Potted garden. Miniature Japanese Gardens

A mini potted garden is an unusual decor element and very fascinating hobby, which is more and more relevant. Create miniature garden not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Important Tips on the selection of materials and the choice of plants, as well as step by step master class will help create original decoration for the interior of a summer house or apartment.

This hobby is suitable for all those who love indoor floriculture. After all, in order to create a unique and original composition, you need desire, love for plants and a little imagination. Recommendations and advice from designers will help you make a mini-garden in a pot with your own hands correctly:

Choosing flowers for planting

For decorative gardens, the most suitable different plants... However, experienced gardeners recommend choosing those that grow slowly and do not need special care.

Also, flowers must be chosen based on the design of the miniature composition. For example, to create a Japanese stone garden, it is better to choose plants with a powerful root system that could penetrate any stone crevices in search of water. These will be some types of the succulent family:

  • Saxifrage.
  • Stapelia.
  • Gasteria.
  • Argyroderma.
  • Sedum or Echeveria.
  • Echeveria.

For compositions in park styles, you can use dwarf trees, for example, Money Tree, decorative ficuses or myrtle. Thanks to its beautiful decorative foliage crown, the composition will look more graceful and majestic.

If the mini-garden is intended for a summer cottage, veranda or balcony, then experts recommend choosing dwarf varieties conifers:

  • Lawson's cypress.
  • Common juniper.
  • Canadian spruce.
  • Thuja western.
  • Menzies' pseudo-slug.

In the event that the composition will stand at home, then the most unpretentious flowers should be chosen. These will be:

  • Gelksin.
  • Fittonia.
  • Ivy.

Such a "living" decoration will green up any miniature composition and container. But it is worth remembering that in order to avoid an allergic reaction, only safe flowers should be used.

Plant care

There are no special rules for caring for a mini-garden, except for timely watering and adherence to recommendations for caring for a particular flower. However, there are several general advice, which will help the composition to fight on the spot with its graceful appearance and wonderful aroma:

Master class on creating a composition

Having studied all the features of such a mobile kindergarten, you can proceed directly to its manufacture. But first, you need to prepare all the necessary tools.

So, the main materials for creating a composition:

The first step is to lay the drainage and soil in the selected container. The soil can be bought ready-made in a specialized store, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, mix sand, peat and turf soil in proportions 2: 1: 1. To make the soil looser, you should add vermiculite. Then you need to compact the soil.

The next step is to move on to planting plants. Experienced gardeners it is advised to plant plants in separate plastic cups and then bury them in the soil. The voids should be filled with pebbles, expanded clay or crushed stone. This method helps to retain moisture after watering.

Now you should think about the design of the garden. To make the composition unique, you should make as many elements as possible with your own hands. So, a well or a house can be made from matches or toothpicks. Benches, gazebos and swings are made from barbecue sticks, and a fence can be made from willow twigs.

Alternative option is to use doll furniture... And in order for the light to burn in the house at night, you need to put a small LED candle inside it.

To make a pond, a vessel is used, which is buried in the ground and then filled with water. Since water deteriorates quickly, it should be changed every few days. However, you can also make a dry reservoir. For this, the bottom of the vessel is filled with shiny beads, shells and foil.

Free areas are decorated with paths and paths, decorative grass and small figurines of fairy-tale characters.

Thus, making a mini-kindergarten is creative and very fascinating process, requiring a lot of patience, perseverance and desire!

For lovers of nature and greenery, who are forced to live in an apartment, there is one idea, the implementation of which is easy to implement. Create yourself a mini garden. A mini indoor garden can be grown in a container, drawer, basin and even in a bowl! It is quite possible to create it with your own hands.

Capacity for the future garden

First, you need to choose a container. There can be two options - either you will put different plants in one container, each in its own pot, and fill the areas between them with a choice of sand, soil, expanded clay or pebbles.

In this case, plants that require some other care than others will be able to coexist with less demanding ones.

The second option is you plant all the plants together in one container. In this case, choose plants of the same growing conditions, for example, moisture-loving marsh plants are unlikely to get along with succles or cacti.

If you decide to plant all the plants in one large container without holes in the bottom - do not forget to pour a large amount of expanded clay on the bottom - otherwise the plant will rot.

Create a composition

For the aesthetic perception of your garden, you need to create a composition. To do this, you need to pick up several plants, different in size.


For the background, plants are usually taken that are higher than the rest. It can be a ficus, palm, philodendron, monstera - any more or less large plant.


In the center of the composition, you need to create an accent - for this we use a plant with leaves unusual shape or colors such as begonia or chlorophytum.


In the foreground, you can plant undersized, creeping or ampelous plants, say ivy or tradescantia.

If your plants are each in their own pots, which will provide an opportunity for them to create different care, then in the foreground you can use cacti or succulents.


Any snag picked up in the forest, beautiful stones of an unusual shape, a clay figurine or a seashell will revive your composition.

It is important not to overdo it with accents so that your eyes do not run up when looking at your composition. it is better to create several mini-gardens, each with its own cute detail.

If you live in an apartment, you are probably jealous of those who have the opportunity to grow plants in the garden on their own land, and even in climates where there is enough light and warmth. Fortunately, you have a way out, but it takes some work.

Even if you live in an apartment, you have the opportunity to grow your own mini garden. Alternatively, you can grow plants hydroponically, that is, without any soil. There are some tips that will come in handy for the future "indoor" gardener.

The most important thing for plants is the amount of light. Plants need light for the process of photosynthesis, which takes place in their leaves, they need a sufficient amount of it.

Too little light affects their poor nutrition, and too much can cause burns on the leaves and even destroy the plant. Therefore, you need to consider the amount of light that the plants need.

You can provide your plants with enough light by purchasing fluorescent lamps or special phyto lamps, which are sold in flower shops... Then you do not have to arrange your garden on the windowsill and look at it through the curtains - you can place your garden in a corner of the apartment.

The second important factor is the volume of the room where you are going to grow the plants. You need to take into account the amount of space that you are ready to give for the garden, but do not overdo it, otherwise you may later get the feeling that the plants have survived you from the room. Choose a location that can be accessed from all directions, rather than a corner that is difficult to access.

Very important for plants temperature control... If you can regulate the temperature in your apartment or house, then this is great, since most plants need a temperature of about +20 C for normal "living".

If it gets too cold or too hot, your plants can get sick and even die. Humidity is also a very important factor - in heated rooms in winter the air is too dry and it is very important during this period to maintain the humidity of the earthy coma, and for some plants, spraying is simply necessary.

Finally, let's talk about the soil for your plants, or the possibility of growing plants hydroponically. Each type of plant requires its own specific soil composition to provide the plant with enough nutrients.

If you decide to grow your garden hydroponically, which is also possible, then you should carefully study this topic. Its essence is that you keep plants in sand or rocky soil, providing them with nutrition with a liquid, which contains a sufficient amount of nutrients. Surprisingly, many hydroponic plants grow better than potted soil.

Remember that before deciding on your garden in an apartment, you must first work through all of the above conditions, and only then purchase plants.

Examples of mini gardens

See also the options for indoor mini-gardens in the selection below and good luck with your creativity!

Oh, I was fascinated by this beautiful miniature garden in a bowl! The most interesting thing is that such a garden can be set up anywhere. Even in one-room apartment... Why, even in a rented room, you can organize a living vegetable corner. And enjoy your plants.

A mini potted garden is an original decoration and an exciting hobby for those who need relaxation. Try starting with the simplest composition to be sure.

If you like to be engaged in the arrangement of the summer cottage, but the acquisition of a suburban area is not yet possible, include miniature gardening in the list of your hobbies. It is much easier to create a beautiful mini-garden with your own hands in a pot or in another suitable container than to equip a real personal plot, but the pleasure of working on a reduced copy is no less. It does not take much time and effort to take care of miniature flower beds and beds, but they will always be waiting for you in a city apartment.

What you need to master a new hobby

To create your first mini-garden on the windowsill, you need desire, love for plants and a little imagination. This hobby is suitable for those who like indoor floriculture. This type of cultivation of potted plants allows you to get the most decorative effect with a minimum occupied area. If you do everything correctly and take into account the peculiarities of each copy, then the care of the composition will be minimized.

A variety of plants are suitable for mini-gardens, but the slow-growing, small-leaved species are best. Of the succulents, the following are considered ideal: stone rose, sedum, diamonds. Fittonia, sedum and peperomonia look good in potted dachas. Dwarf trees such as ficuses or myrtle are great. When planning to install a pot in the bedroom, use only safe flowers for this room.

Various items may be required to decorate a mini-garden, but the list of required materials can include:

  • growing container (pot, bowl, bowl, basin, container, box);
  • universal soil;
  • drainage;
  • sand;
  • pebbles or decorative stones(pebbles for aquariums are suitable);
  • chips for mulching;
  • plants;
  • toy furniture, houses, mills, natural decor and other decorations.

If the pot does not look very attractive, it outside it is recommended to decorate with mosaics, pieces of glass, small shells or pebbles.

The basics of apartment farming

First of all, you need to understand that a mini-garden in a pot will require, albeit simple, but regular maintenance. You need to choose plants based on your capabilities and the time you are going to devote to home planting.

To keep grooming to a minimum, choose unpretentious plants, succulents or stone gardens, if you want not only to admire the result, but also to deal with your green friend as often as possible, give preference to plants that require regular watering, weeding, spraying.

The second important aspect is the choice of the style of the future composition. Do not rush to grab ideas from different sources - decide on the direction of landscape design, for example, it can be country, Provence, Japanese or Chinese garden. Consider the idea - what do you want to see - a miniature of the whole garden or a separate element of it, for example, alpine slide or a flower bed.

Mini-gardens that repeat the landscape look most impressive both in life and in the photo. personal plot... In this case, a country estate with a house, a garden, a pond, flower beds, small architectural forms, garden paths, and animal figurines is recreated. This is a real mini-world in which you can completely dissolve and forget about problems.

Before making a mini-garden, think about where it will be located, and whether all its sides will be equally visible. If the composition will be visible only from one side, then it is better to consider a small hill, for all-round viewing and viewing from above, a flat surface is suitable. Also, the choice of the shape of the container depends on the available space - a comprehensive view allows you to use almost any utensil, and rectangular and square pots are more suitable for a garden on a windowsill.

From words to your dream garden - how to create a potted garden

Having decided on the installation site, the shape of the pot, the style of composition and plants, proceed to creating a mini-garden with your own hands.

  1. At the bottom of the selected container, pour a layer of drainage from rubble, expanded clay or pebbles.
  2. Fill a container with soil mixed with sand.
  3. Think over the design. If the landscape provides for a house, then start with it - it will be easier to beat the "estate" according to all the rules.
  4. Plant the plants according to the plan and referring to the photos of mini-gardens created by other "gardeners".
  5. Decorate the plots from above with paths, "lawns", complement the design with small architectural forms, fences, toys from children's chocolate eggs.

Try to make as many elements as possible with your own hands. Nice wells are easy to make from toothpicks, benches from barbecue sticks, and hedges from twigs.

To simplify the care of plants and to exclude plexus and root decay, we recommend planting the elements in separate pots. This rule is ideal for succulents and other specimens that prefer tight spaces. In this case, bury the pots in the ground so that they are not visible.

For decor, miniature doll furniture that can be painted is suitable. The house and various details are not difficult to make from polymer clay or salted dough. LED garlands are suitable as night lighting, soft light is easy to achieve with glowing paint. To liven up the house, place an LED candle in it.

Creation of a miniature garden in flower pot turns us into real wizards: after all, a whole world with real plants, thoughtful landscape and fabulous inhabitants is being created with our own hands. For a while, we return to childhood, when we were overwhelmed with fantastic ideas, and our hands were not afraid to work miracles and experiment.

Mini-gardens become for city dwellers an island of tranquility in the daily hustle and bustle, an interesting and useful hobby. In the absence of a suburban area, gardening can be done on a miniature scale in your apartment, because caring for such a composition will not take much time.

On summer cottage mini-garden, arranged in a flowerpot or clay pot, can be placed on the street, "plying" around the site. It will look great anywhere: on a terrace, at the entrance to a house, on a garden path or near a pond.

In order for the miniature to look whole, you should not combine the elements you like in one composition. different styles... First of all, you need to thoroughly think about the idea. It can be just a piece of a garden with bonsai, a miniature rock garden, a tropical island, etc.

You can complicate the composition and add a house, then the territory will be more "habitable" - tiny benches and a table with cups, a well and a fence, ladders and woodpiles of firewood are added. Again, it is worth considering whether it will be a fairy house or a medieval castle.

Japanese style emphasized by bamboo mats, gazebos with a roof, lanterns and a bridge over a dry stream lined with stones. Blooming beaded sakura will be a great addition here.

Using cacti, you can recreate the plot of the Wild West by adding figurines of cowboys and horses to them, wooden house and tumbleweed balls, woven from twigs.

For charming and light French style can be woven from metal wire, painted in White color, "Wrought-iron" benches, flower arches and a table for tea parties. Any idea, even the most unusual, can be realized in reality, since all tiny furnishings can be easily made by yourself.

Video: Miniature Garden - Interesting Ideas!

What plants are suitable for a mini garden?

The main characters of the miniature composition are plants. They should be short, unpretentious, slow-growing and with small leaves. Dwarf ficuses and myrtle will look great as trees. Their beautiful crowns Ideal for park style, but you will have to pinch them regularly. They will be complemented by original park lamps and benches, garden sculptures and paved with stone garden paths.

If a miniature garden will be placed on open area, perfect choice for him will be dwarf conifers: junipers or cypress. For rocky garden plants with such a root system are selected that, in search of water, will make their way through any gap - these are pachyphytum, gasteria and saxifrage.

Among succulents, it is worth stopping at a stone rose, sedum, stonecrops. You can not do without ground cover plants: free areas can be filled with creeping gypsophila, small-leaved saw, Rowley's rosewort and, of course, mosses.

Of the flowering ones, cyclamens, saxifrage, alyssum and streptocarpus are suitable. They will liven up and decorate the mini-garden, and can be easily replaced with other plants when they have faded. The choice of plants will depend on the theme of the composition, and if the garden will be decorated city ​​apartment, then also on the safety of plants for human health.

Choosing a capacity

In principle, any container can be used for a mini-garden, the depth of which does not exceed 15 cm. The larger the horizontal surface in area, the wider the possibilities for creativity. Pots, flowerpots, basins, pallets, etc. will do. Any form can also be beaten, but it is necessary to decide whether the garden will be admired from all sides or some part of it will be closed.

Based on this, the composition is built, especially if a house is involved in it. For more decoration, the pot can be pasted over with pebbles, shells, multi-colored pieces of glass or tiles. Required drain holes.

Stages of creation

Having decided on the container and decorating it, they pour expanded clay drainage on the bottom or use pebbles for this. The soil mixture is prepared from 2 parts of coarse sand, 1 part of sod land and 1 part of peat. To make it friable, a small amount of vermiculite is added.

Plants are planted directly in the ground or buried in pots so that the roots do not intertwine. Then, at any time, an individual plant can be replaced or simply removed. This method also solves the compatibility problem. different types... It is better to bury the pots so that they are not visible. The soil is not poured to the edge of the container by 2 cm.In order for the neighborhood to be successful, it should be taken into account whether the plants like sun or shade, an abundance of moisture or dry soil.

After planting the plants, the fun begins - the decoration. Empty plots are covered with small gravel, decorative stones, garden paths are laid out. These measures also help retain moisture and prevent weeds.

To create a "reservoir", a small low vessel is suitable, which is dug into the ground, and the bottom is covered with small pebbles. The illusion of water in a stream and river or the surface of the sea can be created using transparent blue glass balls.

There are three ways to organize a mini-garden:

  1. In a flowerpot: where all the elements are located on the surface of the earth in one plane.
  2. In a broken pot: part of the pot on the side is gently hammered and several small fragments are separated from it. The chipped wall is dug into the ground, and steps are laid out from the small parts from the base to the top - an interesting two-level garden is obtained.
  3. Multi-tiered composition of 4 pots, different in size. The large pot is left intact, filled with drainage and earth. In the next largest pot, they beat off a part and dig it into the ground, do the same with the next one, but dig it into the previous pot. One chipped part is installed on top and the smallest pot is placed in it, and small tiles for steps are broken off from the remaining piece. Thus, the area for planting and decoration is significantly increased.

Children's toys and doll furniture can be used as decor. Houses and small items are perfectly molded from salt dough and polymer clay. Inside, you can put an LED candle or use glowing paints.

Original fences, benches are obtained from wood or wire, decor is also easy to create from matches, plasticine, skewers, twigs, bottle caps and other improvised material. There is also a place for a fire with a kettle, swing and stairs. Wheelbarrows and carts, garden arches, bridges, straw baskets and hats, bird's nests, "forgotten" watering cans and shovels will become a nice addition to the overall picture. Do not just get too carried away with decor and overload your corner of nature with them, because, first of all, this is a garden with living plants, albeit in a miniature version.

In shops for gardeners, there are many different objects for sale that can decorate the garden, complementing what was created by nature. But what if you don't like banal gnome figurines and other "sculptures"? Do you want to show excellent European taste?

Pay attention to the large pots and pots, ranging in height from 60-80 cm. Did you know that these impressive objects are not only for planting flowers? They can play many roles, the main of which is to create a spectacular and non-trivial corner in your garden.

Where to place such large and even huge pots? Which ones to choose so that it does not look trite? What to add to enhance the effect? How can large planters fix “problem areas” in and around your garden? What secrets are known to landscape designers if it comes about the patio?

The Answers To All These Questions, Top 25 design techniques and 50 photos of large pots with examples of harmonious landscaping in our new guide. Discover another amazing garden trick!


First, let's talk about what you probably care about the most - where to place large pots and planters ... We found 10 interesting tricks.

1. Front entrance.

As old as the world, but still effective: place two identical containers with plants on either side of the entrance to the lot. And admire how your yard has been transformed! By the way, you can also grow capricious plants in such containers - as soon as the temperature drops, just bring them into the house.

2. Punctuation marks.

How does this relate to our topic? And so that plants in large containers are able to make the garden more structured, as the periods and commas do in the text. They can indicate a turn in a walkway or point to a bench in the shade.

3. Like a sculpture.

Another "punctuation mark", but in the role of the central element of some of the sections of the garden. Adds orderliness and European elegance, especially when choosing a large, antique-style pot.

4. Point of attraction.

And a third way to designate the structure of the garden is to place a large planter at the end of the path or where it bifurcates.

5. Mediterranean notes.

When decorating a garden or patio in Mediterranean style- with characteristic circular areas like waves, think about how to fit into them large vessels or pots made of unglazed ceramics in a natural tone. Add a round mini-flower bed (the pot in the center) or surround it with small pebbles.

6. Attention to the corners.

Vegetation in the corners small area always appropriate, helping to give it smooth shapes. Add a large pot to one of these areas - with or without plants. This focal point is sure to catch the eye and showcase your uncommon taste.

7. Change the aspect ratio.

Around the house, as a rule, there is little land, and all the vegetation is either under your feet or above your head. Balance this picture by adding a "middle element" - at eye level or just below (a large pot of flowers or plants). You will be surprised how much more harmonious it looks now.

8. Among the foliage.

Agree, it is quite unexpected to meet a huge vessel in the far corner of a wild garden. Towering above the low foliage, it looks as if it was conjured by a wizard, and treasures await inside.

Tip: For these areas, choose pots in dim colors. natural nature(gray, beige, green), it will enhance the charm of "magic".

9. Unconventional vegetable garden.

We have already talked in detail about. And here we propose to supplement it with a large pot-vessel. Such a tall element adds decorativeness to trivial beds.

10. Creative (imp) order.

Instead of accentuating the space, huge pots and planters can create it themselves, breaking the order and introducing new lines.


And now - some ideas on how choose a large pot or decorative vessel to make the impression as effective as possible.

11. With a touch of time.

A large vessel can be a great focal point if it stands out from the crowd. The larger the pot, the better. Vessels look especially luxurious, on which the imprint of time (patina) is clearly felt.

12. Play of contrasts.

If you have a lawn or a flower bed, feel free to put large planters and pots there. Right among the greenery. This will certainly attract attention and give your eyes a break from the solid green canvas. Containers can be very diverse, but they must have something to unite - color, shape or material.

13. At the behest of nature.

Take a closer look at the landscape - perhaps there is already an answer to the question of what containers should be. For example, as here: a heavy rounded vessel resembles stones in shape, and an exotic, unusual dark color plants suggested the shade of the pot - black.

14. A piece of exoticism.

Among the great variety of leaf colors, blue shades are very rare. Especially in our latitudes. That is why take a closer look at the bright blue containers or fashionable color teal - against the background of greenery, they will look incredibly exotic. Want to enhance your experience? Install artificial leaves or feathers in a similar tone inside.

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Did you know that with the help of decorative planters and pots you can solve problems of the site or garden ? Find out several ways to do this.

15. Harmony abhors a vacuum.

Every designer knows: there should be no empty corners. If you still have them, put a large container with plants there (or empty as a decoration). A group of such containers will help to disguise unaesthetic utilitarian items: an air conditioner module, a generator or communication hatches.

16. From scratch.

You may be wondering what to do with a boring white fence. Or with a barn wall, which with its screaming emptiness offends your aesthetic senses.

Just imagine this surface as a canvas and yourself as an artist. And create! Place several identical, but certainly spectacular, containers with herbs along the wall. Now enjoy your creation with a trendy touch. modern trends decor!

17. Interim measure.

If there are still few plantings on the site, large pots with flowers and plants will perfectly save the situation and relieve you of the impression of an uncomfortable emptiness.


Now let's talk about what to add to large pots and pots or what to plant in them, if you like original solutions.

18. An interesting specimen.

Large forms for outstanding content. Try growing a tree with interesting branches or even fruits in a huge container. This is not at all the same as planting it in the ground - a huge pot will highlight the plant, declare to everyone about its uniqueness. And you will only have to admire this excellent specimen.

Tip: Before planting a tree in a pot, think about its future needs. After all root system and the crown will grow, and the container may simply not withstand the pressure. Therefore, carefully study everything regarding the development of this plant.

19. Mexican landscape.

Have you dreamed of some exotic landscape for a long time? Take large planters, place succulent pots in them and cover them with gravel. Place on a site with the same coverage, and for the winter, remove containers in the house or conservatory.

20. Add water.

How about getting a garden fountain made from a huge ceramic vessel? You can, of course, look for ready-made models. But it's realistic to do it yourself - from a large pot and a special set for arranging small garden fountains.


And in conclusion we offer spectacular patio decorating ideas - also with the help of large pots and decorative vessels.

21. The magic bush.

Are you sorry that shrubs with beautiful flowers located far from your favorite vacation spot? Plant young plants in large pots and rearrange them wherever you want.

22. Berries at hand.

In large containers, not only flowers or greens can grow, but also berry bushes. Find out from gardening firms which varieties are better to choose and get such a "tasty" decor.

23. Blooming staircase.

This technique adds a sense of celebration by making the daily climb up the stairs an exhilarating and eye-catching experience. Use the same pots with the same content - this will reflect your impeccable taste and professional approach to the design.

24. In a harmonious framework.

Very large planters with plants can perfectly zone individual elements patio. For example, limiting the barbecue area or becoming an interesting alternative to a garden fence. But, unlike the fence, it is pleasant to admire them.

25. Southern European chic.

And if you have special places for dining or rest, limited stone walls, mark the entrance with a pair of unglazed terracotta pots. Plant inside beautifully flowering plants or bushes with picturesque small leaves like boxwood.

Hopefully this detailed manual on how to use large pots, planters and decorative vessels in landscape design, will inspire you to create original elements garden and patio. We wish you success and admiration of your guests in this!