When can tulip leaves be trimmed after flowering? Tulips need to be pruned after flowering for good development of new bulbs

The flowering of tulips is ending, the petals are flying around and more recently such an elegant flower bed loses its attractiveness. What to do with tulips after they have faded? How to care for them after flowering? Do I need to dig them out? What to do with dug up tulip bulbs? When can they be planted again? You see how many questions arise about caring for such an unpretentious flower. We will try to tell you in detail and give step-by-step instructions on what to do next after the tulips have faded.

Fertilizing and watering tulips

As soon as the tulips have faded, all peduncles are cut off, leaving one or two leaves on the plant. Tulips are watered for another two weeks. After flowering, tulips must be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: "Crystallin", "Aquarin" or other similar fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen and chlorine.

Digging tulip bulbs

It is recommended to dig up tulips annually, after 2/3 of the leaf plate turns yellow (but you can dig it out less often: once every 2-4 years). At this time, the bulb was almost ready for hibernation, but the nest itself had not yet disintegrated. This time usually coincides with the end of the school year: late May - early June. The dug tulip bulbs should have brownish scales already formed.

The dug out tulip bulbs, together with the remnants of the leaves, are put into boxes and sent to a well-ventilated, dark room, sorted by varieties. After a week or two, when the earth and scales dry out, the bulbs are easily separated from both the ground and the foliage. The peeled bulbs are sorted out, the sick are discarded, treated with a 5% manganese solution, put back in a separate container and sent for storage.

Storing tulip bulbs

  • Tulip bulbs are sorted by variety
  • Placed in boxes with a mesh bottom no more than 2-3 layers
  • The first 3-4 weeks are kept at a temperature of + 23 + 25 ° С in a dark ventilated room
  • Then the temperature is lowered to + 20 ° С, and 1 week before planting to + 17 ° С

During the storage period of the bulbs, you not only store them, but give it a good rest and form a bud, peduncle and leaves.

Planting tulips

In September, it is time to plant tulips. Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in any fungicide preparation for 1 hour.

  • It is better to choose a new place for planting tulips so that the bulbs do not become infected with diseases, the spores of which could remain in the previous bed.
  • Planting depth of tulips should be equal to the height of 3 bulbs.
  • After planting, tulips are well watered with plain water.
  • A week later, a bed with planted tulip bulbs is spilled with a solution of ammonium nitrate and ash (1 tablespoon of saltpeter and 1 glass of ash in a bucket of water).
  • Before the onset of cold weather, a flower bed with tulips can be mulched with a layer of peat or any mulch.

In early spring, tulip sprouts will begin to appear from the still almost frozen ground, so that in a month they will bloom in large bright flowers.


Delicate tulip flowers need constant care. Usually, gardeners focus on watering, feeding, loosening and weeding the soil mixture, rarely - transplanting, but they forget about such an important stage of care as pruning tulips after flowering. Whether it is necessary to cut tulips after flowering and at what stage, preferably, to carry out this procedure, we have to figure out in this article.

The flowering time of tulips depends on the type of plant. For example, early varieties bloom at the end of March, they are already full of bloom at the planting sites, but later varieties open only by the end of June. On average, tulips bloom in the month of May. These spring flowers are so attractive that you want to prolong their flowering as long as possible, but nature takes its toll - tulips begin to fade. What to do with them after flowering ends?

The correct post-flowering tulip care would be pruning and replanting or digging the tulips (with subsequent storage). That is, the answer to the question “ should tulips be trimmed after flowering " will be unambiguous - yes it is necessary! True, this process has its own nuances.

How to prune tulips correctly after flowering?

You only need to cut off completely drooping inflorescences and leaves of tulips after flowering. Why is that? Chemical processes continue in the peduncle and in the leaves. It is thanks to these parts that the plant stores nutrients, laying the foundation for the development of new bulbs in the next season. By removing the aerial part of the tulip ahead of time, we risk destroying the bulb itself.

What needs to be cut off from a faded tulip? A withered tulip usually sheds its peduncle and its arrow, as well as leaves, as soon as it finishes its feeding. Others will have to help. The flower grower should, for a start, mark where each bulb is in the open field, so that then inadvertently not damage them when digging.

The approximate time for cutting and digging tulip bulbs is 2-4 weeks from the end of flowering. We also ask you to note that each flower will individually go into the mode of energy accumulation, the accumulation of nutrients and the subsequent period of rest - you should not expect that all flowers will fade at once, and dry peduncles and leaves will not be removed in one go. No, it is rather a painstaking and long process during which the grower gets to know his beautiful flowers better.

How to properly store tulip bulbs after flowering?

Most bulbous flowers have the same storage rules:

  • bulbs are cleared of earth residues;
  • marked: variety, time of collection;
  • placed in a wooden box;
  • are sent for storage in a dry, moderately warm place without access to lighting, moisture, mold and drafts;
  • the air temperature is the same - no more than 17 degrees Celsius;

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Belated flowering is demonstrated by neighboring tulips in spring, and mine are almost ready to jump out of the snow. I just always knew that we had to dig them out every year, well, at least varieties and hybrids.

I'm not gloating, maybe they don't have enough time for flowers, maybe everything suits me, but it's more pleasant for me to contemplate the early arrows and lush buds. The riot of colors of the tulip meadow cheers up and confirms that these flowers are grateful for leaving.

I often hear the question of what to do with tulips after they have faded. Many gardeners, after the petals fall off, rush to quickly cut off the leaves to zero. Let's see why it is a bad idea to interfere with the natural course of things.

Advice! To camouflage fading tulips between the rows, you can place annual flowers or bring flowerpots on a leg, in which ampelous plants grow: petunia, lobelia, nasturtium.

When almost all the petals are dropped, you can cut off the head, but not the peduncle itself. The fact is that after flowering, seeds ripen in the bud, and all nutrition will be directed towards these needs, but we do not need this. What is more important for us is that certain processes begin in the bulbs.

There is an accumulation of nutrients for the next year and the laying of kidneys for future children. Therefore, the aboveground part of the plant is simply vital for the one that is underground. And in general, tulips need more care after flowering, while they are sitting in the open field.

Watering and feeding faded tulips

Within 10-14 days, after flowering, we water the bed intensively, we help the bulbs to intensify the work on the accumulation of useful ingredients from the soil. If it is depleted, it is necessary to feed.

Tulips like fertile, loose soil, so do not give up the annual application of humus and wood ash. But when after flowering comes a dormant period, plantings will not interfere with mineral fertilizers.

They should contain phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, manganese, iron, boron, zinc - all the elements necessary for respiration, growth, nutrition. Make sure that nitrogen in the list is in small doses, its increased values ​​are needed exclusively before and during flowering.

Do I need to trim and when to do it

Removing the leaves can or may not be done. If you choose the former, then wait until the stems are soft and turn yellow. This is the optimal time for cutting or breaking off the leaves, and it comes 20-30 days after flowering.

Dig to plant again in the fall

According to science, it is recommended to dig up tulips bulbous plants: varietal every year, and "commoners" after 2-3 years. What happens if you don't? Very terrible - nothing, the flowers will not disappear, except that the hybrids will begin to shrink and degenerate soon.

But we don't need that. So we are digging out tulips to maintain the varieties (in vain they bred, bought), and also in order to avoid the consequences of the following plan:

  • The bulbs, multiplying, take away space and food from each other, from this they become smaller;
  • Every year they burrow into the ground a few centimeters, you will not notice how the bayonet of a shovel is not enough to dig them out - and this slows down the distillation of the flower;
  • Diseased, rotten onions infect neighboring ones, and in general may one day not come out in the spring;
  • And, finally, the main thing: for the formation of buds during the dormant period, tulip bulbs need at least 20-25 degrees. In the land, of course, there are no such conditions.

We start digging with early varieties, and then move on to late tulips.

What to do with the bulbs during storage

Dug onions in a brownish-yellow peel are laid out under a canopy for ventilation, where it is warm and there is no access to direct sunlight. After a few days, you can lightly cleanse the soil and loose skin (you don't need to tear it off specially). We leave it like this for another 20 days.

Then the storage temperature drops a little, well, this is what happens, because August is outside. During this time, and it is still far from planting, it is necessary to sort the planting material. We put large, medium and small onions in different containers. Probably, they are already divided by varieties. What is it for?

The fact is that when planting, we will plant bulbs of different sizes at different depths: large ones are lower, and small ones are superficial.

Advice! Planting bulbs of different sizes on separate rows will refine the beds, give them an aesthetic appearance, because the flowering of one-caliber material will occur simultaneously.

By mixing large and small tulips, you will delay the flowering of the latter, if at all due to lack of lighting.

The bulbs are stored and dried in summer until planting, which is carried out in September-October.

Planting tulips in autumn

A bed for tulips can be prepared in advance by adding humus, a little ash or fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium salt) for digging. It is better to choose another place, but if it is permanent, then it's okay, we dig up and fertilize the ground every year.

The day is chosen dry, the weather is already cool, and the soil temperature should be 8-10 degrees.

We mark the rows, they differ for bulbs of different sizes. The distance between the rows of large onions is 20 centimeters, for small ones - 10-12 cm. The planting depth is chosen based on three sizes of the bulb. So we make trenches according to the size of the calibrated material.

Water the holes, put tulip bulbs in them and sprinkle with earth on top. Additional watering will have to be done in 4-5 days, because intensive rooting begins. And before freezing, you can mulch the plantings with humus, peat or compost.

Tulips do not need shelter, the bulbs of a frost-resistant culture will undergo stratification (hardening) during winter in order to wake up and start growing with the first rays of the spring sun.

What forms give to landings

Tulips can be planted in rows where small bulbs will grow in front and large ones in the background. The plantings also have peculiar nests: several large bulbs are placed in the middle, and small ones are planted around the perimeter.

The beds look beautiful in spring, if tulips are planted according to varieties and flowering periods, because there are both early and late plants, and the color and hybrid variety is not at all counted.

Tulips are one of the very first and most beautiful spring flowers. It is not for nothing that in Holland it is a national symbol that is a source of pride. Countless varieties of these flowers have been bred. They differ in color, bud size, petal shape. Some of these plants are so unusual that it is difficult to classify them as tulips. These plants are quite unpretentious, but in order for them to please the owners for several years, you need to know how to properly care for tulips. The fact is that these flowers are classified as plants with a short growing season. This means that the annual life cycle of a tulip is short. He wakes up in early spring, blooms, pleasing to the eye, and then falls asleep again. But this plant is perennial, and the bulb will continue to live until it’s time to wake up and bloom again. Therefore, it is important to know how to care for tulips after flowering. After all, it depends on how strong the bulb will wake up by next year. And how beautiful the flower will delight the owners.


Usually, these plants begin to release their first green leaves in April. And the flowering itself begins in May and lasts about a week. And then the question of how to care for tulips after flowering becomes relevant. Very often, flower growers ask whether it is necessary to cut a flower when the petals have dried up and crumbled. Experts believe that it is imperative to remove the peduncle (the head that remained after the flower). Otherwise, it begins to take on a significant part of the nutrients in order to form seeds. In this case, the bulb is significantly depleted. And tulip seeds, as you know, are not used for reproduction. Therefore, when answering the question of how to care for tulips after flowering, it should be noted that the main thing is to allow nutrients to be preserved and accumulated. To do this, the head is cut off, and the green leaves and part of the stem are left.

Caring for tulips after flowering

If the soil dries up, it must be loosened. When deciding how to care for tulips after flowering, it must be borne in mind that plants do not need feeding during this period. You need to regularly weed the area where the tulips grow in order to prevent weeds from germinating. These seemingly harmless grasses can drain the soil. But if some weed has become too large and has a deep root, it should be dug out carefully, otherwise there is a danger of damage to the delicate tulip bulb. After flowering ends, and the green leaves age and dry out, the bulb can be dug out for storage. They are often left to bloom the following year.

Caring for tulips that have finished flowering is not difficult. But, like any work in the garden, it should be done regularly. Then the plants will delight the owners with lush flowering next year in the early spring months and can become a real source of pride.

Is it necessary to cut tulips, daffodils and hyacinths during flowering, thereby providing

To form stronger, developed bulbs, buds and flowers are cut on many bulbous plants. Inflorescences of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths are cut immediately after flowering to prevent excessive depletion of plants.

If possible, it is better to cut off flowers from faded tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, if you do not plan to remove a new variety from seeds. Then the nutrients will completely enter the bulb and contribute to its growth and the establishment of a new flower bud for the next year.

Not necessary. they must be cut off when they begin to bloom. the bulbs will have time to ripen before the end of summer.

It is enough not to leave the seed pods, and if you cut the flowers, then leave at least two leaves.

The main thing is not to cut the leaves.They feed through them

It is advisable to cut after 4-5 days of flowering. But you can simply cut off the seed pods.

Quite right. After flowering, nutrients from the leaves are drained into the bulb. All leaves do not need to be cut off.

I never cut off at all, cut off the seed pods after flowering, as they rightly said, and the bulb will gain strength from the leaves


How to prune properly after flowering

Tulips, or rather their flower stalks with set seeds, must be cut off immediately after flowering. It is very advisable to prune the flower stalks after flowering if you are interested in making your tulips large and strong the next year.

This year I began to grow tulips, they bloomed very beautifully, and delighted the eye for about a week. Please tell me if it is necessary to cut the plant at the root after flowering, or let the leaves gradually dry out?

Tulips grow in one place for three to four years. After drying, plant the tulips again in the fall in a prepared flower bed. So, if it is necessary to cut tulip flowers for a bouquet, then it will even be useful for a flower. Care. Agrotechnology for growing tulips is simple. The most suitable place to plant tulips is in well-lit areas, inaccessible to strong and cold winds.

In such conditions, tulips are often affected by fungal diseases. Some sources recommend that you dig up the bulbs immediately after flowering. Digging tulips annually is optional, but highly desirable. An exception can be made only for group compositions of tulips and leave them in one place for 2-3 years, and then update.

Translated from Persian, "tulip" means "turban". And you will need to do only two things: to hide the place of wilting of tulips and the second - to dig up tulip bulbs for subsequent autumn planting. Tulips have delighted us for a long time with their bright flowering and delicious delicate aroma. But fading, yellowed tulip leaves spoil the appearance of flower beds and flower beds, and the summer season is in full swing.

First you need to cut the flower to 2, 3 leaves: this way you will allow the bulb to ripen in the ground. A prerequisite for everyone is to let the tulip leaves wither completely, wither. Then, in order to preserve the beauty of the flower garden, I put pots with pelargonium or begonia next to the drooping flabby leaves of tulips, plant seedlings of calendula and marigolds.

When sorting tulip bulbs, do not forget to separate them according to varieties or color and shape of buds, and also to reject sick ones - rotten and stained. Fold tulip bulbs in cardboard boxes or paper bags before planting in the fall and store in a dry place.

Digging tulips every year is completely optional. If they grow in a sunny, dry place, then it is realistic to get tulips in bloom next year.

I do not dig up tulip bulbs for the winter, but I let them fully ripen in the ground, that is, get all their nutrition from the foliage. Since the bulbs and leaves of daffodils contain an alkaloid poison, rodents do not eat these plants.

Advertising and posting links to other resources are prohibited in the comments. I always cut the stalks. After pruning, all the nutrition goes into the formation of a good bulb. But let the leaves of the plant turn green further, they feed on the bulb, which you can not dig out, but leave in the ground for 2 years (the flowers will be larger).

1 When to prune lilies, and is there a need for it?

The leaves must be left, due to the leaves, the bulb ripens. Well, it goes without saying that faded flower stalks must be removed, both for better ripening of the bulb, and for giving the flower garden a neat look. But the leaves, of course, cannot be cut off. And leave one leaf. The Plant Lover Community is a place of communication for plant lovers and flower lovers.

The flower shape is simple and double, goblet, bell-shaped, lily, etc. The main care for them during the growing season is timely watering and feeding, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

The second - during the budding period, the third - in the midst of flowering. If rotted organic matter was introduced into the soil in the fall, then additional fertilizing is unnecessary. With strong shading, the plants stretch out, the stems become thin and fragile, the bulbs become smaller.

In early spring, first of all, after the emergence of sprouts from the ground, the surface of the beds must be loosened in order to delay the evaporation of moisture and provide air access to the roots. After watering or rains, the soil surface should be loosened if necessary.

In this case, you need to carefully break off the resulting fruit pod, and leave the stem until it turns yellow and then cut it closer to the base. In children and grown bulbs, it is better to remove the emerging flower arrows immediately so that they do not waste energy on flowering.

1. Flower beds with tulips need to be renewed, revived, decorated.

When preparing flowers for bouquets, it is better not to cut them off, but to break them off (they break especially easily in the early morning and late evening). The fact is that when cutting with a knife or scissors, pathogens of viral diseases can be spread throughout the collection (the variegated virus is especially dangerous).

2 Do I need to dig up lilies, how and in what time frame to dig up?

For correct ripening of the bulbs when cutting the peduncle, it is necessary to leave at least two large lower leaves on the plant. Sometimes there is a need to urgently transplant already grown tulips.

In my opinion, tulips, unlike, for example, daffodils, need to be dug up annually after the leaves of the plant turn yellow. When the leaves of daffodils lose their bright color and elasticity in June, the straight rosette of leaves gradually falls apart. The earlier you cut the flower stalk on the tulip, the larger the bulb will form.

Caring for tulips after flowering in the garden, at home

How do you ensure that tulips are cared for after flowering so that the bulbs are stocked with nutrients for the next flowering? Maybe you need to cut off all the leaves at once? Or is it still worth continuing watering and feeding? You can find the right solution by learning a few rules for growing bulbs.

Do you need to cut the leaves?

Daffodils and tulips are often planted side by side in a flower bed to create a picturesque picture. However, their neighborhood has one caveat. It consists in the fact that faded buds and yellowed leaves quickly become unattractive. But take your time to rid your garden of unkempt stems. Caring for tulips after flowering should be continued for another 2-3 weeks. And so that dry leaves do not spoil the decorative look of the garden, just plant perennials between them. For example, phlox.

The foliage of plants is recommended to be preserved precisely because the sun's energy and useful microelements enter the bulb through it. They saturate the plant. Cutting off the still green leaves of tulips means stopping the bulb formation process. On faded specimens, it is better to immediately remove the seed capsule. So the bulb will be able to accumulate energy in itself and will not waste it on the ripening of seeds.

Advice. In order not to lose the location of the tulips after the foliage dries, you can mark it with markers or flags.

Why fertilize withering plants?

Caring for tulips after flowering requires timely fertilization. The point is that the development process is still ongoing. And the appearance of flowers in the next spring will depend on how much the gardener is not too lazy to water and feed the withering flower bed with special fertilizers. You need to water the flower bed as needed for another two weeks after cutting the peduncles. You only need to fertilize the soil once. It'll be enough. You can pick up the usual mineral fertilizers for bulbous. But the dosage should be reduced by half of the recommended dosage in order to prevent chemical burns of cells. A phosphorus-potassium mixture is also well suited. Fertilizers containing nitrogen or chlorine must not be used.

Cutting leaves

Care for daffodils, as close relatives, is required in late spring in the same way as caring for tulips after flowering. If all the gardener's actions at this time are lined up sequentially, then they will stand in the following order:

  • flowers are cut to form bouquets or allowed to naturally wither;
  • in the second case, the seed capsule is cut off after the petals fall;
  • in the last days of spring, special fertilizers are applied to the soil, while not forgetting to water the garden;
  • leaves are cut off only after drying;
  • after the bed is mulched with peat or wood ash.
  • When should you transplant daffodils?

    These flowers can live in one place for up to five years. Do not disturb them for an annual transplant, otherwise the plants may not bloom so abundantly. But if the stems are beginning to get crowded and have already grown quite a lot, then it's time to plant them.

    For a transplant, you will need:

  • gloves;
  • disinfecting solution.
  • Daffodil bushes are planted right away; young roots should not be allowed to dry out. Pick a late afternoon in early August, when the midday heat has subsided, and get started.

    1) To begin with, the bushes are carefully dug.

    2) Then they are divided into smaller ones and laid out for processing.

    3) For prevention, plants can be sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a suitable fungicide.

    4) In a new place, the holes are prepared and daffodils are transplanted into them with maximum accuracy.

    When are tulip bulbs dug up?

    Unlike daffodils, tulip care after flowering is required annually. If you want large flowers to bloom in the spring, plan to dig out the bulbs annually. This is best done in the middle of summer, when the leaves are completely dry. Try to dig one and see how it looks. If it is covered with brown scales, the roots have formed, the stems have practically dried up, then it's time to dig up the entire flower bed.

    Caring for tulips after flowering in the garden is pretty simple. You just need:

  • carton boxes;
  • leaflets with inscriptions of varieties;
  • garden shovel;
  • gloves.
  • What do we have to do?

  • choose a not too cloudy day in early July;
  • prepare the necessary inventory;
  • carefully dig up the plants, treat them with a disinfecting solution and arrange them by variety in cardboard boxes;
  • discard all weak and small bulbs.
  • Thus, the summer care of tulips after flowering in the garden can be considered complete. Plants will be dormant for one and a half to two months before planting.

    When should you plant?

    If you are planning the usual planting of flowers that will bloom in April-May, then a fine day in early September is suitable. Take all boxes of bulbs to the air, carefully review all material. If there are damaged copies, they must be removed immediately. If you find diseased material, then it will not be superfluous to re-treat with a fungicide.

    Find a new place to plant flowers. Proper care of tulips and daffodils after flowering involves a constant change in the location of the flower bed. This way you can avoid depleting the soil.

    Planting material in the pits. Loosen the soil and make indentations about half a spade in it. Spread the bulbs evenly and pour warm water over them. After two weeks, the garden bed can be fertilized with saltpeter. And with the onset of the first frost, its surface is covered with a layer of mulch (dry leaves, straw or peat).

    Landing in trenches. The place chosen for the flower garden is laid out and trenches are dug. Their depth should not exceed 20 cm, and their width - 25 cm. Before placing on the bottom of the bulb, sprinkle it with saltpeter. Next, the largest specimens are distributed and crushed with earth. Smaller ones are spread over them and sprinkled again. If you are planning to disembark children, then it is best to distribute them along the edges of the trench. Then it is covered to the top with soil. After planting, the ridges are watered with water. Such post-flowering tulip care at home will certainly give good results.

    What to do if presented with a tulip in a pot?

    It is very pleasant to receive the symbol of spring in a pot at the end of winter. But what to do with the plant after wilting? Throw it away? Do not hurry. Timely caring for tulips after flowering in a pot will give the plant another chance. For this:

    • water the flower all the time until it turns yellow completely;
    • let the stems dry;
    • when the bulb goes into a dormant period, it can be dug up;
    • dry it and store it in a box until September;
    • and in the fall, plant on the ridges along with the rest of the bulbs.
    • Flowers love care and appreciate attention. If you did everything right and worried about them from early spring to late autumn, they will definitely dissolve their delicate petals towards the sun. And they will delight you with their beauty.

      Can tulips and daffodils be pruned after they have faded?

      When the daffodils and tulips bloom, the peduncles can be cut off, and it is better not to touch the green leaves so that the bulbs have time to gain nutrients. The tulips can then be dug up to dry the bulbs and planted back in the ground before the frost begins. Then they will bloom next year.

      Peduncles with set seeds must be cut off as soon as they bloom, so that nutrition goes to the formation of a good bulb and the plant does not waste energy on the ripening of unnecessary seeds. The sooner the flowers are trimmed, the larger the bulb will be.

      Tulips can grow in one place for four years, and then they must be transplanted to another place.

      If the bulb is left in the ground for two years, the flower will be larger. If it takes longer, then they will stop blooming. Leaves do not need to be cut off, the onion feeds on them.

      As soon as the tulips and daffodils have bloomed, you can cut the flower stalks to give the flower bed a well-groomed look. Leaves should not be cut off right away, let the bulbs pick up some nutrients for next year to bloom.

      You can cut tulips and daffodils, when they have faded, I believe, only flower stalks. And I usually leave the leaves of tulips and daffodils until they dry up. I proceed from the assumption that plant leaves nourish the bulb, so it is better, in my opinion, not to remove them. And then next year these spring flowers will delight you again with abundant flowering.

      As for tulips, I can say for sure that the flowers themselves must be cut off after flowering (or simply cut off with your hands), then the bulb will be strong and healthy. And the leaves of tulips are not cut off, because the onion feeds on them, and eventually ripens properly. The leaves will naturally droop. Someone digs up the tulip bulb itself to dry it, and someone simply leaves it in the ground.

      Daffodils are cut off completely after flowering, both flowers and leaves. Only then will the plant be ready for wintering, and the bulb will be strong, and the future plant itself will be just as healthy and pleasing to the eye of its owner.

      • Tulips after flowering - useful tips
      • Video: what to do when tulips have faded

      Tulips after flowering: what to do with tulips after they have faded. As soon as the tulips have bloomed, the question arises of what needs to be done with them next. So that flowering is not limited to one season, let's figure out the order of actions with faded

      What to do with tulips after flowering?

      After the tulips have finished blooming: they also require attention. In order for tulips to delight you with colorful bloom next season; it is necessary to adhere to certain actions, namely:

      • abundant watering after flowering;
      • top dressing;
      • digging out the bulbs;
      • correct storage.

      Tulips after flowering - watering and feeding

      Tulips have faded, petals have crumbled, but this does not mean that the flower does not require special action. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the formation of a good bulb for the next year.

      • Firstly, after the petals have dried up and crumbled, you need to cut off the peduncle. If at this moment you cut off the entire ground part of the tulip, then the bulb will not form for flowering next season. It is necessary to wait until the leaves turn yellow and dry on their own - this will be a signal that the bulb is ripe. If you do not cut the peduncle, then the bulb will give nutrients to the ripening of the seeds, and the bulb will be depleted.
      • Secondly, tulips need abundant watering for several weeks after cutting the tulip heads. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds.
      • Thirdly, faded tulips must be fed with phosphate-potassium fertilizer. Do not use nitrogen and chlorine based fertilizers.

      Tulips after flowering - digging out the bulbs

      After the tulip leaves turn yellow completely, dig the bulbs out of the soil, following the basic guidelines:

      • we dig the bulbs, preferably on a sunny, warm day, so that they dry out in the sun;
      • we use a shovel carefully so as not to damage the bulbs and roots of tulips;
      • after we dig up the bulbs, we carefully examine them. We throw out rotten and not sprouted bulbs;
      • in rainy weather, we wash the dug out bulbs and dry them well;
      • we clean the dug out bulbs from stems, roots of surface scales, earth;
      • if you notice that the bulb is affected by a fungus, then it must be treated with a fungicide;
      • tulip bulbs do not need to be dug for several seasons.

      Tulips after flowering - bulb storage

      Following the drying of the dug out tulip bulbs, we proceed to sorting them. We put the sorted bulbs in mesh boxes in 1-2 layers. This is to prevent the bulbs from rotting. For the proper development of the bulbs, it is necessary to observe the temperature storage conditions:

      • in July at 24-26 degrees;
      • in August at 20 degrees:
      • in September at 17 degrees;
      • in the following months before disembarkation, gradually lower the temperature to 12-15 degrees.

      Compliance with the required temperature during storage is very important, because at this time the processes of bud formation, the laying of leaves, a flower take place. Also, periodically check the bulbs and discard the missing ones. You can store bulbs in the cellar, basement, pantry.

      • To propagate a tulip variety, as well as to grow a large bulb, it is necessary to cut off the flowering head on the 4-8 day of flowering. This will help build up the mass of the bulb.
      • Crumbled petals, yellowed leaves must be removed from the garden so that they do not rot.
      • Plant tulips in special containers or plastic baskets, this will greatly facilitate the work of caring for them. You can dig out containers with faded tulips and rearrange them in a secluded place for the bulbs to ripen.
      • In order to understand whether the onion is ripe or not, dig out one and carefully examine it. If brown spots on the scales appear on the bulb, then the bulb is ripe.