Ventilation duct performance versus diameter. How to properly make natural ventilation in a private house

Residents of high-rise buildings who decided to move to private sector expect that closeness to nature and the desire to retire will immediately manifest in all its glory. There will be no dull urban landscapes in the window, the noise of a big city will not be heard from the windows, there will be no smells that inevitably appear from transport and the fruits of the life of many people living compactly. You can breathe clean natural air and enjoy life. But what is the surprise of new households when windows fog up in their suburban housing, the air turns out to be very humid, which is very difficult to breathe, and at the same time it can carry with it the "aromas" of the basement. And beautiful landscapes in this case will not be so pleasing to the eye. And such a phenomenon is far from uncommon. The diagnosis here is unambiguous - ventilation problems.

What will anyone do normal person, if you find yourself in a similar situation? Naturally, he will try to contact specialized organizations that professionally deal with ventilation. And the likelihood that the problem will be solved is very high, since there are enough specialists now, and there are no problems with the equipment either. But we urge you to first study this issue a little on your own, and then decide whether to apply or not. Is it possible that the problem is trivial and can be resolved on its own? In our article: "Ventilation in a private house: scheme and installation" - we will try to tell everything we know about these issues. And we are going to do it so that it is clear to everyone, and not just to those who are familiar with engineering.

Proper ventilation in a private house is necessary to ensure a constant supply of fresh air at any time of the year. After reading our article, you will find out what types of ventilation systems there are, ways to increase the level of air exchange in rooms, and also heat up a cold one as quickly as possible. street air at minimal cost.

Ventilation systems - how mechanical differs from natural

You should not think that the main purpose ventilation system is the presence of fresh air. It must also remove waste air masses and provide an acceptable air speed for a person in the premises. The lower the speed, the less residents feel the impact of cold air and, accordingly, feel more comfortable.

In most cases, home owners are limited only to natural ventilation, which occurs due to the free movement of air due to drafts or ventilation. In addition, the rate of air displacement for this type of ventilation is about 1 cubic meter / hour, while with mechanical ventilation this indicator reaches 3-5 cubic meters / hour. When ventilating, a complete exchange of air takes place in 40–80 minutes, depending on the volume of the room to be ventilated. In addition, there are large losses of thermal energy, there is a cooling of slopes and window blocks, in winter periods condensation may occur.

In old houses with installed wooden windows practically nothing was heard about problems with ventilation. The fact is that such windows were distinguished by a very high level of air permeability. Even rather large private houses were fully ventilated due to numerous cracks and not tightly closed windows.

IN modern houses it is often not possible to do without forced mechanical ventilation. The problem is that with a decrease in the air speed, the cross section of the ventilation duct increases. In other words, ventilation ducts in a private house with a forced air replacement system have a smaller cross-section compared to similar ducts designed for natural ventilation. By installing forced ventilation, you will provide your home with the necessary amount of fresh air.

Regardless of the type of ventilation system used, care should be taken to ensure that air masses have the ability to freely move throughout all areas of the house. This is fully facilitated by the transfer grilles installed in the doors on the path of air movement. The overflow is considered to be properly organized if the most polluted room (for example, a bathroom or a kitchen with unpleasant odors) is located last in the chain.

One more Possible Solution Is the gap between the doors and the floor. This gap should not be less than 20 mm across the entire width of the door. Installation of special doors with transfer grids, as well as leaving a gap, is carried out at the stage of construction and installation work, therefore, it is necessary to think about proper and working ventilation literally from the very beginning of building a house.

Window and wall valves - creating additional ventilation

Majority modern houses provides for the presence of metal plastic windows made of PVC. Such designs are distinguished by numerous advantages, including a beautiful appearance, ease of care, high level of heat and sound insulation, tightness. However, the latter property also has a negative connotation, since natural ventilation in a private house in such conditions is reduced to almost zero.

You should not worry about this, since solutions have been found for a long time. One of the most popular methods for creating natural ventilation in the conditions of using plastic windows is the installation of supply window valves. This valve is a small pipe that you just need to install in the wall, punching it through. On both sides, the branch pipe is covered with gratings necessary to regulate the level of penetration of fresh air masses from the street.

Experts advise installing these devices near windows, next to heating radiators. The optimal area for installing a supply window valve is next to the window sill, directly behind the radiator. Firstly, in this case, the valve can be easily hidden from prying eyes with the help of a tulle. The presence of a nearby heating system allows you to instantly warm up the outside air in order to avoid overcooling the premises.

The technologies for the production of modern supply valves have advanced significantly in their development. T ak, on construction market now it is possible to purchase models that are equipped with temperature sensors, humidity sensors, as well as a variety of filters. Such devices should be installed in dining rooms, hallways, as well as bedrooms in order to ensure the maximum movement of air masses from living rooms (so-called "clean zones") to household areas (bathrooms, sanitary facilities, kitchens).

Supply valves will also be extremely useful in private houses, the walls of which were insulated with a vapor-proof material, for example, extruded polystyrene foam or even ordinary foam. These heaters reduce the amount of fresh air, but through pipes are able to completely correct the situation.

Forced ventilation system - what does it consist of?

In some cases, ventilation in a private house cannot be sufficient due to the use of only window and wall valves... For example, if the volume of the building is very large, then it would be necessary to install valves almost next to each window. Naturally, the aesthetic qualities of the interior and exterior walls will be seriously affected by such a large number of additional pipes. Way out - forced system ventilation.

This system includes two main elements - a ventilation network and ventilation equipment. The latter includes:

  1. 1. Fan - required directly for circulation the required amount fresh air.
  2. 2. Heater - this device is installed for the purpose of heating the incoming air, however, it is not mandatory, and it can be installed based on financial resources and capabilities. There are two types of heaters - electric and water.
  3. 3. Filter - its purpose is to trap debris and large dust particles that are present in large quantities in the outdoor air.
  4. 4. Air valve.
  5. 5. Silencer.

The ventilation network consists of the following main elements:

  1. 1. Air distribution devices (anemostats, diffusers);
  2. 2. Air ducts;
  3. 3. Air intake grill.

The construction of a completely new building should include ventilation ducts in interior walls kitchens, sanitary facilities, bathrooms. These ventilation ducts are recommended to be laid from brickwork... In the event that the channels were not formed at the design stage, it will be necessary to build special attachment shafts. So do not forget to think over the ventilation system of your own house even before its construction.

Exhaust fans are one of the basic elements required for the smooth and constant extraction of unpleasant odors and exhaust air from rooms. As is the case with window valves, the building materials market offers a huge selection of fans that can meet the needs and requirements of all residents.

The most popular fans are those that are installed on the wall and go directly into the ventilation duct. Another type that has recently appeared on the market is fans concealed installation... They are usually installed in a sub-ceiling space, but there are several important points... Firstly, you will need to additionally conduct an air duct for this particular fan. And secondly, such devices can only be used with suspended or suspended ceilings.

Fans installed in bathrooms and toilets very often turn on depending on the position of the light switch. For example, when the light is turned on, the device automatically begins to draw out air, stopping only after it is turned off. Some models are equipped with a delay function that can be adjusted by the home owner. Such devices begin to work a minute after turning on the light, which will be quite enough to, for example, wash your hands and not use the fan once again and, as a result, not overpay for the electrical energy spent by it.

Special ones have been developed, equipped with moisture sensors. Such a unit will work regardless of external lighting until the bathroom recovers normal level humidity. If the noise of the fans is bothering you, you can always get a more expensive but quiet model. Another option is to use various rubber-metal bushings to reduce the noise level.

Energy recovery plants - features of such systems

Relatively recently, a new type of supply and exhaust ventilation systems has appeared. It is units with energy recovery functions. Popularity attributed to huge savings Money associated with heating cold air. So, standard ventilation in the house does not provide for heating the air entering the premises, which leads to large expenditures on additional heat energy.

If you install a system with energy recovery, it will be possible to save about 50 percent of heat. This high indicator can be achieved due to the heating by warm exhaust air of cold supply air coming from the street.

An obligatory component of such systems is a built-in heater, since the heat of the available air is not enough to heat the entire volume of air masses entering the house. During periods severe frosts without a heater it will be pretty hard. However, in spring or autumn, it is quite possible to do without this heating device, which will save a decent amount of money.

This system provides for supply and exhaust fans. An additional plus is that in summer, the system partially takes over the functions of an air conditioner, since it cools the incoming air. If you have air conditioning systems, then the load on them will be significantly reduced. The principle of operation is that cold air after the air conditioner, it cools the warm outside air passing through the energy recuperator.

It is necessary to think in advance where the energy recovery units will be located. In large buildings, the air exchange rate often exceeds 800 cubic meters / hour, and therefore the size of the ventilation system can be impressive. Experts recommend installing them in the attic or on basement floor... In the first case, it will be mandatory to carry out insulation work in the attic, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the equipment and freezing of the coolant.

To provide forced ventilation, air ducts are used, the purpose of which is to distribute air masses throughout all rooms. There are several types, the main difference of which lies in their form:

  • Round air ducts are the most popular in terms of value for money. They are distinguished by a smooth surface and, as a result, the least resistance when moving large volumes of air.
  • Rectangular air ducts - they have a low cost of equipment, but the resistance is slightly higher compared to round models.
  • Flexible air ducts - have highest level resistance due to the corrugated surface. They are ideal if there are canal bends in a small area.

Thus, ventilation in a private house is a very important issue, which must be addressed at the stage of building design. But as a result, you will get clean and fresh air without unpleasant odors and pollution.

Ventilation device in a private house - the most important question, without the decision of which one can only dream of a comfortable life.

But he is solved for the owners of a city apartment and country cottage differently.

The first has almost nothing to worry about, unless it becomes necessary to establish supply valve or a fan in the bathroom.

For the second, everything is much more complicated: when designing the ventilation system of a cottage, an individual approach is needed, especially if the building has two floors and is equipped with airtight metal-plastic windows. In this article, we will talk about how to properly make ventilation in a private house.

The function of the ventilation system (CB) is to bring fresh outside air into the room and remove the already used air. Depending on how exactly this problem is solved, the following types of SV are distinguished:

  1. Natural ventilation in a private house: as you know, part of a liquid or gas with a temperature higher than that of the surrounding substance always rushes upward. It is this principle that underlies the work of natural SV. Spent warm air evaporates by itself along a long vertical exhaust duct and at the same time plays the role of a pump, drawing in air from the street through the inlet openings.
  2. Forced: under certain circumstances, it is not possible to achieve the supply of air in the required volume due to convection alone. For example, if a filter is installed in the supply duct or the house has too much large area... In this case, the CB is equipped with a forced air blower.
  3. Mixed.

Natural ventilation in a private house

In the mixed version, the main part of the SV works due to the natural movement of air, but in some rooms where a high rate of air exchange is required, fans are installed.

Choosing a ventilation system for a residential building

When designing a cottage, they try to organize ventilation according to a natural principle. Moreover, such buildings are mostly located in areas with clean air, so cleaning it is not necessary.

Since modern windows are airtight, so-called supply valves are installed to supply fresh air. Such an element can be part of a reinforced-plastic window or a separate device that is cut into the wall.

Ventilation systems design

Supply valves and exhaust ducts are placed in such a way that the air flow follows through the entire house from the very clean rooms to the most polluted.

For this, the hood is installed in:

  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • laundry room;
  • dressing room or pantry, if the door of this room goes into the living room;
  • boiler room (there should be both an exhaust hood and a supply valve);
  • rooms that are separated from the indicated rooms by more than 2 doors.

Installation of a supply valve is desirable in all rooms where an exhaust hood is not provided.

On the 2nd and subsequent floors, subject to availability front door exhaust ducts are placed from the stairs to the floor according to the same principle. If there is no front door from the stairs to the floor, the hood and supply air are installed in each room.

It is also necessary to ensure natural ventilation following zones:

  • basement space (required to remove radon, which has radioactive properties);
  • underground space on the 1st floor.

Requirements for ventilation systems

Consider what should be proper ventilation in a private house. IN living rooms The SV must provide 1-fold air exchange every hour, that is, the volume of air supplied during this time must be equal to the volume of the room. At the same time, at least 30 cubic meters of clean air must fall on one tenant.

In the boiler room, a 3-fold air exchange is required (also per hour) in the presence of a ceiling with a height of 6 m.With a lower height, another 0.25 fold is added for each missing meter.

Private house forced ventilation project

The cross-sectional side of the exhaust duct with natural air exchange must be at least 10 cm long, while the minimum cross-sectional area is 0.016 sq. m.

The exhaust duct for natural air exchange must be vertical, have a uniform cross-section (no widening or narrowing) and a duration of at least 3 m.

Within a storey, all exhaust ducts must have the same length - this ensures equality of the traction force in them.

To ensure good traction, heat losses in the exhaust ducts should be minimized, therefore they are laid only in the inner walls, and they are well insulated outside.


The purpose of calculating the SV is to determine the cross-section of the exhaust ducts and supply valves, as well as their number. Each floor is calculated separately, with the following actions:

  1. According to the regulatory documents These data determine the minimum volume of air Qp, which must enter the premises with supply valves per hour.
  2. According to the same standards, the minimum air volume Qw ​​is calculated, which must be removed from rooms with exhaust ducts in an hour.
  3. The largest of the obtained values ​​is taken as the required performance of the exhaust ducts Qp.
  4. Based on the size of the building, they are set by the length of the exhaust ducts.
  5. According to special tables, such a cross-section of the exhaust ducts is selected so that, at a given length and temperature in the room, they have the required performance.

To show the technique in action, let's calculate the ventilation of a 1-storey building. The structure of the building with an area of ​​120 sq. m includes the following premises:

  • 5 rooms (total area - 90 sq. M);
  • pantry or dressing room (4.5 sq. m);
  • kitchen and bathroom.

The ceiling has a height of 3 m.The height of the ventilated underfloor space (the floors are wooden on logs) is 30 cm.

The calculation is carried out according to the above plan.

Step 1

According to the standards, the air exchange rate in rooms with supply valves must be at least 1 volume per hour. In this case, these are the rooms. Therefore, the volume of air entering during an hour should be:

Qп = 90х3х1 (multiplicity) = 270 cubic meters. m / hour.

Step 2

For rooms with exhaust ducts, the regulations contain the following requirements:

  • for the kitchen, bathroom and toilet: air exchange in a volume of 60, 25 and 25 cubic meters, respectively. m / hour;
  • for pantry and underground space: air exchange rate - 0.2 volume per hour.

Therefore, the total volume of air removed per hour should be:

Qw = 60 + 25 + 25 + (4.5x3 + 120x0.3) x0.2 = 119.9 cubic meters. m / hour.

Step 3

Performance exhaust ventilation we take on the largest of the calculated values:

Qр = 270 cubic meters m / hour.

Step 4

Based on design considerations, we set the length of the exhaust ventilation ducts. Taking into account the height of the attic, it will be 4 m.

High quality ventilation in the presence of gas boiler is simply necessary for correct work equipment and for the safety of residents. How to set up and what type of ventilation system to choose, read carefully.

In what cases you need an inlet valve into the wall and how to correctly approach its choice, read.

Ventilation in the bath should be thought out to the smallest detail, because in the steam room the air concentration decreases and a person may experience a lack of oxygen. Follow this link to see how the ventilation system in the bath should be designed correctly.

Step 5

According to the table, we determine that with a length of 4 m and a room temperature within 20 degrees, the performance of a channel with a cross-sectional area of ​​204 sq. cm will be 45.96 cubic meters. m / h. (these are the channels available in concrete blocks, which are supposed to be applied during construction).

Therefore, we need at least 270 / 45.96 = 5.8 channels. After rounding to the nearest largest integer, we get 6 channels.

Step 6

Let's try to distribute the resulting number of channels across rooms:

  • kitchen, toilet, bathroom and pantry - on one channel;
  • underground space - 2 channels (due to its design features).

However, with such a scheme, it will not be possible to provide the required air exchange in the kitchen: the capacity of the exhaust duct is 45.96 cubic meters. m / h, while the standards require an hourly air exchange in the amount of 60 cubic meters. m / h.

It is proposed to increase the number of channels to 7 and install two channels instead of one in the kitchen.

Scheme of natural and forced ventilation with recuperation

The performance of ventilation ducts installed in the closet and underground is more than 10 times higher than the amount of air exchange required by the standards. So, in the pantry, instead of the required 2.7 cubic meters. m / h we have 45.96 cubic meters. m / h; underground - instead of 7.2 cubic meters. m / h received almost 92 cubic meters. m / h.

However, reduce the performance of these channels to normalized values ​​by setting small ventilation grilles it is impossible, since they provide ventilation for the whole house and in this case we will not be able to receive an inflow volume of 270 cubic meters. m / h.

An effective solution from the point of view of heat saving is the installation of dampers on the exhaust ducts, controlled by a hygrostat - a humidity control sensor.

MV with recuperation

Obviously, during ventilation operation, a significant part of the heat produced by the heating system literally flies into the chimney.

Significant savings can be achieved by reorganizing the ventilation system and equipping it with a recuperator - a heat exchanger, in which the heat of the exhaust air is transferred to the incoming stream.

The reorganization is as follows:

  1. There is only one supply channel, so a network of air ducts has to be built to distribute fresh air to the premises.
  2. The trajectory of the air flow has to be made closed, combining the exhaust ducts into one and bringing it to the inlet (a recuperator is installed here). This requires the application more materials.
  3. The system can only work with mechanical impulse (forced).

However, all these complications fully justify themselves, since as a result, only a small part of the heat is thrown out. The specific value depends on the type of heat exchanger. The most efficient are rotary recuperators. Thanks to these devices, the amount of heat loss in the SW can be reduced four to six times.

Wet air inside the room condenses on objects and moisture enters Construction Materials, as a result of which, over time, mold and mildew form on the walls. The correct one is presented in the material to help solve all the problems.

Why is it necessary check valve for ventilation, you will find out by reading.

Video on the topic

From correct device ventilation depends on the microclimate of the house, which has a direct impact on the well-being and comfort of all its residents. Competently constructed ventilation ducts in a private house will provide stable air exchange. They will create conditions for a regular supply of fresh portions and unhindered removal of polluted air.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the specifics of the construction of duct ventilation in a low-rise suburban property. We have detailed the technology of the ventilation system, the placement of equipment, the laying and fastening of ventilation ducts. Improvement options tested in practice are analyzed.

The information presented for consideration is based on building codes. Taking into account our recommendations, you will be able to independently build effective ventilation. For visual perception, diagrams, photo guides and video instructions are attached to the text.

Ventilation of the room is necessary in order to create optimal conditions for the life of people and the existence of pieces of furniture and equipment in the house.

If in apartment buildings everything has already been done by the specialists who erected the building, then in the construction of private real estate this issue is often overlooked.

Sometimes the arrangement of ventilation ducts is considered a waste of time and money. However, they are an indispensable part of the project implementation, providing favorable conditions for life and long service life of building structures.

This is a fundamentally misconception. Musty air, sweating windows unpleasant odors from bathrooms and aromas fried food together with the foul smoke they will get into all rooms and even into the bedroom. Without a properly designed and assembled ventilation system, the comfortable life of the inhabitants of the house will be at risk.

Ventilation in a private house can be:

  • natural;
  • mechanical;
  • mixed.

The first type is based on the natural circulation of air masses. No mechanisms are used to force air into the house. It enters from the street, penetrating through micro-ventilated windows or supply valves, organized in the most suitable places for this.

In the rooms of the house, in which valves are not installed, air circulates through doorways and through the gaps between the door and the floor.

Rules for the construction of ventilation pipes

A properly equipped ventilation system will perform its functions efficiently and will not create problems for the homeowner. For this, it is important to lay ventilation ducts in the house, taking into account the rules and recommendations.

Firstly, the size of the exhaust ventilation duct in the room should be at least 10x10 cm or 15x15 cm in diameter.It is better to use ready-made pipes than to make channels from drywall - this will save installation time, and the air goes through the pipe better.

For the arrangement of ventilation ducts, galvanized metal and plastic rigid or flexible pipes of various diameters

Secondly, ventilation pipes should protrude above the roof to a certain height, depending on their location. So, the length vertical section ventilation duct on average should be from 1.5 to 3 meters. If in overall design the pipes do not fit at home, then you can use the ventilation outlets in the roof.

The height of the elevation of the ventilation ducts above the roof level is taken equal to the height of the chimneys. It depends on the location of the pipes relative to the ridge rib. It is important to protect the outlet with a grate so that birds and insects do not enter the mine.

Thirdly, according to the standards, it is imperative to provide ventilation for the boiler room and the room above the boiler room. Moreover, the purpose of this room does not matter. This can be either an office, a library, or a bedroom or living room.

Fourthly, it is important to distinguish between the concept of chimney and ventilation. In the first case, combustion products enter the channel, and in the second, exhaust air from the room itself. In no case should these 2 channels be combined into one. This is a gross violation.

The ventilation outlets fit well with the general idea of ​​the roof design. You can choose the model that best matches the color

Fifthly, in the kitchen, you need to provide 2 separate ventilation ducts - and for supply air. The second option is to use a special grill where the air duct is connected and there is a separate hole for air to enter the room. Or good exit will become a window with micro-ventilation.

Thoughtful design solutions with stepped ceiling able to disguise any ventilation system

Sixth, if the house has rooms intended for household needs - a dressing room, a laundry room, a pantry, a washing room and other purposes, then it is imperative to design a ventilation duct there. In such rooms, windows through which air could flow are not provided.

Seventh, when the ventilation duct is laid in the wall, it is important that it is not load-bearing. Arrange them in outer walls not recommended - due to the temperature difference, condensation will always form there.

When arranging a ventilation duct in the wall, rooms such as a kitchen, bathroom, toilet, boiler room should be located nearby

Eighth rule - wooden structures ceilings and roofs should not adjoin or touch a stone or brick ventilation duct. For a tree, such a neighborhood can be disastrous.

The ninth rule is that it is undesirable to use only one air vent as an inlet valve. She is not the best option... A sick nasopharynx in the morning, with a sharp change in weather overnight, will be provided to the owner of the house, who slept with the window open. This is especially true in the autumn and spring.

The tenth rule - when it is not possible to make ventilation ducts in the room, then you can put the supply valve by drilling through hole in the wall. And at the top, under the very ceiling, drill a hole for the installation of the exhaust valve. This room ventilation option will be able to provide the room and its inhabitants with fresh air.

Air exchange processes in the room largely depend on the competent distribution of ventilation in the house. When you start the process of designing a living space, be sure to pay attention to the fact that ventilation ducts are not only in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom, but also in other rooms. After all, quite often modern apartments and cottages are equipped with double-glazed windows and metal doors... Because of this, the air cannot circulate normally in the house, which makes it stale.

Air exchange in a private house

It is important to note the correct location of the ventilation in the living area. It is important to note the fact that ventilation ducts must be evenly distributed throughout all rooms.

Since the incoming clean air contributes to the improvement of your condition, it is he who is able to provide you with high immunity and sound healthy sleep.

Types of ventilation communications

Ventilation pipes in a private house can be of two types. This is:

  • Natural system;
  • Forced system.

In the first case, ventilation is represented by channels in the main walls, the thickness of which is more than 380 mm. The inlets of such channels are located under the ceiling. It is best to place this ventilation in a wall that runs down the center of the house. This arrangement allows you to create a wiring from the channel and lead it to all parts of the house. Such ventilation provides for the minimum presence of horizontal branches, as this will reduce its efficiency. The connection of the channels takes place with the help of the main pipe, and then it is led out.

It is important to note that chimney must have a wall thickness of more than two bricks. If you make it thinner, then in cold seasons it will cool quickly enough. It is worth noting that the height of the pipe must certainly be higher than the ridge. Before you start laying out the ventilation duct, it is worthwhile to seal up all the cracks with mortar with special care.

Forced ventilation is relevant in those places of the premises where there is a lack of natural. Typically, these are kitchens, toilets and bathrooms. Here the air is removed by means of a special hood or fan. The presence of such ventilation is simply necessary in the bathrooms. Without him, these rooms will high humidity which can lead to mold on the walls. Moreover, these ventilation ducts are able to protect the bathroom from unpleasant odors.

Wall fans are great for this part of the house. They perfectly clean the air, but they also have disadvantages. Almost all of them create noise, which is quite clearly audible in such a room with good acoustics. Pay attention to the models of such fans that only work when the lights in the room are on. This will save you money on using them as they only work when you are indoors.

In a private house there are rooms where both ventilation ducts can be used. This room is the kitchen. As a forced ventilation, there is an extractor hood located above the stove. Natural ventilation is located under the ceiling from the side of the stove. This is a very convenient placement of channels, because it contributes to the fact that all foreign odors are promptly removed through the channel in the wall. Combined option hoods are the best option for the kitchen.

The importance of clean air

Most people spend a lot of time in their private home. We spend almost half of our free time here, so it's worth making sure that the air we breathe is clean.

Ventilation ducts are designed to provide the necessary flow of clean air. After all, if you close all the windows and doors in the house, then the natural air exchange channels will stop working due to the pressure drop. In addition, forced ventilation will also stop working and begin to accumulate combustion products.

That is why it is so important to provide quality ventilation in a private home for every room. Many cottage owners still use outdated SNiPs, where a constant flow of air is provided through the gaps in the doors and windows. Therefore, the drafts that arise in this case are not so useless.

Air exchange system

In modern houses where double-glazed windows are installed, there is no possibility of providing such air exchange. In this case, forced ventilation only worsens the situation, as it dries up the air. As a result, you more clearly feel the presence of stale air in the room, which negatively affects the health of the residents.

As if to summarize the above, it is worth noting that it is necessary to provide an influx of fresh air for each room. If we are talking about a private house, then here special attention should be paid to rooms with metal-plastic windows.

Optimal ventilation for a private house

In a private home, it is best to apply a natural supply ventilation, the channels of which are located on the windowsills. What is the advantage of this system?

  • The room air supply is being adjusted. Pay attention to the fact that this is not reflected in any way on the soundproofing qualities of the glass unit;
  • The incoming air reaches the required temperature. So, in the summer the air will be room temperature... In winter, the air will be heated by radiators. This suggests that the losses from cold air that enters the house will be negligible;
  • High-quality air purification. Naturally, the air that comes from the street is not perfectly clean. There are small particles of dust and other harmful substances... All of them can settle on the windowsill, and you can always remove them during wet cleaning.

If the room has a fireplace

The presence of a fireplace or stove is a fairly common occurrence in a private house, so this factor should also be taken into account when developing ventilation ducts. In this case, it is necessary to ensure such conditions in which the combustion products can be completely utilized. To do this, you need to have a certain amount of oxygen, which affects the combustion process. If there is not enough oxygen, then carbon monoxide, which is not removed outside, but remains in a certain amount in the room.

IN warm season you can always open the window for ventilation and thus solve the problem. But what to do in winter or autumn? In this case, in order to ensure high-quality supply ventilation, it is necessary to lead a pipe under the floor to the fireplace or stove.

Basic rules for placing ventilation ducts in the room

  • Use of exhaust ducts in every room of a private house. Special attention it is worth giving to those rooms that have double-glazed windows;
  • The presence of forced ventilation in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. These are rooms with a high level of humidity. In addition, extraneous odors are often formed here, which should be removed in time. Pay attention to the fans that turn on with the light in the room;
  • Organize in the kitchen combined system hoods (above the stove and under the ceiling);
  • The presence of ventilation ducts through the gaps in the double-glazed windows (through the channels in the windowsills).

Features of ventilation ducts

Modern houses can vary in the way they are built. This fact should certainly be taken into account when planning air exchange in the room. Therefore, before proceeding with the laying of ventilation ducts, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the number of storeys in the house.

Thus, if the building is one-story, then the channels can be laid not in the walls, but in the ceiling itself. The exit of this system can be carried out through the attic, which is available in almost all houses of a similar design.

If it is necessary to equip ventilation ducts in a two or three-story building, then the hood should be placed next to the internal partitions. This will ensure the best option air exchange. Alternatively, you can use a side channel. It can be mounted in outside wall using separate pipes.

Installation standards for ventilation ducts

Please note that there are a number of specific requirements that predispose the installation of ventilation ducts on the roof of a dwelling.

Thus, the ducts must be installed vertically. When installing channels, special attention should be paid to the strength of the seal, because the reliability and durability of the structure depends on it. The material from which the air ducts are made should be made of steel or durable plastic.

The inlet openings for the grilles should be close to the ceiling. They are closed with special dampers, which are necessary for proper air regulation.

The device of the channel mouth should not have a threshold, since waste materials can accumulate on it.

Cleaning ventilation ducts

If you decide to install ventilation ducts in your cottage, then you need to know in advance that they need to be cleaned annually. In addition, the channels are examined for the purpose of their complete diagnosis and possible detection of any violations. What is this cleaning for? The cleaning process removes soot, as well as other combustion products, which impair the passage of clean air through the channels.

All risers are cleaned with a special rope brush. The grilles on the hoods are removed, washed and put back in dried form.

By correctly installing ventilation ducts, you can improve air exchange in the house several times, which will positively affect the well-being of each of the household members. This is sanitary norm, which is designed to make indoor air better and safer.

Natural ventilation in a private house