Hibiscus hybrid herbaceous in our garden. Hibiscus is suitable for temperate regions.

Our grandmothers, growing strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving High Quality berries and reduce crop losses. Some might say it's troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we suggest that you get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very versatile. Despite the fact that “babies” have always been considered more fashionable, it is worth taking a closer look at the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate a modern interior. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of pricklyness, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will talk about the five most fashionable succulents that surprisingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as far back as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Blueberries are a rare promising berry crop in gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberries resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. He sometimes confuses even experienced gardeners! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the most striking garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs is a “supplier” of delicious pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. Mushrooms are lightly fried in olive oil, and then poured with apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

Conifer tree or a shrub on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, secreted by plants, not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. Generally, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Make your family happy and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as the pieces of dough turn into real ones. Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative and deciduous favorites among tuberous crops. And the caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of the interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, the rumors about the unusual capriciousness of the Caladium never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it will suit every side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can make this ahead of time to keep it hot), add gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Exotic lovers will like unpretentious, beautiful flower hibiscus. Flowers, similar to magical butterflies, amaze with a variety of shapes, sizes and a rich palette of colors. Rosan Chinese, ketmiya, okra, Sudanese rose, Syrian rose - a list of wonderful names for this magnificent shrub.

Hibiscus is native to Southeast Asia and Polynesia. In Malaysia, he is one of the symbols of the country. His image is printed on coins. And in Hawaii they call it a flower beautiful women. During national holidays, Hawaiian girls and women adorn their hair with amazing hibiscus flowers.

Hibiscus differ from each other in size, color and shape of flowers and leaves. It is impossible to remember all the names of this beautiful plant. All colors of the rainbow and shades have large double or single flowers. They, like, are very popular in Russia.

And although you can only admire the beauty of a flower for a day, it adorns itself for 8 months. The secret is that in place of a fallen flower, a new bud appears. You just need to take care of him and know the features of caring for him. We can distinguish its main types.

Hibiscus hybrid

So named because it was bred by crossing red, pink and holly flowers. It is bred because of the huge flowers of indescribable beauty. This herbaceous plant has been decorating parks and courtyards for many years.

Hibiscus Chinese

More commonly known as Chinese rose. This shrub can grow from two to three meters. It has oval dark green leaves with serrated edges. Rose has about 500 varieties. Has a rich palette of colors: from snow-white to purple. Flower petals are often double, reaching up to 15 cm.

Hibiscus dissected

This shrub has small flowers of red or orange color with fringed bent edges. The leaves of the shrub are glossy, have a green color.

Most often, this plant is used to create landscape compositions. It can be planted separately, it can be a group to form a hedge. There are about 250 varieties.

Among them there are shrubs, and trees, and herbaceous plants. In temperate climates, Syrian hibiscus is most often planted.

Growing this beautiful plant is easy. The main thing is to know the rules for caring for him, listen to the advice of gardeners.

Place for planting and watering

For the successful cultivation of shrubs, you need to take care of the landing site.

Hibiscus is a thermophilic and photophilous plant. Therefore, the place should be well lit and protected from wind and cold. The soil should be light and permeable.

In extreme heat, mulch will help maintain moisture: straw, fallen needles, chopped bark, and so on. Dry air can cause wrinkling of leaves and dropping of buds on a shrub. Therefore, it is necessary to spray the plant abundantly.

Planting, care and propagation of plants

Florists recommend planting it in well-warmed soil. It is advisable to take seedlings strong, with a well-developed root system. It will be easier for the plant to endure seasonal hardships, gain strength over the summer and prepare for the meeting of winter cold.

Propagating hibiscus is very easy. Most often, gardeners cut off a suitable cutting, put it in water. Branches with three nodes are suitable for cuttings. It is advisable to cover the top with a container to maintain humidity. When the roots appear, it is transplanted into a pot with earth. It is advisable to take the earth from the garden, adding a third of the peat to the soil.

On the winter period the pot can be taken indoors, or the cuttings can be planted in the ground. It is necessary to wrap it up for the winter in order to preserve the young root system. Thanks to this method, the species characteristics of the flower are preserved and next year it will delight gardeners with flowering.

Secondly, hibiscus can be propagated by dividing the bush. This method depends on the number of shoots and age. It is advisable to thin out the bush every year. This will prevent the flowers from fading.

The most time-consuming method is propagation by seeds. Seeds are sown in the soil at the end of February, having previously treated them with epina. It is also necessary to take a prepared soil composition: peat and sand mixed in equal amounts are added to the soil.

The container is covered with glass, periodically opening for watering and ventilation. When 3-4 leaves appear on the seedlings, the plant is stopped and transplanted into pots. If all the recommendations are followed correctly, then in the third year the plant will delight with beautiful flowers.

Winter holiday

With the onset of cold weather, reduce the amount of watering. After the foliage falls from the flower, it is cut off, stepping back from the root 8-10 cm. To prevent the plant from dying, it is covered with paper bags, mats, straw or sawdust. Sometimes it is watered to moisten the soil.

You can dig up the plant and plant it in a pot together with a clod of earth. In this form, send it for the winter in the basement or in the room. At home, the flower will remind you of summer with its greenery and flowers.

top dressing

Fertilizing the flower is carried out every week, always after watering. For dense foliage, fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are selected. For lush flowering and growth, it is desirable to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. With the onset of cold weather, the rose must be prepared for winter. To do this, from September 2-3 times it is necessary to feed it with any potash fertilizer.

shrub pruning

Lovers of the Syrian rose (as garden hibiscus is most often called) need to remember that new flowers appear only on young shoots. Therefore, the bush should be trimmed. You can cut it after the age of two and do it annually to improve and form a bush.

Branches that pleased with their color must be removed. On cut branches will appear side shoots on which peduncles will form. This will contribute to the formation of buds next year. Weak and diseased branches must be cut out, leaving up to two cm from the bud with leaves. Shoots growing inside the bush and those that grow parallel to the main trunk are to be removed.

Pruning is done before the beginning of the active phase of the life of the bush, at the end of winter. He is not afraid of pruning. It gives the flower a well-groomed appearance, rejuvenates it and stimulates lush flowering. With careful care, garden hibiscus can grow in permanent place up to 20 years old.

Photo of hibiscus

Pests and diseases of hibiscus

Although the Syrian rose is an unpretentious plant, gardeners can face some unpleasant difficulties when growing it.

  1. The buds are falling off. This is due to lack of fertilizer, lack of moisture, cold.
  2. Leaves withered. It is necessary to review the amount of moisture, lighting, nutrients (lack or excess), as well as temperature fluctuations.
  3. Absence of flowers with abundant foliage. The reason lies in the excess of nitrogen fertilizer or lack of watering in the spring.
  4. Root disease. Lack of moisture in dry weather.
  5. Leaf chlorosis (yellowing and falling of leaves, drying of the tops of the shoots). Iron and magnesium deficiency, root wetting, low acidity soil.
  6. Falling leaves. Long-term drying of the soil.

Most often, hibiscus suffers from attacks by spider mites, aphids, thrips, scale insects. For prevention, the plant should be sprayed with a soapy solution, and then with Actellik insecticide.

Exotic room decoration

For people who want to see this flowering bush all year round, it is advisable to breed indoor hibiscus. It looks very nice among other indoor plants.

The flower purifies the air in the room, fills the air with a delicate and pleasant aroma, and has a positive effect on other indoor flowers. It can be grown like a tree, or it can be shaped beautiful bush various shapes. Indoor hibiscus is unpretentious, but you need to know some features of caring for it.

1. Lighting. The flower feels comfortable near the windows that face west and east. It is not recommended to put on the windowsill. Rectilinear sunlight adversely affects hibiscus leaves.

On warm days, the flower can be taken out to the balcony or garden. It is necessary to ensure that the rose does not stand in a draft. In winter, it is necessary to organize additional lighting for hibiscus. With poor lighting, the plant will not please with lush flowering.

2. Watering. It is necessary to water the flower regularly with settled water. When the soil dries out, the rose drops flowers. Spraying flower tolerates very well. In spring and summer, it should be watered as often as possible, but with the advent of autumn, the amount of watering should be reduced.

Very beneficial for flower growth wet air. The easiest way is to put a humidifier, or you can put a flower pot in a tray. Pour expanded clay or pebbles into it, moistening them periodically. To prevent the roots from getting wet, there should be no water in the pan.

3. Transplant. Young plants should be repotted every year. The pot should be selected 5-10 cm larger than the previous one. Narrow pots will keep the hibiscus from throwing flowers away. Garden soil, sand and peat are prepared for transplantation (2: 1: 1). You can add finely crushed charcoal.

Drainage should be placed at the bottom of the pot. Mature plants are transplanted once every three years. In between, it is enough to change upper layer earth.

How to transplant hibiscus

Useful properties of hibiscus

  • From the flowers of the Sudanese rose (sabdarif) they make real Hibiscus tea. But at home, it does not grow. People have learned to prepare healing teas from Chinese hibiscus. Grind 5 g of petals and insist in a glass of warm water for 7-8 hours. This infusion is good to rinse your mouth with inflammatory processes, drink with insomnia, with hypertension. The leaves and petals, ground into gruel, help with abscesses.
  • A hair conditioner is prepared with a decoction of Chinese rose flowers, and the slurry of flowers is used as a shampoo, as a mask, and as a hair dye. Hair after such washing looks simply gorgeous.
  • Okra fruits (edible hibiscus) are widely used in cooking. They are fried, stewed, boiled, frozen, canned. Unripe fruits successfully replace green peas, and Gombo coffee is prepared from mature and roasted ones.
  • Hibiscus seeds and roots are used in medicine.

The extraordinary world of hibiscus gives people a sense of beauty, peace and tranquility.

Flower hibiscus (lat. Hibiscus) refers to an extensive genus of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants of the Malvaceae family, numbering about 300 species that grow naturally in the tropics and subtropics of the New and Old Worlds. In temperate climates, only Syrian hibiscus and ternate hibiscus can grow in open ground, as well as the new kind, obtained in the 40-50s of the twentieth century on the basis of North American marsh hibiscus, bright red and armed, hybrid hibiscus, or garden hibiscus. All forms of hybrid hibiscus are frost-resistant. Everyone's favorite chinese rose, or chinese hibiscus, in our latitudes is grown only as an indoor or greenhouse plant, although hibiscus rose loves to spend summer holidays outdoors.

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Planting and caring for hibiscus (in a nutshell)

  • Landing: spring, in the second half of May.
  • Bloom: from the end of June to the beginning of October.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: light, fertile, moisture-permeable - which would suit roses.
  • Watering: regular, especially in the heat, but only after the soil has dried. In drought, watering is carried out daily.
  • Pruning: and sanitary, and rejuvenating, and shaping pruning is carried out in early spring before the start of sap flow.
  • Top dressing: from June to September - twice a month with mineral fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and nitrogen, in autumn potash fertilizers are also added to the complex.
  • Reproduction: seeds, cuttings, layering and grafting.
  • Pests: thrips, spider mites, aphids, whiteflies.
  • Diseases: chlorosis, root rot.

Read more about growing hibiscus below.

Garden hibiscus - description

The garden hibiscus plant can be a tree, shrub, or herbaceous plant. For example, the hibiscus tree in the garden is a Syrian rose, which is grown both as a standard tree and as a shrub up to one and a half meters high. And herbaceous hibiscus is represented by varieties of hybrid hibiscus. Herbaceous forms of the plant can be annuals, although gardeners are much more attracted to perennial hibiscus.

Despite differences in form, All hibiscus have common features. Hibiscus leaves are more or less incised, petiolate. Hibiscus flowers are large, bright, simple or double, extensive colors- white, yellow, crimson, dark red, lilac, blue, violet and purple. There are varieties with a border around the edge of the petals or with an eye in a contrasting color. Hibiscus fruits are five-leaved boxes with seeds. Today, apart from garden species, there are about five hundred forms and varieties of hibiscus.

planting hibiscus

When to plant hibiscus

Before planting, think carefully about where your hibiscus will grow, because the choice of location determines how long the plant will decorate your garden - with the right site and good care Hibiscus grows in one place up to 20 years! Hibiscus seedlings are planted in the spring, when the threat of night frosts has passed, so that they can take root and grow stronger over the summer. Ideal for hibiscus is a bright and wind-protected place with light, fertile, moisture-permeable soil - one that is good for planting roses. You can generally arrange hibiscus among roses, they get along fine.

How to plant hibiscus

If you are planting tree hibiscus, the hole for it should be twice as large as root system seedling. A drainage layer of broken brick about 15 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the pit, then a ten-centimeter layer of sand, a layer of compost 15 cm thick and again a layer of sand of the same thickness. To fill the hole, mix the topsoil removed during the preparation of the hole with peat and sand in a ratio of 2:4:1, carefully place the root ball in the hole so that the root collar is just under the ground, and fill the hole with the prepared mixture. Then spud the seedling so that an extensive recess for moisture forms around it, water the plant in this circle, and when the water is absorbed, pour it into the recess of the earth, leveling the surface of the site. If you have a need to plant hibiscus in the fall, be sure to mulch trunk circle and tie the plant with spruce branches.

Hibiscus Care

Growing hibiscus

Caring for garden hibiscus is very simple and not laborious. As soon as young green shoots appear on the hibiscus, remove the old dried stems from it. Loosen the soil around the hibiscus regularly, remove weeds, and make sure that the hibiscus bush does not thicken too much. During the active growing season, from June to September, hibiscus needs top dressing with a high content of phosphorus and nitrogen twice a month, and in the fall, when preparing the plant for winter, potash fertilizers are applied in addition to phosphorus. Unfortunately, hibiscus flower lives only a day, but with good care, the plant blooms so profusely that instead of one flower, another immediately opens, so do not forget to remove wilted flowers in time.

watering hibiscus

Hibiscus care includes regular watering of the plant, especially during the hot season, but you need to water the ground under the hibiscus only after it has completely dried. If the dry period drags on, be prepared to water the hibiscus daily.

In the photo: Hibiscus bloom in the garden

pruning hibiscus

Hibiscus pruning is carried out for sanitary purposes, as well as for the sake of giving a tree or bush a certain shape. Many people prefer to grow hibiscus in the form of a tree, but this will take time and patience. In a young, just planted plant, the branches are shortened to the level of two or three buds, without cutting off only a well-developed trunk. In subsequent years, at the end of winter, cut the side shoots to one or two buds, and the stem to 5-6 buds. When the stem reaches the required height, form a tree crown from strong shoots, shortening them by several buds. Remove the undergrowth and lightly trim the top of the trunk.

How to prune hibiscus in order to maintain plant hygiene? Sanitary pruning is carried out in early spring, before the start of sap flow. Old, diseased, underdeveloped shoots growing inside the bush are completely removed, and last year's growth is shortened by a third, which greatly stimulates the laying of new flower buds.

Remember: the stronger the hibiscus is cut, the more young shoots it will give, which means that its flowering will be more abundant.

Rejuvenating haircut an aged bush involves the removal of all old, dead branches and the shortening of the remaining shoots inside the bush by two-thirds. It would be better to cut the branches around the main shoot to different height- this will give the bush a beautiful shape.

In the photo: How hibiscus blooms

Hibiscus transplant

If you have a need to repot the hibiscus, do it in early spring, after cutting the shoots to half length and before flowering begins, in the order already described. How to care for hibiscus after transplanting? Be sure to water the plant abundantly, but otherwise treat it as described in the previous sections, and in a year it will already bloom. If you are repotting a hybrid hibiscus, dividing the hibiscus rhizome can be done at the same time as the transplant.

Reproduction of garden hibiscus

How to propagate hibiscus

As you can see, both planting and caring for hibiscus are within the power of even beginner gardeners. Just as simple is the reproduction of hibiscus, and the care of it after reproduction. Garden hibiscus (Syrian) is propagated by layering, grafting, but most often by cuttings and seeds. Hybrid hibiscus is propagated by dividing the bush, grafting and green cuttings.

Pictured: Orange hibiscus

Hibiscus from seed

Growing hibiscus from seeds begins from January to March. Before sowing, hibiscus seeds are soaked for half an hour in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then for a day in a small amount of epin solution so that the seeds are barely covered with it. After that, the seeds are sown in containers with a mixture of sand and peat, covered with glass and placed in a warm place where the temperature is kept within 25-27 ºC, it would be nice to arrange a lower heating for the container with sowing.

It is also necessary to regularly ventilate the seed container, remove condensation and moisten the substrate.

When the seedlings develop the first leaves, they are seated in personal pots. Make sure that the seedlings do not stretch: if they lack light, they will have to arrange artificial lighting for seedlings. AT open ground hibiscus seedlings are planted in mid-May. Strong specimens can be planted immediately in a permanent place, while weaker specimens are planted for growing on a training bed at a distance of about half a meter between specimens. Garden hibiscus, unlike hybrid hibiscus, also propagates by self-sowing.

Propagation of hibiscus cuttings

For vegetative propagation in the summer, cuttings of hibiscus with two or three internodes are cut, the lower sections of the cuttings are treated with a growth stimulator, then they are planted in greenhouses with a peat substrate and bottom heating is organized. Rooting of hibiscus occurs within a month, after which the cuttings are transplanted into pots with leafy soil, peat, soddy soil and sand in equal parts, watered regularly, and when new shoots grow up, they are pinched to stimulate tillering. As soon as a bush is formed, it is transplanted into open ground, and if there is decent care for it, hibiscus from the cutting will bloom in the first year after planting. Experienced flower growers manage to root hibiscus cuttings not in the ground, but in the water.

In the photo: Large hibiscus flower

Pests and diseases of hibiscus

Harmful insects and diseases of hibiscus

Hibiscus is rarely affected by insects and diseases, but if it suffers from a lack of moisture for a long time during dry times, it can be occupied by thrips, aphids, whiteflies and spider mites. To eliminate pests, you will have to resort to double treatment of the plant with insecticides Actellik, Fitoverm, Inta-vir, Karbofos with an interval of a week or ten days.

Of all known diseases, hibiscus in the garden most often affects chlorosis - lower leaves hibiscus fall off, and new ones grow yellowish. This happens due to a lack of nitrogen and iron in the soil, so iron chelate should be added to the water for irrigation, and in the spring do not forget to add complex mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen.

In the photo: Growing hibiscus in open ground

Hibiscus turns yellow

Hibiscus leaves turn yellow from chlorosis, as well as in case of injury to the root system, which the plant could have received during transplantation. If the hibiscus turns yellow due to the roots, then it is necessary to add Zircon or Kornevin to the water for irrigation (see instructions) and for spraying the leaves (three drops per half liter of water). Hibiscus leaves turn yellow and as a result of insufficient watering in a hot, dry summer.

Hibiscus not blooming

If you planted a hibiscus in a bright, spacious area and take care of it, as required by agricultural technology, but nevertheless it does not want to bloom, most likely it is a lack of phosphorus and boron. And if the shoots have slowed down their growth, then the problem is also a lack of nitrogen. Do not forget to make the necessary fertilizers for hibiscus on time, and it will definitely bloom.

Hibiscus leaves are falling

If the hibiscus leaves fall off in the fall, this is a natural process, but if this happens prematurely, then the problem is either due to improper watering (insufficient or excessive), or the root of the plant is injured. For guidance on how to deal with these cases, see the previous sections.

In the photo: Hibiscus in a flower bed

Hibiscus after flowering

Hibiscus in autumn in the garden

Almost all hybrid perennial hibiscus are winter-hardy, they can be grown throughout Ukraine, and in Russia - only south of Moscow, but subject to shelter for the winter. The ground part of the hybrid hibiscus dies off in autumn, so it is cut off almost to the surface level and burned, the remains of the bush are watered abundantly, and after that they are highly earthed, and the site, in case of too cold or snowless winter, is mulched with sawdust or dry fallen leaves. next spring powerful rhibiscus hybrid will give new shoots on which beautiful flowers will bloom.

How to winter hibiscus

How does garden hibiscus, or Syrian, winter? In conditions middle lane it needs mandatory shelter, especially if you grow terry plant varieties. Some gardeners living in regions with severe winters dig up hibiscus, place them in a container or large pot, and keep them until spring in the basement or in another cool room, and plant them again in open ground in the spring. If you decide that your hibiscus will winter in the garden, in the second or third decade of November, when the air temperature will be between -5 ºC and -10 ºC, build a frame around the hibiscus, on which stretch lutrasil, spanbond or agrotex. If in your area there are no frosts stronger than 15 ºC, your hibiscus will be reliably protected by such structures.

In the photo: Hibiscus bloom

However, the most the best way to protect hibiscus from frost, and at the same time to avoid their damping out under materials that do not allow air to pass through, is the shelter of hibiscus bushes with spruce branches, which accumulate snow on itself and prevent the hibiscus from overheating and overheating. The plant is covered with spruce branches in three layers, laying branches like a hut, after tying the hibiscus bush with a rope and putting a sackcloth bag on it. However, rodents often climb into such shelters and eat the bark on the hibiscus in the heat, dooming the plant to death. In order to prevent mice or rats from killing your plant, lay mousetraps around the hibiscus or place baits under the shelter - wheat poisoned by rodent poison.

Types and varieties of garden hibiscus

Garden hibiscus is represented mainly by varieties of Syrian hibiscus, however, other types of plants, as well as their varieties, are grown in culture.

Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)

Surprisingly, it comes from China, not Syria. In nature, plants of this species reach a height of 5-6 meters and are deciduous shrubs with bright green ovate leaves about 10 cm long and single flowers of different colors. In culture, in addition to hibiscus with simple flowers, terry hibiscus is grown, and the form of the plant can be either bush or standard. Of the popular varieties, the most interesting are:

  • Diana- shrub up to 2 m high with white flowers wavy along the edge of the petals with a diameter of about 12 cm;
  • Vyelith Ilar Double- a very powerful upright bush with terry or semi-double flowers violet-blue hue with red spots in the middle;
  • Pink Giant- bush with single pink flowers with a purple spot at the base of the petals;
  • Carneus Plenus- shrub with flexible shoots and double pale-pink flowers with a purple spot in the middle.

In the photo: Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)

Hibiscus trifoliate (Hibiscus trionum)

The species is native to central and North Africa, although today it is widely grown in all areas of irrigated agriculture. The root of this plant is taproot, the stem is straight, branched, up to 80 cm high. The leaves are tripartite, petiolate, alternate, with pubescence. The flowers are yellowish, up to 4 cm in diameter, with a dark red middle.

A feature of the species is that the flowers open in the morning for only a few hours, and close in the afternoon.

The flowering of plants of this species lasts more than a month, because a new bud of hibiscus is formed in the axil of each leaf, and when created optimal conditions for hibiscus trifoliate, new flowers will appear daily.

In the photo: Hibiscus trifoliate (Hibiscus trionum)

Hibiscus hybrid (Hibiscus hybrida)

In addition to these two species, which grow both in the wild and in culture, hybrid hibiscus and its varieties are grown as garden plants. As already mentioned, this hybrid was bred by crossing three North American species - holly (armed), bright red and marsh hibiscus. hybrid hibiscus- herbaceous perennials, which are distinguished by spectacular and very large flowers. The best varieties:

  • Youth- a bush up to one and a half meters high, slightly branched, stems of a light yellow-green hue, from which shoots depart at an angle of 60º. The leaves are also yellow-green, three- or five-cut. Pink flowers with a white bottom and a bowl, up to 10 cm in diameter, have the shape of a tulip;
  • Late- a bush of compact shape, about a meter high and of the same diameter, densely leafy with serrated, oval-arrow-shaped leaves with light veins on thick petioles. Flowers, crimson-pink with a lilac tint in the form of narrow bells up to 7 cm in diameter, open on short thick peduncles;

In the photo: Hibiscus hybrid (Hibiscus hybrida)

  • Pale pink- a herbaceous shrub up to 170 cm high with short shoots extending at an angle of 60º from the branches, with yellow-green leaves with three-cut leaves with a serrated edge and tulip-shaped pink flowers up to 12 cm in diameter with a white bottom and a bowl;
  • Pink porcelain- bush up to 130 cm, branched stems, yellow-green, leaves deeply incised with a wide, protruding middle lobe, dusty yellow-green hue, on petioles up to 6 cm long. Large bell-shaped light pink flowers with a barely noticeable yellowness and a white throat, up to 12 cm in diameter, sit in bunches on short peduncles.
  • , Blooming ,

Hibiscus, still known to us under the name of the Chinese rose, has long changed the status of a purely indoor plant to the title of one of the most fashionable flowering crops for garden design. Hibiscus seedlings today are sold almost as widely as various varieties of roses. At the same time, species hibiscus are actively replaced by hybrid ones that are able to winter in open soil even in the middle zone. Growing a garden hibiscus is not so easy, but all the efforts in care, and in choosing a suitable location, and in shelter will pay off with a unique spectacle of huge gramophones - flowers on a lush crown.

Frost-resistant and not very hibiscus

Hibiscus in the conditions of the middle lane are grown as:

  • perennial for open soil with shelter;
  • annual plant;
  • perennial in tub form or with digging for the winter, which, with the advent of cold weather, is cleaned in bright, cool rooms.

In the last two roles, you can grow and hibiscus chinensis, or Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa sinensis), and hibiscus syriac (Hibiscus syriacus), and marsh hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos), and herbaceous hibiscus trifoliate, hibiscus northern (Hibiscus trionum).

In open ground, only two species overwinter without problems - hibiscus hybrid and some varieties Syrian hibiscus, which is often called garden hibiscus. At the same time, not always Syrian hibiscus are tree-like shrubs, but hybrid ones are herbaceous perennials. The difference between them is blurred today, since the winter-hardy Syrian species are also amenable to hybridization and are selectively obtained. Therefore, it is legitimate to assert that only hybrids can winter in the middle zone in the soil, but the origin and specific species name are not as important as the form of growth - shrub or herbaceous. When buying, it is wiser to focus on the nature of growth. Powerful root tubers of hybrid hibiscus are preserved under minimal shelter even in very severe frost, above-ground parts - only in woody and shrubby forms when covered.

K is enough frost-resistant species ternary hibiscus is also often attributed, but it can only be planted if you purchase adult plants already adapted to your region.

What to look for when buying hibiscus for the garden?

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of hibiscus, be sure to evaluate the range of local nurseries and garden centers, refer to experienced gardeners, and do not buy plants from catalogs (especially foreign ones): for the ability of hibiscus to endure winter, acclimatization and adaptability of mother plants is critical. Just belonging to hybrids will not give any guarantee. Therefore, choose trusted, reputable sellers. Because the various varieties of this plant, suitable for growing in your area, usually cover the entire palette, just choose the right color and boldly acquire a new soloist for garden compositions. When buying, specify the form of growth, the usual conditions for the plant.

Outdoor hibiscus are best purchased bare-rooted rather than in containers. The roots should be very powerful and well developed, thick and strong. When doing this, make sure that the seedlings have reached 2-3 years or older than age: the older the hibiscus is, the more frost resistance it will show.

Choosing a place that is comfortable for garden hibiscus

Growing conditions for all hibiscus are similar. This is the only plant in which the requirements for both lighting and soil are the same for growing in the ground, and for tub and potted hibiscus.

Hibiscus are among the most sun-loving garden plants. And in regions with severe winters, good lighting is critical for them. important parameter. For hibiscus, sunny and as warm areas as possible, protected from wind and drafts, which are especially dangerous for plants in early spring, are suitable. Tub hibiscus during the entire flowering period can not stand permutations from place to place and do not even like turning.

But the soil is very easy to pick up. Hibiscus thrive in any loose, quality garden soil, as long as the risk of standing water is minimal. Drained soils with good level organics improved before planting and nutritious, versatile soil mixes for pots - that's all they need.

Planting a garden hibiscus

The optimal strategy for growing this plant is to plant hibiscus in the soil in the spring. So young plants have time to adapt and fully winter with a simple shelter, they will not require too many worries. That is why it is no coincidence that hibiscus seedlings are most represented in garden centers and on the market in the spring, along with fruit trees. It will be possible to cover such hibiscus in the same way as adult plants - in the fall, spud with dry leaves and spruce branches.

But if you purchased hibiscus in the fall, do not despair. Reliable shelter will help young bushes survive the conditions of the middle lane. Just mulch the soil with a thick layer of vegetable mulch, spud them with leaves and tie them with burlap and spruce branches in 3 layers or arrange air dry shelter on the principle of sheltering roses, wisteria or clematis - and the hibiscus will successfully survive the first winter.

In open soil, garden hibiscus are planted in large planting pits, at the bottom of which it is better to lay at least minimal drainage. The excavated soil is improved with a portion of bone meal or superphosphate, compost, and humus is placed at the bottom of the hole. Hibiscus are planted, maintaining their usual level of deepening.

Potted hibiscus are transplanted every spring, before the start of active growth. Most hibiscus need very large containers with a volume of 30 liters or more.

Garden hibiscus care according to strict rules

Hibiscus loves stable humidity, but it also tolerates drought well. True, the latter affect flowering. They do not threaten the plant itself, but they necessarily manifest themselves in dropping some of the buds. To be successful in its cultivation, you need to provide maintenance watering to hibiscus. Fortunately, it is very easy to understand when it is critical to water a plant. Hibiscus itself signals a lack of moisture by drooping leaves. But it is better not to wait for them to wither, and at the first sign of drought, simply water the bushes in the same way as the most capricious perennials. Kadochny hibiscus watering needs systemic, frequent, maintaining light humidity, in summer - daily. Any hibiscus will not refuse spraying.

Hibiscus loves mulching, which helps retain moisture and acts as a protection against extreme heat. The best materials- straw and peat with humus.

Hibiscus is sensitive to top dressings and their composition. The plant does not tolerate a lack of nitrogen and iron, but an excess of the latter can become a traumatic factor for it. It is best for hibiscus to use special mixtures of fertilizers and microfertilizers for flowering plants containing an increased amount of phosphorus. For hibiscus in open soil, 2-3 top dressings are carried out - in early spring and at the budding stage (you can add one more 2-3 weeks after the start of flowering). There is an alternative - the second and third top dressing is changed to monthly or more. frequent watering fertilizer for potted plants, but this is a risky option. Potted plants are fed every two weeks using a flowering plant fertilizer or a mixture with a high phosphorus content.

Every 2-3 years, the plant is better to carry out a fairly strong crown formation, while pruning should be annual. Garden hibiscus bloom on the current year's shoots and for abundant flowering, young growth must be stimulated. Moreover, the plant tolerates pruning without trauma. Carry out the procedure of at least a slight shortening of the tips of the shoots before the start of active growth, in early spring (after removing the shelter). And heat-loving tub hibiscus, and Syrian, and hybrid are not afraid of topiary pruning and they can be grown in a strict form, driven out on a trunk. Potted hibiscus are trimmed in the same way, once a year, but if desired, they can be formed more often. The best time for their haircut is the beginning of spring or autumn.

The most important thing is wintering

The wintering strategy of garden hibiscus depends on their winter hardiness:

  1. Herbaceous hybrid and bush Syrian hibiscus do not need strong shelter, with age they can be covered with only a minimal hill or not at all.
  2. Low-hardy old Syrian hibiscus and capricious varieties not from your region in the garden can only winter in very adulthood and with strong cover, but it is better to grow them as annual plants or take it indoors for the winter.
  3. Do the same, and if you are not sure about the frost resistance and origin of the plant (or you have acquired a very beautiful, but initially capricious variety). It is better to dig up hibiscus together with a large earthen clod, move it to a container and put it away for storage in a cold, but frost-free and bright room.
  4. Potted and indoor hibiscus are taken into the house with a short period of adaptation as soon as there is a threat of night frosts. They are best grown during the cold season as houseplants or place in a frost-free room with access to light.

The preparation of herbaceous hibiscus differs from the preparation of bushy and treelike plants: they are cut to a height of about 10-15 cm above the soil level and spud to the full height with foliage or dry mulched light ground. This will be enough for wintering.

A distinctive feature of tree and bush hibiscus is the ability to become more and more frost-resistant with age. With good care and cultivation without transplants, after a few years, hibiscus will become completely winter-hardy, and old bushes will not suffer at all from even the most severe frosts. But keeping plants to maturity is a difficult task and one that requires constant vigilance. Hibiscus are especially sensitive in the first year after planting, but even before the 4-5-year return, it is not worth risking and leaving them without shelter.

On a note. Hibiscus, especially hybrid ones, produce leaf buds and show signs of growth very late, most often only in May, and sometimes summer is also waiting. The absence of leaves should not be taken as a signal that the plant did not survive the winter: do not worry until June and only then draw conclusions. Moreover, the younger the plant, the later it will wake up.

In the conditions of the middle lane, hibiscus for the winter needs to be covered at least minimally - spud with dry leaves to preserve at least the lower parts of the shoots. Young hibiscus, as well as all the bushes in which you want to prevent freezing of above-ground shoots, wrap more carefully for the winter:

  1. Mulch the soil around the plant with plant materials, and pile the stems as high as possible with dry leaves.
  2. Wrap the hibiscus with spruce branches, tying it with twine (or better still, reinforcing it with burlap), creating several layers of shelter. Do not use non-woven materials: they will increase the risk of fading, so it is better to opt for plain burlap.

Most of the adult frost-resistant Syrian hibiscus that can grow in open soil in regions with severe winters successfully survive without shelter for the winter, retaining only the rhizome and renewal buds. But you should not be afraid of the death of the aerial part: hibiscus blooms on new shoots, recovers well and the foliage grows again. Thanks to rapid growth bushes bloom no worse than plants that retain all above-ground parts during the winter, although they do not reach the size and beauty of sheltered hibiscus. But if you have the opportunity (and desire) to completely cover even the most adult hibiscus for the winter and thus preserve the aerial parts of the plant at least partially by next year, be sure to use it.

Do not rush with a spud and shelter: small frosts are not terrible for hibiscus, moreover, the plant must be allowed to harden a little on its own before wrapping. November is considered the ideal time for sheltering hibiscus, but it is better to navigate by temperature: they cover the plant when stable frosts of -5-10 degrees are established. It is better to create a shelter at intervals, in several passes - first mulching, then hilling, and only then - spruce branches. And even huts from it can be created in 1-2 calls.

Diseases and pests of garden hibiscus

Hibiscus, despite its exotic status, copes well with typical threats and rarely gets sick. Problems in its development are more often associated not with diseases, but with improper feeding and care in general. So, for example, leaf fall, especially active at the bottom of the crown, is due to salinization of the soil, and the absence of flowering is only due to excess nitrogen. Fungal infections are not terrible for hibiscus, but soil depletion, waterlogging, active drafts, lack of mulch are a critical factor.

Pests threaten hibiscus in the garden only when adjacent to infected plants. Aphids, thrips, whiteflies are especially fond of tub and potted hibiscus, and spider mite and does occur very frequently. It is better to fight any insects immediately with insecticides. True, we should not forget about the correction of the care that caused the vulnerability - in particular, measures to humidify the air.

Hibiscus bark, covered for the winter with spruce branches without burlap, can attract rodents, in particular field mice. To avoid an unpleasant visit and damage to the plant, set traps or place some rodent preparations around the hillock. If you used burlap in addition to spruce branches, then such measures will not be needed.

Hibiscus propagation

You can get a new plant by cuttings, and layering, and by dividing the bushes, and even by seeds. Success in hibiscus propagation depends primarily on right choice mother liquor: try to bring plants out of indoor hibiscus not worth it. If you want to get a frost-resistant copy, make sure that mother plant not only tolerates winters well in your area under cover, but has adapted so that it does not require full cover with spruce branches. For propagation, use adult, well-adapted hibiscus.

The easiest way to propagate hibiscus is cuttings that can be cut throughout the summer. For reproduction, young growth is used. Cuttings are cut with 2-3 internodes and immediately treated with preparations that stimulate growth and rooting. Hibiscus cuttings root well in warmth, at a temperature of about 22-25 degrees in any sandy-peat mixture. The whole process takes less than a month. Immediately after rooting, the cuttings should be transferred to individual containers with fertile soil and grown, watering only warm water. Grow at least 2 years (and preferably all 2-3) cuttings of hibiscus as container crops, with cold wintering indoors and as much as possible big time growing in the garden. And only then transfer them to open soil.

From seeds, perennial hibiscus is grown only through seedlings, while sowing should be very early - from January to the first half of March. They require pickling in a growth stimulator, loose earth mixture, elevated temperatures of about 25-26 degrees Celsius and cover with glass or film. Seedlings should not be touched until 2-3 full-fledged leaves are released, after which they need to be picked into small individual pots. The first 2-3 years, hibiscus is best grown as container plants, and they will bloom at all only by the fourth year. Hibiscus Syrian and ternary, when grown as an annual, are sown directly into the soil in May. They will bloom in autumn.

Divide and separate side strokes only in herbaceous hibiscus. The procedure is carried out on bushes older than 5-6 years in the spring.

Herbaceous hibiscus for mid-latitudes is more suitable than tree and shrub varieties. It is frost-resistant, decorative terry and simple flowers of many large sizes. The flower is called hybrid, as it was obtained as a result of selection, the ancestors were North American varieties.

Hibiscus herbaceous photo

best quality for areas with frosty winters is the annual natural death of the ground part of the plant in autumn. Nutrients from the ground part they pass into the root, which is located deep in the ground and is a thickened shoot resembling tubers. This allows you to save the plant from freezing, covering the rhizomes for the winter. Herbaceous hibiscus withstands frosts of thirty degrees. Look!

During the summer, the plant creates thickets up to 3 meters high with abundant and varied flowering. In diameter, one flower can be up to 40 cm. If the root is injured during wintering or spring, the plant will die. Otherwise, the requirements for the care and cultivation of herbaceous hibiscus do not differ from other garden forms.

Agrotechnics of hibiscus hybrid

The place for planting flowers is chosen bright and protected from the cold wind. It should be noted that each bush consists of several upright trunks, on which additional branching is created by pruning. Therefore, initially the bushes are planted at a distance of a meter from each other. It is lovely and background for other colors. Bushes are perennial, with the replacement of the top layer of the earth in one place, they can grow for many years. The plant likes well-drained loam. Cannot stand close ground water and lime soil.

A plant planted in a lowland will certainly get wet in the spring. If the site leaves no options, the landing site must be raised and a drainage substrate arranged below.

Hibiscus herbaceous likes:

  • shower on the leaves, but only in the mornings and evenings, when the sun is weak;
  • watering in moderation, without overdrying the soil;
  • top dressing once every two weeks with full fertilizer, taking into account biology in each period;
  • loosening is frequent, but superficial.

If all conditions are met, the flower will delight with tropical flowers of unprecedented size for a long time.

Preparing the plant for wintering

Even in the second half of summer, they change the composition of the juice and begin to prepare the plant for wintering. At this time, nitrogen fertilizers should be excluded.

With the first autumn frosts, the flowering of hibiscus stops, and it begins to prepare for winter. You can not cut off the ground part, it must dry out and give a supply of nutrition to the roots. At this time, the plants are raked, sand is added to the ground. After drying, the stems are cut off. When stable frosts are established, loose vegetable insulation is poured over the roots. It can be sawdust, straw, leaves. Shelter should be loose, let air through. The bump is covered from above nonwoven fabric and a frame is created on top with poles in order to throw a sackcloth on top in the very frosts.

In the spring, the extra layers are gradually removed, the mound is raked and a transparent film is installed over the planting. A plant closed from night frosts will quickly throw out shoots, and then steady heat will come. When young shoots appear, they need to be pinched so that the trunk branches.

How to propagate hibiscus hybrid

Propagating hibiscus is easy. All cuttings root easily. For reproduction use:

  • seeds;
  • autumn cuttings;
  • spring young shoots.

Seeing a photo of a grassy plant, planting and caring for a handsome man will not seem burdensome for a gardener. It is possible from autumn, after the color stops and before the branches die, ask for cuttings from the happy owner of the plant. This is the upper part of the young stems. They need to be put in water, wait until a thick root lobe appears, then plant them in small cups in the winter and leave them to grow in the room. Bushes planted in spring will bloom in August in their permanent place.

Growing hibiscus herbaceous from seeds allows you to get new forms of flowers. But seeds germinate after stratification. If you sow them in a garden bed, and then grow them up, the plants will bloom in 3-4 years. Spring propagation of herbaceous hibiscus and caring for it from cuttings does not present any particular difficulties. Planted cut branches for rooting should be in a greenhouse with wet sand. Young plants are left in the winter under cover. The following spring, hybrid hibiscus is seated in a permanent place.

A bush growing in a permanent place grows rapidly and requires division. In the spring, when the earth has melted, the root is carefully dug up and divided in half. Each cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal. A neatly planted, divided bush blooms with a slight delay.

Video about growing hibiscus herbaceous from seeds