Indoor rose (80 photos): types, cultivation and care. Features of different varieties of indoor roses

Indoor rose. Among the variety of domestic flora, she, like her garden option, rightfully bears the name of the queen. The flower manages to maintain the leading position of popularity due to its unique aroma, variety color scheme and the beauty of lace leaves.

Flower queens of small sizes are credited to the category of whimsical. However, such a statement is not a reason to refuse to grow a flower in an apartment. One has only to know the rules and subtleties of care, which is very different from what characterizes the agricultural technology of garden beauties.

Miniature queens enter apartments as gifts or purchases, as well as due to the passion of flower growers who strive not only to possess a beautiful plant, but also to increase the number of potted representatives on their own windowsills.

Indoor rose

Everyone knows that the home rose is whimsical. Having become the owner of a flower, you need to think about preserving it. If you are holding a gift pot with a magnificent, magnificently blooming specimen, it means that the flower sold in the store has received a good dose of stimulants, the effect of which, unfortunately, is very short-lived. And the packaging for gift flowers is specialized, which helps to maintain high moisture levels. Having lost intensive feeding and moisture, flowers can quickly die. In order not to have to be disappointed in the gift received or in your ability to grow miniature roses, you must initially take measures to preserve the plant.

Below is a list of required actions.

  • Specialized packaging, necessary to retain moisture, but contributing to the development of fungal diseases, is removed in an apartment.
  • Leaves and stems (withered, blackened, withered) are cut off.
  • Without regret, not only the buds are cut off, but also the bearing stem. Drastic measures will help preserve the greenhouse plant.
  • If there are several plants in the gift pot, they are seated.
  • The transshipment is accompanied by antifungal and pest control, for which you can use drugs such as Fitosporin, Fitoverm, etc.

Taking care of a home beauty is not limited to the listed actions. Below are the rules for keeping plants in an apartment.

Rose on the windowsill: varietal and species diversity

Tiny rose bushes are a great decoration for any windowsill. With a height of no more than 35 cm, they are in no way inferior to their garden brothers. The following plant types are distinguished: miniature, Bengal, hybrid tea, remontant, ground cover, polyanthus and floribunda.

Rose varieties successfully grown in apartments are very numerous:

Indoor rose variety "Hi - Ho"

  • Tchaikovski;
  • Orange Triumph
  • New Penny;
  • Yellow Doll;
  • Judy Fischer;
  • Ophelia;
  • Starina;
  • Hi - Ho;
  • Green Ice;
  • Spice Drop, etc.

The queen of flowers is successfully grown in pots. The Bengal rose (Pink Grotendors) or the hybrid tea rose (Spice Drop) feel great here. And polyanthus and floribunda roses, Angel wings and Happy Child varieties, etc., feel better in tubs.

The main feature of indoor roses is their ability to multiply by cuttings without problems.

Home care for the queen

Speaking of the southern beauty, any person, first of all, means a delightful, magnificent flowering bush or large fragrant flowers. A rose in a pot cannot initially be large, but the duration and abundance of flowering is the result of the skill and efforts of the grower. And the components of success are the following criteria:

  • the presence of sufficient free space;
  • optimal humidity and acceptable temperature of the content;
  • compliance with the rules for moistening an earthen coma;
  • timely processing of the soil and the plant itself;
  • prevention of diseases and the spread of pests.

Correctly organized wintering of a flower will allow in early spring admire the bright greenery and numerous buds.

Before thinking about wintering, remember that traditionally, miniature specimens of a flower brought from foreign greenhouses are placed on the shelves of flower shops. For cultivation for sale and long-term preservation of the presentation, flowers are fed with growth and flowering stimulants, which negatively affects the life expectancy of asthenia outside greenhouse conditions.

Having acquired such a copy, you should take care of its preservation in the changed conditions. For this, as noted above, the plant must be transplanted into a large container with fresh soil and all the buds must be removed, and not only the inflorescences, but also part of the stem are removed. New shoots that have appeared at the pruning site are also pinched. And only after this is the possibility of flowering a home beauty allowed.

To preserve the compact volumes of the rose bush in the period preceding the onset of active bud growth, that is, at the beginning of spring, formative pruning is carried out.


To increase the number of a miniature version of the queen of flowers, a vegetative method of reproduction is used. The main material is the branches left after pruning. Their length should not exceed 15 cm, no more than 4 buds are left on the stem.

In order for the cuttings to take root, they are placed in water with a dissolved activated carbon tablet or a mixture of sand and peat. Another option that can help the cuttings take root is processing the branches with Kornevin or infusion of willow branches. It is worth waiting for the appearance of roots no earlier than 14-20 days, after which the seedlings are planted in separate containers.

If a sandy-peat substrate was used to root the branches, then the cuttings must be placed in an impromptu greenhouse. The development of the root system is evidenced by the beginning of the appearance of new foliage. The period of adaptation of the seedling to indoor conditions should be gradual.

Video "Propagation of a room rose by cuttings"


The purchased plant must undergo adaptation to the new conditions before being transplanted into a new container, which is larger than the shipping pot and is approximately 5 and 3 cm in height and diameter, respectively. How to transplant a flower without damaging it? The previously moistened soil will help to remove the plant from the pot.

In a new container, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer, which is covered on top with a small amount of fresh earthen mixture. A plant moved with an earthen clod should stand tightly in the pot, which is ensured by a uniform volume of soil poured along the edges of the new container. The transplanted flower must be placed in partial shade for several days, and then moved to the place designated for it. Moisture should be moderate, at the root. Spraying is encouraged.

Top dressing begins no earlier than a month after the plant is transplanted. Mineral fertilizers are recommended, the solution of which is used twice a month for root and foliar feeding.

Video "Transplant indoor roses»

The right growing conditions

Despite the well-established opinion about the capriciousness of a miniature beauty, even beginners can refuse questions about how to care for a rose, provided that the initial organization of acceptable conditions for keeping the flower. The focus is on the following parameters:

Light mode. There should be a lot of light. However, constant exposure to direct sunlight leads to rapid opening of inflorescences and bud fall. To ensure sufficient lighting in winter period and in apartments with insufficient access to sunlight, it is recommended to install special phytolamps, the spectrum of which covers the red and blue range.
Air humidity. Low moisture readings are the main enemy of lush flowering and flower life. In hot summer weather and in the stuffy atmosphere of apartments during the heating season, it is advisable to provide constant, abundant spraying (twice a day) and access to fresh air. Constant humidity can be ensured by placing the flowerpot in a pallet with damp expanded clay.
Watering. During the summer, it should be abundant. At the end of summer, you should think about where to put a rose in an apartment for the autumn-winter period (in winter, cool rooms or places away from batteries are chosen) and take care of reducing the amount of moisture in the earthy coma. Remove excess water from the pan. Waterlogging or overdrying of the earth leads to the death of the flower. The water should be kept warm.
Temperature conditions. An indoor flower should be protected from overheating, leading to the development of various diseases.
Top dressing. The process is carried out after moistening the earth twice a month with organic and mineral fertilizers specially developed for the queen of flowers. An alternation of dressings is required. During the dormant period, fertilizers are excluded.
Pruning. The question of how to prune a rose correctly is not difficult. Events are organized in the fall. The flower shoots are shortened so that only 5 buds remain. Weak and thin branches are subject to removal.
Peace. This period begins from the moment the last flower falls and lasts until February. For a good "rest", a temperature within the range of 4-6 ºC (maximum admissible temperature 10-14ºC). At the end of winter, the temperature of the content is increased to 15-18ºC.

How to properly prune a rose after flowering

Difficulties of growing

The main difficulties in growing a flower are its susceptibility to disease and damage to various pests.

Indoor rose:

  • spider mite;
  • whitefly;

Methods of dealing with them should be systematic. Effective drugs to prevent the reproduction of pests - Actellik, Akarin, Arrow, Aktara, etc. Along with non-toxic products, regular spraying with warm water is used. Warm showers are welcome.

Diseases of a room rose can develop due to an incorrectly selected irrigation regime. Their treatment involves the treatment of bushes. effective mixtures and pruning affected branches. The following diseases are distinguished:

Disease prevention - compliance with temperature and irrigation regime. Adhering to the above conditions, you can provide a miniature beauty with a long life period and an abundance of flowering.

Video "Why indoor roses dry"

the Rose room care at home photo, growing conditions

Rose is the queen of flowers, a symbol of beauty and perfection. She pleases the eye, but is very capricious to the conditions of detention and requires increased attention. You will learn how to properly care for a room rose at home from our material.

Indoor rose: photos, types and their description

Indoor roses belong to the Rosaceae family and number up to 20 thousand varieties. The most common types for growing at home are Bengal, remontant and polyanthus.

Dwarf Bengal roses (Rosa bengalensis) - up to 20 cm high with small leaves. Flowers are large, double, red or color pink, flowering takes place year-round. Popular varieties: Katerina Violett, Hamti Demti, Baby Carnival.

Repaired roses - with dense, dark green leaves, small buds, shaped like a glass with a pleasant scent. Cold-resistant, bloom twice: from mid-July to mid-August and from late August to late September. Popular varieties: Etienne Leve, Frau Karl Druschki, Ulrich Brunner fiss.

Polyanthus multiflora (Rosa polyanta - Rosa multiflora nana) - with frequent small, almost odorless buds. Frost-resistant, well tolerated high humidity, up to 30 cm high with small dense leaves. A rose at home blooms with paniculate inflorescences from June to the first frost, flowers are small up to 4 cm in diameter. Popular varieties: Orange Triumph, Clotilde Super, Miniatures.

Buying a rose in a pot: what to look for

It is recommended to purchase a room rose from late spring to mid-autumn: in warm time adaptation to new conditions is much better. Professional florists advise taking roses with unopened buds. If flowering has already begun, then most of the flowers are cut off to stimulate plant growth.

Before purchasing, the leaves and soil are examined from all sides for diseases and pests. The buds should be evenly colored and taut, the foliage should be clean and green, without dryness and signs of wilting, and firmly adhere to the stem. The earth is well moistened throughout the entire depth to the bottom of the pot: if the soil dries up during transportation, then the flower will soon die.

Before buying, you need to watch the rose you like in dynamics, examining the plant every 3-4 days. Although the rose will be grown at home, you should buy hardened plants that are grown outdoors in your area and not in a greenhouse. Then they are not afraid of fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

Rose care at home

First time care home rose in a pot should be completely identical to the store one at the time of purchase. Later, when the plant adapts, it will be possible to slightly change the conditions of detention, but adhere to certain rules.

Temperature and humidity

Home rose does not react well to heat and dry air. Due to such conditions, it becomes overdried upper layer substrate, leaves dry out and pests appear. Therefore, you cannot put a rose next to heating appliances.

In summer, the air temperature should be moderate - up to plus 20 grams. Celsius, and in cool winter - up to plus 5 grams. Celsius. The plant prefers moist cool air, but is afraid of drafts. In May, after the end of the night frost, indoor roses can be displayed on the terrace or balcony.

Watering and spraying mode

Caring for a room rose after purchase consists in watering at the root after the top layer of the earth has dried. This will require water room temperature, settled for at least 3 days.

Foliar watering - spraying, carried out every 2-3 days in the evening boiled water from a spray bottle. During the period of spring and summer growth, the number of waterings is increased up to 5 times a week. In autumn, after flowering, it is reduced to 1-2 times a week. Once every 7 days, arrange a warm shower, pouring abundantly from a watering can with a nozzle, heated to plus 40-45 gr. Celsius.


The plant is placed on the southeast or west side. In summer, roses are transferred to shaded areas with access to fresh cool air. With a short daylight hours in winter, the plant is illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

Nutrient soil and top dressing

A nutritious soil for a home rose is prepared by mixing turf, humus and sand in a ratio of 4: 4: 1, adding complex fertilizers in granules, such as: Activin, Planton, Biopon. Fertilize indoor roses, alternating between mineral and organic feeding, twice a week during vegetation and growth, from spring to late summer.

In cloudy weather and in winter, plants are not fertilized. Top dressing is not applied to sick and newly transplanted roses. For better penetration of fertilizers and aeration, the soil is periodically loosened after watering.

Pruning roses in pots

Removal of yellowed foliage and wilted flowers is carried out during the growing season on the growing moon. The second time, the procedure is repeated before wintering: the length of the shoots is reduced to 10 cm, leaving up to 4-5 buds on each. After that, the plant is placed in a cool shaded place. Pruning on time encourages early and lush flowering.

Indoor rose breeding video

Homemade rose is propagated by cuttings that remain after pruning. The procedure is performed in the same way as for garden varieties, and is described in detail in.

A room rose is transplanted annually in the spring to the growing moon at lunar calendar... The rose is watered abundantly and 20 minutes after the water has been absorbed, the container is turned over, and the plant is carefully taken out.

A lump with roots is easily separated from the pot, it is placed in a new container and sprinkled with fresh earth, leaving 2 cm free to the edge. The plant is placed in the shade and engraftment is periodically checked. If the vegetation process begins after a month, the first feeding is carried out.

The container for the transplant is chosen larger than the previous one: by 2 cm in diameter, and up to 7 cm in height. Before use, fill the ceramic pot with warm water for 2 hours. Before the next use, a pot that is already in use is cleaned with a stiff brush in boiling water without using soap. Before laying the earth in a container with a drain, make 1 cm of drainage from expanded clay. In the absence of a hole for water drainage, the drainage layer is made 3 cm.

Transplanting a room rose after purchase is not carried out; the plant needs up to 30 days to adapt.


It takes a lot of effort to grow a homemade rose in a pot. The culture is quite picky and demanding on the conditions of detention, which you can easily create in a house or apartment according to our recommendations. Provide the roses with the necessary care and the beautiful flowers will delight you for many years.

You will not surprise anyone with roses in a flower garden - these flowers are very popular, albeit capricious, the indoor look is much less common, the care of which requires more attention.

Varieties and varieties suitable for growing at home

To achieve a beautiful long flowering, for a rose at home you need:

  • provide space;
  • support optimal humidity and air temperature;
  • follow the watering rules depending on the season;
  • periodically carry out the necessary hygiene procedures;
  • monitor the plant and prevent infection with diseases and pests from other indoor flowers.

Having taken care of the correct wintering of a home rose, you can see the first buds in March, and with proper care, the plant will decorate your home with lovely flowers that overshadow all other greenery with their beauty.

Video about caring for a room rose

Now in any flower shop miniature roses can be found different varieties perfect for home cultivation. Outwardly, they are very similar to ordinary garden ones, only smaller in size - compact bushes reach only 35 cm in height. The miniature beauty in a pot looks unusually elegant: against the background of small neat leaves of dark green color, lovely flowers with a diameter of one and a half to four centimeters stand out in contrasting spots, painted in different tones and spreading a wonderful fragrance.

Of the miniature roses, the following varieties grow especially well at home: Judy Fischer with pink double flowers, copper-pink New Penny, carmine Angela Rippon, Baby Darling in an orange-pink hue, fragrant pale yellow flowers Yellow Doll, crimson Starina with an intense aroma and silvery pink Cinderella.

Home roses

One of the advantages of the miniature species is that it reproduces well by cuttings, and you can easily grow several new plants from one purchased bush.

In addition to miniature roses for growing at home, you can choose low varieties of other varieties:

  • unpretentious Bengal, providing long-lasting lush flowering (Ophelia variety with apricot-pink flowers, Pink Grothendors variety blooming twice a year with pink rose inflorescences);
  • highly branching polyanthous multi-flowered (Orange Triumph variety with bright red flowers, pale pink fragrant flowers of Clotilde Super variety, Miniature variety with small double flowers of pink and white color);
  • fragrant tea-hybrid (La France variety with strongly double flowers, Miss Rowena Tom, Gruss en Teplitz, Jules Boucher).

If you want to relocate low varieties growing in your flower garden to an apartment, choose those plants that were obtained from cuttings, with their own roots, and not grafted on rose hips. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to save your own roses - caring for them in indoor conditions will not work.

Indoor roses

Transplanting and caring for a purchased room rose

The flower shops mainly sell miniature species brought from abroad, which means that the plants are weakened by various regulators and growth stimulants. Having delivered such a rose home, you will need to take care of transplanting it into a larger pot of fresh soil.

If the flower is young, the first buds will have to be removed, no matter how sorry they are. But by sacrificing a few small buds, you will get an abundantly flowering bush in return. The first bud that appears should not just be removed, but the stem should be pinched over a well-developed bud, from which two shoots will appear at once. They will need to do the same procedure with pinching the stems. And with the advent of third-order shoots, you can already safely allow the home rose to bloom!

Flowering, well-developed plants are often treated with drugs that slow down the development of new buds. However, as soon as the drug stops working, the buds actively start growing, and the bush can quickly acquire irregular shape and unkempt look. This usually happens closer to spring, so you first need to have time to carry out the formative pruning of the bush, and your home beauty will remain compact.

Blooming, well-developed miniature roses are often treated with drugs that slow down the development of new buds.

As for the transplant, you should not carry it out on the same day that you purchased the rose. Let the plant get used to the new conditions a little. To do this, place the flower pot on the southeast or east window and water as needed for several days.

The transplant is carried out as follows:

  • prepare a pot slightly larger than the one in which the plant was;
  • if other flowers grew in the pot before, wash it with warm water without soap;
  • on the bottom of the pot, lay a layer of expanded clay for drainage of 1 cm; in the absence of a drain hole, make the drainage layer 3 cm;
  • sprinkle a nutritious soil mixture from sod land, humus and sand on top of expanded clay, adding complex fertilizer;
  • sprinkle the soil with fertilizers with a layer of soil without fertilizers so as not to burn the roots;
  • water the purchased home rose abundantly and after 20 minutes, carefully remove it from the previous container, trying not to destroy the clod of earth and not damage the roots (the fertilizer granules remaining in the roots should not be washed off);
  • set the stem with a lump of earth into the pot (the root collar should be underground), sprinkle with soil mixture on all sides, compact it and add enough soil on top to leave a couple of centimeters to the edge of the pot;
  • spray the foliage with water and place in a shaded area.

Home rose transplant

Within a day, it will be possible to move the transplanted rose to its permanent place and water it under the root with settled water as the soil dries out. Starting next month, start feeding by watering the plant every two weeks with a solution of mineral fertilizer or spraying the leaves.

Care rules

No matter how capricious a room rose is considered, it will not require caring for it special efforts if you take care of creating the right conditions. First of all, this concerns the light regime and air humidity. Dry air is contraindicated for a flower, therefore, during heating season it is especially important to spray it regularly. And in the summertime, it is advisable to move roses to the balcony, to the terrace, to the street, or at least to open the windows so that, due to the stuffiness in the rooms, the inhabitants of the pots do not suspend their flowering. As well garden species, the room needs a lot of light, but you should not keep it constantly on the south window, otherwise the flowers will quickly open and immediately fall off.

Video about caring for indoor roses

How to care for a home rose at different times of the year? In the summer, it will be necessary to water the flower abundantly, preventing the earthen coma from drying out, and also to ensure that the plant does not overheat and does not get sick. Cut off withered flowers with pruning shears. In autumn indoor flowers can be moved from the balcony to the south windows and reduce the frequency of watering. At the end of flowering, the roses are transferred to larger pots.

For the winter, it is advisable to move the plants to a cooler room (with a temperature of +15), if there is one, and if not, then at least remove them away from heating and electrical appliances. Preparing home roses for wintering consists in pruning branches (no more than five buds are left on each), which can be used for later. The flower is watered in winter once a week, and with the arrival of spring and the opening of the first leaves, watering is increased and fed with a solution of bird droppings or mullein.

Homemade roses in pots are a miniature copy of the queen of the garden, but this does not make her less attractive. That is why a rose in a pot has recently been an alternative to the traditional bouquet, and their photos can be found on the corresponding sites. And if the first weeks after the purchase (gift) of the rose, thanks to numerous fertilizers and stimulants, looks great, then in the future it will not be easy to maintain the attractiveness of this “living bouquet”. But if you try, then the reward is in the form of a bright blooming rose will be a worthy reward for your efforts.

Indoor rose: variety of species

Another argument in favor of the fact that a room rose is no worse than a bouquet is also indicated by the variety of the species:

  • Bengal rose is the most adapted form for growing at home, care is quite simple (when compared with other varieties), therefore, it is the most common. Flowering is long, it can last until the New Year, however, the plant will have to be additionally illuminated. In addition, the plant does not shed its foliage for the winter, continuing to delight with decorative greenery. Flowers - semi-double, medium-sized, shades of red (from bright red to dark red), almost always - without aroma. At home, the bush grows small, does not need pruning - only sick and weak branches are removed, after complete pruning, the plant will simply die
  • Chinese rose - it is important to understand that it comes it is about the rose, and not about hibiscus, which we traditionally call the "Chinese rose", although in fact it has nothing to do with the pink family. Chinese rose- the smallest of all indoor species, the bush does not grow higher than 15 cm, the flowers are miniature, no more than 2 cm in diameter, while there are many species that differ in color (yellow, burgundy, red, orange and even silver shades), the type of flower and the presence of smell. The Chinese rose (most species) needs a cold wintering.

If we talk about home (apartment) growing conditions, then polyanthus roses are widely represented in them, it is easy to take care of them, these flowers are not too capricious, plus they smell nice:

  • triumph - a fairly large rose, flowers - with bright red, pleasing flowering from spring to the beginning of winter, can winter well on a cool windowsill
  • miniatures - a mini-bush, flowers - double, white or pink in color, it winters well in the house, its reproduction is very easy to carry out by cuttings - the roots make their way 5-6 days after placing the cuttings in water
  • gloria is a medium-sized rose, it has very miniature flowers that, due to their unusual color, resemble embers. It looks very attractive, but it has absolutely no scent. For wintering, it must be taken out to a separate place where the temperature does not exceed 10C
  • Clotilde is a small bush that is abundantly covered with double flowers with a pleasant aroma. The peculiarity of the variety is that the flowers gradually change color, from light pink (as soon as the bud has blossomed) to white after a few days.

Home rose in a pot: care, transplant, reproduction

Caring for a room rose is very difficult, it is a very demanding and capricious plant for keeping at home. They start courting by choosing the right place:

  • illumination - there should be a lot of light, therefore a sunny window sill is suitable for a "blooming bouquet", and so that the flowers do not disappear with the onset of autumn, the flower will have to be additionally highlighted
  • if you want to grow a homemade rose - do not overheat the soil (pot), therefore, placing the flower on the sunny side, the pot must be shaded, covering it from the hot sunlight
  • no drafts - you may even need to install barriers or light fences around the rose


Regular, fairly abundant, care should not allow the earthen coma to dry out - which is especially important if you grow flowers on the bright south side. The main rule is that the rose does not tolerate cold water, so it should be watered only with settled water at room temperature.

Advice! After watering, after half an hour it is necessary to remove the water that has not been absorbed from the pan.


Home roses are very sensitive to transplantation, due to the destruction of the earthy coma and damage to the root system, they can hurt for a long time and take root badly. Therefore, they are transplanted as needed, the main indicator that the rose has become cramped in the pot - in drain hole the roots became visible. The best time for transplant - the growing moon.

Advice! You should not rush to transplant a newly purchased rose, even if shop pot categorically does not fit into the interior - the rose must be given some time so that it can adapt to the new conditions.

To successfully grow a room rose, you must not only choose the right pot, but also prepare it for planting. New pot should be 2-4 cm (no more) wider than the previous one and 5-7 - higher. If nothing has grown in a ceramic pot (this is especially important for unglazed ones) before that (it is absolutely new), then it must be soaked for 2 hours in warm water... If the pot has already been used and something has grown in it, then it is thoroughly washed in cold water thoroughly brushing with a stiff brush.

Top dressing

At home, fertilization of a home rose is carried out in two ways - root and foliar feeding. As a root top dressing, you can water it with a mullein (as an option, purchase a full mineral fertilizer), spending it during the active growing season 2 times a month, with the appearance of buds - even once a week. The rest of the time (period - summer-spring) feeding can be carried out once every 2-3 weeks, necessarily - after watering the plant. For spraying (foliar top dressing), special solutions are purchased, while its concentration must be made somewhat weaker than indicated in the instructions. In autumn and spring, when the care of the rose is minimal, feeding is stopped.

Cutting is the simplest and effective method to reproduce a room rose, it is carried out in May-September, choosing for the cuttings the middle part with a thin faded branch, leaving only 2-4 buds on it.

Advice! For further reproduction to be successful, it is very important to make the first cut correctly. The lower cut is performed obliquely, choosing a place 1 cm below the kidney (the kidney itself should be directed upwards), the upper one is straight, 0.5 cm above the upper kidney.

Freshly cut cuttings must be immediately placed in water or wet sand, avoiding even short-term drying of the slices - this sharply reduces the survival rate. When using water for rooting, it should be remembered that the water that was poured for the first time cannot be changed, even if it turns green - you just need to add fresh water if it becomes less. Such care will ensure the earliest possible appearance of the roots.

When the roots reach 1-2 cm in length (photo 1), the cuttings can be planted, while the root collar is not buried, it should remain at the soil level. Especially carefully it is necessary to sprinkle the roots - they are very fragile and easily damaged. The cuttings are continued to grow in a bright place, but where direct sunlight does not fall. If the reproduction is carried out correctly, then in a couple of weeks the buds should start to grow.

Reproduction by cuttings allows at home not only to preserve varietal characteristics, but also to obtain a plant that is optimally adapted to the conditions of a particular room (apartment).


Caring for a home rose must necessarily include pruning. If you neglect it, then next summer, instead of a bright bouquet, you will have a sluggish, poorly flowering plant. Pruning is best done when the moon is waxing, using a pruning shear or a sharp knife. First of all, weak, diseased, small and intertwining branches are removed. On healthy branches, with mature wood, shoots with 5-6 eyes are left, on the weaker shoots - 3-4 eyes (photo 2).

Advice! After cutting, the roses are placed in a cool (10-12C) room where they spend the winter. After the first new leaves appear, the rose is returned to its usual place.

Having bought a young rose - a seedling that has only one central trunk, you must not let it start blooming. To grow a healthy full-fledged rose at home, the first bud that appears must be removed, after that you need to find a well-developed bud on the trunk and pin the stem above it. It's okay - soon two shoots will appear in this place, and at the moment when buds begin to form on them, the operation must be repeated again. Only after you can grow third-order stems can the rose be allowed to bloom. It will take time, but you will end up with a properly growing, healthy and strong plant.

Now there are many plants that can be grown at home. For example, this is a miniature, or, as it can often be called, a room rose. It is difficult to find a person who would not admire the fragrant flower of this species. She is rightfully called the queen of all colors. Poets and writers glorified in their works this beautiful plant in all respects. Men give their beloved whole bouquets of scarlet roses.

Now there are many plants that can be grown at home. For example, this is a miniature, or, as it can often be called, a room rose

But cut flowers don't last forever - they fade quickly in vases. Now lovers of this plant have the opportunity to prolong the pleasure of admiring flowering plant planting a rose at home. In this case, the room will suit almost anyone.

Miniature indoor roses are the smallest members of the Rosehip genus available in the world. They were bred in China. At the present time, several varieties of these beautiful plants are known to flower growers. There are flowers with a delicate aroma, and some are completely odorless. Usually it is a graceful bush up to 45 cm high, dotted with small buds.

The largest of these plants are patio roses. They can be grown not only at home, but also in open flower beds.

The smallest are Cordan roses. This is a very miniature bush with small buds.

A distinctive feature of Turbo roses is a compact bush with larger flowers and a wonderful aroma.

Miniature indoor roses are the smallest members of the Rosehip genus available in the world. They were bred in China

Secrets of choice

In order not to get disappointed in further cultivation when buying this wonderful green creature, you need to know some subtleties and secrets:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the number of colors. According to popular opinion, there should be a lot of them. But experts advise nevertheless to focus on the number of unopened buds.
  2. Weakened plants should not be purchased. Only an experienced florist can return the rose to its former vitality.
  3. The number of young shoots indicates the state of the rose houseplant. This means that the adaptation of a flower to new conditions will be painless. And if, upon arrival home, remove several already blossoming buds, then this procedure will significantly reduce the load on the plant and increase the chances of successful adaptation to new conditions. Do not be afraid that the plant will lose its attractiveness somewhat: the buds on it will bloom quite quickly and replace cut flowers
  4. It is necessary to properly examine the leaves and stems of the plant you like: are they not affected by diseases and whether there are pests. Various colors spots on the leaves and stems of the bush indicate a fungal infection.
  5. Falling or yellowing foliage indicates depletion of vital resources or acidification of the soil from excessive watering. Such a flower will also be difficult to revive.

Some subtleties of the adaptation period

Having received a gift from friends or bought a miniature rose in a flower shop, you should not rush to transplant it right away. The queen of plants is a very whimsical flower and, like any beauty, is capricious. It is necessary to give time to this plant to adapt to new conditions. For this, two to three weeks are enough.

After buying and bringing the plant to your home, you need to wash it under a barely warm shower. it preventive measure which destroys spider mite... For greater confidence, it is proposed to additionally process the purchased bush with Fitoferm or Agrovertin preparations.

You can transplant by making sure that the plant looks healthy. This is a necessary procedure, since in a greenhouse, roses are grown in small pots and with a minimum amount of nutritious soil. The plant's vital activity is supported by special nutrient solutions. Therefore, in no case should you delay with a rose transplant. Otherwise, she can get sick and eventually die.

Gallery: indoor rose (25 photos)

How to care for a home rose

Many do not know how to properly care for a room rose. To transplant a plant, you will need to purchase a flower pot and soil mixture. The size of the new container should be only slightly larger than the existing one. Of all the pots on sale, of course, it is better to purchase simple ceramic pots without varnish coating... They have a porous structure, which facilitates ventilation of the plant's root system. All of these can be bought at garden centers or flower shops.

As a rule, 3-4 plants are rooted in greenhouses. Therefore, after the end of the adaptation period, the roses must be transplanted.

The queen of flowers is a very capricious plant and does not tolerate any impact on root system... Therefore, it is necessary to approach this procedure with special care. Before transplanting, the flower must be watered abundantly and, after an hour and a half, proceed to the transplant procedure.

You also need to prepare in advance flower pots for future "tenants". At the bottom of each, a small layer of expanded clay should be laid out (you can do with small pebbles) for better drainage from the nutritious coma. A small layer of sphagnum or charcoal should be laid out on the drain.

Then you should carefully divide the plants and plant them in the pots prepared for them. In separate containers, crops will grow better and bloom more luxuriantly than with a thickened planting, since they will be in more favorable conditions.

The size of the new container should be only slightly larger than the existing one

Any universal soil is suitable for transplanting, but it is still better to use a special soil mixture for roses or prepare it yourself at the rate of 1 part of garden soil, 2 parts of humus, 2 parts of peat and 0.5 parts of river sand.

If the purchased rose is alone in a pot, or it is not possible to separate the bushes without damaging them dangerous for them, the plant should be transplanted by simple transshipment.

Indoor roses require proper care... By their nature, these are light-loving plants, and therefore those window sills that are illuminated by the sun for the longest possible time are best suited for them. But on hot days, it is still better to shade the plant slightly. Adequate lighting can be judged by seeing abundant growth and flowering. With a lack of light, the plant stretches, the leaves become pale in color. As a rule, in this case, the rose almost does not throw out the buds and is often sick. If there is not enough light, you need to make additional illumination. Suitable for this conventional lamps daylighting.

The queen of flowers will respond generously to sufficient watering abundant flowering and its longevity. It must be carried out as the top layer of the earth dries up.

There is an easy way to determine the watering time. If, with light finger pressure on the ground in the pot, it remains dry, then it's time to water. If earth adheres to the finger, the moisture should be postponed. In no case should you go to extremes when watering. An excess of moisture contributes to soil acidification and the development of fungal diseases of the root system. Excessively dry soil does not allow the plant to receive adequate nutrition. As a result, it sheds leaves and grows poorly.

For full, abundant growth, and even more so for flowering, miniature roses, like garden roses, must be fed regularly. To do this, you can use complex organic fertilizers with the addition of minerals and trace elements for flowering indoor plants... They must be brought in every week, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, throughout the entire flowering - from early spring to late autumn (March-November).

For full, abundant growth, and even more so for flowering, miniature roses, like garden roses, must be regularly fed

Pruning and reproduction

In November, when the sunny day has already significantly decreased, indoor roses should be prepared for the dormant period. For this, first of all, it is required to prune the bushes. First of all, weak and underdeveloped shoots are removed. Further - those branches that have grown deeper into the bush. On young shoots 3-4 buds are left, and on the main stem and the most developed branches - 2-3 buds. Leaves on shortened branches are not cut off.

Young shoots near a room rose will subsequently replace the old ones, and the bush will rejuvenate due to this.

Roses in flowerpots are propagated by cuttings. The best time for this is from May to August. Most suitable material for cutting cuttings - stems with a diameter of 2.5-3.5 cm. Cuttings are cut with 2-3 internodes.

The ends planting material dipped in a solution of Heteroauxin, placed in a glass filled with water about 4 cm, and placed in a well-lit place.

Cuttings take root within two weeks. An important detail: in the glass where the cuttings are placed, the water does not need to be changed, even if the walls are green. It is enough just to add liquid to the original volume.

From the moment a good root lobe grows, the cuttings should be transplanted into small pots and removed for 2 weeks in a place where they will not be exposed to direct sunlight.

With successful engraftment and if the room rose is taken care of, after 2 months a full-fledged plant will grow from the cuttings and the first flowering will occur.

Preparing for winter rest

From about mid-October, roses begin to feel discomfort, this becomes noticeable by the slowdown in the growth of new shoots, the appearance of underdeveloped buds. The foliage on the bush begins to turn yellow and fall off. Roses are not evergreens in tropical countries, they have their own biorhythm, which is similar in nature to the biorhythms of ordinary garden crops. The yellowing foliage on the bush lets the owner know that autumn has come for the queen of flowers and it is time for her to retire until spring.

To adequately prepare favorite plant by the dormant period, from the beginning of November, it is necessary to significantly reduce watering - up to 2 times a week. The bush is trimmed and defined in cool place(on an insulated balcony, loggia or basement) until early February. It must be remembered that the temperature in the room where the roses "rest" should not fall below + 8 ° С. Optimal performance for winter storage indoor roses - + 12-16 ° С.

To maintain the humidity level necessary for this period, it is advisable to put the plant in a tray filled with expanded clay, slightly watered with water, and do not forget to periodically spray a clod of earth in a pot.

In the absence of time or desire to tinker with a rose in winter, it is enough to place the plant in a room with a temperature of 0 ° C.

Around the end of February, the flower will let you know about the onset of spring - the buds of the rose will begin to swell. This means that it is time to move it to its original place in the room. The watering rate must be gradually increased, stimulating the gradual return of the rose to the period of active flowering. Since in February the sunny day is not yet so long and there are often cloudy days, it is necessary to make additional illumination for the flower by installing a phytolamp.

Why indoor miniature roses dry (video)

Diseases and pests

Miniature roses are susceptible to the same fungal diseases as other indoor flowers. As a rule, infections affect either young or weakened indoor plants, those that have received improper care.

The most common disease of most flowering indoor plants is a fungal disease called powdery mildew. Excessive feeding, poorly ventilated rooms, strong thickening of the plant itself - this is the environment in which this infection is actively developing. The appearance of white bloom on the leaves and stems of the rose is a signal for active actions to save the flower. It is necessary to remove the affected leaves, buds and shoots and treat the bush with Topaz or Fundazol.

Downy mildew is very similar to the disease described above. When a plant is affected by this fungus, a white bloom appears only on the back of the leaf. From above, yellowish spots are visible on it. This fungal disease spreads quickly on wet leaves when sprinkled on a rose. Fighting disease is similar to eliminating powdery mildew- This is the pruning of affected leaves and stems and treatment with a fungicide.

The appearance on the leaves of the plant of red or bright orange spots with brown pustules indicates another often common disease - this is the so-called rust of roses. It affects indoor flowers that receive insufficient or improper care at home. Treatment of a diseased bush is to create proper conditions of detention. But first, you need to cut off all the affected areas and treat them with the appropriate preparations (Topsin, Oksikhom).