Test to determine the sex of the child by blood. Is it possible to calculate the sex of the child by renewing the blood of the parents? Folk omens for determining the sex of the unborn child

There are theories according to which the cells of the body, including blood cells, are periodically renewed. According to one of them, this biological fluid in humans changes every seven years, regardless of gender. According to another, more common, it is believed that blood renewal in men occurs every four years. It changes a little more often in women - every three years. This process is cyclical and continues throughout life. Thus, each person, according to their age, can determine when the update was last and when the next will be. According to one theory, the counting should be carried out from the very birth in men and from the first menstruation in women. According to the other, from the age of 15 for women, and from 16 - for men.

How can it be applied in practice?

There is an opinion that the state of human health depends on the age of this biological fluid, that is, the older it is, the more a person is susceptible to stress, infectious and other diseases. At this time, chronic diseases are more often exacerbated and new ones appear. Therefore, many future parents who have such information conclude that in the last year before the blood is renewed, it is better to refuse to conceive a child. It is believed that it is advisable to do this at a more favorable time, namely in the first year after it changes. They say that children who were conceived during this period are endowed with better health, rarely have congenital defects, are less prone to illness and allergic reactions.

Usually, in practice, the property of blood to be renewed is used in order to find out who will be born - a girl or a boy. You can calculate the sex of the unborn child both after conception and at the stage of pregnancy planning.

How to calculate gender?

If you believe this theory, the couple will have a child of the same sex with the parent whose blood at the time of conception will be younger. If she was younger than a woman, then a girl will be born, if a man, then a boy will be born. To have a child of a certain gender, you need to make simple calculations. To do this, you need to know the year of birth of each of the spouses or the number of full years. Then divide the age of the future father by 4, and the age of the future mother by 3. From the resulting remnants, determine whose blood is younger at the moment.

For example:

  1. The woman is 23 years old, the man is 25 years old.
  2. 23 divided by 3 is 7.6.
  3. 25 divided by 4 is 6.25.

Those who have less remainder are younger. As you can see, the man is younger, so if conception occurs at this time, the couple will have a boy. If the spouses want a girl, they need to calculate when the blood of the future father will be older than that of the future mother. In this case, it will happen in two years:

  • The woman will be 25 and the man 27.
  • 25 divided by 3 is 8.33.
  • 27 divided by 4 is 6.75.

The future father has more balance, so the couple can expect a girl.

There is an easier way to determine the gender of a baby. To do this, you need to use the ready-made data:

  • the age when the blood is renewed in men: 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 and so on;
  • similarly for women: 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33 and so on.

Renewal of blood can tell you who will be born to you: a boy or a girl.

Based on this information, it is necessary to compare the age of the future mother and father and determine who had the update earlier and who later. So you can find out whose blood is older and whose blood is younger.

For the pair from the example above:

  1. A 23-year-old woman had a renewal two years ago, and a 25-year-old man a year ago, which means that the man's blood is younger, so the couple should have a boy.
  2. The situation will change in two years. The woman will be 25 years old, that is, her renewal took place a year ago. The man will turn 27 and his blood will be older, since it was renewed three years ago. Therefore, it is most likely that a girl will be born.

The question may arise of what gender the child will be born, if, in the calculations, the man and the woman have the same balances. They say that in this case twins may be born.

What should be considered?

Such calculations will be correct if no one in the pair experiences significant blood loss. Otherwise, the update will take place earlier. This can happen:

  • during the donation process;
  • during surgery;
  • as a result of an accident or injury;
  • during childbirth, abortion, miscarriage.

From the moment of pregnancy diagnosis, future parents want to know the gender of the child

In such cases, the last update occurs at the time of one of the above events.

According to most doctors, it is hardly possible to determine the sex of a child in this way. Also, the theory of blood renewal itself is not indisputable, therefore, to believe or not is a private matter for everyone. The method has no scientific basis and cannot guarantee an accurate result, even if many mothers claim that they all agreed. This is most likely a common coincidence.

Even if we assume that cell renewal occurs every three to four years, which is in great doubt, it is still unlikely that an undistorted result can be obtained if massive bleeding or transfusions have occurred. According to many scientists, the cell renewal that occurs in the body is a much more complex process, associated not so much with periods of time, but with genetics and various biological processes.

There are many ways to calculate the sex of your baby. These are both the ancient Chinese calendar and the Japanese tables. One of the newest is the way to renew the blood of the parents. An online table will help to facilitate the calculations, where you can enter the birth data of the parents, and it will give the required result.

By renewing blood

By date of birth

Father 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Conception date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2020

How does the method work?

In the scientific world, there is a theory that a person's blood is completely renewed after a certain period. This period is different for men and women. So, for the fair sex, renewal occurs once every three years, and for the stronger sex - once every four years.

The sex of the child is determined by the sex of the parent whose blood is younger at the time of conception. You can find out using your date of birth. Determining gender by parental blood can be done manually, but an online calculator can be used to make the calculations much easier.

How does the calculator work? First, you must enter the dates of birth of the parents in the lines provided for this. Then the calculator itself will determine the period when the last blood renewal took place in both parents and will give the result - the sex of the child.

To determine the sex by the parents' blood, it is necessary to know the date of conception. Remember that it is determined not by the first delay in menstruation, but by the day of ovulation, i.e. 2 weeks before the start of the expected period. If you already know about pregnancy, but are in doubt about the day of conception, you can consult a gynecologist or wait for the first ultrasound. Then you will know exactly the date when fertilization took place.

The method of determining the sex of a child by the blood group of the parents was known in ancient China. Modern scientists have updated it, adapted it to modern reality, and now future parents can use it to satisfy their curiosity.

Can there be exceptions?

Like any regularity, the method of determining the sex of a child by renewing the parents' blood has its exceptions. These are situations when profuse blood loss has occurred. In this case, most of the blood is renewed, and the countdown is carried out from this moment.

What situations can lead to large blood loss?

  1. surgical operations;
  2. uterine bleeding in women associated with miscarriage, abortion or pathology;
  3. providing your own blood as a donor;
  4. blood transfusion;
  5. accidents, injuries, as a result of which a lot of blood was lost.

How reliable is the method?

A calculator, or a table for determining the sex of a child for blood renewal, does not give 100% of the result. This must be taken into account if you want to know the gender of the baby.

Sometimes it happens that parents do not remember the date of the operation or blood donation. In this case, the calculations are complicated, and the result that the calculator or table gives is questionable.

The baby gender rewrite calendar or table has garnered conflicting reviews.

On the one hand, it is very easy to calculate. To get the result, you do not need to know any exceptional data or rely on the calendar of another country, for example, as in the Chinese table. On the other hand, no one can say for sure when the last major blood renewal took place. The woman may have had heavy periods or other gynecological reasons, as a result of which she has lost a large amount of blood. Then the calculator stops working 100%.

To reliably find out who will be born, it is necessary to connect all possible methods: the blood group of the parents, Chinese and Japanese tables (calculator online), ultrasound results. Then you will have the opportunity to compare the findings of this test and find out the likelihood of having a boy or girl.

Also, consider how important it is for you to know your baby's gender before birth. If we are talking about the hereditary transmission of any diseases exclusively through the male or female line, then one online calculator will clearly not be enough. Complex medical research and calculations will be required to provide indications for maintaining or terminating a pregnancy. If you are just planning a child, and your gender is important to you, contact a specialist, use several methods.

In case of ordinary curiosity, treat the method of determining the sex of a baby by renewing blood as a fortune-telling, the result of which the calculator does not always give reliably. Use other methods to help. If in reality everything happens differently, it will not be a disappointment for you. You will accept the baby for who he is.

Often newlyweds without children think carefully about their plans for the future. In particular, pregnancy and childbirth are also part of the life planning of every young family. Newly minted parents or pregnant women in the early stages want to be aware in advance of what gender the baby will have.

Every year, the method of recognizing the sex of a child by renewing blood is gaining popularity. This article will tell the reader about the reliability and reliability of the method. So how is the procedure done?

How does the method for determining the sex of the child work?

Inside each human body, blood is renewed, the skin and mucous organs are reincarnated. The blood ducts are cleaned without surgery. However, the process is different, depending on the sex of the person. In a man, the blood is renewed every 4 years, and in a female - every 3 years.

  1. In the first case, the age of each person from a married couple is related to the number at which the baby was conceived. The sex of the child by blood is calculated as follows: the full age of mom and dad is divided by 3 and 4, respectively. The results obtained are analyzed among themselves. As a result, the younger the maternal blood, the higher the likelihood of having a girl, and vice versa.
  2. In the second case, the date of birth is counted. The method is not very convenient to use, since various incidents occur throughout the life of an individual that directly affect the time of blood renewal. Here, 3 is added to the mother's date of birth until the limit is reached - the date of conception. The same is done with the date of birth of the pope, only the term in this case is the number 4.

It is not for nothing that future parents choose this technique to determine the sex of their children. Advantages of the method:

  • the most frequent coincidences;
  • scientifically proven;
  • practiced all over the world: many women from countries such as America, the EU, Australia and Japan often resort to this procedure.

Several decades ago, girls manually calculated the gender of a baby. Today, on the Internet, there are online calculators for calculating, which give the result after 3 seconds.

The procedure does not require investment. The mom-to-be can use manual calculations or fill in the necessary information into an online calculator.

Table with the years of blood renewal

This method of calculation has come to the modern world since ancient times. For a long time, future parents made special tables with blood groups and subsequent updates. Since ancient times, the data in the table was built for girls who are over 15 years old. However, early childbirth in past centuries was not something shameful, so the veracity of this method is unknown.

Today, expectant mothers are accustomed to counting the birth of future children, and the above method is no exception.

Using the table below, you can determine the sex of the child by updating the blood of a child from 20 to 24 years old from the month of conception. If the definition turned out to be “*” - it means a boy, if “+” - it means a girl.

Dec jan. Feb March Apr May June July Aug sep. Oct nov.
20 * + * + * * * * * * + *
21 * * + + + + + + + + + +
22 + + * * + * + + * + + +
23 + * * + * * + * + * * *
24 + * + * * + * * + + + +

Research in the above area suggests that other important factors often affect the birth of a baby. According to statistics, among women with a large weight, boys are most likely born. Skinny girls are more likely to give birth to girls.

Some people believe that if a special diet is followed, children of the “ordered” sex are born. To carry a girl, expectant mothers must consume more magnesium and calcium, and, conversely, a boy will need a large amount of sodium and potassium. In the first case, the expectant mother should eat eggs and milk, in the second - as many fish dishes as possible.

Calculation methods

Below are 2 examples with sex calculations, taking into account the renewal of the mother's blood every 36 months and the father - every 48 months.

Example # 1

Data required for the calculation:

  • the age of the mother and father, for example, the first is 24 years old, the second is 30;
  • divide 24 by 3, the result is 8;
  • divide 30 by 4, the result is about 7;
  • it turns out 8> 7, therefore, according to the calculation, the sex of the future baby is male.

Consequently, which parent has a lower figure, gender becomes the determining criterion.

Sometimes calculators online ask you for the exact time of the conception process.

Example No. 2

There is an opinion in the world that all of the above calculations are not required. It is possible to calculate the sex of the child by renewing the parents' blood if there is information about the day, month and year of conception and the date of birth of one of the parents.

The verification algorithm will be as follows:

  1. The sex of the child is determined by the parents' blood renewal using the dates of birth. For example, dad was born on 12/12/1994, and mom was born on 03/12/1995.
  2. In the near future, the mother's blood renewal took place in 2016, and the father's - in 2018.
  3. If the baby is born in 2016, then a girl will be born, if in 2018, then a boy will appear.

Attention! This option is the most suitable in terms of accuracy. Many online calculators use the above validation algorithm.

There are often cases when blood renewal occurs in one year. Here it is impossible to calculate exactly what gender the future baby will belong to, since the chances are the same for both sexes. However, as statistics show, it happens that twins or triplets are born in the falling years, and the children can be twins.

How modern science substantiates the method

Since ancient times, the child was considered an assistant, therefore, most often, the family was interested in the birth of a boy, since if a girl was born, after 15-17 years she left the family hearth and created her own family. Thus, in the past centuries, determining the sex of a child based on blood renewal was a topical issue.

Now the newlyweds are making plans for the birth of children, depending on their wishes. Of course, whoever was born, parents will always love their child. But sometimes women are curious to know for sure.

The above theory has been confirmed by scientists. Science has found that the blood and tissue cells of organs, muscles and skin in the human body are constantly renewed. For example, as described above, women update more often: 1 time in 3 years. In males, this phenomenon occurs less often - once every 4 years.

Now every pregnant girl with Internet access has the opportunity to calculate the sex of the child by blood on an individual basis, knowing the personal information of both parents.


Determining the sex of a child by the blood of a child is a reliable method that has received the approval of many married couples on the Internet and in real life. Today's statistics say that up to 80% of women turn to this technique to obtain information about the future gender of children.

The expectant mother and father take care of the birth of a new person, since, depending on whether a boy or a girl is born, the arrangement of the nursery, the choice of clothes and toys will be made.

Newlyweds are accustomed to calculating the sex of the baby in the most trustworthy way.

The information above about the method for determining blood renewal is scientifically proven, so expectant mothers can easily determine who will be born to them.

It is possible to find out the sex of the unborn child using an ultrasound scan no earlier than 20 weeks. But I can't wait to find out who will be born, early ...

There are a number of techniques, tables and folk signs for determining the future sex of the baby.

1. In this table, the sex of the unborn child can be determined by looking at the intersection of the month of conception and the age of the expectant mother.

Example: Pregnancy began in May. The woman is 25 years old. A girl is likely to be born.

2. It is possible to determine who will be born a boy or a girl using a technique that came to us from ancient China.

in Table No. 1 we find the figure located at the intersection of the month of birth of a man and a woman.

in Table No. 2 choose the row under the number obtained from table No. 1. In this row we find the month of the baby's conception. The “boy” “girl” scale indicates the probability of birth of one or the other sex. The more divisions, the more likely it is.

Example: The man was born in March, the woman in June. At the intersection in table number 1 -digit 6. Month of conception April. In table No. 2 in the 6th row opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of the birth of a girl and a boy is equal. That is 50% to 50%.

3. Tables for determining the sex of the child by the "age" of blood.

This technique is based on the assumption that the blood of women and men is regularly updated. In women, this happens 1 time in 4 years. In men, the blood is renewed once every 3 years. Having found out the "age of blood" of the parents, they compare it with each other. Add the number of months from the last birthday of the parent to the month of conception. The gender of the parent whose blood will be younger and passed on to the baby.

In the first table we find the coefficients of renewal of the blood of the father and mother, opposite to the age.

In the second table you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Now for each parent we add the resulting 2 numbers (from tables 1 and 2). Whoever has a lower number ("blood is younger"), of that sex is more likely to have a child.

Example: mom is 29 years old, dad is 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, mom = 1, dad = 0. According to the results of the second table, mom = 10, dad = 1. Based on the results of both tables, mom (1 + 10 = 11), dad (0 + 1 = 1). "Dad's blood is younger" - a boy will be born.

4. Folk omens for determining the sex of the unborn child.

You also can .

In most cases, expectant mothers do not care about the gender of the baby, but sometimes parents want just a boy or a girl. Is it possible to choose a gender in advance?

5. Ovulation. Calculate who will be born a boy or a girl.

If the family already has two sons, then a woman, having decided to give birth to another child, most often hopes for the birth of a baby daughter. And if young parents have a girl's first-born, then dads, of course, also dream of the birth of an heir. Is it possible to manage the process of conception in order to know in advance who will be born: a boy or a girl, and how to do it?

Boy or girl: can conception be controlled?

The process of conceiving a boy or girl is a great mystery, but scientists already know a lot about how a new life appears, and even know something about the possibilities of controlling the birth of a child.

For the birth of a new human life, it is necessary that the egg and sperm meet. The eggs mature in the ovaries, and every month one of the eggs leaves the ovary and goes on a journey to meet the sperm. The release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

After ovulation, the egg cell lives only a day, and if conception has not occurred, it dies after 24 hours. Sperm cells are more tenacious and can wait for an egg inside a woman's body for up to five days. Thus, conception can occur if a woman has had intimacy with her husband, either on the day of ovulation, or a few days before her.

And what determines who will be born: a boy or a girl? It depends on which sperm will fertilize the egg - if a sperm with a Y chromosome wins the race, a boy will be born, and if with an X chromosome, a girl will be born.

Sperm with a male chromosome move faster, but they are less tenacious. But sperm with a female X chromosome are able to live in the fallopian tube, waiting for the appearance of an egg for up to five days. What follows from this? Given the vitality of sperm with female chromosomes, the chances of conceiving a girl becomes much greater if intercourse took place 2-4 days before ovulation. But if the intimacy took place directly on the day of ovulation, then the chances of conceiving a boy are significantly increased, since there are more spermatozoa with the Y chromosome and they are faster. The only thing left is to calculate the day of ovulation.

How to calculate the day of ovulation

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle, but, depending on a number of circumstances, this is not always the case. It is impossible to feel the moment of ovulation, as it is asymptomatic. And yet it is possible to calculate this moment quite accurately using three methods:

  • every day for 3-4 months and draw up a schedule;
  • use an ovulation test purchased at a pharmacy (the most accurate is the jet test);
  • do an ultrasound.

If you need to determine the moment of ovulation as accurately as possible, start drawing up a cycle schedule in a few months, and in the selected month, when the expected ovulation approaches, use the test as well, or go through an ultrasound scan.

Of course, even if you calculate the day of ovulation as accurately as possible, the desired result of conception is not guaranteed, too many additional factors can affect who will be conceived after all: a boy or a girl. But with this method, the chances of the desired result are significantly increased. Similarly, getting a child of the gender you want, a boy or a girl, is possible so far only if pregnancy occurs as a result of IVF.

6. Divination. A boy or girl will be born.

Ultrasound does not always show the sex of the child. It happens that a boy or a girl is born to her, the woman does not know practically until the very birth. If the baby does not allow the doctors to see her gender, and you really want to find out who is growing in the tummy, you can use folk signs and fortune-telling.

A boy or girl will be born: signs and fortune-telling

Not all fortune-telling that was popular with our ancestors is suitable for modern women, because not every expectant mother is ready to go to fortune-telling alone in the bathhouse or in the threshing floor. Here are the simplest folk ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby:

  • To find out whether a boy or a girl will be born, you need to ask the expectant mother to raise and stretch her arms forward. If she does this so that her palms are turned up, a daughter will be born, and if her palms are turned down, a son will be born.
  • For this fortune-telling you will need a large key with a long "beard". They put the key on the table and ask the expectant mother to take it and give it to someone present. If a pregnant woman takes the key by the top, then you should wait for the birth of a boy, and if by the beard, a daughter will be born.
  • You can find out whether a boy or a girl will be born using fortune telling with a ring. The expectant mother should be asked to take the "reclining" position and swing the ring hanging on a thick thread over her tummy. If the ring begins to swing like a pendulum, it is worth waiting for a son, and if it starts to describe circles over the stomach, there will be a daughter.
  • If a woman already has children, then you need to see how the baby's hair grows from a previous pregnancy: if the so-called "pigtail" grows not in the middle of the neck, but on the side, then a child of the opposite sex will be born next.

There are 5 ways to plan your baby's gender.

1 . Diet... This is the most common way. For the conception of a boy, it is recommended to eat foods rich in potassium and sodium, and for the appearance of a girl - calcium and magnesium. Therefore, in the first case, eat fish, meat, mushrooms and potatoes, legumes, chicken protein, apricots and peaches, prunes, rice and semolina porridge. In the second case, give preference to eggs, eggplant and beets, carrots and cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers, honey, peanuts and hazelnuts.

You need to follow a diet from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the moment of the intended conception. And both women and men. After conception, you can and need whatever you want. This method has not received a rigorous scientific justification, and the success of its use is about 30%.

2 . Calculation by the timing of ovulation... It is believed that if intercourse happened less than a day before ovulation (preferably 10 hours before it), then most likely a boy will be born. If intercourse happened much earlier or a few days after ovulation, then the girl is more likely. This is because the Y chromosomes can only reach the egg for a short period of time before ovulation. Otherwise, they die and only the X chromosome remains. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to calculate the exact timing of ovulation. The best way to find out when you are ovulating is by charting your basal temperature for several months or purchasing a special ovulation test from a pharmacy.

3. Frequency of intercourse... This method is based on the fact that X chromosomes are more mobile than Y, but the former have a shorter life span. It follows from this that with frequent sexual intercourse, there is a high probability of conceiving a boy, and with rare intercourse, a girl. The effectiveness of the method is 70-80%.

4 . Choosing a position during intercourse... There is an opinion that the pose "man behind" or "woman on top" is good for conceiving a boy, and "man on top" for the appearance of a girl. This method is based on giving more chances of Y or X to the sperm. As you know, for the conception of a boy, it is necessary that the Y-sperm combine with the egg, and for the conception of a girl, the X-sperm.

5 . Even - odd years of a woman... Unconventional doctor Elena Shavrina revealed the dependence of the sex of the child on the age of the expectant mother. In even years of a woman's life, the conception of a girl is more likely in February, April, June and August, October, December; in odd years, respectively, in January, March and May, July, September and November. The appearance of the boy is the opposite.

These are the main ways to plan the sex of your baby. After a good search, you can find others. But it's worth remembering only one way can ensure you have a guaranteed birth of a child of the correct gender- This is an artificial insemination procedure, when an embryo of the desired sex, boy or girl, is left in the uterus.

Test results are not medical opinion. To accurately determine the sex of the unborn child, you must consult a doctor.

How is the sex of the child calculated by the date of birth of the parents and by the renewal of blood

Very often, married couples dream of a child of a certain gender, therefore, even before conceiving a child, they strive to do everything possible to certainly conceive a girl or boy. Many of them are guided by a fairly common method of determining the sex of the expected or planned child by their own dates of birth.

This method is based on the theory of regular blood renewal in every human body. Scientists say that in a man's body, blood is completely renewed once every four years, and in a woman's body - once every three years.

There is a fairly high probability that the unborn child will have the sex of the parent whose blood at the time of conception will be of a lesser age.

  • To determine the sex of the expected child by dates of birth, it is necessary to divide the number of full years lived by a man by four, and the age of a woman, respectively, by three.

If any of the parents got an integer as a result, this will mean that his blood has been updated very recently, so the unborn child will most likely inherit his gender.

If none of the partners got an integer, you should compare the values ​​of the residuals obtained. Younger blood will be in the one of the partners for whom the remainder of the division turned out to be smaller. If the remainders from the division are equal, the couple's chances of conceiving a girl or a boy become equal. And also there is a small chance to conceive twins this year.

However, this method does not guarantee 100% probability, since the blood in the human body can be renewed not only under the influence of age, but also as a result of operations, injuries, transfusions or donations, large blood loss, childbirth or abortions.

A woman can start counting from the date of the last menstrual period, and a man from the last serious blood loss, but this will also not guarantee an accurate result.

In women with a negative Rh factor, the result in most cases is exactly the opposite, this should also be taken into account.

Interestingly, most often the parent, whose blood is dominant, transfers to the child not only his gender, but also his character and some features of his appearance.

Russian experts offer another calendar method

It is based on the woman's exact date of birth. If the number of full years that she has turned is even, then in an even month of the year she will most likely become pregnant with a girl, and in odd months with a boy.

  • If the woman's age is odd, then the probability is calculated the other way around. Guided by this technique, it should be noted that the calculation is based on the full years lived by the woman at the time of conception, that is, after her birthday, the scheme may change.

Planning the gender of the expected child is of concern to both young couples and those who already have one child or several children of the same sex. Often they trust their friends and acquaintances for whom any of the techniques, tricks, diets and many other well-known methods "worked".

Some turn to doctors with this problem, who in this case are completely powerless and can in no way affect the sex of a child who has not yet been conceived or is already in the womb.

You cannot completely trust any of the methods - they all have only a certain, smaller or larger, share of "coincidences". But, if we consider that both folk and scientific planning methods not only do not require spending money and time, but are completely harmless to health, then each couple can use them at their discretion, without fear of any irreversible consequences. After all, whatever gender the future child is, he will be welcome, loved and unique, and they will be able to check the chosen technique or other advice again, after a while.