Message on the topic of boletus. Autumn boletus mushrooms: species, where they grow and how they look

On Thursdays, we generally have painting or drawing, and for the next lesson I planned to draw a fairy tale. I love this activity very much: I tell a fairy tale and draw in the course of action what in question. You can watch the fairy tale in advance so as not to get lost, or you can keep the text nearby as a “prompter”. Such drawing greatly stimulates the children themselves to come up with and sketch their own stories.

Happy Bug (author - Georgy Skrebitsky)

It was a warm spring evening. Grandmother Daria left the house and sat on the porch. This is just what the guys were waiting for. Like sparrows, they flew from different parts of the village.
“Grandma, tell me something more interesting,” they chattered.
The old woman looked at the children with tender, faded eyes like autumn flowers, thought for a moment and said:
- Okay, I'll tell you a story about a happy worm bug. And you sit and listen. That's how it was.

Spring has come to earth. She brought with her many, many multi-colored silks to decorate forests and meadows with them, to dress butterflies and bugs, so that everything around looked elegant and festive.
Spring asked the Red Sun:
- Warm up the earth. Wake up all those who have slept soundly all through the long winter. Let them get out of their cracks, lye.
The sun warmed the earth. Various insects crawled out, some from a crack, some from an earthen mink, some from under tree bark, and everyone crawled, ran, flew to a spacious forest clearing. Spring was waiting for them there with its multi-colored silks, gold, silver threads and other decorations.
Butterflies and beetles appeared in the clearing. Spring saw them and said:
- So I flew to you from the warm south. What gifts do you want to receive from me so that they bring you joy and happiness, so that you can fly and run merrily through the fields and forests?
Then all the butterflies and beetles spoke at once:
- You see, Spring, how our wings have been rubbed, dirty during autumn and winter, how ugly we are all. Give us bright, elegant clothes, then we will scatter into different sides, we will circle over the flowers, rejoice at your arrival, then we will be truly cheerful and happy.
“Good,” Spring answered them and began to dress up each of the newcomers.
She gave the white butterfly a bright white dress. Lemongrass is pale yellow, like a golden autumn leaf. She wrapped the mourning butterfly in black velvet with a white border at the ends of the wings. Moths that circle near spring puddles, she dressed in light blue muslin. But the cheerful nettle butterfly chose a colorful dress, reddish-red, with dark and blue specks.
Important, sedate beetles also decided to dress up. Chafer dressed in a suit chocolate color, a rhinoceros beetle - in brown, and even planted a long horn on its head as an ornament. The dung beetle chose a dark blue suit. The bronze beetle could not find suitable clothes for the longest time. Finally, he put on a golden-green caftan, so elegant that, as soon as he got out into the sun in it, he shone in its rays.
Spring gave many more beautiful clothes to various butterflies, beetles, agile dragonflies and cheerful grasshoppers. Grasshoppers wanted to dress in tailcoats to match the color of the grass. And angry bumblebees and wasps dressed up in yellow jackets with black belts.
- Well, it seems that I pleased everyone, - said Spring, - now everyone is happy, they can fly wherever they want and enjoy the warmth of the sun.
At this time, a breeze came up, rustled in the branches of trees, lifted last year's withered leaf from the ground.
Spring looked under the leaf and saw a small nondescript bug there. He didn’t even look like a bug, more like some kind of brown worm.
- Who are you? Spring asked him. - What is your name?
“My name is Ivanov the worm,” the stranger answered her.
- Why are you sitting under the sheet, do not get out of there? Don't you want to get a nice outfit from me? Don't you want to be content and happy?
The worm-bug looked at Spring, thought, and answered:
“But I feel good already, I’m already happy, happy that it’s warm and everything around has come to life, I’m glad for your arrival. I don’t need a bright dress - I’m a night bug, I crawl out from under the foliage when it gets dark and the first stars light up in the sky. Why do I need a nice outfit? I am happy that I live in my native forest. Thank you, Spring, that you dressed him so beautifully. I don't need anything more from you.
Spring was surprised that this modest bug does not ask anything for herself from her. And then I thought and realized: but he is the happiest. He rejoices not for himself alone, but for all, he rejoices and lives in one common happiness.
And then Spring decided: “I will give him a tiny blue flashlight. Let him light it every evening and shine all night. Let this flashlight burn like a bright star in the dark night grass, and remind the inhabitants of the forest that happiness never fades, even on the darkest night.
That's the end of the fairy tale, - grandmother Daria smiled. She paused, looking out into the distance. There, across the river above the blue expanse of meadows, the first stars were already shining.

Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky

Happy Bug

It was a warm spring evening. Grandmother Daria left the house and sat on the porch. This is just what the guys were waiting for. Like sparrows, they flew from different parts of the village.

Grandma, tell me something more interesting, they chattered.

The old woman looked at the children with tender, faded eyes like autumn flowers, thought for a moment and said:

Okay, I'll tell you a story about a happy worm bug. And you sit and listen. That's how it was.

Spring has come to earth. She brought with her many, many multi-colored silks to decorate forests and meadows with them, to dress butterflies and bugs, so that everything around looked elegant and festive.

Spring asked the Red Sun:

Warm up the earth. Wake up all those who have slept soundly all through the long winter. Let them get out of their cracks, lye.

The sun warmed the earth. Different insects crawled out, some from a crack, some from an earthen mink, some from under a tree bark, and they all crawled, ran, flew to a spacious forest clearing. Spring was waiting for them there with its multi-colored silks, gold, silver threads and other decorations.

Butterflies and beetles appeared in the clearing. Spring saw them and said:

So I flew to you from the warm south. What gifts do you want to receive from me so that they bring you joy and happiness, so that you can fly and run merrily through the fields and forests?

Then all the butterflies and beetles spoke at once:

You see, Spring, how our wings have been rubbed and dirty during autumn and winter, how ugly we are all. Give us bright, elegant clothes, then we will scatter in different directions, we will circle over the flowers, rejoice at your arrival, then we will be truly cheerful and happy.

Good, - Spring answered them and began to dress up each of the newcomers.

She gave the white butterfly a bright white dress. Lemongrass is pale yellow, like a golden autumn leaf. She wrapped the mourning butterfly in black velvet with a white border at the ends of the wings. Moths that circle near spring puddles, she dressed in light blue muslin. But the cheerful nettle butterfly chose a colorful dress, reddish-red, with dark and blue specks.

Important, sedate beetles also decided to dress up. The cockchafer dressed in a chocolate-colored suit, the rhinoceros beetle in brown, and even planted a long horn on its head as an ornament. The dung beetle chose a dark blue suit. The bronze beetle could not find suitable clothes for the longest time. Finally, he put on a golden-green caftan, so elegant that, as soon as he got out into the sun in it, he shone in its rays.

Spring gave many more beautiful clothes to various butterflies, beetles, agile dragonflies and cheerful grasshoppers. Grasshoppers wanted to dress in tailcoats to match the color of the grass. And angry bumblebees and wasps dressed up in yellow jackets with black belts.

Well, it seems that I pleased everyone, - said Spring, - now everyone is happy, they can fly wherever they want and enjoy the warmth of the sun.

At this time, a breeze came up, rustled in the branches of trees, lifted last year's withered leaf from the ground.

Spring looked under the leaf and saw a small nondescript bug there. He didn’t even look like a bug, more like some kind of brown worm.

Who are you? Spring asked him. - What is your name?

My name is Ivanov the worm, - the stranger answered her.

Why are you sitting under a leaf, not getting out of there? Don't you want to get a nice outfit from me? Don't you want to be content and happy?

The worm-bug looked at Spring, thought, and answered:

And I’m already feeling good, I’m already happy, happy that the heat has come and everything around has come to life, I rejoice at your arrival. I don’t need a bright dress - I’m a night bug, I crawl out from under the foliage when it gets dark and the first stars light up in the sky. Why do I need a nice outfit? I am happy that I live in my native forest. Thank you, Spring, that you dressed him so beautifully. I don't need anything more from you.

Spring was surprised that this modest bug does not ask anything for herself from her. And then I thought and realized: but he is the happiest. He rejoices not for himself alone, but for all, he rejoices and lives in one common happiness.

And then Spring decided: "I will give him a tiny blue lantern. Let him light it every evening and shine all night. Let this lantern burn like a bright star in the dark night grass, and remind the inhabitants of the forest that happiness never fades even on the darkest night...

That's the end of the fairy tale, - grandmother Daria smiled. She paused, looking out into the distance. There, across the river above the blue expanse of meadows, the first stars were already shining.

The guys were quiet too. What were they thinking? Maybe about the happy Ivanov the worm, which, probably, has already got out from under the withered foliage and lights its dim blue light in the night forest. Or maybe about how good it is to be able to be happy for others in life, to be happy and know that your little star illuminates not only yours, but also someone else's happiness.

Current page: 1 (total book has 1 pages)

Skrebitsky Georgy Alekseevich
Happy Bug

Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky

Happy Bug

It was a warm spring evening. Grandmother Daria left the house and sat on the porch. This is just what the guys were waiting for. Like sparrows, they flew from different parts of the village.

“Grandma, tell me something more interesting,” they chattered.

The old woman looked at the children with tender, faded eyes like autumn flowers, thought for a moment and said:

- Okay, I'll tell you a story about a happy worm bug. And you sit and listen. That's how it was.

Spring has come to earth. She brought with her many, many multi-colored silks to decorate forests and meadows with them, to dress butterflies and bugs, so that everything around looked elegant and festive.

Spring asked the Red Sun:

- Warm up the earth. Wake up all those who have slept soundly all through the long winter. Let them get out of their cracks, lye.

The sun warmed the earth. Different insects crawled out, some from a crack, some from an earthen mink, some from under a tree bark, and they all crawled, ran, flew to a spacious forest clearing. Spring was waiting for them there with its multi-colored silks, gold, silver threads and other decorations.

Butterflies and beetles appeared in the clearing. Spring saw them and said:

- So I flew to you from the warm south. What gifts do you want to receive from me so that they bring you joy and happiness, so that you can fly and run merrily through the fields and forests?

Then all the butterflies and beetles spoke at once:

- You see, Spring, how our wings have been rubbed, dirty during autumn and winter, how ugly we are all. Give us bright, elegant clothes, then we will scatter in different directions, we will circle over the flowers, rejoice at your arrival, then we will be truly cheerful and happy.

“Good,” Spring answered them and began to dress up each of the newcomers.

She gave the white butterfly a bright white dress. Lemongrass is pale yellow, like a golden autumn leaf. She wrapped the mourning butterfly in black velvet with a white border at the ends of the wings. Moths that circle near spring puddles, she dressed in light blue muslin. But the cheerful nettle butterfly chose a colorful dress, reddish-red, with dark and blue specks.

Important, sedate beetles also decided to dress up. The cockchafer dressed in a chocolate-colored suit, the rhinoceros beetle in brown, and even planted a long horn on its head as an ornament. The dung beetle chose a dark blue suit. The bronze beetle could not find suitable clothes for the longest time. Finally, he put on a golden-green caftan, so elegant that, as soon as he got out into the sun in it, he shone in its rays.

Spring gave many more beautiful clothes to various butterflies, beetles, agile dragonflies and cheerful grasshoppers. Grasshoppers wanted to dress in tailcoats to match the color of the grass. And angry bumblebees and wasps dressed up in yellow jackets with black belts.

- Well, it seems that I pleased everyone, - said Spring, - now everyone is happy, they can fly wherever they want and enjoy the warmth of the sun.

At this time, a breeze came up, rustled in the branches of trees, lifted last year's withered leaf from the ground.

Spring looked under the leaf and saw a small nondescript bug there. He didn’t even look like a bug, more like some kind of brown worm.

- Who are you? Spring asked him. - What is your name?

“My name is Ivanov the worm,” the stranger answered her.

- Why are you sitting under the sheet, do not get out of there? Don't you want to get a nice outfit from me? Don't you want to be content and happy?

The worm-bug looked at Spring, thought, and answered:

“But I feel good already, I’m already happy, happy that it’s warm and everything around has come to life, I’m glad for your arrival. I don’t need a bright dress - I’m a night bug, I crawl out from under the foliage when it gets dark and the first stars light up in the sky. Why do I need a nice outfit? I am happy that I live in my native forest. Thank you, Spring, that you dressed him so beautifully. I don't need anything more from you.

Spring was surprised that this modest bug does not ask anything for herself from her. And then I thought and realized: but he is the happiest. He rejoices not for himself alone, but for all, he rejoices and lives in one common happiness.

And then Spring decided: "I will give him a tiny blue lantern. Let him light it every evening and shine all night. Let this lantern burn like a bright star in the dark night grass, and remind the inhabitants of the forest that happiness never fades even on the darkest night...

That's the end of the fairy tale, - grandmother Daria smiled. She paused, looking out into the distance. There, across the river above the blue expanse of meadows, the first stars were already shining.

The guys were quiet too. What were they thinking? Maybe about the happy Ivanov the worm, which, probably, has already got out from under the withered foliage and lights its dim blue light in the night forest. Or maybe about how good it is to be able to be happy for others in life, to be happy and know that your little star illuminates not only yours, but also someone else's happiness.