Educational games with children for studying the alphabet. How to quickly learn the alphabet with a child: Proven methods Furnace cookies in the form of letters

Each of the parents is trying to provide the maximum of all the knowledge to his child.

One of the most important points is the study of the alphabet.

Young mothers face a problem: when it is worth learning letters, whether there is an optimal age for such classes.

How to teach your baby alphabetically and from what age is it better to do.

The baby immediately after the appearance of the world begins to know the world, this process is continuous. In the case when information is re-free, the student becomes a capricious and irritable. Therefore, psychologists advise me to dose knowledge.

At the age of 3 years, all children study mandatory things: walk, sit, crawl, talk, etc. If you add a study of the alphabet to this, then the kid's brain can simply "boil".

Some Early Development Methods advise to begin to acquaint children with the alphabet from 6 months. But it turns out to be a useless idea, since at that age the baby remembers what he is always told. If for a while pause, then he will just forget everything.

Teachers consider to be optimal age for the training of the alphabet of 6-7 years. It is during this period that children begin to actively read, count and write and will be able to rationally apply all knowledge.

Basic rules How easy to teach a child

Each kid is individual, so parents should first pay attention to his willingness to study letters. In this process, several basic rules allocate:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to provide the right to choose a book, this will increase the result of classes.
  2. Slowly read the contents and ask the baby to retell everything.
  3. Study is worth starting with simple letters that are used most often. It is necessary to move in more complex.
  4. Do not learn more than 1 letters in a few days. In order to secure the material covered, it is recommended to use special pictures, items, puzzles, etc.
  5. It is necessary to produce associative memory. Each of the letters necessarily describe that it is easier to remember it.

These are universal requirements, death from them are possible.

Speaking ABC from 3 years

There are many different ways to train the alphabet for different ages. For a 3-year-old baby most often use the form of talking alphabet. It can be training cartoons, among whom "ABC for children" uses extremely popular.

In each series, the cartoon describes only one letter, so it must be learned and remember all the information. View takes just a few minutes, it is recommended that the video is accompanied by a cheerful song.

Many mothers prefer to use the blue tractor. This speaking alphabet passes in a game form, after viewing it is necessary to ask to repeat the material passed. Such a learning technique is the most effective for young children.

Educational games from 3-6 years

Alphabet in cubes

This technique is suitable for children from 3 years. The rules set a wide variety of, for example: to find an example that begins with a certain letter, find the same letter, etc. In this way, the game is carried out using cards or cubes.

Today there are special interactive games that are installed on any gadget. It is not necessary to get involved in the last option, since the tablet or computer does not bring much benefit.

Games with a semolina

Such a learning technique is suitable for children 2-3 years. It's no secret that all the kids love to draw. So why not use it for the purpose of learning the alphabet?

It is allowed to use any cereal, which was at hand (manka, flour, wheat, etc.):

  • it must be scattered on a flat surface and a finger prescribe each letter;
  • Give the child to repeat all the movements. Only so possible to get the result of learning. Today, the alternative to Manka is a special kinetic sand.

Association of letters

This method is suitable for both the smallest and older children. Such a process is much more effective, the student easily remembers the letters according to the associations caused:

  • for each letter you need to come up with your item (vegetable, fruit, animal, etc.). If the baby can not remember some association, then you need to postpone this position for a while and return to learning through time;
  • to simplify, it is recommended to use ready-made cards or pictures.

Lepim letters

To strengthen knowledge, the student needs to be offered to make the learned alphabet. This method is suitable for children from 4 years. For modeling, plasticine or dough cooked independently. Having blinded the entire alphabet you can paint it with your favorite color or decorate with multi-colored beads.

Other ways of learning

In addition to all of those listed for children, 5-6 years can be purchased a special alphabet in which you need to decorate or circumvent letters. In addition, it is necessary for the student to call, with which he is associated with.

Another excellent method is:

  1. Electronic alphabet. It is acquired in children's stores, attach to the wall or just use where the baby spends the most time. It works from ordinary finger batteries, when pressed to a certain letter, a poem is read or a song. Thus, it will be interesting for him to study independently, and mom will have some free time.
  2. Teachers very often use a magnetic alphabet version. To do this, it is recommended to use a special board or refrigerator, for example. Thus, the baby will not only memorize the alphabet, but even with time to learn to compile individual words. Also, such an alphabet is very bright, performed in various variations (paper, plastic, etc.). Another indisputable advantage of such a technique is that magnets are produced in different shapes and colors. So the student studies not only the alphabet itself, but also another useful material.

We write letters

For children, over 4 years old, it is recommended to strengthen the knowledge gained, prescribing every letter. This makes in different ways. For students, 5-6 years is used by a special drawing board with multi-colored crayons. So study with children not only the alphabet, but also the basics of drawing.

Combate contours

Today there are many pictures on the Internet, where each letter is indicated by a dotted line. It is intended to kid on his own felt-tip pen or handle covered it. Thus, not only the study of the alphabet, but also training spelling occurs.

Decrade letters

This is another variation on prescribing the learned material. More often used for children 5-6 years. In addition to reducing the alphabet to the child, you will need to make several jobs on logic. It is better to use ready-made books or coloring, which can be purchased in children's stores.

Edible alphabet

This method is most likely to girls aged after 4 years. They gladly help mom in the kitchen and will be happy to study the material with a portion of sweets. How to apply such a way?

  1. You can prepare ginger, sand, almond or other types of cookies in your favorite recipe.
  2. From above, every letter is recommended to decorate with multi-colored glaze, it develops a shallow motorcy.

Books and magazines for study

This option is more suitable for fixing the material passed than to study the new. There are a lot of pictures in the books, so the student will be hard to concentrate on something concrete.

For such a form of learning it is better to use question tactics:

  1. For example, ask to show a specific letter or describe animals that begin to it.
  2. For children from 5 years, books and magazines will be useful for the development of reading. It is very important that the font is large enough, then the likelihood of strong voltage is reduced.

Study on a computer

Many mothers due to lack of time (or desire) sit down their child for a computer, include a video or game and want him to teach everything in this way. This is not very correct. Educational cartoons or games are better used in a game form, not constantly. In addition to their development, other learning methods should be included.

How to praise a child for success

Any knowledge for children of different ages is given very hard. Therefore, for any victory or defeat, it is necessary to express praise. In no case cannot be angry or punish a child if something does not work. Remember that the correct motivation is the main key to success.

It must be remembered that for each age there is an optimal duration of the lesson (for children from 2-3 years not more than 10 minutes, for older - no more than 30 minutes). All classes must be carried out regularly and in no way forced a student to this.

Each parents want their baby to be the best and unique. Very often they begin to conduct an educational process at an early age, it does not always bring positive results. For each age, there are practical techniques for the alphabet.

It is necessary to adhere to them, and also be sure to follow the behavior of your baby. In the absence of desire, it is not necessary to impose lessons, you need to postpone them a little and run it again. Every child early or later learns to read and write. The task of parents is to motivate and develop this process.

From letters to the alphabet

It is impossible to disagree with the fact that every child is individual. One baby grabs everything on the fly, and to another you need to find a special approach to teach even simpler. You can start from two years old - at this age, the kids are inquisitive and quickly remember all new. But study should be organized in a game form.

The child will love reading in the future if you regularly comply with simple rules:

  • Every day with the baby read the choice of rhymes, fairy tales, books. Well, if he wishes to choose literature today;
  • While reading, attention to the letters will be more attracted if led by the line finger;
  • Later you can discuss with the child read, ask his opinion, retell the content yourself or ask to retell it.

So the baby will be interested in the ability to read independently and will ask where what letter. And for the study process, various auxiliary instruments will come to the rescue:

  • magnetic alphabet;
  • color letter;
  • interactive poster;
  • cubes with literals.

Daily speaking a certain time to study letters, very soon the kid can tell the entire alphabet.

But at school it is not enough to know how one or another letter sounds. Children need to know the entire alphabet by heart in the right order. Often a child who is well known for all letters is difficult to learn the sequence of their placement and how the letter is correctly called. Yes, and parents who have learned the kid with all the literals, it seems that the occupation is not from ordinary sequence.

This is not quite so. If the daughre already knows all the letters and understands that it is not just signs, and they need to read and letters, then with the right approach, the alphabet will learn quite easily.

Methods to memorize letters in alphabetical order

In order to quickly learn the alphabet with a child, there are many ways. For example, you can take the same cards, a magnetic board or cubes that were used at the Study Stage. Several times a day you need to pronounce all the sequence with the child. If he quickly gets tired or bored with him, it is possible to divide the alphabet into two parts.

Very simple, but an effective method - the alphabet must be singing. Write the ready, the most liked cross song and sing it with him. You can also download your favorite song without words and instead of the stop-up sign the letters in the right order.

The occupation can be beloved if the alphabet to make with the baby with their own hands. A child will be happy to take part in such a serious matter. To do this, you need to cut all the letters from the cardboard and glue them in the alphabetic sequence. If desired, work can be decorated with pictures and pictures. The baby will be proud to show his work with his own and friends and he wants to learn more quickly and tell what the letter is for what.

Success in this case will come quickly if classes are held in compliance with the following conditions:

  • the child is not hungry;
  • he is in a good mood;
  • he slept well, not tired.

In any case, the baby must deal with pleasure. It is impossible to scold him if it is not immediately possible to remember the material, you can repeat the desire to learn for a long time. If the crumbs do everything, if there is the first result, it is necessary to praise it. Then he will be happy to continue learning and soon, quickly and without mistakes, will tell the entire alphabet from "A" to "I".

What to do if the alphabet is hard?

All children are completely different, everyone needs to find their approach. If the child categorically refuses to learn the alphabet, then with the classes it is worth noting and returning to them later when he is ready. During this period, it is worth trying several teaching methods. Well, when parents with children walk along the developing stores, because a new alphabet with volumetric letters and colorful pictures or a puzzle rug may very much like a crumb and be a good helper for classes.

Create an appropriate environment for learning in the children's room. A bright poster alphabet or decorative pillows with letters will always be in front of the baby, and it will be easier for him to master the sequence of the liter. And psychologists believe that the material is absorbed more efficiently if it is highlighted in red.

Unfortunately, it often happens that the parents have no opportunity or it is impossible to learn the alphabet with the child independently. In such cases, it is worth seeking good learning benefits. A series of developing cartoons on disks will come to the rescue. At the same time, you should not forget that time in front of a computer or TV for children should be strictly dosed. The format of the cartoon learning will delay the attention of the young student for a long time. And this means that the material will be absorbed well.

The choice of such lessons is now huge, for example, the developing course "Learn to read", the author of Robert Sahakyans. During the lesson, the child is following how the wise owl teaches the sequences of the alphabet letters and teaches to read a little bunny. As practice shows, such a type of learning is very interesting and effective for a child.

A variety of online classes are all sorts of alphabetical simulators.

Often remember the letters in the alphabetic sequence to the child helps their writing under the dictation. Of course, provided that the child knows and write them at all. It will be nicer to write them with colored pencils, markers or paints. During the walk, you can also do: for this, a wand, sand or colored crayons quite fit. Approaches and learning methods are better alternating, so the baby will not tire classes.

In the desire to help the child as soon as possible to master all the letters and learn the alphabet, do not forget that training can be started when:

  • the child speaks well the sounds;
  • his vocabulary allows sufficiently expressing thoughts and needs;
  • in colloquial speech uses full common suggestions;
  • he likes to listen when adults read him and is trying to "read".

If a child loves music, a song will help for good memorization of the alphabetic series:

Thirty three native sisters
Scripture beauties,
On one live page,
And everywhere are famous!
To you, they are in a hurry,
Nice sisters
Very much asking for all guys
Make friends with them!
A, BE, WE, GE, DE, E, HE -
Round on the hedgehog.
ZE, and, ka, el, uh, en, o -
A friendly climbed into the window.
PE, ER, ES, TE, U, EF, HA -
Sedded the rooster.
CE, Che, Sha, Sch, E, Yu, I -
All now my friends.
Five sisters were late -
Played in hide and seek.
And now all the letters got up
In a terrific order.
Get acquainted with them, children:
Here they are worth a row.
Be very bad to live in light
Those who are unfamiliar with them.

Storing the alphabet is better than playing. To do this, you can try different lessons-games:

  • Children who love to play a pantomime will like learning in the form of a favorite game. For this, they should be wondering and ridiculous to portray each letter in order.
  • Using the alphabet, the child must find the subject from the environment, the name of which begins for each subsequent letter.
  • An amateur to paint like the game in "live letters". A child with the help of parents creates his own alphabet, where every letter is drawn in order. At the same time, the letters are different: each of its "character".
  • You can give a small student an interactive game "Letters of the Russian Alphabet". When a child in the right order connects the letters one after another, at the end "comes to life" picture. At the same time, by pressing each letter, the child will remember the child faster, as it is correct to pronounce.
  • Help learning the alphabetic sequence can play the "hunt for the letter". It is interesting to play several children at the same time. For this you need old newspapers or magazines, as well as scissors and an album. The child who first found, cut out and glued all the letters in the correct order. If children know the alphabet yet, it is not very confident, then you can let them look.

Alphabet - Literacy foundation. Therefore, children need to help master letters, sounds, as well as call them in the alphabetic order sequence. And for this, it is very necessary to buy notable learning aids or special programs. To learn the alphabet with the child, and at the same time to refresh him in memory itself - quite bye for each parent.

When we teach the letters along with the baby, we often have various questions and doubts. Acquaintance with letters is an important stage in the development of crumbs, because of them, as long as he stranged signs, he will then learn to draw up words, read, write the first word.

How to make the learning process by simple, as interesting as possible, to submit information in a game form and help the child remember important information we will tell today in our material.

Learn letters: preparation for the process

To the question "How many years it is better to start learning letters" no definite answer Here it all depends on the initiative of parents and the individual readiness of the child.

Some moms and dads begin the process of studying the alphabet from 2-3 years. At this age, the baby it is rare to remember well such a large array of information, yes it is not necessary for him, but some letters He may well master and learn.

For example, familiar and recognizable become a, b and in, the first letter of their name, to - if the child lives the cat and C - when the four-legged family is a full member of the family.

But to too much It is not worth it, at this age, it is not the number of learned letters, but the ability of parents.

How to do this if the crumb is still small enough? We have several rules .

Read the baby every day . Well, if there will be a lot of children's books in the house, the child will appear in their favorite, he will be able to choose the works for reading.

While reading, sit down with a child, so that he saw the text on the page. As in childhood, drive your finger on line So the baby will be easier to remember and compare the writing and sound of letters.

Do not hide books , fearing that the child will bloom or stain. Purchase children's editions with solid, cardboard pages - such copies are heavier to damage with careless movement.

Carefully, but firmly take a book from the hands of a small lean, if he decides to use them not for its intended purpose. Tell and explain that they need to read, they are our friends who tell a lot of interesting things.

Even if the child does not want to listen to fairy tales - let considers In the books, bright pictures, leafing the page, studies the expression of persons of heroes.

For training memory and attention disturb crochi about what you read. At least in a few words, let the child tell, about whom I found out this time, trying to retell the plot, reproduce the sequence of events.

In the event of an early start of training, parents do not need to forget that at the age of 2-3 years it is quite difficult to concentrate On something longer than 10-15 minutes, as well as they may have difficulties, if you need to learn several new letters immediately.

See that the baby begins to lose interest and distract? So it's time to finish the occupation, even if you got out for just 5-10 minutes.

You should not get acquainted with a lot of letters immediately - 2-3 per day is quite enough. It is not necessary to introduce them to the use of strictly in alphabetical order until the child is absolutely important. Take a small clear word for example, for example "ball", "meow", "nose", "house" or the name of the crumbs, and begin to develop the sounds from which it consists.

The best assistants - interest and motivation

Let's go back to the past slightly. Remember how you entered your crumb first lure ? The main part of the parents begins to do it when baby manifests an active interest To the contents of the plates of adults.

In the study of the alphabet we advise you to adhere to the same rule - it makes no sense to hurry how quickly you can learn all the letters. The motto "five-year-old - in two months" is not the slogan, which should be followed in this case.

It is better wait for the moment When, and asks, as the new book is called, what is written on the packaging of juice or how to read the name of his favorite toy store.

We play study

How to make the process of studying letters interesting for a child? Universal method, unfortunately, no.

Many parents, not curly give preference to familiar with childhood books-alphabam but there is still several variants which we want to draw your attention.

Magnetic ABC . Multicolored letters on magnets can be mounted on any metal surface: easel, refrigerator or dishes. Every letter the baby will be able to take into hand, feel, put in the company of others, experiment, creating combinations at its discretion. With a magnetic alphabet, you can not only create various words, and also to develop the imagination of the child - let it tell, what is like the letter F, L or D. Do not forget about attention. For example, you learned the word "cup" with the child. Remove one of the letters, and let the kid say, what disappeared, and then call the resulting word.

Cubes . The way that has learned to read more of our parents still in force! It doesn't matter how cubes will be - wooden or plastic, the main thing is that they were enough to fold at least a small word. Therefore, if you get some kind of set, check whether it is enough in it, for example letters a, n and m so that you or the child can simultaneously fold the words mom and dad. For those who are ready to start exploring not only letters, and symbols, and also actively configured to read - Cubes of Zaitsev will help.

Cards . Sets of cards with letters in assortment are usually sold in stores toys or bookstores. The task of parents is to choose the design you like. But such cards can be created by themselves, along with the baby, this is a great creative occupation. Draw a large letter on a leaf from the drawing album, pick up and stick next to small pictures with the image of items that begin with this letter. You can select pictures from logs, and if you do not want to draw - type the letters on the computer and print. If you wish, you can make a whole lettering, decorating each piece of paper at your discretion.

Screw materials . For those children and parents who love creative, we advise you to move away from the usual pencils and paints, and write letters with chalk on the asphalt, erased markers on the floor, finger on the sand, jam on the table, laser pointer in the dark on the wall. Sculpt the letters from the dough, plasticine, cut out of wood, create words from the constructor cubes, lay out of the lids, macaronin, counting sticks, pebbles, leaves and cones.

Talking Azbuch . Those people who came up with posters with a "talking alphabet", really well done, this is a very useful thing. Pressing one or another letter, the child will hear how it is pronounced, and answering questions in the "Exam" mode, will be able to secure the knowledge gained in a games form.

Test for attentiveness . Did you know that letters tend to hide? Yes Yes! And at the same time, sooooo love when they are looking for. This is exactly what we advise you to do with the child, armed with a red felt-tip pen and an unnecessary magazine with large letters. Announce who we have hiding today, and forward - in search! With a child older, 5 years old, in such a game it is interesting to play chairs. The main thing is that you have the same logs that you will open on the same page. Once or two to three - time went!

Watch and sing . There are many short videos, cartoons and songs on the Internet, which will make it easier for the baby to memorize new letters. There are applications for learning letters for iPad and iPhone . The task of parents: Previously, before you show the child, view and evaluate the video or task to your taste. It is important that it is interesting, positive, and also corresponded to its age and the level of child's development.

Hunting letters . You will need a stack of old magazines, glue and scissors. Task - find letters in the magazine, cut them and stick into the album alphabetically . A more complex version of this game is to find only uppercase or only lowercase letters. The level for the connoisseurs that can already read - cut and stick the whole words. You can play the speed or just on the correctness of the task.

Any undertaking will necessarily have success provided that parents believe in the child .

We wish you success, and if you have your own, individual way, thanks to which your baby learned letters - share with us your experience in the comments to the article.

Stand in love, patience, and start!

The kid can not be forced to learn the alphabet: remember the letters need gradually and with pleasure. Inventive mothers and dads are constantly inventy new ways, how to interest the child with studying letters. We found several of the most effective options.

1. Slog letters from plasticine / clay / other materials

An excellent way is not only to memorize letters, but also to develop a shallow motor and imagination. You can give a child a certain template, for example, a sheet of paper with the image of the letter. Next, you need to ask the baby to make something painted in the picture.

Lucking letters from plasticine can be engaged 2-3 times a week for 7-10 minutes. Do not make a few letters at a time, one is enough.

2. Cut letters from logs or newspapers

Children are not at all interesting to read serious magazines for adults, but cut them along and across - this is a completely different matter. So take the old magazine, scissors and with the child are looking for the desired letter. For example, cut out 5 letters "I" of different sizes and glued them on paper.

3. Bake cookies in the form of letters

Why not make delicious cookies in the form of letters? Ask the kid to become your assistant. You can apply letters from the finished test, and you can use special forms with which, by the way, the child will cope.

Good recipe cookie:

Take 50 g of softened butter, 0.5 cup sugar and 2 tsp. Vanilla sugar, 1 chicken egg and thoroughly beat into a homogeneous mass. Add flour and baking powder. To knead the dough, wrap it with a foodcloth and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Cut letters and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.

When the dessert time comes, start playing!

4. Writing a finger on flour / starch

Writing a felt-tip pen on ordinary paper is boring, and draw on anything (flour / sand / starch / cream) - great! That is how little children reason. So let let letters bring where they like.

5. Make letters from the designer Lego

From Lego, you can build not only towers, fortresses and locks, but also letters. At the same time, the child swears the imagination and fantasy, because the letters may not be so easy.

6. Draw on snow

When you walk with the child, be sure to draw the letters or words on the snow. It is possible to give him a small stick and write letters with it, but you can ask you to "thull" the letter with legs.

7. Wipe and place letters around the house

While your child grows, why not decorate the house letters? If you search for beautiful letters (or make sam hands), then you can get a very cool decorative element of the interior. Your baby will constantly see these letters and remember them in a matter of days.

8. Play Hires with letters

Surely, have you already bought a set with plastic or wooden letters to teach your child? Think how you can use letters in the game. For example, take 3 different letters and hiding them in the room. Ask a child to find a specific letter. Finds - hide again, and play until you get bored.

9. Lay out the letters from girlfriend

Learn the alphabet always and everywhere! Give the baby an unusual material, and let it depict any letter. Pugs can go buttons, cones, stones, beads, pasta, nuts ...

10. Show letters with hands

Play the game: ask the child to portray the letters with your hands, and you have to guess which symbol it means. Believe me, the baby will have to include its fantasy at full power.

Several tips with young parents, how to learn the alphabet with the child:

  • There are many disputes, how old is the child you need to start learning the alphabet. It all depends on what the opinion of what psychologists you trust. One way or another, the optimal age of 3-4 years.
  • Select for 10-15 minutes every day (or every other day) for games with letters.
  • To quickly learn letters, you need to try the letters to look at the child at the same time, which he remembers.
  • Start by patience, you may have repeated the same thing several times.
  • The more diverse there will be classes, the faster the child will learn the alphabet (so use all the listed ways).
  • As soon as we learned a few letters, start folding small words with them.

Good luck!

How quickly and correctly learn the alphabet with the child. Tips and rules for the study of the alphabet. Interesting techniques for the study of letters at different ages (from 3 to 6 years). Methods for memorizing letters.

All parents are sooner or later faced with such tasks: how to teach the child with the alphabet, how to do it correctly, so as not to discourage a desire from the baby, and what methods it is best to use.

Some children begin to learn letters aged 2 to 3 years and can determine most letters by 4 years. This means that you can start learning with the child to the ABC, it will be for about 3 years. Of course, you should not wait for the child to immediately remember many letters, it will take time.

Doctors and teachers believe that it is best to master letters follow after 3 years. From this age, children have increased curiosity and learning ability.

But since each kid develops individually, then parents must catch this moment. If there are problems with stuttering, with the pronunciation of sounds, it is better to wait.

There are several rules that will help prepare for the study of the alphabet:

  1. let the child independently choose the book that you will read, and shifts the pages yourself;
  2. carefully look at and discuss pictures;
  3. discuss the read, let the child retell the story.

It is recommended to use such methods that may attract the attention of the child, since interest contributes to a lighter absorption and memorization. It is important to praise the baby and in no case should you scold. Classes should be carried out at the same time, regularly to develop a habit.

There is a general instruction for learning letters in the alphabet:

First, start learning the letters better from the simple and those most often used, gradually moving to rare and complex.

Secondly, one letter in a couple of days for the baby will be enough. It is possible to fix the result using cards with objects cut from paper or tissue letters blind from plasticine. In order for the child to forget the previously learned letter, it is worth starting every lesson with repetition.

Thirdly, parents can tell the child to which the letter looks like, read the small poems of her or sing a song.

We study the alphabet of 3 years

The first step in learning the alphabet of a three-year-old child is to interest it. More often, he begins to show interest in the letters while reading. Mom's task and dad - to support this interest. To this age, the baby appears in favorite fairy tales, poems (if parents read a lot of books). Motivation appears to master the alphabet in order to continue to read himself. Best of all at a three-year-old, children remember the first letter name, the letters A, B and B.

So, how to teach a child letters:

First, you can use cubes, with letters drawn on them, cards, magnetic alphabet, various posters and stickers.

Secondly, parents together with the child should draw letters on paper on the board, or on asphalt. It will help to remember the letters faster.

Thirdly, you can add letters from various girlfriend, for example, buttons, sticks, and so on. Such an occupation will be useful not only in terms of studying the alphabet, but will allow you to develop a shallow motorcy.

The main rule - the alphabet is studied by one letter.

It is important to remember that the child at 3 years old should not force forced and make learning letters - it can beat off all interest and desire, and in the future teach a child letters will be harder.

We study the alphabet of 4 years

Classes with four-year-old kids are conducted in the same way as for a three-year-old child. To explore letters, games are used again. You can continue to fold letters from items.

Parents must include new games. It may be: "Magic bag", "Find pictures". First Game: The bag folds the letters that are cut out of the cardboard. The kid bows there and, without looking, defines the chosen letter. Then pulls out and checks whether he called it correctly.

In the second game, a set of pictures are used, with objects shown on them and starting to different letters. 3-4 pictures are laid out and a certain letter of the alphabet, and the child is looking for depicted objects beginning with it.

We study the alphabet of 5 years

At the age of 5 years, the child is already consciously manifests interest in reading. He understands that words can be made from the letters, and from words - offers. The five-year-old kid can independently without tiping parents with the help of improvised items to make letters, sculpt them from plasticine.

The electronic letter at this age will be very useful - he will interest and pass the child. In this case, it is very important to choose the right letter. The letters should be pronounced as sounds denoting them (not "er", but "p" or not "en", and "n").

For four- and five-year-old kids there is a special workbook "Learning the letters", according to which they along with parents or can independently do.

At this age, the main thing is that the child speaks correctly and connected. For this, parents must ask the child to tell something, for example, what he was doing today, let him retell his beloved fairy tale and so on.

We study the alphabet of 6 years

6 years - the best time when you remember the alphabet and start reading. Therefore, parents should not worry very much if their baby did not show any desire to study the letters. In 6 years, the alphabet is much faster than in 3 years.

In this case, the bucvari can be used for classes, the magnetic alphabet will be useful to proper. You can watch with a child special cartoons, learning letters. Now there are many useful applications for and smartphones, sites with educational games on the Internet helping the child to know the alphabet.

The whole family can create a copyright. To do this, you need to draw or cut out of paper letter and picture depicting an item on this letter. Then we glue them to the page in the album for drawing. The child will love such a job.

Consecutive classes using the tank contribute to the fact that in parallel with the study of the alphabet, a six-year-old child learns to read.

So, the main rules how to teach a child letters:
  • So that the child learned the alphabet, the parents should not force forcing them to engage.
  • The most favorable letters is a game form of training.
  • Starting classes are going when the child appears interest in the letters.
  • The best way to learn the alphabet - parents must cause the kid's curiosity.
  • It is worth picking up interesting games in which the child will sincere want to play.
  • If the child is not interested, he does not want to play with the letters, then in this case, parents must postpone with the classes, because the child is not ready for it.
  • Fasten the learned material is very important. Parents must ask the child to call the letters that are in the surrounding items. Let him draw them himself.

Now you have learned how to help your child learn the alphabet. Remember, you should not demand more from it than he can remember. And even if something does not work, do not scold. Pay attention to the mood of the child, whether it is not tired. Your baby can easily remember all the letters if you take tips in the article.