional experiences, and its cells exist in an extreme deficit of sensory impressions. The brain's only ability to experience emotions is to create associations using visual images in mental activity. For example, when a thought arises in a person's head, he can visualize it, connecting it in his imagination with some situation that happened earlier, with some object or phenomenon that reminds him of this thought. Thanks to the creation of such associations, mental activity occurs more qualitatively, because each thought, acquiring its individuality, can be perceived and remembered more qualitatively.

As mentioned earlier, any thought-form can be filled with energy, and this happens precisely with the help of associations. By connecting his imagination, a person activates energy flows in the body, which restore the lost connections between naked information stored in the brain and emotional content contained in the subconscious. In fact, an associative image is a kind of symbol through which a person is able to activate a certain energetic connection in his body that passes between the memory cells of the brain and the cells of some organ that capture the feelings experienced by a person in a certain situation, which he now seeks to recreate. That is, the associative activity of the brain allows you to start the process of integration of the human body, which is preparation for the transition to the fifth level of consciousness.

In general, a person who fully uses the possibilities of his imagination helps his body to renew its energy structure and create subtle interconnections between its parts. For example, if a person uses visual images during communication, then he gets the opportunity to better convey his feelings, and this tool is used by actors and many artists. But even if a person's social activity is not associated with the expression of emotions, the connection of imagination helps him to realize his goals more efficiently. For example, an engineer can use associations when creating complex diagrams, and such images will allow him to easily understand his drawings, making his perception of three-dimensional and multifaceted. The driver can use associations when memorizing the path, thereby not relying only on the capabilities of the navigator, which at the most inopportune moment can fail, directing a person along the wrong route. The athlete can associate each exercise with a pleasing or flamboyant image. During training, he can remember these pictures, the visualization of which will help his body fill with emotional energy and make physical processes more active, which will have a positive effect on the results.

All these examples indicate that imagination is one of the key human abilities that allows you to activate the internal resources of his body and start energy flows. Each person has a sufficient amount of vital energy to carry out the activation of many of his abilities, and access to them can be opened through the imagination. However, most of this energy is inactive, and usually circulates in the smallest circles within the organs and tissues of the body. The reason is that when carrying out mental activity, a person rarely turns to the memory of the subconscious, and therefore does not create associative links, thanks to which the energy could freely circulate throughout the body.

If such interconnections were built inside the body, uniting different cells of consciousness, then the energy flows would become more amplitude and active, and the memories contained in the subconscious would become more accessible. This arrangement of internal relationships can be considered a process of revitalizing the energy body, which will have a positive effect on the other two bodies - the mental body, expressed in the informational structure of cells and organs, and on the physical body.

For most modern people, energy connections between organs and tissues continue to weaken throughout life, and this is the main reason for aging. In fact, old age occurs as a result of an imbalance in internal processes, as a result of which energy begins to concentrate in individual parts organism, while in others it becomes impoverished. Tissues and organs oversaturated with energy begin to work especially actively and wear out faster, and parts of the body that are deficient in energy seem to fall asleep and do not work in full force, ceasing to use their potential.

Moreover, most of the body usually exists in an inactive state, and only some areas of individual organs remain active. For example, in mental activity, only the cerebral cortex is usually used, and its entire volume that opens up the possibilities of associative thinking is used by hundredths of a percent. When playing sports, a person's muscles are only partially activated, working with a small number of their fibers, and most of them continue to be inactive. Such partial involvement of the body leads to premature wear and tear of some of its parts, and the weakening of others, which, inactive, gradually lose their capabilities.

That is, the reason for aging is an uneven load on the body and an imbalance in its physiological processes. Physical imbalance is associated with the imbalance of energy flows, and one of the reasons for this imbalance is the dominance of the analytical activity of the brain over other processes.

We can say that the main reason for aging and many physical deviations is the hypertrophy of the brain and its dominance over the rest of the body. This tendency is manifested in the theory of emotion, according to which the development of animals occurs through cephalization, that is, the enlargement of the brain and the complication of its structure. All this is also manifested in many survival instincts, for example, in case of danger, a person covers his head with his hands, and not some other part of the body. Of course, such an unconditioned reflex is justified, since the head contains most of the physical sense organs. On the other hand, an extremely careful attitude to the head makes people think that their whole life depends on this organ. However, the brain is only an analyzer, which is absolutely necessary for life, but does not surpass in importance the rest of the body.

Each cell of the body not only has biological functions, but is also a resonator of emotional energy, as well as a keeper of valuable memories. From this point of view, all cells of the body are equal and should be equally used by a person throughout his life. We can say that the principles of equality and justice mentioned in the last article in the context of human society should be applied to the human body. Just as every person has individuality, so does every cell. Perhaps, if a person remembers the potential inherent in his cells, it will help him to manifest.

The key tool for awakening cells is the human imagination, through which a harmonious circulation in the body can be resumed and vital energy can be evenly distributed. This process of cell integration is analogous to building multifaceted sensory relationships between people, which can occur during the transition of human society to the fifth level of consciousness. Therefore, the establishment of circulation in the body is essential preparation, which a person can carry out to make the transition of his consciousness. Despite the fact that at the same time a person will not yet be able to manifest fifth-dimensional abilities outside, he will already be prepared for the process of uniting with other people. The final activation of the energy body will occur when favorable external conditions are created, which may consist in the presence of a group of like-minded people, sensual communication with whom will allow a person to show his deep state.

Nevertheless, a person can carry out the most important part of the preparation on their own, and it consists in gaining a connection with his individuality, manifested in the unique vibrations of his life energy. If a person cognizes himself, then communication with group members will become simple and understandable for him, he will just need to expand his energy field to other people. If a person is not aware of his own deep needs, then his interaction in a group can lead to even greater loss, when the fields of other people will be superimposed on his energy structure, preventing him from sorting out his own feelings.

Of course, if relations within the group are not built on competition, but on mutual support, then those around them can help a person believe in himself and literally build his energy structure. Thus, the energy field of the group will become holistic and harmonious, supporting each member of the community in revealing their inner resources. However, if a person conducts independent work, preceding connection with the group, then will create the preconditions for the qualitative and unimpeded advancement of your consciousness to the fifth level. In the continuation of this article, the nuances of such preparation will be considered, and the possibilities that may open up in the process of integrating your own body are described.

Summing up the above, we can come to the following conclusion: the human imagination is one of the most valuable tools through which you can carry out personal activation and transition to a higher level of consciousness. Imagination is capable of activating both four-dimensional and fifth-dimensional qualities, and moreover, it allows a systematic and harmonious transition from the fourth to the fifth level. For example, the habitual mental activity of a person can be considered a limited tool, forcing him to operate with naked thought-forms devoid of energy, and therefore be limited only by the possibilities of four-dimensional perception, which cannot independently expand to the fifth level. But by connecting imagination and using associations, a person begins to restore energy flows within his body, and the energy structure of the brain finds contact with the rest of the body. At the same time, the human mental body, usually feeding exclusively on the activity of the brain, begins to receive support from other organs, and gains the strength sufficient to establish contact with other bodies - emotional and physical. That is, imagination is such an ability human being, which is ensured by the work of all three bodies and contributes to their gradual integration. Perhaps, if many modern people realize the power that their imagination possesses, then this will already be enough for personal preparation for the transition to the fifth level of consciousness.

In general, the process of activating most of the extrasensory abilities is based on the possibilities of imagination, the acquisition of which may indicate a person's successful movement to the fifth level. For example, by developing energy vision, a person can create an association for each emotion experienced, thereby literally visualizing the flow of energy coming to him from the outside. The contactee can also use visual imagery to make the flow of information lively and voluminous. Due to this, the emotional component will appear in the thought forms transmitted from the subtle plane, which could remain unclaimed when using only the mental abilities of perception.

A person engaged in breathing practices can also connect his imagination, thereby his breathing will become more active and will affect not only the usual physiological processes, but will also open the subtle channels through which energy did not pass before. That is, the imagination is able to fill the missing link in any human action by connecting two more bodies to the work of one body. For example, during standard channeling, the mental body is usually used and the other two are practically inactive. The use of imagination allows the emotional body to join the process, which will pull up the physical one. For example, having begun to perceive the flow of information at the level of feelings, a channeler will be filled with inspiration and will no longer be able to speak evenly and calmly. The vibrations of his voice will be colored with subtle intonations and overtones, through which the nuances of the emotional state of the spiritual entity transmitting the message will reach the listener. Then the channeler will relax even more, allowing his physical body to be even more fully involved in the process, and will begin to make arbitrary hand gestures, trying to express what is felt, or even start a free dance, showing the flow of emotions in the movements. This example shows that the joint work of two bodies - mental and emotional - ensures the gradual connection of the third - the physical. Such integration can be carried out in other ways, by establishing a relationship between any of the two bodies, helping to turn on the third.

As in the above channeling case, essential tool to create contact between bodies is imagination. For example, through the imagination, yogis transform simple physical exercises into energetic practice. That is, yogis come from physical body, and using imagery, turns on the energy body, which in turn activates the resources of the mental body. The manifestation of the capabilities of the mental body consists in increasing awareness, as well as the ability of many yogis to connect to high levels of consciousness, drawing subtle thought forms from there and getting acquainted with the structure of the Universe.

A person, on the other hand, can begin the process of integration from the emotional body, for example, a healer who feels well the flows of energy, through imagination can visualize what is happening on thin plan and begin to understand more about energy processes. By developing an energy vision, the healer becomes more aware, and therefore includes the capabilities of his mental body. This expansion of perception will also affect the physical body of the healer, since the use of visual images will help the body to be more fully included in the flow of energy, and it will become a better quality resonator.

Thus, using the imagination, a person can align his three bodies - mental, emotional and physical, and thereby begin the process of energetic integration. In general, internal restructuring can be carried out not only with the development of extrasensory abilities, but also in any aspect of human life. Moreover, many people already carry out such training, but most often they unconsciously connect their bodies, and therefore do not notice the nuances of their state through which they are able to cognize their essence. If they feel the value that their hobby or favorite activity can open to them, then they will already begin the process of restructuring their body.

For example, most artists use the possibilities of their imagination in their activities, and using the power of visual images, they make their emotional body active and responsive. This helps such people to diversify their drawing technique and transform it from a strict system of knowledge into a creative process in which all three bodies are fully involved. The mental body, which contains knowledge about various pictorial methods, finding a connection with the emotional body, begins to act not only on the basis of logic, but also to describe the visual image at the level of feelings. The physical body, through which the drawing process takes place, when emotions are connected, can also be more fully involved in this process. This will manifest itself in the unusual grace and coherence of movements, through which the artist's brush will draw the image observed in the imagination. We can say that the body will begin to follow the flow of feelings, and will go beyond the limitations that are instilled in the artist during standard training. This is how a person who has received an art education becomes not just a specialist in his field, but also a real master.

Thus, the path of gaining mastery lies in the coordinated work of all three bodies of a human being, and any person seeks to implement this path. This process can be started in any area of ​​human life, and by paying attention to each of the three bodies, you can achieve the highest quality result.

For example, a scientist can free himself from the limitations of a purely mental perception if, in the process of cognition, he begins to use his emotions. Many researchers are sincerely passionate about their work, which means they are already using their feelings and are close to fully integrating their emotional body into the process. However, in most cases, with their attention, they dwell only in mental constructions, so the energy of their being cannot go beyond the limitations supported by the programs of the standard scientific approach. In fact, the mental body of such people works in isolation from the emotional, and although they are both active, the lack of connection between the bodies does not allow the researcher to expand perception. But if a scientist begins to use the power of imagination, then his enthusiasm turns into a stream of inspiration, expressed in a multitude of new ideas that appear in vivid images and experiences.

Acting in this stream of new impressions, the scientist begins to test his sensory guesses, and sooner or later he may make a discovery. The flow of inspiration also activates the physical body, which manifests itself in greater efficiency, as well as in the subtle nuances of the researcher's activity that can have a beneficial effect on the course of the experiment. For example, a breeder can take special care of his plants, which will be felt in his sensitive touch and gaze. Emotional involvement of the scientist will help plants to feel more deeply his needs, and the sensual support that they will feel will help them to realize their plans.

So, in this article, we examined a key tool that allows you to prepare for the transition to the fifth level of consciousness - imagination. It allows you to establish the relationship of the three main human bodies - mental, emotional and physical. Realizing his goals in society, a person in most cases uses only two bodies out of three, or even limited to one. The source of restrictions is standard programs, that is, generally accepted thought forms, the use of which does not require the full inclusion of the whole organism. Such a partial use of internal resources leads to an overload of some parts of the body and the gradual falling asleep of others, which is generally manifested in the aging of the physical body.

To get away from such an undesirable tendency, it is worth helping your body work more harmoniously and fully. This can be helped by imagination, the use of which implies the inclusion of all three bodies, which helps them to restore a holistic relationship. Ideally, the coordinated work of two bodies allows you to connect a third, however, standard programs create blockages at the level of consciousness, preventing the energy from flowing freely and leading to the isolation of each body from the other.

By using imagination and manifesting their creativity, a person is able to get around this limitation. Imagination allows you to use associative connections that connect the brain to the rest of the body, where the memory of the subconscious is stored. Due to this, all parts of a person's consciousness gain unity, allowing the mental body to become more integral. Restoring the integrity of the mental body will have a beneficial effect on the other two bodies, which will help them integrate.

The energy flows of the emotional body will begin to flow more harmoniously, and will contribute to an easier and more resourceful emotional state... The renewed structure of the physical body will help a person to act more collected, and at the same time, more relaxed. In general, the beneficial effect of the internal integration process is to extend the active life and weakening the aging process. Therefore, it is possible that people who have begun the path of preparation for the transition to the fifth level will feel a surge of strength and find inspiration for the realization of many of their desires. The resumption of the harmonious circulation of vital energy will not only have a positive effect on health, but will also help a person to know himself. The vibrations of the human body will acquire greater richness and variety, and will create the preconditions for the manifestation of the deep state of a person, which is his individuality. The realization of this state is the most important goal for the realization of which a person is born into the world, and therefore the process of body integration will help him fill his life with a special meaning.

In the following articles, the process of personal preparation of a person for the transition to the fifth level, which can be started already at the present time, will be considered in more detail.


Keeper of the Encyclopedia.

In principle, a person can change the surrounding reality in two ways: physical and metaphysical, but they all require action.

In the scheme of energy-informational interaction, I singled out "word" and "action" as factors directly affecting the external world. And if the "action" (deed) can be attributed to a physical method involving the impact on matter, a material object through direct contact, allowing you to change the location of the object of influence in space and (or) its appearance... That "word" can be called a "transitional" way, because with a word we can also change the surrounding reality. Example? Please!

In the store, you ask the seller to serve you "that piece of sausage and cut it." Your request is being fulfilled. Has a material object (sausage) changed its location in space? Yes! Has the item changed its appearance? Yes. Has reality changed? Yes! But the most interesting thing is that for this you did not have to come into direct physical contact with the object.

In the surrounding reality, changes have occurred due to your request addressed to another person, expressed in a verbal formulation, or rather due to the directed energy that prompts you to take certain actions.

A word is a voiced thought, one of the forms of its materialization, which has a certain energy potential and acts on the spiritual level, expressed on the physical plane in the form of sounds that make up a verbal formula.

"Action" here is the very pronunciation of the word - an external manifestation of directed thought.

The metaphysical method of influencing the surrounding reality can, in turn, be divided into two: magical and natural.

"Magic" - an appeal for help to supernatural forces, we will not consider, we will turn our attention to the "natural" method, to the possibilities given by God to a person from birth.

Can a person change reality directly, mentally, without expressing their ideas in words and deeds? Maybe! Let us recall the facts registered, but unexplained by official science, such as:

  • telepathy (transfer of thoughts to a distance);
  • telekinesis (moving objects by thought);
  • exteriorization (separation of thought).

But this is again from the field of mysticism and similar phenomena are observed quite rarely, in people gifted from above, who have specially developed such abilities in themselves, or they arise on a short time in special, under an hour life-threatening situations, which also give rise to other phenomena of a human being. We will turn to the natural process that takes place in the consciousness of every person and is so familiar that few people pay attention to it. This is the process of constructing mental images accompanying the emergence of any ideas, their internal video reproduction, called imagination.

Take a closer look at your thoughts. Think or say to yourself, for example, "watermelon" - and immediately before your eyes there will be a green side of a striped handsome man with an appetizing slice of red juicy pulp cut out. You can even smell and taste it. Or "fishing", and pictures of a lake-river, fishing rods, floats, a kettle with a fish soup over the fire, mosquitoes, "Russian special", smoked sausage and other attributes of outdoor activities will immediately float.

“Imagination is a specific form of the subject's spiritual activity in cognition and creativity, associated with the reproduction of past experience (reproductive imagination) and constructive creative creature a new visual or visual-conceptual image, a situation of the required future (productive imagination) ”. (Spirkin A.G. "Fundamentals of Philosophy, M., 1988 p. 285).

Imagination is the creative force that brings all kinds of ideas to life; stage, stage of materialization of thought.

Just as a thought, in itself, is nothing, it should be accepted in order for it to become effective, so the accompanying imaginary picture is nothing until it is accepted (along with the thought) for action and begins to develop with it.

Example. A thought arose: "lemonade", accompanied by a picture of a glass with a bubbling drink, a misted bottle from the fridge, or, at worst, a "poltorashka" with cheap swill. And that's it! Thought and image are simply statements of fact.

But the accepted thought-idea: "I want lemonade", accompanied by the same images, developing, may look like this: views of a store with showcases of soft drinks; a kiosk with a facade cluttered with dusty bottles; an image of a phone with a delivery service number and so on. That is, it began creative work imagination to satisfy your desire.

Let's consider the entire path of materialization of thought, from an idea that has arisen to a physical object embodied in the surrounding reality. Let the "birdhouse" be the "experimental" subject. Yes, yes, normal wooden house for migratory birds, which in the old days were made by hundreds of pioneers and schoolchildren.

So, a thought-idea appeared in the head of a certain person: "to make a birdhouse." She liked him "to his liking", "to his heart" and he accepts the idea full of joyfully excited feelings accompanying desire.

First, the textbook image of the "summer residence" of starlings appears before the mind's eye, then the imagination begins to draw its "blueprint": the back wall, front, roof, bottom, entrance ... and so on. etc. Variants of the material used are also being considered from which this "monument of wooden architecture" should be built, from Lebanese cedar to ordinary pine, original style buildings (for example, in the form of a Gothic tower or imitation of a village chopped hut); decorative trim… etc.

After that, the mentally crafted product, mentally, is “nailed” on a tree in front of the house, with a “video listing” of the tools required for this process: ladder, hammer, nails ... and more.

And so, in the end, the consciousness observes the following picture: a birdhouse is comfortably hiding in the green of the crown, to which the happy starling parents alternately fly up, dragging prey in their beak, intended for the chicks who greet dad and mom with a joyful squeak.

Everything planned already exists, although it is still in the imagination.

His materialization in reality, directly depends on the person and can be embodied, even in an hour, if he meets his desire (to have the necessary materials and tools) and starts actions leading to the fulfillment of desire, which can be divided into two groups.

First: actions that directly lead to the fulfillment of desires, these include the very process of making a birdhouse.

Second: the final steps to achieve your goal. Target this person a birdhouse, fully suitable for settling with birds, that is, fixed on a tree. So the "action" related to the second group will be just strengthening it on the selected tree, as the final stage of the embodiment of the desired in the surrounding reality.

Well, with this function of the imagination, making the "blueprint" of what was conceived clearly. All people use this all the time, and some have chosen their profession (engineers, designers, architects), transferring images that arise in their imagination on paper and building large-scale models of their ideas. In fact, any object created by human hands is his materialized thought-idea.

You will probably be very surprised to learn that quantum physics, in collaboration with cosmology, has put forward a theory about the universe - thought: the universe was born from a single thought, is a thought, and everything around (material) is a condensed thought. "

"The concept of the universe as a world of pure thought sheds new light on many of the problems we face in contemporary physics research." (Sir James Jeans, physicist, mathematician, astronomer).

This concept is very close to the philosophical flow of energetism, which asserts that only energy exists in the Universe, in all its various manifestations, up to matter. All physical objects are materialized energy.

So: the Universe - thought (energy), the energy of our consciousness - thoughts, objects created by human hands - his materialized thought (energy) - are all very closely interconnected. The process of creating a mental model of the required situational space with the help of the creative power of the imagination directly affects the energy-informational field of the surrounding reality, creating in it its not yet materialized structure. "Action" here will be special ways to do this.

If the process of imagination in all other cases precedes words and deeds, then here it is an independent factor influencing reality, becoming such due to volitional effort clothed in desire and corresponding emotions that distinguish creative imagination from fruitless fantasy.

Thus, in the scheme of energy-informational interaction, it is possible to introduce the third factor of active influence on the surrounding reality - “imagination”. With regard to it, we will draw up a Plan for the fulfillment of the desired, although it is also valid for the actions of the physical level. Only the fourth point is drawn up taking into account the specifics of the imagination.

  • The first thing that is required for its fulfillment is the presence of desire; a clearly set and definite goal.
  • The second is to match your desires.
  • The third is to perform actions leading to the fulfillment of the desired.
  • Fourth, to feel and behave in everyday life the way you would feel and behave, provided the desire is already fulfilled.

Because your desire already exists. It took on a metaphysical form in the split second when you accepted the given thought (idea).

A mental construction modeled by the imagination will be embodied in reality through a series of events that fulfill the plan. "How", "when" and "how" the desired materializes in reality, it is not necessary to know, and it is simply impossible. A person must, only strives to fulfill his desire, working on compliance and its direct embodiment in reality.

Well, now, let's take a closer look at all the points of the plan and consider the accompanying auxiliary techniques.

Today we will debunk the myth. What is a discourse worth that does not erase dust and dirt from familiar concepts that have become different from themselves, does not overestimate the accumulated rubbish and does not find a favorite mitten lost in the domestic mess?

So, a general cleaning of myths in our head. Today we will knock out the following myth with a stick in the yard.

“Imagination .... What could be better and more worthy of a Human, especially an Intellectual and an Artist? Develop your imagination! "

Don't develop your imagination. Let's stop for a minute and get to know a fresh and rare point of view that is not shouted about at every corner.

So. Here is what some of the philosophical, religious and mystical schools say, as well as some psychotherapists.

Imagination has usurped power in our day and in our society. You, who count every penny, are thrifty people who care about the benefits.

Know - imagination consumes energy... It is consuming too much power.

Imagination consumes so much of your energy that Reality begins to seem to you, tired, something alien.

Reality as an alien experience

That is, the most monstrous thing that can happen to a person happens - Reality begins to seem to him - alien experience.

This is how the alienation of Being from Man takes place.

Roughly speaking, a person dies. (What else can you say about a person alienated from his Being?)

The most graphic metaphor of a Man who values ​​his imagination more than Reality is an opioman lying on a mat in a smoking-room and dwelling in the worlds of his hallucination.

Gurdjieff and his students strongly condemned the primacy of imagination, its privileged role in our culture and education.

They thought imagination was a waste of energy. And this is despite the fact that today, as well as yesterday, reproaches from ordinary teachers are heard everywhere: "Your imagination is not developed."

You might argue that the Artist needs imagination. Ah, that's another myth.

This is how the Taoist treatise on art, the treatise Chuang Tzu, looks at it:

Following and not following the Tao

Old marabou - become Mu cow

And you, the cow, to the old marabou

“Knowing that he will never create anything“ from himself ”, from“ upper layers of his individual consciousness ”, the Master obediently abandons himself and follows the material.

The master knows that the environment in which he works has its own nature. She cannot be ignored. She can not forcibly impose her own will.

The master becomes an obedient servant and then - attains perfect freedom of expression in the craft.

Life is the same Art. Anyone who aspires to become the Perfect Artist of his Life must follow the same order. The order by which the Artist or the Sculptor or other master of their craft achieve perfection in their craft. "

And yet,

Your imagination is not developed

At times people are only half "here", they seem to be "awake"

Imagination is the very dense "second reality" that humanity has built for itself and in which it lives without escape. Basically, suffering, Do you think - rejoicing?

(Leaving the animals the first reality - Reality, Being, humanity got lost in its own mental constructions, as in a bad dream).

The lessons of any mystics and Teachers (and by no means the mystical Fritz Perls either) begin with a requirement for a person to wake up. And that means - turn off the imagination like a TV and look out the window.

Then, to wake up in reality and finally taste it.

And Lao Tzu himself spoke about this as poetically and accurately as possible, weighing on his scales - Imagination and Reality. Here, listen:

  • “Learning is about adding to the accumulated day by day.
  • The attainment of Tao is to take away from the accumulated day after day.
  • Take away and take away again - until you achieve Non-Doing. "

However, imagination is the tool of our civilization. You need to have it in the house and be able to use it. Just don't overestimate its status.

Elena Nazarenko