What are bees except honey produce. Beekeeping products and their use by man

Honey is one of the few products that is not only delicious, but also very useful for the human body. Products from honey has a huge impact on human immunity, has an antibacterial property, it helps to increase the appetite, has a soothing effect, has a positive effect on the work of the nervous system, is an excellent antiviral agent. Honey is the most important product of beekeeping. It contains a large amount of vitamins, glucose, fructose and water. There are several types of honey, and they are divided depending on how the bee plant collected pollen. The properties of honey depend on various factors, for example, a plant variety from which pollen gathered, its number, the location of the apiary, etc. But all types of honey are useful and possess healing properties. It is for this reason that honey products are in great demand in the market and are very useful.

Types of beekeeping products

Honey products have not only useful and healing properties, but are very tasty. Due to this, the treatment of ailments turns into a pleasant process. The entire range of products from honey is quite wide, the main ones are presented below.

This mousse is obtained after whipping and mixing ingredients. A mixture of honey and cedar nuts combines the beneficial properties of these products.

Cedar nuts have high nutritional value and balanced composition, quickly absorbed and positively affect the body:

  • enhance the immune system;
  • normalize pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • positively affect the gastrointestinal organs and the nervous system;
  • improve the metabolism.

Floral honey is rich in vitamins, natural enzymes, amino acids, biologically active trace elements. It is well and quickly absorbed, reassuringly affects the human body, performs a restoring function after mental, physical and emotional loads.

  • insufficient nutrition, mental and physical exhaustion of the body;
  • blood blasting to toxins, liver problems;
  • deteriorating process of digestion;
  • diseases of vessels and hearts;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.

This dessert is a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins, which benefits in the case of biochemical and physiological disorders in the human body.

Honey with cranberry or dried

This is a very useful and delicious product from honey. It helps to strengthen immunity and health.

Floral honey stirred with cranberry berries using silica technology, in a special car. Cream-honey with berries becomes similar to thick soft oil, acquiring gentle consistency. It is important that over time, it does not solidify and berries are distributed on the whole mousse evenly. The combination of these products increases their useful properties. So, this dessert:

  • enhances immunity;
  • leads to normal metabolism and improves digestion;
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • tones and strengthens the body;
  • removes harmful substances and toxins from the body;
  • this fills the lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body.

This dessert has contraindications to the application to pay attention to. It:

  • high stomach acidity;
  • low pressure;
  • ulcer or gastritis;
  • the presence of urolithiasis;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • the intolerance to beekeeping products and honey, in particular, or cranberries.

Before starting to use this dessert, make sure that it is not dangerous for you.

Honey with Kuragoy is another kind of honey mousse. This delicacy is prepared as well as honey with cranberries. In this dessert, the benefits of honey are added the healing properties of Kuragi, such as the replenishment of the lack of substances in the body, the withdrawal of toxins, the normalization of metabolism, a decrease in pressure and cholesterol level and a favorable effect on the vessels and heart.

There is cream-honey with coffee, milk, strawberry, propolis, melissa, ginger, etc. These mousses are similar to among themselves on healing qualities, so you can choose the taste and treat your favorite products.

Makoshin - an ancient product from honey

Makoshin is not a new product, it was made by our ancestors in Slavic recipe. This is a healing product obtained by the interaction of human capabilities and nature and possessing the healing properties, while absolutely everything can be used. Macascin has the following properties:

  1. Accelerates the process of removal of toxins, slags, heavy metals from the body. Helps in the work of the liver.
  2. Restores at any age potency in men.
  3. Increases skin condition, slows down the aging processes.
  4. Increases blood quality.
  5. Prevents heart attacks and strokes, improves blood circulation.
  6. Enhances health condition.
  7. Restores the endocrine system.
  8. Develops mental performance and physical endurance.
  9. It is a recovery catalyst after surgery. It is a brake of inflammatory processes.
  10. Helps to restore the hormonal balance, participates in the elimination of the problems of the mammary glands.

Perga with honey

It is a very tasty and useful delicacy that has an interesting taste. Perga reminds to taste rye bread. This product contains a large amount of vitamins, essential oils, trace elements, phytohormones and amino acids. This delicacy is recommended to consume when it is observed:

  1. Anemia and other blood diseases. This mixture improves blood rheological properties and increases the amount of hemoglobin.
  2. Worsenness, retinal destruction, Lutein lack.
  3. Disruption of erection.
  4. Endocrine diseases.
  5. Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. The substances that are in the composition of the mixture reduce the dementia manifestation and slow down the degeneration process.
  6. Liver diseases, gastrointestinal diseases.
  7. Metabolic disease. The combination of honey and perga helps both anorexia and obesity without harming the main exchange processes.
  8. Asthenia. Perga is a stimulator of muscle growth, source of energy and endurance, improves appetite and memory. This delicacy is an excellent energy.
  9. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is a good preventive tool of myocardial infarction and stroke. Delicates increases the elasticity of the walls of the vessels, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  10. Inflammatory and hormonal diseases in women.
  11. Alopecia, acne and aging nails.

In this dessert there is a combination of incompatible, but this delicacy is very tasty and useful. All the healing properties of honey are stored, and new characteristics are added, for example, a consistency. Med-souffle has a very soft and gentle consistency, easily taken by a spoon and does not dry out even after a long storage. Sweetness will like it especially those who do not like honey in pure form. It is recommended for anemia, avitaminosis, cold, decay of forces and just to raise the mood.

Honey balsams

This product is very popular among buyers. The composition of the balm is unique and rich in healing properties. There is a huge range of this product, for example:

  1. Pancreatite on honey. It is non-alcoholic balm, it is recommended for the use of children. It excites appetite, lowers the likelihood of various diseases, improves digestion.
  2. For digestion. A non-alcoholic balm, which is anti-inflammatory and antiallergic, improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps with pain in the intestine and heartburn, removes spasms.
  3. Calming. Removes increased nervousness, stress, irritability, improves sleep and gives a sense of calm and peace, increases the body's immunity.
  4. Cordial. Preserves and strengthens the condition of the heart and blood vessels, leads to normal blood pressure, improves the work of the body.
  5. Male. It is an immunomodulatory and a lining agent, leads to normal the functioning of sexual and urinary systems. Increases the level of performance and endurance.
  6. For view. Reduces the risk of eye disease, relieves fatigue, inflammation and tension, retains visual sharpness. It is recommended to take people who constantly work at the computer.
  7. Hepatic. It contributes to improving the liver and its cleansing, reduces the risk of disease, protects against the negative effects of alcohol, toxins and infections.

Contraindications for the use of copper products

Honey and bee products are not useful for everyone and not always, so it is important to know what is contraindicated to their application. As in many bee products, the honey contains substances that make it a strong allergen. Therefore, the main contraindication to the use of products from honey is individual intolerance. With honey intolerance, you will have the following signs:

  • sharp increase in temperature, the appearance of strong headaches, gravity and weakness;
  • attacks choking and difficult breathing;
  • burning and itching eyes, body, appearance of nose, swelling and redness;
  • the appearance of diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain;
  • the formation of urticaria and point hemorrhages;
  • shock and collapse (in rare cases).

There are a number of diseases and states, during the flow of which it is better not to use honey and products from it. These are the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • body temperature above 38 ° C;
  • acute gastritis;
  • aggravation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • acute pancreatitis.

Therefore, when you decide to purchase this sweet product, make sure that you do not have any of these diseases and you can use honey.

Beekeeping is the breeding of honey bees, the process, as a result of which not only honey appears, but also other useful gifts of nature. They have therapeutic properties and for a long time used by folk healers. On their basis, effective therapeutic agents are manufactured at home. What are the features of bee products?

Varieties of beekeeping products and their useful properties

The raw materials for the production of all beekeeping products are pollen, nectar and sugar discharge plants. The role of the manufacturer performs bees. They collect raw materials and modify it with their enzymes. The owner of the apiary only produces ready-made substances, produces additional processing, packages in the container and supplies consumers. What is included in the product range produced by bees?

Natural medical

The most popular product is honey. This sweet delicacy is known to every adult and child. There are many varieties in the world that are classified according to different features. Varieties are distinguished by taste, color, odor, but have similar composition and identical useful properties.

Any honey contains many carbohydrates. Their share is 75~ 90%. Honey delicacy is a complete vitamin complex and a storehouse of the macro and trace elements necessary for the proper operation of all organs and systems of the human body.

Thanks to pleasant taste and benefits, honey is widely used for cooking dishes, as well as folk medicinal and cosmetics. Daily use of only 2-3 spans of honey significantly increases human immunity. Treatment of many diseases does not work out without this product, capable of:

  • destroy viruses, fungi and bacteria;
  • suppress inflammation;
  • heal wounds burning;
  • cure skin diseases;
  • suppress pain;
  • overcome nervous tension, depression;
  • improve the work of internal organs and systems;
  • strengthen the general condition of the human body.


Beeswax is specific discharge of honey bees with a complex chemical composition. In the ule, it is used as a material for building honeycombs. The substance is solid, has various shades: white, yellow, brown or greenish. Under the influence of elevated temperatures becomes plastic.

A person meets with wax quite often. In the body, this component hits with cellular honey. Of the wax raw materials, for example, the intake, defective cells or wax, remaining after reaping honey from cells, a pure bee wax is obtained by overgrowth. The latter is used in the production of candles, the wax shell of cheese, natural cosmetics, polishing compositions, etc.

Wax has pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Due to this, it is widely used in the treatment of wounds, burns, cuts, skin rashes. It is added to creams and ointment for skin care.

Bee pollen

Another very useful component is pollen. This is a multi-colored mixture of small diameter balls (1-3 mm) with a spicy taste and a flower-honey smell. On the maintenance of nutrients, it exceeds honey.

The bee, gathering pollen from the plant, scraps her with his feet with legs, so it is called the rank. Considering the dust, the insect handles them with their enzymes, glues into the granules and stacked in special baskets on the rear legs. Thanks to this procedure, losses are excluded during transportation in the hive.

For the bees of pollen as a food product takes the first place to significantly and second to the emitted volume. She feed the larvae and a young queen. For people, the merciless value is important. Its systematic use improves the work of human organs and systems, provides the body with nutrients. Pollen has a beneficial effect on the urinary system and helps to fight with male ailments and gynecological diseases.

Propolis (bee glue)

Many heard about the propolise, but not everyone knows how it looks in its pure form. People often face any means based on propolis, such as toothpastes. In pharmacies you can find the propuls in the tincture, hoods, and the beekeepers sell a substance in a natural state.

This formation is obtained by collecting and enzyme treatment with bees adhesive fluid, released in the spring months on the surface of the kidney of trees. In the hive, the bee adhesive serves as material for embedding cracks, cracks, holes. It also uses disinfection of cells and mummation of large foreign objects, which bees are not able to extract outwards.

Like other beekeeping products, propolis is used to prevent and strengthen the body, treatment, cosmetic care. Especially expressed its disinfecting property. In addition, propolis has a cleansing effect, contributes to the enrichment of the body with vitamins and minerals, provides protection against external adverse effects, is used as an antidepressant.

Bee submor

Bee submorship is the dead bees. Some insect share perishes in winter. They fall on the bottom of the hive and turn into a dry mass. Beekeepers collect insects in the spring in the spring before the start of the departure of the bees. This is a natural way to obtain a submo. Sometimes the beekens specifically exude bees hunger to collect submorship artificial way.

In the bee organism there are all useful elements that are part of honey, pollen, perma, propolis. Active substances are preserved after the death and drying of the Taurus. In addition, submorshess is characterized by a harmonious combination of bee poison, fat and chitinos.

Nice submass without mold and signs of rotting are used in folk medicine for the preparation of aquatic and alcohol tinctures. The latter are not suitable for intake, since under the influence of alcohol, the bees poison decomposes. Such universal funds have all the properties characteristic of finite products. Its use has a healing effect.

Bee poison

The bee poison (apicoxin) looks like a transparent liquid with a yellowish tint. The substance is produced by the glands of workers bees. When attacking the sting stares in the skin of a person, leaves against the insect's calf, it flies and almost immediately dies. The poison immediately begins to act, activating the protective functions of the body.

Most people are afraid of bites and avoids an unpleasant meeting with bees. This is explained by the high risk of allergic reactions. Nevertheless, the bee poison is actively used in the fight against various diseases. Apitoxinotherapy implies use in therapeutic purposes of drugs based on poison bee, as well as the introduction of the product naturally. The benefits of poison for the human body:

  • reduced blood coagulation;
  • increase in hemoglobin levels;
  • reducing cholesterol;
  • extension of vessels;
  • stimulation of blood flow to the patient;
  • normalization of sleep and appetite;
  • improvability.

Other products

There are other vital products of bees that have a healing effect. Perga is a bee treated with enzymes, canned with honey and lactic acid by the bees. Its antitoxic properties are more pronounced than pollen. In the photo they look like.

Honey in honeycombs of bees is sealing with special caps that are called "Rasub". These sectors are made of insect saliva, pollen, honey and propolis, so they have many beneficial properties. Used Radial as chewing product.

As a result of the passwords, a new product of black, similar to humidia, appears. It is called measure. It is considered to be a waste containing the remains of larvae, Perga, wax. After processing, measurements on excobated plants receive pressed water, which serves as a source of vitamins for livestock and birds.

The feed bees feed the larvae by royal milk. They produce such food in the maxillary gland. The product is similar to white cheelle and has a complex composition.

His mining, removing from the satellites. When using a person in the body, metabolic processes are activated, the tone, physical and mental indicators increase, is normalized by blood pressure, the work of the heart and blood vessels improves.

What pathological processes can be eliminated using beekeeping products?

The effectiveness of all products manufactured by bees has long been proven. With their help, you can quickly eliminate:

  • viral infections, cold, flu;
  • inflammation of a different nature;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • disorders in the work of the digestive system;
  • anemia;
  • impairment;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • problems with leather and damage to the epidermis;
  • heart and vessel pathology;
  • imminent immunity;
  • infertility;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • disorders of the urogenital system in men;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • dental problems;
  • oncological diseases.

This is an incomplete list. Products are shown both for outdoor and internal use. Based on propolis prepares solutions for rinsing. Wax chew as chewing gum.

Effective folk remedies based on beekeeping products

Folk Lekari recommend prepare warheads from natural products with their own hands. It is necessary to choose natural quality components, comply with production technology, conditions and storage time. In order to avoid the occurrence of side effects, they are used according to a special scheme.

For treating ailments

Beekeeping products are able to quickly get rid of various ailments. Some of them are in pure form, others are used to prepare folk remedies. Consider some recipes for efficient and affordable funds.

The table shows dosages for adults. For a child, it is necessary to reduce the dose by 2 times.

DiseasePeople's recipeMode of application
Gastritis, ulcer stomachStir and peel on fire until the mass is doubled: 1 tsp. Honey, 1 tbsp. l. The root of licorice, 1 tsp. Freight of orange zest, 200 ml of water.The cold and filtered liquid is drunk during the day in 3 reception. The course of treatment lasts a month and repeats in 2-3 weeks.
Bring to a boil 1 kg of oil, add 100 g of overgrown propolis and cook for 15 minutes. Strain.Take 1 h. Three times a day 60 minutes before meals. Course treatment - 3 weeks.
Patient throat, coughIn 1 tbsp. Boiled and cold milk dilute 1 tsp. Honey and a piece of butter.Drink out small sips per reception.
RubbleFrozen propolis ball rub on a grater and pour water in a ratio of 1:10. Hold the solution on a water bath for 2 hours, filter and stored in the cold.Cell the need for 3-4 drops in each nasal stroke.
Sweeping on the skin, glasses50 g of propolis pour alcohol for 12 hours. Boil 50 g of vaseline, cool and mix with propolis. Heat up to 80 degrees and strain.Ointment is applied to problem areas of the skin as needed.
Grinding propolis insist in water in a ratio of 1:10. Place the mixture in the thermos per day.Wipe the affected area.
Liver diseasesMix the ranks and honey in equal proportions. 1 dessert spoon of mixture dilute in 200 ml of water.Drink at a complete glass of the solution 3 times a day. The duration of reception is 4-6 weeks. After 3 weeks, the course repeat.
Weak potencyMake a paste of 25 g of pollen, 100 g of oil and 50 g of honey.Within a month 2 times a day, eat a sandwich from black bread and paste.
2 handstones pour 1 l boiling water, to decrease the volume twice. Strain.Therapy lasts 6 weeks: in the first two use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, the following two - 2 tbsp. l., the last two - 3 tbsp. l. Make a break for 4 months, after another 30 days take 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day.
Diseases of the joints and muscles1 tbsp. l. Podmor insist for 3 weeks in a glass of alcohol.Apply externally.
Make a mixture of 25 g of Perga and 60 g of honey, add hyrine juice (15 ml) and vegetable oil (30 ml). Heat the composition up to 50 degrees.Apply to the joint for 20 minutes.
Connect 25 g of pollen polls, 120 g of honey and 30 g of aloe juice.Apply a compress for 40 minutes.

To increase immunity and for prevention

In preventive purposes, each honey product is used. Honey, Perm and pollen are recommended to be used daily in its pure form. You can mix the ingredients with each other. Radru and wax chew over a few minutes. Propolis is used in the form of an aqueous solution. Using these substances to strengthen immunity, it is important to comply with daytime norms presented in the table.

Beekeeping products - Natural products unique in their biological properties that nature presented us. They are used for recovery, prevention of diseases and as part of the complex treatment of diseases of cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, immune systems. In folk medicine, bee products: propolis, pollen, perga, wax and others - many centuries are used.

Useful properties of beekeeping products

All beekeeping products are in their composition biologically active substances, a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and fatty acids that are necessary for our body for growth, development. They are involved in tissue regeneration, restore immunity and metabolism, possess bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Beekeeping products


From her, the bees make Perma to feed the family. Pollen is distinguished by a high content of protein, minerals and vitamins, normalizes the metabolism and biochemical processes in the human body. It is taken inside.


Another name is bee glue. Propolis has a pronounced bactericidal effect, based on its basis and tincture.


This bee beekeeper product is produced from pollen: put it in cells, processed by its saliva, the fermentation is obtained - the severity is fed off the mixture. Perma is taken as an additive to food. It has a high nutritional value, absorbed by the human body almost completely.

Royal Milk

Supervision and valuable bee product, which is distinguished by the feeding bees. It is collected and adsorbed, make out of it granules or pills that take in food. Milk is rich in all necessary substances, activates metabolic processes, improves blood formation, helps the body quickly recover after severe physical and mental loads.

Trutne Milk

Drone larvae grind, adsorb the resulting homogeneous mass in the granules is taken into eating. Homogenate is rich in hormones, trace elements, vitamins and other useful connections.


The product of beekeeping is dead honey bees. They are collected after wintering. Mazi and alcohol tincture are made from the subport.


Complicated chemical composition. Substance. It has bactericidal properties, used in the production of medicinal and cosmetics. Beekeepers make a massacre and candles from it.

Beekeeping products from the company "Health from Nature"

Useful properties, readings for use and methods of reception are described in detail in products and instructions. Before use, consult your doctor. Individual intolerance to the components is possible.

Offer buy beekeeping products In our online store. All products are natural, assembled at the Eggs of Russia, have certificates of conformity.

Perform wholesale and retail orders. The price of beekeeping products depends on the delivery volumes. Order honey and bee products on the site, we will deliver them in Moscow and all of Russia.

It is not necessary to talk about the benefits of honey. Everyone has been familiar with him from an early age. However, this is not the only beneficial product of beekeeping.

Words "Merva", "Rashub", "Submorst", etc. Many people do not talk about, however, the value of such delicacies in certain cases is noticeably higher than the benefits of the honey.

Natural honey is one of the most valuable products for the human body.

The scope of use covers all the systems of the human body, and the complex reception has a therapeutic effect with a variety of diseases.


Value is manifested in the following directions:

  • raising blood clotting;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • the improvement of the musculoskeletal system (the property explains the use of joints, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other diseases);
  • strengthening effect on the heart muscle;
  • normalization of blood pressure and nervous system operation;
  • activation of immune protection;
  • healing effect on the urinary system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, lungs, bronchi;
  • enrichment of the body with vitamin and mineral components and energy;
  • assistance in recovery after serious diseases;
  • the provision of a secreting, bactericidal effect;
  • prevention of problems with potency in men;
  • suppression of symptoms during menopausal changes in the feminine organism;
  • improving sleep quality;
  • converting effect on the skin (nutrition, increasing tone, smoothing small wrinkles, solution
  • problems of increased dryness, braking age-related wilting);
  • use for hair (nutrition, moisturizing, warning sequentious tips).


Alexander, 36 years old, St. Petersburg

My grandfather lives in the village and holds a passion. Heavy labor on earth, economy, work throughout the daylight, and it is not necessary for him. In 89 years, he is externally, physically morally age. He does not have to talk about genetics: his younger brothers do not differ in the normal way of life. Grandfathers secret in eating honey. He does not spend time on the preparation of honey deals, but simply there is its spoons instead of sweets, sugar, jam.

Vitalin, 41 years old, Izhevsk

Pharmacy shelves die diversity. The effectiveness of half of this "beauty" has not been proven. Many times moved medication. Now I try to give preference to the recipes of traditional medicine. Fresh component - honey. I combine it with Aloe in order to raise immunity, with freshly sowed juice with anemia, with cranberry juice with kidney problems (Endless List). The effect is insufficient, but always noticeable.


The product is the result of the vital activity of bees-workers.

He acts as tools for the construction of cells - the warehouses of the feed base (Perga, Honey) and the places of cultivation of the younger generation.


Value is the following aspects:

  • assistance in therapy otitov, angino, bronchitis, rhinitis, similar to colds and viral diseases;
  • reducing the susceptibility of teeth to stimuli (hot and cold);
  • suppression of inflammatory foci in the field of gynecology, dermatology, dentistry;
  • assistance in the treatment of nicotine addiction;
  • addition of treatment with periodontal treatment, stomatitis;
  • rendering a disinfectant, anesthetic, sorbing effect;
  • increasing the speed of regenerative processes (the property provides applicability of damage to the epidermis);
  • stimulation of the domestic secretion glands;
  • moisturizing and feeding of skin when external use.


Olga, 29 years old, Novosibirsk

I was worried about the problem with the gum since childhood. They periodically frowned and bleeded. Clear diagnosis did not put the doctors. In his youth, once every six months passed regular wellness treatments from the periodontologist. The choice of pastes and rinsers for the oral cavity was responsible. Over time, I got used to the problem and stopped noticing it. Refused treatment. A year ago I bought honey from a stranger. The range of goods was impressive. I asked about the products sold, and it turned out to be talkative. As a result, learned a lot of interesting information. He spoke about the benefits of wax for the oral cavity and, having learned about the existing problem, put a piece as a gift. After a week of daily chewing, I was pleasantly surprised: the effect was manifested, which dentists could not achieve for 15 years.

Polina, 28 years old, Vladivostok

I am a beautician with dermatological education. The specifics of the profession made my gaze terribly critical. I find a lot of flaws on my skin, and I try to fight with them gentle methods (thanks to the knowledge available!). The cream makes it yourself. The last discovery is a means based on beeswax. The basic ingredient complement the similar amount of cocoa oil. The composition is melted on a water bath and add vaseline, grapes and peach squeezes. With the help of a cream, I struggle with increased dry skin of the face.


The second name of the product is the beeshum. "Production" process of its preparation is simple. Bees in the honeycomb period are engaged in collecting pollen with flowering plants.

They are enveloping the smallest particles of saliva, milkers are formed. In this form, the workers are transferred to the product in the dwelling. Next, skillful beekeepers start working.

They block the entrance to the evidence of pollen collectors. Puting through narrow holes, bees drop production into a prepared container and sent for a re-portion.

Pollen in structure and sizes resembles a buckwheat. Possible coloring options: yellow, brown, purple. There are no taste. Smell saturated-floral.

Article for you:

Palm pollen: benefits for men and women, way of use, possible harm


The valuation of pollen is impressive and manifests itself in the following aspects:

  • improving the productivity of the work of the immune system;
  • enrichment of the body with energy and many vitamin and mineral components;
  • activation of attention and memory abilities;
  • acceleration of rehabilitation after diseases;
  • bringing pressure to the pressure, harmful cholesterol;
  • prevention of development and assistance in the treatment of diseases of cardiovascular and digestive systems;
  • improvement of appetite;
  • increase the speed of exchange processes;
  • solving the problem of the abdomen;
  • prevention of the development of myopia;
  • health influence on the reproductive function and sexual system as a whole;
  • removal of fatigue;
  • maintaining psychological equilibrium;
  • use in cosmetic directions for hair, nails, skin.


Valeria, 26 years old, Saratov

I have a beetner - a beekeeper with experience. He is trying in every possible way to attach us with her husband to his addiction. Before marriage, my knowledge of beekeeping products was limited to information about the elementary benefits of honey. After 4 years in marriage, I became an expert. Father "I introduced me to the bee pollen. The effect of the use is noticeable: I stopped sick. I advise you to take pollen to everyone who has problems with immunity.

Propolis (mumina)

The source of substances are spring kidney trees. From them, the bees for construction purposes collect a gluing agent. In the future, workers use it to strengthen housing.

The collection of the product lies in scraping with the hives. At the output, the product is similar to plasticine. Characteristic color - brown.


The use of traditional medicine is due to such properties:

  • rendering a disinfectant, antioxidant, anesthetic effect;
  • a detrimental effect on fungi, bacteria, viruses (as a result of numerous experiments, addictive
  • pathogenic microorganisms to the action of propolis were not identified);
  • excretion of slags and toxins;
  • increasing the enrichment of cells and tissues of oxygen;
  • reducing the level of "harmful" cholesterol;
  • a healing effect on mucous membranes and skin;
  • braking external age-related changes;
  • increase the speed of regenerative processes.

The tincture of propolis applies to therapeutic purposes at:

  • mechanical and thermal damage to the skin;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • ORVI and colds;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • reduced immunity and avitaminosis.


Evgenia, 35 years old, Kazan

Propolis is a wonderful remedy for sore throat. I tried an action on myself, my husband, children. Helps everyone. At the initial stages of the disease, it is enough for 3 times to sow a lump for 10 minutes, and pain sneeze. Plus, recovery occurs in 2 days. When the effect running, the effect will have to wait longer. Do not use medications in parallel. We treat the throat exclusively by this recipe.

Victoria, 36 years old, Cheboksary

The product is the remnants after the overflow of bee honeycombs. Its valuable properties are underestimated.

Externally, the Merva is a brown-black and black substance. Depending on the processing conducted (baking, industrial), the wax content fluctuates in the range of 25-50%.


Value consists in vitamins, minerals, microelements.

Applicability in folk medicine is determined by the ability to suppress pain syndrome from various departments of the propulsion system.

For this purpose, compresses are imposed on the area of \u200b\u200bdisturbing joints / ligaments.

More often, the measure is used in agriculture to accelerate the growth of animals and plants. Application options:

  • watering crops recycled and enriched with valuable water elements;
  • sweep dry raw materials under roots;
  • adding in animal feed.


Alexander, 33 years old, Yekaterinburg

We have a small household plot. Previously, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, ... Set standard. Over time, the part was planted with a garden, and they grow strawberries on the rest of the land. We eat harvest yourself, so do not use chemicals for fertilizer. For strawberries we replace them with a measure. The effect is tangible. Other cultures have not yet been experimenting.

At the end of the summer period, conscientious hostesses prepare reserves for the winter. They put in banks all sorts of seasonal yums and hermetically covered with covers.

Bees are engaged in similar conservation. The workers seal honey in cells wax. Such "covers" are called the offset.

The collection lies in the obvious procedure - cut off with a knife. As a result, a mass is obtained with impurities of a plurality of beekeeping products.


The effect of consumption is the following aspects:

  • removal of toxins;
  • rendering antibacterial and expectorant influence;
  • improving the protective properties of immunity;
  • decrease in physical fatigue;
  • an increase in appetite;
  • an overwhelming effect on microbes and inflammation of various kinds;
  • acceleration of regenerative and metabolic processes;
  • suppression of symptoms of manifestation of allergies;
  • enrichment of the body with valuable elements;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • help with cough, rope, ARVI, flu, stomatitis, periodontal disease, articular diseases;
  • healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract, heart, vessels;
  • prevention of caries;
  • increase activity.

Article for you:

Useful properties and contraindications of honey with propolis, use in folk medicine and cosmetology


Anatoly, 52 years old, Novosibirsk

For me, beekeeping is a matter of life. These are hobbies, and earnings, and recovery. I started to do without mentors and teachers: I read, asked, experimented. Over time, I met a multitude of beekeeping products. One of them is the Rasub. First used it for the treatment and prevention of colds. Now in our family, dependence on the delicacy was developed. Grandchildren are delighted with such a "chewing"! Our strong health is the merit of bee-workers.

The duration of life at the bees is not more than 3/4 years. In adverse conditions and in the summer heat, the indicator is reduced to one and a half months.

During the winter period, there is a 1/2 kilogram of insects in each family. Poons collect dead bees. "Production" is called subormal.

Traditional medicine does not use such raw materials, but real performance does not make it possible to deny his benefit.


The effect of drinking use is manifested in the following directions:

  • replenishment of the reserve of vitamin and mineral components;
  • improving immune protection, performance and endurance;
  • acceleration of blood supply, metabolism of fats, regenerative processes;
  • healing effect on gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, liver, vessels, endocrine system, thyroid gland;
  • removal of heavy metals salts, toxins, slags;
  • lowering the level of harmful cholesterol;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis, overweight;
  • suppression of inflammatory foci;
  • anesthetic action;
  • assistance in the treatment of diseases of respiratory and urogenital systems.


Polina, 31 years old, Volgograd

My daughter up to three years of age sick 2-3 times a year, and after the design of the kindergarten began horror! We did not go for longer than 5 days in a row for six months. Angina, ORVI, bronchitis, lung inflammation. We passed this list several times. Once at the reception, the elderly pediatrician was examined. Our experience of walking to the garden did not cause him surprise. He calmed me and advised me to stock up the bee subormal for strengthening children's immunity. The next day I found a "medicine", combined it with vodka and left for a half months (at that time, we refused the kindergarten). The prescribed course meant the reception 2 drops of tincture daily. So for 60 days. From the first days of drinking daughter returned to the children's team. Now passed a month and a half. We are still holding, even smoothed I'm afraid!

Natalia, 43 years old, Tula

My friend advised the baths with subormal. She managed to treat joints with such a procedure. The first session was morally difficult to decide. I tried not to think about the nature of the origin of raw materials, and later I forgot about it. I brewed 2 tablespoons of the product in a liter of boiling water, insisted for an hour and poured the leaked fluid into the bathroom. To remove fatigue from the legs of a fairly five-minute procedure. The manifestation of therapeutic effect on sore joints I noticed after 3 repetitions.

Honeymobile workers are painstakingly harvest for the winter for themselves. They tightly laid pollen in combination with honey and saliva in cells.

Specific conditions cause activation of fermentation processes. Pharmally canned with dairy acid becomes an incredited fungal and bacterial striking.

By painstaking work, beekeepers retrieve the product. The scope of use of the latter is wide enough.


Therapeutic effects of Perga is due to the following properties:

  • a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria;
  • increased body resistance in front of various diseases;
  • assistance in the treatment of colds, ARVI;
  • acceleration of muscle growth processes;
  • an increase in endurance, reserve of physical forces;
  • warning anemia;
  • healing effect on the respiratory and urinary system, on the heart and vessels, on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • reducing cholesterol;
  • bringing into the norm of the psychological state;
  • improving memory abilities.

If any person ask a question: "What are the products of beekeeping?", In response, most likely, hear only three - four names - honey, pollen, wax, propolis. In fact, this list of beekeeping is much wider, as practically everything that produces a bee, and she itself, among other things, a valuable source of trace elements. This fact is recognized as folk and evidentia medicine. The benefits of beekeeping products in a unique composition, which presented us with the nature of Mother.

Bee products are all that produces a bee:

  • pollen (or bee rang)
  • perg.
  • commus
  • propolis
  • bee poison
  • royal Milk
  • trutne Milk
  • merva

Many names from this list are familiar only to butchers. For each beekeeping product, a person has found his way to use, watching and analyzing how one or another product affects. If you look at the hospitals of two hundred years ago, then honey, judging by them, Panacea from all diseases - they and other beekeeping products were treated by everything - from a cold before the fracture.

Beekeeping products are good for prevention, and for treating diseases, and their use in cosmetology, perfumery.

We offer in detail to consider each product, and what it can be useful.


If you have ever managed to visit the fair of honey, which is satisfied every year in almost all cities and villages of Russia, then you know that honey varieties simply do not consider it, it distinguishes:

  • at the place of origin. For example, Altai honey is appreciated by what is going in environmentally friendly regions, and the Bashkir since 2005 is also a patented trademark.
  • on botanical origin. Floral - depending on which colors the nectar was assembled, honey and other bee products will be filled with fragrant notes of these plants (acacia, lime, raspberry, sea buckthorn, buckwheel, etc.). Falling - in Russia, such a product of beekeeping is considered to be somehorn, since the bees collect a feast of animal origin. The step is called a sweet liquid on the leaves of plants from insect discharge. Falling bees eat, only if there are no blooming plants.
  • by consistency. Liquid - such a consistency honey has immediately after the fence from the cell. Scrightened - the next stage of honey, occurs after a while. How much time should pass for crystallization depends on the source plant and on the ambient temperature. On the properties of the product, crystallization is not reflected in any way.

Honey may be dark and light. The color also depends on the honey.

The adopted shelf life is 1 year, after a year, the product of beekeeping in principle can also be used, but the number of useful substances in it begins to shrink. The presence of sourness in honey is a direct sign of starting fermentation.

Many beekeepers argue that honey can be kept for years. This statement is true only if honey was in the ulle, in closed cells, such conditions are favorable for the preservation of honey nutrients. But as soon as the pumping occurred, factors such as temperature, light, humidity, which are not the best can affect the product.

Honey is known for its amazing effect in the treatment of many diseases - ORZ, cough, inflammation, nervous disorders, but beekeeping products is an active biological additive, and it has its own contraindications. It is not recommended for children to 1 year, as it is believed that in their digestive tract there are no enzymes that contribute to the absorption of honey, which can lead to such a terrible disease as botulism. It is also not necessary to use if an allergy is observed to any beekeeping products.

Farring and Perg.

The bee rang is a flower pollen treated with saliva bees. Bees collect her in the hive to feed the larvae, as well as this basic diet of bees in winter.

The name of the "Communion" itself comes from the method of delivering pollen - on the legs, that is, legs.

In the pure form, the bee pollen do not use it, they are crushed it, fold in honeycombs and poured with honey, wetting all this kind of saliva - this product of beekeeping is already called Perga, or in the astounding "bee bread". Perga is even more saturated with vitamins and microelements, and also has a longer shelf life than pollen.

Both bee products are used to increase immunity, but Perga has passed natural processing, and is distinguished by better digestibility, higher nutritional value and wealth of vitamins, long storage.

Pollen apply 1 teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. Perga is mixed with honey. Such a feeding of the body will increase the level of hemoglobin, to resist viruses and stress, improve appetite, reduce cholesterol.


This is a natural insulation and an antiseptic, which bees produce for their home-building. The antiseptic properties of propolis among other bee products are surprised. It is so known that when a large insect or animals get into the hive, which bees cannot pull out of their home, they begin to actively smear the unexpected guest by propolis, thereby preventing decomposition.

This product can easily withstand high temperatures, it can be boiled and the healing properties will not destroy it, it is well soluble in alcohol.

Propolis occupies a leader among other beekeeping products used to increase immunity , And all thanks to the content of the full composition of trace elements and amino acids, which are necessary for a person.


This is the main component for the construction of bee honeycombs. For a person, the value of the bactericidal properties of bee wax. The product is poorly soluble in water, and it is mainly used as ointments, creams and patches. The wax is well regenerated by the skin, so indispensable in the treatment of wounds, burns, ulcers and inflammation.

Beeswax has an unlimited shelf life, but storage conditions still cost - should be dry, cool and dark.

What is needed for something

Merva is what remained after the overpowering of old cells, it can be found fragments of all zviteniy bees (and larvae, and propolis, and small litter). But even this at first glance, a useless substance in beekeeping found its application.

For Medicine, Merva does not represent much interest, the only thing that it can be consolidated is the appliques for the joints and the preparation of compresses.

The main direction of the use of measure is as a vitamin additive for animals on farms. This product of beekeeping is vitamined by broiler chickens, increasing their resistance to various diseases.

Merva is also used as a natural fertilization of plants - fruit trees and bushes. Especially good reacts to such a strawberry.

Royal Milk

First of all, it is the food of bee uterus, it is a royal milk, it feeds all its life, it also serves as feed and for uterine larvae in the first 7 days.

The uterine milk is surprisingly on its healing composition, which is adjusted for the age of the larva - young larvae get a more saturated product product.

It has been used in medicine from time immemorial. It is now actively studying the effect of the uterine milk on cancer cells, if the disease is detected at an early stage.

This beekeeping product has a healthy property for women's health, it is often prescribed to women planning pregnancy.

The drug is prescribed 2-3 times a day at 20-30 mg under the tongue. Take one hour before eating. The uterine milk can be used in the form of tablets or in liquid form.

It taste is an acidic mass in the form of jelly, from here and the second name "Royal Jelly" occurred.


When taking, it should be noted that the substance has a barrier property, so in the evening it is better not to use it, otherwise insomnia suffers.

The value of the substance is that it launches the protective functions of the body, provoking its independent struggle with a few.

The royal milk improves the memory well, so in demand among students and the elderly.

All young mommies are known to the drug apilax, it is his all - from doctors to neighbors - advised to take after the birth of a baby to improve the production of milk. So this is the uterine milk dried by vacuum at low temperatures.

This field of beekeeping is indispensable when restoring after stroke and infarction, as it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system of man. Promotes the improvement of blood flow in the spine and brain.

Pediatricians prescribe it and kids in cases of nutritional disorders and the absence of appetite (this is one of the products of beekeeping, which is not contraindicated for breast-age children). It promotes not only the increase in the appetite of the baby, but at times it strengthens the immunity.

Also, the product is widely used in cosmetology. Healing cream can be easily done at home, for this it is enough to add 30 g of milk into cream and mix well. Now you can use the cream as usual, and in a week you will see the result - wrinkles around the eyes will become less noticeable, and the skin will become more elastic.

By the same principle you can cook and hair mask. For better penetration of the substance, keep the mask from 15 to 30 minutes.

Contraindications in the royal milk a little:

  • allergy to beekeeping products
  • diseases of adrenal glands
  • diabetes

With caution, it is necessary to apply if the patient has a sleep disturbance, as the uterine milk provokes strong excitement. If you need to use the drug after all, it makes sense to transfer the reception to the morning clock or reduce the dosage.

Trutne Milk

In fact, this is not quite milk, and the official name is a drone homogenate.

Get it at an apiary by collecting weekly larvae drone (male individuals bees, they are involved only in fertilization), which are then sent to a special press. A fluid is formed under the press, here it is just the same and called the drone milk.

The shelf life of the drone milk is small, so it can be preserved, stirring with honey (such a product will be stored until half a year), the method of vacuum drying is also widely used, and ordinary tablets are obtained.

This field of beekeeping is actively used in the treatment of all kinds of disorders - stress, chronic fatigue, postpartum depression, nervousness, consequences of menopause.

Homogenate is not something delicious, despite the fact that few people know about him. Drutones are always a lot in nature, so the price of milk is quite acceptable for any wallet.

The dosage depends on the release form if you take in tablets, then follow the instructions for packaging. For dry product, it is enough to dissipate the floor of a teaspoon for half an hour before meals. For honey mixture, the dosage is 1-2 teaspoons per day. Take better in the morning hours, then the charge of cheerfulness and strength can be used for good.


Another little-known product of beekeeping. The Radru is a cut upper part of the cells, the bees so seal the cells with honey to save it. The rebound mainly consists of the secrets of the healing glands, propolis, wax, perg and pollen.

It is from the intake that the wax of high quality is obtained.

The beekeeping product is used as a natural chewing, which perfectly disinfects the oral cavity, purifies the gums, normalizes the metabolism.

Such a rhyme is prescribed at stomatitis, angina, gingivitis, periodontal disease. With regular use, you can even defeat the dented stone.


When a simple man will find out what kindmore is, the first reaction is a small shock. There are simply no waste in beekeeping.

Podmorsh is just the dead insects, assembling that can be made on the basis of the tincture with the use of alcohol or vodka.

The collected insects are moved, purified from garbage and dried at a temperature of + 50 ° C. Now you can cook alcohol tincture.

The primor tincture is shown for the prevention of viral and infectious diseases, strengthening male health, to treat the disease of the genitourinary system, prostatitis, adenoma, diseases of the joints.

Bee poison

Everyone knows about this product of life, every time in life had to experience a bee bite, the impressions are most likely an adversity.

The bee poison is widely used in pharmaceutical and medicine. On its basis, a huge number of ointments are produced, aimed at the treatment of arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, various manifestations of allergic reactions on the skin.

Harvesting of the bee poison takes place in the late spring - early summer.

Also in medical practice it is used to "dragging" alive bees. A bee is applied to certain points, sting, she injected poison, after which the bee is cleaned, and the sting remains in the skin for another 1 hour.

This is quite a serious substance, and it is possible to carry out therapeutic manipulations only under the supervision of an experienced physician.

Despite the highly efficient healing properties of beekeeping products, it is not necessary to abandon full medical treatment in the event of serious diseases, apitherapy can only have an auxiliary impact on the way to healthy life.