Batteries for the cottage. Batteries for heating a private house, which is better

One of the main components of a home heating system is a radiator - a battery for heating, as we used to call it. Consider radiators for heating - which ones are better for a private house, what are they made of?

Living in a private house has many advantages, along with this a lot of worries and efforts fall on our shoulders, we strive to ensure that everything is equipped competently and of high quality. An autonomous heating system in a private house is one of the main aspects responsible for comfortable living. You will not be dependent on a centralized system, you can always heat your home, regardless of the heating turn-on schedule (as is the case in urban residential buildings). Your own heating system can be calculated and assembled at will and, of course, each of us strives for everything to be done reliably in this matter, for many years.

Choosing the right equipment is important for both budget and follow-up. comfortable operation... Today construction market offers a wide range of modern heating equipment. When choosing radiators, you should consider options with an advantageous price ratio and a maximum heat transfer rate. Judging objectively, any batteries can be suitable for a home heating system, but there are still certain nuances.

Heating radiators - which is better

What are modern batteries like? If we consider the so-called steel options, then there are panel or tubular models. Despite the fact that they are considered the most budgetary, they are characterized by good heat dissipation and relative compactness. Panel models consist of two metal plates welded together. Due to their area, such radiators are capable of producing a lot of heat.

Panel version, photo:

Tubular options will come out to you a little more expensive than panel counterparts, they have a completely laconic appearance, somewhat reminiscent of old cast-iron batteries. They may have varied design, shape and size.

Tubular batteries, photo:

Some models of steel radiators have an internal polymer coating which prevents corrosive processes.

Pluses of steel structures:

  • reasonable price along with high efficiency;
  • do not oxidize from poor quality water;
  • long service life
  • light weight
  • convenient sizes.

The disadvantages include:

  • rough appearance (panel version);
  • require flushing every 3-4 years (to avoid slagging of the system);
  • need constant filling with water (in order to avoid activation of corrosion processes).

Aluminum radiators

Due to their low weight, they can be attached even to thin walls and partitions. They have an aesthetic modern design and high heat dissipation. Cons - short operational life (15-17 years), susceptibility to corrosion, leaks may form at the joints of the sections. According to the specifics of joining sections, aluminum batteries can be assembled, solid and combined. One-piece models are more reliable, they do not have connections through which water can seep over time. Arranged radiators allow replacing worn-out sections. The combined models have the qualities of the first two analogs.

Aluminum batteries, Photo:

Bimetallic heating radiators

They are considered the most "advanced" and improved. These batteries combine the qualities different types metal - heat dissipation of aluminum, resistance to rust (inside are made of copper or high quality steel). A bimetallic radiator has a layer of anti-corrosion coating both inside and outside (more expensive models). The declared service life of such batteries is 40 years. They have a higher price compared to all other types of radiators, however, the cost is offset by quality and high performance.

Bimetallic version, photo:

Cast iron radiators

The most durable, reliable and time-tested. The first cast iron batteries appeared over 100 years ago. Their appearance is known to everyone, despite the fact that the service life of this radiator is 50 years, they can be found in many houses even now. Such batteries cool slowly, retain heat longer (compared to, for example, an aluminum analogue) - this factor allows you to reduce gas costs.

Examples of modern cast iron batteries, photo:

The cast iron heating radiator is highly resistant to corrosion processes and has a large wall thickness. Despite the fact that the internal volume of the sections is quite large and requires a large amount of water for filling, this feature allows you to provide heat large area premises. These batteries are heavy and require appropriate heavy duty brackets for mounting. Over the years, their appearance has not changed much, but today on sale you can find refined versions of modern cast iron radiators... The outer surface of such structures has an improved design, which is suitable for a certain style in the interior (classic, retro).

For the price, these radiators are more expensive than aluminum models, but cheaper than bimetallic ones.

Which heating radiators are good

After spending a small comparative analysis the proposed models for a private house, we can draw conclusions:

  • If you want a reliable economy option then choose a high quality aluminum battery from a reputable manufacturer. They are aesthetic, lightweight, and will work perfectly in a home autonomous heating system.
  • If the question of price does not bother you, then choose sectional bimetallic radiators - they are good in all aspects.
  • Reliable, solid cast iron options will keep your home warm for a long time, and they are also very convenient for drying things in the cold season.

To the question - heating radiators, which are better for a private house, the answer will be this: in each individual case, you need to calculate your capabilities and take into account the requirements of your individual heating system. It is necessary not only to calculate the correct number of radiators, but also to produce high-quality thermal insulation for the whole house. If the home is poorly insulated, not a single radiator will help in the fight against the cold.

It is not possible to create a heating system in a private house without batteries. Equipment of this type provides warmth in the premises, which is very important for residents of Russia, since our climate does not allow you to feel comfortable all year round... This raises a reasonable question: what kind of heating radiators are suitable for creating autonomous systems in a private house? The answer can be given only after consideration appearance and technical characteristics of these products, which we will do in this article.

In country houses, heating systems are installed that are connected to the boiler. They have significant differences from central heating characteristic of multi-storey buildings... First, in autonomous structures, the pressure is within 3 atmospheres. Secondly, in heating a private house, a heat carrier of a different type and quality is used.

Low pressure of individual heating systems virtually eliminates the possibility of water hammer. For this, it is also necessary to carry out the operation of the equipment in accordance with certain rules, thereby preventing the occurrence of various types of leaks and any destruction.

In the case of using water as a heat carrier, you should pay attention to its quality. An excessively hard liquid is saturated with salts. This causes the appearance of precipitation on the surfaces inside the radiators, which reduces the heat transfer coefficient and leads to a narrowing of the gaps of the tubular elements of the batteries.

Circulation type

The choice of heating radiators for a private house depends on the type of circulation. If your system is equipped with a pump, this allows you to install Various types batteries. A prerequisite in this case is the volume of the system. The boiler must handle heating and the pump must handle the pumping.

In practice, the mentioned physical quantity is usually calculated when it is planned to install cast iron radiators, and the system has a certain scale, for example, it contains more than ten heating devices.

This kind of calculation turns out to be in demand in the presence of welded registers or tubular radiators heating made of steel. The aluminum battery, characterized as reinforced, contains about 0.4 liters of liquid in one section, and the cast iron MC-140 with a distance between the supply pipes of 500 mm - 1.45 liters.

It is quite difficult to choose batteries for installation in systems that are distinguished by the natural circulation of the coolant. Here it is necessary to select radiators with a minimum hydraulic resistance so that a slight pressure in the system ensures the movement of the coolant. You have to choose from four types of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum, characterized as cast and reinforced, which are equipped with a vertical collector (wide);
  • steel, consisting of large diameter pipes;
  • welded registers.

Cast iron products are highly efficient, since they have the largest cross-section of collectors in comparison with other radiators. If you plan to create a heating network with a significant length, you will have to make preliminary calculations regarding the required amount of water. But it is also necessary to make sure that the boiler can handle the expected loads.

If you are not interested in cast iron radiators, then you are most likely operating with old concepts, that is, you remember how such batteries looked before, which is quite wrong. Today on the market there are cast iron heating radiators for a private house of a wide range of designs, including different styles, among which there are such trends as retro and modern.

As for the choice in favor of aluminum batteries, it is recommended to purchase reinforced models of these products. This is due to the fact that such products are equipped with vertical collectors of large cross-section. For example, the standard version of a radiator made of aluminum contains 400 ml of heat transfer fluid, while the usual one - within 200 ml.

Welded registers are rarely found in current dwellings, but country houses they are installed quite often. This equipment has a low hydraulic resistance, therefore, it is also necessary to calculate the optimal volume of the coolant here.

System types

Heating systems are divided into open and closed... Moreover, the first type is used less and less, since it is recognized as extremely unreliable. Such designs require the installation of cast iron, copper or copper-aluminum alloy radiators that can resist corrosion.

In addition, the installation of registers is necessary, but they still find their application only due to the fact that they have thick walls. V closed systems it is possible to install any radiators, which shifts the priority of the selection of appropriate equipment towards boilers, heat exchangers and pipes.

Boiler types

As a source of heat, not only the usual devices for heating water can be used, but also alternative systems, for example, operating at the expense of solar panels... In any case, such designs differ in that they cannot heat the coolant to high temperatures, and this, in turn, leads to the need to install extremely low-inertia radiators in terms of heat transfer.

Typically, these devices include copper or aluminum batteries and copper-aluminum equipment. Aluminum radiators are the most affordable, while copper radiators are the most expensive. At the same time, devices made of red metal are distinguished by high heat transfer rates, which favorably distinguishes them against the background of other similar equipment.

At the same time, the radiators described above are suitable for heating systems equipped with condensing boilers.

Copper heat generators and copper-aluminum products are the best option for a private house in the case when the boiler is also made of copper. This condition ensures the long-term operation of the system as a whole, if additionally installation of fittings and pipes, neutral in composition, is made, and a normal heat carrier is used.

It should be noted that copper heat exchangers can function properly for a long time and in the presence of aluminum batteries. But systems based on them must be assembled taking into account the exclusion of direct contact between copper and aluminum parts by using neutral adapters.

Along with low-temperature heating systems, structures are used that can briefly heat the coolant to high temperatures. This usually manifests itself during the operation of solid fuel boilers.

For similar systems mainly cast iron batteries are used, since they are characterized by a large mass. This allows this equipment to easily withstand extreme temperature changes, which is a common situation when using fuels such as coal and wood. Temperature differences are able to withstand and having a tubular structure.


Copper is somewhat problematic due to its properties. As a result, it is necessary to install radiators made of copper and on a copper-aluminum base, if the pipes are also made of red metal.

Heating system country house will be as reliable as possible if the appropriate fittings and fittings are selected. This should be related to the availability of grounding and the use of a quality substance used to transfer thermal energy, which can be, for example, antifreeze that is compatible with copper.

If copper radiators for heating a private house for some reason do not suit you, you can purchase steel batteries or products made of bimetal. The installation of such radiators should be carried out in conjunction with the installation of filters and mud collectors capable of retaining rusted steel particles.

To eliminate the likelihood of the appearance of suspended matter in the coolant, you can resort to installing batteries with stainless steel collectors. However, this is not the best way affects the cost of such products. As a result, radiators of this type will differ minimally in price from copper devices with better heat dissipation.

The optimal choice of batteries for a private house

Today the market is saturated big amount models of radiators from different manufacturers. If any option is not suitable for technical specifications, there will always be a product that, in terms of its parameters, will meet the requirements as much as possible.

Basic tips when choosing batteries for a private house boil down to the following:

  • if the functioning of your system is carried out by natural circulation, opt for radiators made of cast iron, steel and aluminum in a reinforced version, as well as registers;
  • an open system makes its own requirements for radiators, which determines the relevance of using cast iron, copper or copper-aluminum batteries in this case;
  • if there are wood or coal-fired boilers in the system, it is advisable to install cast iron batteries, although steel products with a tubular design may also be suitable;
  • the cheapest devices are steel panel radiators;
  • for systems with copper cylindrical products, it is necessary to use batteries with red metal or copper-aluminum devices, but this does not exclude the possibility of installing panel and tubular devices made of steel.

Depending on the cost of certain radiators, you can create another list of tips necessary when choosing a specific product:

  1. Steel panel products are the most cheap option batteries for a private house. They differ in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they are installed in a niche under the window, where the devices take up a minimum of space. These products can be used with any coolant, including antifreeze.
  2. Batteries made of steel with a tubular structure, as well as cast iron products, are more expensive. Such equipment does not require painting and special care, differs in variety in terms of design, is resistant to rust and is interesting in that it not only heats the house, but also allows you to dry shoes and clothes.
  3. If you have sufficient funds, you can choose for your home expensive, corrosion-resistant, characterized by high heat transfer and long service life. Installation of equipment of this type allows you to get rid of the problem of organizing heating your home for many years.

If you want to create heating for your home by installing aluminum batteries, it must be borne in mind that this will require special preparation of the coolant, which can be antifreeze.

The opinions of summer residents

To the question of which heating radiators are better, the most reliable answers will be given by their owners, whose personal experience will help you decide and understand how to choose the best option for yourself.

Installed steel radiators, as I heard that they are ideal for a private house due to the low pressure in the system. He refused from cast iron, because they are mainly used in multi-storey buildings with a view to a centralized high pressure system.

Sergey, 45 years old, Kazan

On a summer cottage-type heating system or the like, where the pressure is within 1.5 atm., You can mount almost any radiators that will last a very long time, if you do not hammer on them with a hammer. It all depends on the price and taste of a particular person.

I also recommend thinking about controlling heating devices. Here it is better to choose those with low thermal inertia. Every good home radiator comes with a thermal head. These devices quickly heat up the room and just as instantly turn off if the temperature in the room rises due to the appearance of heat from other sources of energy.

Victor, 50, Novosibirsk

My house is 2 floors, 300 sq. m, where the second floor is a warmed attic. I thought for a long time which radiators are best for heating a house. I sat on forums and information sites. I purchased the Hermann Thesi 30SE boiler. The floor will be warm anyway. Where I bought this equipment, it is also advised to purchase Royal Thermo aluminum products.

Especially relevant in winter and autumn, as well as in early spring... And summer is not always happy with hot weather. Agree, it is much quieter and more pleasant to be in the country, knowing that at the slightest cold snap you can always turn on the heating system.

Room heating methods

Now there are many ways to provide your country house with heat. Someone heats, someone uses electric ones, or someone installs boilers:, or - there are a lot of varieties. But if you try to conditionally divide all this abundance of devices into groups, then there will be two of them:
  1. Devices air heating (electric heaters, ovens, convectors, heat guns and curtains, fan heaters - you can read more about them in the article) when the air is heated directly on contact with a heat source a;
  2. Devices water heating(radiators). In this case, water acts as intermediate heat carrier... Heated from, or another type, it circulates through pipes and radiators, which transfer heat to the room.
is in demand and loved by gardeners thanks to its reliability and efficiency... If you live outside the city long time, "Capturing" almost all seasons, the constant use of, for example, electric will result in a round sum in the first bill for light. Decide to heat the stove - you will have to stock up on a lot. This will entail their purchase or procurement, search, etc. Therefore, many of the "all-season" summer residents are inclined to equip their home with a water heating system, one of required elements which are.

What are the types of heating radiators

For the manufacture of radiators are used various metals... On this basis, stands out 4 types of radiators.

1. Cast iron radiators

Cast iron models are still found in urban high-rise buildings. If you wish, you can, of course, install them in country house, but this option is not very popular due to its heavy weight and bulkiness. Although the undoubted advantages of such batteries have not been canceled. These include:
  • long service life;
  • good heat dissipation;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • the ability to install in any heating system;
  • opportunity to pick up the right amount sections.
There are also negative points:
  • considerable weight;
  • long warm-up due to thick walls;
  • difficulties in transportation to the cottage and installation (due to the large weight);
  • a small number of models;
  • appearance.
Although I would leave the question of the appearance of cast iron radiators open. Many consider it unpresentable, call it a relic of the Soviet past, but interior designers think in a completely different way. They are happy to use in their projects both old samples of such radiators and new ones.

European and domestic manufacturers, Having "conjured" over the design, began to produce modern models: lightweight type, with front panel, with an enamelled surface. By the way, it can be easily repainted in a different color that suits your interior.

There are also retro models, stylized in antique style, with a characteristic pattern. Some are even equipped with elegant legs. So there is much to apply imagination and taste.

Such radiators, in turn, are panel and tubular.

  1. Tubular looks more like cast iron radiators. Their designs and shapes are more varied.
  2. Panel panels consist of plates with grooves, connected by spot welding.

If we highlight the pros and cons of steel radiators, then their advantages are as follows:

  • They are effectively used not only in the city, but also in summer cottages or in;
  • A large number of models (with side, bottom or universal connection, high or low, narrow or wide);
  • "Ribs" between the panels create an additional convection flow;
  • They give off a lot of heat;
  • Warm up quickly;
  • They are lightweight.
Now let's pay attention to the cons:
  • Risk of corrosion (if the radiator is not made of stainless steel or is not covered inside with a special polymer composition);
  • You cannot assemble a structure with different amounts sections, since the radiator is produced ready-made;
  • There is a possibility of leakage at the welding site;
  • Not resistant to alkaline additives in water.

3. Aluminum radiators

This type of radiator is very capricious, therefore less popular. However, they also have their own dignity:
  • good heat dissipation;
  • light weight;
  • ensuring rapid heating of the room;
  • attractive modern design;
  • the presence of built-in taps for temperature control.
But there are also significant disadvantages:
  • strict compliance with the requirements for the coolant: it should not contain solid microparticles and additives affecting acidity.
  • unreliable connections of elements do not exclude the possibility of leakage;
  • compliance with the requirements for other parts of the heating system.

Important: If you decide to install exactly aluminum radiators at your dacha, then in the heating system there must be low pressure, and the coolant should be slightly alkaline solution.

Made of steel and aluminum. The structure is a steel "filling", which is covered with aluminum on top. It turns out that the coolant, moving along the steel pipes, does not harm sensitive aluminum.

Bimetal radiator

Pros of bimetallic radiators:

  • light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • reliability and durability;
  • an abundance of models;
  • well withstand high pressure and water hammer;
  • resistant to alkali in the coolant;
  • maximum heat transfer.
  • high price;
  • corrosion may occur upon prolonged contact with water, which contains a lot of oxygen.
Important: When the heating system remains idle for a long period of time low temperatures, then you should take care of the safety of the radiator in advance - pour antifreeze. Instead of water, the radiator is filled with an ethylene glycol or propylene glycol solution. If you want to use antifreeze, carefully study the properties of the main heating element -.

Of course, when choosing a radiator, you cannot focus only on the material from which it is made. There are a lot of criteria, everyone will "adjust" the power of the heat flow to their needs, operating pressure, dimensions, etc.

  1. Before buying, you need to calculate required power of the device... For heating 1 sq. m of a room with a ceiling height of 3 m and one window, you will need about 100 watts. Multiply the area of ​​the room by 100 watts. Add 20% if it has one window and two external walls... Two windows and two external walls - 30%. If the window is north, then add another 10%.
  2. You need to install radiators in places of greatest heat loss- under .
  3. The length of the device should fit window width.
  4. Do not cover radiators with sheets or other "decorations". Access to them must be open.

In the process of preparing for the arrangement of heating his own home, the owner is inevitably faced with the need to choose suitable radiators - one of the most important elements of the system in question.

After reviewing the information below, you will find out which batteries are presented in the modern specialized market, what are the features, advantages and disadvantages of each option, as well as which radiators are better to put in private house taking into account individual characteristics specific situation.

If 15-20 years ago the issue in question was not raised in principle - the range was limited to only cast-iron models (low-quality steel radiators that occasionally appear on sale do not count) - today the situation has changed dramatically: batteries differ in characteristics, design and material of manufacture.

Of course, every owner wants the highest quality, durable, efficient, economical and beautiful radiators installed in his home.

It is important to understand that the devices in question are not universal: the load on the coolant, the operating pressure and other characteristics of the heating system of your home may differ from those of a neighbor, and these points must be taken into account when choosing batteries.

Among the most popular types of heating radiators the following units can be noted:

  • ... Can be of tubular and panel construction;
  • ... Available on sale as modern varieties as well as retro-styled units;
  • Copper.

Overview of different views

Before you purchase equipment so valuable for a comfortable life, you should disassemble all the properties of radiators from different materials and understand which one is better to choose for heating your private house.

Cast iron

Real "veterans" of the market. They are characterized by high performance indicators, impressive durability and resistance to all kinds of loads. Well proven in systems with high operating pressures - on average up to 10 bar.

The sections of such batteries have a rather large volume and thick walls, which guarantees a fairly highly efficient heating. The service life of cast iron appliances in most cases is noticeable exceeds the 50-year figure.

Heat transfer indicators of 1 section of the device may fluctuate on average from 100 to 200 W... The specific value is determined by the standard size of the department. Comparative characteristics cast iron and bimetallic radiators you can see in this.

In general, cast-iron batteries, known for their almost absolute resistance to contacts with low-quality coolants, are very popular among domestic consumers - the peculiarities of operation affect.


Radiators made of this material are excellent have established themselves in private housing construction... The design features and raw materials are such that the finished product weighs much less compared to the previously discussed cast-iron analogue and has less thick walls, which ensures faster heating of the unit.

Modern steel batteries can be used in systems with a working pressure of up to 10 atm and a temperature of no more than +150 degrees... Models with horizontal and vertical channels are available for sale.

Among additional benefits such devices include wide range of design solutions - batteries from the factory can have a variety of colors, which allows them to organically fit into any interior.


Aluminum products compare favorably with their "counterparts" in light weight, elegance and high heat transfer rates. Such products combine 2 mechanisms of heat transfer: by convection and radiation, which makes them the most effective devices for heating living quarters. At the same time, the permissible operating pressure in the system is also impressive - up to 18 atm.

Aluminum is characterized by high heat transfer, which allows for the most efficient heating. In general, when using aluminum batteries, approximately 20-30% savings in heat resource consumption compared to appliances made from other materials.


Products are manufactured with the simultaneous use of high-strength steel (inner manifold) and aluminum (outer part of the product). In terms of operating pressure indicators, bimetallic batteries are significantly surpass the previously considered options - up to 35 atm.

The combined use of aluminum and steel in the design of the devices made it possible to significantly increase their resistance to contact with the coolant, as well as strength, resistance to corrosion damage and heat transfer indicators. At the same time, the units have relatively compact dimensions and, on the whole, neat appearance.

Bimetallic heating radiators are characterized by relative ease of installation and are equally well combined with centralized and autonomous heating systems. See how to calculate how many radiator sections you need.


The design of the device is presented as a seamless copper pipe... Other metals are not used in the manufacture of such units. The pipe diameter is about 2.8 cm... Additionally, there are copper ribs and a decorative casing, usually made of solid wood.

In terms of thermal conductivity, copper surpasses aluminum by about 2 times, and cast iron and steel, on average, 5-6 times. In combination with low inertia, the radiator provides fast and efficient heating of the serviced room.

The battery capacity holds a little water, so that the unit warms up for 3-5 minutes. This property is especially relevant for autonomous heating systems - this eliminates the need for constant heating and "running" large volumes of coolant through the pipeline, as, for example, in the case of cast iron batteries.

Copper resistant to corrosion, shows itself well when working in combination with a coolant with a low temperature, is distinguished by high plasticity and resistance to aggressive media.

So what to get: summing up

Summarizing the above information and supplementing it with accompanying nuances, we can draw several conclusions regarding the advisability of using one or another heating radiator for heating a private house.

Cast iron radiators, judging objectively, are best used only in apartments multi-storey buildings with a centralized heating system. Such devices are resistant to contact with a low-quality coolant, they serve for a very long time and are inexpensive.

In private houses, as a rule, either heating system, or underfloor heating systems. Both options are controlled by special thermostats, the use of which in combination with cast iron batteries impossible... How to correctly install a radiator in country house look.

Bimetallic aggregates are great for use in private homes... The main disadvantage of such products is their relatively high cost. This moment deserves individual consideration and remains at the discretion of the owner.

In general, the choice of heating radiators for a private house or summer cottage is less complicated than in the case of apartment buildings - in heating system there is no separate house building too much high pressure, and the coolant (water) undergoes appropriate preparation before entering the pipeline.

As practice shows, the best option for use in own home is a radiator made of aluminum... It is sold at an affordable cost, has an aesthetic design, is characterized by high heat transfer and low inertness, which makes it possible to use it in combination with a thermoregulation system.

A good alternative to aluminum radiators, which perfectly demonstrates itself in an autonomous heating system, are steel batteries.

Distinguished by lower heat transfer rates in comparison with aluminum appliances, steel devices have their own advantages, including:

  • low indicators of inertia;
  • light weight;
  • attractive design;
  • relatively affordable cost.

At the same time, steel radiators are an excellent option for those who value the aesthetic component - such batteries are available in a wide colors and an abundance of design solutions.

TO copper batteries also no claims, except perhaps for their high cost.

In addition to the topic, we suggest you watch a video on how to choose best radiators heating for a private house:

Now you have all the information you need to self-choice radiators for heating a private house. Want to get quality products at a relatively affordable cost? Buy batteries made of steel or aluminum. Want even more high quality and do you have a sufficient budget? Your option is bimetallic or copper products.

Happy choice!

Nowadays, the market for heating appliances has a huge assortment. It is easy to get confused among such a large list of radiators. This article will help you figure out what advantages this or that type has, as well as where it is best to apply it.

There are the following types of radiators:

  • Cast iron;
  • Steel;
  • Bimetallic;
  • Aluminum;
  • Vacuum.

Let's talk about the most popular ones separately.

Cast iron radiators

This type of radiator was widely used during the Soviet era. Its most common brand is ms 140. It can be easily found on the Internet in photos and videos.

One hundred and forty is the power of one section in watts. This type heating appliances operates at pressures up to eight atmospheres. In general, this type of battery has good performance characteristics.

Advice! To improve the heat transfer of cast-iron radiators, it is necessary to flush them at least once every couple of years, since debris and rust tend to accumulate in them.


  • Cast iron radiators have proven their quality over time;
  • They have been in operation for more than forty years, as they have increased corrosion resistance;
  • Due to the large internal volume of the coolant, they can concentrate a lot of heat in themselves;
  • The price of cast iron batteries is small, but they are resistant to pollution and aggressive elements that are in the water;
  • Unlike steel, cast iron does not "flow";
  • They work normally with a bad coolant. Due to this, they received such wide distribution;
  • Do-it-yourself battery installation.


  • With a long period of operation, they accumulate rust and dirt;
  • This type of radiator has poor convection properties, heats the room due to radiation. Therefore, a large number of sections are required for heating;
  • V apartment buildings, systems using cast iron batteries require large diameter pipelines. This is due to the large volume of water. Such large pipelines are difficult to hide in walls, which impairs aesthetic appearance premises;

  • The high inertia of the batteries requires a lot of time to heat the room. That is why the mechanisms for implementing regulation become poorly implemented.

Bimetallic radiators

This type of heating device is made of two metals: steel and copper (aluminum). This symbiosis of metals gives radiators the advantages of each of the metals, and makes the heater one of the best on the market.

The instruction of such radiators says that they can withstand pressure up to 40 atmospheres. They have an aluminum body and a steel bar. The first produces rapid heat transfer from the coolant to the air, and the second is in direct contact with the coolant. The rod is not subject to oxidative processes and can be used for a long time.


Compared to cast iron batteries, bimetallic ones have many advantages.

Among the most tangible qualities are:

  • Ability to work with high blood pressure in the heating system. Bimetallic batteries will be able to work even at a pressure of thirty atmospheres, which is more than three times higher than that of cast iron;

  • They are not exposed to aggressive compounds due to the use of a special composition inside the batteries;
  • They have a long service life;
  • Beautiful design, as well as the ability to select a radiator for your interior.

Aluminum batteries

Aluminum radiators are available in various capacities and sizes. The most common batteries range in size from 35 to 50 cm in height. In length, such devices are recruited using sections, so the length can be varied.

In most cases, radiators are sold in their original packaging, but there are manufacturers who sell their radiators individually. Factory packs of batteries are assembled by robots and are highly reliable, since the twisting is stronger in this case.


  • Aluminum is light metal which lends itself well to melting and forming. In the countries of Eastern Europe, there are large reserves of it, therefore, the price of an aluminum battery will be low;
  • Simple installation. The design and weight of the heating devices allow you to do it yourself;
  • Modern and beautiful view allows installing batteries in a variety of rooms;
  • Ease of operation. Such batteries can be washed and cleaned well. Such batteries are colored powder paint which has heat-resistant characteristics. They do not peel off and do not require periodic painting;
  • High heating capacity. The batteries are designed to keep warm maximum amount air and quickly warm up the room;
  • Possibility of installing regulating elements. Aluminum batteries can be fitted with thermostatic heads to adjust the heat supply.

Vacuum heaters

This type of radiator in recent times is gaining great popularity. Compared to other species, they have many advantages, which we will consider below.

Vacuum batteries have a smaller internal volume of the coolant. The latter comes into contact through the wall with a special boron-lithium solution, which has a boiling point of thirty-five degrees. Such radiators have high safety properties.


By using such a battery, its owner receives the following advantages:

  • Reducing the amount of coolant for the system by at least 80%;
  • Reducing the use of heat by meters from district heating more than three times. When using induction boilers, the resulting energy savings are of the order of forty percent;
  • Ease of installation, you can do it yourself;
  • Lack of corrosion in radiators, as well as air locks;
  • Low local resistance does not require a powerful circulation pump for the coolant;
  • High heat dissipation.


All considered heating radiators have their own advantages and disadvantages. When buying, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. It will not be superfluous to consult with a specialist.

Stand out from general view vacuum radiators that will perfect choice for a private house, as they have high efficiency and safety. This will good buy that will serve you for a very long time.