You can transplant flowers on Palm Sunday. The main rules for transplanting indoor plants

There are quite a few interesting signs associated with Maundy Thursday, and different questions are often asked. For example, is it possible to plant on this day? Detailed answers are provided below.

This day is called "pure" because there is a long folk tradition on Thursday before Easter, go to the bathhouse and restore complete order in the house.

Joyful bustle, cleansing of the body and soul, the expectation of Easter - this is it, the true atmosphere of Maundy Thursday. In Russia, it was Thursday (and also Tuesday) that were considered the most “easy”, fertile days.

Therefore, it is not forbidden to engage in any agricultural work (preparing seeds, replanting flowers, seedlings, fertilizing plantings, etc.). However, there is a belief that it is better not to plant potatoes on Maundy Thursday. By the way, in our latitudes at such a time (and this is usually the beginning of April), no one thinks about this - the earth and air have not yet warmed up well enough.

However, all these reflections concern only folk ideas. In fact, each person can do as he pleases. Moreover, the church does not prohibit doing household chores. True, believers should plan their day in such a way that there is time left for both earthly and spiritual affairs.

What is better to plant and do in the garden on Maundy Thursday

Experienced gardeners often adhere to other popular beliefs. They confidently answer positively to the question of whether it is possible to plant a garden on Maundy Thursday. For example, they sow seedlings:

  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage.

Despite the fact that the time for these purposes is already quite late, the yields are very good. In addition, seeds of turnips, radishes, beets, carrots, and legumes are also planted. Potatoes are planted according to the weather. They also root new cuttings and plant fruit trees.

Pure Thursday and the lunar calendar

According to the lunar calendar 2019, Maundy Thursday (it falls on April 25) is the 19th, 20th lunar day when the disk begins to decrease (it is dark by about a quarter). In terms of planting, this is a fairly neutral time - it is not forbidden to engage in a garden.

But to solve business issues, draw up documents, submit applications - you can safely. All such situations are solved surprisingly easily and successfully on Maundy Thursday.

Is it possible to plant seedlings and transplant flowers

They also often ask the question of whether it is possible to transplant flowers on Maundy Thursday, to engage in plant seedlings. Again, there are no specific restrictions.

Moreover, one can often find such an opinion that it is on Maundy Thursday that it is good to prepare the ground for agricultural work. If you have time to do everything in advance - prepare flower seeds, earth - then after Easter you can quickly grow seedlings of flowers, and then transplant flowers.

Landings on Holy Week: the opinion of the church

Holy Week is the last 6 days of Lent, which ends exactly on Holy Sunday. The people have their own beliefs about whether it is possible to plant a garden on Maundy Thursday before Easter or on other days of the week. You can meet both arguments for engaging in agricultural work, and against.

In reality, these are nothing more than popular beliefs, which are largely associated with superstitions. In the life of a peasant, farmer and summer resident, far from everything depends on him personally - the land either brings or does not bring. And of course, everyone wants to enlist the support of heavenly forces, which is why all kinds of traditions appear.

However, it should be borne in mind that there are no specific prohibitions on planting a vegetable garden. Representatives of the church proceed from the fact that a person can act exactly as he sees fit. However, it is also clear that Holy Week and the feast of Holy Easter are a special time.

Therefore, no household chores should take over our time so much that it completely distracts from spiritual affairs. It is important to take time for your thoughts, communication with your family, preparation for the Easter holiday, attending church, and generally good deeds. That is why many priests believe that you can do work on any day.

However, before Easter, you should definitely finish the main work. AT last days before the holiday (Good Friday,) and, of course, on Bright Sunday itself, we put aside all the usual things and devote our time to other activities.

And it turns out that Maundy Thursday is a kind of temporary about th border - after all, this day was the last in the earthly life of Christ. This means that it is advisable to calculate your time in such a way that all important matters are completed on Thursday (below is the commentary of Archpriest Konstantin Madzyanovsky).

Thus, everyone has the right to answer the question for himself whether it is possible to work in the garden and what to plant on Maundy Thursday or on the Saturday before Easter. Of course, in life there are difficult situations requiring urgent decisions. And in most cases, of course, we can skillfully plan our time so that we can pay attention to both earthly affairs and spiritual thoughts.

Palm Sunday is a great church holiday, which is famous for its great strength and energy. It is on this day that people try to plant indoor plants, which are called " Money Tree».

According to custom, if a flower is planted on Palm Sunday, it will bring good luck and wealth. Often in big cities it was indoor flowers that were planted, among which the money tree was the most popular. People who did everything according to custom claim that this ritual helped them "get on their feet."

Ritual to attract money

However, this custom has several signs. The first of them is that if a flower withers within a month, then the person who planted it will spend the rest of his life in poverty. The second sign is that you need to plant a plant with fleshy leaves. It is this flower that is now called the money tree.

In order for the flower not to wither and prosperity to remain in the family, it is necessary to observe proper care for it.

After the plant is planted, you need to stroke it or the pot if the seed is planted. At the same time, it is recommended to read the phrase “You grow up, and I bloom in wealth. This is my will. May it be so!".

After that, you need to carefully monitor the flower. So that it does not hurt and is well-groomed. It is recommended to water it on Wednesdays, reading the same plot.

People who have already performed this ceremony to attract money claim that when all the above points are completed, changes in material prosperity will soon become noticeable - it will increase.

According to the rite, when watering, you can add a little holy water to the water. On Maundy Thursday, be sure to wipe all the leaves of the plant, and on Easter, crumble the consecrated eggshells. You can also place the remaining crumbs from the consecrated Easter cake into the ground. It is important that the above actions should be done in small quantities.

Palm Sunday falls on a different date each year and is celebrated the week before Easter. In 2018, we will celebrate on April 1st. On this day, every Christian, having consecrated a bouquet of willow in the church, will bring it home and place it near the icon. You can not throw away, you need to store a whole year. Then burn to get rid of negative energy accumulated over 12 months. It is also allowed to take the plant back to the church and even down the river. And in Poland, Serbia and Belarus, willow was taken to the graves of dead ancestors. Most importantly, don't throw it away!

By the way, the holiday has several names - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday and Palm Sunday.

history of the holiday

According to tradition, in the year 30 AD, Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. People heard that shortly before that, he resurrected Lazarus and met him like a king. The path of Christ was covered with clothes and palm branches - the sacred plant of the ancient Jews. People believed that only the palm tree transmitted to the earth magical power and affect fertility.

Still preserved in Jerusalem "Palm Street" is named after a landmark event.

The people, who were many, spread their clothes along the road, while others cut branches from trees and laid them out along the road, says the Gospel of Matthew. - The people who walked in front and behind shouted: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who walks in the name of the Lord!"

In the northern latitudes, as you know, there are no tropical plants and therefore the palm tree was replaced with willow - a harbinger of spring. No matter how cold the weather these days, even if there is still snow, but the willow is already there!

In Italy, olive trees are considered a symbol of the holiday. In France, rosemary.

Bouquets, no matter what they are, need to be prepared or bought the day before - on Lazarus Saturday. On Sunday, after going to church, the whole family gathered at the table. Food on the table should be lean, without foods prohibited during fasting. The exception is fish vegetable oil and some red wine. Hot meals are not allowed on Palm Sunday.

The holiday must be spent in the circle of relatives and friends, in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, because Great Lent is still going on, and from Monday Holy Week begins, the last before Easter.

"Near little red egg!"

Like all great church holidays, and on this day you can’t work, so the women prepared and cleaned the house in advance. They even tried not to comb their hair, so as not to incur trouble. By this day, housewives baked nuts from dough and gave them for health to all households, not excluding animals.

But the most healing on this day is willow. With her branches they whipped a sick person on the back, saying the words: "Not I b" u - willow b "є. For this Great day. Not far away is a red egg!". To consolidate the effect, 9 willow buds were eaten, washed down with consecrated water. True, it was not encouraged to do this often and for nothing: there is no point in abusing Divine help on such an important day.

It is useful to plant a flower or transplant a houseplant on Sunday to increase your wealth. It needs to be carefully looked after, if it wilts, there will be serious financial losses.

Women who did not have children wore amulets made of willow buds, so that "the long-awaited stork flew to them."

Girls who wanted to marry a particular guy thought about him all day, from morning until evening. If the object was "the one you need," the young lady's thoughts were somehow conveyed to her betrothed, and in the evening he came to her to invite her for a walk.

It was also believed that the willow could protect the house from the elements. A house in which there is a consecrated willow branch will not be struck by lightning. If, during a fire, a willow is thrown into the fire, it will go out faster, and the flame will not go to another building. And the branches thrown into the water during the ice drift will help to avoid large floods.


  • If it is warm and dry on Palm Sunday, there will be a large harvest of fruits in the summer.
  • The wind is blowing - waiting for a cold summer.
  • Frost hit - the year will bring a lot of wheat.
  • The number of blooming earrings also served as an indicator of the future harvest.

A bright holiday is best spent with family.

Palm Sunday falls on a different date each year and is celebrated the week before Easter. This year we celebrate the holiday on April 1st.

The consecration of willow branches is the main tradition of Palm Sunday. After the morning service, twigs must be brought into the house in order to protect it from troubles, poverty and preserve family well-being. There is another folk custom with willow branches. With consecrated twigs, they lightly beat each other with the words: “I don’t beat - the willow beats! Willow whip - beats to tears! According to the willow blows on a holiday, they protect from the evil eye and damage. The buds of consecrated willow have been used for centuries traditional medicine. It was believed that the talisman of the willow buds adds physical strength to men, helps women get pregnant and treats infertility. Children were bathed in a decoction of willow branches to relieve the heat. Pets were also treated with willow.

Willow bouquet, which was left from last year, cannot be thrown away. It must either be burned to get rid of the negative energy accumulated over 12 months, or taken back to the church, it is even allowed to go down the river.

Palm Sunday customs are closely related to biblical history about the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem. The Son of God came to the city riding a donkey, and people met him with palm branches in their hands, which were considered a symbol of healing. The holiday in honor of this event and today among Catholics is called Palm Sunday.

In the Orthodox faith, the palm tree was replaced by willow.

What should be done on this day?

It is useful to plant a flower or transplant a houseplant on Sunday to increase your wealth. It needs to be carefully looked after, if it wilts, there will be serious financial losses.

Women who did not have children wore amulets made of willow buds, so that "the long-awaited stork flew to them."

Girls who wanted to marry a particular guy thought about him all day, from morning until evening. If the object was “the one you need,” the young lady’s thoughts were somehow transmitted to her betrothed, and in the evening he came to her to invite her for a walk.

It was also believed that the willow could protect the house from the elements. A house in which there is a consecrated willow branch will not be struck by lightning. If, during a fire, a willow is thrown into the fire, it will go out faster, and the flame will not go to another building. And the branches thrown into the water during the ice drift will help to avoid large floods.

The holiday itself should be spent in the family circle.

Since the holiday falls on Great Lent, treats must comply with its rules. However, on Palm Sunday, fish dishes and red wine can be added to the diet. Children can bake sweet cookies from lean dough with nuts and dried fruits.

What should you refrain from?

On a holiday Sunday, you should not do physical work, it is also forbidden to sew, knit, embroider, clean and do laundry. It is worth postponing the kitchen chores. This is especially true for hot dishes. On a holiday, you can’t think about the bad and quarrel. On Palm Sunday you can not comb your hair.


According to popular observations, the weather on the day of the holiday can tell about the future summer and harvest.

Warm and sunny weather on Palm Sunday - to good harvest fruits.

There is frost on Palm Sunday - to a rich harvest of spring bread.

Rain on Palm Sunday - for a fruitful summer.

Whoever eats a bud of sacred willow will have an important matter decided.

What kind of wind on Palm Sunday - this will blow in the summer.

Sunny weather for the holiday - to the warm summer.

Based on materials from open sources

In order for our favorite plants to develop well, they need to create favorable conditions. They always need to be watered on time, fed and, of course, do not forget to renew the soil, change the pot to a more spacious one. From time to time, indoor flowers should be replanted, but when this needs to be done, we will try to find out in more detail.

Transplanting indoor flowers

Any plant gradually grows, develops and its root system. It becomes larger over time, absorbing everything from the soil mixture. useful material. As the roots grow becomes crowded in the old container. Even if the “pets” are fed and kept in the same pot for several years, their full development will stop.

You can often observe when a flower is watered often, and the soil in it dries out very quickly. So, it happens due to the intensive growth of the root system. Another factor is through drainage hole you can see some of the roots that make their way out. If this happens, then it's time to change the cramped pot to a more spacious one.

Certain types exotic plants do not need an annual transplant. Changing the pot affects them negatively, they experience stress. They need to be transplanted only when the root system has completely covered the entire pot.

A transplant helps to solve various problems, since they are often interfere with full development.

  • not enough free space in the pot;
  • if pests, diseases appeared;
  • a lack of nutrients in the soil.

Plants should have enough time to become well established before flowering, so best time- dormant period.

When to transplant flowers?

After winter, a time of rest, the process of active development begins among the inhabitants of the pots. They need renewed soil, it can provide the necessary nutrition. Experts believe that the most favorable time for transplantation is spring. If buds have appeared, they are preparing for flowering, then the process should be postponed until next year.

Perennials are recommended to be transplanted at least once every 2 years. Indoor flowers that grow very slowly need this procedure once every three years. Cacti and succulents can easily develop in this container for up to 6 years.

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar in order to choose the most auspicious days. enough to buy moon calendar for a year to understand what lunar days make a transplant. It is believed that they should not be disturbed during the full moon. It is best to do this on days when the moon is rising. A very good period when the moon is in fertile signs - Pisces, Taurus, Cancer. These signs remarkably influence the development of plants, even with a waning moon.

How right?

First you need to determine what species the flower that needs to be transplanted belongs to. Thereafter find a new container for it. It should not be too large, only 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. A new or old container should be well treated with boiling water. If the pot is clay, then place it in water for a couple of hours so that everything comes out harmful substances. At the bottom of the tank, it is necessary to lay drainage with a layer of 3 cm. Suitable for drainage:

  • coals;
  • expanded clay;
  • gravel;
  • shards.

Some need a thicker layer, it can occupy 1/3 or half of the pot. The soil mixture must always meet the following criteria:

  • be nutritious;
  • pass air to the root system;
  • contain the required% acidity for a particular species;
  • free of pests and pathogens;
  • do not retain excess moisture.

How to check the need for a transplant?

If there are doubts about the renewal of the container, they can be checked by taking out its inhabitant from the pot. This must be done carefully and always with the ground. If all the soil is entangled in the root system and the earth is practically invisible, then it's time to transfer the plant to a more spacious container.

When the roots did not completely braid the container, there was still free place for further development, then it's worth the wait. The flower easily returns to its original place and continues to grow further.

If the plant does not have new shoots, it does not throw out buds, the leaves turn yellow, and it can also stick out an earthen ball with a root from the pot - it must be transplanted.

Process description

The plant selected for relocation must be watered in a day to make it easier to remove it from the old pot. Soil for planting is better to buy in the store, picking up a specific soil mixture. In such soil, the most suitable composition for full development was selected. It is better not to take land from your own garden, since various fertilizers, such a composition can harm the flower.

Taking out the root with a clod of earth, one should look out for pests. If there are any, then you have to get rid of the earth and wash the roots. Rotten roots must be removed, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with ash.

After a drainage layer, pour a little soil mixture into the pot with a layer of about 2 cm. After that, the plant is transferred to new pot and free space is covered with earth. The soil must be lightly crushed, watered and sprinkled with a light layer of loose soil to provide air access to the roots. Over time, the soil will settle from watering and after that you can add a little more fresh earth.

Proper care

Immediately after moving to a new container, a resident cannot be placed in a sunny place. It is better to put the pot in the shady side of the room for five days, while its new "tenant" adapts. After that, if everything is ok, return to normal place. The first week the plant should not be watered. In the future, also limit watering, so that the roots, due to lack of moisture, tend to seek it, growing in a new substrate.

Indoor flowers do not need to be fed right away. Fertilizers can be applied no earlier than 4-8 weeks after transplantation. It is recommended to spray the foliage almost daily. Fans with more experience recommend pinching or trimming the ends of the stems. This improves the nutrition of the flower and its development is activated.

All these simple rules sure to be useful to know when to repot plants. They will help create more comfortable conditions for their resettlement and development. Our favorite flowers will soon surprise us with abundance, if the whole procedure is carried out carefully, in a timely manner and correctly.