What do you need to replace radiators. Installation of batteries, replacement of heating radiators

Everyone has to change heating batteries sooner or later. The reasons may be different: the appearance of a leak, deterioration of heat transfer, clogging, unpresentable appearance. In any case, there is only one way out - replacement.

In an apartment, replacement of heating batteries should only take place with the permission of the operating organization. The fact is that the heating system is communal property. And any changes to it - the replacement of pipes and radiators, the installation of control or shut-off valves - this is a change in its design. All these alterations change its hydraulic resistance. This can lead to the fact that no matter how the coolant is heated, the batteries will remain cold. Therefore, a permit is required for all types of work: an engineer or foreman will evaluate how the planned alteration will affect the state of the system and issue or not a permit. Before buying batteries, visit the ZhEK, DEU, DEP, etc. If this is not done, you will be subject to administrative fines. And the size of the sanctions is rather big.

It is difficult to replace radiators and pipes in an apartment without informing the management company: it is necessary to drain the system, and it is impossible to do this secretly. Your work will not go unnoticed. In general, to drain the water, you need to write an application (before the end of the heating season). In the summer, when the season ends, the team will do the work.

The choice of heating radiators for an apartment and a house

With the choice of radiators for the home, everything is simple: if the system will be with forced circulation (with a pump), install those that have a soul, or that are compatible with your pipes, boiler, etc. There are some restrictions for systems with natural circulation - heating devices with low hydraulic resistance are needed, and these are:

And it will also be necessary to take into account the type of coolant: not all radiators can work with antifreeze. With non-freezing liquids they are normal and. In all others, only some models that have undergone special processing can be used. In this case, they need to be purposefully searched for. And one more thing - you will need to choose the right size (more on that a little later).

When choosing batteries for an apartment, there will be more criteria: the conditions here are more complicated. You need to start, perhaps, with the size. You need to choose so that the following distances are observed:

  • from the floor - 8-12 cm;
  • from the windowsill - 10-12 cm;
  • from the wall - 3-5 cm.

Moreover, the heater must cover at least 70-75% of the width of the window opening. Violation of these recommendations leads to a decrease in heat transfer or to the fact that there will be obvious zones of heat and cold.

Then you need to take into account the technical parameters of your system: hydrogen activity Ph of the coolant, its degree of contamination, maximum temperature, operating and test pressure (at system start-up). All these parameters can be found in the DEZ, ZhEK, etc. According to all these criteria, choose the type of radiator. This question is described in detail in the article "". In short, we can say the following:

In other cases, you can install any radiators, but pay attention to the technical characteristics of each model. Even from the same manufacturer, they can vary significantly.

And one more thing when choosing the thermal power of one section: the maximum power is not always a justified approach. It is advisable to comply with the SNiP norm: the radiator must cover at least 70-75% of the window width. Only in this case, cold air from the glass will be effectively cut off and will not fall on the floor. Therefore, a powerful and short battery is far from the best solution.

After permits have been obtained (if necessary), radiators have been selected and purchased, you can proceed to the very replacement of heating batteries.

How to change batteries yourself

Briefly, the procedure for replacing radiators is as follows:

  • System drain.
  • Dismantling of old radiators and removal of old holders, sealing traces from them.
  • Marking for new fasteners.
  • Installation of brackets.
  • Installation of fittings on the radiator.
  • Hanging a radiator.
  • Connection of pipelines.
  • Test (pressure testing).

Draining the system

In multi-storey buildings, this is done by employees of the operating organization at your written request. In a private house, you will need to open the drain tap, substitute a container or run a hose down the drain and pour out the water.

In some cases, it is possible to work on a filled system: if there are shut-off valves at the radiator inlet, the connection of new ones coincides, pipe replacement is not planned. Moreover, the connection should not be welded, but on threaded connections. Then just close the ball valves and start replacing. With such an organization, you can change or repair heating devices at any time, even during the season.

The first step in replacing radiators is draining the system

But for vertical single-pipe wiring, it is also necessary to install a bypass in front of the taps. A coolant will pass through it if you turn off or remove the radiator. Without this piece of pipe, heating throughout the riser will become: there will be no movement of the coolant. Therefore, with a single pipe system, the best connection is with a bypass and stopcocks. If this is not the case, you can change the radiators in the apartment only after the end of the heating season.

Dismantling of radiators

The method of work depends on the type of connection. If the connections are threaded, the nuts are simply unscrewed; if the radiators are welded, they are cut off. At this stage, you will need more containers for the coolant - some of it still remains in the pipes and in the radiators. The most comfortable are basins, ideally if they are rectangular.

You can unscrew the nuts using adjustable wrenches or open-end wrenches. There can be problems if these are old cast-iron radiators that have stood for more than a dozen years. Then it happens that the thread boils so much that it is difficult to move it from its place. In this case, try to heat the connection with a blowtorch.

With old fasteners, the situation is similar: where possible, the holders are unscrewed, where it is impossible, they are cut off. Hooks immured in the walls, on which old cast iron was hung, can only be cut off. Only before that it is necessary to remove a certain layer of plaster around - so it will be possible to cut them off so that they do not stick out of the wall.

Then the traces of the fasteners close up, the wall is leveled. Many manufacturers have a prerequisite for providing guarantees: install on even walls. And it's not about aesthetics, but about heat transfer - heat rays are better reflected from a smooth wall.

Marking and installation of new fasteners

How to install a heating battery correctly? Strictly in the middle of the window opening. Therefore, you need to find the middle on the wall, mark it. Then determine where the fasteners will be located on the radiator. Sectional type heaters are hung on at least three brackets: two on top - on the right and left, one on the bottom in the middle. If there are many sections (more than 10-12), three hooks from above and two from below may be required. Having decided on how many holders you need, measure the distances on the assembled battery, mark it on the wall.

Now hang the radiator on the mounts. Be sure to check its verticality and horizontality, if necessary, adjust the position of the holders. The heater must be hung exactly horizontally. A slight bias is allowed in the direction where the air vent is installed (upper manifold, opposite the supply connection). This side can be 1cm higher than the other. Reverse bias is not allowed.

Piping connection

The question often arises: how to properly install a heating battery. There are several side connection schemes, but only three are the most effective and common:

With insufficient heat transfer from radiators, the first idea that comes to mind is to increase the number of sections. But such a measure may not improve, but only worsen the situation. It will help either replacing the type of connection with a more efficient (diagonal) or (easier to implement) installation of a flow extension.

This is a long tube with a squeegee that is inserted into the supply manifold. It conducts the coolant further, as a result, it is distributed more evenly. The length of the tube is either up to ¾ of the width of the radiator or to the middle of the last section. Different options work better in different situations. First of all, set to the last section, if the result is “not very good”, cut off a piece of the tube. This is a very effective way to increase heat dissipation if the radiator does not heat well. Only changing the connection to a diagonal one may work better, but technically this is more difficult to implement - you need to work with pipes. And the flow extension is simply placed in the futorka (adapter).

Now you know how to change batteries in an apartment or house, and how to increase their heat transfer. It is not easy, but special education is not required.


Replacing heating batteries is not the easiest, but not the most difficult process. It is more difficult to do this in an apartment, firstly, because of legal subtleties, and secondly, because of more difficult operating conditions. Nevertheless, even a non-specialist can handle the replacement of heating radiators with their own hands.

When the heating system at home, after many years of work, ceases to give the expected result and heat the premises properly, it is time to think about carrying out unscheduled preventive maintenance. Of course, one should not rush to hasty conclusions. The equipment must be thoroughly inspected and cleaned if possible. But if nothing helps, or it is too old, then the batteries in the apartment need to be replaced with more modern and productive ones.

Video on how to replace the battery in the apartment

Getting ready for work

Any job, even the simplest at first glance, begins with good preparation. It is recommended to resort to replacing radiators and pipe lines during the off-season, when there is no need for heating. In an apartment building, do not forget about the people living in the neighborhood.

In a private house, each owner is for himself, so turning off the water will not be difficult. In an apartment building, doing this without the permission of the utilities is not recommended. If someone complains about what is happening, they have the right to issue a fine.

Necessary materials

The preparatory stage is not limited to the notification of public utilities and an agreement with neighbors. One of the issues addressed in the instructions on how to change the battery in an apartment is the preparation of everything you need. It will not be possible to do without a torque wrench - it will allow you to tighten the threaded connections as accurately as possible.

Having previously made measurements and calculations, it is necessary to purchase radiators and pipes, couplings, taps and other components of the system. Americans will not interfere at the entrances and exits, allowing you to quickly turn off the heating.

Consumables and torque wrenches are only part of what is needed. For work, you will definitely need:

  1. Electric tool (grinder, drill, puncher)
  2. Adjustable wrenches
  3. soldering device
  4. Drawing accessories
  5. Roulette and level

You can not do without building materials that will be needed for finishing the premises. It is hardly necessary to count on the laying of new pipes and the installation of radiators without, for example, touching the wallpaper.

Dismantling old batteries

In most cases, heating devices are connected to pipes with a squeegee. It is an elongated thread on which the coupling is screwed, and then fixed with a lock nut.

First you need to try to unscrew everything with your own efforts. If they do not lend themselves, you can use special anti-corrosion compounds, for example, WD-40. When working with very old batteries, you should be prepared for a worse option - the pipe connection will need to be cut with a grinder.

At this stage of replacing the batteries in the apartment, you should think about and answer the question of how the heating system will be dismantled:

  • Completely, together with pipe lines
  • Partially, exclusively heating radiators

In the first case, you don’t have to worry about how old batteries will be removed. In the second, you have to be much more careful:

  1. First, try to unscrew the locknuts on all wiring so as not to spend money on new ones.
  2. Next, marks are placed in the places of the cut. In order for the new radiator to lie flat and not have to build up pipes, you need to make sure that the latter are cut at the same level.
  3. At the same time, more than 1 cm of the threaded end must be left on each of the pipes
  4. Having disconnected, the old batteries are carefully dismantled and the brackets holding them are removed from the walls.
  5. The remaining section of the thread is put in order, burrs are eliminated

After walking around the house, you need to dismantle each of the ones that will be replaced. As a result, only pipes remain, which, in case of further replacement, are also carefully removed.

Heating pipe laying

When the old heating system is removed, it's time to think about a new one. One of the questions of the instruction on how to change the battery in an apartment is the method of laying new pipes. First of all, one of two options is selected:

  • Open
  • Hidden

From an aesthetic point of view, hidden gasket is much better. Communications will be hidden from the human eye. However, this method has a number of disadvantages:

  • Further maintenance of the system is difficult
  • The cost of the work being carried out increases, the estimate will include additional costs for building materials
  • A certain percentage of heat will be spent on heating the decorative structure

The advantages of open heating systems, due to which they are preferred, are obvious to everyone:

  • Lower installation costs, as materials are used in a minimum amount
  • Pipes are in direct contact with the environment, which eliminates heat loss
  • Easy further maintenance of communications
  • Small time spent on laying pipes

Concealed pipe laying

As noted, hidden pipe laying is laborious and lengthy work. First, prepare:

  • For natural circulation of the coolant, the pipe is placed directly in the suspended ceiling, and the outlet risers are launched along a protective decorative box
  • For forced circulation, a good solution would be to lay pipes in the walls or in the floor.
  • Markings are applied to the working surfaces and strobes are made with a puncher or grinder

Directly in the gates, the pipe is fixed with clips. At the same time, near future radiators, the line should end with removable threaded adapters.

It is necessary to start decorating surfaces only after all the batteries are in place and there will be.

Pipe laying by open method

Pipe laying by the open method is more popular. At the first stage, you need to install radiators, an expansion tank, a boiler and other heating equipment.

To make the pipes look aesthetically pleasing, their exact location should be calculated. Not superfluous will be diagrams sketched on paper, taking into account the location of the furniture.

Laying by the open method can be organized in one of the following ways:

  • An injection upper pipe of large internal cross section is laid between the radiator plugs under the window sill, while the pipe running along the bottom is led along the floor
  • Both pipes are led along the floor, but this method is only suitable for forced circulation
  • For natural circulation of the coolant, the lower pipe is let in directly at the floor, and the upper pipe is placed as high as possible

Having decided on the method of laying the pipe line, you need to mark the walls and install retaining clips. The frequency of their location is 1-2 m. It should be noted that the areas between the radiators are recommended to be made whole. On non-standard sections, two clips are placed at the junctions - on one side and on the other.

Particular attention is paid to branches and turns. Before trimming, you will have to make careful measurements, have a design and engineering vision.

Installing new batteries

Before installing radiators in an apartment, it is necessary to calculate everything again and accurately measure their location. In this case, one should not violate the rules prescribed in specialized documents. (SNiP):

  1. Approximate distance between the floor and the bottom edge - 15 cm
  2. Approximate distance between the window sill and the top edge - 15 cm
  3. The gap between the radiator and the wall is at least 2 cm

First you need to fix the brackets on which the new radiators will be hung. Then nuts are put on them. All connections must be well sealed to prevent water seepage. It is also recommended to apply tow. There will be taps at each entrance.

The final working stage will be to check the entire heating system for operability. To do this, one end of it should be plugged, and on the other side, create a pressure with a pump or compressor that exceeds the working pressure by 1-2 atmospheres. If after some time the readings of the measuring pressure gauge do not change, you can screw up all the connections and connect to the central system.

Additional video

Summing up

Something definitely difficult and impossible in how to change the battery in an apartment cannot be met. However, it is also not necessary to count on easy work. After completing the work, it is recommended to call the mater and let him make sure that the system is assembled correctly.

All work on the replacement of radiators must be carried out only by specialists

Replacement of heating batteries in an apartment in Moscow and Moscow Region

Replacing heating batteries is a very simple and common household task. However, it is simple only at first glance. Incorrectly performed replacement of radiators can lead to serious consequences and problems. Let's talk about what you should pay attention to when choosing a contractor for replacing radiators.

  1. When choosing a heating replacement company, don't go for the lowest prices. Often such "cheap" services are offered by contractors working without licenses and insurance contracts, using non-certified methods of work. In some cases, the damage from such "masters" will be much greater than the savings. Choose average or slightly above average prices for the market, this will immediately cut off a lot of "woe companies" and will allow you to change radiators without unnecessary difficulties.
  2. Before you opt for any one company, ask them to show their insurance, guarantee and other documents confirming that they are responsible for their actions. After all, it is thanks to these documents that in the event of an unforeseen force majeure, you will be able to cover all the costs and losses that the work of the “masters” of replacing convectors will entail.
  3. Call the measurer and find out all the details you are interested in in advance, before replacing the heating batteries. Also, after talking with the measurer, you will be able to independently assess the level of his competence and, as a result, the competence of the company from which he came.

Only after you are convinced that all 3 points above are met, accept the offer from the company! And the most correct option is to contact us and then the process of replacing heating batteries will pass for you quickly, easily and efficiently! In addition, you can find out how much it costs to replace radiators in an apartment from our operators, as well as listen to information about additional services!

Installation of heating batteries, how does it work?

Installation of heating in the apartment takes place in 9 stages. All stages require the experience and professionalism of their masters. The final result and the quality of heating installation as a whole depend on how correctly each stage of work is performed. In our company, the installation of radiators is carried out only by experienced specialists. Our masters carry out installation of heat radiators even in difficult and non-standard cases.

We only use bimetallic batteries, they have such advantages as a pleasant and stylish design, low weight, high heat transfer, adaptation to changing external conditions, and they can also withstand pressures of 40-60 atmospheres. The assortment of our company includes batteries from the world's leading manufacturers: Global (Italy), Rifar (Russia), Sira (Italy). You can find out the cost of installation and the convectors themselves from our operators. If necessary, you can clarify the cost of installing radiators directly from the master, taking into account the cost of additional work.

Check out the list of stages of work!

Stages of installation and dismantling of heating in the apartment:

  1. Installation and dismantling of devices.
  2. Mounting and dismantling of fasteners
  3. Correction of the distance between the axes of the riser tubes.
  4. Installation of pipes from the convector to the riser.
  5. Installation of the "American" design, consisting of two ball valves.
  6. Installation of thermostatic structures instead of stop valves.
  7. Installation of a special jumper - drive.
  8. Assembling the mounting kit.
  9. Checking the tightness of the structure.

How long does it take?

Summer is on the way! A great time for relaxation, sports, and also for ... replacing the central heating battery. Seriously! After all, if you have old batteries, then in winter you will again freeze and wrap yourself in blankets, instead of enjoying a comfortable temperature. To do this is not so difficult. Komsomolskaya Pravda understood the intricacies of the process.


Basically, you have three options. Adventurous - do it yourself. Practical - contact your housing service or another management company. Finally, the third - costly - call commercial plumbers. Each option is attractive in its own way.

Replacement through Zhilkomservis

Replacement of failed heating devices is carried out only after exceeding the period of their operation. And it usually makes 15-30 years. If you have an old house that hasn't been renovated in decades, you have a chance to get a free radiator replacement. In all other cases, the housing office makes only minor repairs.

Replacement of heating batteries in an apartment through the Housing Office begins with the submission of an application. Everyone knows that dealing with these organizations requires a certain amount of patience. Therefore, prepare such a statement in advance, preferably in two copies. On one of them, the responsible person of the housing office will have to put a mark of acceptance. Also make sure that there is a date, an incoming number and a legible signature of the person who received it. You will need this later on. For example, if the battery suddenly bursts, then compensation for material damage will be entrusted to the service organization.

Commercial battery replacement

In fact, it is possible to replace the heating battery through your HOA or housing service on a commercial basis. It's no problem, if there was money! In one of the associations of homeowners in the Nevsky district, this is taken up willingly. Turning off the riser costs 500 rubles. You need to agree on the time of work in advance and submit an application. Further, everything is in agreement with the plumber. You can hire a person who is a contract in the HOA to fulfill this responsible mission. You can also invite a third-party wrench worker. The first option is probably more economical. In commercial offices, they offer to do this for an amount of 6 to 11 thousand rubles. You need to understand that this does not include the cost of a new radiator.

DIY battery replacement

I hope you have already guessed that you will have to leave an application with the HOA anyway. After all, work on replacing the radiator is associated with turning off the water throughout the entrance. Therefore, for example, it is unlikely that risers will be blocked on weekends. If you decide to do it on weekdays, then you need to remember a few important tips.


Radiators are not just customary to install under the window. The fact is that warm air will rise up and prevent cold air from the street from entering the room. It is also very important to pay attention to the distance of the battery to the wall, ceiling and window sill. From the wall, the battery must be placed at a distance of 3 centimeters, and from the floor and window sill it is worth maintaining a distance of 10-15 centimeters.

Replacing heating appliances in an apartment is a process that should be approached as responsibly as raising children. The quality of heat transfer to the room directly depends on how well and competently all work is performed, starting from the choice of material for radiators and ending with the connection of heating devices.

Nowadays, even independently replacing heating radiators in an apartment is not so difficult. But you need to use only proven schemes and high-quality materials, comply with the requirements of technologies and standards.


1. Coordination. Go to the duty officer in the HOA and leave an application to block the heating riser. After they discuss the time with you, answering yes, you can proceed to the next step.

2. Dismantling the old battery. If the coolant in the riser is drained, then, perhaps, there is nothing difficult for an experienced person. It is enough to unscrew the threaded connection. But if the battery is very old, then you can't get off with a wrench. We'll have to cut the weld with a grinder. In this case, you must comply with all safety requirements and technology. However, if you have a grinder, then you probably understand the safety rules. Otherwise, why do you need such a tool?

3. Adjustment and canopy of a new radiator. A very important point, because you need to correctly align the horizontal and vertical, eliminate distortions and other defects. Replacement and installation of heating radiators should be carried out using a building level and other tools. Otherwise, the coolant will be distributed unevenly. And the apartment will still be cold.

4. Connecting the battery to the riser. Now you must either screw the battery into modern riser outlets or use welding.


Svetlana Morozova, member of the HOA association of the Central District of St. Petersburg:

If changing batteries does not imply an increase in power, then a person has the right to change the radiator himself, without agreement on the regional interdepartmental commission, simply by leaving an application in his HOA. But if you want to increase the number of sections, say, from four to six (thus increasing the amount of coolant), then you need to contact the district authorities. In practice, no one does this. Partly because the legislation does not provide for fines, and partly because of simple negligence. Now they don't pay attention to it. But when the situation reaches a certain critical point, it is possible that some kind of sanctions may follow. For example, commissions from representatives of the HOA and supply organizations will identify violations and send cases to court. But when this will happen and whether it will happen at all is difficult to say.

How to replace a heating radiator? - many men are interested. In fact, the process is complex and painstaking, so it is best to involve professionals for the work.

How to replace a heating radiator

If the home heating system ceases to provide heat to the room after decades, preventive unscheduled measures should be taken to replace it. Naturally, you should not rush. You can clean the battery and inspect it for damage. If these measures did not help, you need to know exactly how to carry out. Outdated heating elements require mandatory replacement with high-performance and modern ones.

How to replace the battery? Preparatory stage

If you are wondering how to change batteries during the heating season, then you should know that good preparation is needed. It is best to resort to this measure in the off-season, when the premises are not heated. If you live in a multi-story building, before installing a heating radiator, think about the neighbors living below.

In a private house, before changing the radiator, you can block the circulation of the liquid. In an apartment building without the permission of utility companies, this is unlikely to be possible. If the neighbors complain about what is happening to you, the public utilities can issue a fine, so it is important to know how to properly turn off the radiators, and only then get down to business.

How to install a radiator: materials

The preparatory stage is not only the notification of neighbors and public utilities about the upcoming event. An important issue under consideration in the instructions on how to install a heating battery is the preparation of the necessary tools. It is not realistic to do without a special torque wrench, which is designed to tighten threaded connections.

Before you replace the heating battery in the apartment, you should make accurate calculations and measurements, buy pipes, radiators, taps, couplings and other equally important components of the system. You will also need American women at the exits / entrances, which make it possible to quickly turn off the heating.

Are you asking how to install batteries in the house? It is necessary to stock up on torque wrenches, consumables. In addition, for work you will need:

  • power tool (drill, puncher, grinder);
  • soldering iron;
  • wrenches and wrenches;
  • level, tape measure;
  • drawing supplies.

Before replacing the heating batteries in the apartment, you should not stock up on building materials. If you turn to the masters of our company for help, all work will be performed with the highest quality. Work can be carried out in the apartment even if the repair is just completed. Specialists, at the request of their customers, keep walls and floors intact. Asbestos material and paronite serve as protection against welding between pipes and the wall, which reliably protect decorative coatings from possible defects.

Mounting Features

After the protection is installed, preparatory work is carried out. If the liquid is drained from the risers, the master cuts the pipes. Walls and floors are protected even during the dismantling of the heating structure. Sparks fly when the machine is running, which can damage walls and floors in much the same way as welding. That is why asbestos fabric should lie on the floor, protecting it from falling sparks. After the old radiator is dismantled, holes for the brackets are marked and drilled in the wall. To prevent dust from falling on the floor, the master takes all necessary measures. Dowels are inserted into the drilled holes. For a long radiator, three dowels are used - 2 on top and 1 on the bottom. They are rubberized so that the enamel paint on the radiator is not damaged during installation.

Then the welding work begins. When scalding the jumper, the master during this business holds an asbestos cloth in his hand so as not to damage the wall or floor. The jumper should be one diameter smaller than the diameter of the riser. So, if the riser is ¾ inch, then the jumper should be ½ inch. After finishing the dusty work, the eyeliner is painted. This is done so that the pipes do not begin to rust over time. Also, painted pipes look quite aesthetically pleasing. Now you know how to turn on the heating radiator in the apartment.

You can learn more about this process if you watch the video on how to install radiators. Go through all the rooms and dismantle all heating radiators to be replaced. So only pipes will remain, which, during subsequent replacement, will also need to be carefully removed.

How to properly install radiators in an apartment and lay pipes

After the complete removal of the old heating system, it is time to think about a new one. An important point in the instructions on how to install a radiator in apartments is the method of installing new pipes. It is hidden and open.

Hidden laying is better, because the pipes will not disturb the harmony of the interior, conspicuous. However, this method has some disadvantages:

  • the cost of work increases significantly, since new additional costs for building materials appear in the cost estimate;
  • difficult subsequent tech. maintenance of the entire system;
  • part of the heat will go to heat the entire decorative structure.

Open heating systems have a number of advantages, which are also worth knowing about:

  • pipes will come into direct contact with the environment - thus, the loss of useful heat is excluded;
  • low price of installation work, since a minimum amount of building materials is required;
  • ease of communication maintenance;
  • pipe laying is carried out as quickly as possible.

If you want to know how to properly install a heating battery, first decide on the method of laying the highway, mark the walls of the premises and install retaining clips with a frequency of 1-2m. Keep in mind that the areas between the batteries must be made solid. If they are non-standard, in the places where the connections will be, put several clips on both sides. Pay special attention to turns and branches. Before pruning, take careful measurements, for this you should have an engineering and design vision. You can learn more about all the features of the case if you watch the video on how to install heating radiators yourself.

How to install the battery: installation rules

Before starting the installation, once again calculate and measure the location of the heating elements. Do not violate the rules prescribed in SNiP 3.05.05-84:

  • the distance between the bottom edge and the floor - 15cm;
  • the gap between the wall and the battery is at least 2 cm;
  • the distance from the edge on top and the window sill is 15cm.

Before you replace the batteries in your apartment, brackets are attached to hang the elements, nuts are used. Each connection is sealed to prevent liquid leakage. You should also apply tow. It is desirable to put cranes at the entrances. The final stage is to check the heating system for functionality. Its one end is muffled, and on the other side, a compressor or pump makes a pressure that exceeds the working one by no more than a few atmospheres. If after a while the readings of the measuring pressure gauge do not change, the connections must be screwed and connected to the central system.

How to install a bimetallic heating battery: recommendations

Bimetallic heating radiators have recently been in demand. That is why many people are thinking about how to install bimetallic radiators. They effectively combine stylish design and low weight. Ease of installation and maintenance makes it possible to install equipment in the apartment yourself. Radiators combine the qualities of steel and aluminum, they are resistant to corrosive processes, have a high heat transfer. A video on how to install a bimetallic heating radiator will help you learn all the features of the process.

If you are wondering how to properly install the battery, you can not think that there is something complicated or incomprehensible in the process. But you should not count on the ease of business either. After the work is completed, call the wizard and let him make sure that the system is assembled correctly. But if you are not interested in how to install bimetallic heating radiators, and there is no time to do it, call us! We will install bimetallic batteries or any other batteries to your taste in your house or apartment! All customers are waiting for a free consultation on how to properly install a bimetallic heating radiator. Contact us!

Do you have any questions? Call or write to us!