What batteries are needed for a private house. What heating radiators are best for home

The autonomous heating system of a private house allows you to choose any heat radiators.

However, it is important to take them into account. characteristics and features of the location indoor spaces to organize heating of the house in the most economical and efficient way.

What to consider when buying, and which devices are best used for autonomous heating?

Selection of the best radiators for private and country houses

Private sector heating differs from the centralized one in the absence of water hammer and stable low pressure.

It also differs in its closeness and lack of gas saturation. Therefore, the choice of radiators for your own home is not limited by the conditions common system, a depends on the preferences of the owners of the premises.

However, there is technical features , which must be taken into account when installing certain types of heating batteries. Namely:

  • The durability and price of the heater.
  • External shape, the presence of protruding edges and corners, safety and the possibility of injury.
  • Room dimensions and heat transfer characteristics heating device.
  • Calculations of the required amount of heat and the number of sections, the area of ​​the heating radiator.

Also, when choosing batteries, take into account their appearance and the possibility of installation in the system.

Types of heating radiators

There are several types of heating radiators: cast iron, aluminum, bimetallic and vacuum.

Cast iron for brick, stone, wooden buildings

Cast iron batteries - universal radiators for heating brick, stone, adobe and wooden houses... They are almost always installed in multi-storey buildings and are often used in the private sector due to their low price and the most impressive durability - 50-100 years... Long service life is achieved due to delayed corrosion and thick walls.

Photo 1. Cast iron heating radiator with decorative forging. It not only heats the house, but also decorates it.

Cast iron batteries have large internal cross-sections. Therefore, the flow of water in them is not complicated by mechanical impurities, rust, precipitation. Heat carrier does not require filtration and frequent air release.

For the private sector and modern trends heating, cast iron radiators have one drawback. They are characterized by high thermal inertness, they are heated for a long time therefore it is difficult to use them in thermal control systems.

What else to consider:

  • Corrugated shape with stiffening ribs that can cause injury to children. You can warn them by installing a protective mesh, screen.
  • Significant weight and the load on the foundation, difficulties with transportation and exactingness to the quality of installation.

conclusions: cast iron radiators are the traditional choice for hot water heating systems. They durable, reliable and inert... Perfect for traditional brick houses heating which works in standard mode. They can be installed in systems from which liquid is periodically drained, or in which there is an open expansion tank. When thermoregulation, it is necessary to take into account that the heating system with cast-iron radiators must be “screwed on” or added power in advance.


Modern batteries that differ from their cast iron predecessors weight and low thermal inertness.

They have an attractive appearance, simple flat shape, so they rarely cause injuries.

But the main advantage is aluminum batteries have high heat transfer coefficient, which allows their surfaces to quickly heat the air.

Aluminum radiators are economical in every way. Their less weight cast iron batteries 4 times(1-1.6 kg in one section aluminum versus 5-7 kg in one section of cast iron). The inner cavity accommodates 2.5 l coolant (for comparison - in cast iron batteries in one section is placed up to 10 l). Warm-up time - 6 times faster than cast iron structures. The only lack of savings is in the price of aluminum. They stand in 2-3 times expensive.

Disadvantages of aluminum heaters:

  • Life time- less than that of cast iron and is 15-20 years old. The shortening of the battery life is due to the corrosion of the aluminum and the thin walls of the batteries. You can deal with the shortcoming by controlling the quality of the coolant, which is quite possible in autonomous heating systems of a private house. The heating system must be completely closed, distilled liquid is poured inside.
  • During the corrosion process, hydrogen is generated inside aluminum batteries. This becomes the reason for airing with gas plugs. Which, in turn, initiates the appearance of cracks and leaks. They fight this drawback by installing bleed valves. They should work automatically.

conclusions: aluminum batteries can be installed in the heating system of a private residential building with a closed expansion tank, subject to control of the composition and quality of the coolant. The heating system requires pour in a special liquid, install automatic bleeding devices. These batteries are ideal for thermal management.

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Bimetallic batteries are one of the latest expensive developments to emerge as an alternative to rapidly corrosive aluminum batteries. Bimetallic structures soldered from two metalssteel core and an aluminum case. This combination improves corrosion resistance(steel corrodes less than aluminum) and keep high heat transfer thanks to the aluminum surface.

Photo 2. Bimetallic heating radiator mounted on the wall. The device consists of several sections.

Bimetallic heaters - ideal for private houses with any wall... Due to their low weight, they are installed inside heavy brick buildings and hung on the walls of light frame houses. The only one disadvantage bimetallic batteries is their high price.


The latest advertised model of heaters with reduced fluid pressure inside. Positioned as a highly efficient design that quickly gives off heat and heats the space with high quality. However, vacuum batteries are heating devices. with unproven effectiveness... They have a lot of negative reviews and a high selling price.

Vacuum battery device is different from cast iron and aluminum batteries the presence of a sealed internal cavity, inside which vapors of ethanol (alcohol) or vapors of a saline solution of lithium bromide circulate. These substances are heat carriers, their circulation is limited by the radiator cavity, inside which the pressure is greatly reduced (pumped out to the vacuum level). The reduction in pressure converts the alcohol and lithium bromide to steam.

Through the inner cavity of the vacuum radiator a pipe passes through which a conventional coolant moves- water.

From hot water, the pipe inside the radiator heats up and transfers heat to the vaporous coolant. The steam settles on the cold surface of the outer walls of the radiator and gives off heat to them.

Thus, the circulation of the liquid occurs with its constant evaporation and condensation. This process provides heat transfer.

Such complex explanations of the operation of a vacuum radiator do not always allow us to understand, due to which, the efficiency of its operation is increased. In fact, many customer reviews say that vacuum batteries consume less energy, and at the same time also heat up the room worse... To achieve the same effect instead of one aluminum section you have to install two vacuum heating radiators.

Types of steel batteries

There are two types of steel radiators: tubular (sectional) and panel. They differ in design and price. There are also convector models with a built-in blower. What to choose for heating your home?


Panel radiators represent the cheapest designs of heating batteries.

They are enough effective, practical and safe, since all the tubes and protruding ribs contained in them are closed by a flat steel casing.

Their appearance resembles a flat box suspended from the wall under the windowsill and radiating heat.

Another advantage of steel radiators - their price... In combination with low weight, ease of installation, and aesthetic design, the price provides panel structures with popularity among buyers and developers.

Attention! When choosing a steel panel radiator, it is important to remember its service life - 20-25 years old.


Tubular structures differ from panel structures in price - they are more expensive... By technical specifications the two designs are comparable. There is a slight difference in the operating pressure inside the batteries. Tubular radiators can withstand more pressure than panel radiators. But for the private sector with an individual heating circuit, this factor is not important.

Tubular radiators also called sectional, since each pair of pipes are combined into one section.

The heating battery consists of several sections, the number of which determines the amount of heat that the radiator emits over a period of time.

Important for the private sector: if in multi-storey buildings an increase in the number of sections leads to better heating of the room, then in the private sector the situation is different. The heat radiated into the room depends little on the area of ​​the radiator. It determined by the heat coming from the heating furnace. With an increase in the sections in a room of a private house, the amount of heat in the system remains the same. Therefore, a significant improvement in heating efficiency can only be achieved by upgrading heating furnace.


Convector radiators have built-in fan, which the provides the movement of heated air. The name "convection" is associated with the physical term "convection", which means mixing of air streams. In heating a private house, convector models are often used as portable batteries itself simple connection.

For their work, it is enough to bring electricity to the house and equip wiring and sockets that are suitable for power. The electric convector installed in the room ensures its rapid heating.

Photo 3. Floor convector heating radiator. There are openings at the top of the device through which warm air flows.

Convection radiators affordable and less affordable for their work... For electric heating of a house, it is necessary to insulate its walls, ceiling and foundation with high quality. Then heating with heat convectors will be efficient and affordable. - an alternative to cast-iron batteries for energy-saving and frame buildings.

In the process of preparing for the arrangement of heating his own home, the owner is inevitably faced with the need to choose suitable radiators - one of the most important elements of the system in question.

After reading the information below, you will find out which batteries are presented in the modern specialized market, what are the features, advantages and disadvantages of each option, as well as which radiators are better to put in private house taking into account individual characteristics specific situation.

If 15-20 years ago the issue under consideration was not raised in principle - the range was limited to only cast-iron models (occasionally low-quality steel radiators does not count) - today the situation has changed dramatically: batteries differ in characteristics, design and material of manufacture.

Of course, every owner wants the highest quality, durable, efficient, economical and beautiful radiators installed in his home.

It is important to understand that the devices in question are not universal: the load on the coolant, the operating pressure and other characteristics of the heating system of your house may differ from the similar heating parameters of a neighbor, and these points must be taken into account when choosing batteries.

Among the most popular types of heating radiators the following units can be noted:

  • ... Can be of tubular and panel construction;
  • ... Both modern varieties and retro-styled units are available for sale;
  • Copper.

Overview of different views

Before you purchase equipment so valuable for a comfortable life, you should disassemble all the properties of radiators from different materials and understand which one is better to choose for heating your private house.

Cast iron

Real "veterans" of the market. They are characterized by high performance indicators, impressive durability and resistance to all kinds of loads. Well proven in systems with high operating pressures - on average up to 10 bar.

The sections of such batteries have a fairly large volume and thick walls, which guarantees a fairly highly efficient heating. The service life of cast iron appliances in most cases is noticeable exceeds the 50-year figure.

Heat transfer indicators of 1 section of the device may fluctuate on average from 100 to 200 W... The specific value is determined by the standard size of the department. You can see the comparative characteristics of cast iron and bimetallic radiators in this one.

In general, cast-iron batteries, known for their almost absolute resistance to contacts with low-quality coolants, are very popular among domestic consumers - the peculiarities of operation affect.


Radiators made of this material are excellent have established themselves in private housing construction... The design features and raw materials are such that ready product weighs much less compared to the previously considered cast iron analogue and has less thick walls, which provides faster heating of the unit.

Modern steel batteries can be used in systems with a working pressure of up to 10 atm and a temperature of no more than +150 degrees... Models with horizontal and vertical channels are available for sale.

Additional advantages of such devices include wide range of design solutions - batteries from the factory can have a variety of colors, which allows them to organically fit into any interior.


Aluminum products compare favorably with their "brothers" in light weight, elegance and high heat transfer rates. Such products combine 2 mechanisms of heat transfer: by convection and radiation, which makes them the most effective devices for heating living quarters. At the same time, the permissible operating pressure in the system is also impressive - up to 18 atm.

Aluminum is characterized by high heat transfer, which allows for the most efficient heating. In general, when using aluminum batteries, approximately 20-30% savings in heat resource consumption compared to appliances made from other materials.


Products are manufactured with the simultaneous use of high-strength steel (inner manifold) and aluminum (outer part of the product). In terms of operating pressure indicators, bimetallic batteries are significantly surpass the previously considered options - up to 35 atm.

The combined use of aluminum and steel in the design of the devices made it possible to significantly increase their resistance to contact with the coolant, as well as strength, resistance to corrosion damage and heat transfer indicators. At the same time, the units have relatively compact dimensions and, on the whole, neat appearance.

Bimetallic heating radiators are characterized by relative ease of installation and are equally well combined with centralized and autonomous heating systems. See how to calculate how many radiator sections you need.


The design of the device is represented by a seamless copper tube. Other metals are not used in the manufacture of such units. The pipe diameter is about 2.8 cm... Additionally, there are copper ribs and a decorative casing, usually made of solid wood.

In terms of thermal conductivity, copper surpasses aluminum by about 2 times, and cast iron and steel, on average, 5-6 times. In combination with low inertia, the radiator provides quick and efficient heating of the serviced room.

The battery capacity holds a little water, so that the unit warms up for 3-5 minutes. This property is especially relevant for autonomous heating systems - this eliminates the need for constant heating and "running" large volumes of coolant through the pipeline, as, for example, in the case of cast iron batteries.

Copper resistant to corrosion, shows itself well when working in combination with a coolant with a low temperature, is distinguished by high plasticity and resistance to aggressive media.

So what to get: summing up

Summarizing the above information and supplementing it with accompanying nuances, we can draw several conclusions regarding the advisability of using one or another heating radiator for heating a private house.

Cast iron radiators, judging objectively, are best used only in apartments multi-storey buildings with a centralized heating system. Such devices are resistant to contact with a low-quality coolant, they serve for a very long time and are inexpensive.

In private houses, as a rule, either autonomous heating or floor heating systems are installed. Both options are controlled by special thermostats, the use of which in combination with cast iron batteries is impossible... See how to correctly install a radiator in a country house.

Bimetallic aggregates are great for use in private homes... The main disadvantage of such products is their relatively high cost. This moment deserves individual consideration and remains at the discretion of the owner.

In general, the choice of heating radiators for a private house or summer cottage is less complicated than in the case of apartment buildings - there is no excessively high pressure in the heating system of a separate house building, and the coolant (water) undergoes appropriate preparation before entering the pipeline.

As practice shows, the best option for use in your own home is an aluminum radiator... It is sold at an affordable cost, has an aesthetic design, is characterized by high heat transfer and low inertia, which makes it possible to use it in combination with a thermoregulation system.

A good alternative to aluminum radiators, which perfectly demonstrates itself in an autonomous heating system, are steel batteries.

Distinguished by lower heat transfer rates compared to aluminum appliances, steel devices have their own advantages, including:

  • low indicators of inertia;
  • light weight;
  • attractive design;
  • relatively affordable cost.

At the same time, steel radiators are an excellent option for those who value the aesthetic component - such batteries are available in a wide range of colors and an abundance of design solutions.

TO copper batteries also no claims, except perhaps for their high cost.

In addition to the topic, we suggest you watch a video on how to choose best radiators heating for a private house:

Now you have all the information you need to make your own choice of radiators for heating a private house. Want to get quality products at a relatively affordable cost? Buy batteries made of steel or aluminum. Looking for even better quality and budget? Your option is bimetallic or copper products.

Happy choice!

When, in the process of repairing or building new housing, the need to install new radiators matures, the problem arises of their correct selection... Errors at this stage lead not only to unreasonable costs and significant heat losses, but also to breakthroughs, premature failure of devices. Do not forget that the operating conditions and parameters of open and autonomous systems differ markedly. An overview of heating batteries for a house and an apartment, their comparative analysis and user reviews will help you choose the best set of equipment.

Varieties and description

Heating radiators (batteries) are various in shape and size, but their main distinctive feature- the material from which they are made. This is what determines the performance.

  • Cast iron. Operate at temperatures up to +150 ° C and pressures up to 15 atm. The thermal power of the section is 80-160 W. Battery life is up to 50 years. Pros: ease of installation, mechanical and chemical resistance of the material. Along with traditional products, more modern designs are produced.
  • Aluminum - 10-15 atm, limiting t = 110 ° C. Power - 82-212 W. Service life 10-15 years. Pros: fast thermal release, easy installation.
  • Steel. Panel radiators are two sheets with water channels, connected by welding. Working pressure - 6-8.5 atm, t = 110-120 ° C, thermal capacity (depending on dimensions) 450 - 5,700 W. Pros: efficient work at low temperatures, small thickness, affordable price. Tubular devices operate at temperatures up to 120 ° C and 12 atm. The pressure test is 25 atm, so tubular radiators can withstand water hammer. The height of the products is 190-3000 mm, the depth is up to 230 mm, and the length is almost unlimited. Pros: high rate of heat transfer and corrosion resistance (if they are made of stainless steel).
  • Bimetallic radiators. Their shell is made of aluminum and the core is made of steel or copper. Operate at 35 atm and t = 100 ° C. The thermal capacity of the section with its very small dimensions is 170-190 W. Pros: chemical resistance, mechanical strength, low weight.
  • Copper. Operating parameters: maximum t = 250 ° C, pressure - 16 atm (pressure test - up to 25). Radiators have absolute chemical resistance, increased heat transfer (2 times higher than that of aluminum). The service life is up to 50 years.

Battery requirements for home and apartment

Autonomous system - undoubted advantage a private house, since its parameters do not go beyond the calculated data. Due to the instability of indicators, centralized heating requires compliance with a number of additional conditions.

1. Batteries for home.

It is easier to find a heating radiator for a private house, since closed loop has the following advantages:

  • work under reduced pressure;
  • lack of hydraulic shocks;
  • limited coolant temperature;
  • the ability to control the acid-base balance.

Taking into account the named positive sides any batteries can be connected to home heating, giving preference to products with the highest heat transfer and an optimal ratio of quality and price.

The best battery choice for the home will help you to determine a short comparison of their performance in local systems.

  • Steel. Panel products- the most budgetary option. Their heat transfer is quite high, their thickness is small, and they fit well into the interior. If the house has large windows, panel radiators create a thermal curtain, blocking the path of cold air. Tubular almost do not differ from panel in technical parameters but they are more elegant and therefore more expensive.
  • Oxidation due to poor quality water is a significant minus of steel batteries. It is recommended to flush them once every three years so as not to slag the entire heating structure.
  • Aluminum. They are widely used in private houses due to their modern design and high heat dissipation. When installing aluminum radiators, their thermal conductivity is taken into account. If you put too many sections, the heated air rises very quickly, and the floor remains cold. During operation, the acid-base balance should be monitored, otherwise aluminum will quickly corrode without air access.
  • Bimetallic. It is economically inexpedient to install them in a private house, since increased strength is not in demand in an autonomous network with a pressure of 2-3 atm.
  • Cast iron. Corrosion resistance, stable operation of radiators in old houses confirms their reliable reputation. They are more expensive than their counterparts made of aluminum and steel, but they accumulate heat better and retain it longer. As a result, gas costs are reduced.

2. Radiators for the apartment.

Good batteries for central heating must resist the negatives of an open design:

  • presence of aggressive chemical impurities and mechanical particles in water;
  • temperature extremes;
  • pressure surges - they occur during adjustments at the pumping station or when air enters after repair work.

The quality of the coolant is a barrier that does not allow you to choose some types of heating batteries for an apartment. Excessive acid content leads to failure of aluminum radiators. Air bubbles typical for open systems, corrode the surface of steel products. The least sensitive to the composition of copper: on their inner walls forms protective layer copper oxide. But this type is too expensive.

Comparison of cast iron and bimetallic heating batteries:

  • Bimetallic. They can withstand temperature surges up to +130 ° C, pressure - up to 30-50 atmospheres. Corrosion resistance is ensured by a copper core, and high thermal efficiency is ensured by a shaped aluminum body. Durability is enhanced by an anti-corrosive primer. The appearance of neat compact products is also attractive, the only drawback is the price.
  • Cast iron. Radiators can last up to 50 years, regardless of the state of the coolant, do not rust with systematic water drains. The iron-carbon alloy is chemically passive, and thick walls are not afraid of abrasive particles. The cast iron can withstand vibrations within 9-12 atmospheres, but powerful water shocks can destroy it. The disadvantage of batteries is a lot of weight, and at a cost they are more affordable than bimetallic ones.

User opinions

“A year ago we replaced heating radiators in our 2-room Khrushchev building with bimetallic ones - the Global Style 500 model. Although according to reviews, cast-iron radiators give off heat better, Global is much more efficient due to the shape of the sections. They are curved like petals and direct the heated air into the room. We even have to reduce the supply of heat - it's good that there is a thermostat ”.

Victoria, St. Petersburg.

“Last year we were persuaded to replace the old registers with aluminum Halsen. They look good, are expensive, and we did not feel the effect of replacement. In the event of a power outage, a protective shutdown of the boiler is triggered. At the same time, the aluminum quickly cools down, so it was necessary to install 8-section batteries not only under the windows, but also along the walls. Gas consumption remained high. "

Alexander Kirillov, Tyumen.

“After reviewing the reviews about good radiators, I decided to install flat wall steel Kermi in the house. They quickly heat rooms, hang on the wall and are almost invisible, easy to maintain. The main condition is a clean liquid without air pockets. I installed an electromagnetic filter softener before starting heating season I bleed the air through Mayevsky's tap.

Igor Fursov, Taganrog.

“Because of the hard water, I was afraid to put aluminum batteries in the house. A year ago, I came across neat cast-iron radiators from the Chinese company Konner with good heat dissipation (150 W). For an area of ​​115 m2, I had to buy 90 sections (with a margin). But, apparently, the manufacturer overestimated the parameters - it was cold in the house, despite the fact that the system was working at its limit. "

Dmitry Kovalev, Novosibirsk.

“Modern bimetallic radiators are best suited for an apartment. I was convinced of this by installing the Syrah RS three years ago. They are specially designed for Russia: the steel filling is resistant to low water quality, and the outer shell made of aluminum gives off heat well. The design is attractive, there are no sharp edges - this is important, since we have Small child... The height of the model and the number of paired sections (from 4 to 10) are easily matched. "

Leonid Kizilov, Moscow.

Selection by technical parameters

The main criterion when buying radiators is the compliance of their characteristics with the parameters of the system.

  • Maximum allowable pressure. Batteries for central heating of an apartment must withstand at least 25 atmospheres. Although the working temperature in the internal pipes of the heating system is 10 atm, it goes off scale at the time of start-up after the summer season, leading to hydraulic shocks. Steel batteries are the least resistant to drops.
  • Maximum coolant temperature. In autonomous heating, it is set by the user (no more than 90 °) and is maintained at the same level by means of a thermostat. For high-rise buildings, the design value for the water temperature is 105 ° C, but it is not the limit.
  • Heat transfer. This parameter depends on the material from which the battery is made - the best heat conductors are aluminum and copper. In the accompanying documents, the manufacturer indicates the heat transfer of one element: on this basis, the required number of sections is calculated.

Comparison of heating radiators is carried out in a comprehensive manner, taking into account passport data and specific operating conditions, segment sizes.

If the choice of a suitable design is made, it remains to choose a worthy company. Popular brands of bimetallic batteries are Italian Global Style, Royal Thermo BiLiner, Sira, Russian Rifar. Qualitative steel products produced by Kermi and Zehnder. One of the best manufacturers cast iron radiators is a German company Guratec.

With the onset of cold weather, it's time to think about how to properly and economically insulate your house? You have to think about which batteries for heating a private house are better to buy? Yet important question- replacement of heating batteries.

Types of heating radiators

  1. Cast iron radiators;
  2. Bimetallic radiators;
  3. Panel radiators;
  4. Aluminum radiators;
  5. Tubular radiators.

The cast iron radiator consists of sections and is durable. It gives off warmth remarkably. Such radiators are resistant to corrosion, a good choice heating for the apartment. Cons - heavy weight, depressurization of joints from time to time.

Bimetallic radiators are made of steel and aluminum, expensive, of excellent quality. They have an anti-corrosion coating, durable - service life up to 40 years, low susceptibility to water hammer, high heat transfer. Economical. Bimetallic heating is the best option. You will definitely be warm with them.

Cons high cost. Panel radiators - maximum heat transfer, acceptable price, compact size, ease of installation, lightweight.

Cons - the need for frequent flushing (3 times a year) to avoid slagging. Aluminum radiators - serve up to 20 years, quickly heat up the room, have a low weight, presentable appearance.

Cons - the rapid reaction of the metal to an acidic and alkaline environment, corrosion of the radiator when connected to pipes from other alloys.

Tubular radiators - they are lightweight and high cost precisely because of the huge variety of shapes and sizes. Basic data is about the same with panel and sectional. Cons - frequent replacement of radiators, low heat output, thin walls, a minimum amount of coolant.

Calculation of the number and type of batteries

For those wishing to correctly install or replace the heating batteries in the apartment, you can also read.

The article will not use complex formulas and also, the calculations will be simplified.

Self-installation of a heating battery with your own hands, requires:

  • You need to know how to choose and connect a heating radiator and install a tap on the heating battery;
  • Studying the rules for connecting radiators;
  • Carrying out accurate calculations and measurements;
  • You must have the necessary tools.

The heating battery device is simple. Heated water to the required temperature from the boiler enters the apartment through pipes. In the future, it enters the radiators.

Regardless of the temperature of the radiators, they always give up about 60% of the energy when they radiate thermal energy, the remaining 40% are given off in a convective way. In this way, a minimum air convection is achieved and well heating of those objects that are present in the room.

Now let's take a closer look at how to calculate the number of sections for individual heating:

  • Based on the current building standards, to heat 1 "square" of the room, you need 100 watts of thermal power. For example, the area of ​​the room is 24 "squares", the power of one section is 160 watts, hence the calculation: 24 x 100: 160 = 15. To heat the room, the required number of batteries is 15 sections, with a capacity of 160 watts.
  • In this version, the indicators are - calculation by the area of ​​the room and the height. One section heats 1.8 m² of area with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, we calculate 24: 1.8 = 13.3. There are 14 radiator sections.
  • The last option is how to calculate the required number of sections by the volume of the room. The length of the room is 6 m, the width is 4 m, and the height is 2.5 m. The volume will be 6 x 4 x 2.5 = 60 m³. For heating 5 m³
    the power of the heating battery of one section is 200 watts, you need to buy 60: 5 = 12 (sections) of 200 watts or 11 sections of 160 watts.

The types of heating batteries are divided into sectional (cast iron, bimetallic, aluminum) and panel ones are made of steel. Usually it is a flat battery with bulges for the movement of the coolant.

Heating radiators for an apartment are different, it is very important to install a counter for the heating battery on them, which will help save up to 65% of the initial amount for heating.

Types of heating radiators. Modern types of heating radiators

Comparison of batteries for a private house

  • Steel, panel type 6-10 Suitable Low
  • Steel, tubular type 8-15 Suitable High
  • Bimetallic. 20-35 Suitable High
  • Cast iron 6-9 Suitable Low
  • Aluminum 6-25 Suitable Low

For a private house, it is better to install batteries made of steel or aluminum, which have many advantages and an affordable price.

For a comfortable room temperature, a thermostat for the radiators is needed to help maintain a stable temperature.

How to shut off a heating battery is a simple question. For owners of private houses, it is easy to regulate or repair radiators, a private house is equipped with an individual heating system. On the radiator, you need to open the upper tap, and close the lower one. In this case, there will always be water in the heating system, which will save the radiator from corrosion.

According to the rules in houses, the water of the radiators cannot be less than +18 ° C (corner rooms - +20 ° C). In places that have average temperature about -31 ° C or more, the room temperature cannot be less than +20 ° C, and in corner rooms the temperature should be - +22 ° C.

At night (from 00.00 to 5.00) the room temperature can drop by no more than 4 ° C. During the day, lowering the temperature less than indicated in the normative level is not allowed.

Why is a screen installed on a heating battery? it good way out for closing outdated heating elements that are not suitable for the interior. Radiator shield is easy to install and affordable, eliminating the need to replace radiator and piping.

The heating batteries are strapped using various pipes, experts recommend using polypropylene pipes. Ball valves for strapping are also bought straight and angled polypropylene, this option is simple and cheap.

Flat heating batteries have appeared on the modern market. it the new kind radiators are made of cast iron or steel, the buyer is presented with various sizes of heating batteries, their heating function and beautiful decor.

Why are vertical radiators more convenient? They are designed to be placed on free areas of walls, and the main difference between high radiators and conventional ones is their small width and considerable height. High radiators are made of steel and aluminum.

Today electric heating batteries new variant radiators. The appearance of these heating devices independently maintains the heating temperature of the body and air in the room.

Convectors (plate batteries)

Pros - durable, excellent heat transfer, easy to install even on the ceiling and on the floor.
Cons - they heat up the air unevenly, so the heating battery does not heat well.

A common question is why is there air in the radiator? The coolant is heated, small bubbles are formed during the separation of oxygen, which create an air lock; the air vent does not work; in apartments air locks usually on last floors... The Mayevsky valve will help to remove the air.

Based on the above heating devices for a private house, they are installed taking into account the type of the existing heating system. The best option for the individual heating system there will be aluminum and steel radiators. In a private house, there are no temperature differences in an autonomous pipeline, treated water is used and the pressure is regulated.

How to choose heating radiators Which batteries and heating radiators are better

And centralized heating systems have fundamental differences that are taken into account when choosing equipment. The operating mode of autonomous heating of a private house allows you to choose radiators based on the maximum heat transfer coefficient, materials with the best characteristics, high quality and the best price. Working conditions heating equipment apartments differ sharply - here in the foreground reliability and resistance to loads. We will figure out which heating radiators are best placed in an apartment, where and how to buy them, and what users say in reviews about this equipment.

There are two fundamentally different types of housing heating: centralized (open) and autonomous (closed). In the first case, steam or hot water from the boiler room or CHP plant through pipes it enters the apartments of multi-storey buildings. The second option is a separate heating system for a private house or cottage, which includes its own boiler, heat supply pipelines, radiators and pumps.

When determining which heating batteries are best for an apartment, we proceed from the operating conditions of radiators in such systems:

  1. temperature from 100 ° С;
  2. pressure up to 10 atm;
  3. sudden pressure surges and hydraulic shocks during flushing of systems and secondary start-up.

When choosing a radiator, the consumer must know the load limit values ​​for the model in question.

Cast iron radiators

Resistant to high pressure and water hammer. There are models that can cope with heavy loads, but do not meet aesthetic needs. These examples include cast iron batteries, known to us since Soviet times. A good example modern cast iron radiators can be considered retro-style batteries that fit perfectly into the interior.

The advantages of cast iron radiators include:

  1. working pressure 6 - 10 atm, peak loads 18 and more atm;
  2. installation with different types pipes;
  3. long service life;
  4. high heat transfer (100 - 200 W);
  5. quick change of size if necessary;
  6. minimal corrosion.

Disadvantages of cast iron radiators:

  1. heavy weight;
  2. fragility;
  3. slow heating and cooling, inability to control temperature.

Bimetal radiators

For the production of such batteries, steel and aluminum are used. The inner surface of such radiators, which plays the role of a heat carrier, is steel.

Advantages of bimetallic radiators:

  1. working pressure over 35 atm;
  2. anti-corrosion resistance;
  3. fast heating and cooling, no inertness;
  4. modern attractive design;
  5. light weight;
  6. easy set of the required number of sections.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Comparison of the two options does not reveal the superiority of either of them. Cast iron batteries cost 250 - 400 rubles per section in the usual version and 1500 - 6000 rubles in the "retro" version. Prices for bimetallic radiators are 400 - 1500 rubles per section, imported ones are more expensive. Outwardly, bimetallic batteries look more attractive: they are more compact, more modern, and easy to clean. Based on the cost, we consider bimetallic radiators for an apartment to be more preferable.

In the photo there are bimetallic radiators for an apartment

What heating radiators are best for a private house

Autonomous heating systems for private housing differ in other working conditions: low pressure and the absence of water hammer in the networks. The choice of radiators in this case is based on maximum heat dissipation, price and quality. Any of the existing radiators is suitable for heating a private house. We will briefly consider the types of such equipment in order to choose which radiators are best for heating a private house.

Steel tubular and panel radiators

Such radiators are compact and visually attractive.

Advantages of steel radiators:

  1. high efficiency;
  2. corrosion resistance with properly prepared water;
  3. long service life;
  4. compactness and light weight;
  5. low price.


  1. not very good design;
  2. the need for periodic flushing;
  3. the need for constant filling to prevent corrosion.

Aluminum radiators

Differ modern design and excellent heat dissipation. Imported models are much more expensive than Russian ones, but we recommend buying them.

Special requirements for use:

  • Careful control of the acidity of the coolant - aluminum corrodes quickly if this condition is not met.
  • Due to the high heat output, uneven heat distribution in the room is possible. Accurate calculations are required before purchasing radiators.

In general, very good radiators for home heating. Subject to the rules of operation, they will last long enough. Price for aluminum radiators relatively low.

Bimetal radiators

Combined radiators in steel (interior) and aluminum fins. Such radiators are treated with a corrosion primer. They can withstand pressures up to 20-35 atm and are unpretentious to the composition of the circulating water.

The main disadvantage is the high cost. There are no water shocks and high pressure with autonomous heating, and the use of expensive radiators is impractical.

Cast iron radiators

The large thermal inertia of these radiators reduces the cost of heating the house. Cast iron batteries are corrosion resistant. At a price they are higher than aluminum and steel, but much lower than bimetallic.

The disadvantages of cast iron batteries are fragility and heavy weight.

When choosing which heating batteries are best for a private house, two groups need to be considered - steel or aluminum batteries. Aluminum are more interesting - they are lighter, more economical and give off more heat.

In the photo, the ideal aluminum radiators for a country house

Which bimetallic heating radiators are better

The choice of bimetallic batteries is large - the models are structurally different, in terms of characteristics, design and cost. Comparing the characteristics different radiators, we will determine which bimetallic heating radiators are better.

Bimetallic and semi-bimetallic radiators

Bimetallic radiators only have an aluminum upper part. They are made of steel, and then poured with aluminum under pressure. The coolant is in contact with steel. There are models in which the interior is made of copper. Such radiators are used with a coolant to which antifreeze is added.

The interior of a semi-metallic battery consists of two metals: steel and aluminum. The best models of such radiators are produced by Sira, Rifar, Gordi. They are not cheap, but the quality is excellent.

Sectional and monolithic bimetallic radiators

Monolithic radiators are characterized by a one-piece steel or copper collector, on which an aluminum "jacket" is put on. This design is called monolithic. Radiators of this type are more reliable than sectional ones, the weak point of which is the joints between the sections. Features of monolithic radiators:

  • service life up to 40 years (2 times more sectional);
  • working pressure up to 100 bar (3 times more than sectional);
  • thermal power per section 100-200 W (equal to sectional).

The cost of monolithic radiators is about 20% higher than sectional ones, and it is impossible to change the dimensions by adding or removing sections. A wide range of models allows you to choose the desired radiator.

Bimetal radiator manufacturers

Imported radiators are presented on the Russian market by Italian, South Korean, and Polish firms.

Italian radiators

Represented by equipment from Sira, Global Style and Radena. Cost 700 - 1500 rubles per section, service life from 20 years. Main characteristics:

  • thermal power of the section 120 - 185 watts;
  • maximum water temperature - 110 ° С;
  • working pressure up to 35 bar.

South Korean radiators

Batteries from MARS with a copper core cost from 400 rubles with characteristics:

  • thermal power of the section is 167 watts;
  • maximum water temperature - 130 ° С;
  • working pressure up to 20 bar.

Polish radiators

REGULUS-system equipment with a copper core is well known in Russia.


  • working pressure - 15 bar;
  • maximum water temperature - 110 ° С.

Russian radiators

The most famous are the batteries of the manufacturer Rifar, which cost 500 - 900 rubles per section.


  • thermal power of the section is 100 - 200 watts;
  • maximum water temperature - 135 ° С;
  • working pressure up to 20 bar.

Chinese radiators

They are distinguished by low cost, modest design and low quality. If the budget does not allow buying high-quality equipment, then you can get by with a cheap "Chinese". At the same time, one cannot count on high performance, of course.

In my opinion, the RIFAR MONOLIT radiator is considered the best Russian product. Characteristics: thermal power of the section 134 - 196 watts; maximum water temperature - 135 ° С; working pressure up to 100 bar.

The photo shows a radiator of the RIFAR brand

Which aluminum radiators are better

Aluminum radiators are produced by Russian and foreign companies in a wide range. Among the main manufacturers:

Rifar, Russia

The best Russian company. Prices are higher than the Russian average - on average 580 rubles per section. Main characteristics:

  • working pressure up to 20 atm (maximum 30 atm);
  • the maximum temperature of the coolant is 135 ° С;
  • 10-year warranty, 25-year service life.

Royal Termo, Russia

Co-production with Italians. Models available:

  1. Thermo revolution;
  2. Thermo Dream Liner;
  3. Thermo Indigo.


  • working pressure - up to 20 atm;
  • thermal power 170 - 185 watts.

Radiators are manufactured using patented technologies.

VitaTerm, Russia

For production, aluminum alloys with magnesium, lithium and titanium are used.


  • thermal power 140 - 184 W;
  • working pressure 16 atm (check 24 atm).

Global, Italy

The renowned Italian manufacturer offers excellent quality radiators and elegant design... A section of such a radiator costs about 400 rubles. One of the best deals on the market considering the cost and quality.

SMART, China

A budget option for aluminum radiators. The design is simple, versatile, good quality. The cost of the section is about 300 rubles.

It is not difficult to choose an aluminum radiator - there are many offers in different technical and price categories. If you choose from domestic equipment, then Rifar radiators will be a worthy purchase, from imported we recommend the Italian Global. Of course, the proposals are the most general - when choosing a buyer, one should proceed from his own capabilities and needs.

Pictured is a radiator from Global

Which heating radiators are better - aluminum or bimetallic

Comparison of bimetallic and aluminum radiators begins with the design and characteristics of the batteries.

1. Aluminum radiators consist of individual sections, which are connected by nipples. Gaskets are installed between the sections. The ribs on the inside increase the heat transfer area.

2. The bimetallic radiator is composed of a steel core and an aluminum body with fins.

Comparative characteristics:

  • In terms of heat transfer, aluminum is much more preferable - already 10 minutes after turning on the room is warm.
  • Aluminum radiators have a lower working pressure (up to 20 atm) than bimetallic ones (up to 40 atm), i.e. they can only be installed in autonomous systems heating of private houses.
  • Aluminum radiators are more sensitive to the quality of the coolant. If the pH rises above 8, aluminum batteries will quickly fail.
  • The limiting temperature for bimetallic batteries (130 ° C) is higher than for aluminum (110 ° C).
  • The service life of bimetallic batteries is 15-20 years, aluminum - 10 years.
  • The cost of bimetallic radiators is 20 - 35% higher than aluminum.

When choosing radiators, you need to take into account the conditions in which they will have to work. For autonomous heating of a private house, aluminum batteries are more suitable, for an apartment in a high-rise building - bimetallic ones.

Installation and installation of heating radiators

The high cost of installing heating batteries in an apartment or a private house often forces the owners to independently perform these works. The cost of heating installation work depends on the total volume, the number of installation elements, the selected connection scheme, the type and model of radiators, etc.

For self-assembly heating radiators are necessary:

  1. familiarize yourself with the connection methods;
  2. know the connection rules;
  3. correctly calculate and accurately measure the location of the radiators;
  4. have the tools you need for installation.

The heating coil is installed to ensure maximum heating efficiency. The greatest heat loss is through the windows, therefore, the location of the batteries under the windows creates a thermal curtain, preventing heat from escaping.

The installation of radiators must be carried out strictly at right angles in the horizontal and vertical planes - an incorrect location leads to air accumulation and rapid corrosion of the radiator.

Distances to be ensured during installation for normal heat exchange and warm air circulation:

  • from the top grill of the battery to the window sill - 5-10 cm;
  • from the bottom edge of the battery to the floor - 8-12 cm;
  • from the radiator to the wall - 2-5 cm;
  • When installing reflective insulation on a wall, purchase longer hooks.

Calculation of the number of radiator sections

When buying radiators, find out how to calculate the required number of sections. It is better to collect sections in the store when buying batteries. Remember a simple rule: one section goes for heating 2 square meters area with a ceiling height of 2.7 m. Rounding up.

To install the radiators, you will need tools:

  1. pliers;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. hammer drill;
  4. wrench for branch pipes;
  5. construction level;
  6. tape measure, pencil.

Battery replacement is done in the following order:

  1. the old battery is dismantled;
  2. markings are made for attaching a new one;
  3. brackets and battery canopy are installed;
  4. assembly kit is assembled;
  5. a valve, a valve under the thermal head and a Mayevsky valve are installed;
  6. heating pipes are connected.

Installation of heating radiators with bottom connection in which hot water is introduced into lower part battery and is discharged from the bottom of the other side. Such radiators are outwardly more attractive, fit perfectly into the interior and allow you to hide the routing of pipes under the floor.

Thermostats for heating radiators

To regulate the heat supply during the heating season, we recommend installing a thermostat on each radiator. The installation of a thermostat on a heating radiator is described in detail on sites on the Internet. More sophisticated programmable thermostats will automatically turn on and off radiators, maintaining the desired temperature. It is possible to install thermostats on each battery with two-pipe heating, typical for a private house. With a one-pipe system (in apartments of houses), to install a thermostat, a bypass is installed in front of the radiator - a pipe perpendicular between the supply and "return". The diameter of the bypass pipe is always less than the diameter of the distribution pipes.

If the radiators close blackout curtains to the floor, then the circulation of warm air is disrupted and only the window is heated. A window sill that covers the top of the battery also interferes with normal air circulation. The efficiency of the radiator is reduced by 20%.

Heating radiator connection diagrams

Basic radiator connection diagrams:

1. Side one-way connection

Most commonly used and provides maximum heat dissipation. The supply pipe is connected to the upper branch pipe, the outlet pipe is connected to the lower one.

2. Bottom connection

It is used if the heating pipes are hidden under the floor or skirting board. The most aesthetically pleasing way. The supply and return pipes from below go vertically to the floor.

3. Diagonal connection

It is done with a large number of sections (more than 12). The supply pipe is connected to the upper branch pipe on one side, and the return pipe is discharged from the reverse side through the lower branch pipe. The Mayevsky valve on the radiators serves to remove excess air. Connection is inconvenient because when replacing or repairing a radiator, you need to turn off the entire heating system

4. Parallel connection

With this connection, the coolant is supplied through a heat pipe that is built into the heating system. The retraction also takes place. Taps at the inlet and outlet allow you to replace the radiator without shutting down the system as a whole. The disadvantage of this scheme is that at low pressure, the radiator warms up poorly.


  1. When choosing radiators for a private house or apartment in a high-rise building, one should take into account the operating conditions characteristic of autonomous or centralized heat supply. For an apartment, cast iron or bimetallic radiators are suitable, for a private house - aluminum or cast iron. Otherwise, you need to be guided by specific conditions: requirements for the interior, financial capabilities, equipment cost, manufacturer's reliability, etc.
  2. We recommend that you check the calculation of the required number of radiator sections for a particular room after receiving the seller's recommendations upon purchase.
  3. During installation, it is necessary to maintain all the necessary distances of the radiator from the floor, walls, etc., as well as the horizontal position of its position in different planes. The thermostat installed on the radiators helps to save money - you can turn off unnecessary radiators or install auto mode maintaining the temperature.