Bamboo to what applies. Bamboo: Where does it grow and at what speed? Bamboo is the grass or tree? Vegetative breeding method

Botanical characteristic

Bamboo cane, translated - Bambusa Arundinea is a perennial plant related to the family of cereals. In total, this gene has a more seven kind of species, the most common of which are cane and ordinary representatives.

I think it's not a secret that the bamboo is one of the oldest building materials used for numerous goals: from construction dwell, to the construction of sewer facilities. At the moment it is applied with a decorative goal, as well as as a means of alternative medicine.

The stem of a wild bamboo can reach up to 30 meters in height. In evidential conditions, it rarely succeeds to achieve such gigantic sizes, most often, it does not exceed two meters.

A lot of legends have been going on the growth rate of his stem, which found their use in cinema. It should be noted that in relation to the wild species - it really is true.

It grows with an unprecedented speed of approximately 75 centimeters per day. But it continues not long, and as the maximum length of the stem is achieved, the rates of desire to the Sun slow down.

In the wild, he grows in the form of extensive thick thickets. The lower parts of the stems are usually very close to each other. The top is represented by the widespread parts. Coloring them varies from light green, to spotted, or even yellowish-icy.

Its leaves have a characteristic lanceal shape, and are located on short stiffs. With age, there is a partial fond of leafy plates. Flowering is carried out only once in life, as a rule, between the ages of 30, up to 100 years. After that, the plant quickly fades and dies.

Spread plant

Motherland bamboo is considered South and Southeast Asia, where it is constantly found in the form of a wild look. We are talking about such countries as: Burma, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam, and in a number of other states.

In an alignment form, it is found in countries such as: Japan, China, Pakistan, Brazil, and some African states. At the immense expanses of our homeland, it almost does not grow, with the exception of some Far Eastern territories.

As you can see, the habitat is outlined predominantly countries with a hot and temperate climate with high humidity.


In culture, multiply mainly cuttings, which are perfectly germinated both in water and in a special soil. From slices of stems, a few days later have small shoots.

After the first leaflets appear, the bamboo should be transferred to the ground. To do this, you can use any landing land, but better fertilized by minerals.

Do not forget about the polyvku, which should be carried out about once a week. But for this it is better to use not water from the crane, but a thawa or sparkled. It is better to grow it on the illuminated side of the room, but not on the south, but on the eastern one.

Billet and collecting raw materials

Actually, about the bamboo bamboo, it is usually not coming. Parts of this plant are consumed in the latest form. With therapeutic or prophylactic goal, some peoples use either young shoots or interstices.

In addition to use in folk medicine, it is also used in some creative spheres. In particular, in design or floristry. Stems go to decorate or create all kinds of installations.

Application in folk medicine

To begin with, a few words should be said about what kind of substances in bamboo attract the attention of people's healers. We are talking about the following chemical compounds: resinous substances, triterpenoids, Penotosan, Lignin, as well as silicon.

Its interstices contain a large amount of silicic acid. Recently, it is believed that this substance is able to strengthen the walls of the vessels, and thereby regulate blood pressure, improve the brain circulation and the work of the heart muscle.

Leaves and shoots of the plant have a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, they contain substances that improve the contractile activities of cardiac muscles.

It is part of many homeopathic preparations used to treat a great set of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, asthma, male impotence, oncological pathology, and even infectious diseases.


As a general fascinating agent, as well as a measure of combating premature aging of the body, you can use various chasters and tea from its interstitial.

They are made very simple. Take several bamboo intersals thoroughly dry them and grind them. The resulting powder should be added to tea.

A similar effect can be obtained, even if you simply become the plants mentioned above.


As I have already mentioned, the bamboo cane is a plant has long been used by a person. It is used both as a means of traditional medicine, and in order to create bouquets and decorating interior rooms.

Many diseases are successfully treated by homeopathic preparations created on the basis of this plant. True, it is not necessary to forget about other prescriptions of doctors. Only an integrated approach allows you to get the desired result.

Evergreen Perennial Bamboo Plant (Bambusa) is a representative of the subfamily bamboo family of cereals, or mattle. The gardeners are cultivated both plants that are representatives of the bamboo clan and those that belong to other bamboo subfamily. For ease of gardeners, all these plants are called bamboo. And in this article, they will be called in the same way, but in the section and varieties will be described in detail, to which kind and subfamily there is something or a different plant.

Plants belonging to the bamboo clan and subfamily bamboo, in the wild conditions can be met in subtropical and tropical regions of Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, America, and in Oceania. At the same time, herbal bambooes are found exclusively in tropical areas. Every year, these plants are becoming increasingly popular with gardeners. They are used to create spectacular alive hedges, as well as to decorate inland courtyards and terraces.

Bamboo growing in wild conditions have incredibly large sizes. Stems (solomins) are characterized by rapid growth, they are decorated and branched in the upper part. Their height can vary from 35 to 50 meters. Bamboo refers to the number of fastest growing plants throughout the land. Shortchard sheet plates have a lanceal form. On special branches with scratched leafy plates are placed single or groups of multi-flowered spikelets. Overwhelming flowers dissolve only 1 times in a few decades, while there is a massive and very magnificent blossom. Interestingly, bloom begins almost at the same time on all plants of this population. After in the flower scales, the grains completely ripen, they fall outward, where they will be dealt with water flows or animals. When fruiting will be completed, the plant dies entirely, but sometimes roots can be preserved.

Bamboo for a long time is used as a building material. From the dried stem make windows or gutters.

Growing bamboo in open soil

Suitable conditions

Bamboo has a high decorative value, because it is evergreen. For example, outside the window January, it is cold, it is snow, and your garden adorns a bamboo, which is also covered with green foliage as well as summer. But at the same time it should be noted that most species are thermal-loving. There are approximately 100 species that maintain a decrease in air temperature to minus 20 degrees, while only units are able to transfer strengths of frosts (up to minus 32 degrees). Experienced gardeners argue that if the bamboo survive the first winter, then in the following it will be able to calmly carry the decline in air temperature to minus 20 degrees.

What conditions for bamboo cultivation are needed in medium latitudes? For its cultivation, you should choose a well-lit or a bit shaded plot, while it should be protected from cold and dry wind. Protect the plant from the Winter Sukhovy is capable of a simple fence. You can grow bamboo on any soil except clay and heavy. Soil acidity should be 6.0-6.2. It is possible to start landing such a plant in the open soil in the spring time after the soil warms it well. At the same time, the disembarkation can be carried out in spring and summer, and in the fall (from March to September), but the best bamboo planted in April-June.


Planting a bamboo in open soil shall follow the same as the rest of the plants in the garden. First you need to prepare a landing pit, it should be noted that its value should be 2 times the volume of the seedling root system. Then it is filled with a layer of nutrient garden land, which is stirred in advance with humus, it must be sealing. The seedling should be immersed in the container filled with water, together with the container in which it grows, for several hours. To remove the plant from the container only after completely stopping the air bubbles. Then it is neatly lowered into the prepared pit, which is covered with soil consisting of a nutritious soil and humus, which is well sealing well, trying to eliminate all emptiness. The top layer of the soil (approximately 2-5 centimeters) is not sealing. The planted plant must be very good, while all the remaining emptiness must completely disappear.

How to water

When growing a bamboo in medium latitudes, it is necessary to learn how to water it correctly, which is completely simple. The recently planted rashes need at first in a very abundant watering, while the soil surface must be poured with a layer of mulch (organicha). After the plant begins to grow actively, watering will need to cut up to 2 or 3 times in 7 days, and it should also be taken into account whether it is often rained at this time of year. Bamboo is a moisture-loving plant, and if he feels a shortage of water, then he will develop a very powerful and long system of roots, which can take moisture from deep layers of soil.

The gardeners are cultivated by 2 basic varieties of bamboo, namely: bushy and running. The peculiarity of the bush bamboo is that it grows with dense groups and does not sprawl on the site. But the running bamboo has a root system to grow superficially, not drowning into the soil by more than 5-20 centimeters, and sometimes they are located directly on its surface. Such a plant can quickly grow up, capturing all new sites, if it is not included in your plans, it will be necessary to cut the growing roots in a timely manner, and not once for the season. Those roots that you cut off, should be pulled out of the soil and dispose of how they are able to continue their development further. It is possible to limit the growth of the running bamboo once and for all, for this, around the perimeter of the site, it is necessary to insert the siblings pieces, they must be buried by 100-150 centimeters, and they should be 5-10 centimeters above the soil surface. Also limit the growth of bamboo roots can be a barrier film (root barrier), which is a rigid and flexible plastic tape, having a width of 0.5-1 m and a thickness - 0.6 cm. This tape should be burned into the ground around the perimeter of the plot under the tilt . At the same time, the lower wigble edge should be directed towards the site, and the upper - opposite from it. Sheets of slate, films or iron should be connected to the mustache, and not jack, otherwise powerful bamboo roots break through them.


Trimming is held 1 time per year in spring time. At the same time, it is necessary to remove damaged by frost or old ugly bamboo trunks. So that the rays of the sun were able to break into the thickets, it is recommended to produce systematic thinning. It should be noted that if the barrel is chopping above the node, then the plant can continue to grow and develop further.


In the spring time, the plant needs a feeding of a nutrient mixture consisting of phosphate, nitrogen and potassium (3: 4: 2). In the fall, bamboo feed the same mixture, which includes potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, but their proportion this time should be 4: 4: 2. After the nutritional mixture is entered into the soil, the old stems will need to completely cut to the surface of the site, which after that it is necessary to float the decade -antimeter layer of mulch (pine bark or dried foliage).

In the event that you decide to feed the bamboo with organic fertilizers, it should be noted that it should be made in the soil 1 time in 4 weeks throughout the season. After the autumn period comes, such feeding should be stopped.


The first wintering for bamboo is the most difficult. Its root system at temperatures below minus 17 degrees can freeze, with a minus 20 degrees, the barrel of the plant is killed, located above the snow cover. In the event that weather forecasters predict a frosty or low-snowy winter, experienced gardeners are recommended to burn plant trunks to the surface of the mulch layer, and on top of them you need to sow a fir snapper, which will save the plant from freezing. If the first wintering for the plant is successful, then in the next winter it will be quite calmly tolerance of frosts up to minus 20 degrees.

Bamboo reproduction

How to grow from seeds

Before heating the seeds, they need to be immersed in clean water at 12 hours. For sowing, you will need a soil consisting of fine wood chips, wood ash and upper layer of soil (1: 1: 8). The resulting substrate must be sifted through the sieve and moisten. Such a mixture is used to fill the cells in the cassette, while it is not necessary to the ramp. In cells it is necessary to make small lunas, the depth of which should be within 0.4-0.5 centimeters. 1 seed is placed in each such hole, which one third hours before seeding, remove from the water and flush into a clean cloth. Sevings should be sprinkled with a substrate layer.

Then the cassettes are cleaned into the shaded place. Before the seedlings of the substrate should be moistened from the sprayer 2 times a day so that it is constantly slightly humid. As a rule, the first seedlings are shown on the surface of the soil 15-25 days after sowing. After it takes 3-4 months from the moment of the appearance of germs, and the rags will begin to form the formation of shoots, it will be necessary to make them picking according to individual capacities that are filled with the upper peat. After that, watering must be cut to 1 time per day, while it is best to produce it in the evening. Transplant seedlings in open soil is made after they have been achieved in a height of 0.4-0.5 m. But it should be considered that it will be better if the seedlings first stay in the room, because there is a high probability of extinction or death from lack of moisture. During the first winter, the plants can be kept in a greenhouse or in another room, which does not heal, but it must be necessarily protected from drafts and frosts. After the soil warms it in spring, the bamboo can be transplanted into open ground.

Vegetative breeding method

In the spring time, you need to dig a few shoots, which turned 3 years old, and then put them on a new place in shading. They should provide abundant everyday watering, but first will need to be shortened to 1/3 of part.

Diseases and pests bamboo

This plant has high resistance to both diseases and pests. However, there are separate types of bamboo on which they love to shave the web mites or Cherweans. What to get rid of web ticks, an affected copy is treated with acaricide, and insecticide will help from Chervests.

In some cases, the bamboo rust is defeated. In order to get rid of it, fungicides are used.

Yellowing bamboo

In the event that the foliage replaces its usual color into yellow at the autumn time, this is a natural process. So, for example, the bamboo bamboo fountaining becomes yellow and die 10-30 percent of the sheet plates, while representatives of the genus Fillostakhis are no more than 15 percent. Some of the sheet plates die into the autumn time, because the bamboo thus saves the energy necessary during the winter months. In winter, all yellow foliage will fall finally, and the plant will return their fresh and very spectacular appearance.

The yellowing of the leafy plates in the summer or spring suggests that the plant is not all right. The foliage can become yellow or due to chlorosis, or as a result of flooding. In the event that the soil is oversaturated with moisture, then the rotor of the bamboo is developing rot. Therefore, when disembarking seedlings into clay or heavy soil is recommended at the bottom of the landing pit, make a very good drainage layer of sand or gravel. Chlorosis can develop due to the fact that the plant feels the lack of nutrients such as: nitrogen, magnesium or iron. In some cases, it develops due to soil salinization. After you begin to care for bamboo right, it will grow new green leaves.

Types and varieties of bamboo with photos and names

Bamboo cultivated in the garden is conditionally divided into views of the extensive stem, as well as not very large herbaceous plants. Given that the birthplace of such a plant are subtropics and tropics, when choosing a certain type and variety, its frost resistance should be taken into account. From the subfamily of bamboo, the greatest frost resistance is distinguished by plants of the size of the saz. Fargéseia (Sinarundine) are distinguished by their frost resistance and endurance. Plants belonging to the Plastustus genus are highlighted by their very decorative appearance. In the regions located south, you can grow bamboo philostakhis. From the species belonging to the bamboo clan, the most popular at the gardeners use the bamboo ordinary. Decorative (room) Bamboo is not really a bamboo, the present name of this plant DRATSEN Sandler.


This genus is a representative of the subfamily bamboo and it combines about 70 species of various plants. In nature, they are found in Eastern and Central Asia. Plants of this kind differ in that they form quite thick thickets, while they prefer to grow under high trees or on the edges. The height of the shoots can vary from 0.3 to 2.5 m. The widespread sheet plates in spring and summer time are painted in a saturated green color. In the autumn, the edge of the leaves dries out, which is why the impression of copperiness is created.

Saza Kurilskaya uses the greatest popularity of representatives of this kind. The height of escape can vary from 0.25 to 2.5 m, and their thickness is 0.6 cm. The length of the pointed-egg-shaped sheet plates is 13 centimeters, and their width is about 2.5 centimeters. The flowering of such a type is observed only 1 time, and then the plant is dying. The development of such a plant occurs very slowly, and only its low-aluminum forms are cultivated in average latitudes, they are used as soil plants or to decorate Japanese gardens. Quite popular variety of shimofuri, which has a yellow stroke on the surface of green leafy plates. In addition to Sazi, Kurilskaya is cultivated by the saz oloskaya, whitewastered, palpat (the variety of nebulose has palm leaf plates), branched, vicha, golden and mesh.

Fargesesia (Fargesia)

This plant is a mountain chinese bamboo. This race discovered French missionaries in the eighties of the 19th century. To date, this genus includes about 40 species of evergreen plants, whose height is at least 0.5 m. Such plants form loose bushes with a large number of stems. Elegant saturated green leaf plates have a lanceal form, in length they reach 10 centimeters, and in width - 1.5 centimeters. At autumn, their color is replaced by greenish-yellow. Most popular species:

Fargésia Brilliant (Fargesia Nitida \u003d Sinarundinaria Nitida)

This species is characterized by its winter resistance. The height of its brilliant shoots varies from 0.5 to 2 meters, they are painted in a rich dark brown-red, almost black color. Nagal-chain leafy plates in length reach about 12 centimeters. Popular varieties:

  • Aizenach - small leafy plates have a dark green color;
  • McClue - tall grade;
  • New Collars - Cherry-Violet Escapes Color;
  • Grate Wall - This variety is used to create high living hedges, color leafy plates dark green;
  • Nymphenburg - on arcuate branches there are narrow sheet plates.

Fargésia Murielae (Fargesia Murielae \u003d SINARUNDINARIA MURIELAE)

This species is distinguished by frost resistance. His homeland is central China. On the surface of greenish-yellow smoothly bending shoots there is a wax flare. Long-terrible leaf plates are bristly and pointed. It blooms this view of 1 time per 100 years, after which the plants die away. Last flowering was observed at the end of the seventies of the last century, while its duration was equal to 20 years. At the moment, the following varieties are popular:

  • Simba is a new Danish variety, characterized by compactness;
  • Jumbo - delicate leaf plates of green color grow on a bush plant;
  • Bimbo - This variety is distinguished by its miniature, the color of its leaf plates is greenish-yellow.

Also cultivate such species as Fargézia Jijujigau and the bedroom.

Phylostachis (phyllostachys)

This genus is a representative of the bamboo subfamily. It combines 36 species of plants that have cylindrical shoots of corrugated or flattened, painted in yellow, light blue, green or black. Stems have short interstices, green leaf plates and creeping rhizomes. The height of such a plant can vary from 350 to 550 centimeters. Most popular species:

Fillostachis Golden-Zhereosulcata (Phylostachys Aureosulcata)

The height of the stem can reach 10 meters, and its diameter is 20-50 millimeters. Strongly convex nodes are painted in a dark purple color, grooves - yellow-golden. Horticulture has a lot of popularity of gardeners, spectabilis, characterized by its spectacular stems of a zigzag form, this plant was marked by the RHS premium. And it is also very often cultivated by such a kind as Areokaulis with shoots of a golden color, it was also noted by a premium.

Fillostachis Black (PhylLostachys Nigra)

In height can reach no more than 7 meters. After the plant turns 2 years, its stalks are painted in almost black. Small sheet plates possess a dark green color. This species is most popular in its homeland, namely, in China and Japan. Very often cultivated such a variety as Boryan (height is about 450 cm, from sunlight on the surface of the stems appear specks) and the hemesis (color of the stems green, and their height is about 900 cm).

Fillostachis Edible, or Moso (PhylLostachys Edulis \u003d Bambusa Moso)

Right from the southeastern regions of China. This species is considered the largest in this family. The height of the strong-minded shoots with smooth nodes can reach 20 meters. The turtle form is characterized by its ugly appearance, because the location of its knots oblique and alternate, in the wild conditions it is found in Batumi, dry and Sochi.

Even the gardeners cultivate such phillostakhis as: sweet, simpson, dipped, matery, soft, flexible, green-blue, mesh (bamboo) and gold.

Pleioblastus (Pleioblastus)

This genus is represented by low-alone long-lung bamboo, while it combines 20 different species. Homeland such plants is China and Japan. Certain species have high frost resistance and therefore they are cultivated in medium latitudes. These plants are characterized by their imagingness, but it should be noted that the volatile forms are better to cultivate on a well-lit plot. For cultivation in the garden, it is recommended to choose the following types:

Symonii Pleioblastus (Pleioblastus Simonii)

The height of this plant can reach up to 800 cm. The strongwist straight shoots have interstice, the length of which reaches 0.45 m. Convex nodes. Length sheet leaf plates 8-30 centimeters. When growing in medium latitudes, the height of such a plant does not exceed 0.5-0.6 m, however, it is characterized by high decorativeness, because it has dense bushes with well-limiting stems. The volatile shape of the vary is distinguished by the fact that on the surface of saturated green sheet plates there are diverse thickness of the strip of cream color.

Pleioblastus Variegatus Pleioblastus

Cultivate this view in the Caucasus (Sukhumi, Batumi and Sochi). The height of the plant may vary from 0.3 to 0.9 m. Crankshafts have short interstices. Sheet plates are very beautiful, there is a slight insection on their green surface, as well as a strip of white. If in winter it is strong frosts, then the leaves can fly away from such a plant, but with the onset of the spring period, they quickly increase. This species development is very fast, while it is capable of forming wide bushes.

You can also cultivate dwariphuses narrow, low, dwarf, cereal, green-striped, double, gindz, tire and stern, but they are not very popular.

Other plants are growing in the southern regions, which are representatives of the bamboo subfamily, for example, some types of shoe and indocallamus. Gardeners cultivate only one representative from the genus Bamboo, namely, the bamboo ordinary.

Bamboo Ordinary (Bambusa Vulgaris)

This herbaceous plant is deciduous. Stringing densely discreet winners are painted in a rich-yellow color. The walls they have thick, and on the surface there are strips of green. The height of the shoots can vary from 10 to 20 meters, while their thickness is 4-10 centimeters. The knee in length can reach 0.2-0.45 m. On the surface of the spear-shaped saturated-green leaf plates there is a omission. Flowering is observed extremely rarely, the seeds are not formed. In this regard, for the reproduction of this bamboo, vegetative methods, such as giving, the division of the bush and rhizomes, processes are used. There are 3 varieties: yellow-bore (golden), green-groove and variegated (height reaches 3 m, knee length is about 10 centimeters). The most popular varieties:

  1. Streat. This variety is less than the main type. Between the knees are saturated yellow tugs. On the surface of the stems arbitrarily placed pale and dark green specks.
  2. Mapping. Bamboo is not very large. The sleeves located at the bottom are flattened and thickened.
  3. Vittata. A rather popular variety, which in height can reach 12 meters. On the surface of the stem there is a very large amount of flat, externally similar to the barcode.
  4. Makulat. On the surface of the green barrel there are many strokes and springs of black. From year to year, stalks are painted black.
  5. Favor Streat. The height of the stems does not exceed 5 meters. On the surface of the pale green trunk there are strips of a dark green color. Jumpers located at the bottom of the barrel are increased.
  6. Auregeregata. Pretty popular grade in culture. On the surface of thin golden trunks there are dark green stripes.

Kimmy. On the surface of the yellow stem is green stripes.

Bamboo - This is an evergreen long-term plant, which belongs to the family of cereals and is common in the tropical regions of Asia.

This plant is known as a durable building material and as the fastest growing plant on the planet.

Within 2000, Bamboo was used everywhere as material for the construction of bridges, dwellings, swimming facilities, homemade utensils and musical instruments. The all-knowing Chinese made a needle bamboo for their ancient medical operations, thicker in tenths of a millimeter, as well as a water supply, which was used up to 3 century to our era. With the help of such a water supply, they transported salt water from salt springs in Tsu-Liou-Ching (Suchian Province).

Bamboo stems can grow up to 40 meters. At the same time, the growth rate of the plant can reach 75 cm per day.

The bamboo group on a certain territory blooms only once a few decades. At the same time, the bamboo of one species blooms at the same time, regardless of the place of growth.

With the fruction of bamboo, another mystery is connected. Plants of the same group that occurred from one "parent", aged from 33 to 66 years, bloom and after fruiting die. Such a mass death of a bamboo grove is extremely negatively affecting both the lives of people and in the lives of animals, such as large pandas from China.

Bamboo groves are actually thickets of giant grass, as a plant relates to the family of cereals.

Another bamboo feature is a different diameter of trunks, which depends on the humidity, the composition of the soil and type. Therefore, to dial a large number of one diameter shoots is quite difficult. For cross-shutdown, hitrophic nodes are used that allow you to group shoots of different diameters and thicknesses. In modern times, special adhesives are sometimes used and even accessories like bolts.

In countries where bamboo grows, it is treated with respect to this plant. Bamboo is used not only for construction, but also for the manufacture of furniture and crafts. Bamboo is considered a symbol of purity and happiness.

Some bamboo varieties allocate special oil, tobashir, which is used, for example, as a medicine from asthma, cough, and even as an aphrodisiac in South-West Asia. And from the heated bamboo, separated the fuel resin used in the lamps. By the way, the first light made in 1880 by Thomas Edison, as a filament thread used precisely a specially treated bamboo fiber.

Some designs made from bamboo, survived millennium. The closed bamboo bridge in the An-Lan, converted across the River Min (South-West China) built in the 3rd century of our era. The length of it is 320 meters, it is a suspended bridge that carry the structures of which are 15 bamboo cables, 5 centimeters in diameter. He is now in good condition, it takes prevention twice a year.

Even in 1905, in China were drilling stations made entirely of bamboo. The height of these structures was 75 meters, and they were built in 220 of our era - almost 1800 years ago! Here is the durability ...

Another advantage of bamboo - if you spire his barrel, new ones will begin to grow. Bamboo roots Very branched, and allow new shoots at a distance of 6 meters from the center. There are about 180 central roots on the hectare of bamboo forest, which support all this plantation for decades. Also bamboo roots are very resistant against erosion, landslides and even earthquakes, due to their exceptional strength and survivability.

The structure of bamboo wood is similar to oak wood. However, its strength, according to research by French scientists, in two and a half times higher than oak wood strength.
In financial terms, the cost of the construction of a bamboo house is 8 times less than the construction of the same size of a modern concrete building. But in the case of the earthquake, the building will collapse much earlier. Therefore, the bamboo is widely used to build houses in our time in Southwestern Asia, Africa and Latin America.

There are more than a thousand bamboo species. Some of them grow under conditions of harsh cold in the mountains, at the air temperature of -24 degrees Celsius, at altitudes about 5,000 meters above sea level. The Argentine and Chilean types of bamboo, on the contrary, grow under high humidity and unbearable for man temperature.

Basic bamboo producers in the world -, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Kenya, Costa Rica and Brazil. All of them grow up to 10 million tons of bamboo per year.

Bamboo Growth Record was recorded in Japan. The stem bamboo Madaka grew 5 cm per hour, having increased by 120 cm per day.

Bamboo Used not only in construction. Sugar is mined from this plant, and young shoots, roots and seeds are eaten.

There are more than a thousand bamboo species in the world. At the same time, some plants can be transferred both harsh minus temperatures and live at altitudes about 5000 m above sea level and high humidity conditions and high temperatures.

The bamboo root system is distinguished by its strength and vitality. On one hectare of bamboo grove can be located only 180 central roots supporting all plants.

The most old structure of the bamboo, which has survived to this day - a bamboo suspended bridge with a length of 320 meters in An-Lan, transfered through the river Min in the south-western part of China. This bridge was built in the III century of our era.

Bamboo Bamboo

(Bambusa), plant genus ses. cereal. Woven stems (solomins) of you. Up to 35 m, usually come closer, at the top, the parts are strongly branched. Lancing leaves, with very short cutters. The spikelets are multi-flowered, one or in groups on special branches, usually carrying only scattering leaves. Obroat flowers, aphemo-filter. The grains usually fall out of flower scales, apply to aqueous streams or animals. Each group or bug during MN. It does not bloom for years, then simultaneously blooms and after fruiting, as a rule, dies. They differ extremely rapid growth (up to 0.75 m per day). OK. 80 species, ch. arr. in vet and south. Asia. Often forms hard-walled thickets in the gorges, on mountain slopes and forest edges. B. Miski (B. Glaucescens) is often cultivated in gardens and parks (in the USSR - in subtropics). Durable and light stems B. Common (B. vulgaris) and B. Reed (B. ArundaCea) - good builds. Material and raw materials for crafts. B. often called. and others. Representatives of the Council. Bamboo (VatBusoideae), including approx. 1000 species. Of these, the USSR is most often cultivated as decor and technical. Plants types of sheets. Several. The types of Saza (SASA) are the only wilderness in the USSR (Sakhalin and Kuril O-VA) bamboo. Young shoots and seeds MN. Bamboo use in writing. In India and a number of other countries, B. is cultivated as a substitute for wood for pulp and paper industrial. (See 21_Table_21) Fig. eight.

.(Source: "Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary." Ch. Red. M. S. Gilyarov; Radric.: A. A. Babaev, G. M. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin, and others - 2nd ed., Focused . - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


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    bamboo - Bamboo, and, m .. 1. The face of southern nationality. 2. Stupid man, stupid. 3. Cigarette, cigarette (often about drugs). Bamboo score to smoke a cigarette. 4. Loafer, Shalopai ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

    Bamboo, bamboo, husband. (Malaysk. Bambu) (Bot.). Tropical tree shaky with very strong, inside a hollow wood. From bamboo make canes and light garden furniture. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Bamboo, a, husband. High and flexible tropical and subtropical plant, tree shag with strong hollow stem. | arr. Bamboo, Aya, OE. Bamboo thickets. Bamboo cane. Bamboo bear is the same that big panda. Bamboo ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Husband. Indian reed, durable even for buildings, Bambuca ArundinaCea; Bamboo, made of this reed or to him relate to Dalya. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    SUT., Number of synonyms: 6 shoe (17) Zlak (70) Mouflon (11) ... Synonym dictionary

    Bamboo, bamboo installed by Schrere plant genus plants from familys. The species of this kind, peculiar, mainly to the tropics, form usually whole thickets or forests. Hollow, extremely transportations of these tree cereals reach ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

    bamboo - Bamboo, Rod. Bamboo (incorrect bamboo) ... Dictionary of the difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian

    bamboo - Ayu. Kөbіna b a m b y k t t ң ң a p s r and қ t a r y e n bұtakaryn, Jatіn, Ayu Siauқtsa Zhanuar. B and M B U to A Yu Tau Ormanandaryn Mecneteady, Aғaashқa Zhasa өrmeledі (қse, 2, 150) ... Қазақ Тілінің ТүСінірма Сөздігі


  • Wooden runes. Chocolate Bamboo (RSB) ,. Wooden runes. Chocolate bamboo. Pouch and Instructions included ...

Bamboo is a vitality of an evergreen tropical plant from the family of cereals, whose homeland is considered East Asia.

Bamboo is characterized by a noded golden-straw stem with numerous leaves on the top. As a rule, it reaches a height from 25 to 40 meters and is the highest grass among all representatives of this family (wheat, corn and rye). At the same time, the bamboo is characterized by a very high growth rate and some of its species grow from 40 to 100 cm per day.

For three years, the young barrel is treated. Bamboo trunks are widely used for construction and as a finishing material, musical instruments are manufactured from it and used for paper production.

Bamboo distinguishes amazing properties - it is not afraid of either moisture, no sun, nor the temperature differences. In the east, it is considered a symbol of indomitable strength and energy, since its sprouts even break through even a stone. Buddhists treat him as a sacred plant, personifying longevity, spiritual truth, consistency, grace, long-term friendship and blooming old age.

Composition Bamboo

Bamboo in its composition contains 90% water. It is rich in protein - on average from 1.49 to 4.04 g per 100 g of fresh shoots. In addition, it includes eight major essential amino acids.

In 100 grams of bamboo shoots, contains:

  • 90.86 g of water;
  • 2.65 g of proteins;
  • 0.49 g of fats;
  • 0.58 g of fiber;
  • 0.88 g of ashes.

Bamboo has a rich vitamin composition. Its shoots contain vitamins A, B6, E, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, folic and pantothenic acids. They are also rich in minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, zinc, copper, selenium and iron.

The calorie content of bamboo is 20 kcal per 100 g of shoots.

Useful properties bamboo

Young bamboo shoots are not only tasty, but also rich in nutrients. They come in the top five most popular useful products in the world.

The basic properties of bamboo were recorded in the ancient pharmaceutical text of the Ming dynasty times (1368-1644): "It's cool, sweet, non-toxic, quenching thirst, improves blood circulation, adds energy Qi and can be used daily."

In Asian countries, anti-inflammatory and condatory bamboo properties caused by the presence of a strong antiseptic in its fibers are often used in colds and ARVI, as well as in allergies and asthma.

Bamboo also refers to a few plants, characterized by a large number of silicic acid, which:

  • Contributes to strengthening hair and nails;
  • Beneficial effect on the skin;
  • It has a soothing effect in depressive states.

Bamboo is effective for ulcerative disease, disorders of digestion and diarrhea. In Asian countries, it is also used in the treatment of diseases such as jaundice, tuberculosis, fever and dysentery.

Bamboo extract strengthens vessel walls, improves tissue blood supply, reduces capillari permeability and increases their elasticity and tone.

In medicinal purposes, not only bamboo shoots, but also other parts of this amazing plants are used:

  • Bamboo roots are used as a lining agent;
  • Possessing the antipyretic and expectorant properties of the bamboo leaves are considered a good cough medicine;
  • Bamboo juice is used as a means for apoplexy and epilepsy.

Benefit of Health Bamboo Escapes

Bamboo shoots are more likely to exotic food, since they are most widely used in Asia countries. However, the beneficial properties of bamboo gradually find their fans and in Western countries.

Bamboo promotes gradual weight loss. Thanks to a balanced foodstope, it is considered perfect food for those who want to lose weight, without feeling a permanent feeling of hunger. The dietary fibers that are in large quantities in the bamboo are necessary for digestion and improve the intestinal peristals. In order to lose weight faster, it is recommended to eat young shoots for dinner. Low calorie bamboo and low content of carbohydrates make it possible to apply it as part of various vegetable diets.

Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are part of bamboo shoots contribute to the strengthening of immunity.

According to many studies conducted in India and Asian countries, the benefits of bamboo are proved to prevent heart diseases, since it contributes to the dissolution of cholesterol. Due to the insignificant content of fats and low caloric content, the bamboo is also beneficial effect on the intestinal function.

Many studies have confirmed anti-inflammatory and painkillers of bamboo, which allows it to be used externally in the treatment of wounds and ulcers.

Application Bamboo

A decoction of bamboo shoots is used in Asian countries for the treatment of respiratory diseases. As a rule, to obtain a decoction, shoots should be boiled twice, first 5, then 10 minutes. The resulting decoction can be taken with honey.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bamboo shoots possess a rather rare property - to have a stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus. Also, bamboo leaves are used with the stomach disorder and as an anthelmintic agent.

Bamboo shoots are used in cooking for the manufacture of various dishes. As a rule, they are pre-boiled, after which they eat with oil and soy sauce. You can also add them to soups, sauces, pickles and salads.

Fresh bamboo shoots are saved to two weeks in a cool place and away from sunlight. Improper storage can lead to bitter taste. In order to preserve the beneficial properties of the bamboo longer, it is usually preserved.

In Japan, bamboo seeds are also used in food, which remotely resemble Oats.

Bamboo contraindications and harm

No contraindications to the use of bamboo in food is not fixed. However, when preparing dishes with bamboo shoots, it should be borne in mind that young shoots contain a poisonous cyanogenic glycoside, which, however, is quickly destroyed in the process of culinary processing.

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