An orchid with one large flower is called. Types of indoor varieties of orchids with names

Hundreds of years of evolution and cultivation of delightful flowers, striking in their beauty and unique grace, aromas and shapes, have given thousands of orchid species to flower growers around the world. The family of orchids owes such a variety not only to nature, but also to man.

In the wild, there are about seventy representatives, while in a decorative environment - thousands. This suggests that orchids interbreed well and have a good survival rate. Thanks to hybridization, true connoisseurs of flowers got the opportunity to see everything in their greenhouses, gardens, home collections. possible types orchids.

This article will talk about the species of the orchid family, their classification, and will also consider some of them separately. Also, the question will be answered, how many species of orchids are there? Varietal orchids and the most memorable species of each orchid variety will be presented.

Important! It is not so easy to determine the orchid variety at home, since there are a great many hybrids today. But it should be noted that some distinctive features for each subspecies are still available.

Photo-gallery of various orchids.

Modern botanical classification

According to the growth environment and the method of attachment to nutrient media, there are:

According to subfamilies:

  • Apostasioideae / Apostasian. The birthplace of this family of orchids is East Asia. It consists of 2 genera. Neuwiedia and Apostasia, 16 species.
  • Cypripodioideae / Cypripediae. Combines all 3 species - epiphytes, lithophytes, ground orchids. It consists of 5 genera, in which there are 130 species. One of the most famous representatives is -.
  • Vanilloideae / Vanilla. It unites 15 genera with 180 species. Creepers and herbs - these plants are characterized by a large number of flowers. Representatives of the genus Vanilla contain vanilla, which is used in the food, medical, and perfume fields.
  • Epidendroideae / Epidendral. The most numerous subfamily, which includes 500 genera, which accommodates 20 thousand species. Among them there are epiphytes, terrestrial, creepers.

It is considered the most popular, which is distinguished by voluminous, numerous inflorescences and a wonderful aroma.

Varieties of orchids and their description with a photo

Let's take a closer look at the most popular and well-known types of orchids.

Orchid Vanda

This is an absolute epiphyte that is able to develop aerial root system up to two meters in length. The roots of this species indoor orchids covered with velamin - a layer of dead cells and devoid of pseudobulbs. Stems up to 3 meters long in nature and up to 1 meter in room conditions, covered with elongated lanceolate leaves.

Flowers are collected in brushes up to 15 pieces, their size is up to 10 centimeters. Colors are orange, pink, white, purple, yellow. The veins are darker than the petals.

Immediately after blooming, the flower has a pale hue that becomes brighter as flowering intensifies. The genus Vanda includes approximately 50 species of orchids, such as:

  • Wanda Rothschild. The owner of light blue petals and belt-shaped leaves.
  • Vanda blue - An upright plant with bluish mesh petals up to 10 centimeters in diameter.
  • Vanda tricolor is a large, with a one and a half meter stem, orchid, on which leathery leaves are located in 2 rows. The flowers are star-shaped and are collected in inflorescences of 10 pieces. Petals with dark red spots and a pink lip exude a great aroma.

Orchid Cymbidium

It is a stemless epiphyte with well-formed pseudobulbs. Ornamental miniature orchids such as the aloes are very popular. About 30 cm high, with oval pseudobulbs and big amount dark red flowers.

  • Cymbidium eburneum has a lilac scent and ivory colored flowers.
  • Cymbidium swordtail. Long, up to 90 centimeters, leathery leaves, straight and peduncle, up to 30 centimeters with a dozen medium-sized flowers with a magnificent delicate aroma.
  • Wonderful cymbidium - Pale pink petals with burgundy spots, up to 15 flowers in an inflorescence, up to 8 centimeters in diameter. The margin of the anterior lobe is purple and curved backwards.
  • Giant cymbidium - green-yellow petals in an amount of more than 10 pieces and a diameter of at least 12 centimeters, covered with multi-colored stripes.
  • Cymbidium dwarf. The owner of curved pointed leaves, formed on short pseudobulbs, a few centimeters, 1-3 in length. Brick-colored flowers are large, up to 10 centimeters.

Orchid Cattleya

The owner of creeping aerial roots, from 30 to 40 centimeters high. The lip differs in color from the rest of the petals. Its size varies from 5 to 20 centimeters, depending on the orchid variety.

Types of home orchids of this variety:

  • Cattleya Big. Large inflorescences up to 15 flowers of all shades of purple are its hallmark.
  • Cattleya Ekland. Named after the wife of the discoverer of this type of orchid. Pleases with flowering from May to August. Flowers come in all shades of yellow with purple spots and wavy edges.
  • Cattleya Bowring. Lip with yellow spot surrounded by purple flowers with a diameter of about 7 centimeters. Leaves are elongated.

Orchid Miltonia

Appearance is determined by the lifestyle of this plant, which is an epiphyte with pointed leaves and small pseudobulbs. The coloring is motley, bizarre and varied, due to the fact that there are many hybrid species of this beauty. Even in natural conditions it easily creates interspecies forms. At proper care And good conditions content blooms several times a year.

Orchid Dracula

One of the most peculiar genera, uniting more than a hundred representatives. A feature is the structure of the flower, in which the lip is concave, and three petals are fused into one. The ends of each petal turn into long shoots.

Orchid Ludisia

A low shrub up to 20 centimeters tall with elongated velvety leaves in rosettes of 3-4 pieces.

  • Ludisia discolor. Dark green leaves on a winding stem with longitudinal silvery veins. The lower petals form a sloping lip. Numerous white flowers bloom on a long peduncle.
  • Ludisia velvet. It has a velvety leaf texture with clear veins.
  • Ludisia alba. Deprived characteristic feature. That is, the brick-red shade of the leaves, but it is ennobled with an ornate pattern of light veins.
  • Ludisia Odina. The owner of symmetrical silver veins on dark-colored sheets.

Orchid Pabstia

This is a beautiful ampelous indoor pet up to 30 centimeters high. The flowers are covered with unusual red-black spots. This is a very colorful orchid. In inflorescences there are usually from one to 3 flowers with a diameter of 5 to 8 centimeters. On pseudobulbs, 2 sheets are formed.

Orchid Phalaenopsis

It is an epiphyte and a lithophyte at the same time. A rosette of 3 to 6 leaves is formed around a tall peduncle. The leaves are broad and flexible. The color varies between white, pink, purple hues. It blooms at least once a year and its flowering period is very long.

  • Phalaenopsis Amabilis. Fleshy leathery oblong leaves up to half a meter long. A large inflorescence carries up to a hundred big flowers, which delight with flowering for a rather long period and bloom one after another. The color varies from white to purple hues.
  • Phalaenopsis pink. The smallest member of this genus. Pleases with small flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. Leaves are oval. The color scheme adheres to delicate light pink colors.
  • Phalaenopsis sander. It is considered one of the rarest, most beautiful and expensive representatives of phalaenopsis. On long peduncles, up to fifty elegant flowers of white, lilac, pink shades bloom symmetrically. Flowering can last up to six months.
  • Phalaenopsis giant. The size of the leaves usually reaches more than 50 centimeters in length and up to 100 centimeters in width. The peduncle is curved, sometimes branches, the length of the peduncle usually does not exceed 40 cm. Up to thirty round flowers 5 cm in size bloom simultaneously on this unique plant. Yellow, beige, green are shades characteristic of this variety.

Phalaenopsis species also includes Kaoda, Biondoro, Manhattan. And of course you can’t help but, which are beautiful in their flowering despite their small size.

Likasta Golden (Fragrant)

Bright, large - up to 20 centimeters, flowers lemon color with a strong and very gentle scent. Peduncle up to 30 centimeters long.

orchid darwinara

Small hybrid with dark leaves purple flowers. The inflorescence forms a brush with 10-15 flowers.

  • . Approximately 50 - 60 centimeters in height, with flowers up to 7 cm in diameter.
  • Grammatophyllum. Perhaps the most high grade orchids, the height of which reaches half a meter. The peduncle branches. flowers yellow color decorated with brown spots.
  • Beallar. A hybrid well adapted to indoor growing conditions. It has elongated leathery dark green leaves. Orchid colors can be pink, lilac. purple with multi-colored splashes. This species is prized for its ornamental appeal. Peduncles long, many flowers.

Black Orchid

Almost all species of the genus are listed below.

  • The darkest, graceful, graceful look of black beauties is Maxillaria Schunceana.
  • Wine shades of large flowers are Cumbidium Kiwi Midnight.
  • Petals - wings of a maroon butterfly - Phalaenopsis Black Butterfly.
  • Fredclarkeara After DARK Black Pearl - Blue colour so strong that it is called black.
  • Large "black" member of the orchid family with dragon-like flowers with dark stripes giving the plant dark color is Dracula roezlii.
  • Paphiophtdilum Nachtwatch - rich dark brown and burgundy hue of flowers is its hallmark.
  • Tacca (Tacca) - "Bat" and "Black Lily" are her true connoisseurs of such beauty. Black orchid Phalaenopsis and Tacca are representatives of 2 different families.

Thus, these species have only an indirect relationship with each other.

Important Details

Varieties of orchids is a very difficult question, because it is not so easy to describe all types of orchids. In this article, we talked about the world-famous representatives of this family, described the appearance of orchids and features in such a way that the reader can find out which particular representative he cultivates in his greenhouse, room or garden.

Important! There is no definite answer to the question of how to determine the type of orchid, since the variety of hybrids, flower forms and orchid names is very large and amounts to about 20 thousand.

Each variety of orchids is somewhat similar to the other in flowers, leaves, appearance.

Recently, the orchid has actively begun to displace the queen of flowers, the rose, from leadership positions. And it is not surprising that more and more often orchids in pots began to be given for all kinds of holidays.

True, many happy owners of such a flower are first of all lost and do not know how to save his life, how to care for it so as not to hurt the beautiful petals, how to transplant it correctly.

For such cases, there are special types orchids that will easily take root on your windowsills.

There are two types of indoor orchids:

  1. The sympodials are updated regularly. When one bud blooms, several new buds appear at once instead of it. In addition, this species shoots from the sides at the base of the flower, due to which the orchids bloom in several branches at once. Sympodial plants have pseudobulbs - stem tubers that accumulate the necessary for the plant useful material. Sympodial species include Cattleya, Cymbidium and Dendrobium.
  2. Monopidial orchids have only one straight stem, from which all leaves grow and live as long as the stem itself. Buds for buds appear in the axils of the leaves. Varieties like Wanda grow very large and dense. But most often Phalaenopsis can be found on the windowsills, these are rosette-shaped plants, their stems reach 10 cm in height.

Types of orchids - descriptions of how to care for orchids


Phalaenopsis is a variety that includes about 70 more sub-cultivars. Their homeland is Australia and Indonesia, so the tropical climate is the most acceptable for them. Such unusual name flowers received due to their similarity with the shape of butterflies.

In addition to the intricate name, there are also folk ones: a butterfly orchid or Malay flowers. It is the beauty of the inflorescences that attracts flower lovers so much, moreover, phalaenopsis are quite easy to care for.

This type of orchid belongs to the class of monopodial, as it consists of a straight stem, from which short shoots are formed and inflorescences are collected, and the leaves grow from the base of the plant.

Most subspecies have broad, deep green leaves, however, some subspecies have leaves with stunning marble-like patterns. On arched peduncles of this species, up to 15 large and very beautiful butterfly flowers grow.

So that the next time the orchid blooms with new force, as it fades, it is necessary to cut off the flowering shoot 3-4 cm from the base. With proper care, it will bloom two to three times a year. Only the owner's care affects the flowering processes, it is sunny outside the window or cloudy - it does not play a role.

The color range of Phalaenopsis is very extensive, the most popular are white, light pink, hot pink, orange and yellow orchids. Lilac and light green flowers are not so common.

In order not to ruin the plant, it must be protected from bright sunlight. It would be best if they stand on the windowsills of windows on the west or east side.

It is important to create conditions that are as similar to a tropical climate as possible, so the room temperature should not fall below 12 degrees and rise above 25.

It is extremely rare to moisten the soil, it must be dry. However, it must be completely moistened, it is good if it is possible to place the substrate in water for a while, and then let it drain.

You can repot them at most once every two years. Since this procedure is very difficult for them to endure. From March to September, it is necessary to fertilize the plant with a special solution that can be purchased at florist shops.

Orchid species - Cattleya

Cattleya grows in South America and has more than fifty subspecies.

Cattleya is divided into two types:

  1. Purple and white, beautifully scented orchid growing from the top of the pseudobulb. The bulbs themselves produce one leaf at a time.
  2. Orchids in a wide range of colors, with ruffled edges. Pseudobulbs have a cylindrical shape, several leaves grow from them at once. The flowers are very dense in texture, have a great aroma, bloom for 2-4 weeks, cut flowers retain their original appearance for up to 25 days.

Cattleya bloom from April to September, the rest of the time the orchid grows without buds. It is desirable that during the rest period, the room temperature does not exceed 18 degrees during the day and 10 at night.

Cattleya needs a lot of heat and sun, and it is better to choose windows on the south side. But active sunlight is just as harmful to this variety as it is to phalaenopsis, so at noon, it is necessary to limit the flowers to sunbathing. In winter, you can not do without the illumination of fluorescent lamps.

Orchid species - Cattleya

During the period of active flowering, the plant needs regular watering. During hibernation, regularity should not be disturbed, however, Cattleya requires much less water.

In addition, from April to September, it is imperative to fertilize the orchid with complex solutions. For this type, a transplant is necessary. Once every two years, bulb families should be divided so that 3-4 pieces are obtained in one pot.

Type of orchids - Bulbophyllum

The largest variety of orchids in terms of numbers is Bulbophyllum, its family includes about 2000 subspecies that can be found in almost the entire tropical zone.

Ideal conditions for home planting are a slatted basket and special soil, which includes sand, bark and sphagnum.

Bulbophyllum blooms with small buds in two rows along the shoot, the smell of flowers is very pungent. Different subspecies have different leaf shapes. Some subspecies of this family bloom only in winter, others in summer, for example, "lobba".

Twice a month they should be treated with special solutions. Replanting this species is also undesirable. Dividing a bush is one way of propagating a plant. On their own, Bulbophyllums reproduce with the help of bulbs.


In New Guinea, Indonesia or the Philippine Islands, you can find these beautiful flowers. Their natural habitat is rocks and treetops.

This type of orchid is one of the largest in size, Vanda's shoots reach 1.5 in height. However, if it is not possible to observe the growth of flowers in their homeland, then it is possible to have flowers at home. Moreover, in room conditions, the height of the plant does not exceed 80 cm.

Orchid leaves grow in two rows around a dense stem. In the axils of the leaves, flower-bearing shoots are formed, on which there are usually several inflorescences at once.

In one inflorescence there are many rather large flat flowers with a pungent aroma, together forming a brush. Orchids of this type are solid, however, this color is very bright. The most common shades of Wanda are white, blue, purple and pink.

Vanda blooms from two to three weeks in the warm season. Cut branches can stand in water for up to 10 days. In order for the variety to bloom, it is necessary to create conditions for it with good lighting and low humidity.

Since Wanda loves warmth very much, the temperature in the room in winter should not fall below 15 degrees, otherwise the plant will die.

Regardless of whether the orchid blooms during this period or not, the soil should be kept moist all the time. Roots that are not covered with earth should be additionally sprayed with water.

Despite the fact that there are up to 120 species in the family, this type of orchid is quite rare. Dracula grows on tree trunks in Mexico, Ecuador and Colombia.

The maximum height for a plant is 3 meters. The name of the flower is not accidental. Firstly, the buds are strikingly similar to the mouth of a dragon, and secondly, in addition to insects, they also pollinate the flower. the bats.

And finally, thirdly, it is easiest to recognize Dracula among other orchids by color - black. Its shades are unique to everything flower world.

Like the bats themselves, Dracula requires a darkened room with a moderate temperature and very high humidity, at least 70%. If possible, the plant should be taken outside in the summer.

Orchid species - Dendrobium

Quite a large family - Dendrobium. About 1600 species of this variety grow in the forests of Australia and South Asia. The variety got its name due to the fact that it grows on trees.

Dendrobium translates as "the one that lives on a tree." Externally, the subspecies of this family differ:

  • orchids with hanging long bulbs;
  • orchids with short fleshy bulbs;
  • orchids with elongated vertical bulbs.

Dendrobium belongs to the group of sympodial orchids. Plant sizes, stems and leaves are different for all subgroups. Inflorescences are folded into a brush of 15 buds.

More common orchids of this family are yellow. However, in nature, there are also Dendrobiums of white, red and light green color. Unfortunately, not all species have a pleasant aroma.

Dendrobium blooms in late winter - early summer. At this time, flowers and litsia need increased moisture. Repotting, like other species, is very rare, only if it is necessary to change the soil.

The types of orchids listed above can quite easily and quickly take root at home, however, in order for them to please you with their flowering, you need to make a little effort, because these plants are exotic, not accustomed to the conditions of our latitudes.

Caring for orchids is not so difficult, but the result of your care will result in abundant and unique flowering.

What types of orchids are grown in our conditions video

Types of orchids photo gallery

In this material you can find out the names of orchids, which are most often used in home floriculture.

The presented photos and names of orchids are located in alphabetical order, so they are easy to sort and search. After the name of the variety of orchids, a brief botanical description with agrotechnical characteristics follows. You can find almost all varieties of orchids with photos and names, descriptions of their appearance and recommendations for caring for them at home.

Indoor species and varieties of orchids with names and photos

Orchids were once only found in greenhouses and conservatories, but now they are one of the best. indoor plants. There is now a wide variety of varieties to choose from, and some of the new hybrids are much better adapted to normal room conditions than the traditional ones. The presented species and naming of orchids can be found in special markets or in stores. Orchids are now widely available - you will find them in garden centers, supermarkets, flower shops, construction hypermarkets and market stalls around the world. Orchids bloom for several months, and even a small number of varieties can provide you with flowers. all year round. You can grow cymbidium for flowering from autumn to spring, paphiopedilum for flowering from spring to autumn, and phalaenopsis for flowering at various times throughout the year. Species of orchids in the photo with names, which are presented in a wide variety on this page, will help to determine the variety:

The presented indoor orchids, their photos and names, are accompanied by brief tips on organizing growing conditions. Always ask for the needs of a genus that you have not grown before. Light-loving orchids usually need a window sill, and they all require the extra moisture that a pebble tray can provide. There are other places for orchids besides the windowsill, such as a serving table on wheels with a pebble tray. Some varieties of orchids, whose names can be found below, on the contrary, prefer partial shade for active growth and development.

There are two approaches to growing orchids. You can treat them like long-lived potted plants that will be thrown away after flowering, and this greatly simplifies care. You can also aim to keep them as permanent houseplants that will bloom year after year - this requires a lot of attention to humidity, fertilizing, repotting, etc. You have to work, but the result is worth it. As individual plants or as part of an indoor garden, orchids always attract attention.

Brassia (BRASSIA)

Brassia warty (B. verrucosa) is called the Spider Orchid. Its thread-like petals and sepals give it the most unusual appearance among orchids. The flowers are pale green, 10 cm in diameter, in elegant inflorescences; the aroma appears to be either sweet or unpleasant, depending on personal taste. There are a number of Brassia hybrids. Brassia blooms in late spring. When flowering ends, she will need a dormant period; for this, watering is reduced until new growth begins. This is one of the easiest orchids to grow. She fits normal room temperature, and it can be stored in winter in a cool room at a temperature of at least 10 ° C. Place the pot in a bright spot away from direct sunlight.

Cumbria (CAMBRIA)

This plant is not found in nature. Cambria is an intergeneric hybrid of orchids from three genera, more properly called Vuylstekeara. Its long-lasting flowers are various forms and size, and long flower stalks need support. The most suitable place for this plant is the windowsill. In summer it is necessary to provide shading from direct sunlight. Cumbria should be kept in a room that is lit after dark in the winter. The minimum temperature in winter should be 13 °C. The substrate in the pot should never dry out - in winter, watering is reduced, but not completely stopped.

Cattleya (CATTLEYA)

Cattleya has a showy wax flower with a ruffled colorful lip. These are the largest of all cultivated orchids, but not all cattleyas are giants. There are miniature varieties, and there is a wide range of colors. Always choose hybrids for room keeping as they are much easier to grow than species. Flowering time ranges from spring to autumn depending on the variety; flowers live for about 3 weeks. After flowering is complete, let the Cattleya rest for 6 weeks by reducing watering. The minimum temperature in winter should be 13°C. Place the pot in a bright place illuminated by the morning or evening sun. Occasionally rub the leaves with a sponge dampened with warm water.

Cymbidium (CYMBIDIUM)

Cymbidiums - Pretty large orchids, but by now they have been replaced by miniature varieties in a wide range of colors grown as houseplants. Miniature cymbidiums are recommended for beginners as they are more stable than other types. On each vertical peduncle there are 20 or more flowers that live for 8-12 weeks. Cymbidiums bloom in autumn and winter. At the end of flowering, they are left alone, reducing watering. Take the plant outdoors in summer to a semi-shady place, and keep it in a cool room at a temperature of at least 10 ° C in winter. Cymbidiums need a bright spot with some morning or evening sun.

Dendrobium (DENDROBIUM)

There are many species of the genus Dendrobium of various sizes, shapes and colors of flowers. They bloom in different dates during a year. Some of them can grow well in winter temperatures down to 10°C, while others need 16°C or more. Dendrobiums are usually evergreen, but they may lose their leaves after flowering. As a rule, you should keep the plant in a bright place, away from direct sunlight and leave it alone after flowering. Content requirements may vary depending on the species and variety. The most popular varieties of D. noble (D. nobile), blooming in spring with white or pink flowers. Store them in a cool and dry place in winter.

Lycaste (LYCASTE)

In fragrant lycasta (L. aromatica) yellow flowers, arranged singly on peduncles 20 cm high, and they are known for their strong aroma. The plant grows actively in summer and needs both warmth and sufficient watering. It should be stored in a cool place in winter with very little watering, when flower stalks appear and leaves fall. When the plant is vegetating, mist the leaves regularly and keep it in a spot with light shade. The largest flowers (15 cm in diameter) are carried by L. virginalis, which is the easiest species to grow. This plant should be completely dry in winter. There are many large-flowered hybrids of various colors.

Miltonia (MILTONIA)

Miltonia species are difficult to care for and are best left to specialists or orchid lovers with a greenhouse. They do not like fluctuations in temperature and require constantly moist air. Fortunately, miltonia hybrids are now available and are much less demanding. The pot with them is placed in a bright place without direct sunlight and provide a minimum temperature of 13 ° C in winter period. Fragrant flowers reach 5-8 cm in diameter and resemble pansies. The usual colors are white, pink and red, and the flowering time is May-July. The arched miltonia stems may need some support.

Odontoglossum (ODONTOGLOSSUM)

Many of the species of odontoglossum, such as O. curly (O. crispum) and O. Cervantes (O. cervantesii), have beautiful flowers but they are not easy to grow. The problem is that their homeland is in the mountains, not in the jungle, and therefore they require cool conditions for normal development - they suffer when the temperature exceeds 18 -21 ° C. Hybrids are less demanding and can be grown in the living room. Place the pot in a bright place without direct sunlight. When odontoglossums are not blooming, increase the interval between waterings. Aim for winter temperatures of at least 13°C. Odontoglossum varieties are not as popular as many of the plants described here. Some varieties have striped petals.

Oncidium (ONCIDIUM)

Some types of oncidiums are rather impressive plants with flowers similar to butterflies, for example, O. papilio (O. papilio) and O. tiger (O. tigrinum). The problem is that they are difficult to grow at home. Hybrids, however, can be kept in a bright but out of direct sunlight location provided they are well ventilated and some means of increasing the humidity around the plants during the growing season is used. After flowering, the plant should be allowed to rest by reducing watering and keeping the pot in a cool room. Aim for a minimum winter temperature of 10°C. Tall inflorescences hybrid varieties bear numerous flowers, usually quite small.

Paphiopedilum (PAPHIOOPEDILUM)

These shoe orchids with marsupial flowers are different from other popular types of indoor orchids. They do not have a pseudobulb, so they need sufficient moisture throughout the year. They are also the only orchids that grow in the ground and are not attached to trees. Each peduncle bears one flower 5-10 cm wide, which lives for 8-12 weeks. There are many hybrids to choose from. If you have a warm, centrally heated room, then choose a variety with variegated leaves; fully green varieties are best suited for cooler areas. They need a brightly lit place away from direct sunlight and a winter temperature of 13°C.

Phalaenopsis (PHALAENOPSIS)

You will find phalaenopsis wherever orchids are sold. It has flat flowers on arched peduncles; each flower lives for about a month. Commercially available hybrids are easy to grow and, with proper care, will bloom intermittently throughout the year. They need a bright, but without direct sunlight place with a minimum winter temperature of 18 ° C. Phalaenopsis does not like cool nights, which some other species prefer. It will grow quite successfully in daytime temperatures up to 28°C. In autumn, you should give him a rest period by leaving him in a room with a lower temperature than his usual temperature for several weeks. Do not trim roots growing outside the pot.

Zygopetalum (ZYGOPETALUM)

Zygopetalum is not one of the group of popular orchids, so it is not easy to find it commercially. Still, it's worth looking for if you're building a diverse collection. Zygopetalum flowers have a strong fragrance, and the lip of the flower with unusual stripes purple. Petals and sepals green with large brown spots. These are usually large plants with inflorescences reaching a height of 45-60 cm. Flowers usually appear in winter and live for about a month. Don't mist the leaves - use another method to create high humidity around the plant. Recommendations for temperature, watering and lighting requirements are the same as for cymbidium.

Perhaps there are no people who would not be conquered by the beauty of an orchid. This flower has long supplanted roses and other luxurious flowers. Graceful silhouette, original form of leaves and, of course, bright fragrant flowers - this is the secret of the success of different varieties of home orchids. Using the descriptions below, you can easily find the types of orchids from the photo, as well as their names by the leaves.


Popular types of orchids with photos and names

Easy care and unpretentious phalaenopsis orchid

Phalaenopsis (or, as it is popularly called “butterfly”) is the easiest variety of home orchids to care for. In any flower shop, you are likely to stumble upon this particular variety. Other advantages include frequent flowering, which can occur at any time of the year (most often in autumn and winter).

The difference between night and day temperatures provokes the flowering of a butterfly. A difference of only 5-7 degrees is enough for flower stalks to arise. Within a few months after that, your window sill will be decorated with luxurious flowers that may not fade for up to six months! In order not to interfere with flowering, try not to disturb the plants and do not change their care.

Phalaenopsis is easy to recognize. It is distinguished by rather large and flat flowers, which are located on graceful peduncles in the form of arcs. It is enough to water the plant only once a week. Special temperature regime it is not needed for it, because phalaenopsis feels calm in the temperature range of +15 - +30 degrees.

Wanda - queen of orchids

However, Wanda will surely attract your attention, as she looks like a real queen. This variety is found in various color variations. Most often it is blue and blue, but there are also red, purple and orange shades. Another important feature that will not let you confuse the vanda with any other flower is the sweet caramel smell.

To keep the plant at home, there is no need for either supports or special soil, but the care rules still remain quite harsh. If you want this miracle to decorate your interior, you will have to aerate the root air and provide it with bright light. In addition, Wanda is very fond of frequent watering V summer period(almost daily). In winter, you can water the soil 1-2 times a week.

If you follow all the content rules, you will eventually receive rewards in the form of luxurious flowers. So you can admire Wanda not only from photographs, but also at home.

Luxurious beauty cattleya

Among all varieties of indoor orchids, both large and small sizes can be found, but Cattleya is a real giant among its relatives. Its large and fragrant flowers seem to be covered with wax, and besides, they are decorated with a spectacular corrugated lip.

If you are new to houseplant care, don't risk getting a Cattleya as it really isn't easy to care for.

Its main point is the creation proper lighting. In the summer, it is very important to put a tub with a plant on the south or southeast side. Otherwise, you should consider artificial lighting. IN winter time year, it is necessary that the Cattleya arrive in relative coolness. The temperature in the room should not exceed 15-20 degrees.

exotic dendrobium


Among the variety of orchids, the dendrobium stands out especially, as it is a real exotic. The height of this plant is 30 cm, and its color range is within white and purple shades. However, sometimes there are specimens in bright orange and yellow colors.

Despite its exoticism, . The main thing here is not to overdo it and not water the plant too often. It likes its soil to dry completely before watering. If you doubt that the soil is completely dry, it is better to postpone the watering procedure for one to two days. As with most indoor plants, the standard temperature regime is suitable for dendrobium - 18-25 degrees. However, if the room temperature drops down to 10 degrees for a while, the plant will not be harmed, and it will continue to grow.

unpretentious zygopetalum

If you are interested in the types of home beautiful orchids, then the zygopetalum is a great option. With simple but regular care, it will delight you with its flowering very often. Only once looking at the zygopetalum, you will understand that it is difficult to confuse it with other varieties. Feature - bright, almost eccentric coloring. Petals can be of different shades, but they are always covered with interesting spots.

Under room conditions, zygopetalums are not whimsical either to temperature, or to lighting, or to humidity. The only thing you should do is mist the leaves lightly in extreme heat and do not leave the pot in direct sunlight.

Paphiopedilium - a rare and unusual flower

Paphiopedilium is popularly called simply "The Slipper", thanks to its unusual shape. It is quite difficult to find this plant in ordinary flower shops, but if you are lucky and get this homemade beauty, do your best to let it bloom.

These types of orchids do not tolerate bright light, so in the summer stick a darkening film on the window near which there is a pot. Also, make sure that the Slipper is not too hot in summer or winter. If you notice that it starts to grow new socket, increase the abundance of watering and provide the plant with rest.

Lesser Known Species

It is not difficult to determine the type and name of an orchid from a photo, since each of the representatives of this family has its own characteristics. Below are varieties that are not so popular in our country, but no less attractive and luxurious.

  • The brassia variety is distinguished by long, thread-like petals, which are so reminiscent of spider legs in their appearance. The color of the petals is pale green. Brassia has a slightly sweet smell, but for many people it seems very unpleasant, it all depends on personal preferences. Flowering period - April, May. The rules of care are simple and do not have special requirements.
  • Cumbria is a human-bred hybrid that you will not find in nature. By crossing three varieties, biologists have achieved an excellent appearance and positive characteristics. Characteristic- long, elongated peduncles, which necessarily need supporting supports. But the flowers themselves can have both different shades and shapes. The main nuance of the content is the creation of artificial lighting in the evenings in the autumn-winter period.
  • exist in two versions - small and large, respectively, the larger the cymbidium, the more difficult it is to maintain, so beginners are advised to choose the smallest representatives. On a very long peduncle there are up to twenty flowers that delight the eye for two to four months. The flowering period is autumn and winter. To improve the qualities of Cymbidium, in the summer it can be taken out into the fresh open air.


  • Lycasta is a very fragrant member of the family with bright yellow single flowers. In summer, lycaste should be provided with warmth and abundant watering, and in winter, on the contrary, a minimum amount of moisture and coolness. If you want to get the largest flowers, choose Lycasta virgin. By the way, it is this subspecies that is the easiest to maintain.
  • Oncidium is a rapidly growing variety. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, Oncidium has excellent external characteristics and extremely easy to care for. The flowers are very bright, they can be either plain (orange, pink, etc.) or covered with real patterns of dots.


  • Odontoglossum translated from Latin means tooth and tongue. This description very accurately characterizes the shape of the flowers. Domestic Odontoglossums are easy to distinguish not only by their appearance, but also by their bright colors - purple, yellow, brown, red. Do not forget that Odontoglossum is very fond of Fresh air and chill. Until the first frost, keep the pot on the balcony.
  • Miltonia is a Brazilian beauty. Its leaves are painted in a gray-yellow hue, and the flowers themselves can be of various colors. The key difference is the unique butterfly-like pattern on the petals. it is advisable to plant in a transparent pot so that its roots receive enough light.


  • Ludisia is the most atypical type of orchid. It resembles a small bush with leaves and small pale yellow flowers. The main rule of the content is very high humidity within 70-75%.

Hello dear flower growers. Anyone who has ever seen a live blooming orchid will remain forever captivated by its beauty. Our selection contains popular and rare species indoor orchids with names and photos. This will help you choose a flower that you will definitely want to grow at home.

Dazzling living beauty

Orchids conquer with their grace, extraordinary tenderness. They are gradually replacing luxurious roses and other flowering plants. What conquer home orchids? Aristocracy, graceful silhouette, bright fragrant bouquets.

There are approximately 750 varieties of this flower. Their names are hard to remember, but it is easy to pick out the most extraordinary and the best of the best.

The Phalaenopsis orchid was studied by the botanist Blumen back in the 19th century. Their distinctive feature is a long stem with 4 fleshy leaves, and the inflorescences look like butterflies with velvety wings. In good conditions, it can bloom 3 times a year.

This species has many varieties.

  • Schiller's Phalaenopsis has multicolor top coated leaves. It can be distinguished by a large number colors that are collected on one branch. There used to be 174 colors. Blooms 2-3 times a year.
  • Amabilis is distinguished by large inflorescences that "sit" on winding branches. It grows up to 20 flowers on them, the diameter of which can reach 11 cm. Snow-white, with a yellow or pink-purple color, the petals smell wonderfully, which attract flower growers.

  • Phalaenopsis Stuart has snow-white buds with reddish spots. This plant blooms in spring and autumn.

  • Phalaenopsis Luddemana blooms at any time of the year, but most magnificently from December to March, and spreads an indescribable magical aroma around itself. Snow-white flowers with pink or yellow color cannot be confused.
  • Pink, has a small peduncle with 15-20 snow-white pink flowers. But the elongated iridescent sepals, endowed with three lobes, have a rolling range from red to purple.
  • The Sander variety is the rarest and most expensive of the Phalaenopsis. The name is given by the name of the gardener - Sander. The plant stands out with large peduncles looking down. They have up to 50 flowers in diameter reaching from 5 to 7 cm. Look at the photo.
  • Horse Phalaenopsis will suit admirers of dark lilac and pink-purple color.
  • The giant is distinguished by massive leaves reaching a length of up to 90 cm. The tone of the flowers is milky cream, yellow and greenish yellow, with prominent dark brown strokes. Due to the large size of the peduncle at home, it is difficult to keep it, but just right for the greenhouse.

Other varieties of orchids

Cattleya surprises with beautiful transparent wax bouquets. There are many varieties, as well as a diverse palette of colors. Blooms for three months.

Cymbidium - perfectly takes root at home.

Dendrobium can bloom at any time of the year. He is not afraid of even a not very warm environment, he is able to please with flowering even at a temperature of 10 ° C.

No florist will refuse to have this magnificent tree-shaped seedling with unusual flowers covering the entire stem of the plant. Wild orchids grow on trees or rocks, which is why its name means "living on a tree".

A popular view among flower growers is Dendrobium noble due to lack of maintenance. This is a rather large plant with fleshy stems, on which dense oblong leaves are arranged in two rows.

On short peduncles, three flowers are formed, whitish-cream at the base and pinkish or lilac at the edges.

Among florists, the view is very popular - Dendrobium phalaenopsis. It attracts with large flowers, with a diameter of 3 to 8 cm. Each peduncle can fit from 5 to 40 white or crimson flowers.

Cambria has strong flowers of different sizes and configurations. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, put it on the windowsill.

Mysterious orchids

Collectors try to get hold of rare specimens for their collection, among which one can single out a green space called "Rothschild's Slipper". This is one of the most expensive plants of this species. Its price soars to $5,000.

The rarest specimen is difficult to grow, and it blooms only after 15 years. "Rothschild's slipper" is a flower of incredible beauty, which is why it has such a high cost.

A rarity can be called "Dragon's Mouth". It grows in swamps and swampy areas in the US, North America and Canada.

solar orchid- the rarest specimen in the world of flowers and pleases with its buds only in warm weather. It grows only on the island of Tasmania.

Hawaiian swamp the orchid is endowed with beautiful velvety petals and pale green leaves.

The bull orchid got its name because of the swirling petals, reminiscent of the horns of a bull. Its flowers can be white, green and purple.

The Three Birds Orchid is critically endangered. These rare flowers bloom in the forests, clinging to the trunks deciduous trees.

Precious orchids are mainly grown by collectors around the world. Appearance their leaves attract more than flowers.

The incredible resemblance to birds makes you simply freeze in front of the beauty of these plants.

habenaria radiata in the form of a bird striking resemblance to the elegant "white heron".

And these graceful snow-white flower petals are so reminiscent of the spread wings of a truly magical bird!

The high peristeria seemed to “shelter” a tiny dove in its bud, thanks to which silence and peace emanates from it.

Due to its ethereal beauty, this flower almost became an endangered species.

Guests from Vietnam

Orchids from Vietnam have become very popular with flower growers, thanks to the beauty of the buds and easy care. But Special attention landing should be given. If you do everything right when planting bulbs, then this exotic plant for a long time will delight you with its beauty.

In Vietnam, there are 2 types of seedlings: air and ground. Air ones grow into tree trunks, and terrestrial ones grow on garbage ground.

When choosing Vietnamese plants, choose medium-sized bulbs. Under good conditions, the buds will appear only after 4-6 years.

Do you love white flowers? This bouquet will delight you for many years.

Surprise from Vietnam yellow beauties.

A black flower of rare beauty strikes with originality and magical appearance.

Miracle flower care

Indoor orchids love a lot of light and wet air. The best place for them - the western and eastern window sills. During the period of active growth, seedlings need abundant watering twice a week. Before watering, the soil should dry well.

Water from the pan is poured 15 minutes after watering. During the dormant period, water a little, just to prevent the roots from drying out. Spraying should be carried out daily, but without falling into the axils of the leaves.

From April to September, seedlings are fed 2 times a month with special fertilizers strictly according to the instructions, and preferably reducing the concentration by 2 times. Transplantation is carried out 1 time in two to three years during the beginning of active growth in a special soil.

Dear flower growers, you have already seen that the orchid is an incomparable flower. Above all, he is the personification peace of mind, beauty and home comfort. Let it appear on your windowsill!