When to apply phosphorus potassium fertilizers. What fertilizers are considered phosphorus-potash - varieties with names

Why is it so important in practical agriculture to apply mineral fertilizers? Experienced farmers will answer this question - because they favorably change the soil chemical composition to the point where it will have a beneficial effect on the growth, development and productivity of plants. Often, gardeners or gardeners have another dilemma - which of the variety of agrochemical compositions to choose for the prosperity of their garden? Because now it is not a problem to buy fertilizer, but to make right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and purpose.

Phosphorus-potassium preparations play an important role in the process of plant growth and fruiting. Their main elements, as the name implies, are phosphorus and potassium - substances that, when used correctly and competently, have an extremely positive effect on yields. There are drugs only of the mineral or potassium group, or nitrogen. It is clear that they are named according to the predominance of one or another element in them. They are used from the time of planting to the period of fruit ripening. So, at the time of planting or the growth period, nitrogen is used, from inflorescences to fruiting - phosphorus and potassium.

Competent farmers, realizing that at different times, plants need different elements, as they do, they distinguish substances synchronously with the periods of growth. But there are also complex chemicals and are popular, which also find their field of application. These are fertilizers that contain two or three substances at the same time. They are applied either dry or diluted with water directly into the soil.

Types, compositions of agrochemicals

Let's consider some types of potassium preparations in order to understand the purposes of their use, features, advantages of such supplements.

How to improve yields?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there is a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield up to 50-70%.

Read ...

For example, there is such a complex agrochemical as "Autumn". It contains eighteen percent potassium, five percent phosphates, eight percent calcium, then a little bit of magnesium, boron. Experts advise using it in the garden or vegetable garden, as well as for ornamental crops during the autumn digging, and in the spring - preferably with a nitrogen-containing preparation. This composition can also be applied during flowering and fruiting of plants, every time hilling and loosening the earth, followed by watering. In September, at the end of the growing season, in order to allow the plants to successfully overwinter, this complex fertilizer is also used.

A number of agrochemicals containing the part -phos- in their name contain phosphorus, and besides it, there are also other useful elements. This, for example, nitrophoska, which in equal parts - twelve percent - includes phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen in an easily assimilated form, which allows each element to quickly get to plant parts. Farmers are advised to use nitrofos in early spring before sowing seeds, during the summer. It comes in the form of gray-pinkish granules. As an addition to potash mineral dressings.

Nitroammofosk contains seventeen percent of phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, a little sulfur. This composition is recommended to be used as the main one in spring when planting works, for top dressing in summer on any soil.

For feeding many garden flowers, nitrophos is useful in the composition of sixteen percent phosphorus, eleven calcium and six nitrogen. And literally for all flowers, diammophoska will be useful, which includes twenty-six percent potassium, phosphorus, ten percent nitrogen, then a little sulfur, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron.

A novelty in agrochemical production is the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer "AVA".
It dissolves at the roots and penetrates into them. It contains phosphorus, potassium, and nine more useful for the growth and development of plants chemical elements... "AVA" is used before sowing seeds, and in several ways: you can water the soil with an aqueous solution, mix with seeds, soak them in aqueous solution drug.

Features of the use of wood ash

The listed dressings are products of the chemical industry. If this phrase worries a little, and it is better to prefer natural products, then you can use wood ash... It contains a variety of substances useful for all cultures, as well as potassium and phosphorus, as well as calcium. Besides them, they contain manganese, boron, magnesium, molybdenum, iron and others, with the exception of nitrogen.

Since olden times, ash has been widely used by peasants in gardens or fields. Many modern gardeners and gardeners are convinced that it can successfully replace any, even the most balanced modern phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Because it is used as the main fertilizer, and as a top dressing, and even as a means of pest control that is not dangerous for people.

But, of course, there are also features of the use of this organic remedy. So, ash contributes to the deoxidation of soils, is incompatible with mineral phosphorus, nitrogen compounds, it is not necessary to bring it in at the same time, as well as humus, it is better to distinguish these contributions by season.

Safety when working with agrochemicals

It is worth remembering that mineral fertilizers are chemical compounds, so treat them with the utmost care. Never let them get into your mouth, nose, eyes, of course, do not swallow, work with them with a mask and gloves if they are granular and not loose. Be sure to sign their names, composition, if for some reason the chemicals are left without packaging, especially when it comes to fertilizers such as potash.

Do not ignore the storage rules indicated on the packages. Protect the preparations from dampness and water ingress, as most of them are water-soluble, and the gardener needs this immediately before use. If, nevertheless, the chemicals are damp, dry them in the sun, sprinkling them in a thin layer on plastic wrap... If during storage they are caked, then it is better to crush them before use, and then sift through a sieve. During this procedure, do not forget about gloves and a mask.

Fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium

And a little about the secrets of the Author

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Attention, only TODAY!

Our body needs a regular supply of many minerals from outside. When a vital macro- or microelement is lacking, a person develops a painful condition. But how to recognize what exactly is lacking in the body? How to make up for this deficiency in your diet? Last time we were talking about, now let's talk about two more important macronutrients - phosphorus and potassium.

Phosphorus: second after calcium

Life cannot exist without phosphorus, it is necessary for both microorganisms and highly organized living beings - animals and humans. He participates in almost all chemical processes the body - in the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in the activity of the brain and of cardio-vascular system, in the formation of a number of hormones and enzymes, in the construction of all cellular elements of the body, is included in the structure of the skeleton. Most of the phosphorus (about 85%) is contained in the bone tissue - together with calcium, it provides the strength of the skeleton. In terms of content in the human body, this is the second element after calcium - it accounts for 1-1.5% of the body weight.

The most important functions of phosphorus

- Growth and maintenance of the integrity of bone tissue and teeth.
- Participation in catabolic and anabolic reactions (breakdown and synthesis of various substances). Coenzymes containing phosphorus are especially important - low-molecular substances of non-protein nature, acting as part of enzymes. Each coenzyme performs a specific function in the cell, necessary for the implementation of the most important biochemical processes.
- Participation in the synthesis of phospholipids. Distinctive feature phospholipids - the ability to dissolve in both water and fat. They are an important component of cell membranes, due to which both water- and fat-soluble nutrients can penetrate into the cell.
- Participation in the synthesis of DNA and RNA - carriers of genetic information.
In addition, phosphorus ions contained in body fluids are involved in the assimilation of vitamin B, ensuring the acid-base balance (maintaining a constant blood reaction), the functioning of nerves and muscles, cell division, and the transmission of hereditary traits.
Deficiency of phosphorus in the body can be secondary, associated with an imbalance of calcium and magnesium or a lack of vitamin C, which is necessary for the absorption of phosphorus in the intestine.

Phosphorus Deficiency Symptoms:
Loss of appetite, weakness, the development of tremors (trembling hands and feet), tingling sensation in the skin, bone pain.

On average, about 70% of the phosphorus consumed is absorbed with food. Its main sources are cheese, liver, yeast, beef, nuts, eggs, fish, legumes, oatmeal, and wheat.

The daily requirement for phosphorus in an adult is 800 mg; in children: 2-6 years old - 800 mg, 10-12 years old - 1200 mg; in pregnant and lactating women - 1500 mg. It is absorbed by the body in the form of inorganic phosphates. Due to the prevalence of phosphates in nature, the normal daily diet of an adult contains more phosphorus than is required. Therefore, cases of insufficient intake of this macronutrient with food are rare. But nutritionists pay attention to the fact that it is important to provide the right combination in the diet of calcium and phosphorus (see table).
It is noticed that if the body lacks calcium, then, as a rule, an excess of phosphorus is found, and vice versa. Studies have made it possible to establish that the daily rate of phosphorus supplied with food is identical to the rate of calcium (1: 1), that is, food should contain the same amount of phosphorus and calcium by weight (the exception is the rate for infants, for whom the most optimal ratio of calcium to phosphorus is considered 2: 1).

Potassium deficiency symptoms:
Fatigue, insomnia, depression, muscle weakness, edema, acne, constipation, growth retardation, high level cholesterol, dry skin, heart palpitations, and sometimes leg cramps.

Impaired phosphorus absorption can lead to both hypophosphatemia (P deficiency in the blood) and hyperphosphatemia (excess P in the blood). Both are established by a blood test when the corresponding symptoms appear.
Due to an excess of phosphorus, convulsions sometimes appear - in the case when the calcium content in the body decreases at the same time. This disorder can be associated with kidney failure, and in children it is often due to poor nutrition (to restore balance, include as many vegetables as possible in the children's diet).

The ratio of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) in products (mg / 100 g)

Phosphorus deficiency affects the condition of the bone and nervous systems... It is a consequence of chronic alcoholism, prolonged use of antacids (reducing the acidity of gastric juice) drugs, renal failure.

Potassium for the heart
As calcium is indispensable for bones and teeth, so potassium is especially necessary for everyone soft tissues- vessels, muscles (including the heart), as well as the brain, liver, kidneys, nerves, endocrine glands. Daily rate this macronutrient is 2 mg.
Potassium competes with sodium in the body, the water-salt balance depends on their ratio. If it is disturbed, the functions of the nerves and muscles suffer, the heart rhythm is disturbed, and the pressure rises.

Potassium deficiency leads:
Long-term or single, but in large doses, the use of diuretics (drugs that remove water, including those for weight loss diets), hypoglycemia ( low level blood sugar), prolonged or severe diarrhea.

Healing drink
To maintain a sufficient level of potassium in the blood, you can prepare yourself a drink with raisins and dried apricots daily. For infusion, it is enough to take 5-6 pcs. raisins and 2-3 pcs. dried apricots. Fill them with a glass hot water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. You can sweeten the infusion with honey, which contains many minerals, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. Drink this drink in small sips throughout the day.

The main functions of potassium
- Maintaining the normal state of cell walls, which is achieved primarily through harmonious balance with sodium.
- Maintaining the concentration of magnesium needed for the heart: if the level of one of these minerals in the blood is low, the level of the other is likely to be low too.
With a low potassium level, there is a greater risk of arrhythmia, heart failure, heart attack, stroke. The level of potassium in the blood can accurately predict the likelihood of heart rhythm disturbances.
Potassium salts help to remove excess water from the body, help get rid of edema, and are used in the treatment of ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity).

What are the main types of potash-phosphorus fertilizers and what are their names?

Without the introduction of various dressings, the full growth of any plant culture is impossible.

In order to ensure high yields or profuse flowering plants should be fed regularly.

Application and meaning

Meaning mineral dressings or tuk in agriculture cannot be overstated. Practically at every period of plant growth, it is necessary to make various dressings.

Especially during the period of growth, flowering and fruiting. It is also important to feed crops before winter comes. When using potassium-phosphorus fertilizing, you can ensure that the plants receive all the necessary nutrients.

All types of fats are divided into two types:

  • one-sided;
  • multilateral.

Various studies of breeders have shown that the introduction of mineral fertilizers has a beneficial effect primarily on the growth and productivity of fruit and vegetable and ornamental crops.

Also, regular feeding contributes to the fact that plants are less likely to be exposed to the appearance of diseases and the spread of various insects. Ornamental crops must also be fed to ensure abundant and lush bloom.

Names and benefits

There are three main subgroups of phosphorus dressings:

  • water-soluble;
  • lemon- and citrate-soluble;
  • sparingly soluble.

Water-soluble fats are considered versatile and can be used on almost any soil. This group includes superphosphates. Top dressing is used to create a nutrient medium for crops. Increases resistance to frost, helps to develop their own immunity in plants.

It's important to know: the second group is also considered universal. They can be used for any horticultural crops and on any land.

Sparingly soluble phosphorus fat has a particularly beneficial effect on cucumbers. Fertilization reduces the acidity of the soil, improves the main indicators of plant development.

The advantages of potash fertilizers:

  • The oxidation process in plant cells is faster;
  • Cellular metabolism increases;
  • Lack of moisture is more easily tolerated;
  • There is an acceleration of the processes of photosynthesis;
  • Resistance to the development of diseases and the appearance of insects increases;
  • Crops adapt more quickly to low temperatures.

Advice: The most popular potash fertilizers are cement dust, baked ash, potassium nitrate, nitrophoska, potassium sulfate, and kalemagnesia.

For vegetables, fruits and berries, which they prefer potash fertilizers include peas, melons, peppers, radishes, tomatoes, currants, apple trees, cherries, gooseberries, and radishes. Vegetable crops it is recommended to regularly feed with a weakly concentrated solution throughout the entire growth period.

Garden plants can be fed twice - in the first half of summer, when the crops are actively increasing their green mass, and in the second half, during the period of fruit formation.

Complex groundbait for plants

For these baits, potash or, for example, potassium-phosphorus fat. The composition should include more than two active ingredients.

Important: as a rule, they include nitrophosphate, saltpeter, nitrommophoska and ash.

Nitrophoska, like nitrommofoska, contains three active varieties of fats. The basis is potassium, its content is more than 50%. Nitrophoska contains a small amount of phosphorus.

Ammophos can be referred to as double fat. It contains a small amount of nitrogen and a high content of phosphorus. Not desirable for use on acidic or alkaline soils. It is applied to the soil either in liquid or dry form.

Not a single gardener can do without the use of mineral baits. Thanks to fat, you can significantly increase the yield, as well as increase the own immunity of vegetables and berries.

For more information on phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, see the following video: