Dug up tulips what next. Information for the gardener: how to care for tulips after flowering? Should I fertilize a wilted plant?

Recommendations on how to care for tulips after flowering will certainly be useful to those gardeners who are interested in preserving their varietal characteristics. Growing any bulbous flowers has its own characteristics. To ensure the lush flowering of a flower bed with tulips next spring, you need to get a quality planting material. And the main preparation of the bulbs begins from the moment the petals fall.

Watering and feeding

It would seem that just yesterday, blooming tulips amazed with their magnificence and were the main accent of the flower bed. And today, disheveled buds and untidy stems have become unattractive. About what to do, maybe cut them clean and forget until next spring, inexperienced gardeners ask. You need to remember rule number 1: when the tulips have faded, you can not immediately cut off the leaves from them. Even if they turned yellow and withered. Another 2-3 weeks after flowering in the bulbs continue to accumulate useful microelements and the energy of the sun coming through the leaves of plants. To interrupt the process of formation of planting material means, later, to get a weak bulb, which is unlikely to please the next year with a large flower.

Another 1 question of interest to beginner gardeners: do I need to cut the seed box? If the tulips have faded, it must be immediately removed or cut off with the stem, leaving at least 2 leaves on it. Then it will not take energy from the bulb to ripen the seeds.

All fallen petals should also be removed. Once in the axils of the leaves, they cause their decay.

When the bulbs have faded, what can be done to keep the flower bed in an attractive form? You can mask yellowed leaves with perennials, such as phlox. Some gardeners use a different technique: they take a metal hairpin and bend the unsightly faded stem to the ground. Another way is to grow tulips in special baskets or containers. During flowering, they will decorate the patio, flower bed, terrace, and then containers with ripening bulbs can simply be removed to another place in the garden.

As already mentioned, for some time after flowering, the bulb actively accumulates nutrients in itself. She needs moisture and nutrition. Therefore, do not relax. Care for tulips after flowering consists of watering as needed and one top dressing. You can purchase conventional mineral fertilizers intended for bulbous crops, only they are applied 2 times less than what is written in the instructions. Otherwise, the bulbs may get a chemical burn. Renders beneficial effect for tulips and phosphorus-potassium mixture (30-40 g per 1 m²). But what should never be done is to introduce manure, nitrogen and chlorine.

So, to summarize rule number 2: after flowering, tulips need watering and feeding for another 2-3 weeks.

Planting material preparation

Another nuance in growing tulips: they are dug up annually and transplanted to a new place in the fall. The exception is red tulips, but even after a certain number of years they begin to disappear. In the southern regions, where in early April the air warms up to 20 ° C, gardeners transplant bulbs every 2-3 years.

A few words about why tulips require an annual transplant. Their bulbs have the peculiarity to go deep into the ground, and every year it gets deeper. To germinate, they require a lot of food and strength, and as a result, they can die. Rule number 3 should be remembered: tulip bulbs must be dug up annually.

Another 1 question that may arise when growing tulips: how to find the location of the bulbs? Indeed, after the foliage dries, the bed is leveled. But tulips can be distinguished a little earlier with flags or other marks.

Most right time for the collection of bulbs - the middle of summer. Can you tell if they are ready? You need to dig up 1 copy and examine it: it should be covered with brown scales and have roots.

Now they are preparing several cardboard boxes where they will put the bulbs, leaflets with the inscription of varieties, and a container with a disinfectant solution (you can use 5% potassium permanganate). Then you can get to work. Let it be not too cloudy outside, but not sunny either. With a garden spatula, the bulbs are carefully dug up and the weak, small and damaged ones are discarded. High-quality specimens are treated with a solution, and then laid out in boxes, depending on the variety. The dug heads are dried and stored in a ventilated warm room for 1.5-2 months, always shading. And then they are planted in a new place.

Tulips are often given beautiful half humanity on March 8, they are, as it were, a symbol of spring, femininity, tenderness. But what if the flower was presented in a pot? It can be saved and planted in the fall in a flower bed. Care after flowering will be the same: regular watering until the leaves turn yellow. After the stem becomes completely dry, the bulb is dug up, dried and stored in a box until September. When the time comes to plant bulbs, it, along with everyone else, is placed in the ground.

Formation of a future flower bed

Bulb flowers are usually planted in late August - early September. Then their flowering will fall in April-May. In cold regions, tulips are planted not in autumn, but in spring, and they are stored at a temperature of +20 ... + 23 ° C in a dark place.

Before planting, planting material is inspected for diseases. Spoiled specimens are discarded, and good bulbs must be re-treated with a fungicide to prevent diseases, for example, Maxim.

Planting material is prepared, what to do next? You need to choose a place for the future flower bed. It is not recommended to plant flowers again in the same area where they grew. Soil depletion can only be avoided by constantly changing the location of tulips.

The site is chosen sunny, with light soil. The land is prepared in advance, 2-3 weeks before landing. It is dug up with the introduction of mineral fertilizers. Add some sand to heavy soil.

Planting material is planted in two ways:

  1. 1. Landing in the pits. It is necessary to loosen the earth, make recesses for half a spade and evenly distribute the onions. Planting pattern - 10x10 cm, allowing tulips to bloom and not interfere with each other. Planting depth should be no more than 3 bulb lengths (photo). It is not recommended to press them into the ground. Then the flower bed is watered warm water, and after 2 weeks they fertilize with nitrate.
  2. 2. Landing in trenches. Many gardeners choose this method to get beautiful flower beds. A flower bed is drawn and trenches up to 20 cm deep and up to 25-30 cm wide are dug along the lines. The bottom is sprinkled with superphosphate. Next, they take the largest onions, lay them bottom down along the bottom of the trenches and pour a little earth. Smaller specimens are distributed between them and again crushed with earth.

And what to do with the children, where to plant them? A beginner summer resident may ask about this. The landing of children is carried out along the edges of the trenches. Then everything is covered with soil and watered with warm water.

Care for tulips is completed by mulching the beds with peat, dry leaves or straw with a layer of 10-15 cm. These works are carried out with the onset of the first cold weather.

Getting a blooming oasis of large, beautiful, healthy flowers next season is easy, just follow all the tips listed on how to care for tulips from flowering to complete drying of the stems.

Tulips are good for everyone - a bright riot of colors, early flowering, decorative properties. One thing is bad - their age is too short. April, May flew by, tulips have faded, what to do next? Should I continue to care for faded plants? How to use the vacated space in garden design? When to dig and plant bulbs? Let's discuss these and other questions in more detail.

Care after flowering

To understand biological features tulip, it is necessary to look in what natural conditions formed his genetics. And these are the steppe and semi-desert regions of Asia with in early spring and summer heat warming up the soil to a greater depth. Hence the cycle of development of bulbous flowers:

  • spring vegetation;
  • bloom;
  • division and maturation of the bulb;
  • the period of summer dormancy (warming up);
  • autumn planting;
  • winter dormancy (cooling);
  • spring vegetation.

Out of sequence biological rhythms we see that the care of tulips after flowering should be aimed at the formation and maturation of strong, healthy bulbs.

Continue watering regularly for 2 weeks after flowering. Make sure that the earth gets wet to a depth of 30–40 cm. The roots of a tulip are not adapted to extract water from the lower tiers of the soil, therefore they are sensitive to surface moisture.

When flowering comes to an end, feed the plants with complex mineral fertilizers, which contain potassium and phosphorus. This portion of food will go to the formation of scales of the replacement bulb, the growth of children. Dissolve 30–40 g in a bucket of water granular fertilizer and water at the rate of 10 l/m².

Remove wilted flowers and seeds promptly. The seed box left on the stem delays the nutrition from the bulb, preventing it from fully forming.

As you can see, in order to care for tulips after flowering, a fairly simple set of procedures is enough - not labor-intensive and not time-consuming.

Important! Some gardeners, out of ignorance, cut off the leaves of tulips immediately after flowering. This cannot be done! Without the aerial part, the growth of the bulb stops. When cutting flowers, leave at least 2 bottom sheet.

Digging and storage

By the second half of June, the foliage and stems of tulips will turn yellow and dry - the time has come for digging. The question of how often to do this is being discussed by more than one generation of flower growers. It all depends on climatic conditions and varietal properties. Based on biological needs, in July-August, the bulb needs warming up at a temperature of 23-25⁰С. In the steppe zone, subtropics, the soil warms up to such temperatures, and in middle lane Russia? Definitely not. In addition, if you do not dig up the bulbs for a number of years, degeneration occurs - the flowers become smaller, varietal characteristics disappear, and the multiplication factor decreases.

Transplanting tulips after flowering - necessary element agricultural technology flower culture. Dug out bulbs are thoroughly dried for a week in a warm, shaded, ventilated place. After that, the planting material is cleaned from roots, old scales, sorted by size, diseased and damaged specimens are rejected.

This is how ripe bulbs look during harvesting

Store tulips before planting - for 2–2.5 months. At this time, a flower bud is being laid for the next year, so it is important to create optimal conditions. Temperature regime in the initial storage period it should be higher (23–25⁰С), after 1–1.5 months it is reduced to 15–18⁰С, at the time of planting it is brought closer to natural conditions (10–12⁰С). In order for the bulbs to "breathe", pour them in 1-2 layers, do not allow the integumentary scales to dry out.

How to plant a flower bed after tulips?

The unsightly appearance of faded tulips and withered leaves spoils the look of the garden. Being engaged in the design of tulip beds after flowering, gardeners use several proven methods.

Weaning in baskets

Planting bulbs in special perforated containers is gaining popularity among flower growers. This is convenient when digging up planting material - the bulbs do not “spread”. But, most importantly, immediately after flowering, the baskets, together with the soil and bulbs, can be removed from the flower bed and, having slightly dug, left to ripen in an inconspicuous corner of the garden. This method completely solves the problem of when to transplant tulips after flowering in order to have time to arrange flower beds with summer flowers.

Planting seedlings of annuals

If you plant tulips in dense groups, then, having dug up the bulbs in mid-June, you will have time to plant the vacant beds with late-flowering annuals. To do this, grow seedlings in individual containers. It takes root well, does not get sick and quickly grows salvia, zinnia, petunia, begonia, marigolds. You can plant annual dahlias, antirrinum, chrysanthemums - they will delight you with flowering until late autumn.

Selection of decorative neighbors

Widely used design technique"decorative neighborhood", which allows you to mask the unsightly appearance of faded plants. Plants are selected with different periods of vegetation and flowering, but so that they actively move into growth no earlier than the second half of May. The generally recognized "neighbors" of tulips are perennial hostas, astilbes, and ferns. If you do not plan to dig up tulips, ground covers are ideal - sedum, phlox, periwinkle, purslane.

Note! If ripening tulip bulbs are adjacent to other plants, be careful with watering. Excessive waterlogging can lead to rotting of planting material.

Tulips - the main decoration spring garden, one of the favorite flowers of all summer residents. They are famous for their beauty and variety of shades and pleases us with such coveted first bright colors. The carpet of flowering buds on the site attracts the eye and touches, but by the end of spring the petals fall off. Often flower growers wonder what to do when the tulips have faded and how to properly care for the bulbs so that the plants remain healthy and strong for many years.

Feeding and watering tulips after flowering

After the tulips wither, it is required to remove the wilted flower stalks. This is necessary so that the plant does not waste energy on seed maturation. In this case, it is important to take care of the bulb - if it gets required amount nutrients and mature enough, then next year it will give a large and lush flowering.

Remove the tulip flower before the petals are completely shed. Depending on the variety of tulip, this usually happens 5-8 days after blooming. Trim only the flower heads, not the leaves or stems. If they are removed, the bulb will not ripen well.

After the buds have faded, the plant needs intensive watering for the next 2 weeks. During this period, intensive processes of accumulation of nutrients take place, therefore it is recommended to feed the plant with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Fertilizers containing chlorine or nitrogen should not be used at this stage.

Tulips have faded - do I need to cut the foliage?

Experts advise not even to cut, but to pick off the leaves of tulips with your hands after complete yellowing. This occurs 5-6 weeks after the end of flowering. If the leaf does not come off well, then the bulb is not yet fully ripe, wait until the leaf can be easily pulled out of the ground.

If this is done prematurely, the bulb will stop developing and this will negatively affect the quality of flowering next year. In order not to lose the location of the bulb, leave the stem as a mark. If you plant tulips, alternating with others flowering plants like irises, dry leaves and stems will not spoil appearance flower beds.

Should tulips be dug up after they bloom?

The statement that tulips do not need to be dug up annually is quite common, but fundamentally wrong. Since the bulb sinks deeper into the ground over time, the distance to the surface gradually increases and can be more than 1.5 bayonet spades. Accordingly, the plant needs more strength and nutrients for normal germination. In addition, the bulbs of one nest do not have the opportunity to develop normally, they crowd each other.

Already after 4-5 years of being in one place, the hybrid tulip loses its advantages and characteristics of the variety, its buds become small and weak. There is a high risk that the plant will die over time.

Digging up bulbs is required for varietal tulips. If you have ordinary tulips, then in order to get larger and healthy flowers without an annual transplant, put them on a net - a regular potato net. Or buy special pots for bulbs with holes. This will prevent the bulb from sinking into the soil. Because these pots are usually quite expensive, you can easily make a similar one from a regular plastic basket.

When and how to dig tulips

Plants are dug up at the end of June or a little later, when the leaves are completely yellowed and the stem is limp. The bulb, ready for extraction, has brown spots on the scales, and a well-formed root system.

  • divide into varieties, starting from the earliest;
  • dig in good weather to be able to immediately dry the bulbs in the sun;
  • if digging in wet weather, rinse the bulbs off the ground before drying;
  • when digging a plant, insert a shovel as deep as possible into the soil so as not to injure the root;
  • wash the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate (5%)

Hold the resulting bulbs under the sun or a lamp until the scales dry. Throw away the sick and weak, and place the healthy ones according to the varieties in previously prepared containers (in 1-2 layers).

How to store tulip bulbs

Crates and other storage containers must have a well-ventilated bottom, otherwise rot may develop. During storage, it is important to observe the appropriate regime of humidity and air temperature, which will ensure correct formation buds, leaves and peduncle inside the bulb.

Storage conditions for tulip bulbs after digging:

  • until the end of July, for 3-4 weeks after digging, the air temperature should be 24-25 ° C, and humidity - about 70%;
  • August - the temperature of the content drops to 20 ° C;
  • September - the temperature of the content drops to 16-17 ° C.

Store the bulbs in a specially designed room, avoiding temperature fluctuations and an increase in humidity - this will lead to cracking of the scales and the appearance of rot. Inspect the bulbs from time to time for defects or pest damage.

When to plant tulips?

In late September or early October, dried bulbs should be planted in the soil. It is better to do this in sunny weather and an air temperature of 5-8 ° C. Re-treat the bulbs ready for planting with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Landing rules:

  • choose a new place for the bulbs;
  • plant to a depth equal to 4-5 times the size of the bulb itself;
  • pour plenty of water over the landing site;
  • a week after planting the bulb, feed the soil with ash and ammonium nitrate;
  • before the onset of frost, mulch the soil with a thin layer of peat.

After the tulips have faded, it is important to take care of the normal ripening of the bulbs. This will ensure the safety of the variety, lush flowering and plant resistance to diseases next year.

It is known that tulips need care not only during the growing season. Giving them the right to re-bloom is quite realistic with proper care and following a few simple rules.

Depending on the variety, tulips begin to bloom from March to June. Flowering lasts from one to three weeks, then the plants begin to lose their appearance and gradually fade. However, this is not a reason to stop caring for them.

Should tulips be pruned after flowering?

In order to maintain the size of the buds, it is imperative to trim the tulips after each flowering. This is due to the fact that during the growing season, the plant forms a new young bulb underground (sometimes several bulbs), inside which the shoot and flower of the next year are initially born. For better ripening of the future bulb and preservation of all the necessary useful substances you need to free the peduncle from the old bud.

The tulip belongs to perennial plants: its development from seed to flowering state takes from three to seven years. And if you properly care for this plant, it will form lush buds every year.

When and how to prune tulips after flowering?

There are several subtleties to the process of pruning tulips after they have faded. You need to wait until the petals of the plants become dry and easily separated from the stem. Next, you must first mark the location of the tulip bulbs in the soil, in order to make it easier to find them when digging.

The trimming tool must be disinfected with alcohol-containing wipes or liquid (you can also use potassium permanganate and ferrous sulfate for this) and wipe dry with a clean rag.

If you decide to take still blooming tulips from the flower bed for a bouquet, then in this case the stems of the plants should not be cut, but carefully broken, leaving at least two lower leaves on them: the flower will need them to recuperate.

Should tulips be watered and fertilized in the spring after they bloom?

After flowering, tulips need to continue to be watered for another two weeks.

Feed the tulips in spring lush flowering can be fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But if flowering tulips were not fed, then after pruning them, the soil must be fertilized with phosphorus and potassium, mixed in equal proportions at the rate of 30-35 g of the mixture per sq.m.

Mineral fertilizers containing manganese, zinc and boron will not be superfluous. Do not fertilize tulips with manure: it can provoke rotting of the bulbs. Chlorine is also contraindicated for these colors.

When are tulip bulbs dug up?

As a rule, the time for extracting tulip bulbs from the soil falls at the end of June - the beginning of July, when these plants have already faded, but their underground shoots have not yet had time to "get lost". In the northern regions, this time shifts to mid-July - early August.

Dig up tulip bulbs at the moment when about two-thirds of their leaves turn yellow. With an earlier harvest, the plant will not have time to form high-quality planting material, and a later one will lead to drying out and loss of the bulb.

After removing the bulbs from the soil, they must be checked for mold, rot, fusarium and other diseases.

Affected bulbs are thrown away, healthy ones are dried for two to three days under a canopy, protecting them from direct sunlight. Well-dried tulip bulbs are divided into groups, depending on the diameter, cleaned of excess roots and scales, and kept in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for at least half an hour. Planting material is ready for storage.

In order to preserve the variety of tulips, gardeners advise digging up their bulbs annually. This is especially true for new plant species - terry, green, fringed, parrot. But simple early and simple late tulips, as well as tulips of Kaufman, Foster, Greig, Triumph and Darwin hybrids do not require "renewal" for 3-6 years.

How to store tulip bulbs?

Tulip bulbs should be stored in a cool, dry place with good ventilation. With the right content, they will feel great until the autumn landing, which also has its own characteristics.

Planting tulip bulbs in open ground best from mid-September to mid-October.

Achieving beautiful and lush flowering of tulips is not at all difficult: give them attention - and they will reciprocate.

Despite the fact that tulips can be found in almost every garden with the advent of spring, not everyone knows how to care for tulips, from the appearance of the first tender shoots to the moment when all the flowers wither and the stems wither.

Caring for tulips from planting until the first buds appear

Tulips are quite persistent and unpretentious. perennials however, mistakes in caring for them throughout the growing season may well lead to problems such as rotting bulbs, an abundance of blind (unopened) buds, as well as curvature of thin stems, giving the impression that they lie on the site.

Tulips are quite resistant and undemanding perennials.

The first thing you need to take care of in order to significantly increase the chances of getting healthy tulips with flawless flowers: choose a suitable sunny place for planting tulips with loose, fertile soil and. If you do not pay attention to the sorting of planting material, the selection of the highest quality bulbs and their pre-planting processing, in the future you are unlikely to be able to avoid the defeat of tulips by diseases, which means that the hassle will noticeably increase.

Video about caring for tulips in spring

The appearance, size of the flowers and the health of the tulips themselves will depend on which bulbs you plant in the flower beds. Therefore, choose large bulbs without the slightest sign of rot, strong and smooth.

Tender shoots of tulips appear from under the snow from about the twentieth of March to mid-April, depending on weather conditions and on the characteristics of the variety. In the event that you mulched the planting of bulbs for the winter, it is recommended to remove the mulch after the snow melts - this way the earth warms up faster and the tulips begin to bloom earlier.

The appearance will depend on which bulbs you plant in the flower beds.

What is required from the gardener after the germination of tulips:

  • At the stage of germination of tulip sprouts, they should be carefully examined in order to immediately determine which bulbs did not germinate, which plants showed signs of disease. The revealed “marriage” must be dug up and immediately destroyed, otherwise the diseases can pass to the rest of the tulips.
  • Around the small tulip sprouts that have appeared, the ground is gently loosened, increasing the access of the necessary oxygen to the roots and helping to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the ground. In general, caring for tulips in the garden involves regular loosening of the soil throughout the growing season, and especially after watering and rains.
  • Before flowering, tulips should be watered fairly moderately, but the soil should never dry out.
  • The first feeding is carried out, as soon as the sprouts appear from the ground. During this period, tulips especially need nitrogen for rapid growth and leaf formation. For top dressing, you can use nitroammophos or crystallin with the addition of trace elements in tablets.
  • The following top dressing is not mandatory, but from the introduction of a complex mineral fertilizer when unfolding the second or third leaf, tulips will do more good than harm.

The first feeding is carried out, as soon as the sprouts appear from the ground

  • During budding, tulips absorb nutrients from the soil is most effective and in dire need of potassium and phosphorus for the normal formation of a peduncle with buds. Top dressing at this time should contain more phosphorus with potassium and less nitrogen.
  • When the buds begin to bloom, you can again feed the tulips with a complete mineral fertilizer.

Top dressing must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots or burn the leaves, so it is best to combine it with watering or on a rainy day. The first top dressing should not be scattered over the snow, as it comes off unevenly. It is more expedient to apply top dressing in the form of solutions.

Basic actions during the flowering of tulips

When the buds, one by one, begin to open, and appear in the flowerbed gorgeous flowers Tulips require special care. They need to be watered abundantly, spending 10 liters of water per square meter so that moisture penetrates to the roots, and the water should not be cold. When watering and fertilizing in sunny weather, moisture should not get on the leaves, and even more so on the flowers, in order to avoid burns.

During abundant flowering tulips must be brought phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, the proportion of nitrogen should be minimal, or you can completely do without it. Microelements such as boron, zinc, manganese will be useful - they have a beneficial effect on the condition of tulips as a whole and on the development of bulbs.

During the abundant flowering of tulips, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers

During the flowering of tulips, experienced flower growers carry out cultivar cleaning (transplanting impurities of other varieties to maintain the purity of a certain variety) and phytocleaning (removing diseased plants from plantings). blooming tulips need regular inspection so that plants infected with diseases can be immediately destroyed. Particularly dangerous is the viral disease of variegated tulips.

It is incurable and is transmitted with plant sap when cut, so garden tools must be disinfected with alcohol or potassium permanganate. During the budding and flowering of tulips, it is easiest to identify.

Do not forget to loosen the soil between the tulips after each watering to prevent the formation of a crust on the soil and at the same time destroy weeds, which are highly undesirable for tulips.

Tulips have faded - what to do next?

Unfortunately, the flowering of tulips does not last long, and after a few days the magnificent flowers begin to fade, reducing the aesthetic appeal of the flower bed. Tulips bloom the fastest in hot, dry weather. However, even if all the flowers have already faded, also continue to water the plantings for another two weeks, because at this time the bulbs are actively forming underground - thanks to regular watering, they accumulate nutrients better.

So that yellowing tulips do not spoil your garden with their dull appearance, plant the bulbs in special baskets or containers - then the flowering plants can be dug up along with the containers and removed from the flower bed to another place for the bulbs to ripen.

To prevent yellowing tulips from spoiling your garden with their dull look, plant the bulbs in special baskets or containers.

Tulip care after flowering is based on the following rules:

  • if you plan to propagate the variety you like and grow large healthy bulbs for this, cut the flower heads on the fourth or eighth day after blooming (when the flowers are already ready to crumble), then the bulbs will begin to grow heavily;
  • all fallen petals must be removed immediately, otherwise they will accumulate in the axils of the leaves and rot;
  • it is impossible to cut the stems of faded tulips until they turn yellow at all, otherwise the bulbs will stop developing;
  • you can find out if the bulbs are ripe by digging up one of them - formed roots and brown spots on the scales indicate that the bulb is ready;
  • dig the bulbs carefully, digging the shovel deep so as not to inadvertently injure the roots, try to do this on a sunny day to be able to dry the dug out bulbs on the street.

The harvested bulbs are sorted, processed and sent for storage. First, future planting material is stored at a temperature of +20 degrees, and from the second half of August - at +17 degrees.

Video about caring for tulips after flowering

In the fall, having chosen, the bulbs are planted on prepared beds and watered abundantly. Caring for tulips in autumn is also about preparing plants for winter. To do this, in mid-October, the planted bulbs are fed with ammonium nitrate, the bed is mulched with a small layer of peat and covered with the onset of cold weather.

Not all gardeners agree that tulip bulbs need to be replanted annually, but thanks to transplantation, the flowers remain large, beautiful, and they are less susceptible to disease.