percentage of landscaping. Big encyclopedia of oil and gas

The types of greens discussed above plantings can be used for landscaping areas of variousdestination. Landscaping is carried out in and around the settlementitem. At the same time, depending on the size of the city and village, one or another (from those listed below) types of landscaping areas can be created.

Greenszones around villages and cities include naturaland artificial forests, agricultural land and collectiveorchards. Forests in the green zone are called suburban. They serve as a reservoir fresh air for the city and development base tourism, sports and mass recreation of workers. The forests located in close proximity to the settlement, there may beturned into a forest park.

forest parksdesigned for mass visitsing. They are arranged in the most picturesque forest areas by their simplest improvement to create convenience for visitors. They arrange carriageways and pedestrian roads, on rivers and lakes - beaches, sports facilities, etc.

In cities and villages where there is no forest park belt, for their protectionsides of adverse winds artificially create forest groves and strips up to 500 m wide. Inconvenient for agriculturalland development (ravines, quarries, sands) that are in thenative zone, are used to create forest parks.

Landscaping areas within a settlement can beuse (parks, squares, boulevards, streets), limited use (intra-quarter, backyard, front gardens-polygardeners) and special purpose (hospital, school, farm skies).

Steamk - a significant green area ranging in size from severalup to tens of hectares. Lay parks usually in district centers and large villages. Parks of culture and recreation are used for sporting events, cultural and educational purposes and recreation for workers. One hundreddiones, a summer cinema, dance floors, summer reading rooms, etc. Other parks do not have these facilities.

Parks are usually laid out on the basis of existing forest plantations.dens or inconvenient lands and should be directly adjacent to the settlement. If possible, the park is divided intobank of a river, lake or pond. Combination of water and green spaces gives the park a special beauty and attractiveness and increases the opportunities for outdoor activities (swimming, boatingkah).

The park can be divided into several parts: front, central and remote. The parterre is the front part of the park. It is locatedat the entrance and is open space occupied by lawns and flower beds. Central part of the park

Busy half open prolands with placed on them woody plants in the form of groups and curtains. There are reading rooms, summer theaters, as well as various children's attractions (swings, etc.), playgrounds for sportsgames, dances, etc. The remote part of the park is a quiet arearest, it is occupied by groves, alternating with glades and forest arrays. This part of the park can gradually turn into a forest park.

All parts of the park imperceptibly merge into each other and are unitedcommon road network. Front and central parts the park can be decorated with various sculptures and fountains,equipped garden benches, gazebos, lanterns.

The layout of the park can be done in two styles: regularand free. regular style characterized by a correctly geometric layout of the road network. It is usually used whenbiking a small park on a flat area. On rough terrainuse free i.e. landscape, planning, taking into account the elementrelief cops. The front part of the park has a regular, i.e., rulenoah, planning. Figure 61 shows examples of park layoutsdifferent styles. When planning a park, from 40 to 70% of its areaallocated for tree and shrub plantations, 20-40% - for lawns and lawns, 1-3% for flower beds and 15-25% for paths, platforms and structures.

Square(garden) is laid out in the residential area on the squares near public buildings. The square is a small (0.1-0.5 ha) area of ​​landscaping, serves to decorate the place and short-term recreation for pedestrians. It has a different layout, an abundance of lawns and flower beds, benches, a well-developed network of paths. Square bordersand the paths are lined with bushes. Trees are planted in groups and singly in small numbers.

Boulevard- a multi-row landscaping strip separating the shirocking the street into two longitudinal parts. It can be arranged for a centralnaya street with a width of at least 30 m, taking under the boulevard 10-12 m. It serves as a decoration of the street, divides it into two transport directions and is a place of short-term rest for pedestriansand evening walks.

An alley of trees and shrubs is placed in the center of the boulevard with benches for rest, and along the border with the carriageway of the street - hedge from shrubs and trees. Rest of space occupy lawns. Separate areas (at the entrances, at the benches) can be decorated with flower beds, single and group plantings ornamental shrubs.

privateslandings trees and shrubs along the sidewalkmoat well decorate the street, turning it into a kind of alley, protect pedestrians from the sun and dust, and residential buildings from noise transport. Figure 62 shows a scheme of landscaping a ruralstreets of normal width (18-20 m).

Facialgarden (front garden) - small plot landscapingalong the front of the house. Its width is from 2 to 5 m. ornamental shrubs, and placed inside flower bed. The front garden decorates house facade, retains dust, softens street noises. It is part of the landscaping personal plot.

landscapingpersonal plot in villages refers to indoor landscaping. Homesteadplots occupy a significant part of the rural settlement,therefore, the nature of their landscaping has a great influence on the overall impression of the landscaping of the entire village. There is a garden here Orchard, decorative and protective plantings. Along the border the area occupied by the yard is planted with protective linear plantings (fire and wind protection). ornamental plants planted mainly in the front garden and along the front side of the estate. For garden enough to have 15-20 different fruit trees, i.e. area about 500 m 2, the rest of the area is occupied by a garden. Figure 63shows an approximate scheme of landscaping a personal plot of widthnoah 30 m.

landscapingschool site except for decorativegoals, has educational value. Planted plants shouldlive as material for classes in botany, gardening, vegetable growing and farming. In accordance with this, areas of living collections of plants: woody (arboretum), garden, garden, field and meadow. When landscaping sports grounds apply hedges and sports lawns. Along the boundaries of the schoolka create a dense hedge. In front of the facade of the school they break flower beds. At least 40% of the area is allocated for green spaces site.

Figure 64 shows exemplary project landscaping schools for 80 people.

landscaping economicbut-pproduction Terrythorium

Serves as an improvement sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Plots of farms and other industrial enterprises are separated from residential development protective forest belts not wideless than 15-20 m. Along the boundaries of the area, beyondtaken by a farm, a field camp, etc., aboutthere is an ordinary planting of trees and shrubs nicknames in 1-2 rows in the form of a hedge. Inside these areas, roads are planted trees or shrubs. If these the roads are cattle tracks or border on walking yards, which are part of plantings introduce inedible plants: sucker, skumpia, thuja, juniper, elderberry, etc. In areas of sanitary and counterhot gaps between buildings also carry out landscaping, where they arrange a plotgardens surrounded by trees and decorative bushes, for rest, serveteaching staff.

Lot placement various kinds landscaping of the inhabitedpoint should be mutually linked to the master plan for landscaping.

What ruderal plants do you know?

What plants are used for landscaping cities?

Landscaping standards

Ecological "diseases" of cities - chemical pollution atmosphere, noise pollution, video pollution, on hot days - an unfavorable microclimate due to the heating of buildings and asphalt surfaces. Most of these problems can be eliminated by "letting in" nature into the city, i.e. by planting trees and shrubs (Fig. 81). Green spaces improve the microclimate of cities: they trap dust, soot, smoke, reduce wind speed and city noise, trees reduce winter cold and summer heat.

city ​​greening standard- the area of ​​landscaped areas of common use, which falls on one resident of the city. In Russia, there are no uniform norms for landscaping now. They are developed by the administration of one or

other district, region or locality. In the EU countries, the figure of 25 m 2 is adopted as a norm for urban greening, and according to the UN recommendation, on average, each citizen should have 50 m 2 of green spaces inside the city and 300 m 2 in the suburbs (green zone). Most people are far from this mark. Russian cities: in St. Petersburg, the amount of landscaping is below 16 m 2 per person (up to 6 m 2 in the center), in Moscow - 26 m 2 away from the center and 6 m 2 in the center, in Yekaterinburg - 19 m 2, Novosibirsk - 9 m 2. In addition, under the onslaught of cars and construction, the area of ​​​​green spaces is shrinking almost everywhere. In many cities of Europe, on the contrary, the norms of landscaping are unshakably maintained.

The quality of landscaping

In the city, it is required not only to increase the planting area, but also to properly plant trees and shrubs on its territory. In our country, the climate is very diverse, and this must be taken into account in the planning and creation of green spaces. For different areas there are environmental requirements for the quality of landscaping. In the southern arid regions, trees and shrubs protect city dwellers from the scorching sun and form a barrier to dry winds. Therefore, they themselves must be resistant to drought and wind. In the north, protection from cold winds and snow drifts is necessary. In order for the "green shield" to be reliable and durable, trees and shrubs are selected according to the climate and soils. They take into account air humidity, temperature fluctuations, the presence of reservoirs and natural forests, relief features, and the direction of prevailing winds.

Today, almost in any park you can see a picture: numerous hard surfaces alternate with neatly trimmed and sparsely located trees. These plants play an aesthetic rather than a sanitary and hygienic role. Tree plantations in city parks should be dense. In addition, in a modern city, it is necessary to use tree species that are resistant to atmospheric pollution for landscaping. Thus, in Moscow, 30 promising species of trees and shrubs were selected (mainly coniferous and some poplar species). Among the species suitable for planting in the city, the most resistant to various atmospheric pollutants are white locust, Canadian poplar, sticky alder, hazel, hawthorn and others.

Green areas separate industrial zones from residential areas, border water bodies. The most effective are protective belts, which in their composition approach natural forests with dense undergrowth and undergrowth.

Ruderal plants in urban ecosystems

Important role communities of ruderal plants play in urban ecosystems. They are the first to settle in wastelands, road embankments, bare ground, heaps construction debris near new buildings, etc. As you know, this vegetation is called pioneer. The benefits of such plants in urban ecosystems are undeniable. They strengthen the soil with their roots, preventing its erosion, like other plants, absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.


      • urban landscaping standards
      • environmental requirements for the quality of landscaping
      • the role of ruderal plants in urban ecosystems


1. What ecological role does landscaping play in the city?

2. What are the environmental standards for greening cities?

3. Tell us about the environmental requirements for the quality of landscaping.

4. What role do ruderal plants play in the city?

Main provisions of the chapter

The process of urbanization is going on all over the world. Today, the number of city dwellers is about 50% of the world's population, in the future it will increase to 80 %.

Cities are heterotrophic anthropogenic ecosystems. They cannot be in balance with environment. The goal of urban ecology is to reduce the level of disequilibrium - to reduce the impact of cities on their surrounding ecosystems and to improve living conditions in the city.

Cities must develop within fixed boundaries, grow up and down, have large area green spaces, to be territorially organized into a system of microdistricts-microcosms, which fully provide their residents with everything necessary.

The main task of urban ecology is to reduce the impact of road transport on the urban environment. This problem can be overcome by replacing old cars with more environmentally friendly models, increasing the share of public transport, and improving the system of urban highways.

The most promising way to solve the problem of MSW is their sorting and processing. Currently, MSW is mainly deposited at specially equipped landfills. Incineration as an option for the destruction of MSW has no future, as it leads to air pollution and the accumulation of large volumes of toxic ash.

To provide citizens with good-quality water, it is necessary to improve the system of its purification, and most importantly, to protect watersheds from pollution. Water saving is promoted by paid water use. Water resources You can also save by dividing water into drinking and technical.

To save energy in cities, they decentralize energy sources (they introduce high-efficiency mini-CHPs), improve the thermal insulation of residential premises, and use energy-saving household appliances.

Landscaping is a universal technique for improving the urban environment. In the cities of Russia, the norms of landscaping are not maintained and the area of ​​green spaces is declining.

questions of increased complexity

§ Why urban ecosystems are not eco-city?

§ Describe the ideal transport system of the city.

      • Think about what you can do to solve the MSW problem in your city.

Industrial technosystems

Unlike agroecosystems and urban ecosystems, industrial enterprises are “dead” formations. They are so far from nature that they are called not ecosystems, but technosystems. Technosystem- This is the territory of an industrial enterprise with production facilities located there. Technosystems can be part of urban ecosystems or be isolated from them (such as mining and oil industry enterprises, large power plants, waste disposal sites).

Page 1

The landscaping area should be 40 - 45% of the area of ​​the site.

The landscaping area should be at least 15% of the area of ​​the enterprise on average.

Landscaping area [district in ha.

The landscaping area of ​​the plots should be at least 15 - 17 m2 per 1 place.

The landscaping area should be at least 15% of the area of ​​the territory of the enterprise and depends on the development factor.

The negative trend in the reduction of green areas in cities due to the withdrawal of land for development also affects the ecological state of urban areas, primarily the state of the atmosphere, which significantly worsens the living conditions of people and affects their health. Studies have shown that in terms of air quality, the East Siberian region is the most unfavorable for living. The region has the highest standardized mortality rate in Russia - 14 9 per 1000 people, there is an outflow of residents. In 10 regions Russian Federation 200 to 300 kg of pollutants entering the atmosphere fall annually on one inhabitant. Statistical data reflect the unfavorable state of health of the population, the excess of deaths over births in most regions of the country. Practically for every region of Russia there are convincing data on the impact of atmospheric air pollution on the morbidity rates of the population.

The territory of the enterprise is planted as much as possible; landscaping area should be at least 15 - 20% of the territory area industrial enterprise.  

The average cost of developing 1 hectare of area of ​​machine-building enterprises ranges from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, the area of ​​paving (drives, walkways) is 5-12%, and the area of ​​landscaping is 7-15% of the area of ​​the site.

Fire distances between buildings.

Landscaping purifies the air and is of great health value, as well as protecting from winds and city noise. The landscaping area should be at least 40% of the territory of the microdistrict. At least 10 m2 of green spaces should be provided per inhabitant.

The economic zone is located at a distance of at least 100 m from the main buildings. The landscaping area must be at least 60% of the site area.

At the sites of schools and boarding schools, sports, educational and experimental, recreational and economic zones should be provided. The landscaping area should be 40 - 50% of the area of ​​the site.

Landscaping of the research institute territory should be carried out by planting the most sustainable local tree species, including fruit and perennial shrubs as well as the conservation of existing vegetation. The landscaping area should be at least 40% of the territory of the research institute within its boundaries.

The most important element contributing to the improvement of sanitary and hygienic working conditions is the landscaping of the internal and surrounding territory. The landscaping area includes areas occupied by trees, shrubs, lawns and flower beds. Trees play a major role in this.