Swahili coating master class. Decorative coating swahili (Swahili): application features Stages of application of the Swahili coating

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Swahili is an environmentally friendly decorative coating. Creates a sandy wind effect on your walls. When light hits the colored grains of sand, the surface begins to sparkle. Designed to create original interiors, combining matte areas and metallic overflows. The material has two bases - gold and silver.

Drying time. It takes no more than 24 hours for the decorative coating to dry completely. The initial hardness of the coating occurs after 7 days, the final hardness - after 14.

Waterproof. Water resistance is at least 24 hours.

Material consumption. The average consumption is 0.2-0.3 kg / m 2.

Resistant to alkalis. Resistance to alkalis is at least 24 hours.

Wet scrubbing cycles. Able to withstand at least 1000 wet abrasion cycles. Resistant to light damp cleaning. Riflessi varnish is used for additional protection and water resistance. Velor varnish is used to make it soft and silky. Once varnished, the coating is able to withstand over 5000 wet scrubbing cycles.

The operating temperature of the coating. The operating temperature range of the coating is from +5 to +60 ° С.

Frost resistance of the coating. The coating can withstand 5 freeze / thaw cycles during transportation.

Surface characteristics. The decorative coating is applied to a perfectly flat and durable surface. Can be tinted with universal or water-dispersive pigment pastes according to the Mascarade catalog.

To order Swahili Decorative Coating, contact Mascarade by phone 8-800-100-74-47 .

How does Swahili differ from textured plasters?

Many buyers confuse Swahili with decorative plaster. How can you tell the difference between these two materials? What are their advantages and disadvantages? These and many other questions will be answered in the next article.

Decorative structural plaster is a material that has gained unprecedented popularity among Russian consumers. You can choose from a huge range of patterns, designs and finishing effects. Textured plaster will allow you to recreate a classic Venetian interior, imitation of wood, natural stone, a picture of a famous artist or even a portrait of your beloved dog! Textured wall plaster is the basis for an endless flight of imaginations! Separate in the list of decorative materials is the Swahili material. Structural wall plaster is very different from the Swahili you already love. So what are these differences?

Structural decorative plaster has a number of advantages. For example, finishing with plaster does not require careful preparation of the surface and perfectly masks minor defects in the base. Structural plaster can be applied with a sufficiently thick layer - up to 10 mm. Structural plaster is also applied to almost any surface, both outside and inside the premises. Wall plaster has excellent resistance to mechanical stress and is fireproof. Textured plastering of walls is carried out using any paint that is suitable for the properties of the room. Well, and a pleasant addition to all the listed advantages will, of course, be decorative plastering of the interior in various versions.

Swahili decorative coating is more like acrylic paint. It is easier to apply and allows for a variety of finishing effects. The material combines the play of a smooth glossy surface and a rough sandy texture. Textured plaster finish takes longer than Swahili finish because it is easier to apply and dries faster. Thanks to these properties, you can apply the material over a large area in a shorter time.

Working with Swahili decorative coatings begins with surface preparation. A primer is applied to a dust-free base. In this case, experts recommend using materials TM "BOLARS" - "Firming" or Acryl Primer.

After the primer has dried, apply Uno Decor acrylic paint. Choose the same paint color as the base of the Swahili topcoat.

After 12 hours, after the "substrate" has completely dried, apply a decorative coating. The Swahili sandy effect requires application in a thin, even layer. To do this, use a brush in your work. The textured surface is created with light criss-crossing movements of another brush. It is important to keep the brush dry. Use a tissue to dry the tips of the instrument.

After 4-6 hours, to give the surface additional protective properties, use Masco Riflessi varnish.

After the varnish has dried, you can enjoy the original interior decor - a scattering of precious sand on the walls.

Swahili decorative coating is a unique solution for your interior! Swahili is a scattering of stardust and a blow of sandy wind on your walls. Find yourself in the world of an oriental fairy tale with Swahili decorative coating!


Surface preparation:

Specific gravity:

SWAHILI BASE SILVER: 1.21 kg / dm3

Containers from 5 to 1L

Expiration date: 12 months


Textured decorative finish with a metallic effect for interior use


SWAHILI is a finishing material for interior use with fillers that create a light metallic effect. These fillers provide a pleasant play of light and iridescent colors. As a result, SWAHILI allows you to create innovative color solutions that are pleasing to the visual and tactile sensations, making rooms surprisingly cozy in accordance with the latest trends in room design. SWAHILI is lightweight, practical and versatile in use, which allows both professionals and “amateurs” to perform works of very high quality.

Surface preparation:

The surface to be painted must be flat, dry and solid:

  • Treat the surface with NOVAPRIMER, an acrylic primer with quartz powder, diluted 50-80% with water, depending on the absorption properties of the surface
  • Before applying NOVOPRIMER, wood, plastic, metal and other surfaces must be primed with an appropriate primer.
  • As a base, apply one or two coats of white acrylic washable paint like NOVAMULTO for interior and exterior use.
  • Apply SWAHILI in one layer with a brush, neat or diluted with a maximum of 5% water.

Consumption: 0.2-0.4 l / m2, depending on the desired effect and the number of coats.

Specific gravity:

SWAHILI BASE GOLD: 1.21 kg / dm3

Containers from 5 to 1L

Colors: according to the color chart

Terms of reference (coating with a brush):
Decorative coating based on acrylic copolymers in water emulsion with metallized fillers and special additives. The product should be applied with a brush in one layer, thinned with water 5-10% on a substrate treated with white Novomulto acrylic washable paint for interior and exterior use. To ensure washable properties, apply one or two coats of DUNE CLEAR COAT clear acrylic coating to a completely dry surface.

Storage conditions: + 5 ° + 30 ° С (do not freeze)

Expiration date: 12 months


Photos in the interior

Topcoat Swahili is a metallized quartz-filled paint that imitates the pattern and structure of a sand dune. The alternation of glossy areas with a rough sandy texture and overflows gives the walls a stunning decorative effect. Swahili is available in three base colors (gold, silver and bronze) and can be tinted in 90 different shades. When light hits the grains of sand, the surface begins to sparkle. The nature of the pattern can be varied - from structurally dense to barely noticeable imitation of a sandy surface (“Sandy wind” effect).

Swahili Coating Steps

Surface preparation. Before painting, the surface is leveled with an empire finishing putty and sanded with sandpaper, then primed. The primer reduces paint consumption and improves adhesion. It is recommended to use BOLARS acrylic-based strengthening primer, deep penetration primer or Acryl Primer under Swahili decorative paint. The material is applied with a roller in one layer.

Base application. The base for Swahili is Uno Decor paint, tinted in the same color as the topcoat. Uno Decor has a matte effect, creates a coating that is resistant to external influences. If necessary, the paint is diluted with water to 10%, mixed well and applied in one layer with a velor roller. The surface dries up 12 hours after painting. After this time, the Swahili decorative coating is applied.

Topcoat application. Swahili is applied with a brush in two steps. Initially, with chaotic strokes, the material is distributed over a small area of ​​the surface with a brush. While the paint has not dried, grains of sand are collected with a dry brush, forming the desired pattern. Depending on the movements of the brush, as well as the tool used, you can get various options for textures. Masco Riflessi varnish can be used to give the coating more wear resistance. It is applied with a roller 4-6 hours after the topcoat.

How often have you thought about the possibility of making repairs yourself. It is profitable financially, there is an opportunity not to rush to deadlines and to do the work at a pace that suits you, in the end, it’s just interesting and exciting to do something in your home on your own. But what if you are tired of simple wallpapers and want a new, bright and non-standard solution. Most often, making repairs on our own, we deny ourselves non-standard solutions, citing the complexity of the work and the high cost of materials. However, there is an inexpensive, easy-to-use, fashionable and beautiful solution - Swahili decorative coating.

Swahili is a decorative coating for interior decoration. You can process walls, friezes, plasterboard ceilings, columns, in general, any architectural details. The coating is made of natural fillers and elements, functional additives and metallized pigment.

Feature material

The peculiarity of the coating is that glossy and matte textures, smooth and ribbed areas alternate in it, due to which an amazing play of light and glare is achieved, the feeling of a sandstorm is created.

The color scheme of the coating is based on either silver or gold.

Method of applying Swahili on the wall

To get started, stock up on all the necessary tools and additional materials.

Choose the color in which you will paint the walls and purchase the appropriate color scheme. Coating "Swahili" can be tinted exclusively with water-dispersion pastes.

Purchase washable acrylic paint in white (then give it the desired color and tone) and, of course, the Swahili decorative coating itself.

Tools and materials

To work you will need:

  • roller (velor);
  • an ordinary foam sponge (you can take it for washing dishes, only without the abrasive side);
  • metal trowel (always with a chamfer and rounded corners);
  • flat wide brush (preferably with a long handle) 2 pieces;
  • brush for decorating walls.

Be careful! Do not add anything other than color to the coating. When diluting Swahili with water, be careful not to dilute the composition by more than 10%. It is not recommended to work at temperatures below 5 degrees and above 30 degrees. The wall should also not be too cold or hot. Operating humidity is 80% or less.

Be sure to ventilate the room at all times, keep windows open.

And so, now you have everything you need to work. You can start coating.

The working process

A base must be applied to a surface prepared in advance. Take a paint of your choice of color and apply it to the wall in one coat. Now you can rest, since the paint should dry and only 12 hours after the paint has completely dried, you can continue working.

The paint has dried, 12 hours have passed and you can start applying Swahili. Paint - the coating should be the same color as the paint already applied to the wall, but half a tone darker.

You can choose several different patterns and create them on your surface with Swahili.

For example, if you want to draw a “cloud” drawing, you only need to immerse the tip of the brush (about 1 cm) in the paint. Place the brush perpendicular to the wall and make a short stroke (about 10 cm). All subsequent strokes should be exactly the same and be located chaotically. Until the paint is completely dry, collect it with a dry brush into small oblong "clouds".

If you wish, you can brush vertically or diagonally over the not yet dry surface with a dry brush and you will get a pattern similar to that of a Wenge tree.

Lace patterns can be made. To do this, it is necessary to process the not yet dried coating with a foam rubber sponge, drawing a chaotic arched pattern.

Another decor option is to create a canvas texture. To do this, the paint with which you initially coat the wall should be two to three times darker than your coating. After drying and waiting 12 hours, cover the wall with an even layer of Swahili. Without drying out, brush vertically and then horizontally to form the texture of the canvas. It is recommended to process the surface in stages, one square meter of the wall.

After finishing work, the coating needs to dry. You can touch the wall in an hour, everything will dry completely in a day. But the material will harden only after 14 days.

Working with Swahili is easy. You can create a unique design of an apartment without resorting to the help of craftsmen and professionals, completely independently. The speed and ease of working with the material will create an unprecedented result even for beginners who have never held a roller in their hands.