What crops are watered with infusion of bread. Valuable quality fertilizer from bread

In ancient times, when chemists had not yet discovered organic fertilizers, the peasants successfully fertilized the fields and vegetable gardens exclusively with organic matter, for example, with bread. Moreover, they used not only the usual manure, peat, humus, green manure, food waste and herbal infusions were also used. These recipes are relevant to this day, they are passed down from generation to generation.

In many families, feeding of cucumbers with bread tincture is actively used. This method allows not only to improve the quality of plants, but also to find application for dried bread pieces that inevitably accumulate on the farm.

The secret of grain fertilization

Top dressing from bread crusts has a beneficial effect only on cucumbers, other plants also gratefully respond to it with good growth:

  • vegetables - tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, potatoes;
  • berries - strawberries, garden strawberries;
  • flowers - roses, gladioli, chrysanthemums, peonies, irises, and houseplants.

The secret of this unusual fertilizer lies in the ingredients used to bake the bread. Yeast is one of the essential ingredients of bread leaven. It is an active ingredient in any modern growth stimulant. In addition, yeast is rich in trace elements, nutrients, minerals, and organic iron. Therefore, the infusion of bread is just an excellent fertilizer for cucumbers.

And they simply fertilize vegetables with yeast, but only a natural and very fresh product is suitable for this. Fertilization with bread is much more often used: a large number of crackers are gradually collected in each house. A good housewife will not raise a hand to throw away unused bread, and pets do not always eat even specialized food, especially crackers.

Feeding cucumbers with bread infusion

It turns out that not only the dough rises quickly on yeast leaven, but also vegetables, under which fertilizer is made from bread for plants, add in growth much faster than their untreated counterparts.

Bread as a fertilizer for the garden brings a new meaning to the expression: "it grows by leaps and bounds."

Cucumbers respond very well to such feeding. In spring, young plants poured with yeast tincture take root well and grow quickly, in summer feeding with bread infusion of cucumbers helps to strengthen the immunity of vegetables, increase the number of ovaries and fruits.

It is important to carry out this procedure at a time when the earth has already warmed up; such fertilizer does not work in cold soil.


Bread infusion for cucumbers is prepared 2 weeks before use. Fill a bucket with brown bread crusts by 2/3 and fill it with water warmed up to 30 - 35 ° С. To prevent the swollen bread from floating, cover it with a lid, press down with a load. Place the bucket in a warm place to ferment the yeast. After 2 weeks, dilute the prepared starter culture by half.

The finished fertilizer is poured under the root of the plants. Top dressing of cucumbers with black bread is carried out from the moment the first flowers appear until the end of fruiting. It is important not to overdo it with yeast infusions, do not use them more than 2 - 3 times per season.

Top dressing tomato with bread

To grow healthy tomatoes and use a minimum of chemicals for them, you can't do without organic matter. For tomatoes, bread as fertilizer is used in a slightly different way than for cucumbers. Delicate root system tomatoes can suffer from too strong tincture.

Recipe for tomatoes:

The bucket is filled 2/3 with breadcrumbs and nettles, filled with warm water, pressed down with a lid. The sourdough that has been infused for a week is filtered and added to the water for irrigation at the rate of 2 liters of fertilizer per 1 bucket of water.

The first feeding is carried out during the flowering period of tomatoes, two more - during the summer, while the plants bear fruit. Positive results, which, according to the observations of experienced gardeners, gives

  • tomatoes do not get sick, keep green tops until autumn;
  • due to the action of the infusion, a small amount of fatty shoots is formed;
  • in plants watered with fertilizer, regular and abundant fruiting, large healthy fruits are observed.

Watering seedlings with bread tincture

Fertilization of plants with bread in the initial period of their growth is especially important. Yeast accelerates the formation of the root system, strengthens the immune system. Correctly fed seedlings are easier to plant in open ground, take root better in new conditions, take root and grow faster. It is important to precisely observe the proportions of the preparation of the fertilizing solution and the irrigation schedule.


To prepare a bread infusion for young plants, you need 1 loaf of bread or an equivalent amount of crackers. Place bread in a bucket or large saucepan and cover with 5 liters warm water... After two days, squeeze out the bread mass, strain the leaven. Pour one liter of strained tincture into 8 liters of water.

The prepared solution is watered 1 - 2 times a week on seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants. The result will not be long in coming - an intensive growth of seedlings is observed in a week.

By the time of planting on the site, the seedlings are completely ready for the harsh conditions of life in the open air. She has a developed root system, good green mass, resistance to diseases and pests.

Indoor and outdoor flowers are watered with the same solution. Top dressing increases the period of their flowering, especially large and beautiful buds grow under the influence of yeast infusion in peonies, roses and chrysanthemums.

5 useful tips

  1. Do not throw away the cake obtained as a result of pressing, put it in compost heap, it will improve the quality of the compost.
  2. Water the fertilized plants more often with an ash solution (1 glass of ash per bucket of water). In the process of fermentation, yeast actively uses calcium, which is in the composition of the soil, and ash makes up for its deficiency.
  3. Alkaline soil will only benefit from yeast feeding, but if your site has acidic soil, add it to the fertilizer to neutralize the acid dolomite flour or chalk.
  4. When preparing a bread infusion, do not be surprised by its smell. Like any organic matter, bread fertilization works with benefit, although it smells unpleasant.
  5. Do not add to yeast tincture chicken droppings or manure - they neutralize the action of the yeast.
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Cucumbers are quite demanding for good nutrition. This need especially increases with the beginning of flowering, when the formation of inflorescences, ovaries and ripening of fruits occurs simultaneously. At such a time, many gardeners use organic fertilizers from food waste, including the remnants of bread, to feed the beds. Feeding cucumbers with bread is simple and very effective method increase crop yield without extra costs.

Self-made liquid bread dressing from product leftovers is an excellent alternative to expensive preparations containing yeast. Yeast components are present in almost all growth stimulants, which is why these mixtures and solutions are so effective. It is the yeast fungi that influence the active growth of the root system and green mass by plants. Bread leaven is the source nutrients and the most important microelements for plant development.

With proper application, the effect of feeding on garden crops, which include cucumbers, is huge:

Based personal experience, many gardeners recommend feeding cucumbers with bread sourdough made from black bread. It is better if it is not simple bread, but rye with malt, since the malt extract will accelerate the fermentation of the sourdough, and make it more nutritious.

Video "Description of the method"

From the video you will learn how the bread feeding method works.

How to cook

For the preparation of bread leaven, you can use rye bread of any freshness. Of course buy fresh bread especially for fertilization is not very economical, so it is easier to use grain leftovers: crackers, crusts. For example, crackers can be harvested throughout the winter, and with the onset of summer season use for the preparation of fertilizer.

There are no strictly defined proportions in the preparation of top dressing, so each gardener does it in his own way. Someone soaks 1 loaf of bread in a bucket of water, while others fill the bucket with more than half of the bread. This is not so important, since the finished product is still diluted with water, and if you have it not very concentrated, then just add less water.

How to fertilize

Bread dressing for fertilizing cucumbers is applied by watering at the root. As a standard, it is recommended to start watering when the first ovaries begin to appear on the lashes - at this time there is a special need for additional nutrition. However, if your cucumbers grow weak, which is often the case on depleted soils, or you just want to get very high yield, then the first watering can be carried out even in the seedling stage, when 4-5 real leaves appear on the lash.

Feeding with bread sourdough is carried out every 5-10 days, in general 4-6 times per season. During the ripening of the fruits, watering can be increased, but it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil.

Of course, leaven of bread cannot do much harm, but for acidic soils, and also with too frequent use, it can slightly increase the acidity of the soil. Watering is carried out at the rate of 0.5 liters of liquid per 1 plant (lash).

Yeast sourdough is loved not only by cucumbers, but also by eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, fruit and berry crops and even flowers. Use the leftover solution to water these plants and the harvest will surprise you. After the first watering, you will notice that the bushes have become more powerful, and the tops are more luxuriant. Top dressing during flowering increases the production of female flowers, which has a positive effect on the amount of the crop. Use stale leftovers and have fun growing your favorite vegetables!

Video "How to feed"

From the video you will learn how and how else you can feed cucumbers.

Getting minerals, micronutrients and vitamins is necessary for plants, regardless of whether it grows in the garden or in the garden. Every gardener chooses how to feed the crop - by store means or made by yourself. The second method is most often preferred, because the author of the feeding knows what is the basis of the nutrition of vegetables. This review article will consider a popular fertilizer - bread, what is the advantage of such a top dressing, how to prepare it and the methods of application.

The secret is in yeast

Yeast is at the heart of the bread feeding, which is a key factor in the impact on crops.

Yeast contains:

  • growth stimulants;
  • organic iron;
  • minerals;
  • micronutrients.

Summer residents note that when watering plants with bread solution soaked in water, crops develop faster and have an excellent taste. And as a result of such nutrition, the root system appears several weeks earlier. In order to achieve this effect, you should dilute 100 mg of yeast in 1 liter of water.

Working with yeast has one nuance - the solution should be introduced into the heated soil. This is necessary for the optimal effect of the composition, because they don't work in cold soil.
Yeast "loves" both vegetables and flowers. The intoxicated composition improves decorativeness, the buds are large, and the flowering is longer. You can prepare a mixture for all colors, but the following types increase the mass most of all:

  • pion;
  • iris;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • gladiolus;
  • the Rose.

Due to the vitamins obtained, the immunity of crops is strengthened and a high-quality root system is laid. Treatment of rose bushes with bread solution allows flowers to bloom for a long time, fragrant and endure winter period.

Perfect meal time

Bread, as an additional food, is optimally added to springtime... It should be used for seedlings, picking plants and planting in the garden. However, you should be aware that when yeast acts on the soil, they absorb potassium from it. Therefore, it is recommended to combine bread with wood ash.

Most often, bread is used to feed the following crops:

  • pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers,
  • Strawberry;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • garden and indoor flowers.
How to improve yields?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there is a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield up to 50-70%.

Read ...

In practice, it has been observed that yeast as a fertilizer is safe even at a high concentration of the solution. Thus, summer residents determine the number of components "by eye". Watering the plants and spraying the foliage with infusion is an alternative mineral feeding sold in stores.

Soil fertilizer without chemicals

When adding additional food, remember:

  • excess harms crops;
  • it is better not to fertilize diseased plants;
  • vegetables and flowers located on the shady side are less fertilized;
  • you can not make top dressing in hot weather;
  • young sprouts need moderate nutrition.

It is important in what phase of growth the culture is. At the stage of development of the stem, nitrogen-containing and bread should be used. During the flowering period, increase the feeding with potassium and phosphorus, when the seeds ripen, it is better to use yeast.

Grandma's recipes

Bread is an active growth stimulant. The first results of treatment are noted in 5-7 days. The sprouts develop faster, the tops acquire a fleshy and juicy appearance. It should be noted that the recipes below are relevant for the garden, vegetable garden and indoor plants.

Recipe # 1: Leftovers are sweet

Bread is the head of everything and it is used as food in every family. The remains of white and black bread should be dried and put into storage in a container. Before planting seedlings, crackers must be collected in a can or a small enamel bucket, filled with warm water and tightly closed with a lid. It is recommended to put a load on top. Place the container in the sun and leave for two weeks to ferment the yeast.

After the allotted time, the solution is diluted 1: 1 with water and watered under the root of the plants. As a result, crops develop well and bear fruit.

Recipe # 2: Traditional yeast fertilization

To prepare the mixture, you need to take one kilo of live (fresh) yeast and dilute it with five liters of water. The solution is additionally diluted with water before use 1:10.
If you take dry yeast for the recipe, then the fertilizer is made according to the following principle:

  • Dilute 10 g in 10 liters of water;
  • add 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • insist 3-4 hours;
  • additionally dilute with water 1: 5.

Bread infusion is poured over flowers, vegetables, fruit trees and berry bushes.

Recipe number 3: Mash for plants

On the basis of yeast, summer residents prepare a "brew" that promotes the growth of potatoes and tomatoes. To do this, take 100 g of yeast and 0.5 tbsp. Sahara. Dissolve in a three-liter container with water and cover with gauze. Let it stand for 7 days. The finished infusion is diluted at the rate of 1 st. for 10 liters of water. 1 liter is consumed per hole.

Recipe # 4: Strawberry Rescue

Yeast has amazing properties for plants. And first of all, they are able to save strawberries from rot. To do this, use 100 g of yeast dissolved in 10 liters of water. The solution is watered with bushes directly under the root.

If you use a seedling mixture, then the culture will better transfer transplanting to the garden bed.

The tricks of the summer resident

Weeds are the gardener's enemies. But it is bread that is able to act as the main weapon against them. About 3-4 weeks before frost, fertilizer must be applied to the beds and carefully covered with foil. Weeds from such intensive nutrition will begin to grow violently, and with the first frost they will completely die.

This method can also be used in the spring after the snow melts. But it is recommended to use it only for the garden, because the garden has a slightly different soil microclimate, and yeast nutrition can destroy it.

  • Yeast feeding is active only in a warm environment. The cooled soil inhibits the fermentation process and, as a result, does not give the desired effect.
  • Carefully study the composition, expiration date and production date on the yeast packaging. Application of an expired product will have no effect.
  • Fertilizer for plants with yeast is effective, but it is enough to apply it 3-4 times a season.
  • Complementary meals should be done in spring for vegetation and the formation of a good ovary, and in summer - for fruits and during transplantation.
  • Together with yeast, it is recommended to add eggshell and wood ash.
  • Ash is used in two forms - dry and in the form of infusion.
  • It is not recommended to add ash and nitrogen baits at the same time.
  • Yeast bait is ideal for alkaline soil.
  • To neutralize the acid, chalk is added to the solution.

Watering with beer can give a similar effect, because it contains a high concentration of yeast and hops. Of course, not every gardener has such funds financially. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of summer residents prefer to use yeast for additional nutrition. It is important that they are fresh and of good quality. When buying, pay attention to the suitability of the product.

In conditions of stale air and low light permeability at a fast pace, flowers are consumed nutrients given by the soil. Accordingly, exhaustion occurs in a short time. From this they fade, bloom little and lose their decorative properties. Therefore, for home flowers, yeast fertilizer ideal remedy... A mixture is prepared and introduced according to similar recipes mentioned above, only in smaller quantities.

Universal food for all plants

Remember, yeast is a stimulant supplement, not a staple food for your crops. In this regard, some vegetables (for example, cucumbers) need to be fertilized in mono mode. Continuously add potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and organics. Many summer residents have their own secret ingredients that are added to solutions. Therefore, moderate experimentation with knowledge can increase fertility. fruit trees and other cultures.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not on their own;
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Now answer the question: does this suit you? How can you endure such pain? And how much money have you already "poured" on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end it! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, only TODAY!

There is a secret with which you can increase the sugar content in berries of red, black and white currants of any variety, and at the same time increase the yield.

Probably, there is not a single site on which there would be no currants: black, white, red or pink. And she usually does well in any area. As for the differences between the types of currants themselves, they are small: red and white, as well as pink currants (this is a type of red) are more sun-loving and like to grow in higher places, and black currant grows normally in lowlands, loves slopes very much, and in partial shade, its berries will be even larger.

To taste, white and pink currants are the sweetest, followed by black, and red currant berries traditionally have the most sour taste. By the way, this acid is special and has bactericidal properties. Therefore, any berries and fruits without sugar can be preserved in red currant juice.

Proximity groundwater, the composition of the soil is not decisive for the currant, although, of course, it prefers loam and loose, fertilized soil best of all. Currant seedlings are planted in the same way as tree seedlings, and they do it in spring or early autumn.

Contrary to popular belief, currant bushes can be successfully transplanted at least all year round, in some cases this improves their productivity, only when transplanting, cut the plant significantly. If the bush is very old, cut it off completely, this way you will rejuvenate it.

Correct agricultural technique immediately affects the size, taste of berries and their quantity. Mulching the soil between the bushes is of great importance for currants, but do not make the mistake - do not start doing this. in early spring, let the earth warm up well.

In winter, sprinkle the bushes with snow in case of forty-degree frosts - and you are guaranteed to be with the harvest. Currants love frequent and abundant watering, organic feeding. You cannot dig up the earth under the bushes - just loosen it carefully.

Basic prevention against pests and diseases Is dousing the bushes hot water in early spring, before bud break, this is usually done in the snow. But during this period it is not easy to approach the bushes, and moreover, they may be partially covered with snow. Therefore, you will get the same result if you carry out this "action" at the end of November. For currant bushes, it would be good to make wooden or metal fences so that branches with ripening berries do not lean towards the ground.

By by and large, the taste of currants depends on the variety, but these are always berries with varying degrees of acidity. There are a limited number of truly sweet blackcurrant varieties. But there is a way to help make the berries sweeter.

It - feeding with starch, currants are extremely responsive to starch. Moreover, ordinary powdered starch from the store will not work here - this form is practically indigestible for currants. Potato peels can be used with success, but this is not the best option, since even fine peels can germinate, but currants may not be beneficial. Then you have to weed out the potatoes from under the berry bushes.

Therefore, the most the best option is a special "grain" fertilizer.

It is prepared in the most ordinary barrel for watering, the cooking process goes on itself, without our participation - you just need to pour some water into the barrel and put nettle greens, sleepy and pieces of stale bread there for a certain period of time.

Bread should prevail, the proportion is approximately as follows: 70% bread and 30% green mass. The same potato peelings can also be added there. To speed up the process and there was no smell, tie the barrel with oilcloth, like a "lid". In about three weeks, you will have a wonderful fertilizer ready to use. If necessary, you can make another portion.

With this fertilization, the berries will turn out to be larger than usual and much sweeter, even in red currants, not to mention black ones. It is enough to fertilize berry bushes with them 2-3 times. The first time - when the ovaries are already large, the second time - when the berries begin to ripen, and the third time - shortly before harvesting.

By the way, "grain fertilizer" is suitable not only for currants, but also for feeding vegetables - it increases the yield. And also - for the autumn "filling" of the soil - in this case, simply pour the contents of the barrels evenly over all the beds.

Feeding cucumbers in open ground bread - old folk recipe... Black bread sourdough is rich in various nutrient compounds that this plant loves.

It's pretty easy to prepare it:

  • We take crackers of rye (black) bread or dried bread crusts;
  • We put them in a bucket with a volume of 8-10 liters. The croutons should fill about two-thirds of the bucket;
  • Pour in exactly as much water as is necessary to cover the bread;
  • We put plates or a lid slightly smaller than the bucket itself inside the bucket on top of the raw material;
  • We put something heavy on top of the plates so that the bread is under pressure.

The bread should never float. This will lead to acidification of the leaven.

  • We insist the bread fertilizer in a warm place for 7 days;
  • We dilute the obtained solution with three liters of cool water.

Cucumber bushes are watered with the resulting nutrient fluid under the root every 7-9 days.

It's all about yeast.

It is yeast that plays a key role in bread feeding. As it turned out, yeast is included in almost all marketed growth stimulants as an active ingredient. They carry a whole bunch of useful substances and trace elements, actively influence the formation and development of the plant root system.

In principle, part of my grandmother's recipe can even be replaced with yeast infusion.

But you need to buy yeast, and it is natural and of high quality, which are not yet sold in any store. And grain leftovers accumulate decently over the winter.

What to feed with bread?

Yes, almost everything that needs active growth, from seedlings to adult plants. This is the same natural stimulant... It will benefit both flowers and vegetable crops(we feed peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers), as well as strawberries.

Bread dressing recipe.

The remains of yeast bread, collected during the winter period, are placed in a container and filled with water (so that it covers the volume of bread). We cover the container tightly with a lid and put the load so that the bread does not float. Leave it to ferment in the warmth for about a week. Then we dilute a little with water and pour the plant solution under the root.

It is worth considering ...

Firstly, of course, as in any business, you should not overdo it with bread dressings. They primarily affect growth. Therefore, apply them only when the plant needs growth most of all.

It is good to combine bread dressing with the introduction of ash, since a lot of calcium is absorbed during fermentation, ash replenishes this balance.

I also want to mention enough bad smell this fertilizer. Although, this disadvantage can be attributed not only to bread leaven, but also to many other organic fertilizers.

And more about feeding cucumbers:

To support the production of even greens, very little feeding of cucumbers is required.

A brown compost talker or a greenish herbal fertilizer solution is enough.

The more, according to your estimates, nitrogen fertilization, the more it needs to be diluted. (There is a lot of nitrogen where in source materials contaminated with feces or fresh manure). Feed once a week at the rate of one bucket of feeding square meter... You can also use a chatterbox made of ash - 0.5-1 glass per bucket of water for 2 square meters.