Crocuses landing in autumn and care in the open. Crocuses - elegant legend in our garden

Crocus, or saffron - a long-term elegant flower plant. Depending on the variety blooms in spring and summer. Crocus is distinguished by magnificent flowers predominantly yellow, white, light purple and purple, which makes it very attractive for growing in pots on the windowsill, in flower beds, mixlers, rabids, in flower beds and even on the edge. In the article we will tell how to grow crocuses in the garden or in pots, we will give recommendations for care.

Crocuses are combined with all overlapping miniature plants. Flowers dissolve only in the presence of sunlight, cloudy weather closes in buds.

Crocus - a tuberous low plant, reaches a height from 10 to 20 cm. Spring grades Crocus is grown in mid-September, autumn varieties - in April. Crocuses breed vegetative method (tubers) and seeds.

In what cases and how crocuses are grown by seeds

Crocuses breed seeds in autumn and in early spring. Despite the fact that crocuses seedlings bloom for 4-5 years, this planting method is widely used:

  • for growing rare varieties;
  • for reproduction of botanical varieties that are poorly breeding vegetatively;
  • to obtain a large number of tubers;

Early spring seeds are produced in mid-March or early April. Seeds for sowing use freshly collected, such a planting material is different large percentage Sailing, and form stronger and healthy seedlings. The following procedures are carried out before sowing:

  1. Seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator solution for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Seeds are disinfected by immersing in a weak solution of manganese.
  3. Seeds are stratified - placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

Flowers noted that the bubbling procedure can be skipped if the shelf life of seeds is no more than a year.It is not recommended to disinfect seeds without a prior procedure for soaking seeds, dry crocus seeds are burned even in a weak solution of manganese.

Consider the stratification procedure:

  1. Seeds are sulking in a walker in which wet sand is.
  2. The seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the soil, without dust.
  3. The tire is covered with a film and remove in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.
  4. After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings are cheered in the garden along with a blue, which will serve as protection from weeds.
  5. Before the seedlings are covered with spunbond. The first watering is carried out as soon as seedlings appear. Water with a pulverizer.

Reproduction of crocuses seeds in open soil:

  1. In open soil sow seeds of spring-working crocus varieties. Sowing is produced in mid-September. For such seeds, stratification is not required.
  2. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a solution of growth stimulator and disinfect in a weak solution of manganese.

Sow seeds in light and loose soil. So that the soil turned out to be porous and was not formed in lumps, sand is added. A peat is added as a tearful component of the soil, which will make the soil porous, breathable and moisture - what is needed for easy seed germination. "

Growing spring-breathing crocuses of tubers

Spring-driving crocuses plant in the open ground in the second half of September. Such crocuses will bloom in early April or in mid-May. Before boarding, you need to select the highest quality bulbs. Clubneelukovitsa suitable landing:

  • whole tubers, dense, without damage;
  • with dry scales;
  • without roots and stems;
  • size of at least 5 cm.

The bulbs are broken, soft, with stains and other inclusions are not suitable for landing. Such a landing material begins to be installed in the ground in 5-6 days. Studelukovitsa before landing should be disinfected in a weak solution of fungicides, formalin or manganese. For disinfection, Fundazole fungicides are used and soon.

The drying of bulbs in a solution of fungicidal preparations will prevent the development of the disease. The planting material is soaked for 30 minutes.

Soil preparation: The disinfected crocus tubers are planted into a loamy fertile soil, or in a sudden drained soil. If the soil differs in a mechanical composition from the above, then such a soil should be focused. What to fertilize and in what quantity we consider in the table:

Place of landing and soil processing: club club should be planted on the solar side of the site. In the half of the club, the crocus do not develop, and the flowers in the future will be small. Moreover, crocus flowers in the half are not disclosed. Suglinted and sampling soils do not require fertilizer, it is enough to switch to a depth of at least 25 cm.

Tip # 1. Dung, riding peat, lime in equal amounts are added to the clay soil and are drunk to a depth of 25-30 cm.

Closeing procedure: Flowers recommend landing on the bulbs in special containers, lattice or mesh. Such capacities will not allow the bulbs "sprawling" in the open soil.

The optimal distance between the bulbs is 3-5 cm, the depth of planting tubers must correspond to the height of 3 bulbs located above each other. Small bulbs are planted at a depth of 6-7 cm, large - by 9-10 cm. Selected tubers must be the same as possible in size.

Board # 2. In winter, upon the onset of stable negative temperaturesThe landing should be covered with foliage. The bulbs are able to transfer long severe frosts.

In the spring, when young crocus sprouts appear, it is necessary to hold the first feeding. In the feeding should include phosphoric and potash fertilizers. Such fertilizers are necessary for the formation of large clubnelluca. After feeding the sprouts watered warm water pulverizer. Subsequent watering is carried out as the soil drying.

The second feeding is a period of bootonization, only phosphoric fertilizers contribute. Potash and nitrogen fertilizers do not contribute. The third feeder is carried out after flowering ends. The fertilizer includes potash and nitrogen impurities in equal amounts. Such fertilizers will contribute to the attachment of future flowers throughout the summer peace.

For landing crocuses in open ground, you should choose varieties with large flowers. Do not land in one place different varieties Crocuses because the development of each variety is different, as a result, low crocuses can be lost in the leaves high varieties plants. "

Mineral fertilizers for growing crocuses

Mineral fertilizers for crocuses, the same as for most garden colors. Crocuses are fed three times a year - early spring, during the bootonization period and after only crocuses are swinging. Consider the most suitable fertilizers with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen content:

  • "Nitroammofoska" is a universal fertilizer, improves the development of the plant, increases the number of buds and the term of their flowering. It is recommended to add early spring and during the bootonization period.
  • "Caulifos-N" is a mixed type of fertilizer, the optimal period of application is a period of vegetation. Improves the development of the plant and increases resistance to fungal diseases.
  • "Azophoska" - complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potash fertilizer for all species flower cultures. Used on any soils. Increases the stability of flowering plants to disease, improves decorative features plants.
  • Superphosphate is a highly concentrated phosphoric fertilizer. Used for all types of soils and crops. Improves the development of the plant and increases resistance to fungal diseases. It is recommended to add early spring and during the bootonization period.
  • Kemira is a mixed type of fertilizer, stimulates plant growth, increases disease resistance.

Diseases affecting crocusball clubnelluca

The main diseases of crocuses are associated with viral and fungal infection. The source of viral infection is nematodes and rodents. Fungal diseases are observed more often than viral. The causative agents of fungal diseases include:

  • rot;
  • chlorosis,
  • rust;
  • mosaic.

Fungal diseases are striking clubnelluca, leaves and flowers. The affected plants develop poorly, there is premature flowering, fading. What defeats are applied fungal diseasesWho and what is a source of infection, as well as what drugs are able to destroy the disease Consider in the table:

Diseases Causes of occurrence Amazing Carriers and pathogens Fonggicides.
Chlorosis a lack of phosphoric fertilizer, iron and boron. Leaves, buds. Leaves twist, color light yellow. Deformed the shape of buds, premature dedication of petals. Weighing plants. Phytosporin, Gamiir.
Rust Wrong watering, raw and wet soil. Excessive content nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. Clubneelukovitsa and leaves. On scales bulbs - orange spots. On the leaves - orange pads. Spore fungus can affect and fleshing tubers. Disputes spread the fault, wind, rain. Bordeaux liquid, copper vigor.
Root rot Heavy and dense soil, violation of soil aeration excess water, dampness. Tubers. On the tubers are formed brown ulcers. Spore fungus fall into the soil with contaminated clubnellukov.
Mosaic Mechanical damage to tubers. Violation of soil aeration. Flowers and leaves. A gray bloom appears on the flowers, on the leaves of a light yellow painting spots, leaves and flowers are deformed. TLL, wind, rain.

To prevent the development of the above diseases, it is necessary to process the soil correctly and timely and make fertilizers. Make a weeding and loosening soil, destroy the weed plants, as well as prevent abundant irrigation.

Large varieties of spring crocus

Crocus Spring (Crocus Vernus) - many years of appearanceDifferent with large-scale crocus varieties. Grown on light, neutral or weakness soils. All varieties of this species are characterized as winter-hardy. Large tuberukovitsa form 4-5 flowers. Clubneelukovitsa begin to bloom for 3-4 years. Seedlings bloom for 5 years.

Several varieties are isolated:

  • "Joan of Arc";
  • "Grand Master";
  • Pickwick;
  • "Beauty Strap".

Crocus sowing (Crocus sativus) - a long-term view, prefers drum and sandy soils. This type of crocus is multiplied only by the clubnellukov. Flowers in autumn, winter-hardy. Spread to receive seasonings and medicinal raw materials. Crocus flowers sowing average - 3-4 cm.

Crocus Golden-color (Crocus Chrysantus) - a long-term view, grown on light, neutral or weakly acidic soils. Winter hardy. Flowers of the golden-color crocus are large, with a diameter of 4-5 cm. Several varieties are isolated:

  • "Blue Parl";
  • "Saturnus";
  • "Prince Klaus"

Crocus Siberi (Crocus Sieberi) - cultivated as annolete plant, loves light and neutral soils. Winter hardy. Several varieties are isolated:

  • "Albus";
  • "Fire Fly";
  • "Purple Queen."

The table presents the timing of flowering and disadvantages of the above crocus species:

View of crocus Duration of blossom disadvantages
Crocus Spring Mid-April - beginning of May. Flowers 25-30 days.
Crocus sowing At the end of August - mid-September. Flowers 15-20 days. Does not forms seeds, short flowering time.
Croquus goldencellular In the beginning of April. Flowers 15-20 days. Low resistance to fungal diseases. In the shade, the flowers are disclosed partially.
Crocus Zibera In April, as soon as snow comes down. Flowers 12-15 days. Short flowering time.

Crowing crocuses in pots throughout the cold period

Crocuses thanks early flowering and a variety of colors palette, are loved by expensive indoor plant. For distortion use large-flowered crocus varieties. Crocuses are grown in pots from August - to December. For proper landingCrocuses can bloom all winter. To distill the plant, the clubs of crocuses are planted into a light and loose soil. Landing container - a bash. The container is disinfected and filled with finished soil. The tubers are planted into the wet soil at a distance of 3-5 cm and at a depth of 8-10 cm.

After planting, water with warm water, and remove into a cool place to root for 3-3.5 months. As soon as the sprouts stretch on 4-5 cm, the flame is moved to a warmer place. The temperature rise should be gradually. To begin with, the plant should be kept in cool placethen transfer to the room with a temperature in the range of + 14 ° C - + 15 ° C. After 2-3 weeks, buds appear. Blooming begin in 2-3 days. "

Board # 3. It is possible to extend the flowering period of the pasture crocus for 5-6 days if it is transferred to a cool room with a temperature below + 10° C. During the formation of buds.

Growing crocuses in landscape design

Crocuses are successfully used to design mass compositions on garden sitesFor this, crocuses are grown on flowerbeds, chapets or mixlers. Flowers recommend landing crocuses in groups with daffodils and tulips. Such a combination looks expressively at the foot of the stone compositions, and also perfectly fits into the composition with coniferous plants.

Frequent errors when growing crocuses

Experienced gardeners identify several common mistakes, which are often allowed when growing crocuses:

  1. Abundant irrigation leads to the boost of tuberukovol and the development of diseases.
  2. Before planting tubers and seeds do not disinfect, which leads to fungal diseases.
  3. Reversing crocuses contain when room temperature Above + 16C, such crocuses are flowing during the day.

Crocuses excellent stony compositions and look even more expressively on a beige stone background.

Frequently asked Questions

Question number 1. Do you need drainage in the soil when landing crocuses in open ground?

Need, it is best to use large clay and sand for drainage.

Question number 2. How many days blooms the reversing crocus?

Blooms from 8 to 10 days at temperatures below +14 s

Question number 3. What varieties are well served forcing?

For distortions, spring-driving crocuses are used - Blue Parl, Prince Claus, Saturnus.

Question number 4. What temperature should be when stratifying seeds?

Landing crocuses in the fall into the ground is the most common way to cultivate these wonderful colors on the household plot. In nature, representatives of the Iris family appear on the edges of the forests, open glades and the hills are the first.

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    Prophobes crocuses

    Early spring, when the snow is just starting to melt from the bright sun, you can see the magnificent heads of gentle pink or lilac buds. These are crocuses, the landing of which is possible at home.

    A plant that is often called saffron does not require special care. It is very unpretentious and endlessly. Therefore, everyone can grow crocuses in the country. They are well leaving in a new place. The primroses are most often used in the design of the alpine slides. But they look perfectly on a separate flower bed or in a complex flower arrangement. It all depends on when crocuses plant.

    Garden decoration is not the only purpose of plants. Extracts and powder prepared from dried culture parts are seasoning. Saffron is widely used in cooking as spices. It is also known as high-quality food dye.

    The primroses have long become a raw material for the pharmaceutical industry. Them healing properties Help create whole line drugs that have a plant basis. Wide use of flower found in alternative medicine.

    Sprinkling the plant can be in a pot or in open ground. Decorative culture blooms in any conditions, if seriously refer to the preparation of the soil and choose the right time. When to plant crocuses, depends on the variety of plants. In nature, there are about a hundred species, landing each of them has its own nuances.

    The most common are those specimens that bloom in early spring. They are planted in autumn. Plants that are able to please the eye with their buds up to the onset of winter, it is necessary to transfer to open ground in early August.

    Priorices can grow in one place for 5 years. Then the crocuses are required. It allows you to rejuvenate and improve the bulbs for lush flowering and further development On another site. Each planted copy is very quickly growing and gives a lot of child tubers that can serve as material for the cultivation of this plant.

    What varieties are suitable for autumn landing?

    Planning to grow in its plot, the primrose, the gardener must respond to the selection of landing material. Crocuses are perennial tuberukovic plants. Heads are recommended to buy only from proven sellers to get a guarantee that the selected variety must be planted in autumn for early flowering.

    These species include:

    1. 1 Crocus Spring, which grows in nature in the Alps and Pyrenees. Medium-sized buds have a lilac color with purple streaks.
    2. 2 Crocus Two-color usually happens white. On the petals you can see characteristic lilac or brownish vertical stripes.
    3. 3 Crocus Crimean has unprecedented pale blue or white petals with longitudinal gray stripes. Inner side Buton is painted in a pale lilac shade, turning into bright yellow at the base.
    4. 4 Crocus Adam can be found on the rocky slopes of the Transcaucasus, in the foothill areas of Dagestan, as well as Iran. Flowers of this variety change their painting from lilac to a saturated purple shade.
    5. 5 Crocus Golden, found in Asia Minor and in the Balkans, has narrow leaves and yellow flowers. Sometimes brown splashes are blocked on buds.
    6. 6 Crocus yellow is distinguished by bright orange coloring buds. This species has a characteristic feature - a bulbous nest, covered with a special film slightly protruding above the surface of the Earth, giving the plant a look of a small bouquet, neatly collected by nature itself.

    Any of these varieties can be raised on its site. Crocuses, the landing of which is completed correctly, will bloom early in the spring.

    Treatment of tubers

    Choosing the planting material, it must be remembered that the bulb should be a whole, solid, without sprouts and damage to the skin. Its size can range from 9 to 12 cm. It is such a head that can accumulate a sufficient amount of substances in winter to delight the eyes of amazing flowers. The size of the tubers depend on the number of buds, which are formed in the plant.

    Tubers are taken to disinfect before landing. There are various drugs intended for this procedure. Most often used antiseptics, specially created for the treatment of bulbous and other cultivated plants:

    • Fundazoll;
    • Carbofos;
    • Maxim;
    • Soon
    • Vitaros.

    These fulgicides of a wide range of action reliably protect the bulbs from diseases and rot, they make them resistant to temperature and humidity drops. Preparations are very easy to use. They are sold, as a rule, in packaging 2 ml. Need to dilute 1 ampoule disinfectant In 1 liter of water and soak in the resulting solution the landing material for 20 minutes.

    If not at hand special toolsYou can use the old and proven recipe. In 1 liter of water, 5 g of potassium permanganate should be dissolved. The weak solution of mangartee is a good antiseptic. If placing crocuses in it for half an hour, the effect will be the same as after known fungicides.

    After disinfection, the blouses do not need to rinse. It is enough to dry them. Immediately after the procedure, the material is ready for landing.

    Selection and preparation of the site

    Before planting crocuses in the fall, you need to prepare a plot in advance. Flowerba, intended for primroses, should be on open plotWhich in the spring will be well warmed by sunlight. If you leave the flowers in the shade, they will not die, but they will not be happy with abundance of buds.

    Crocusball clubnells grow well on the soils. The soil must pass the air. We can not allow stagnation of moisture from the roots, otherwise the plant will begin to rot, which will inevitably lead to his death.

    Heavy problem clay soil Solving very simple. The plot should be well overcooked with the addition of large river sand. This material will provide good drainage in the flower bed and prevent stagnation of water. Sand or fine river pebbles are brought to a depth of 20 cm.

    Clay soil is preferably filing with organic and mineral fertilizers. Compost is suitable for this type of soil from natural substances. Well structures and enriches heavy earth useful substances Ground peat. But it is better to use it with lime to avoid a strong crying of the site. All substances are taken in the dosage of 0.5 kg per 1 m².

    Not organic feeding Must be represented by superphosphate. 40 g active substance On the unit area of \u200b\u200bthe site will be quite enough. Phosphorus nourishes the bulbs and contributes to the development of the root system. But it is possible to use its connections only 30 days after putting the lime into the soil.

    If the land in the future flower garden refers to a light sandy type, then it is necessary to enrich it with a humoring or compost from last year's foliage. Such soils are very poor, so it is recommended to make at least 5-7 kg of organic fertilizers per 1 m².

    Suglining and samp lands are perfect soil For crocuses. They do not require additional feeding. If the flowerbed is in such a plot, it is enough to overheat it by 20-25 cm.

    The flower garden should be ready for 2-3 weeks before landing. During this time, the soil will fall, and mineral and organic fertilizers are partially recycled, ensuring the flower tubers with the necessary nutrients.

    Optimal time for landing

    Perennial tuberukovic plants to which crocuses blooming early spring are well tolerated by frost. That is why they are accepted in autumn. However, this does not mean at all that for you can choose any time.

    Despite resistance to low temperaturesFlowers may die if they do not have time to adapt in a new place. Therefore, there is a checked rule that requires planting club crocuses to open ground at least 2-3 weeks before the onset of strong cold weather.

    IN nordic regions Russia, the main works in the garden are conducted until mid-September. Residents of the central regions of the country transplanted flowers to the first days of October, and in the south the season can be extended even until November. This graph is quite conditional and depends on weather conditions that may vary.

    Too slow, too, it is also impossible, because on the bulbs of perennials can very quickly appear roots. They are very fragile and easily break during the planting of flowers in the open ground. The choice of optimal time to transfer clubs of crocuses to the flowerbed is one of the main components of the successful cultivation of these beautiful spring plants.

    How to plant a plant in the fall in open soil?

    Answer to the question of how to plant crocuses, every owner pricework Searches for independently, depending on what flower composition he wants to get in spring. If a we are talking About decoration alpine Gorkithen the flowers must match general schemeto fit into landscape design. Usually they are planted with small groups that are at some distance from each other.

    If the goal of the gardener is flowering Polyana, completely covered with thin green leaves and gentle lilac and white bootons of saffron, then crocus bulbs are distributed very tight in the soil. The landing scheme is usually selected 3x3.

    The flowering time of these decorative plants It lasts, as a rule, not more than 10 days. To preserve the beauty of the flower beds as long as possible, many fans of crocuses resort to small tricks. During the landing, they put the bulbs on a different depth, adjusting such simple way flowering period.

    The optimal selection of the distance from the surface of the Earth is an important condition for the cultivation of primroses. If the tubers are small, then they should be deepened by 5-7 cm. For large onions, this value can reach 12 cm. The well-known landing rule of this type of plant says that the sealing depth should be 2 times the size of tubers.

    However, unpretentious crocuses, having a powerful root system, are able to independently regulate their position in the ground, if necessary, dropping or, on the contrary, stretching closer to the upper layer of the soil.

    However, the flowers are not worth too deeply. In the spring it will be difficult for them to break through the thickness of the marzular land and snow. A small distance from the surface of the flower beds can be threatened by tuber freezing. Especially if we are talking about the region with harsh climatic conditions. Danger increases during a honest winter.

    Advantages of special capacity

    The primroses are placed in specially prepared wells and fall asleep the earth. The soil must be wet. At the bottom of the landing pit, you can put a little sand mixed with humus. The bulb neatly put in the well and pour the earth. The region is then recommended to cover to protect the flowers from the effects of winter low temperatures.

    Do not use cellophane film for these purposes. This material does not let the air needed by clubs of crocuses for normal development. It is better to mulch the flower garden sawdust, wood chips or leaves that fell from trees.

    Sometimes gardeners use another way to plant perennials. Plant tubers are placed first in a special container or basket filled with a cooked nutrient substrate. Then the box with bulbs bury on the flowerbed.

    This method is almost no different from landing crocuses in the fall in open ground. But the use of a separate box allows the spring to quickly remove tubers from the land for storage and protects them from rodents.

    Crocuses, these are small bulbs. It is these bulging sides in open soil. The autumn option is best suited. Putting a crocus in the fall, you can observe its bloom in the spring.

    The autumn flower is very unpretentious, even if you put it in the half. But here as concerns the spring view. Its best should be planted in well-lit plots.

    The sun should be as much as possible, but the shadow is minimal. Autumn view Sit down from the end of July to mid-August. If the plant is planted too late, then the first couple of years, it will not bloom. There will be only leaves. But the buds themselves will appear only after 2 years.

    The only problem in the flower is to overvoltage. Often, due to the constant moisture, the root system begins to rot. Therefore, this cannot be allowed.

    Autumn bloom ends. Leaves dry and fall. At this point you can transplant crocus to another place. You can do it immediately or dig bulbs.

    Leaving their landing for the next year. Be sure to go through the bulbs and throw out unsuitable. They should be stored at temperatures up to 22 degrees. If the flower grows well in this place, then you can never replant. It will be enough to remove the sluggish and dry leaves on the stems.

    Is it possible to plant in spring

    It is possible to plant crocuses in the spring, and in the fall. It depends on the grade of the plant. It is necessary to take into account the fact that if the grade of the autumn, then it is necessary to plant it in the fall.

    If the plant is spring, then the landing is carried out in spring. If you plant the variety is incorrect, then it may simply do not take care or even not to climb.

    Stages of landing:

    1. To dig a little hole. For a large bulb, a hole is up to 12 cm deep. For shallow, up to 6 cm.
    2. Must be to be present in the earth drainage or sand. Then the earth will be more loose and air passable.
    3. Lukovychi fell apart from each other at least 3 cm. This is enough if the gardener is not going to transplant the plant.
    4. The bulbs slightly press and fall asleep the earth.
    5. Pour. Do not overdo it.
    6. Wait for full absorption. Fall asleep. From above you can sprinkle with river sand.
    7. From fertilizer better suitable Potassium and phosphorus.
    8. In hot weather, we often water. But only if the earth is dry. If the humidity is present, then should not.
    9. By winter, crocuses are half fall asleep or covered with a film. This is done so that the flower survived the winter and pleased in the spring with its beautiful blossom.

    Popular Spring Species:

    1. Reticulate.
    2. Golden.
    3. Adam.
    4. Narrowish.
    5. Two-color.

    Popular autumn types:

    1. Sowing.
    2. Palace.
    3. Schroyan.
    4. Banat.
    5. Pretty.

    How to land right

    It is not necessary to be a great gardener and everything is known about plants. Flower is unpretentious in care.

    To put a crocus correctly, you need to know several rules:

    1. If the soil is clay, then you must add sand. You can also add fertilizers such as manure and compost.
    2. Crocuses love soft, loose ground.
    3. It is impossible to allow the moisure of soil. The plant does not like this.
    4. Place for disembarkation, should be well covered with the sun. Then the flower will be large. If they grow in the shade, then they will be small.
    5. Periodically feed and make fertilizers.
    6. Fertilizers must contain phosphorus and potassium.

    Small tubers of plants are swaying to a depth of 6 cm. But large feet to 12 cm deep. It is not necessary to perplex deeply. This is nothing. Root system with growth, herself deepened deep enough.

    The soil should be easy. Then the flower will feel comfortable.

    Advantages of crocus:

    1. Unpretentious in care.
    2. Early flowering. Unlike other colors.
    3. Bright flowers stand out against the background of others.
    4. Flowers have a light, gentle smell.
    5. You can even put them in the unprofessional.
    6. Lukovka can be stored to plant the next year.
    7. Crocuses multiply themselves. With the help of seeds that they throw into the ground. Further, they form a bulk. Which continues his height.
    8. Great for design.
    9. They can be grown in the garden, and in the pot at home.

    Principles of feeding:

    1. Organizer is unacceptable.
    2. Poted manure, peat and other natural fertilizers.
    3. Fodder only in spring.
    4. The feeder is scattered over the surface around the flowers.
    5. Feeding after flowering. Potassium sulfate, phosphorus and potassium fit perfectly.

    Frequently asked Questions

    At what temperature to store bulbs?

    Best of all, they persist at 18-22 degrees. It is desirable that the room was ventilated.

    What fertilizers are best used?

    The fertilizer must include potassium and phosphorus. They stimulate the plant, nourish, strengthen root systemImprove flowering.

    What depth to plant crocuses?

    It all depends on the size of the bulbs. A small perch to a depth of up to 5-6 cm. And large already up to 12 cm. It is not recommended to bury deeper. During growth, the root itself deepens.

    Is it true that Crocus is not only a beautiful flower, but also the main ingredient in cooking?

    Yes this is true. It is well known in cooking. It is from him that all the famous seasoning, saffron.

    When is the best crocuses?

    The optimal time is autumn. Autumn flowers are less whims. Also, they are unpretentious in illumination. They can arrange a half. But spring crocuses are already more whims. They need care more. Especially, it concerns light.

    Is it possible to feed crocus organic fertilizers?

    It is unacceptable. Organic fertilizers Can damage the root and the growth of plants. Instead of growing. The flower will begin to die slowly.

    Crocuses better name You will not come up, reminds the hall Crocus City Hall, but what's there, see below.

    For such not capricious flowers likecrocuses, landing and care Do not cause special difficulties. This plant, which is also called saffron ("yellow" with Arabic), first for people was exclusively economic interest. In Europe, the crocus only coming in the period of crusadesXVI century became decorative. Having landed these flowers in Alpinaria or on the flowerbed, you will create a unique spring landscape.

    Crocuses - landing

    Allocate two popular landing options:

    Planting crocuses of tubers

    The easiest I. fast way obtaining blooming crocuses. Depending on the type of crocuses, the landing time is determined. For OssennetsNews - Time Landing Summer, for SpringnetsWorking - Time Planting Autumn.

    Two periods of blossom crocuses
    Ossennetsnet crocuses Spring-breathing crocuses
    Pallas Reticulate
    Sowing Tomazini
    Banatsky Adama
    Sharoyan. Golden
    Pretty Nippaulous

    Regardless of the time of year (autumn or spring), for crocuses, landing and carebehind them, it is necessary to pick up a sunny plot in the garden. The soil should be light, fertilized, with good drainage Of large river sand, gravel or clay.

    In front of the landing, peat, compost or overwhelmed manure with a small amount of lime are introduced before planting. The bulbs need to be moved in advance in the bactericidal composition. They are plugged with a maximum of 8 cm, children are no more than 5 cm. On the flowerbed, the flowers are placed the more flutter - then it looks more decorative. With the emergence of the first leaves, the soil around the sprouts are required to break. The plant resembles hyacinth, frost, Iris Siberian.

    Planting crocuses by seeds

    Crocuses seed to be at a depth of about 1 cm in October right into the open ground. When sowing in the spring, they are kept in the cold in the cold. The disadvantage of the method is that blooms can be expected only in a few years.

    Crocus easily multiplies through the open soil, even self-sowing.

    Lapper Shrub: landing and care
    Dolphinium Pressure Landing and Care Photos

    Crocuses - care

    Landing and care for crocuses for them for long and good blossom must be accompanied by feeding. Their fertilizer is carried out in three stages - originally before the start of growth, the next time - during the occurrence of buds, the last - after the end of flowering. It is used mainly phosphoric and potash drugs. The ratio of fertilizers at the first feeding - 2: 1, for the remaining 1: 1. Phosphorus stimulates flowering, potassium contributes to the formation of healthy bulbs.

    Unset autumn I. spring frost Crocuses, when landing and leaving them, tolerates easily, but for the winter, when probabilities strong frostsIt is advisable to cover them with peat or carembress.

    Some flower products remove the bulbs from the soil after the end of flowering. This allows them to go through, get rid of damaged and faded instances. After sorting, healthy bulbs dried and stored, until the next landing, in a ventilated dry place at 18-20ºС. This event also helps to protect the bulbs from rodents. Crocuses are not recommended to disembark on the same place for more than 4 years - annually the number of colors increases, at the same time the land is depleted, and the flowers are minced.

    Every dachnik wants him country cottage area It looked neatly and attractive. Make new paints in flower beds on household territories By landing beautiful flowerswhose flowers have bright tint. One of these plants you can decorate your site is a crocus flower. It is best to plant this culture in autumn time of the year. Next, we will tell you more about how crocuses are being landed in autumn, as well as when and how to put it properly beautiful plant.

    Flowers crocuses are sometimes called saffron. This plant is very often sitting in summer houses in Russia, as it is rather unpretentious, and at the same time blooms with beautiful large flowers. Before considering how to plant crocuses in the fall, read more with the characteristics of this culture:

    • There is a plant to the genus of grassy crops belonging to the Iris family.
    • It grows most often in the forest-steppe and steppe zone of Europe and Asia. You can meet another culture in the meadows of the Middle East.
    • There are many varieties of this culture. So, there are more than 300 crocus varieties. Each of them has its own characteristic features that we will tell further in the article.
    • The very name of the culture, on the Latin sounding as "Crocus", with Greek translates as "filamentous fiber", in the Arabic language the name of this plant on sound is similar to the word "yellow".

    • This culture is planted mainly in spring time, but quite often it happens that crocuses germinate in autumn.
    • The height of this plant does not exceed 11 cm. At the same time, the size of the bulbs of the culture is 3-4 cm. The bulbs have a scaly structure.
    • Plant stem rather fragile. Leaves are located mainly below, in the root area. Leafs have an oblong shape.
    • Flowers culture beautiful bright flowersThe diameter of which reaches 5-6 cm. There are varieties of plants that bloom not by single-color flowers, but two-color (can be covered with spots having another shade).
    • Cultural flowering continues from 10 to 20 days.

    Types and varieties of crocuses Autumn and Spring

    This gentle and extremely beautiful flower There are so many varieties that have a wide coloring palette and forms. All varieties are conditionally divided into 15 different groups. Moreover, the Ossennuncumber crocuses form only one group, and everyone else belongs to spring-driving plants. The spring type of crocuses has become a kind of progenitor of a large number of varieties and hybrids, which were mainly derived by Dutch breeders. Dutch hybrids are the most popular group of crocus varieties, which has a large commercial success in the flower market. Another popular group of crocuses among breeders is Chrysantus. This group includes hybrids between plants of golden and two-color crocuses, as well as the lature hybrids. Each of the groups combines plants that are similar to the structure of inflorescences, its shape, color, size.

    Spring-driving varieties of crocuses are combined into the following groups:

    • Crocus Spring. This is one of the oldest plants. Cultivates the varieties of spring crocus for more than four centuries. This culture is a flower up to 17 cm high with narrow dark green leaves, which are decorated with a white longitudinal strip. Its flowers are usually purple or white with a long tube, which has a bell-free-funnel shape. Flowers spring crocus for about three weeks.

    • Crocus two-color. The geography of this plant is very wide. Mostly grows in the warm climate. Most often there are white crocuses, lilac blue with brown spots From the outer part of the petals. There are plants with combined inflorescences. For example, white color inside and purple outside. The oev flower of a two-color crocus usually has white or yellow.
    • Golden crocus. Widely known since the mid-19th century. It is a very beautiful plant with a height of up to 20 cm, which blooms mainly in April for 2-3 weeks. Golden crocus flowers have yellow-golden color, based on this, he received such a name. Distribution - shiny, bending form. The most popular varieties are: Blue Bonnet, Nanette, I. Ji. Bauels.
    • Crocus Tomazini. The usual habitat of this plant is the mountainous terrain of the Balkan countries. It is very different beautiful shape A flower, which is reminded of a star in the open state. The perianth is predominantly pink-lilac, sometimes with white border. The height of the plant does not exceed 6 cm. Of one bulbs, as a rule, it grows up to 3 flowers. The most popular Croisine varieties of Tomazini: White fleece, flele plates.

    Ossennuncumber crocuses. This group is represented by several rather popular varieties:

    • Crocus is beautiful. Distributed in the mountainous terrain of Crimea, Central Asia and the Balkan Peninsula. It is pretty pretty big flowers and the leaves whose length reaches 30 cm. Their inflorescences are often lilac-purple with purple streaks. The diameter of the inflorescence reaches 7 cm. Crocus is blooming beautiful at the beginning of autumn.
    • Crocus pretty. One of the few, which is capable of withstanding light freezes without harm. In the wild, a pretty crocus occurs in highland with temperate climates. Blooms in mid-September - early October. Inflorescences have light lilac color with a dark strip.
    • Crocus Banat. He got his name from the Banat area in Romania, where it is common. The flower height ranges from 14 to 16 cm. Culture inflorescence is predominantly light lilac color with yellow anthers.

    Dutch hybrids. Selection work Over removal hybrid varieties Crocuses began from the end of the 19th century. Now a group of Dutch hybrids has more than 50 various varietiesAnd at the same time continues to replenish. These hybrids in color inflorescences are divided into 3 groups:

    • Flowers with pure white inflorescences or with the addition of spots of other colors.
    • Flowers with infloresions of a lilac, purple or purple shade.
    • Flowers with mesh or striped color.

    The most popular varieties of Dutch hybrids are:

    • Albion.
    • Jubae.
    • Kathleen Parlowow.

    Almost all varieties of Dutch hybrids bloom throughout May. Plant flowering continues up to 3 weeks.

    Chrysantus. This group of spring-working crocuses was created due to selection of golden and two-color crocuses, as well as the lature hybrids. From Dutch hybrids, they are characterized by smaller flowers, however, have a wider palette of colors. So, among chrysantuses, you can find varieties with gentle blue and yellow blossoms. The most famous varieties of chrysantuses are: Dzhips Gerl, Marietta, Saturnus and others.

    Crocus reproduction

    Crocuses breeds, seeds and bulbs. The last method is the most popular, as it gives a better result. For spring-breathing crocuses, the most successful stage of digging of bulbs - from mid-June to early September. In mid-September, start planting soil. Before the onset of the cold, the bulb will have time to dial nutrients And to root, however, will not have time to give shoots. If you put it before, the plant climbed can freeze.

    With intensive reproduction of crocuses, the bulbs dig each year. So, one maternal bulb can give up to 2-3 bulbs who can already bloom. If there is no need for intensive reproduction, then one bulb can grow in one place to 3-4 years. Then you can dig it.

    In reproduction, the seeds are seeded at the beginning of autumn. However, the first bloom of the plant will only happen after 3-4 years.

    Crocuses: landing in the fall, landing time

    This culture can be planted as late in spring (early summer) and in the fall. It is worth saying that Crocus can bloom in the fall, if he was planted in the month of June. At the autumn time planted spring Saplings flowers.

    Dates of planting crocuses in the fall may vary, depending on the region where the country's country is:

    • Moscow region. If during the September of the month, cold weather is preserved, planting the plant follows in early October. If the weather is warm, the landing can be transferred to the end of October - the beginning of November.
    • Leningrad region. In this region, crocuses fall on October 1-5.
    • Ural. Since in this region there is mainly cold weather, crocuses land here at the end of September.
    • Siberia. As you know, in this region the climate is the most severe, so crocuses are planted here no later than September 10th.

    Crocuses in autumn: soil preparation

    In order for crocuses to plant in the fall, you should choose correctly and prepare a landing site:

    • First of all, you should choose a glade to which sunlight penetrates well. As known, autumn period It is famous for its cloudy weather and rains, therefore it is not necessary to think that these weather phenomena can somehow damage the germination of culture, as the crocuses feel perfectly "self" and in half.
    • It is desirable that the selected area was a nutrient soil, and there was no stagnation of moisture capable of rotting the root plant of the plant.
    • In order to dispel all doubts about the humidity of the soil, it is recommended to equip drainage on the site, which is perfectly suitable for gravel or large sand.
    • Before planting the plant, feeding to the site are made. For this use peat, manure or compost.
    • If the clay impurities are present in the ground, follows upper layer Earth add some ash.
    • The soil on the site should be switched to a depth of 20 cm.
    • In addition, it is important to choose the proper seedlings for planting, they must be healthy, without flaws and spots rot.

    Landing crocuses in the fall in the ground

    The order of landing crocuses in the fall into the ground:

    1. First of all, planting wells should be made on the plot. Each bulb should be immersed in the ground at a depth of at least 8 cm. Consequently, the depth of the wells should be 10-11 cm. If crocus bulbs are too small, then you can plant them at a depth of 5-6 cm.
    2. The distance between the wells should be 7-10 cm. If small bulbs are planted, this distance can be cut to 5-6 cm. If the flowers were planted too thickly, they should soon be transplanted.
    3. After the bulb is placed in the hole, it should be picked up with a small layer of land, and then pour. However, note that crocuses do not like the abundance of moisture, so watering the plant moderately.
    4. Next, fertilizers are introduced into the soil, which is suitable compost and manure.

    Caring for crocuses

    To crocuses for a long time Pleased with beautiful and bright flowers, you should properly care for the plant:

    • Fertilizers contribute in the soil in the spring. For this, organic feeders are suitable, such as manure, peat.
    • Watering the plants moderately, only when the soil on the plot becomes too dry.
    • We should timely remove weeline herbs from the site, they interfere with the development of the root system of the plant.
    • Periodically loose the soil on the site.
    • In times of abundant rains, the area on which these flowers is planted should be carefully covered with a film.
    • If crocus flowers have a small diameter, then these indicators can be improved due to the introduction into the soil mineral fertilizer. For this, potash and phosphoric feeders are suitable.
    • Many dacities are concerned about the question of what to do if crocuses sprouted in autumn. In this case, the plant should be removed from winter cold. To do this, the site is mounted with a layer of peat and foliage.

    Caring for crocuses after flowering in autumn

    After the planted plant finishes its bloom, special care It is not required. Crocus will still long be the garden decoration, gladly glad to the color of its green leaves. When the latter yellowes and dry, dry leaves are neatly cut off, and the plant on the bulb is digging for landing for autumn. Some gardeners leave the bulbs in the ground. Do it in the event of a recent landing. If the plant is a pilot and the bushes are still enough space on the flower bed, they can be left. To do this, it is necessary to climb the soil between the bushes with a thick layer of peat or leaves. Otherwise, no special care after flowering crocuses do not require.

    Digging and storage of autumn crocus bulbs for landing

    The period of digging crocuses for landing depends on the type of plant. So, spring-working crocuses dig up from mid-June to the end of summer. It was then that the rest period begins. In the middle of autumn, springing crocuses begin their activity again. They have a rapid growth of the root system, the accumulation of nutrients for the winter.

    Ossennetsnet crocuses are digging a month before spring-driving, since the period of their activity is slightly shifted, and, accordingly, the rest period begins from mid-May until the end of July.

    After digging, the crocus bulb is cleaned from the ground, dead roots and scales, and lay a place for drying protected from the sun rays. In ideal conditions, the bulbs from the moment of extraction from the soil until the beginning of August are stored at a temperature of + 22 ° C, since the beginning of August, it is lowered by 2⁰s, and another week - another 5 ° C. Naturally, at home to achieve such temperature mode It will be very difficult, therefore stored crocuses in a dry and warm place with good ventilation. They can simply be decomposed on small boxes in one layer and put in the pantry.

    Diseases and pests crocuses

    With proper plant care, crocuses are rarely exposed to microbes-pathogens of diseases and insect pests.

    With incorrect watering and low capacity of the planting material, plant bulbs may be damaged by fungal diseases and pests:

    • Basically, the plant is purchased various forms rot: white, gray, sclerocial, and fusariosis. Sick plants must urgently remove from the bed and burn. The soil at the site of the localization of the disease is treated with antifungal preparations or a solution of mangarteau. For the prevention of the disease, a thorough selection of flakes is carried out. If the stains rot on them small, they can be slightly cut off and sprinkle the damaged place ashes. Before boarding, it is recommended to treat the planting material with a solution of a fungicide.
    • From pests most often, crocus plants deliver the problems of the wire. In case of inspection faded plant In his bulb you can detect a large number of fine holes. You can get rid of the wire with the bait. Between the bushes of crocuses lay a straw, moisturize it and cover the piece of blackboard. After some time, the pest begins to move into a straw, which is cleaned with the flower beds and burn.
    • Very often damage crocuses field mice. To combat rodents it is necessary to find their minks and fall asleep bait with poison. It is absolutely not harmful to soil and other animals, but will help get rid of the field mice for a long time.
    • Problems Crocus can create in itself. In case of poor care of the plant, the plant often develops into a weed and overshadows the entire area. To do this, timely removal of weeds should be carried out, and periodically replant plants to another place.

    Crocuses in autumn: photo

    Crocuses in autumn: video