What is a smart home? Briefly about the pros and cons. Smart home system, how to do it yourself? Smart circuit

You can briefly outline what a smart home is in a couple of sentences. First, the system under consideration, using innovative technologies, makes it possible to automate the operation of lighting, television and other equipment according to the specified parameters.

Secondly, the complex performs fire-fighting and security functions throughout the day. In addition, the system can regulate and control the position of sliding gates, blinds and other devices. Today, a similar kit is available in luxury homes, as well as anyone who has the necessary financial resources. This design allows a person to get maximum comfort while minimum costs of their labor and time for everyday problems.

What is a smart home?

Briefly, this concept includes implementation the latest technologies in household equipment. Many have heard and seen about such a system on the Internet or on television. This equipment is especially important for owners country cottages who want to simplify and automate the management of communications and dwelling elements as much as possible.

Many parts from the general complex have been used for many years in shopping centers and offices. These elements include: ventilation and air conditioning control, video cameras, information portals, motion sensors and much more. If these components are combined into one whole, it will turn out to briefly describe what a smart home is.

The foundation of the smart building includes an integrated approach that allows, through interaction, different systems organize among themselves centralized control from one control panel.

History of creation

What is a smart home? We will briefly consider the history of creation further. Initially, the residents of the United States got acquainted with such a system. Back in the 70s of the last century, scientists at the Washington Intellectual University implemented a whole program for the use of living space using the most modern technologies and available up-to-date life support systems.

A similar invention appeared on the domestic market only a quarter of a century later. The innovation did not find much enthusiasm among the population, given the high cost of the system itself and the complexity of its operation. Since at that time energy resources were worth a penny, a house with intelligence was not widely used in the post-Soviet space. Only in the early 2000s did the introduction of such a system, since the computer industry began to actively develop, as well as the audio and TV markets.


Wealthy compatriots liked these schemes. The symbol of a good life has become the ability to control all functions in household equipment without leaving the couch. Such constructions have become a status attribute of the successful owner of a private house. The project attracted potential customers in many respects by the fact that all the functionality was implemented by pressing several buttons on the remote control. remote control.

Briefly about the pros smart home we can say that he, with the possibility of accessing the Internet, regulates almost all processes in the absence of the owners of the home. This includes not only the safety of the building, but also all the processes that take place in it. This solution allows almost complete control of the situation at a remote distance.


Next, let's consider in general what a "smart home" system is. Summary boils down to the fact that it makes it possible to shift most of the household chores to artificial intelligence. Experts note stable growth demand for this kind of technology. Now all tasks can be programmed in a certain sequence and in the required mode, after which control is carried out by pressing one or two buttons.

Many elite new buildings, especially in the capital, are equipped with a smart home system at the design stage. In city apartments, this technology is more in demand in terms of entertainment (multiroom, lighting control). But for country houses and cottages, the "smart home" option (what it is - summarized in the previous paragraphs) is a way to optimize life support systems. Modern residential buildings are complex engineering structure, in which there are various intelligent technologies.

V country houses branched Electricity of the net, air conditioning, ventilation, thermal insulation units. In addition, automatic systems for opening shutters and gates, temperature control and water volume in the pool are installed. This versatility is the main argument in favor of a smart home, which allows you to bring the entire engineering part of the home into a single manageable complex.

Smart home: a short description

Country cottages are usually equipped with a special security system, which includes a variety of sensors and controllers. As a rule, such a smart home includes a control unit for climate control, lighting, watering and fire extinguishing. In principle, the possibilities of the technology in question are quite wide, so the option can be selected individually, depending on the requirements and wishes of the owner.

The disadvantages of a smart home (briefly about the features of which we have already mentioned) are, first of all, in its high cost. Not everyone can afford such a luxury. The average price of a standard kit on the domestic market is about 2.5-3 million rubles. Nevertheless, the technology is in demand among the wealthy. Experts suggest that the cost of intelligent home management will gradually decline, as happened in Europe and America.

According to foreign statistics, despite the high cost of the project in question, it pays off relatively quickly. It is worth considering that the smart home is closely related to informatics. It is worth briefly mentioning the main advantage of the system. Smart home allows you to reduce operating costs for all types utilities... As long-term observations show, you can save up to 30% on electricity, 40% on water, and up to 50% on heating.

It should be noted that more than 25% of country houses outside the Moscow Ring Road are already fully or partially equipped with intelligent control. At the same time, the figure continues to grow steadily.


What is a 7th grade smart home? In short, this is a system that presupposes intellectualization not of individual buildings, but of entire villages. The cottages in such a settlement are united by the management into a single one. Such a solution allows you to respond in a timely manner to various emergency and emergency situations. All information from counters and other systems, in case of a critical value, is transmitted to the general command post.

For example, the owner of a cottage is away, and a fire occurs. Information about the accident goes to mobile phone the owner and the dispatching center. To eliminate the problem, a monitoring device is provided to determine the source of the failure.

In addition, a unified intelligent building management will ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity to cottages, redistributing the load between all buildings in the village equally. This greatly simplifies the monitoring of the status of each building connected to a common control panel.

What's in the future?

Most experts assume that such settlements are the future of all luxury real estate outside the city. Smart homes, like entire settlements, will undoubtedly find their consumer. Experts predict that soon it will be more difficult to sell buildings without at least partial intellectual equipment.

Many experts point out that the massive introduction of "smart" settlements in the domestic open spaces is an unrealized dream so far, and it is too early to talk about its implementation. Such settlements can be counted on one hand. And if we take into account that foreign counterparts provide an access control system, fire alarm, lighting control, a data system on existing cars, regulation of the drainage and drinking system, then there are no truly "smart villages" even in the elite districts of the Moscow region.


In the future, experts predict the indispensable development of smart homes and villages. They associate this with the ability of a smart home to regulate the climate, adapt to other external and internal factors... Such technologies are related to the optimal existence in the era of technogenic development.

The topic "Smart Home" is already on everyone's lips. They talk about it, invest in it, develop it ... On this topic, to such giants as Siemens, General electric and others were joined by seemingly not quite specialized companies, such as Microsoft, Google, Apple.

There is no single standard on the topic, just as there is no instruction, they say, “do this and that”, so theoretically everyone can build their smart home exactly as they want, and therefore I could not skip this topic and actively connected to it. I will not say that I ate a dog with smart homes ... no, rather like that, I bitten, but nevertheless, based on my experience and my observations, I will try to lay out a detailed ... mmm ... How-To? No, it won't. Overview? Not that either ... Rather, it will be a parting word or a set of advice.

The theater begins with a hanger, and I will start by immediately dotting the "I" so that the readers do not have unreasonable negativity or just some kind of misunderstanding in the process of reading.

The most important thing is that the article is intended for people who have not really understood yet whether they need this “Smart House” at all and whether they need to get involved in this topic?

Now the term.
Let's be honest, "Smart Home" is not only such a system with artificial intelligence who talks to you in the bathroom in the morning (while you shave) and prepares dinner for you while you drive home. The system should not be confused with the wife.

Smart home is any an automation / automation system (or a complex of automation / automation systems), which somehow, even in the smallest fraction, makes your life easier. It doesn't matter what it is: an automatic switch-off of the light in the toilet after a person leaves and closes the door, or a system that itself waters the flowers at home, feeds your beloved cat and closes the leaking water supply pipe if you stayed late at work. If something works in your house based on some algorithm, then it can already be called a “Smart Home” system, only with limited functionality.

Also, "Smart House" is not only a mansion stuffed with electronics, but also an apartment in which your automation and / or control system works, i.e. "Smart apartment" is also "Smart home" and further in the text we will use this very term.

In general, there is no need for a person to be excessively boring, and to go into controversy over the question of how smart the “Smart House” turned out to be, which was made by Kolya's student - I believe, disrespect for the work of that Kolya. Did he do it? Does it work and control something? Great, well done! Let it continue to grow above itself.

Back to the topic.

We want to build our Smart Home, where to start? With the purchase, construction? No, in this business, as in all engineering tasks, you need to start with paper, or rather, with a project. Will it be a chewed piece of paper with diagrams and drawings that are understandable only to you or it will be something drawn in * CAD ... the main thing is that at least you understand what is shown there.

Do not be afraid to describe "distant plans", write down and think over everything, even what you can do in the very long term. It is better to think it over now because then it will be too late. This is an experience paid for with the blood of many engineers who stepped on numerous rakes.

What should you pay attention to?

1. Users

Think about how users will handle the system you enter, i.e. residents of your home or members of your family. Will non-technically savvy people be able to use it (old people, children or wife - it doesn't matter who exactly). A scenario like: "Darling, the light in the toilet will turn on now, now I only add the firmware to Arduin." does not fit. Imagine that you are renting your system to a wealthy "trash" bandit who, seeing your LED-illuminated switches, will tell you: " This ... you hear, but what is this for crap? Where is Cho to reap?". What is obvious to you may be completely incomprehensible to the rest.

2. Technology

Wired or wireless. If it is wired, then you need to make plans for laying all the necessary cables (and better with a large margin). Where to cut walls, where to place sockets and automation elements - everything should be on the diagram. If the system is wireless, then consider where the transmitters / receivers will be, where the signal repeaters will be located.
Now you remember that, in a month, when there is a lot of information, there will be a mess in your head and something will be forgotten.

3. Executor

Who will do all this? Are you yourself or a hired specialist firm? It will be cheaper on your own, but you will need to deeply dive into the issue. We're still going to rely on self-deployment, because the category of the article is "Do it yourself", right?

4. Autonomy

Thinking over the functionality and capabilities of a smart home, always count on the fact that there will be no Internet in the house. Of course, many smart guys will object to me, they say, you need to think over the possibility of pairing with something in the outside world ... think it over, lay it down, no one argues, but your smart home should work properly in full autonomy / isolation mode. A person living in a metropolis may find it difficult to understand how so that there is no Internet at all ... GPRS, ADSL, at least something should be back-up? No no and one more time no! It may not be, but it should work all.

Here's an example:
You have built a funny system: say "Nafanya, turn on the multicooker / light in the toilet" and the system turns off the multicooker or the light in the toilet, simultaneously saying "Turn on". But suddenly, because of the evil hackers of Al-Qaeda, your provider's network fell off, and your network fell behind it. mobile operator A "shout" that provides you with a backup LTE channel. Naturally, Google TTS, which was based on your voice control system, fell off and the smart home in the blink of an eye turned into a dumb dumbass that cannot turn on anything. Make an opportunity manual control Better yet, make the system so that it can, for example, read the weather aloud without the Google voice service. Difficult, but possible. Nobody said that deploying Smart Home is like installing MS Office.

Second example:
You made the smart home control through an Android application, but after the malicious hacker attack described above, your smartphone was unable to access the cloud service and instruct the smart home to turn off the forgotten iron. Write your application that can work remotely via a 2G network of a mobile operator or via Wi-Fi if you are within the coverage area of ​​your home access point.

5. The next point to remember when designing follows from the previous one: The "core" of your automation system.

Your house may have a router (ADSL, LTE or whatever), a switch or some other network switching device, but the smart home should be controlled by a "core" - a separate and independent device... Do not under any circumstances combine network traffic management and home management in one piece of hardware. Now there are many routers on which you can install firmware with a miniature copy of Linux, and many people familiar with this topic are trying to hang everything that comes to mind on such routers. Personally, I like routers in which you can fine-tune everything that I need, but I do not think it is correct to install the controls on a device that was not originally designed for this.
Your home may be left completely without a network, but home automation should work, or vice versa, home automation may "take off", but this should not drag the LAN (local area network) to the bottom.

6. Kernel placement

For all this mess with a router, a switch, a control system kernel, backup power systems, etc. need to highlight separate place: wardrobe, closet, closed niche / mezzanine. Anything where there is ventilation (the equipment will warm up and you need to think about cooling) and where it will not get in the way / get in sight. Your system shouldn't mess up general view housing and make negative changes in home comfort.

If you have a basement, it is better to deploy your "flight control center" there.

7. Costs

Perhaps this should have been inserted somewhere closer to the beginning, but if the previous points are not fully worked out, then the matter may not come to expenses.
The most important thing to know is that Smart Home is a damn expensive venture. You can do something on your own (etch boards, program microcontrollers), but this will only reduce your costs, and will not eliminate them altogether.
The next important thing to consider at this point is duplication. Buying any equipment and performers should be doubled and always round up. In your house, for each performer (switches, sensors, etc.) there should be a backup in the storeroom (unless, of course, a third-party organization is engaged in the maintenance of your house). Do not count on the fact that if something breaks, then you go to the store and buy.

The tension has jumped. Although the protection worked, some of the built-in light switches burned out, you got sick yesterday and are lying at home with a temperature of 39.2 degrees. Let's say that you are a courageous man (after all, the pun turned out), and, not giving a damn about your health, decided to get out of bed and replace all the switches on your own, but ... with what? Understudy.

Have you decided to place a camera in front of the entrance? Buy two. Have you figured that you need 12 "smart" switches around the house? Buy 24. Do you think it never happens that all 12 will fly out at once? Unfortunately, it happens that the very first thing that you have to duplicate is the core of the system.


I described an insignificant part of the beginning of such a large and interesting project for most "techies" as "Smart Home". This topic touches on almost all areas in IT: networking, programming, administration, automation, electrical and electronics ... and from this it is a complex topic that requires a special approach. This is evident from what I wrote above, but if it is not visible, then the writer has not matured in me.

It will not work to cram all the text into one article, I have already cut it down enough, therefore there will be at least one more part of the material, which, in principle, will contain advice / recommendations on the choice of software and hardware. It sounds a little strange, they say, such a variety of technologies, what advice can there be? Nevertheless, there are tips and tricks even in such a situation.

Thanks to everyone for your attention, and to those who have read all this to the end.

Recently, a comfortable life has become fashionable. Everyone tries to make it easier for themselves by using different devices... The simplest example is a TV remote control that allows you to change channels, control sound without getting up from the couch. Almost everything can be remotely controlled, as long as the system allows.

In the same way, you can equip your own home, which will allow you to regulate it from a computer or phone. It is very convenient and simple. A smart home will save money and time on many things that previously required the application of strength, energy or personal presence. This can be done while working in the office or on vacation - from a summer residence, the sea, or another city.

A smart home with your own hands will make the life of the owner and his family as comfortable and cozy as possible.

This system performs the following functions:

  • climate control (heating and air conditioning);
  • lighting (convenient location of light sources, brightness control);
  • security (cameras, motion sensors, control of locks, alarms, monitoring of gas and water leaks);
  • home management.

But it is not at all necessary that the smart home would fulfill them all. If the possibilities do not allow or there is no such need, it is quite realistic to configure only a few or one system. If a person creates a smart home with his own hands, for convenience, you can configure them one by one, and not all at once.

Methods of creation

A smart home is an automated system for controlling electrical appliances in a place of residence using a computer or other gadget. Full automation of the living space.

A smart home can be created in two ways:

  1. On their own.
  2. Buy ready-made technologies.

In the first option, you can be smart and save on something. The second option has a number of advantages and disadvantages.


  • checked;
  • reliable;
  • qualitatively;
  • there are ready-made modules that solve the necessary tasks.


  • expensive;
  • little flexibility in management;
  • limited capabilities of the module;
  • protocols, circuitry - closed;
  • impossibility of interfacing with other systems.

Therefore, in order to make the most convenient and comfortable housing, the most the best way out- create a smart home with your own hands.

Foundation for the start

In this case, knowledge is needed and necessary equipment... If it will be enough to go to a hardware store for technical items, then knowledge will need to be obtained and it is necessary to know which ones, in which area.

What you need to base on when creating a smart home with your own hands:

  • on open standards, protocols;
  • cheap components;
  • the already accumulated experience of other people;
  • enjoying the process.

Since the implementation of such an undertaking is rather complicated, in order to do without professionals, you need to be an expert in the problems that you have to face. Areas where knowledge is needed in order to build a smart home with your own hands:

  1. Electrician (knowledge of technology, principles of working with the flow of electricity, assembly of electrical appliances and their parts).
  2. Structural principles automatic systems(all about controllers and signals).
  3. Programming (to create a control panel).
  4. Knowledge of the system itself and the equipment with which you will have to work.

Very often, a smart home is a fairly simple structure. For example, water leakage control, SMS informing, lamp control using a remote control.

Possible solutions

In order to create a reliable smart home with your own hands and control it, you need to choose the right equipment, develop programs, experience in engineering and design.

The most difficult thing will be the connection of this system with air conditioners, cinemas and other third-party devices.

The main element of a smart home with your own hands is considered to be a control panel, as a rule, it is a computer. It will perform the function of the brain in this large organism. With its help, you can solve a huge number of tasks within the system. It is flexible, it can perform many functions, it combines all the components into one whole. The Linux operating system should be installed on it.

After installing the operating system on the server / computer, create a site for it on Apache. This is one of the most difficult tasks... It's realistic to find ready-made modules on the Internet, but if you want to do everything yourself, you have to work. First, you need to understand how php and MySQL work, understand in what sequence to install scripts that will be used all the time, report information about the system. The jQuery library will help you create an easy-to-use website, its appearance... The site engine will make it easier to work with databases.

In modern computers, there are many protocols and standards (RS232, USB, Ethernet, TCP / IP, Wi-F) that facilitate the integration of all units and the creation of a smart home with your own hands. In fact, there is a process of information exchange between different structural parts. Since the house is created with your own hands, and not by a commercial company, the main principle in understanding that you need to start it. And the problems are solved as they come. Evolution is based on experiments.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the functions that are most necessary. For instance:

  • light / heating control;
  • Fire safety;
  • alarm / door lock.

Safety system

It is necessary to install the camcorders in places that require an overview. The signal from them will be transmitted to the main console, and recorded (depending on the settings). Thus, it will be possible to control everything that happens in the house when the owner is not in it.

Together with video surveillance, you can equip motion sensors. They will work on the principle of cameras, you just need to download the necessary modules and understand them.

You can also control the lock. It is quite possible to configure it so that it is controlled using a smartphone. But there is one point, you need to select a lock with the ability to access without electrics, so as not to stay on the street or locked, in the absence of it.


Before going to bed, you really don't want to get out of bed to press the on / off switch. A smart home with your own hands can make life easier in this. On all light control keys, you can install devices that will allow you to do this remotely. It is also realistic to adjust the brightness of the light (using dimmers) and the number of lights on from your smartphone.

You can also control the level of humidity and temperature by connecting 1-wire sensors to the server. This will ensure a comfortable stay in all weather conditions.

Heating system

Heat control - very convenient thing... Can be adjusted so that batteries turn off immediately after the owner leaves and turn on several hours before returning. This allows you to significantly save finances and resources.

Heating equipment (boiler, pipelines) must be connected to sensors that will transmit information to the controller. Also useful are expansion modules, thermocouples, relay blocks, display and adapters, and a waterproof digital thermometer. All these components are installed according to the scheme, tested, then the program code is written to the controller, taking into account the modules and capabilities of the system.

Such a scheme can solve the problem with the automation of heating in the house. You can independently program the necessary parameters or change them in the future. The controller will read the sensor readings and control the boiler.


Everyone knows that you have to pay for comfort and, as a rule, considerable sums. As already mentioned, creating a smart home with your own hands, and not with the help of a specialized company, will allow you to save money and avoid installing a huge number of functions offered by them, but not needed by the owner of the home.

Even this option is not a small cost. Although this system allows you to save money. If someone forgot to turn off the light, iron, left something in the socket, everything can be corrected remotely.

It is also possible to set up a schedule for the operation of different devices: coffee makers, air conditioners and others. This will make life much easier for the homeowner and will maximize energy savings.

The most convenient thing is the ability to regulate the heating system. True, it will be necessary to install special thermal sensors, but this will not overload resources, but heat the rooms to the set temperature. Now you don't need batteries to work around the clock.

But still, if it is not possible to create such a system, you can get by with the installation of certain elements. For example, a lock can be synchronized with a phone, the same can be done with lighting, but you need special lamps.

Smart home in the office

The same system can be installed at work. For example, if, leaving, a person all the time forgets to turn off the computer, coffee machine, air conditioning and other devices, this can be done from anywhere in the city without going back. Such a system will make work more productive and less costly. And with the same amount of time in the office, productivity will double.

If a person values ​​corporate secrets, a security system and electronic locks that can be controlled from home will come to the rescue. Ideal option there will also be the installation of CCTV cameras. Then all the secrets and important documents will definitely remain in their place.


A smart home with your own hands will make life easier and more comfortable. In addition, the process of creating it will help rally the family around solving another not simple problem, and will increase the level of knowledge in technical areas. Indeed, to equip a home control system requires a lot of knowledge and a lot of costs.

All systems are computer / server controlled. Some can be transferred to the phone, especially everything related to notifications.

A smart home with your own hands will allow you to manage:

  • Security systems;
  • Sockets;
  • Electrical appliances;
  • Lighting;
  • Locks;
  • Heating.

Also other necessary things. And most importantly, it can save a lot of money on small sums if used on a schedule. This will increase the comfort and overall safety of the home. And now it will not be so scary to leave the children alone.

If you install such a system in the office, all trade secrets will remain with them, and the level of effectiveness will increase.

A smart home with your own hands is much better than purchased programs from special organizations. After all, the owner will not consciously establish the mass unnecessary applications... This also allows you to reduce the financial costs of equipment.

Therefore, if there is a desire to improve the quality of life, experiment and modernize your place of residence. Forward! After all, this is the guarantee of evolution and development.

Surely, dear readers, you are interested in the question - is it possible to create a smart home with your own hands. Let's run to the very end of the article and say right away - you can, and if you really want to, then you need to. After all, the issue price has dropped significantly. The market is full of ready-made systems for which you can buy smart things, sensors. When planning such a project, you will need to decide on the basis of which system you will make a smart home:

  1. Xiaomi Smart Home Suite
  2. Amazone echo
  3. Arduino

Today, this system is far from the concept of what we mean by a smart home - there are still few devices that can be integrated into it. Despite this, we can hope that the list of supported devices will be updated in the near future.

The Smart Home Suite now includes the hub itself, the controller, motion and door sensors, and universal button... Smart Home Suite can manage a large number of devices from Xiaomi and other manufacturers.

As a central hub device, we have a rather large “tablet” that is connected to the power supply network. There is support for control from a smartphone through a special application. The hub can connect to the Internet, which allows you to monitor the status of devices from a distance. By purchasing Smart Home Suite, you can control Mi TVs, speakers, smart lamps, humidifiers and other appliances.

Smart Home Suite, which will save you from creating a smart home with your own hands, will cost about 4,000 rubles, which is inexpensive, given the scope of delivery and capabilities. And yet this device from Xiaomi is far from the notion of "smart home", which implies more flexible options. Smart Home Suite is easy way automate work electrical devices in the House.

Where to buy cheap?

And this smart gadget has already been developed by the search giant, which has not yet gained much popularity in the Russian Federation, but everything is ahead. Is a kind of Google Assistant (the same as "OK Google"), which got its own "home" in the form of a compact Bluetooth speaker. In general, this is an analogue of Xiaomi's Smart Home Suite, only more expensive and with more potential. It can do almost the same thing, but it stands out, of course, by the ability to voice search.

Now you don’t have to force your smartphone and Google Assistant to find all sorts of information, from the birthday of the author “Fathers and Sons” to the question of how much an elephant weighs - just, sitting on the couch, say “OK Google”.

Google Home can manage various devices the user, so that he, thus, made his own smart home with a smarter TV and a video surveillance system with his own hands. There are already a lot of compatible devices (Android smartphones, TV boxes, some Appliances), and over time there will only be more of them.

Plus, Google Home supports some interesting services to really feel like a smart home. So, you can ask the assistant to order food for you at home or book a ticket for the next flight, or provide a weather forecast. Also, Google Home adapts to the desires and interests of the owner, requesting information about preferences and hobbies during the first setup.

Google Home, despite its potential, today cannot boast of great opportunities. However, she has already found her user, and not just one. The smart speaker will cost about $ 130.

Another fresh development of the American company, which is a complete analogue of Google Home. Only instead of Google Assistant, the Amazon Echo uses “Alexa” as a voice assistant. In the Russian market, as usual, the device is not yet widespread, but over time the situation should be corrected. Amazon Echo can play your favorite music, it can be integrated into a smart home system to be subsequently controlled various devices... Amazon Echo is very easy to set up and manage using a dedicated smartphone app.

Now the smart speaker looks pretty interesting, but, like its predecessors, it is limited in capabilities. Amazon Echo is good at understanding user commands, thanks to cooperation with other companies, it can work with many devices and smart home systems. True, Amazon Echo costs more than its closest competitors - 12,500 rubles.

Smart home based

We turn to solutions for creating a smart home with your own hands. , in fact, a set of network protocols that, when creating a smart home, help to abandon the wired connection of equipment in favor of wireless. Many different companies are now working with ZigBee systems, providing both sets of equipment and individual devices for smart homes. It has quite a few advantages, starting with the cost.

Do-it-yourself equipment for creating a smart home will cost much less than ready-made systems from well-known companies. allows you to show your talents by independently developing a smart home scheme, whatever your heart desires. In addition, the system is characterized by low power consumption, which cannot be said about many others. The energy-efficient operation of components is possible precisely thanks to the communication protocol, which, although slow, does not require a lot of energy.

Equipment for systems, as already noted, is developed by a variety of companies, so there are no problems with finding controllers and sensors. However, it should be borne in mind that equipment components from different companies may be incompatible, therefore, it is better to give preference to devices from the same manufacturer. Equipment for building a smart home based on your own hands can be purchased for relatively little money in all your favorite Chinese online stores.

DIY smart home based on Arduino

Arduino, like ZigBee, is not a complete Smart Home system. This is the tool that this smartest home helps to build. Arduino is a set of software and hardware tools that is designed to build simple automated systems and even robotics laymen. Smart homes are not among the possible projects. Hardware - a set of boards, sensors and devices, that is, "hardware". Software - Provides communication and control of hardware.

Arduino has a completely open architecture, which allows everyone to work with it, so the market today is flooded with equipment for building a smart home with your own hands. At the same time, the purchase of individual components will cost several times cheaper than the purchase ready-made solution... Again, the Arduino offers tremendous opportunities for building a smart home.

Today you can find a lot of devices and sensors for the system at a very low price, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to worry about connecting all these devices to a single network, and you will need to get acquainted with the program code. In general, those who like to do something smart with their own hands, tinker with boards and programming environments will be satisfied.

Where to buy cheap?

Site users are well aware that the comfort of living outside the city largely depends on the reliable and uninterrupted operation of all engineering systems of a residential building. The “Smart Home” system can take over the management of the cottage, saving its owner from solving routine issues. In our article, we have collected expert answers to the most common questions about her.

From our article you will learn:

  • What is "Smart Home";
  • What system can be considered a "Smart Home";
  • What opportunities does it provide to its owner;
  • What technology is it based on;
  • What are the requirements for electrical networks for its installation. How lighting is controlled;
  • How the reliability and safety of work is ensured;
  • What is the benefit of using it.

Automation control

To understand what “Smart Home” is and how it works, you can read the description of this concept in Wikipedia, or better understand the purpose of this technology together with our experts.

This is the definition given by the head of the company « Smart dacha» Ilya Kovalchuk :

“Smart Home” is a system built on the basis of high-tech equipment. Its main purpose is to automate operations to control various engineering systems in a cottage.

It provides comfort, safety, resource saving and can "take over" routine operations, freeing the owners of the cottage from these actions.

But what is the definition given by the director of development of the company Luxury Systems Ekaterina Koroleva :

– « Smart Home "is a centralized control system for electrical appliances and engineering equipment... And the modes of operation of some nodes, one way or another, depend on the operation of others.

Thus, the Smart Home technology provides for an integrated approach.

Here is the definition of the head of the company's power systems department GWD Engineering Ilya Markov:

- This term is usually understood as the integration of systems, equipment and components into a single intelligent cottage management system.


  • management and communication;
  • heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
  • lighting;
  • power supply of the building;
  • security and monitoring.

Control over the operation of all systems can be carried out remotely - using a mobile phone, tablet or via the Internet.

CEO of the company Alef Elektro (Moscow) Andrey Nazarenko :

- This is best illustrated by the following example: using a mobile phone or tablet, you can:

  • turn on the evening light scene in the living room;
  • set the timer to close the window after a certain period of time, so as not to freeze in the morning;
  • switch TV channels or select a movie from the server;
  • check the status of all security systems.

The same can be done using a special control panel - push-button or touch.

Ilya Markov:

- We can say that "Smart Home" is based on three basic principles:

  • providing comfort;
  • security;
  • ensuring energy efficiency.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

- There are two types of systems:

  1. Wired.
  2. Wireless.

The residential building has protection against water leaks and a smoke detector that sends SMS. These are two different systems, and each of them is responsible for its own narrow range of responsibilities.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

- It is impossible to call it “Smart Home”, since it is impossible to control these sensors from a single window of the system interface. Each of these devices has its own parameters and settings, and they work independently of each other. And "Smart Home" provides complete coordination and control of all engineering and electrical equipment.

The technology is controlled by an intelligent program, and its work is adapted to the specific cottage and the owner's preferences. For clarity, all available information about its operation is displayed on a touchscreen display located on the wall. Thanks to the intuitive interface, command names and explanatory images, controlling the Smart Home system resembles working on an electronic tablet.

Minimum set of equipment

In the opinion Ilya Kovalchuk, the minimum set of equipment, first of all, must ensure safety, the possibility remote monitoring cottage using video surveillance or alarm and motion sensors, as well as the ability to control heating. Thus, the technology will protect against theft and emergency situations.

Andrey Nazarenko :

- If the system can independently change its status, then it can be considered smart.

The main purpose of the technology is to increase the level of living comfort. This includes ease of control: room illumination, minimization of equipment control panels, optimal operation of all engineering systems of the cottage in order to save energy.

Heated floors that turn off for the whole day when you leave for work, and turn on an hour before your return, thereby saving energy, can be called "smart" underfloor heating.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

- There is a package minimum functions, in which the system has the right to be called "Smart home". It includes two or more functions that can be controlled from a single interface:

  • water leakage control;
  • security and fire alarm;
  • gas leakage control;
  • light control;
  • climate control;
  • voice notification.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- The simplest monitoring and control systems are also called “smart home”: GSM sockets, emergency notification systems. In my opinion, this can be called any control or monitoring scheme, built on the basis of high-tech equipment, which brings real benefits to its owner.

Modern technologies and materials provide an opportunity gradual build-up functional, which allows you to start small, and subsequently create a complex and multifunctional automation system.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- One controlled outlet (into which a heating device is connected) can be called a “smart home” with a big stretch, but for someone it can really make life easier, save electricity costs, help make their life more comfortable even in an apartment. In the future, it can become part of a more complex scheme.

This flexible customization allows you to implement any solution.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

- The possibilities are endless. The functionality can only be limited by imagination. Simply put, all appliances that have an "on." or "off" - can be automated.

How it works

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- The cottage has the Internet, a Smart Home controller and several temperature and motion sensors are installed. Even such a minimal system notifies the user of an intrusion into his home by sending him a signal to his phone: SMS notification. The system also includes control over the temperature and humidity in the house.

Further, by adding socket modules (smart sockets or installing a relay), it becomes possible to automatically - according to a schedule or some events, control electrical equipment, control the degree of lighting. Depending on the room temperature, switch individual heating devices, air conditioners, maintaining a comfortable atmosphere. Moreover, in the presence of a multi-tariff meter, as well as in the absence of the owners, this way you can save on electricity.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- When going to the dacha, you can do it in advance, via the phone, the Internet, etc. set a comfortable temperature. For safety, fire detectors, water leakage detectors, gas leakage detectors can be added to the system at any time.

Subsequently, upon the triggering of such sensors, it is possible to organize the shutdown of water and gas.

The system can be expanded almost indefinitely.

With the help of "Smart Home" you can:

  • control light;

The light can turn on in response to the approach of people, and turn off when they move away.

  • to rule heating boilers and underfloor heating, maintaining the optimum temperature;

  • monitor the cottage and the territory through CCTV cameras;

The picture can be transmitted in real time to the screen of a phone, tablet or laptop.

  • replace all remote controls for TVs and multimedia devices;

  • imitate the presence of people;

By turning on and off the light, lifting and lowering the shutters, the appearance of vital activity is created, which can scare off thieves in the event of a long absence of the owners.

  • automate watering.

All this can be controlled remotely, from any device, and receive any notifications about the operation of the systems.

Installation features

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- There are many systems and protocols designed to implement Smart Homes. Basically, any protocol designed for automation can be used. From industrial protocol RS-485 to conventional Wi- Fi.

At the moment, the most in demand are control protocols designed specifically for home automation and, for the most part, wireless, that is, they do not require laying a large number of wires, global changes in wiring, etc.

An ordinary personal computer can also become the basis for a "Smart Home", and many controllers are devices with operating systems of the Linux family.

Andrey Nazarenko :

The best option building a "Smart Home" - when all devices exchange data with each other via cable using the protocol KNX.

KNX is a single unified international data exchange standard for automated control systems.

Many developers pre-lay the cable in the walls. In the future, this will provide the possibility of equipment installation without costly alterations of the finished interior.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

The main requirement for equipment is its reliability. Also, the equipment should be flexible for programming, functional and have an acceptable cost.

If you plan to use the Smart Home system in your cottage, then you need to think about it even when designing all engineering systems.

The system installation process is divided into the following stages:

  • At the stage of rough work, all communications are laid, incl. - and wires.
  • At the stage of finishing the finishing work, all the necessary equipment, sensors, automation cabinets are installed, they are set up and the system is programmed.
  • Next come commissioning works and putting the system into operation.

You can equip any home with the Smart Home system using equipment that works over a radio channel. But such equipment does not provide a 100% guarantee of command execution. And if the owner wants to automate the object after the repair, then all communications can be hidden in a false ceiling or in the floor.

Because Smart home depends on electricity, Special attention should be given to the installation of the electrical network.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- All the equipment necessary to create "Smart Homes" is intended for standard 220 V networks. Thanks to wireless equipment, any existing cottage can be made "smart" without particularly redoing its wiring, without repairs and changes in the design of the premises, etc. ...

Any home starts with safety, so its electrician must be smart as well. Everything is important - the correct calculation of the cross-section of the wires, the presence of an RCD or differential circuit breakers, grounding.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- Considering that the "smart plug" is not much more expensive than the usual modern outlet, including the cost of its installation, then, by creating a "Smart Home" from scratch and drawing up a project in advance, the cost of automation can be reduced, and the savings on electricity will quickly pay off this rise in cost.

We are examining whether, due to the energy consumption of the “Smart Home” system, we will have to receive frenzied amounts of electricity bills at the end of the month.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- One of the main purposes of the “Smart Home” system is energy saving. Control equipment, sensors, actuators are low-current and consume a minimum of electricity.

In terms of energy consumption, the costs are negligible, and the savings can be multiple. A competently conducted and reliable electrician is already an element of the “Smart Home”. Smart Home systems can work more stably than many other household electrical appliances.

Any of the out-of-town residents faced a situation when the light was turned off, and it is not clear what to do in this case.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

- In the event of a light cutoff, the system automatically switches to emergency operation. The readings from all sensors are recorded, and when the electricity is supplied in 100% volume, everything returns to the "as before shutdown" state.

Let's say the lights are turned off in the cottage. In this case, the “Smart Home” system will notify you by voice that a disconnection has occurred. If there is no one at home, the system will send an SMS and call the user on a mobile phone. The system will continue to operate on uninterruptible power supply batteries and support the main consumers of electricity: refrigerator, heating system, emergency lighting, security systems. In the event of a prolonged power outage, the system automatically starts the generator.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- To ensure the performance of all elements: the Internet, video surveillance, sensors and actuators, a good computer uninterruptible power supply is enough.

Because All equipment of the "Smart House" belongs to the type of low-current, then monitoring and feedback with it in this case will remain. The owner of the cottage learns about a power outage, non-working heating, other abnormal and emergency situations, etc.

Taking into account the peculiarities of our power supply, it is advisable to supply voltage stabilizers. This is necessary for normal work conventional electrical appliances.

Power supply systems can include an uninterrupted power supply in the event of a power outage. It can be as generators, with or without auto-start, integrated into the general electrical circuit, or simply allowing to operate the minimum number of electrical appliances. It can also be more complex and expensive uninterruptible power supply systems based on inverters and batteries.

Such systems provide the entire building with electricity for up to a day or more.

Electrical appliances and other equipment can be protected from power surges, impulse noise, differential circuit breakers, network filters, residual current devices.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- To increase the autonomy of housing, electricity consumers can be divided into two groups - important ( boiler equipment, refrigerator, alarm, etc.) and minor. In the event of a power outage, the automation itself will turn off some of the less important electrical appliances, supplying only the most important electrical equipment from the generator.

We consider the benefit

Every owner of suburban housing wants all investments in housing to be worked out at 100%. And in order to understand how the Smart Home system works and how it can save money, an integrated approach is needed.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

- If heating control is included in the "Smart Home" systems, then the system can pay off in one heating season.

Payback on other systems security, fire detectors, monitoring systems for water leaks, gas leaks, freezing pipes in such cases is also obvious.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

- The system will pay for itself completely at the very moment when it prevents emergencies, fire, flooding, gas leakage, intrusion of strangers into the facility, etc.

Also, using automation, you can remotely monitor your home while on vacation, with the ability to control devices, light, climate from any mobile device or PC.

Summing up the article, we can say that using the "Smart Home» you have your finger on the pulse of your cottage at all times.